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Implement `Hidden classes` (#2723) This PR implements `Hidden Classes`, I named them as `Shapes` (like Spidermonkey does), calling them maps like v8 seems confusing because there already is a JS builtin, likewise with `Hidden classes` since there are already classes in JS. There are two types of shapes: `shared` shapes that create the transition tree, and are shared between objects, this is mainly intended for user defined objects this makes more sense because shapes can create transitions trees, doing that for the builtins seems wasteful (unless users wanted to creating an object with the same property names and the same property attributes in the same order... which seems unlikely). That's why I added `unique` shapes, only one object has it. This is similar to previous solution, but this architecture enables us to use inline caching. There will probably be a performance hit until we implement inline caching. There still a lot of work that needs to be done, on this: - [x] Move Property Attributes to shape - [x] Move Prototype to shape - [x] ~~Move extensible flag to shape~~, On further evaluation this doesn't give any benefit (at least right now), since it isn't used by inline caching also adding one more transition. - [x] Implement delete for unique shapes. - [x] If the chain is too long we should probably convert it into a `unique` shape - [x] Figure out threshold ~~(maybe more that 256 properties ?)~~ curently set to an arbitrary number (`1024`) - [x] Implement shared property table between shared shapes - [x] Add code Document - [x] Varying size storage for properties (get+set = 2, data = 1) - [x] Add shapes to more object: - [x] ordinary object - [x] Arrays - [x] Functions - [x] Other builtins - [x] Add `` doc explaining shapes in depth with mermaid diagrams :) - [x] Add `$boa.shape` module - [x] `$` - [x] `$boa.shape.type(o)` - [x] `$boa.shape.same(o1, o2)` - [x] add doc to ``
2 years ago
# Shapes (Hidden Classes)
The best way to explain object shapes is through examples. It all begins with the root shape.
flowchart LR
classDef New style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style Root stroke:#000,stroke-width:5px
style PropertyTable fill:#071E22
Root(<b>Root Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</i> <i>None</i>) -->| Property Count 0 | PropertyTable(PropertyTable\n)
The root shape is where the transition chain starts from, it has a pointer to a `PropertyTable`,
we will explain what it is and does later on!
**NOTE:** We will annotate the shapes with `S` followed by a number.
If we have an example of JavaScript code like:
let o = {};
The following chain is created:
flowchart LR
classDef New style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style Root stroke:#000,stroke-width:5px
style PropertyTable fill:#071E22
Root(<b>S0: Root Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</b> <i>None</i>) -->|Property Count: 0| PropertyTable(PropertyTable\n)
ObjectPrototype(<b>S1: Prototype Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</b> Object.prototype) -->|Property Count: 0|PropertyTable
ObjectPrototype:::New -->|Previous| Root
We transition, the object `o` has `S1` shape. The root shape does not have a prototype. So we transition into a shape that has the
`Object.prototype` as `__proto__`. We can see that the shapes inherited the `PropertyTable` from the `root`.
Ok, Let us add a property `x`:
o.x = 100; // The value is not important!
Then this happens:
flowchart LR
classDef New style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style Root stroke:#000,stroke-width:5px
style PropertyTable fill:#071E22
Root(<b>S0: Root Shape</b>\nPrototype: <i>None</i>) -->|Property Count: 0| PropertyTable(<b>PropertyTable</b>\nx: Slot 0, writable, configurable, enumerable)
ObjectPrototype(<b>S1: Prototype Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</b> <i>Object.prototype</i>) -->|Property Count: 0|PropertyTable
ObjectPrototype -->|Previous| Root
InsertX(<b>S2: Insert Shape</b>\n<b>Property:</b> '<i>x</i>') --> |Property Count: 1|PropertyTable
InsertX:::New -->|Previous| ObjectPrototype
The object `o` has shape `S2` shape now, we can see that it also inherited the `PropertyTable`, but it's property count is `1` and
an entry has been added into the `PropertyTable`.
We can see that the property added is `writable`, `configurable`, and `enumerable`, but we also see `Slot 0`,
this is the index into the dense storage in the object itself.
Here is how it would look with the `o` object:
flowchart LR
classDef New style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style Root stroke:#000,stroke-width:5px
style PropertyTable fill:#071E22
Root(<b>S0: Root Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</b> <i>None</i>) -->| Property Count: 0 | PropertyTable(<b>PropertyTable</b>\nx: Slot 0, writable, configurable, enumerable)
ObjectPrototype(<b>S1: Prototype Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</b> <i>Object.prototype</i>) -->| Property Count: 0 |PropertyTable
ObjectPrototype -->|Previous| Root
InsertX(<b>S2: Insert Shape</b>\n<b>Property:</b> '<i>x</i>') --> | Property Count: 1 | PropertyTable
InsertX -->|Previous| ObjectPrototype
O(<b>Object o</b>\n<b>Element 0:</b> JsValue: <i>100</i>)
O:::New --> InsertX
Let's define a getter and setter `y`
// What the getter/setter are not important!
Object.defineProperty(o, "y", {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: function () {
return this.x;
set: function (value) {
this.x = value;
flowchart LR
classDef New style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style Root stroke:#000,stroke-width:5px
style PropertyTable fill:#071E22
Root(<b>S0: Root Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</b> <i>None</i>) -->|Property Count: 0| PropertyTable(<b>PropertyTable</b>\nx: Slot 0, writable, configurable, enumerable\ny: Slot 1, has_get, has_set, configurable, enumerable)
ObjectPrototype(<b>S1: Prototype Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</b> <i>Object.prototype</i>) -->| Property Count: 0 |PropertyTable
ObjectPrototype -->|Previous| Root
InsertX(<b>S2: Insert Shape</b>\n<b>Property:</b> '<i>x</i>') --> |Property Count: 1| PropertyTable
InsertX -->|Previous| ObjectPrototype
InsertY(<b>S3: Insert Shape</b>\n<b>Property:</b> '<i>y</i>') --> |Property Count: 2| PropertyTable
InsertY:::New -->|Previous| InsertX
O(<b>Object o\nElement 0:</b> JsValue: 100\n<b>Element 1:</b> JsValue: func\n<b>Element 2:</b> JsValue: func) --> InsertY
We can see that the property has been added into the property table, it has the `has_get` and `has_set` flags set,
in the object there are two elements added, the first is the `get` function and the second is the `set` function.
Slots are varying in length, two for accessor properties and one for data properties, the index points to the first
value in the object storage.
What would happen if an object had `S2` shape and we tried to access a property `y` how does it know if it
has or doesn't have a property named `y`? By the property count on the shape, it has property count `1`,
all the object in the `PropertyTable` are stored in a map that preserves the order and and can be indexed.
When we do a lookup the on property table, if the index of the property is greater than the property count (`1`),
than it does not belong to the shape.
Now, Let's create a new object `o2`, with property `x`:
let o2 = { x: 200 };
After this `o2` would have the `S2` shape.
How does the shape know that it can reuse `S1` then to go to `S2`? This is not the real structure!
Every shape has pointers to forward transitions that happened, these are weak pointers so we don't keep
alive unused shapes. The pointers have been omitted, so the diagrams are clearer (too many arrows).
Ok, now let us define a property `z` instead of `y`:
o2.z = 300;
The following changes accure to the shape tree:
flowchart LR
classDef New style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style Root stroke:#000,stroke-width:5px
style PropertyTable fill:#071E22
style PropertyTableFork fill:#071E22
Root(<b>S0: Root Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</b> <i>None</i>) -->| Property Count: 0 | PropertyTable(<b>PropertyTable</b>\nx: Slot 0, writable, configurable, enumerable\ny: Slot 1, has_get, has_set, configurable, enumerable)
ObjectPrototype(<b>S1: Prototype Shape\nPrototype:</b> <i>Object.prototype</i>) -->| Property Count: 0 |PropertyTable
ObjectPrototype -->|Previous| Root
InsertX(<b>S2: Insert Shape\nProperty:</b> '<i>x</i>') --> | Property Count: 1 | PropertyTable
InsertX -->|Previous| ObjectPrototype
InsertY(<b>S3: Insert Shape\nProperty:</b> '<i>y</i>') --> | Property Count: 2 | PropertyTable
InsertY -->|Previous| InsertX
PropertyTableFork(<b>PropertyTable</b>\nx: Slot 0, writable, configurable, enumerable\nz: Slot 1, writable, configurable, enumerable)
InsertZ(<b>S4: Insert Shape\nProperty:</b> '<i>z</i>') --> | Property Count: 2 | PropertyTableFork:::New
InsertZ:::New -->|Previous| InsertX
O(<b>Object o\nElement 0:</b> JsValue: 100\n<b>Element 1:</b> JsValue: func\n<b>Element 2:</b> JsValue: func) --> InsertY
O2(<b>Object o2\nElement 0:</b> JsValue: 200\n<b>Element 1:</b> JsValue: 300)
O2:::New --> InsertZ
Now `o2` has `S4` shape. We can also see that `PropertyTable` has been forked, because we can no longer add a property at position `1`.
What would happen if we wanted to delete a property `x` from object `o`:
delete o.x;
flowchart LR
classDef New style id2 fill:#bbf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
style Root stroke:#000,stroke-width:5px
style PropertyTable fill:#071E22
style PropertyTableFork fill:#071E22
Root(<b>S0: Root Shape</b>\n<b>Prototype:</b> <i>None</i>) -->| Property Count: 0 | PropertyTable(<b>PropertyTable</b>\nx: Slot 0, writable, configurable, enumerable\ny: Slot 1, has_get, has_set, configurable, enumerable)
ObjectPrototype(<b>S1: Prototype Shape\nPrototype:</b> <i>Object.prototype</i>) -->| Property Count: 0 |PropertyTable
ObjectPrototype -->|Previous| Root
PropertyTableFork(<b>PropertyTable</b>\ny: Slot 0, has_get, has_set, configurable, enumerable)
InsertYNew(<b>S3: Insert Shape\nProperty:</b> <i>y</i>) --> | Property Count: 1 |PropertyTableFork:::New
InsertYNew:::New -->|Previous| ObjectPrototype
O(<b>Object o</b>\n<b>Element 0:</b> JsValue: func\n<b>Element 1:</b> JsValue: func) --> InsertYNew
**NOTE:**: `o2` and its shape have been omitted from the diagram.
When a deletion happens, we find the node in the chain where we added the property, and get it's parent (`base`),
we also remember that what transitions happened after the property insertion, then we apply them
one by one until we construct the chain and return the last shape in that chain.