25'ten fazla konu seçemezsiniz Konular bir harf veya rakamla başlamalı, kısa çizgiler ('-') içerebilir ve en fazla 35 karakter uzunluğunda olabilir.
小可耐 920ac154cb
[Improvement-15744][parameter] project parameter add update time and update user id (#15745)
2 hafta önce
.github fix frontend ci not trigger (#15749) 4 hafta önce
.idea Add icon in idea (#12829) 1 yıl önce
.mvn/wrapper [Improve][CI]Upgrade maven-wrapper to 3.1.0 (#8557) 2 yıl önce
deploy fix: data quality may fail in docker mode (#15563) 2 ay önce
docs [DSIP-24][RemoteLogging]Support AbsRemoteLogHandler (#15769) 3 hafta önce
dolphinscheduler-alert add alert script check (#15752) 4 hafta önce
dolphinscheduler-aop fix aop typo error (#13047) 1 yıl önce
dolphinscheduler-api [Improvement-15744][parameter] project parameter add update time and update user id (#15745) 2 hafta önce
dolphinscheduler-api-test fix: data quality may fail in docker mode (#15563) 2 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-bom [Improvement] change js engine (#15747) 4 hafta önce
dolphinscheduler-common [DSIP-24][RemoteLogging]Support AbsRemoteLogHandler (#15769) 3 hafta önce
dolphinscheduler-dao [Improvement-15744][parameter] project parameter add update time and update user id (#15745) 2 hafta önce
dolphinscheduler-dao-plugin Remove mapper usage in tools (#15073) 6 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-data-quality [Feature][Data Quality] Data Quality Support Choose Database (#14406) 9 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-datasource-plugin Fix Hive jdbc url (#15627) 2 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-dist [Improvement] change js engine (#15747) 4 hafta önce
dolphinscheduler-e2e fix: data quality may fail in docker mode (#15563) 2 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-extract Fix TaskGroupQueue will never be wakeup due to wakeup failed at one time (#15528) 3 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-master Fix TaskGroupCoordinator might cause OOM when there is a lot of waiting TaskGroupQueue (#15773) 3 hafta önce
dolphinscheduler-meter Enable set ServerLoadProtection fot Master/Worker (#15439) 3 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-microbench Optimize server startup log (#15362) 4 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-registry fix word spell error (#15716) 1 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-scheduler-plugin [Improvement-13932][API] Tenant parameters and Worker group parameters are put together in the task startup parameters (#13935) 1 yıl önce
dolphinscheduler-service [Improvement-15719] Remove the useless methods in ProcessUtils (#15720) 1 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-spi fix: data quality can not use (#15551) 2 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-standalone-server fix: data quality may fail in docker mode (#15563) 2 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-storage-plugin fix: Resource relate path invalid when tenant change (#15581) 2 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-task-plugin [Improvement-15692][task-datasync] rewrite the mockito test file for DatasyncTaskTest. (#15693) 1 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-tools Fix PostgresqlDatabaseContainerProvider get Image is incorrect (#15434) 3 ay önce
dolphinscheduler-ui [Improvement-15744][parameter] project parameter add update time and update user id (#15745) 2 hafta önce
dolphinscheduler-worker [Bug][Worker] Replace jre with jdk (#15764) 3 hafta önce
images [Doc] fix CNCF logo (#15634) 2 ay önce
licenses [Fix][Common] rewrite code generate,fix bit shift (#6914) 2 yıl önce
script [improvement][install.sh] fix the install Error "Command not found rmr" & su… (#13163) 1 yıl önce
style [feat][ci] Add pre-commit for easy spotless config (#12192) 2 yıl önce
tools [Improvement] change js engine (#15747) 4 hafta önce
.asf.yaml [CI] Frontend ci require passed before merge (#15735) 1 ay önce
.dlc.json [Feature][DataSource] add oceanbase datasource (#13675) 1 yıl önce
.flake8 [release] version 3.0.3 (#13131) 1 yıl önce
.gitattributes Create .gitattributes 5 yıl önce
.gitignore Remove dao module in worker (#13242) 1 yıl önce
.gitmodules [Feature][style] Add spotless maven plugin for automatic style fix. (#11272) 2 yıl önce
.licenserc.yaml [Improvement][Helm] using helm-docs to generate docs automatically (#15299) 4 ay önce
.pre-commit-config.yaml [chore] Separate Python API into another repository (#12779) 1 yıl önce
CONTRIBUTING.md doc: Change readme and standalone docker quick start (#14002) 1 yıl önce
LICENSE [Improve][CI]Upgrade maven-wrapper to 3.1.0 (#8557) 2 yıl önce
NOTICE [NOTICE]Update the NOTICE year (#14272) 11 ay önce
README.md [Doc] fix CNCF logo (#15634) 2 ay önce
README_zh_CN.md [Doc] fix CNCF logo (#15634) 2 ay önce
doap.rdf Add doap.rdf (#14883) 7 ay önce
lombok.config add lombok config (#11212) 2 yıl önce
mvnw [Improve][CI]Upgrade maven-wrapper to 3.1.0 (#8557) 2 yıl önce
mvnw.cmd [Improve][CI]Upgrade maven-wrapper to 3.1.0 (#8557) 2 yıl önce
pom.xml Fix task mighe be dispatched even if it has been killed (#15662) 2 ay önce


Apache Dolphinscheduler

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Apache DolphinScheduler is the modern data orchestration platform. Agile to create high performance workflow with low-code. It is also provided powerful user interface, dedicated to solving complex task dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available out of the box

The key features for DolphinScheduler are as follows:

  • Easy to deploy, provide four ways to deploy which including Standalone, Cluster, Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Easy to use, workflow can be created and managed by four ways, which including Web UI, Python SDK, Yaml file and Open API
  • Highly reliable and high availability, decentralized architecture with multi-master and multi-worker, native supports horizontal scaling.
  • High performance, its performance is N times faster than other orchestration platform and it can support tens of millions of tasks per day
  • Cloud Native, DolphinScheduler supports orchestrating multi-cloud/data center workflow, and supports custom task type
  • Versioning both workflow and workflow instance(including tasks)
  • Various state control of workflow and task, support pause/stop/recover them in any time
  • Multi-tenancy support
  • Others like backfill support(Web UI native), permission control including project, resource and data source


User Interface Screenshots

  • Homepage: Project and workflow overview, including the latest workflow instance and task instance status statistics. home

  • Workflow Definition: Create and manage workflow by drag and drop, easy to build and maintain complex workflow, support bulk of tasks out of box. workflow-definition

  • Workflow Tree View: Abstract tree structure could clearer understanding of the relationship between tasks workflow-tree

  • Data source: Manage support multiple external data sources, provide unified data access capabilities for such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hive, Trino, etc. data-source

  • Monitor: View the status of the master, worker and database in real time, including server resource usage and load, do quick health check without logging in to the server. monitor

Suggestions & Bug Reports

Follow this guide to report your suggestions or bugs.


The community welcomes everyone to contribute, please refer to this page to find out more: How to contribute, find the good first issue in here if you are new to DolphinScheduler.


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