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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.dolphinscheduler.server.master.runner;
import org.apache.curator.framework.imps.CuratorFrameworkState;
import org.apache.curator.framework.recipes.locks.InterProcessMutex;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.Constants;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.thread.Stopper;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.thread.ThreadUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.utils.OSUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.utils.SpringApplicationContext;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.zk.AbstractZKClient;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.ProcessDao;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.entity.Command;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.entity.ProcessInstance;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.server.master.config.MasterConfig;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.server.zk.ZKMasterClient;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
* master scheduler thread
public class MasterSchedulerThread implements Runnable {
* logger of MasterSchedulerThread
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MasterSchedulerThread.class);
* master exec service
private final ExecutorService masterExecService;
* dolphinscheduler database interface
private final ProcessDao processDao;
* zookeeper master client
private final ZKMasterClient zkMasterClient ;
* master exec thread num
private int masterExecThreadNum;
* master config
private MasterConfig masterConfig;
* constructor of MasterSchedulerThread
* @param zkClient zookeeper master client
* @param processDao process dao
* @param masterExecThreadNum master exec thread num
public MasterSchedulerThread(ZKMasterClient zkClient, ProcessDao processDao, int masterExecThreadNum){
this.processDao = processDao;
this.zkMasterClient = zkClient;
this.masterExecThreadNum = masterExecThreadNum;
this.masterExecService = ThreadUtils.newDaemonFixedThreadExecutor("Master-Exec-Thread",masterExecThreadNum);
this.masterConfig = SpringApplicationContext.getBean(MasterConfig.class);
* run of MasterSchedulerThread
public void run() {
logger.info("master scheduler start successfully...");
while (Stopper.isRunning()){
// process instance
ProcessInstance processInstance = null;
InterProcessMutex mutex = null;
try {
boolean runCheckFlag = OSUtils.checkResource(masterConfig.getMasterMaxCpuloadAvg(), masterConfig.getMasterReservedMemory());
if(!runCheckFlag) {
if (zkMasterClient.getZkClient().getState() == CuratorFrameworkState.STARTED) {
// create distributed lock with the root node path of the lock space as /dolphinscheduler/lock/masters
String znodeLock = zkMasterClient.getMasterLockPath();
mutex = new InterProcessMutex(zkMasterClient.getZkClient(), znodeLock);
ThreadPoolExecutor poolExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) masterExecService;
int activeCount = poolExecutor.getActiveCount();
// make sure to scan and delete command table in one transaction
Command command = processDao.findOneCommand();
if (command != null) {
logger.info(String.format("find one command: id: %d, type: %s", command.getId(),command.getCommandType().toString()));
processInstance = processDao.handleCommand(logger, OSUtils.getHost(), this.masterExecThreadNum - activeCount, command);
if (processInstance != null) {
logger.info("start master exec thread , split DAG ...");
masterExecService.execute(new MasterExecThread(processInstance,processDao));
}catch (Exception e){
logger.error("scan command error ", e);
processDao.moveToErrorCommand(command, e.toString());
} else{
//indicate that no command ,sleep for 1s
}catch (Exception e){
logger.error("master scheduler thread exception",e);
logger.info("master server stopped...");