You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

295 lines
10 KiB

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
tenant: {
tenant_manage: 'Tenant Manage',
create_tenant: 'Create Tenant',
search_tips: 'Please enter keywords',
tenant_code: 'Operating System Tenant',
description: 'Description',
queue_name: 'QueueName',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time',
actions: 'Operation',
edit_tenant: 'Edit Tenant',
tenant_code_tips: 'Please enter the operating system tenant',
tenant_code_invalid_tips: 'The tenant code is invalid.',
queue_name_tips: 'Please select queue',
description_tips: 'Please enter a description',
delete_confirm: 'Delete?',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete'
alarm_group: {
create_alarm_group: 'Create Alarm Group',
edit_alarm_group: 'Edit Alarm Group',
search_tips: 'Please enter keywords',
alert_group_name_tips: 'Please enter your alert group name',
alarm_plugin_instance: 'Alarm Plugin Instance',
alarm_plugin_instance_tips: 'Please select alert plugin instance',
alarm_group_description_tips: 'Please enter your alarm group description',
alert_group_name: 'Alert Group Name',
alarm_group_description: 'Alarm Group Description',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time',
operation: 'Operation',
delete_confirm: 'Delete?',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete'
worker_group: {
create_worker_group: 'Create Worker Group',
edit_worker_group: 'Edit Worker Group',
search_tips: 'Please enter keywords',
operation: 'Operation',
delete_confirm: 'Delete?',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
group_name: 'Group Name',
group_name_tips: 'Please enter your group name',
worker_addresses: 'Worker Addresses',
worker_addresses_tips: 'Please select worker addresses',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time'
yarn_queue: {
create_queue: 'Create Queue',
edit_queue: 'Edit Queue',
search_tips: 'Please enter keywords',
queue_name: 'Queue Name',
queue_value: 'Queue Value',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time',
operation: 'Operation',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
delete_confirm: 'Delete?',
queue_name_tips: 'Please enter your queue name',
queue_value_tips: 'Please enter your queue value'
environment: {
create_environment: 'Create Environment',
edit_environment: 'Edit Environment',
search_tips: 'Please enter keywords',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
environment_name: 'Environment Name',
environment_config: 'Environment Config',
environment_desc: 'Environment Desc',
worker_groups: 'Worker Groups',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time',
operation: 'Operation',
delete_confirm: 'Delete?',
environment_name_tips: 'Please enter your environment name',
environment_config_tips: 'Please enter your environment config',
environment_description_tips: 'Please enter your environment description',
worker_group_tips: 'Please select worker group'
cluster: {
create_cluster: 'Create Cluster',
edit_cluster: 'Edit Cluster',
search_tips: 'Please enter keywords',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
cluster_name: 'Cluster Name',
cluster_components: 'Cluster Components',
cluster_config: 'Cluster Config',
kubernetes_config: 'Kubernetes Config',
yarn_config: 'Yarn Config',
cluster_desc: 'Cluster Desc',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time',
operation: 'Operation',
delete_confirm: 'Delete?',
cluster_name_tips: 'Please enter your cluster name',
cluster_config_tips: 'Please enter your cluster config',
cluster_description_tips: 'Please enter your cluster description'
token: {
create_token: 'Create Token',
edit_token: 'Edit Token',
search_tips: 'Please enter keywords',
user: 'User',
user_tips: 'Please select user',
token: 'Token',
token_tips: 'Please click to get token',
expiration_time: 'Expiration Time',
expiration_time_tips: 'Please select expiration time',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time',
operation: 'Operation',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
delete_confirm: 'Delete?'
user: {
user_manage: 'User Manage',
create_user: 'Create User',
edit_user: 'Edit User',
delete_user: 'Delete User',
delete_confirm: 'Are you sure to delete?',
'Deleting user is a dangerous operation,please be careful',
reset_password: 'Reset Password',
project: 'Project',
resource: 'Resource',
file_resource: 'File Resource',
udf_resource: 'UDF Resource',
datasource: 'Datasource',
udf: 'UDF Function',
namespace: 'Namespace',
revoke_auth: 'Revoke',
grant_read: 'Grant Read',
grant_all: 'Grant All',
authorize_project: 'Project Authorize',
authorize_resource: 'Resource Authorize',
authorize_namespace: 'Namespace Authorize',
authorize_datasource: 'Datasource Authorize',
authorize_udf: 'UDF Function Authorize',
username: 'Username',
username_exists: 'The username already exists',
username_tips: 'Please enter username',
user_password: 'Password',
'Please enter a password containing letters and numbers with a length between 6 and 20',
confirm_password_tips: 'The both of password and confirm password are not same.',
user_type: 'User Type',
ordinary_user: 'Ordinary users',
administrator: 'Administrator',
tenant_code: 'Tenant',
tenant_id_tips: 'Please select tenant',
queue: 'Queue',
queue_tips: 'Please select a queue',
email: 'Email',
email_empty_tips: 'Please enter email',
emial_correct_tips: 'Please enter the correct email format',
phone: 'Phone',
phone_empty_tips: 'Please enter phone number',
phone_correct_tips: 'Please enter the correct mobile phone format',
state: 'State',
state_enabled: 'Enabled',
state_disabled: 'Disabled',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time',
operation: 'Operation',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
authorize: 'Authorize',
save_error_msg: 'Failed to save, please retry',
delete_error_msg: 'Failed to delete, please retry',
auth_error_msg: 'Failed to authorize, please retry',
auth_success_msg: 'Authorize succeeded',
enable: 'Enable',
disable: 'Disable'
alarm_instance: {
search_input_tips: 'Please input the keywords',
alarm_instance_manage: 'Alarm instance manage',
alarm_instance_name: 'Alarm instance name',
alarm_instance_name_tips: 'Please enter alarm plugin instance name',
alarm_plugin_name: 'Alarm plugin name',
alarm_instance_type: 'Alarm instance type',
is_global_instance: 'Is Global Instance',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time',
operation: 'Operation',
edit_alarm_instance: 'Edit Alarm Instance',
delete: 'Delete',
edit: 'Edit',
delete_confirm: 'Delete?',
confirm: 'Confirm',
cancel: 'Cancel',
submit: 'Submit',
create_alarm_instance: 'Create Alarm Instance',
select_plugin: 'Select plugin',
select_plugin_tips: 'Select Alarm plugin',
instance_parameter_exception: 'Instance parameter exception',
WebHook: 'WebHook',
webHook: 'WebHook',
WarningType: 'Warning Type',
IsEnableProxy: 'Enable Proxy',
Proxy: 'Proxy',
Port: 'Port',
User: 'User',
corpId: 'CorpId',
secret: 'Secret',
Secret: 'Secret',
users: 'Users',
userSendMsg: 'UserSendMsg',
'agentId/chatId': 'AgentId or ChatId',
showType: 'Show Type',
receivers: 'Receivers',
receiverCcs: 'ReceiverCcs',
serverHost: 'SMTP Host',
serverPort: 'SMTP Port',
sender: 'Sender',
enableSmtpAuth: 'SMTP Auth',
Password: 'Password',
starttlsEnable: 'SMTP STARTTLS Enable',
sslEnable: 'SMTP SSL Enable',
smtpSslTrust: 'SMTP SSL Trust',
url: 'URL',
requestType: 'Request Type',
headerParams: 'Headers',
bodyParams: 'Body',
contentField: 'Content Field',
Keyword: 'Keyword',
userParams: 'User Params',
path: 'Script Path',
type: 'Type',
sendType: 'Send Type',
username: 'Username',
botToken: 'Bot Token',
chatId: 'Channel Chat Id',
parseMode: 'Parse Mode',
IntegrationKey: 'Integration Key',
BotAccessToken: 'Bot Access Token',
RoomId: 'Room Id',
ToPersonId: 'To Person Id',
ToPersonEmail: 'To Person Email',
AtSomeoneInRoom: 'At Someone In Room',
Destination: 'Destination',
AtMobiles: 'At User Mobiles',
AtUserIds: 'At User Ids',
MsgType: 'Msg Type',
// eslint-disable-next-line quotes
IsAtAll: "{'@'}All",
annotations: 'Annotations',
generatorURL: 'GeneratorURL',
k8s_namespace: {
create_namespace: 'Create Namespace',
edit_namespace: 'Edit Namespace',
search_tips: 'Please enter keywords',
k8s_namespace: 'K8S Namespace',
k8s_namespace_tips: 'Please enter k8s namespace',
k8s_cluster: 'K8S Cluster',
k8s_cluster_tips: 'Please enter k8s cluster',
limit_cpu: 'Limit CPU',
limit_cpu_tips: 'Please enter limit CPU',
limit_memory: 'Limit Memory',
limit_memory_tips: 'Please enter limit memory',
create_time: 'Create Time',
update_time: 'Update Time',
operation: 'Operation',
edit: 'Edit',
delete: 'Delete',
delete_confirm: 'Delete?'