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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.service.impl;
import static org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.constants.Constants.ALIAS;
import static org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.constants.Constants.CONTENT;
import static org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.constants.Constants.EMPTY_STRING;
import static org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.constants.Constants.FOLDER_SEPARATOR;
import static org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.constants.Constants.FORMAT_SS;
import static org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.constants.Constants.FORMAT_S_S;
import static org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.constants.Constants.JAR;
import static org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.constants.Constants.PERIOD;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.dto.resources.DeleteDataTransferResponse;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.dto.resources.filter.ResourceFilter;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.dto.resources.visitor.ResourceTreeVisitor;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.dto.resources.visitor.Visitor;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.enums.Status;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.exceptions.ServiceException;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.metrics.ApiServerMetrics;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.service.ResourcesService;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.utils.PageInfo;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.utils.RegexUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.utils.Result;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.constants.Constants;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.enums.AuthorizationType;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.enums.ProgramType;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.enums.ResUploadType;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.utils.FileUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.utils.JSONUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.utils.PropertyUtils;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.entity.Tenant;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.entity.UdfFunc;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.entity.User;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.mapper.TenantMapper;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.mapper.UdfFuncMapper;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.mapper.UserMapper;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.storage.api.StorageEntity;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.storage.api.StorageOperate;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.plugin.task.api.model.ResourceInfo;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.spi.enums.ResourceType;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.google.common.io.Files;
* resources service impl
public class ResourcesServiceImpl extends BaseServiceImpl implements ResourcesService {
private UdfFuncMapper udfFunctionMapper;
private TenantMapper tenantMapper;
private UserMapper userMapper;
@Autowired(required = false)
private StorageOperate storageOperate;
* create directory
* @param loginUser login user
* @param name alias
* @param type type
* @param pid parent id
* @param currentDir current directory
* @return create directory result
public Result<Object> createDirectory(User loginUser,
String name,
ResourceType type,
int pid,
String currentDir) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
if (FileUtils.directoryTraversal(name)) {
log.warn("Parameter name is invalid, name:{}.", RegexUtils.escapeNRT(name));
return result;
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, "")) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
String userResRootPath = ResourceType.UDF.equals(type) ? storageOperate.getUdfDir(tenantCode)
: storageOperate.getResDir(tenantCode);
String fullName = !currentDir.contains(userResRootPath) ? userResRootPath + name : currentDir + name;
try {
if (checkResourceExists(fullName)) {
log.error("resource directory {} has exist, can't recreate", fullName);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_EXIST);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Resource exists, can not create again, fullName:{}.", fullName, e);
throw new ServiceException("resource already exists, can't recreate");
// create directory in storage
createDirectory(loginUser, fullName, type, result);
return result;
private String getFullName(String currentDir, String name) {
return currentDir.equals(FOLDER_SEPARATOR) ? String.format(FORMAT_SS, currentDir, name)
: String.format(FORMAT_S_S, currentDir, name);
* create resource
* @param loginUser login user
* @param name alias
* @param type type
* @param file file
* @param currentDir current directory
* @return create result code
public Result<Object> createResource(User loginUser,
String name,
ResourceType type,
MultipartFile file,
String currentDir) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, "")) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
result = verifyFile(name, type, file);
if (!result.getCode().equals(Status.SUCCESS.getCode())) {
return result;
// check resource name exists
String userResRootPath = ResourceType.UDF.equals(type) ? storageOperate.getUdfDir(tenantCode)
: storageOperate.getResDir(tenantCode);
String currDirNFileName = !currentDir.contains(userResRootPath) ? userResRootPath + name : currentDir + name;
try {
if (checkResourceExists(currDirNFileName)) {
log.error("resource {} has exist, can't recreate", RegexUtils.escapeNRT(name));
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_EXIST);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServiceException("resource already exists, can't recreate");
if (currDirNFileName.length() > Constants.RESOURCE_FULL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) {
"Resource file's name is longer than max full name length, fullName:{}, " +
"fullNameSize:{}, maxFullNameSize:{}",
RegexUtils.escapeNRT(name), currDirNFileName.length(), Constants.RESOURCE_FULL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH);
return result;
// fail upload
if (!upload(loginUser, currDirNFileName, file, type)) {
log.error("upload resource: {} file: {} failed.", RegexUtils.escapeNRT(name),
putMsg(result, Status.STORE_OPERATE_CREATE_ERROR);
throw new ServiceException(
String.format("upload resource: %s file: %s failed.", name, file.getOriginalFilename()));
} else
log.info("Upload resource file complete, resourceName:{}, fileName:{}.",
RegexUtils.escapeNRT(name), RegexUtils.escapeNRT(file.getOriginalFilename()));
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* check resource is exists
* @param fullName fullName
* @return true if resource exists
private boolean checkResourceExists(String fullName) {
Boolean existResource = false;
try {
existResource = storageOperate.exists(fullName);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("error occurred when checking resource: " + fullName, e);
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(existResource);
* update resource
* @param loginUser login user
* @param resourceFullName resource full name
* @param resTenantCode tenantCode in the request field "resTenantCode" for tenant code owning the resource,
* can be different from the login user in the case of logging in as admin users.
* @param name name
* @param type resource type
* @param file resource file
* @return update result code
public Result<Object> updateResource(User loginUser,
String resourceFullName,
String resTenantCode,
String name,
ResourceType type,
MultipartFile file) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, resTenantCode)) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
String defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(tenantCode);
StorageEntity resource;
try {
resource = storageOperate.getFileStatus(resourceFullName, defaultPath, resTenantCode, type);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Get file status fail, resource path: {}", resourceFullName, e);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
throw new ServiceException((String.format("Get file status fail, resource path: %s", resourceFullName)));
// TODO: deal with OSS
if (resource.isDirectory() && storageOperate.returnStorageType().equals(ResUploadType.S3)
&& !resource.getFileName().equals(name)) {
log.warn("Directory in S3 storage can not be renamed.");
putMsg(result, Status.S3_CANNOT_RENAME);
return result;
// check if updated name of the resource already exists
String originFullName = resource.getFullName();
String originResourceName = resource.getAlias();
// the format of hdfs folders in the implementation has a "/" at the very end, we need to remove it.
originFullName = originFullName.endsWith("/") ? StringUtils.chop(originFullName) : originFullName;
name = name.endsWith("/") ? StringUtils.chop(name) : name;
// updated fullName
String fullName = String.format(FORMAT_SS,
originFullName.substring(0, originFullName.lastIndexOf(FOLDER_SEPARATOR) + 1), name);
if (!originResourceName.equals(name)) {
try {
if (checkResourceExists(fullName)) {
log.error("resource {} already exists, can't recreate", fullName);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_EXIST);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServiceException(String.format("error occurs while querying resource: %s", fullName));
result = verifyFile(name, type, file);
if (!result.getCode().equals(Status.SUCCESS.getCode())) {
return result;
Date now = new Date();
if (file != null) {
// if name unchanged, return directly without moving on HDFS
if (originResourceName.equals(name) && file == null) {
return result;
if (file != null) {
// fail upload
if (!upload(loginUser, fullName, file, type)) {
log.error("Storage operation error, resourceName:{}, originFileName:{}.",
name, RegexUtils.escapeNRT(file.getOriginalFilename()));
putMsg(result, Status.HDFS_OPERATION_ERROR);
throw new ServiceException(
String.format("upload resource: %s file: %s failed.", name, file.getOriginalFilename()));
if (!fullName.equals(originFullName)) {
try {
storageOperate.delete(originFullName, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Resource delete error, resourceFullName:{}.", originFullName, e);
throw new ServiceException(String.format("delete resource: %s failed.", originFullName));
return result;
// get the path of dest file in hdfs
String destHdfsFileName = fullName;
try {
log.info("start copy {} -> {}", originFullName, destHdfsFileName);
storageOperate.copy(originFullName, destHdfsFileName, true, true);
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(MessageFormat.format(" copy {0} -> {1} fail", originFullName, destHdfsFileName), e);
putMsg(result, Status.HDFS_COPY_FAIL);
throw new ServiceException(MessageFormat.format(
Status.HDFS_COPY_FAIL.getMsg(), originFullName, destHdfsFileName));
return result;
private Result<Object> verifyFile(String name, ResourceType type, MultipartFile file) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
if (FileUtils.directoryTraversal(name)) {
log.warn("Parameter file alias name verify failed, fileAliasName:{}.", RegexUtils.escapeNRT(name));
return result;
if (file != null && FileUtils.directoryTraversal(Objects.requireNonNull(file.getOriginalFilename()))) {
log.warn("File original name verify failed, fileOriginalName:{}.",
return result;
if (file != null) {
// file is empty
if (file.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("Parameter file is empty, fileOriginalName:{}.",
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_FILE_IS_EMPTY);
return result;
// file suffix
String fileSuffix = Files.getFileExtension(file.getOriginalFilename());
String nameSuffix = Files.getFileExtension(name);
// determine file suffix
if (!fileSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase(nameSuffix)) {
// rename file suffix and original suffix must be consistent
log.warn("Rename file suffix and original suffix must be consistent, fileOriginalName:{}.",
return result;
// If resource type is UDF, only jar packages are allowed to be uploaded, and the suffix must be .jar
if (Constants.UDF.equals(type.name()) && !JAR.equalsIgnoreCase(fileSuffix)) {
putMsg(result, Status.UDF_RESOURCE_SUFFIX_NOT_JAR);
return result;
if (file.getSize() > Constants.MAX_FILE_SIZE) {
"Resource file size is larger than max file size, fileOriginalName:{}, fileSize:{}, maxFileSize:{}.",
RegexUtils.escapeNRT(file.getOriginalFilename()), file.getSize(), Constants.MAX_FILE_SIZE);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_SIZE_EXCEED_LIMIT);
return result;
return result;
* query resources list paging
* @param loginUser login user
* @param fullName resource full name
* @param resTenantCode tenantCode in the request field "resTenantCode" for tenant code owning the resource,
* can be different from the login user in the case of logging in as admin users.
* @param type resource type
* @param searchVal search value
* @param pageNo page number
* @param pageSize page size
* @return resource list page
public Result<PageInfo<StorageEntity>> queryResourceListPaging(User loginUser, String fullName,
String resTenantCode,
ResourceType type, String searchVal, Integer pageNo,
Integer pageSize) {
Result<PageInfo<StorageEntity>> result = new Result<>();
PageInfo<StorageEntity> pageInfo = new PageInfo<>(pageNo, pageSize);
if (storageOperate == null) {
log.warn("The resource storage is not opened.");
return Result.success(pageInfo);
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
String baseDir = isAdmin(loginUser) ? storageOperate.getDir(ResourceType.ALL, tenantCode)
: storageOperate.getDir(type, tenantCode);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, resTenantCode)
|| (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fullName) && !StringUtils.startsWith(fullName, baseDir))) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
List<StorageEntity> resourcesList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
resourcesList = queryStorageEntityList(loginUser, fullName, type, tenantCode, false);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
return result;
// remove leading and trailing spaces in searchVal
String trimmedSearchVal = searchVal != null ? searchVal.trim() : "";
// filter based on trimmed searchVal
List<StorageEntity> filteredResourceList = resourcesList.stream()
.filter(x -> x.getFileName().contains(trimmedSearchVal)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// inefficient pagination
List<StorageEntity> slicedResourcesList = filteredResourceList.stream().skip((long) (pageNo - 1) * pageSize)
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
private List<StorageEntity> queryStorageEntityList(User loginUser, String fullName, ResourceType type,
String tenantCode, boolean recursive) {
String defaultPath = "";
List<StorageEntity> resourcesList = new ArrayList<>();
String resourceStorageType =
PropertyUtils.getString(Constants.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE, ResUploadType.LOCAL.name());
if (isAdmin(loginUser) && StringUtils.isBlank(fullName)) {
// list all tenants' resources to admin users in the root directory
List<User> userList = userMapper.selectList(null);
Set<String> visitedTenantEntityCode = new HashSet<>();
for (User userEntity : userList) {
String tenantEntityCode = getTenantCode(userEntity);
if (!visitedTenantEntityCode.contains(tenantEntityCode)) {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(tenantEntityCode);
if (type.equals(ResourceType.UDF)) {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getUdfDir(tenantEntityCode);
try {
? storageOperate.listFilesStatusRecursively(defaultPath, defaultPath,
tenantEntityCode, type)
: storageOperate.listFilesStatus(defaultPath, defaultPath,
tenantEntityCode, type));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage() + " Resource path: {}", defaultPath, e);
throw new ServiceException(String.format(e.getMessage() +
" make sure resource path: %s exists in %s", defaultPath, resourceStorageType));
} else {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(tenantCode);
if (type.equals(ResourceType.UDF)) {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getUdfDir(tenantCode);
try {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(fullName)) {
fullName = defaultPath;
resourcesList = recursive ? storageOperate.listFilesStatusRecursively(fullName, defaultPath,
tenantCode, type)
: storageOperate.listFilesStatus(fullName, defaultPath,
tenantCode, type);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage() + " Resource path: {}", fullName, e);
throw new ServiceException(String.format(e.getMessage() +
" make sure resource path: %s exists in %s", defaultPath, resourceStorageType));
return resourcesList;
* create directory
* xxx The steps to verify resources are cumbersome and can be optimized
* @param loginUser login user
* @param fullName full name
* @param type resource type
* @param result Result
private void createDirectory(User loginUser, String fullName, ResourceType type, Result<Object> result) {
String tenantCode = tenantMapper.queryById(loginUser.getTenantId()).getTenantCode();
// String directoryName = storageOperate.getFileName(type, tenantCode, fullName);
String resourceRootPath = storageOperate.getDir(type, tenantCode);
try {
if (!storageOperate.exists(resourceRootPath)) {
if (!storageOperate.mkdir(tenantCode, fullName)) {
throw new ServiceException(String.format("Create resource directory: %s failed.", fullName));
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServiceException(String.format("create resource directory: %s failed.", fullName));
* upload file to hdfs
* @param loginUser login user
* @param fullName full name
* @param file file
* @param type resource type
* @return upload success return true, otherwise false
private boolean upload(User loginUser, String fullName, MultipartFile file, ResourceType type) {
// save to local
String fileSuffix = Files.getFileExtension(file.getOriginalFilename());
String nameSuffix = Files.getFileExtension(fullName);
// determine file suffix
if (!fileSuffix.equalsIgnoreCase(nameSuffix)) {
return false;
// query tenant
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(loginUser);
// random file name
String localFilename = FileUtils.getUploadFilename(tenantCode, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
// save file to hdfs, and delete original file
String resourcePath = storageOperate.getDir(type, tenantCode);
try {
// if tenant dir not exists
if (!storageOperate.exists(resourcePath)) {
org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.utils.FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(file, localFilename);
storageOperate.upload(tenantCode, localFilename, fullName, true, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return false;
return true;
* query resource list
* @param loginUser login user
* @param type resource type
* @param fullName resource full name
* @return resource list
public Map<String, Object> queryResourceList(User loginUser, ResourceType type, String fullName) {
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
if (storageOperate == null) {
result.put(Constants.DATA_LIST, Collections.emptyList());
result.put(Constants.STATUS, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return null;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
String defaultPath = "";
List<StorageEntity> resourcesList = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(fullName)) {
if (isAdmin(loginUser)) {
List<User> userList = userMapper.selectList(null);
Set<String> visitedTenantEntityCode = new HashSet<>();
for (User userEntity : userList) {
String tenantEntityCode = getTenantCode(userEntity);
if (!visitedTenantEntityCode.contains(tenantEntityCode)) {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(tenantEntityCode);
if (type.equals(ResourceType.UDF)) {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getUdfDir(tenantEntityCode);
resourcesList.addAll(storageOperate.listFilesStatusRecursively(defaultPath, defaultPath,
tenantEntityCode, type));
} else {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(tenantCode);
if (type.equals(ResourceType.UDF)) {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getUdfDir(tenantCode);
resourcesList = storageOperate.listFilesStatusRecursively(defaultPath, defaultPath, tenantCode, type);
} else {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(tenantCode);
if (type.equals(ResourceType.UDF)) {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getUdfDir(tenantCode);
resourcesList = storageOperate.listFilesStatusRecursively(fullName, defaultPath, tenantCode, type);
Visitor resourceTreeVisitor = new ResourceTreeVisitor(resourcesList);
result.put(Constants.DATA_LIST, resourceTreeVisitor.visit(defaultPath).getChildren());
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* query resource list by program type
* @param loginUser login user
* @param type resource type
* @return resource list
public Result<Object> queryResourceByProgramType(User loginUser, ResourceType type, ProgramType programType) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
Tenant tenant = tenantMapper.queryById(user.getTenantId());
if (tenant == null) {
log.error("tenant not exists");
return result;
String tenantCode = tenant.getTenantCode();
List<StorageEntity> allResourceList = queryStorageEntityList(loginUser, "", type, tenantCode, true);
String suffix = ".jar";
if (programType != null) {
switch (programType) {
case JAVA:
case SCALA:
case PYTHON:
suffix = ".py";
List<StorageEntity> resources = new ResourceFilter(suffix, new ArrayList<>(allResourceList)).filter();
Visitor visitor = new ResourceTreeVisitor(resources);
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* delete resource
* @param loginUser login user
* @param fullName resource full name
* @param resTenantCode tenantCode in the request field "resTenantCode" for tenant code owning the resource,
* can be different from the login user in the case of logging in as admin users.
* @return delete result code
* @throws IOException exception
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public Result<Object> delete(User loginUser, String fullName,
String resTenantCode) throws IOException {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, resTenantCode)) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
String defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(tenantCode);
StorageEntity resource;
try {
resource = storageOperate.getFileStatus(fullName, defaultPath, resTenantCode, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage() + " Resource path: {}", fullName, e);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
throw new ServiceException(String.format(e.getMessage() + " Resource path: %s", fullName));
if (resource == null) {
log.error("Resource does not exist, resource full name:{}.", fullName);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
return result;
// recursively delete a folder
List<String> allChildren = storageOperate.listFilesStatusRecursively(fullName, defaultPath,
resTenantCode, resource.getType()).stream().map(storageEntity -> storageEntity.getFullName())
String[] allChildrenFullNameArray = allChildren.stream().toArray(String[]::new);
// if resource type is UDF,need check whether it is bound by UDF function
if (resource.getType() == (ResourceType.UDF)) {
List<UdfFunc> udfFuncs = udfFunctionMapper.listUdfByResourceFullName(allChildrenFullNameArray);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(udfFuncs)) {
log.warn("Resource can not be deleted because it is bound by UDF functions, udfFuncIds:{}",
putMsg(result, Status.UDF_RESOURCE_IS_BOUND, udfFuncs.get(0).getFuncName());
return result;
// delete file on hdfs,S3
storageOperate.delete(fullName, allChildren, true);
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
private String RemoveResourceFromResourceList(String stringToDelete, String taskParameter, boolean isDir) {
Map<String, Object> taskParameters = JSONUtils.parseObject(
new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {
if (taskParameters.containsKey("resourceList")) {
String resourceListStr = JSONUtils.toJsonString(taskParameters.get("resourceList"));
List<ResourceInfo> resourceInfoList = JSONUtils.toList(resourceListStr, ResourceInfo.class);
List<ResourceInfo> updatedResourceInfoList;
if (isDir) {
String stringToDeleteWSeparator = stringToDelete + FOLDER_SEPARATOR;
// use start with to identify any prefix matching folder path
updatedResourceInfoList = resourceInfoList.stream()
.filter(resourceInfo -> !resourceInfo.getResourceName().startsWith(stringToDeleteWSeparator))
} else {
updatedResourceInfoList = resourceInfoList.stream()
.filter(resourceInfo -> !resourceInfo.getResourceName().equals(stringToDelete))
taskParameters.put("resourceList", updatedResourceInfoList);
return JSONUtils.toJsonString(taskParameters);
return taskParameter;
* verify resource by name and type
* @param loginUser login user
* @param fullName resource full name
* @param type resource type
* @return true if the resource name not exists, otherwise return false
public Result<Object> verifyResourceName(String fullName, ResourceType type, User loginUser) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
if (checkResourceExists(fullName)) {
log.error("Resource with same name exists so can not create again, resourceType:{}, resourceName:{}.",
type, RegexUtils.escapeNRT(fullName));
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_EXIST);
return result;
* verify resource by full name or pid and type
* @param fileName resource file name
* @param type resource type
* @param resTenantCode tenantCode in the request field "resTenantCode" for tenant code owning the resource,
* can be different from the login user in the case of logging in as admin users.
* @return true if the resource full name or pid not exists, otherwise return false
public Result<Object> queryResourceByFileName(User loginUser, String fileName, ResourceType type,
String resTenantCode) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(fileName)) {
return result;
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, resTenantCode)) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
String defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(resTenantCode);
if (type.equals(ResourceType.UDF)) {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getUdfDir(resTenantCode);
StorageEntity file;
try {
file = storageOperate.getFileStatus(defaultPath + fileName, defaultPath, resTenantCode, type);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage() + " Resource path: {}", defaultPath + fileName, e);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
return result;
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* get resource by id
* @param fullName resource full name
* @param resTenantCode tenantCode in the request field "resTenantCode" for tenant code owning the resource,
* can be different from the login user in the case of logging in as admin users.
* @return resource
public Result<Object> queryResourceByFullName(User loginUser, String fullName, String resTenantCode,
ResourceType type) throws IOException {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, resTenantCode)) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
String defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(resTenantCode);
if (type.equals(ResourceType.UDF)) {
defaultPath = storageOperate.getUdfDir(resTenantCode);
StorageEntity file;
try {
file = storageOperate.getFileStatus(fullName, defaultPath, resTenantCode, type);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage() + " Resource path: {}", fullName, e);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
throw new ServiceException(String.format(e.getMessage() + " Resource path: %s", fullName));
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* view resource file online
* @param fullName resource fullName
* @param resTenantCode owner's tenant code of the resource
* @param skipLineNum skip line number
* @param limit limit
* @return resource content
public Result<Object> readResource(User loginUser, String fullName, String resTenantCode,
int skipLineNum, int limit) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, resTenantCode)) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
// check preview or not by file suffix
String nameSuffix = Files.getFileExtension(fullName);
String resourceViewSuffixes = FileUtils.getResourceViewSuffixes();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(resourceViewSuffixes)) {
List<String> strList = Arrays.asList(resourceViewSuffixes.split(","));
if (!strList.contains(nameSuffix)) {
log.error("Resource suffix does not support view,resourceFullName:{}, suffix:{}.", fullName,
return result;
List<String> content = new ArrayList<>();
try {
if (storageOperate.exists(fullName)) {
content = storageOperate.vimFile(tenantCode, fullName, skipLineNum, limit);
long size = content.stream().mapToLong(String::length).sum();
} else {
log.error("read file {} not exist in storage", fullName);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_FILE_NOT_EXIST, fullName);
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Resource {} read failed", fullName, e);
putMsg(result, Status.HDFS_OPERATION_ERROR);
return result;
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(ALIAS, fullName);
map.put(CONTENT, String.join("\n", content));
return result;
* create resource file online
* @param loginUser login user
* @param type resource type
* @param fileName file name
* @param fileSuffix file suffix
* @param content content
* @param currentDir current directory
* @return create result code
public Result<Object> onlineCreateResource(User loginUser, ResourceType type, String fileName, String fileSuffix,
String content, String currentDir) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, "")) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
if (FileUtils.directoryTraversal(fileName)) {
log.warn("File name verify failed, fileName:{}.", RegexUtils.escapeNRT(fileName));
return result;
// check file suffix
String nameSuffix = fileSuffix.trim();
String resourceViewSuffixes = FileUtils.getResourceViewSuffixes();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(resourceViewSuffixes)) {
List<String> strList = Arrays.asList(resourceViewSuffixes.split(","));
if (!strList.contains(nameSuffix)) {
log.warn("Resource suffix does not support view, suffix:{}.", nameSuffix);
return result;
String name = fileName.trim() + "." + nameSuffix;
String fullName = "";
String userResRootPath = storageOperate.getResDir(tenantCode);
if (!currentDir.contains(userResRootPath)) {
fullName = userResRootPath + name;
} else {
fullName = currentDir + name;
result = verifyResourceName(fullName, type, loginUser);
if (!result.getCode().equals(Status.SUCCESS.getCode())) {
return result;
result = uploadContentToStorage(loginUser, fullName, tenantCode, content);
if (!result.getCode().equals(Status.SUCCESS.getCode())) {
throw new ServiceException(result.getMsg());
return result;
public StorageEntity createOrUpdateResource(String userName, String filepath,
String resourceContent) throws Exception {
User user = userMapper.queryByUserNameAccurately(userName);
int suffixLabelIndex = filepath.indexOf(PERIOD);
if (suffixLabelIndex == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String
.format("Not allow create or update resources without extension name, filepath: %s", filepath));
String defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(user.getTenantCode());
String fullName = defaultPath + filepath;
Result<Object> result = uploadContentToStorage(user, fullName, user.getTenantCode(), resourceContent);
if (result.getCode() != Status.SUCCESS.getCode()) {
throw new ServiceException(result.getMsg());
return storageOperate.getFileStatus(fullName, defaultPath, user.getTenantCode(), ResourceType.FILE);
* updateProcessInstance resource
* @param fullName resource full name
* @param resTenantCode tenantCode in the request field "resTenantCode" for tenant code owning the resource,
* can be different from the login user in the case of logging in as admin users.
* @param content content
* @return update result cod
public Result<Object> updateResourceContent(User loginUser, String fullName, String resTenantCode,
String content) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, resTenantCode)) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
StorageEntity resource;
try {
resource = storageOperate.getFileStatus(fullName, "", resTenantCode, ResourceType.FILE);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("error occurred when fetching resource information , resource full name {}", fullName);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
return result;
if (resource == null) {
log.error("Resource does not exist, resource full name:{}.", fullName);
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
return result;
// check can edit by file suffix
String nameSuffix = Files.getFileExtension(resource.getAlias());
String resourceViewSuffixes = FileUtils.getResourceViewSuffixes();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(resourceViewSuffixes)) {
List<String> strList = Arrays.asList(resourceViewSuffixes.split(","));
if (!strList.contains(nameSuffix)) {
log.warn("Resource suffix does not support view, resource full name:{}, suffix:{}.",
fullName, nameSuffix);
return result;
result = uploadContentToStorage(loginUser, resource.getFullName(), resTenantCode, content);
if (!result.getCode().equals(Status.SUCCESS.getCode())) {
throw new ServiceException(result.getMsg());
} else
log.info("Update resource content complete, resource full name:{}.", fullName);
return result;
* @param fullName resource full name
* @param tenantCode tenant code
* @param content content
* @return result
private Result<Object> uploadContentToStorage(User loginUser, String fullName, String tenantCode, String content) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
String localFilename = "";
try {
localFilename = FileUtils.getUploadFilename(tenantCode, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
if (!FileUtils.writeContent2File(content, localFilename)) {
// write file fail
log.error("Write file error, fileName:{}, content:{}.", localFilename,
putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST);
return result;
// get resource file path
String resourcePath = storageOperate.getResDir(tenantCode);
log.info("resource path is {}, resource dir is {}", fullName, resourcePath);
if (!storageOperate.exists(resourcePath)) {
// create if tenant dir not exists
log.info("Create tenant dir because path {} does not exist, tenantCode:{}.", resourcePath,
if (storageOperate.exists(fullName)) {
storageOperate.delete(fullName, false);
storageOperate.upload(tenantCode, localFilename, fullName, true, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Upload content to storage error, tenantCode:{}, destFileName:{}.", tenantCode, localFilename,
result.setMsg(String.format("copy %s to hdfs %s fail", localFilename, fullName));
return result;
log.info("Upload content to storage complete, tenantCode:{}, destFileName:{}.", tenantCode, localFilename);
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* download file
* @return resource content
public org.springframework.core.io.Resource downloadResource(User loginUser,
String fullName) {
if (fullName.endsWith("/")) {
log.error("resource id {} is directory,can't download it", fullName);
throw new ServiceException("can't download directory");
int userId = loginUser.getId();
User user = userMapper.selectById(userId);
if (user == null) {
log.error("User does not exits, userId:{}.", userId);
throw new ServiceException(String.format("Resource owner id %d does not exist", userId));
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
String[] aliasArr = fullName.split("/");
String alias = aliasArr[aliasArr.length - 1];
String localFileName = FileUtils.getDownloadFilename(alias);
log.info("Resource path is {}, download local filename is {}", alias, localFileName);
try {
storageOperate.download(fullName, localFileName, true);
return org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.utils.FileUtils.file2Resource(localFileName);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Download resource error, the path is {}, and local filename is {}, the error message is {}",
fullName, localFileName, e.getMessage());
throw new ServiceException("Download the resource file failed ,it may be related to your storage");
public StorageEntity queryFileStatus(String userName, String fileName) throws Exception {
// TODO: It is used in PythonGateway, should be revised
User user = userMapper.queryByUserNameAccurately(userName);
String defaultPath = storageOperate.getResDir(user.getTenantCode());
return storageOperate.getFileStatus(defaultPath + fileName, defaultPath, user.getTenantCode(),
public DeleteDataTransferResponse deleteDataTransferData(User loginUser, Integer days) {
DeleteDataTransferResponse result = new DeleteDataTransferResponse();
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
String baseFolder = storageOperate.getResourceFullName(tenantCode, "DATA_TRANSFER");
LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
now = now.minus(days, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
String deleteDate = now.toLocalDate().toString().replace("-", "");
List<StorageEntity> storageEntities;
try {
storageEntities = new ArrayList<>(
storageOperate.listFilesStatus(baseFolder, baseFolder, tenantCode, ResourceType.FILE));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("delete data transfer data error", e);
putMsg(result, Status.DELETE_RESOURCE_ERROR);
return result;
List<String> successList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> failList = new ArrayList<>();
for (StorageEntity storageEntity : storageEntities) {
File path = new File(storageEntity.getFullName());
String date = path.getName();
if (date.compareTo(deleteDate) <= 0) {
try {
storageOperate.delete(storageEntity.getFullName(), true);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("delete data transfer data {} error, please delete it manually", date, ex);
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* unauthorized udf function
* @param loginUser login user
* @param userId user id
* @return unauthorized result code
public Map<String, Object> unauthorizedUDFFunction(User loginUser, Integer userId) {
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
if (resourcePermissionCheckService.functionDisabled()) {
putMsg(result, Status.FUNCTION_DISABLED);
return result;
List<UdfFunc> udfFuncList;
if (isAdmin(loginUser)) {
// admin gets all udfs except userId
udfFuncList = udfFunctionMapper.queryUdfFuncExceptUserId(userId);
} else {
// non-admins users get their own udfs
udfFuncList = udfFunctionMapper.selectByMap(Collections.singletonMap("user_id", loginUser.getId()));
List<UdfFunc> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
Set<UdfFunc> udfFuncSet;
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(udfFuncList)) {
udfFuncSet = new HashSet<>(udfFuncList);
List<UdfFunc> authedUDFFuncList = udfFunctionMapper.queryAuthedUdfFunc(userId);
getAuthorizedResourceList(udfFuncSet, authedUDFFuncList);
resultList = new ArrayList<>(udfFuncSet);
result.put(Constants.DATA_LIST, resultList);
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* authorized udf function
* @param loginUser login user
* @param userId user id
* @return authorized result code
public Map<String, Object> authorizedUDFFunction(User loginUser, Integer userId) {
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
if (resourcePermissionCheckService.functionDisabled()) {
putMsg(result, Status.FUNCTION_DISABLED);
return result;
List<UdfFunc> udfFuncs = udfFunctionMapper.queryAuthedUdfFunc(userId);
result.put(Constants.DATA_LIST, udfFuncs);
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* get resource base dir
* @param loginUser login user
* @param type resource type
* @return
public Result<Object> queryResourceBaseDir(User loginUser, ResourceType type) {
Result<Object> result = new Result<>();
if (storageOperate == null) {
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
User user = userMapper.selectById(loginUser.getId());
if (user == null) {
log.error("user {} not exists", loginUser.getId());
putMsg(result, Status.USER_NOT_EXIST, loginUser.getId());
return result;
String tenantCode = getTenantCode(user);
if (!isUserTenantValid(isAdmin(loginUser), tenantCode, "")) {
log.error("current user does not have permission");
return result;
String baseDir = isAdmin(loginUser) ? storageOperate.getDir(ResourceType.ALL, tenantCode)
: storageOperate.getDir(type, tenantCode);
putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS);
return result;
* get authorized resource list
* @param resourceSet resource set
* @param authedResourceList authorized resource list
private void getAuthorizedResourceList(Set<?> resourceSet, List<?> authedResourceList) {
Set<?> authedResourceSet;
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(authedResourceList)) {
authedResourceSet = new HashSet<>(authedResourceList);
private AuthorizationType checkResourceType(ResourceType type) {
return type.equals(ResourceType.FILE) ? AuthorizationType.RESOURCE_FILE_ID : AuthorizationType.UDF_FILE;
* check permission by comparing login user's tenantCode with tenantCode in the request
* @param isAdmin is the login user admin
* @param userTenantCode loginUser's tenantCode
* @param resTenantCode tenantCode in the request field "resTenantCode" for tenant code owning the resource,
* can be different from the login user in the case of logging in as admin users.
* @return isValid
private boolean isUserTenantValid(boolean isAdmin, String userTenantCode,
String resTenantCode) throws ServiceException {
if (!isAdmin) {
resTenantCode = resTenantCode == null ? "" : resTenantCode;
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(resTenantCode) && !resTenantCode.equals(userTenantCode)) {
// if an ordinary user directly send a query API with a different tenantCode and fullName "",
// still he/she does not have read permission.
return false;
return true;
private String getTenantCode(User user) {
Tenant tenant = tenantMapper.queryById(user.getTenantId());
if (tenant == null) {
throw new ServiceException(Status.CURRENT_LOGIN_USER_TENANT_NOT_EXIST);
return tenant.getTenantCode();