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This node is for executing java-type tasks and supports using files and jar packages as program entries.

Create Tasks

  • Click on Project Management -> Project Name -> Workflow Definition, click on the “Create workflow” button, go to the DAG edit page:

  • Drag the toolbar's Java task node to the palette.

Task Parameters

Parameter Description
Module Path pick Java 9 + 's modularity feature, put all resources into-module-path, and require that the JDK version in your worker supports modularity.
Main Parameter Java program main method entry parameter.
Java VM Parameters JVM startup parameters.
Script You need to write Java code if you use the Java run type. The public class must exist in the code without writing a package statement.
Resources External JAR packages or other resource files that are added to the classpath or module path and can be easily retrieved in your JAVA script.


Java type tasks have two modes of execution, here is a demonstration of executing tasks in Java mode.

The main configuration parameters are as follows:

  • Run Type
  • Module Path
  • Main Parameters
  • Java VM Parameters
  • Script



When you run the task in JAVA execution mode, the public class must exist in the code, and you could omit writing a package statement.

For security reasons, when executing JAVA tasks, please use the environment management module to configure the JDK environment, such as JAVA_HOME and other environment variables.