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JohnHuang 79f90a87f8
[Feature][Helm] make api/master/worker/alert application.yaml configurable (#15922)
8 months ago
templates [Feature][Helm] make api/master/worker/alert application.yaml configurable (#15922) 8 months ago


About DolphinScheduler for Kubernetes

Dolphin Scheduler is a distributed and easy-to-expand visual DAG workflow scheduling system, dedicated to solving the complex dependencies in data processing, making the scheduling system out of the box for data processing.

This chart bootstraps all the components needed to run Apache DolphinScheduler on a Kubernetes Cluster using Helm.

QuickStart in Kubernetes

Please refer to the Quick Start in Kubernetes


Key Type Default Description
alert.affinity object {} Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints. More info: node-affinity
alert.annotations object {} You can use annotations to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata to objects. Clients such as tools and libraries can retrieve this metadata.
alert.enabled bool true Enable or disable the Alert-Server component
alert.env.JAVA_OPTS string "-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m" The jvm options for alert server
alert.livenessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":"3","initialDelaySeconds":"30","periodSeconds":"30","successThreshold":"1","timeoutSeconds":"5"} Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. More info: container-probes
alert.livenessProbe.enabled bool true Turn on and off liveness probe
alert.livenessProbe.failureThreshold string "3" Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
alert.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds string "30" Delay before liveness probe is initiated
alert.livenessProbe.periodSeconds string "30" How often to perform the probe
alert.livenessProbe.successThreshold string "1" Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
alert.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds string "5" When the probe times out
alert.nodeSelector object {} NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: assign-pod-node
alert.persistentVolumeClaim object {"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"enabled":false,"storage":"20Gi","storageClassName":"-"} PersistentVolumeClaim represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace. More info: persistentvolumeclaims
alert.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] PersistentVolumeClaim access modes
alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled bool false Set alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled to true to mount a new volume for alert
alert.persistentVolumeClaim.storage string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
alert.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName string "-" Alert logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
alert.readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":"3","initialDelaySeconds":"30","periodSeconds":"30","successThreshold":"1","timeoutSeconds":"5"} Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. More info: container-probes
alert.readinessProbe.enabled bool true Turn on and off readiness probe
alert.readinessProbe.failureThreshold string "3" Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
alert.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds string "30" Delay before readiness probe is initiated
alert.readinessProbe.periodSeconds string "30" How often to perform the probe
alert.readinessProbe.successThreshold string "1" Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
alert.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds string "5" When the probe times out
alert.replicas int 1 Number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 1.
alert.resources object {} Compute Resources required by this container. More info: manage-resources-containers
alert.service.annotations object {} annotations may need to be set when want to scrapy metrics by prometheus but not install prometheus operator
alert.service.serviceMonitor object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"15s","labels":{},"path":"/actuator/prometheus"} serviceMonitor for prometheus operator
alert.service.serviceMonitor.annotations object {} serviceMonitor.annotations ServiceMonitor annotations
alert.service.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable or disable alert-server serviceMonitor
alert.service.serviceMonitor.interval string "15s" serviceMonitor.interval interval at which metrics should be scraped
alert.service.serviceMonitor.labels object {} serviceMonitor.labels ServiceMonitor extra labels
alert.service.serviceMonitor.path string "/actuator/prometheus" serviceMonitor.path path of the metrics endpoint
alert.strategy object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxSurge":"25%","maxUnavailable":"25%"},"type":"RollingUpdate"} The deployment strategy to use to replace existing pods with new ones.
alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge string "25%" The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods
alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable string "25%" The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update
alert.strategy.type string "RollingUpdate" Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate"
alert.tolerations list [] Tolerations are appended (excluding duplicates) to pods running with this RuntimeClass during admission, effectively unioning the set of nodes tolerated by the pod and the RuntimeClass.
api.affinity object {} Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints. More info: node-affinity
api.annotations object {} You can use annotations to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata to objects. Clients such as tools and libraries can retrieve this metadata.
api.enabled bool true Enable or disable the API-Server component
api.env.JAVA_OPTS string "-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m" The jvm options for api server
api.livenessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":"3","initialDelaySeconds":"30","periodSeconds":"30","successThreshold":"1","timeoutSeconds":"5"} Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. More info: container-probes
api.livenessProbe.enabled bool true Turn on and off liveness probe
api.livenessProbe.failureThreshold string "3" Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
api.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds string "30" Delay before liveness probe is initiated
api.livenessProbe.periodSeconds string "30" How often to perform the probe
api.livenessProbe.successThreshold string "1" Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
api.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds string "5" When the probe times out
api.nodeSelector object {} NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: assign-pod-node
api.persistentVolumeClaim object {"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"enabled":false,"storage":"20Gi","storageClassName":"-"} PersistentVolumeClaim represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace. More info: persistentvolumeclaims
api.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] PersistentVolumeClaim access modes
api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled bool false Set api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled to true to mount a new volume for api
api.persistentVolumeClaim.storage string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
api.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName string "-" api logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
api.readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":"3","initialDelaySeconds":"30","periodSeconds":"30","successThreshold":"1","timeoutSeconds":"5"} Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. More info: container-probes
api.readinessProbe.enabled bool true Turn on and off readiness probe
api.readinessProbe.failureThreshold string "3" Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
api.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds string "30" Delay before readiness probe is initiated
api.readinessProbe.periodSeconds string "30" How often to perform the probe
api.readinessProbe.successThreshold string "1" Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
api.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds string "5" When the probe times out
api.replicas string "1" Number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 1.
api.resources object {} Compute Resources required by this container. More info: manage-resources-containers
api.service.annotations object {} annotations may need to be set when service.type is LoadBalancer service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:EXAMPLE_CERT
api.service.clusterIP string "" clusterIP is the IP address of the service and is usually assigned randomly by the master
api.service.externalIPs list [] externalIPs is a list of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service
api.service.externalName string "" externalName is the external reference that kubedns or equivalent will return as a CNAME record for this service, requires Type to be ExternalName
api.service.loadBalancerIP string "" loadBalancerIP when service.type is LoadBalancer. LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field
api.service.nodePort string "" nodePort is the port on each node on which this api service is exposed when type=NodePort
api.service.pythonNodePort string "" pythonNodePort is the port on each node on which this python api service is exposed when type=NodePort
api.service.serviceMonitor object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"15s","labels":{},"path":"/dolphinscheduler/actuator/prometheus"} serviceMonitor for prometheus operator
api.service.serviceMonitor.annotations object {} serviceMonitor.annotations ServiceMonitor annotations
api.service.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable or disable api-server serviceMonitor
api.service.serviceMonitor.interval string "15s" serviceMonitor.interval interval at which metrics should be scraped
api.service.serviceMonitor.labels object {} serviceMonitor.labels ServiceMonitor extra labels
api.service.serviceMonitor.path string "/dolphinscheduler/actuator/prometheus" serviceMonitor.path path of the metrics endpoint
api.service.type string "ClusterIP" type determines how the Service is exposed. Defaults to ClusterIP. Valid options are ExternalName, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer
api.strategy object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxSurge":"25%","maxUnavailable":"25%"},"type":"RollingUpdate"} The deployment strategy to use to replace existing pods with new ones.
api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge string "25%" The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods
api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable string "25%" The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update
api.strategy.type string "RollingUpdate" Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate"
api.taskTypeFilter.enabled bool false Enable or disable the task type filter. If set to true, the API-Server will return tasks of a specific type set in api.taskTypeFilter.task Note: This feature only filters tasks to return a specific type on the WebUI. However, you can still create any task that DolphinScheduler supports via the API.
api.taskTypeFilter.task object {} ref: task-type-config.yaml
api.tolerations list [] Tolerations are appended (excluding duplicates) to pods running with this RuntimeClass during admission, effectively unioning the set of nodes tolerated by the pod and the RuntimeClass.
common.configmap.DATAX_LAUNCHER string "/opt/soft/datax/bin/datax.py" Set DATAX_LAUNCHER for DolphinScheduler's task environment
common.configmap.DATA_BASEDIR_PATH string "/tmp/dolphinscheduler" User data directory path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions
common.configmap.DOLPHINSCHEDULER_OPTS string "" The jvm options for dolphinscheduler, suitable for all servers
common.configmap.FLINK_HOME string "/opt/soft/flink" Set FLINK_HOME for DolphinScheduler's task environment
common.configmap.HADOOP_CONF_DIR string "/opt/soft/hadoop/etc/hadoop" Set HADOOP_CONF_DIR for DolphinScheduler's task environment
common.configmap.HADOOP_HOME string "/opt/soft/hadoop" Set HADOOP_HOME for DolphinScheduler's task environment
common.configmap.HIVE_HOME string "/opt/soft/hive" Set HIVE_HOME for DolphinScheduler's task environment
common.configmap.JAVA_HOME string "/opt/java/openjdk" Set JAVA_HOME for DolphinScheduler's task environment
common.configmap.PYTHON_LAUNCHER string "/usr/bin/python/bin/python3" Set PYTHON_LAUNCHER for DolphinScheduler's task environment
common.configmap.RESOURCE_UPLOAD_PATH string "/dolphinscheduler" Resource store on HDFS/S3 path, please make sure the directory exists on hdfs and have read write permissions
common.configmap.SPARK_HOME string "/opt/soft/spark" Set SPARK_HOME for DolphinScheduler's task environment
common.fsFileResourcePersistence.accessModes list ["ReadWriteMany"] PersistentVolumeClaim access modes, must be ReadWriteMany
common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled bool false Set common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled to true to mount a new file resource volume for api and worker
common.fsFileResourcePersistence.storage string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
common.fsFileResourcePersistence.storageClassName string "-" Resource persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany
common.sharedStoragePersistence.accessModes list ["ReadWriteMany"] PersistentVolumeClaim access modes, must be ReadWriteMany
common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled bool false Set common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled to true to mount a shared storage volume for Hadoop, Spark binary and etc
common.sharedStoragePersistence.mountPath string "/opt/soft" The mount path for the shared storage volume
common.sharedStoragePersistence.storage string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
common.sharedStoragePersistence.storageClassName string "-" Shared Storage persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany
conf.auto bool false auto restart, if true, all components will be restarted automatically after the common configuration is updated. if false, you need to restart the components manually. default is false
conf.common."alert.rpc.port" int 50052 rpc port
conf.common."appId.collect" string "log" way to collect applicationId: log, aop
conf.common."conda.path" string "/opt/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" set path of conda.sh
conf.common."data-quality.jar.dir" string nil data quality option
conf.common."data.basedir.path" string "/tmp/dolphinscheduler" user data local directory path, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions
conf.common."datasource.encryption.enable" bool false datasource encryption enable
conf.common."datasource.encryption.salt" string "!@#$%^&*" datasource encryption salt
conf.common."development.state" bool false development state
conf.common."hadoop.security.authentication.startup.state" bool false whether to startup kerberos
conf.common."java.security.krb5.conf.path" string "/opt/krb5.conf" java.security.krb5.conf path
conf.common."kerberos.expire.time" int 2 kerberos expire time, the unit is hour
conf.common."login.user.keytab.path" string "/opt/hdfs.headless.keytab" login user from keytab path
conf.common."login.user.keytab.username" string "hdfs-mycluster@ESZ.COM" login user from keytab username
conf.common."ml.mlflow.preset_repository" string "https://github.com/apache/dolphinscheduler-mlflow" mlflow task plugin preset repository
conf.common."ml.mlflow.preset_repository_version" string "main" mlflow task plugin preset repository version
conf.common."resource.alibaba.cloud.access.key.id" string "<your-access-key-id>" alibaba cloud access key id, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS
conf.common."resource.alibaba.cloud.access.key.secret" string "<your-access-key-secret>" alibaba cloud access key secret, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS
conf.common."resource.alibaba.cloud.oss.bucket.name" string "dolphinscheduler" oss bucket name, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS
conf.common."resource.alibaba.cloud.oss.endpoint" string "https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com" oss bucket endpoint, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS
conf.common."resource.alibaba.cloud.region" string "cn-hangzhou" alibaba cloud region, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS
conf.common."resource.aws.access.key.id" string "minioadmin" The AWS access key. if resource.storage.type=S3 or use EMR-Task, This configuration is required
conf.common."resource.aws.region" string "ca-central-1" The AWS Region to use. if resource.storage.type=S3 or use EMR-Task, This configuration is required
conf.common."resource.aws.s3.bucket.name" string "dolphinscheduler" The name of the bucket. You need to create them by yourself. Otherwise, the system cannot start. All buckets in Amazon S3 share a single namespace; ensure the bucket is given a unique name.
conf.common."resource.aws.s3.endpoint" string "http://minio:9000" You need to set this parameter when private cloud s3. If S3 uses public cloud, you only need to set resource.aws.region or set to the endpoint of a public cloud such as S3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn
conf.common."resource.aws.secret.access.key" string "minioadmin" The AWS secret access key. if resource.storage.type=S3 or use EMR-Task, This configuration is required
conf.common."resource.azure.client.id" string "minioadmin" azure storage account name, required if you set resource.storage.type=ABS
conf.common."resource.azure.client.secret" string "minioadmin" azure storage account key, required if you set resource.storage.type=ABS
conf.common."resource.azure.subId" string "minioadmin" azure storage subId, required if you set resource.storage.type=ABS
conf.common."resource.azure.tenant.id" string "minioadmin" azure storage tenantId, required if you set resource.storage.type=ABS
conf.common."resource.hdfs.fs.defaultFS" string "hdfs://mycluster:8020" if resource.storage.type=S3, the value like: s3a://dolphinscheduler; if resource.storage.type=HDFS and namenode HA is enabled, you need to copy core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml to conf dir
conf.common."resource.hdfs.root.user" string "hdfs" if resource.storage.type=HDFS, the user must have the permission to create directories under the HDFS root path
conf.common."resource.manager.httpaddress.port" int 8088 resourcemanager port, the default value is 8088 if not specified
conf.common."resource.storage.type" string "S3" resource storage type: HDFS, S3, OSS, GCS, ABS, NONE
conf.common."resource.storage.upload.base.path" string "/dolphinscheduler" resource store on HDFS/S3 path, resource file will store to this base path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists on hdfs and have read write permissions. "/dolphinscheduler" is recommended
conf.common."sudo.enable" bool true use sudo or not, if set true, executing user is tenant user and deploy user needs sudo permissions; if set false, executing user is the deploy user and doesn't need sudo permissions
conf.common."support.hive.oneSession" bool false Whether hive SQL is executed in the same session
conf.common."task.resource.limit.state" bool false Task resource limit state
conf.common."yarn.application.status.address" string "http://ds1:%s/ws/v1/cluster/apps/%s" if resourcemanager HA is enabled or not use resourcemanager, please keep the default value; If resourcemanager is single, you only need to replace ds1 to actual resourcemanager hostname
conf.common."yarn.job.history.status.address" string "http://ds1:19888/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/%s" job history status url when application number threshold is reached(default 10000, maybe it was set to 1000)
conf.common."yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm.ids" string "192.168.xx.xx,192.168.xx.xx" if resourcemanager HA is enabled, please set the HA IPs; if resourcemanager is single, keep this value empty
externalDatabase.database string "dolphinscheduler" The database of external database
externalDatabase.driverClassName string "org.postgresql.Driver" The driverClassName of external database
externalDatabase.enabled bool false If exists external database, and set postgresql.enable value to false. external database will be used, otherwise Dolphinscheduler's internal database will be used.
externalDatabase.host string "localhost" The host of external database
externalDatabase.params string "characterEncoding=utf8" The params of external database
externalDatabase.password string "root" The password of external database
externalDatabase.port string "5432" The port of external database
externalDatabase.type string "postgresql" The type of external database, supported types: postgresql, mysql
externalDatabase.username string "root" The username of external database
externalRegistry.registryPluginName string "zookeeper" If exists external registry and set zookeeper.enable && registryEtcd.enabled && registryJdbc.enabled to false, specify the external registry plugin name
externalRegistry.registryServers string "" If exists external registry and set zookeeper.enable && registryEtcd.enabled && registryJdbc.enabled to false, specify the external registry servers
image.alert string "dolphinscheduler-alert-server" alert-server image
image.api string "dolphinscheduler-api" api-server image
image.master string "dolphinscheduler-master" master image
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy. Options: Always, Never, IfNotPresent
image.pullSecret string "" Specify a imagePullSecrets
image.registry string "apache" Docker image repository for the DolphinScheduler
image.tag string "latest" Docker image version for the DolphinScheduler
image.tools string "dolphinscheduler-tools" tools image
image.worker string "dolphinscheduler-worker" worker image
ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations
ingress.enabled bool false Enable ingress
ingress.host string "dolphinscheduler.org" Ingress host
ingress.path string "/dolphinscheduler" Ingress path
ingress.tls.enabled bool false Enable ingress tls
ingress.tls.secretName string "dolphinscheduler-tls" Ingress tls secret name
initImage object {"busybox":"busybox:1.30.1","pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent"} Used to detect whether dolphinscheduler dependent services such as database are ready
initImage.busybox string "busybox:1.30.1" Specify initImage repository
initImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy. Options: Always, Never, IfNotPresent
master.affinity object {} Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints. More info: node-affinity
master.annotations object {} You can use annotations to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata to objects. Clients such as tools and libraries can retrieve this metadata.
master.enabled bool true Enable or disable the Master component
master.env.JAVA_OPTS string "-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xmn512m" The jvm options for master server
master.env.MASTER_DISPATCH_TASK_NUM string "3" Master dispatch task number per batch
master.env.MASTER_EXEC_TASK_NUM string "20" Master execute task number in parallel per process instance
master.env.MASTER_EXEC_THREADS string "100" Master execute thread number to limit process instances
master.env.MASTER_FAILOVER_INTERVAL string "10m" Master failover interval, the unit is minute
master.env.MASTER_HEARTBEAT_ERROR_THRESHOLD string "5" Master heartbeat error threshold
master.env.MASTER_HOST_SELECTOR string "LowerWeight" Master host selector to select a suitable worker, optional values include Random, RoundRobin, LowerWeight
master.env.MASTER_KILL_APPLICATION_WHEN_HANDLE_FAILOVER string "true" Master kill application when handle failover
master.env.MASTER_MAX_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL string "10s" Master max heartbeat interval
master.env.MASTER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_ENABLED bool false If set true, will open master overload protection
master.env.MASTER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_MAX_DISK_USAGE_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLDS float 0.7 Master max disk usage , when the master's disk usage is smaller then this value, master server can execute workflow.
master.env.MASTER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_MAX_JVM_CPU_USAGE_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLDS float 0.7 Master max jvm cpu usage, when the master's jvm cpu usage is smaller then this value, master server can execute workflow.
master.env.MASTER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_MAX_SYSTEM_CPU_USAGE_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLDS float 0.7 Master max system cpu usage, when the master's system cpu usage is smaller then this value, master server can execute workflow.
master.env.MASTER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_MAX_SYSTEM_MEMORY_USAGE_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLDS float 0.7 Master max System memory usage , when the master's system memory usage is smaller then this value, master server can execute workflow.
master.env.MASTER_STATE_WHEEL_INTERVAL string "5s" master state wheel interval, the unit is second
master.env.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_INTERVAL string "1s" master commit task interval, the unit is second
master.env.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_RETRYTIMES string "5" Master commit task retry times
master.livenessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":"3","initialDelaySeconds":"30","periodSeconds":"30","successThreshold":"1","timeoutSeconds":"5"} Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. More info: container-probes
master.livenessProbe.enabled bool true Turn on and off liveness probe
master.livenessProbe.failureThreshold string "3" Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
master.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds string "30" Delay before liveness probe is initiated
master.livenessProbe.periodSeconds string "30" How often to perform the probe
master.livenessProbe.successThreshold string "1" Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
master.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds string "5" When the probe times out
master.nodeSelector object {} NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: assign-pod-node
master.persistentVolumeClaim object {"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"enabled":false,"storage":"20Gi","storageClassName":"-"} PersistentVolumeClaim represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace. The StatefulSet controller is responsible for mapping network identities to claims in a way that maintains the identity of a pod. Every claim in this list must have at least one matching (by name) volumeMount in one container in the template. A claim in this list takes precedence over any volumes in the template, with the same name.
master.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] PersistentVolumeClaim access modes
master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled bool false Set master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled to true to mount a new volume for master
master.persistentVolumeClaim.storage string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
master.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName string "-" Master logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
master.podManagementPolicy string "Parallel" PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down.
master.readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":"3","initialDelaySeconds":"30","periodSeconds":"30","successThreshold":"1","timeoutSeconds":"5"} Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. More info: container-probes
master.readinessProbe.enabled bool true Turn on and off readiness probe
master.readinessProbe.failureThreshold string "3" Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
master.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds string "30" Delay before readiness probe is initiated
master.readinessProbe.periodSeconds string "30" How often to perform the probe
master.readinessProbe.successThreshold string "1" Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
master.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds string "5" When the probe times out
master.replicas string "3" Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template.
master.resources object {} Compute Resources required by this container. More info: manage-resources-containers
master.service.annotations object {} annotations may need to be set when want to scrapy metrics by prometheus but not install prometheus operator
master.service.serviceMonitor object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"15s","labels":{},"path":"/actuator/prometheus"} serviceMonitor for prometheus operator
master.service.serviceMonitor.annotations object {} serviceMonitor.annotations ServiceMonitor annotations
master.service.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable or disable master serviceMonitor
master.service.serviceMonitor.interval string "15s" serviceMonitor.interval interval at which metrics should be scraped
master.service.serviceMonitor.labels object {} serviceMonitor.labels ServiceMonitor extra labels
master.service.serviceMonitor.path string "/actuator/prometheus" serviceMonitor.path path of the metrics endpoint
master.tolerations list [] Tolerations are appended (excluding duplicates) to pods running with this RuntimeClass during admission, effectively unioning the set of nodes tolerated by the pod and the RuntimeClass.
minio.auth.rootPassword string "minioadmin" minio password
minio.auth.rootUser string "minioadmin" minio username
minio.defaultBuckets string "dolphinscheduler" minio default buckets
minio.enabled bool true Deploy minio and configure it as the default storage for DolphinScheduler, note this is for demo only, not for production.
minio.persistence.enabled bool false Set minio.persistence.enabled to true to mount a new volume for internal minio
mysql.auth.database string "dolphinscheduler" mysql database
mysql.auth.params string "characterEncoding=utf8" mysql params
mysql.auth.password string "ds" mysql password
mysql.auth.username string "ds" mysql username
mysql.driverClassName string "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" mysql driverClassName
mysql.enabled bool false If not exists external MySQL, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal MySQL
mysql.primary.persistence.enabled bool false Set mysql.primary.persistence.enabled to true to mount a new volume for internal MySQL
mysql.primary.persistence.size string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
mysql.primary.persistence.storageClass string "-" MySQL data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
postgresql.driverClassName string "org.postgresql.Driver" The driverClassName for internal PostgreSQL
postgresql.enabled bool true If not exists external PostgreSQL, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal PostgreSQL
postgresql.params string "characterEncoding=utf8" The params for internal PostgreSQL
postgresql.persistence.enabled bool false Set postgresql.persistence.enabled to true to mount a new volume for internal PostgreSQL
postgresql.persistence.size string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
postgresql.persistence.storageClass string "-" PostgreSQL data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase string "dolphinscheduler" The database for internal PostgreSQL
postgresql.postgresqlPassword string "root" The password for internal PostgreSQL
postgresql.postgresqlUsername string "root" The username for internal PostgreSQL
registryEtcd.authority string "" Etcd authority
registryEtcd.enabled bool false If you want to use Etcd for your registry center, change this value to true. And set zookeeper.enabled to false
registryEtcd.endpoints string "" Etcd endpoints
registryEtcd.namespace string "dolphinscheduler" Etcd namespace
registryEtcd.passWord string "" Etcd passWord
registryEtcd.ssl.certFile string "etcd-certs/ca.crt" CertFile file path
registryEtcd.ssl.enabled bool false If your Etcd server has configured with ssl, change this value to true. About certification files you can see here for how to convert.
registryEtcd.ssl.keyCertChainFile string "etcd-certs/client.crt" keyCertChainFile file path
registryEtcd.ssl.keyFile string "etcd-certs/client.pem" keyFile file path
registryEtcd.user string "" Etcd user
registryJdbc.enabled bool false If you want to use JDbc for your registry center, change this value to true. And set zookeeper.enabled and registryEtcd.enabled to false
registryJdbc.hikariConfig.driverClassName string "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" Default use same Dolphinscheduler's database if you don't change this value. If you set this value, Registry jdbc's database type will use it
registryJdbc.hikariConfig.enabled bool false Default use same Dolphinscheduler's database, if you want to use other database please change enabled to true and change other configs
registryJdbc.hikariConfig.jdbcurl string "jdbc:mysql://" Default use same Dolphinscheduler's database if you don't change this value. If you set this value, Registry jdbc's database type will use it
registryJdbc.hikariConfig.password string "" Default use same Dolphinscheduler's database if you don't change this value. If you set this value, Registry jdbc's database type will use it
registryJdbc.hikariConfig.username string "" Default use same Dolphinscheduler's database if you don't change this value. If you set this value, Registry jdbc's database type will use it
registryJdbc.termExpireTimes int 3 Used to calculate the expire time
registryJdbc.termRefreshInterval string "2s" Used to schedule refresh the ephemeral data/ lock
security.authentication.ldap.basedn string "dc=example,dc=com" LDAP base dn
security.authentication.ldap.password string "password" LDAP password
security.authentication.ldap.ssl.enable bool false LDAP ssl switch
security.authentication.ldap.ssl.jksbase64content string "" LDAP jks file base64 content. If you use macOS, please run base64 -b 0 -i /path/to/your.jks. If you use Linux, please run base64 -w 0 /path/to/your.jks. If you use Windows, please run certutil -f -encode /path/to/your.jks. Then copy the base64 content to below field in one line
security.authentication.ldap.ssl.truststore string "/opt/ldapkeystore.jks" LDAP jks file absolute path, do not change this value
security.authentication.ldap.ssl.truststorepassword string "" LDAP jks password
security.authentication.ldap.urls string "ldap://ldap.forumsys.com:389/" LDAP urls
security.authentication.ldap.user.admin string "read-only-admin" Admin user account when you log-in with LDAP
security.authentication.ldap.user.emailattribute string "mail" LDAP user email attribute
security.authentication.ldap.user.identityattribute string "uid" LDAP user identity attribute
security.authentication.ldap.user.notexistaction string "CREATE" action when ldap user is not exist,default value: CREATE. Optional values include(CREATE,DENY)
security.authentication.ldap.username string "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com" LDAP username
security.authentication.type string "PASSWORD" Authentication types (supported types: PASSWORD,LDAP,CASDOOR_SSO)
timezone string "Asia/Shanghai" World time and date for cities in all time zones
worker.affinity object {} Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints. More info: node-affinity
worker.annotations object {} You can use annotations to attach arbitrary non-identifying metadata to objects. Clients such as tools and libraries can retrieve this metadata.
worker.enabled bool true Enable or disable the Worker component
worker.env.DEFAULT_TENANT_ENABLED bool false If set true, will use worker bootstrap user as the tenant to execute task when the tenant is default;
worker.env.WORKER_EXEC_THREADS string "100" Worker execute thread number to limit task instances
worker.env.WORKER_HOST_WEIGHT string "100" Worker host weight to dispatch tasks
worker.env.WORKER_MAX_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL string "10s" Worker heartbeat interval
worker.env.WORKER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_ENABLED bool false If set true, will open worker overload protection
worker.env.WORKER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_MAX_DISK_USAGE_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLDS float 0.7 Worker max disk usage , when the worker's disk usage is smaller then this value, worker server can be dispatched tasks.
worker.env.WORKER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_MAX_JVM_CPU_USAGE_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLDS float 0.7 Worker max jvm cpu usage, when the worker's jvm cpu usage is smaller then this value, worker server can be dispatched tasks.
worker.env.WORKER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_MAX_SYSTEM_CPU_USAGE_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLDS float 0.7 Worker max system cpu usage, when the worker's system cpu usage is smaller then this value, worker server can be dispatched tasks.
worker.env.WORKER_SERVER_LOAD_PROTECTION_MAX_SYSTEM_MEMORY_USAGE_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLDS float 0.7 Worker max memory usage , when the worker's memory usage is smaller then this value, worker server can be dispatched tasks.
worker.env.WORKER_TENANT_CONFIG_AUTO_CREATE_TENANT_ENABLED bool true tenant corresponds to the user of the system, which is used by the worker to submit the job. If system does not have this user, it will be automatically created after the parameter worker.tenant.auto.create is true.
worker.env.WORKER_TENANT_CONFIG_DISTRIBUTED_TENANT bool false Scenes to be used for distributed users. For example, users created by FreeIpa are stored in LDAP. This parameter only applies to Linux, When this parameter is true, worker.tenant.auto.create has no effect and will not automatically create tenants.
worker.keda.advanced object {} Specify HPA related options
worker.keda.cooldownPeriod int 30 How many seconds KEDA will wait before scaling to zero. Note that HPA has a separate cooldown period for scale-downs
worker.keda.enabled bool false Enable or disable the Keda component
worker.keda.maxReplicaCount int 3 Maximum number of workers created by keda
worker.keda.minReplicaCount int 0 Minimum number of workers created by keda
worker.keda.namespaceLabels object {} Keda namespace labels
worker.keda.pollingInterval int 5 How often KEDA polls the DolphinScheduler DB to report new scale requests to the HPA
worker.livenessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":"3","initialDelaySeconds":"30","periodSeconds":"30","successThreshold":"1","timeoutSeconds":"5"} Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. More info: container-probes
worker.livenessProbe.enabled bool true Turn on and off liveness probe
worker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold string "3" Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
worker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds string "30" Delay before liveness probe is initiated
worker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds string "30" How often to perform the probe
worker.livenessProbe.successThreshold string "1" Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
worker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds string "5" When the probe times out
worker.nodeSelector object {} NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: assign-pod-node
worker.persistentVolumeClaim object {"dataPersistentVolume":{"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"enabled":false,"storage":"20Gi","storageClassName":"-"},"enabled":false,"logsPersistentVolume":{"accessModes":["ReadWriteOnce"],"enabled":false,"storage":"20Gi","storageClassName":"-"}} PersistentVolumeClaim represents a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace. The StatefulSet controller is responsible for mapping network identities to claims in a way that maintains the identity of a pod. Every claim in this list must have at least one matching (by name) volumeMount in one container in the template. A claim in this list takes precedence over any volumes in the template, with the same name.
worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] PersistentVolumeClaim access modes
worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled bool false Set worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled to true to mount a data volume for worker
worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.storage string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.storageClassName string "-" Worker data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled bool false Set worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled to true to enable persistentVolumeClaim for worker
worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.accessModes list ["ReadWriteOnce"] PersistentVolumeClaim access modes
worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled bool false Set worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled to true to mount a logs volume for worker
worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.storage string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.storageClassName string "-" Worker logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
worker.podManagementPolicy string "Parallel" PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down.
worker.readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":"3","initialDelaySeconds":"30","periodSeconds":"30","successThreshold":"1","timeoutSeconds":"5"} Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. More info: container-probes
worker.readinessProbe.enabled bool true Turn on and off readiness probe
worker.readinessProbe.failureThreshold string "3" Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
worker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds string "30" Delay before readiness probe is initiated
worker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds string "30" How often to perform the probe
worker.readinessProbe.successThreshold string "1" Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
worker.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds string "5" When the probe times out
worker.replicas string "3" Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template.
worker.resources object {} Compute Resources required by this container. More info: manage-resources-containers
worker.service.annotations object {} annotations may need to be set when want to scrapy metrics by prometheus but not install prometheus operator
worker.service.serviceMonitor object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"15s","labels":{},"path":"/actuator/prometheus"} serviceMonitor for prometheus operator
worker.service.serviceMonitor.annotations object {} serviceMonitor.annotations ServiceMonitor annotations
worker.service.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable or disable worker serviceMonitor
worker.service.serviceMonitor.interval string "15s" serviceMonitor.interval interval at which metrics should be scraped
worker.service.serviceMonitor.labels object {} serviceMonitor.labels ServiceMonitor extra labels
worker.service.serviceMonitor.path string "/actuator/prometheus" serviceMonitor.path path of the metrics endpoint
worker.tolerations list [] Tolerations are appended (excluding duplicates) to pods running with this RuntimeClass during admission, effectively unioning the set of nodes tolerated by the pod and the RuntimeClass.
zookeeper.enabled bool true If not exists external registry, the zookeeper registry will be used by default.
zookeeper.fourlwCommandsWhitelist string "srvr,ruok,wchs,cons" A list of comma separated Four Letter Words commands to use
zookeeper.persistence.enabled bool false Set zookeeper.persistence.enabled to true to mount a new volume for internal ZooKeeper
zookeeper.persistence.size string "20Gi" PersistentVolumeClaim size
zookeeper.persistence.storageClass string "-" ZooKeeper data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
zookeeper.service.port int 2181 The port of zookeeper