You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

695 lines
29 KiB

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
'User Name': '用户名',
'Please enter user name': '请输入用户名',
Password: '密码',
'Please enter your password': '请输入密码',
'Password consists of at least two combinations of numbers, letters, and characters, and the length is between 6-22': '密码至少包含数字字母和字符的两种组合长度在6-22之间',
Login: '登录',
Home: '首页',
'Failed to create node to save': '未创建节点保存失败',
'Global parameters': '全局参数',
'Local parameters': '局部参数',
'Copy success': '复制成功',
'The browser does not support automatic copying': '该浏览器不支持自动复制',
'Whether to save the DAG graph': '是否保存DAG图',
'Current node settings': '当前节点设置',
'View history': '查看历史',
'View log': '查看日志',
'Force success': '强制成功',
'Enter this child node': '进入该子节点',
'Node name': '节点名称',
'Please enter name (required)': '请输入名称(必填)',
'Run flag': '运行标志',
Normal: '正常',
'Prohibition execution': '禁止执行',
'Please enter description': '请输入描述',
'Number of failed retries': '失败重试次数',
Times: '次',
'Failed retry interval': '失败重试间隔',
Minute: '分',
'Delay execution time': '延时执行时间',
'Delay execution': '延时执行',
'Forced success': '强制成功',
Cancel: '取消',
'Confirm add': '确认添加',
'The newly created sub-Process has not yet been executed and cannot enter the sub-Process': '新创建子工作流还未执行不能进入子工作流',
'The task has not been executed and cannot enter the sub-Process': '该任务还未执行不能进入子工作流',
'Name already exists': '名称已存在请重新输入',
'Download Log': '下载日志',
'Refresh Log': '刷新日志',
'Enter full screen': '进入全屏',
'Cancel full screen': '取消全屏',
Close: '关闭',
'Update log success': '更新日志成功',
'No more logs': '暂无更多日志',
'No log': '暂无日志',
'Loading Log...': '正在努力请求日志中...',
'Set the DAG diagram name': '设置DAG图名称',
'Please enter description(optional)': '请输入描述(选填)',
'Set global': '设置全局',
'Whether to go online the process definition': '是否上线流程定义',
'Whether to update the process definition': '是否更新流程定义',
Add: '添加',
'DAG graph name cannot be empty': 'DAG图名称不能为空',
'Create Datasource': '创建数据源',
'Project Home': '工作流监控',
'Project Manage': '项目管理',
'Create Project': '创建项目',
'Cron Manage': '定时管理',
'Copy Workflow': '复制工作流',
'Tenant Manage': '租户管理',
'Create Tenant': '创建租户',
'User Manage': '用户管理',
'Create User': '创建用户',
'User Information': '用户信息',
'Edit Password': '密码修改',
Success: '成功',
Failed: '失败',
Delete: '删除',
'Please choose': '请选择',
'Please enter a positive integer': '请输入正整数',
'Program Type': '程序类型',
'Main Class': '主函数的Class',
'Main Jar Package': '主Jar包',
'Please enter main jar package': '请选择主Jar包',
'Please enter main class': '请填写主函数的Class',
'Main Arguments': '主程序参数',
'Please enter main arguments': '请输入主程序参数',
'Option Parameters': '选项参数',
'Please enter option parameters': '请输入选项参数',
Resources: '资源',
'Custom Parameters': '自定义参数',
'Custom template': '自定义模版',
Datasource: '数据源',
methods: '方法',
'Please enter the procedure method': '请输入存储脚本 \n\n调用存储过程{call <procedure-name>[(<arg1>,<arg2>, ...)]}\n\n调用存储函数{?= call <procedure-name>[(<arg1>,<arg2>, ...)]} ',
'The procedure method script example': '示例{call <procedure-name>[(?,?, ...)]} {?= call <procedure-name>[(?,?, ...)]}',
Script: '脚本',
'Please enter script(required)': '请输入脚本(必填)',
'Deploy Mode': '部署方式',
'Driver Cores': 'Driver核心数',
'Please enter Driver cores': '请输入Driver核心数',
'Driver Memory': 'Driver内存数',
'Please enter Driver memory': '请输入Driver内存数',
'Executor Number': 'Executor数量',
'Please enter Executor number': '请输入Executor数量',
'The Executor number should be a positive integer': 'Executor数量为正整数',
'Executor Memory': 'Executor内存数',
'Please enter Executor memory': '请输入Executor内存数',
'Executor Cores': 'Executor核心数',
'Please enter Executor cores': '请输入Executor核心数',
'Memory should be a positive integer': '内存数为数字',
'Core number should be positive integer': '核心数为正整数',
'Flink Version': 'Flink版本',
'JobManager Memory': 'JobManager内存数',
'Please enter JobManager memory': '请输入JobManager内存数',
'TaskManager Memory': 'TaskManager内存数',
'Please enter TaskManager memory': '请输入TaskManager内存数',
'Slot Number': 'Slot数量',
'Please enter Slot number': '请输入Slot数量',
Parallelism: '并行度',
'Custom Parallelism': '自定义并行度',
'Please enter Parallelism': '请输入并行度',
'Parallelism number should be positive integer': '并行度必须为正整数',
'Parallelism tip': '如果存在大量任务需要补数时,可以利用自定义并行度将补数的任务线程设置成合理的数值,避免对服务器造成过大的影响',
'TaskManager Number': 'TaskManager数量',
'Please enter TaskManager number': '请输入TaskManager数量',
'App Name': '任务名称',
'Please enter app name(optional)': '请输入任务名称(选填)',
'SQL Type': 'sql类型',
'Send Email': '发送邮件',
'Log display': '日志显示',
'rows of result': '行查询结果',
Title: '主题',
'Please enter the title of email': '请输入邮件主题',
Table: '表名',
TableMode: '表格',
Attachment: '附件',
'SQL Parameter': 'sql参数',
'SQL Statement': 'sql语句',
'UDF Function': 'UDF函数',
'Please enter a SQL Statement(required)': '请输入sql语句(必填)',
'Please enter a JSON Statement(required)': '请输入json语句(必填)',
'One form or attachment must be selected': '表格附件必须勾选一个',
'Mail subject required': '邮件主题必填',
'Child Node': '子节点',
'Please select a sub-Process': '请选择子工作流',
Edit: '编辑',
'Switch To This Version': '切换到该版本',
'Datasource Name': '数据源名称',
'Please enter datasource name': '请输入数据源名称',
IP: 'IP主机名',
'Please enter IP': '请输入IP主机名',
Port: '端口',
'Please enter port': '请输入端口',
'Database Name': '数据库名',
'Please enter database name': '请输入数据库名',
'Oracle Connect Type': '服务名或SID',
'Oracle Service Name': '服务名',
'Oracle SID': 'SID',
'jdbc connect parameters': 'jdbc连接参数',
'Test Connect': '测试连接',
'Please enter resource name': '请输入数据源名称',
'Please enter resource folder name': '请输入资源文件夹名称',
'Please enter a non-query SQL statement': '请输入非查询sql语句',
'Please enter IP/hostname': '请输入IP/主机名',
'jdbc connection parameters is not a correct JSON format': 'jdbc连接参数不是一个正确的JSON格式',
'#': '编号',
'Datasource Type': '数据源类型',
'Datasource Parameter': '数据源参数',
'Create Time': '创建时间',
'Update Time': '更新时间',
Operation: '操作',
'Current Version': '当前版本',
'Click to view': '点击查看',
'Delete?': '确定删除吗?',
'Switch Version Successfully': '切换版本成功',
'Confirm Switch To This Version?': '确定切换到该版本吗?',
Confirm: '确定',
'Task status statistics': '任务状态统计',
Number: '数量',
State: '状态',
'Process Status Statistics': '流程状态统计',
'Process Definition Statistics': '流程定义统计',
'Project Name': '项目名称',
'Please enter name': '请输入名称',
'Owned Users': '所属用户',
'Process Pid': '进程Pid',
'Zk registration directory': 'zk注册目录',
cpuUsage: 'cpuUsage',
memoryUsage: 'memoryUsage',
'Last heartbeat time': '最后心跳时间',
'Edit Tenant': '编辑租户',
'OS Tenant Code': '操作系统租户',
'Tenant Name': '租户名称',
Queue: '队列',
'Please select a queue': '默认为租户关联队列',
'Please enter the os tenant code in English': '请输入操作系统租户只允许英文',
'Please enter os tenant code in English': '请输入英文操作系统租户',
'Please enter os tenant code': '请输入操作系统租户',
'Please enter tenant Name': '请输入租户名称',
'The os tenant code. Only letters or a combination of letters and numbers are allowed': '操作系统租户只允许字母或字母与数字组合',
'Edit User': '编辑用户',
Tenant: '租户',
Email: '邮件',
Phone: '手机',
'User Type': '用户类型',
'Please enter phone number': '请输入手机',
'Please enter email': '请输入邮箱',
'Please enter the correct email format': '请输入正确的邮箱格式',
'Please enter the correct mobile phone format': '请输入正确的手机格式',
Project: '项目',
Authorize: '授权',
'File resources': '文件资源',
'UDF resources': 'UDF资源',
'UDF resources directory': 'UDF资源目录',
'Please select UDF resources directory': '请选择UDF资源目录',
'Alarm group': '告警组',
'Alarm group required': '告警组必填',
'Edit alarm group': '编辑告警组',
'Create alarm group': '创建告警组',
'Create Alarm Instance': '创建告警实例',
'Edit Alarm Instance': '编辑告警实例',
'Group Name': '组名称',
'Alarm instance name': '告警实例名称',
'Alarm plugin name': '告警插件名称',
'Select plugin': '选择插件',
'Select Alarm plugin': '请选择告警插件',
'Please enter group name': '请输入组名称',
'Instance parameter exception': '实例参数异常',
'Group Type': '组类型',
'Alarm plugin instance': '告警插件实例',
'Select Alarm plugin instance': '请选择告警插件实例',
Remarks: '备注',
SMS: '短信',
'Managing Users': '管理用户',
Permission: '权限',
Administrator: '管理员',
'Confirm Password': '确认密码',
'Please enter confirm password': '请输入确认密码',
'Password cannot be in Chinese': '密码不能为中文',
'Please enter a password (6-22) character password': '请输入密码(6-22)字符密码',
'Confirmation password cannot be in Chinese': '确认密码不能为中文',
'Please enter a confirmation password (6-22) character password': '请输入确认密码(6-22)字符密码',
'The password is inconsistent with the confirmation password': '密码与确认密码不一致,请重新确认',
'Please select the datasource': '请选择数据源',
'Please select resources': '请选择资源',
Query: '查询',
'Non Query': '非查询',
'prop(required)': 'prop(必填)',
'value(optional)': 'value(选填)',
'value(required)': 'value(必填)',
'prop is empty': 'prop不能为空',
'value is empty': 'value不能为空',
'prop is repeat': 'prop中有重复',
'Start Time': '开始时间',
'End Time': '结束时间',
crontab: 'crontab',
'Failure Strategy': '失败策略',
online: '上线',
offline: '下线',
'Task Status': '任务状态',
'Process Instance': '工作流实例',
'Task Instance': '任务实例',
'Select date range': '选择日期区间',
startDate: '开始日期',
endDate: '结束日期',
Date: '日期',
Waiting: '等待',
Execution: '执行中',
Finish: '完成',
'Create File': '创建文件',
'Create folder': '创建文件夹',
'File Name': '文件名称',
'Folder Name': '文件夹名称',
'File Format': '文件格式',
'Folder Format': '文件夹格式',
'File Content': '文件内容',
'Upload File Size': '文件大小不能超过1G',
Create: '创建',
'Please enter the resource content': '请输入资源内容',
'Resource content cannot exceed 3000 lines': '资源内容不能超过3000行',
'File Details': '文件详情',
'Download Details': '下载详情',
Return: '返回',
Save: '保存',
'File Manage': '文件管理',
'Upload Files': '上传文件',
'Create UDF Function': '创建UDF函数',
'Upload UDF Resources': '上传UDF资源',
'Service-Master': '服务管理-Master',
'Service-Worker': '服务管理-Worker',
'Process Name': '工作流名称',
Executor: '执行用户',
'Run Type': '运行类型',
'Scheduling Time': '调度时间',
'Run Times': '运行次数',
host: 'host',
'fault-tolerant sign': '容错标识',
Rerun: '重跑',
'Recovery Failed': '恢复失败',
Stop: '停止',
Pause: '暂停',
'Recovery Suspend': '恢复运行',
Gantt: '甘特图',
'Node Type': '节点类型',
'Submit Time': '提交时间',
Duration: '运行时长',
'Retry Count': '重试次数',
'Task Name': '任务名称',
'Task Date': '任务日期',
'Source Table': '源表',
'Record Number': '记录数',
'Target Table': '目标表',
'Online viewing type is not supported': '不支持在线查看类型',
Size: '大小',
Rename: '重命名',
Download: '下载',
Export: '导出',
'Version Info': '版本信息',
Submit: '提交',
'Edit UDF Function': '编辑UDF函数',
type: '类型',
'UDF Function Name': 'UDF函数名称',
FILE: '文件',
'File Subdirectory': '文件子目录',
'Please enter a function name': '请输入函数名',
'Package Name': '包名类名',
'Please enter a Package name': '请输入包名类名',
Parameter: '参数',
'Please enter a parameter': '请输入参数',
'UDF Resources': 'UDF资源',
'Upload Resources': '上传资源',
Instructions: '使用说明',
'Please enter a instructions': '请输入使用说明',
'Please enter a UDF function name': '请输入UDF函数名称',
'Select UDF Resources': '请选择UDF资源',
'Class Name': '类名',
'Jar Package': 'jar包',
'Library Name': '库名',
'UDF Resource Name': 'UDF资源名称',
'File Size': '文件大小',
Description: '描述',
'Drag Nodes and Selected Items': '拖动节点和选中项',
'Select Line Connection': '选择线条连接',
'Delete selected lines or nodes': '删除选中的线或节点',
'Full Screen': '全屏',
Unpublished: '未发布',
'Start Process': '启动工作流',
'Execute from the current node': '从当前节点开始执行',
'Recover tolerance fault process': '恢复被容错的工作流',
'Resume the suspension process': '恢复运行流程',
'Execute from the failed nodes': '从失败节点开始执行',
'Complement Data': '补数',
'Scheduling execution': '调度执行',
'Recovery waiting thread': '恢复等待线程',
'Submitted successfully': '提交成功',
Executing: '正在执行',
'Ready to pause': '准备暂停',
'Ready to stop': '准备停止',
'Need fault tolerance': '需要容错',
Kill: 'Kill',
'Waiting for thread': '等待线程',
'Waiting for dependence': '等待依赖',
Start: '运行',
Copy: '复制节点',
'Copy name': '复制名称',
'Copy path': '复制路径',
'Please enter keyword': '请输入关键词',
'File Upload': '文件上传',
'Drag the file into the current upload window': '请将文件拖拽到当前上传窗口内',
'Drag area upload': '拖动区域上传',
Upload: '上传',
'ReUpload File': '重新上传文件',
'Please enter file name': '请输入文件名',
'Please select the file to upload': '请选择要上传的文件',
'Resources manage': '资源中心',
Security: '安全中心',
Logout: '退出',
'No data': '查询无数据',
'Uploading...': '文件上传中',
'Loading...': '正在努力加载中...',
List: '列表',
'Unable to download without proper url': '无下载url无法下载',
Process: '工作流',
'Process definition': '工作流定义',
'Task record': '任务记录',
'Warning group manage': '告警组管理',
'Warning instance manage': '告警实例管理',
'Servers manage': '服务管理',
'UDF manage': 'UDF管理',
'Resource manage': '资源管理',
'Function manage': '函数管理',
'Edit password': '修改密码',
'Ordinary users': '普通用户',
'Create process': '创建工作流',
'Import process': '导入工作流',
'Timing state': '定时状态',
Timing: '定时',
Timezone: '时区',
TreeView: '树形图',
'Mailbox already exists! Recipients and copyers cannot repeat': '邮箱已存在收件人和抄送人不能重复',
'Mailbox input is illegal': '邮箱输入不合法',
'Please set the parameters before starting': '启动前请先设置参数',
Continue: '继续',
End: '结束',
'Node execution': '节点执行',
'Backward execution': '向后执行',
'Forward execution': '向前执行',
'Execute only the current node': '仅执行当前节点',
'Notification strategy': '通知策略',
'Notification group': '通知组',
'Please select a notification group': '请选择通知组',
receivers: '收件人',
receiverCcs: '抄送人',
'Whether it is a complement process?': '是否补数',
'Schedule date': '调度日期',
'Mode of execution': '执行方式',
'Serial execution': '串行执行',
'Parallel execution': '并行执行',
'Set parameters before timing': '定时前请先设置参数',
'Start and stop time': '起止时间',
'Please select time': '请选择时间',
'Please enter crontab': '请输入crontab',
none_1: '都不发',
success_1: '成功发',
failure_1: '失败发',
All_1: '成功或失败都发',
Toolbar: '工具栏',
'View variables': '查看变量',
'Format DAG': '格式化DAG',
'Refresh DAG status': '刷新DAG状态',
Return_1: '返回上一节点',
'Please enter format': '请输入格式为',
'connection parameter': '连接参数',
'Process definition details': '流程定义详情',
'Create process definition': '创建流程定义',
'Scheduled task list': '定时任务列表',
'Process instance details': '流程实例详情',
'Create Resource': '创建资源',
'User Center': '用户中心',
AllStatus: '全部状态',
None: '无',
Name: '名称',
'Process priority': '流程优先级',
'Task priority': '任务优先级',
'Task timeout alarm': '任务超时告警',
'Timeout strategy': '超时策略',
'Timeout alarm': '超时告警',
'Timeout failure': '超时失败',
'Timeout period': '超时时长',
'Waiting Dependent complete': '等待依赖完成',
'Waiting Dependent start': '等待依赖启动',
'Check interval': '检查间隔',
'Timeout must be longer than check interval': '超时时间必须比检查间隔长',
'Timeout strategy must be selected': '超时策略必须选一个',
'Timeout must be a positive integer': '超时时长必须为正整数',
'Add dependency': '添加依赖',
and: '且',
or: '或',
month: '月',
week: '周',
day: '日',
hour: '时',
Running: '正在运行',
'Waiting for dependency to complete': '等待依赖完成',
Selected: '已选',
CurrentHour: '当前小时',
Last1Hour: '前1小时',
Last2Hours: '前2小时',
Last3Hours: '前3小时',
Last24Hours: '前24小时',
today: '今天',
Last1Days: '昨天',
Last2Days: '前两天',
Last3Days: '前三天',
Last7Days: '前七天',
ThisWeek: '本周',
LastWeek: '上周',
LastMonday: '上周一',
LastTuesday: '上周二',
LastWednesday: '上周三',
LastThursday: '上周四',
LastFriday: '上周五',
LastSaturday: '上周六',
LastSunday: '上周日',
ThisMonth: '本月',
LastMonth: '上月',
LastMonthBegin: '上月初',
LastMonthEnd: '上月末',
'Refresh status succeeded': '刷新状态成功',
'Queue manage': 'Yarn 队列管理',
'Create queue': '创建队列',
'Edit queue': '编辑队列',
'Datasource manage': '数据源中心',
'History task record': '历史任务记录',
'Please go online': '不要忘记上线',
'Queue value': '队列值',
'Please enter queue value': '请输入队列值',
'Worker group manage': 'Worker分组管理',
'Create worker group': '创建Worker分组',
'Edit worker group': '编辑Worker分组',
'Token manage': '令牌管理',
'Create token': '创建令牌',
'Edit token': '编辑令牌',
Addresses: '地址',
'Worker Addresses': 'Worker地址',
'Please select the worker addresses': '请选择Worker地址',
'Failure time': '失效时间',
'Expiration time': '失效时间',
User: '用户',
'Please enter token': '请输入令牌',
'Generate token': '生成令牌',
Monitor: '监控中心',
Group: '分组',
'Queue statistics': '队列统计',
'Command status statistics': '命令状态统计',
'Task kill': '等待kill任务',
'Task queue': '等待执行任务',
'Error command count': '错误指令数',
'Normal command count': '正确指令数',
Manage: '管理',
'Number of connections': '连接数',
Sent: '发送量',
Received: '接收量',
'Min latency': '最低延时',
'Avg latency': '平均延时',
'Max latency': '最大延时',
'Node count': '节点数',
'Query time': '当前查询时间',
'Node self-test status': '节点自检状态',
'Health status': '健康状态',
'Max connections': '最大连接数',
'Threads connections': '当前连接数',
'Max used connections': '同时使用连接最大数',
'Threads running connections': '数据库当前活跃连接数',
'Worker group': 'Worker分组',
'Please enter a positive integer greater than 0': '请输入大于 0 的正整数',
'Pre Statement': '前置sql',
'Post Statement': '后置sql',
'Statement cannot be empty': '语句不能为空',
'Process Define Count': '工作流定义数',
'Process Instance Running Count': '正在运行的流程数',
'command number of waiting for running': '待执行的命令数',
'failure command number': '执行失败的命令数',
'tasks number of waiting running': '待运行任务数',
'task number of ready to kill': '待杀死任务数',
'Statistics manage': '统计管理',
statistics: '统计',
'select tenant': '选择租户',
'Please enter Principal': '请输入Principal',
'Please enter the kerberos authentication parameter java.security.krb5.conf': '请输入kerberos认证参数 java.security.krb5.conf',
'Please enter the kerberos authentication parameter login.user.keytab.username': '请输入kerberos认证参数 login.user.keytab.username',
'Please enter the kerberos authentication parameter login.user.keytab.path': '请输入kerberos认证参数 login.user.keytab.path',
'The start time must not be the same as the end': '开始时间和结束时间不能相同',
'Startup parameter': '启动参数',
'Startup type': '启动类型',
'warning of timeout': '超时告警',
'Next five execution times': '接下来五次执行时间',
'Execute time': '执行时间',
'Complement range': '补数范围',
'Http Url': '请求地址',
'Http Method': '请求类型',
'Http Parameters': '请求参数',
'Http Parameters Key': '参数名',
'Http Parameters Position': '参数位置',
'Http Parameters Value': '参数值',
'Http Check Condition': '校验条件',
'Http Condition': '校验内容',
'Please Enter Http Url': '请填写请求地址(必填)',
'Please Enter Http Condition': '请填写校验内容',
'There is no data for this period of time': '该时间段无数据',
'Worker addresses cannot be empty': 'Worker地址不能为空',
'Please generate token': '请生成Token',
'Please Select token': '请选择Token失效时间',
'Spark Version': 'Spark版本',
TargetDataBase: '目标库',
TargetTable: '目标表',
'Please enter the table of target': '请输入目标表名',
'Please enter a Target Table(required)': '请输入目标表(必填)',
SpeedByte: '限流(字节数)',
SpeedRecord: '限流(记录数)',
'0 means unlimited by byte': 'KB0代表不限制',
'0 means unlimited by count': '0代表不限制',
'Modify User': '修改用户',
'Whether directory': '是否文件夹',
Yes: '是',
No: '否',
'Hadoop Custom Params': 'Hadoop参数',
'Sqoop Advanced Parameters': 'Sqoop参数',
'Sqoop Job Name': '任务名称',
'Please enter Mysql Database(required)': '请输入Mysql数据库(必填)',
'Please enter Mysql Table(required)': '请输入Mysql表名(必填)',
'Please enter Columns (Comma separated)': '请输入列名 , 隔开',
'Please enter Target Dir(required)': '请输入目标路径(必填)',
'Please enter Export Dir(required)': '请输入数据源路径(必填)',
'Please enter Hive Database(required)': '请输入Hive数据库(必填)',
'Please enter Hive Table(required)': '请输入Hive表名(必填)',
'Please enter Hive Partition Keys': '请输入分区键',
'Please enter Hive Partition Values': '请输入分区值',
'Please enter Replace Delimiter': '请输入替换分隔符',
'Please enter Fields Terminated': '请输入列分隔符',
'Please enter Lines Terminated': '请输入行分隔符',
'Please enter Concurrency': '请输入并发度',
'Please enter Update Key': '请输入更新列',
'Please enter Job Name(required)': '请输入任务名称(必填)',
'Please enter Custom Shell(required)': '请输入自定义脚本',
Direct: '流向',
Type: '类型',
ModelType: '模式',
ColumnType: '列类型',
Database: '数据库',
Column: '列',
'Map Column Hive': 'Hive类型映射',
'Map Column Java': 'Java类型映射',
'Export Dir': '数据源路径',
'Hive partition Keys': 'Hive 分区键',
'Hive partition Values': 'Hive 分区值',
FieldsTerminated: '列分隔符',
LinesTerminated: '行分隔符',
IsUpdate: '是否更新',
UpdateKey: '更新列',
UpdateMode: '更新类型',
'Target Dir': '目标路径',
DeleteTargetDir: '是否删除目录',
FileType: '保存格式',
CompressionCodec: '压缩类型',
CreateHiveTable: '是否创建新表',
DropDelimiter: '是否删除分隔符',
OverWriteSrc: '是否覆盖数据源',
ReplaceDelimiter: '替换分隔符',
Concurrency: '并发度',
Form: '表单',
OnlyUpdate: '只更新',
AllowInsert: '无更新便插入',
'Data Source': '数据来源',
'Data Target': '数据目的',
'All Columns': '全表导入',
'Some Columns': '选择列',
'Branch flow': '分支流转',
'Custom Job': '自定义任务',
'Custom Script': '自定义脚本',
'Cannot select the same node for successful branch flow and failed branch flow': '成功分支流转和失败分支流转不能选择同一个节点',
'Successful branch flow and failed branch flow are required': 'conditions节点成功和失败分支流转必填',
'No resources exist': '不存在资源',
'Please delete all non-existing resources': '请删除所有不存在资源',
'Unauthorized or deleted resources': '未授权或已删除资源',
'Please delete all non-existent resources': '请删除所有未授权或已删除资源',
Kinship: '工作流关系',
Reset: '重置',
KinshipStateActive: '当前选择',
KinshipState1: '已上线',
KinshipState0: '工作流未上线',
KinshipState10: '调度未上线',
'Dag label display control': 'Dag节点名称显隐',
Enable: '启用',
Disable: '停用',
'The Worker group no longer exists, please select the correct Worker group!': '该Worker分组已经不存在请选择正确的Worker分组',
'Please confirm whether the workflow has been saved before downloading': '下载前请确定工作流是否已保存',
'User name length is between 3 and 39': '用户名长度在339之间',
'Timeout Settings': '超时设置',
'Connect Timeout': '连接超时',
'Socket Timeout': 'Socket超时',
'Connect timeout be a positive integer': '连接超时必须为数字',
'Socket Timeout be a positive integer': 'Socket超时必须为数字',
ms: '毫秒',
'Please Enter Url': '请直接填写地址,例如:',
Master: 'Master',
'Please select the waterdrop resources': '请选择waterdrop配置文件',
zkDirectory: 'zk注册目录',
'Directory detail': '查看目录详情',
'Connection name': '连线名',
'Current connection settings': '当前连线设置',
'Please save the DAG before formatting': '格式化前请先保存DAG',
'Batch copy': '批量复制',
'Related items': '关联项目',
'Project name is required': '项目名称必填',
'Batch move': '批量移动',
Version: '版本',
'Pre tasks': '前置任务',
'Running Memory': '运行内存',
'Max Memory': '最大内存',
'Min Memory': '最小内存',
'The workflow canvas is abnormal and cannot be saved, please recreate': '该工作流画布异常无法保存请重新创建',
Info: '提示',
'Datasource userName': '所属用户',
'Resource userName': '所属用户'