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.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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under the License.
`ResourcePlugin` is an abstract class of resource plug-in parameters of task subclass and workflow.
All resource plugins need to inherit and override its abstract methods.
.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/pydolphinscheduler/core/resource_plugin.py
:start-after: [start resource_plugin_definition]
:end-before: [end resource_plugin_definition]
Dive Into
It has the following key functions.
- Method `__init__`: The `__init__` function has STR type parameter `prefix`, which means the prefix of the resource.
You can rewrite this function if necessary.
.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/pydolphinscheduler/core/resource_plugin.py
:start-after: [start init_method]
:end-before: [end init_method]
- Method `read_file`: Get content from the given URI, The function parameter is the suffix of the file path.
The file prefix has been initialized in init of the resource plug-in.
The prefix plus suffix is the absolute path of the file in this resource.
It is an abstract function. You must rewrite it
.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/pydolphinscheduler/core/resource_plugin.py
:start-after: [start abstractmethod read_file]
:end-before: [end abstractmethod read_file]
.. automodule:: pydolphinscheduler.core.resource_plugin
How to use
Resource plugin can be used in task subclasses and workflows. You can use the resource plugin by adding the `resource_plugin` parameter when they are initialized.
For example, local resource plugin, add `resource_plugin = Local("/tmp")`.
The resource plugin we currently support are `local`, `github`, `gitlab`, `OSS`, `S3`.
Here is an example.
.. literalinclude:: ../../../src/pydolphinscheduler/examples/tutorial_resource_plugin.py
:start-after: [start workflow_declare]
:end-before: [end task_declare]
When the resource_plugin parameter is defined in both the task subclass and the workflow, the resource_plugin defined in the task subclass is used first.
If the task subclass does not define resource_plugin, but the resource_plugin is defined in the workflow, the resource_plugin in the workflow is used.
Of course, if neither the task subclass nor the workflow specifies resource_plugin, the command at this time will be executed as a script,
in other words, we are forward compatible.