## Function DS use registry to do the below three things: 1. Store the metadata of master/worker so that it can get notify when nodes up and down. 2. Store the metadata of worker to do load balance. 3. Acquire a global lock when do failover. So for DS, the registry need to notify the server when the server subscribe data have added/deleted/updated, support a way to create/release a global lock, delete the server's metadata when server down. ## How to use At present, we have implements three registry: Zookeeper(Default),Etcd,Mysql. If you want to use them, you should config it at resource/application.yaml. The configuration details can be viewed in the README of plugin under Module dolphinscheduler-registry-plugins ## Module ### dolphinscheduler-registry-all This module is used for exporting the implementation of registry. If you want to add new registry,you should add the dependency in the pom.xml ### dolphinscheduler-registry-api This module contains the relevant interfaces involved in the use of the registry. The following are several important interfaces 1. Registry Interface: If you want to implement your own registry, you just need to implement this interface 2. ConnectionListener Interface: This interface is responsible for the connection status between the client and the registry, The connection state can be viewed in ConnectionState.java 3. SubscribeListener Interface: This interface is responsible for monitoring the state changes of child nodes under the specified prefix. Event content can be viewed in event.java ### dolphinscheduler-registry-plugins This module contains all registry implementations in DS