# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Test command line interface subcommand `config`.""" import os from pathlib import Path import pytest from pydolphinscheduler.cli.commands import cli from pydolphinscheduler.core.configuration import BUILD_IN_CONFIG_PATH, config_path from tests.testing.cli import CliTestWrapper from tests.testing.constants import DEV_MODE, ENV_PYDS_HOME from tests.testing.file import get_file_content config_file = "config.yaml" @pytest.fixture def teardown_file_env(): """Util for deleting temp configuration file and pop env var after test finish.""" yield config_file_path = config_path() if config_file_path.exists(): config_file_path.unlink() # pop environment variable to keep test cases dependent os.environ.pop(ENV_PYDS_HOME, None) assert ENV_PYDS_HOME not in os.environ @pytest.mark.parametrize( "home", [ None, "/tmp/pydolphinscheduler", "/tmp/test_abc", ], ) def test_config_init(teardown_file_env, home): """Test command line interface `config --init`.""" if home: os.environ[ENV_PYDS_HOME] = home elif DEV_MODE: pytest.skip( "Avoid delete ~/pydolphinscheduler/config.yaml by accident when test locally." ) config_file_path = config_path() assert not config_file_path.exists() cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--init"]) cli_test.assert_success() assert config_file_path.exists() assert get_file_content(config_file_path) == get_file_content(BUILD_IN_CONFIG_PATH) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "key, expect", [ # We test each key in one single section ("java_gateway.address", ""), ("default.user.name", "userPythonGateway"), ("default.workflow.project", "project-pydolphin"), ], ) def test_config_get(teardown_file_env, key: str, expect: str): """Test command line interface `config --get XXX`.""" os.environ[ENV_PYDS_HOME] = "/tmp/pydolphinscheduler" cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--init"]) cli_test.assert_success() cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--get", key]) cli_test.assert_success(output=f"{key} = {expect}", fuzzy=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "keys, expects", [ # We test mix section keys (("java_gateway.address", "java_gateway.port"), ("", "25333")), ( ("java_gateway.auto_convert", "default.user.tenant"), ("True", "tenant_pydolphin"), ), ( ( "java_gateway.port", "default.user.state", "default.workflow.worker_group", ), ("25333", "1", "default"), ), ], ) def test_config_get_multiple(teardown_file_env, keys: str, expects: str): """Test command line interface `config --get KEY1 --get KEY2 ...`.""" os.environ[ENV_PYDS_HOME] = "/tmp/pydolphinscheduler" cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--init"]) cli_test.assert_success() get_args = ["config"] for key in keys: get_args.append("--get") get_args.append(key) cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, get_args) for idx, expect in enumerate(expects): cli_test.assert_success(output=f"{keys[idx]} = {expect}", fuzzy=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "key, value", [ # We test each key in one single section ("java_gateway.address", ""), ("default.user.name", "editUserPythonGateway"), ("default.workflow.project", "edit-project-pydolphin"), ], ) def test_config_set(teardown_file_env, key: str, value: str): """Test command line interface `config --set KEY VALUE`.""" path = "/tmp/pydolphinscheduler" assert not Path(path).joinpath(config_file).exists() os.environ[ENV_PYDS_HOME] = path cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--init"]) cli_test.assert_success() # Make sure value do not exists first cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--get", key]) assert f"{key} = {value}" not in cli_test.result.output cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--set", key, value]) cli_test.assert_success() cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--get", key]) assert f"{key} = {value}" in cli_test.result.output @pytest.mark.parametrize( "keys, values", [ # We test each key in mixture section (("java_gateway.address", "java_gateway.port"), ("", "25444")), ( ("java_gateway.auto_convert", "default.user.tenant"), ("False", "edit_tenant_pydolphin"), ), ( ( "java_gateway.port", "default.user.state", "default.workflow.worker_group", ), ("25555", "0", "not-default"), ), ], ) def test_config_set_multiple(teardown_file_env, keys: str, values: str): """Test command line interface `config --set KEY1 VAL1 --set KEY2 VAL2`.""" path = "/tmp/pydolphinscheduler" assert not Path(path).joinpath(config_file).exists() os.environ[ENV_PYDS_HOME] = path cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--init"]) cli_test.assert_success() set_args = ["config"] for idx, key in enumerate(keys): # Make sure values do not exists first cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--get", key]) assert f"{key} = {values[idx]}" not in cli_test.result.output set_args.append("--set") set_args.append(key) set_args.append(values[idx]) cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, set_args) cli_test.assert_success() for idx, key in enumerate(keys): # Make sure values exists after `config --set` run cli_test = CliTestWrapper(cli, ["config", "--get", key]) assert f"{key} = {values[idx]}" in cli_test.result.output