/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.service; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.enums.Status; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.utils.PageInfo; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.utils.Result; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.Constants; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.enums.DbConnectType; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.enums.DbType; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.utils.CommonUtils; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.utils.*; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.datasource.*; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.entity.DataSource; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.entity.Resource; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.entity.User; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.mapper.DataSourceMapper; import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.dao.mapper.DataSourceUserMapper; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import static org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.utils.PropertyUtils.getString; /** * datasource service */ @Service public class DataSourceService extends BaseService{ private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataSourceService.class); public static final String NAME = "name"; public static final String NOTE = "note"; public static final String TYPE = "type"; public static final String HOST = "host"; public static final String PORT = "port"; public static final String PRINCIPAL = "principal"; public static final String DATABASE = "database"; public static final String USER_NAME = "userName"; public static final String PASSWORD = Constants.PASSWORD; public static final String OTHER = "other"; @Autowired private DataSourceMapper dataSourceMapper; @Autowired private DataSourceUserMapper datasourceUserMapper; /** * create data source * * @param loginUser login user * @param name data source name * @param desc data source description * @param type data source type * @param parameter datasource parameters * @return create result code */ public Map createDataSource(User loginUser, String name, String desc, DbType type, String parameter) { Map result = new HashMap<>(); // check name can use or not if (checkName(name)) { putMsg(result, Status.DATASOURCE_EXIST); return result; } Boolean isConnection = checkConnection(type, parameter); if (!isConnection) { logger.info("connect failed, type:{}, parameter:{}", type, parameter); putMsg(result, Status.DATASOURCE_CONNECT_FAILED); return result; } BaseDataSource datasource = DataSourceFactory.getDatasource(type, parameter); if (datasource == null) { putMsg(result, Status.REQUEST_PARAMS_NOT_VALID_ERROR, parameter); return result; } // build datasource DataSource dataSource = new DataSource(); Date now = new Date(); dataSource.setName(name.trim()); dataSource.setNote(desc); dataSource.setUserId(loginUser.getId()); dataSource.setUserName(loginUser.getUserName()); dataSource.setType(type); dataSource.setConnectionParams(parameter); dataSource.setCreateTime(now); dataSource.setUpdateTime(now); dataSourceMapper.insert(dataSource); putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS); return result; } /** * updateProcessInstance datasource * * @param loginUser login user * @param name data source name * @param desc data source description * @param type data source type * @param parameter datasource parameters * @param id data source id * @return update result code */ public Map updateDataSource(int id, User loginUser, String name, String desc, DbType type, String parameter) { Map result = new HashMap<>(); // determine whether the data source exists DataSource dataSource = dataSourceMapper.selectById(id); if (dataSource == null) { putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST); return result; } if(!hasPerm(loginUser, dataSource.getUserId())){ putMsg(result, Status.USER_NO_OPERATION_PERM); return result; } //check name can use or not if(!name.trim().equals(dataSource.getName()) && checkName(name)){ putMsg(result, Status.DATASOURCE_EXIST); return result; } //check password,if the password is not updated, set to the old password. ObjectNode paramObject = JSONUtils.parseObject(parameter); String password = paramObject.path(Constants.PASSWORD).asText(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(password)) { String oldConnectionParams = dataSource.getConnectionParams(); ObjectNode oldParams = JSONUtils.parseObject(oldConnectionParams); paramObject.put(Constants.PASSWORD, oldParams.path(Constants.PASSWORD).asText()); } // connectionParams json String connectionParams = paramObject.toString(); Boolean isConnection = checkConnection(type, connectionParams); if (!isConnection) { logger.info("connect failed, type:{}, parameter:{}", type, parameter); putMsg(result, Status.DATASOURCE_CONNECT_FAILED); return result; } Date now = new Date(); dataSource.setName(name.trim()); dataSource.setNote(desc); dataSource.setUserName(loginUser.getUserName()); dataSource.setType(type); dataSource.setConnectionParams(connectionParams); dataSource.setUpdateTime(now); dataSourceMapper.updateById(dataSource); putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS); return result; } private boolean checkName(String name) { List queryDataSource = dataSourceMapper.queryDataSourceByName(name.trim()); if (queryDataSource != null && queryDataSource.size() > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * updateProcessInstance datasource * @param id datasource id * @return data source detail */ public Map queryDataSource(int id) { Map result = new HashMap(5); DataSource dataSource = dataSourceMapper.selectById(id); if (dataSource == null) { putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST); return result; } // type String dataSourceType = dataSource.getType().toString(); // name String dataSourceName = dataSource.getName(); // desc String desc = dataSource.getNote(); // parameter String parameter = dataSource.getConnectionParams(); BaseDataSource datasourceForm = DataSourceFactory.getDatasource(dataSource.getType(), parameter); DbConnectType connectType = null; String hostSeperator = Constants.DOUBLE_SLASH; if(DbType.ORACLE.equals(dataSource.getType())){ connectType = ((OracleDataSource) datasourceForm).getConnectType(); if(DbConnectType.ORACLE_SID.equals(connectType)){ hostSeperator = Constants.AT_SIGN; } } String database = datasourceForm.getDatabase(); // jdbc connection params String other = datasourceForm.getOther(); String address = datasourceForm.getAddress(); String[] hostsPorts = getHostsAndPort(address,hostSeperator); // ip host String host = hostsPorts[0]; // prot String port = hostsPorts[1]; String separator = ""; switch (dataSource.getType()) { case HIVE: case SQLSERVER: separator = ";"; break; case MYSQL: case POSTGRESQL: case CLICKHOUSE: case ORACLE: separator = "&"; break; default: separator = "&"; break; } Map otherMap = new LinkedHashMap(); if (other != null) { String[] configs = other.split(separator); for (String config : configs) { otherMap.put(config.split("=")[0], config.split("=")[1]); } } Map map = new HashMap<>(10); map.put(NAME, dataSourceName); map.put(NOTE, desc); map.put(TYPE, dataSourceType); if (connectType != null) { map.put(Constants.ORACLE_DB_CONNECT_TYPE, connectType); } map.put(HOST, host); map.put(PORT, port); map.put(PRINCIPAL, datasourceForm.getPrincipal()); map.put(DATABASE, database); map.put(USER_NAME, datasourceForm.getUser()); map.put(OTHER, otherMap); result.put(Constants.DATA_LIST, map); putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS); return result; } /** * query datasource list by keyword * * @param loginUser login user * @param searchVal search value * @param pageNo page number * @param pageSize page size * @return data source list page */ public Map queryDataSourceListPaging(User loginUser, String searchVal, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize) { Map result = new HashMap<>(); IPage dataSourceList = null; Page dataSourcePage = new Page(pageNo, pageSize); if (isAdmin(loginUser)) { dataSourceList = dataSourceMapper.selectPaging(dataSourcePage, 0, searchVal); }else{ dataSourceList = dataSourceMapper.selectPaging(dataSourcePage, loginUser.getId(), searchVal); } List dataSources = dataSourceList.getRecords(); handlePasswd(dataSources); PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo(pageNo, pageSize); pageInfo.setTotalCount((int)(dataSourceList.getTotal())); pageInfo.setLists(dataSources); result.put(Constants.DATA_LIST, pageInfo); putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS); return result; } /** * handle datasource connection password for safety * @param dataSourceList */ private void handlePasswd(List dataSourceList) { for (DataSource dataSource : dataSourceList) { String connectionParams = dataSource.getConnectionParams(); ObjectNode object = JSONUtils.parseObject(connectionParams); object.put(Constants.PASSWORD, Constants.XXXXXX); dataSource.setConnectionParams(object.toString()); } } /** * query data resource list * * @param loginUser login user * @param type data source type * @return data source list page */ public Map queryDataSourceList(User loginUser, Integer type) { Map result = new HashMap<>(); List datasourceList; if (isAdmin(loginUser)) { datasourceList = dataSourceMapper.listAllDataSourceByType(type); }else{ datasourceList = dataSourceMapper.queryDataSourceByType(loginUser.getId(), type); } result.put(Constants.DATA_LIST, datasourceList); putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS); return result; } /** * verify datasource exists * * @param loginUser login user * @param name datasource name * @return true if data datasource not exists, otherwise return false */ public Result verifyDataSourceName(User loginUser, String name) { Result result = new Result(); List dataSourceList = dataSourceMapper.queryDataSourceByName(name); if (dataSourceList != null && dataSourceList.size() > 0) { logger.error("datasource name:{} has exist, can't create again.", name); putMsg(result, Status.DATASOURCE_EXIST); } else { putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS); } return result; } /** * get connection * * @param dbType datasource type * @param parameter parameter * @return connection for datasource */ private Connection getConnection(DbType dbType, String parameter) { Connection connection = null; BaseDataSource datasource = null; try { switch (dbType) { case POSTGRESQL: datasource = JSONUtils.parseObject(parameter, PostgreDataSource.class); Class.forName(Constants.ORG_POSTGRESQL_DRIVER); break; case MYSQL: datasource = JSONUtils.parseObject(parameter, MySQLDataSource.class); Class.forName(Constants.COM_MYSQL_JDBC_DRIVER); break; case HIVE: case SPARK: if (CommonUtils.getKerberosStartupState()) { System.setProperty(org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.Constants.JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF, getString(org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.Constants.JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_PATH)); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.set(org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.Constants.HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "kerberos"); UserGroupInformation.setConfiguration(configuration); UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab(getString(org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.Constants.LOGIN_USER_KEY_TAB_USERNAME), getString(org.apache.dolphinscheduler.common.Constants.LOGIN_USER_KEY_TAB_PATH)); } if (dbType == DbType.HIVE){ datasource = JSONUtils.parseObject(parameter, HiveDataSource.class); }else if (dbType == DbType.SPARK){ datasource = JSONUtils.parseObject(parameter, SparkDataSource.class); } Class.forName(Constants.ORG_APACHE_HIVE_JDBC_HIVE_DRIVER); break; case CLICKHOUSE: datasource = JSONUtils.parseObject(parameter, ClickHouseDataSource.class); Class.forName(Constants.COM_CLICKHOUSE_JDBC_DRIVER); break; case ORACLE: datasource = JSONUtils.parseObject(parameter, OracleDataSource.class); Class.forName(Constants.COM_ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER); break; case SQLSERVER: datasource = JSONUtils.parseObject(parameter, SQLServerDataSource.class); Class.forName(Constants.COM_SQLSERVER_JDBC_DRIVER); break; case DB2: datasource = JSONUtils.parseObject(parameter, DB2ServerDataSource.class); Class.forName(Constants.COM_DB2_JDBC_DRIVER); break; default: break; } if(datasource != null){ connection = DriverManager.getConnection(datasource.getJdbcUrl(), datasource.getUser(), datasource.getPassword()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return connection; } /** * check connection * * @param type data source type * @param parameter data source parameters * @return true if connect successfully, otherwise false */ public boolean checkConnection(DbType type, String parameter) { Boolean isConnection = false; Connection con = getConnection(type, parameter); if (con != null) { isConnection = true; try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("close connection fail at DataSourceService::checkConnection()", e); } } return isConnection; } /** * test connection * * @param loginUser login user * @param id datasource id * @return connect result code */ public boolean connectionTest(User loginUser, int id) { DataSource dataSource = dataSourceMapper.selectById(id); return checkConnection(dataSource.getType(), dataSource.getConnectionParams()); } /** * build paramters * * @param name data source name * @param desc data source description * @param type data source type * @param host data source host * @param port data source port * @param database data source database name * @param userName user name * @param password password * @param other other parameters * @param principal principal * @return datasource parameter */ public String buildParameter(String name, String desc, DbType type, String host, String port, String database, String principal, String userName, String password, DbConnectType connectType, String other) { String address = buildAddress(type, host, port, connectType); Map parameterMap = new LinkedHashMap(6); String jdbcUrl = address + "/" + database; if (Constants.ORACLE.equals(type.name())) { parameterMap.put(Constants.ORACLE_DB_CONNECT_TYPE, connectType); } if (CommonUtils.getKerberosStartupState() && (type == DbType.HIVE || type == DbType.SPARK)){ jdbcUrl += ";principal=" + principal; } String separator = ""; if (Constants.MYSQL.equals(type.name()) || Constants.POSTGRESQL.equals(type.name()) || Constants.CLICKHOUSE.equals(type.name()) || Constants.ORACLE.equals(type.name())) { separator = "&"; } else if (Constants.HIVE.equals(type.name()) || Constants.SPARK.equals(type.name()) || Constants.DB2.equals(type.name()) || Constants.SQLSERVER.equals(type.name())) { separator = ";"; } parameterMap.put(TYPE, connectType); parameterMap.put(Constants.ADDRESS, address); parameterMap.put(Constants.DATABASE, database); parameterMap.put(Constants.JDBC_URL, jdbcUrl); parameterMap.put(Constants.USER, userName); parameterMap.put(Constants.PASSWORD, CommonUtils.encodePassword(password)); if (CommonUtils.getKerberosStartupState() && (type == DbType.HIVE || type == DbType.SPARK)){ parameterMap.put(Constants.PRINCIPAL,principal); } if (other != null && !"".equals(other)) { Map map = JSONUtils.toMap(other); if (map.size() > 0) { StringBuilder otherSb = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry entry: map.entrySet()) { otherSb.append(String.format("%s=%s%s", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), separator)); } if (!Constants.DB2.equals(type.name())) { otherSb.deleteCharAt(otherSb.length() - 1); } parameterMap.put(Constants.OTHER, otherSb); } } if(logger.isDebugEnabled()){ logger.info("parameters map:{}", JSONUtils.toJsonString(parameterMap)); } return JSONUtils.toJsonString(parameterMap); } private String buildAddress(DbType type, String host, String port, DbConnectType connectType) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (Constants.MYSQL.equals(type.name())) { sb.append(Constants.JDBC_MYSQL); sb.append(host).append(":").append(port); } else if (Constants.POSTGRESQL.equals(type.name())) { sb.append(Constants.JDBC_POSTGRESQL); sb.append(host).append(":").append(port); } else if (Constants.HIVE.equals(type.name()) || Constants.SPARK.equals(type.name())) { sb.append(Constants.JDBC_HIVE_2); String[] hostArray = host.split(","); if (hostArray.length > 0) { for (String zkHost : hostArray) { sb.append(String.format("%s:%s,", zkHost, port)); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); } } else if (Constants.CLICKHOUSE.equals(type.name())) { sb.append(Constants.JDBC_CLICKHOUSE); sb.append(host).append(":").append(port); } else if (Constants.ORACLE.equals(type.name())) { if (connectType == DbConnectType.ORACLE_SID) { sb.append(Constants.JDBC_ORACLE_SID); } else { sb.append(Constants.JDBC_ORACLE_SERVICE_NAME); } sb.append(host).append(":").append(port); } else if (Constants.SQLSERVER.equals(type.name())) { sb.append(Constants.JDBC_SQLSERVER); sb.append(host).append(":").append(port); }else if (Constants.DB2.equals(type.name())) { sb.append(Constants.JDBC_DB2); sb.append(host).append(":").append(port); } return sb.toString(); } /** * delete datasource * * @param loginUser login user * @param datasourceId data source id * @return delete result code */ @Transactional(rollbackFor = RuntimeException.class) public Result delete(User loginUser, int datasourceId) { Result result = new Result(); try { //query datasource by id DataSource dataSource = dataSourceMapper.selectById(datasourceId); if(dataSource == null){ logger.error("resource id {} not exist", datasourceId); putMsg(result, Status.RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST); return result; } if(!hasPerm(loginUser, dataSource.getUserId())){ putMsg(result, Status.USER_NO_OPERATION_PERM); return result; } dataSourceMapper.deleteById(datasourceId); datasourceUserMapper.deleteByDatasourceId(datasourceId); putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("delete datasource error",e); throw new RuntimeException("delete datasource error"); } return result; } /** * unauthorized datasource * * @param loginUser login user * @param userId user id * @return unauthed data source result code */ public Map unauthDatasource(User loginUser, Integer userId) { Map result = new HashMap<>(); //only admin operate if (!isAdmin(loginUser)) { putMsg(result, Status.USER_NO_OPERATION_PERM); return result; } /** * query all data sources except userId */ List resultList = new ArrayList<>(); List datasourceList = dataSourceMapper.queryDatasourceExceptUserId(userId); Set datasourceSet = null; if (datasourceList != null && datasourceList.size() > 0) { datasourceSet = new HashSet<>(datasourceList); List authedDataSourceList = dataSourceMapper.queryAuthedDatasource(userId); Set authedDataSourceSet = null; if (authedDataSourceList != null && authedDataSourceList.size() > 0) { authedDataSourceSet = new HashSet<>(authedDataSourceList); datasourceSet.removeAll(authedDataSourceSet); } resultList = new ArrayList<>(datasourceSet); } result.put(Constants.DATA_LIST, resultList); putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS); return result; } /** * authorized datasource * * @param loginUser login user * @param userId user id * @return authorized result code */ public Map authedDatasource(User loginUser, Integer userId) { Map result = new HashMap<>(); if (!isAdmin(loginUser)) { putMsg(result, Status.USER_NO_OPERATION_PERM); return result; } List authedDatasourceList = dataSourceMapper.queryAuthedDatasource(userId); result.put(Constants.DATA_LIST, authedDatasourceList); putMsg(result, Status.SUCCESS); return result; } /** * get host and port by address * * @param address address * @return sting array: [host,port] */ private String[] getHostsAndPort(String address) { return getHostsAndPort(address,Constants.DOUBLE_SLASH); } /** * get host and port by address * * @param address address * @param separator separator * @return sting array: [host,port] */ private String[] getHostsAndPort(String address,String separator) { String[] result = new String[2]; String[] tmpArray = address.split(separator); String hostsAndPorts = tmpArray[tmpArray.length - 1]; StringBuilder hosts = new StringBuilder(); String[] hostPortArray = hostsAndPorts.split(Constants.COMMA); String port = hostPortArray[0].split(Constants.COLON)[1]; for (String hostPort : hostPortArray) { hosts.append(hostPort.split(Constants.COLON)[0]).append(Constants.COMMA); } hosts.deleteCharAt(hosts.length() - 1); result[0] = hosts.toString(); result[1] = port; return result; } }