# UPDATING Updating is try to document non-backward compatible updates which notice users the detail changes about pydolphinscheduler. It started after version 2.0.5 released ## dev * Remove parameter ``task_location`` in process definition and Java Gateway service ([#11681](https://github.com/apache/dolphinscheduler/pull/11681)) * Remove the spark version of spark task ([#11860](https://github.com/apache/dolphinscheduler/pull/11860)). ## 3.0.0 * Integrate Python gateway server into Dolphinscheduler API server, and you could start Python gateway service by command `./bin/dolphinscheduler-daemon.sh start api-server` instead of independent command `./bin/dolphinscheduler-daemon.sh start python-gateway-server`. * Remove parameter `queue` from class `ProcessDefinition` to avoid confuse user when it change but not work * Change `yaml_parser.py` method `to_string` to magic method `__str__` make it more pythonic. * Use package ``ruamel.yaml`` replace ``pyyaml`` for write yaml file with comment. * Change variable about where to keep pydolphinscheduler configuration from ``PYDOLPHINSCHEDULER_HOME`` to ``PYDS_HOME`` which is same as other environment variable name.