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[Doc][DSIP] Move DSIP docs to the right place (#11442) (#11443)

Eric Gao 2 years ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 84
  2. 86


@ -1,54 +1,57 @@
DolphinScheduler Improvement Proposal (DSIP) 是对 Apache DolphinScheduler 代码库进行的重大改进。它不是为了小修小补存在的,
DSIP 的目的是通知社区完成或即将完成的重大变更。
DolphinScheduler Improvement Proposal(DSIP) introduce major improvements to the Apache DolphinScheduler codebase. It is
not for small incremental improvements, and the purpose of DSIP is to notice and inform community the finished or coming
big feature for Apache DolphinScheduler.
## 怎样的修改应该被认定为 DSIP
## What is considered as DSIP
- 任何重大的新功能、重大改进、引入或删除组件
- 任何公共接口的任何重大变化,例如 API接口、web ui 巨大变化
- Any major new feature, major improvement, introduce or remove components
- Any major change of public interfaces, such as API endpoints, web ui huge change
当一个 PR 或者 Issue 是否应该被认定为 DSIP 存疑时,如果有 committer 认为他应该纳入 DAIP 的范畴,那它就应该是 DSIP。
When the change in doubt and any committer thinks it should be DSIP, it does.
我们使用 GitHub Issue 和 Apache 邮件列表来记录和保存 DSIP,想要了解更多相关信息,您可以跳转到 当前的 DSIPs 以及 past DSIPs
We use GitHub Issue and Apache mail thread to record and hold DSIP, for more detail you could go to section
[current DSIPs](#current-dsips) and [past DSIPs](#past-dsips).
作为 DSIP,它应该包含如下部分:
As a DSIP, it should:
- 在 [][mail-to-dev] 中有一个以 `[DISCUSS][DSIP` 为开头的邮件。
- 有一个打了 "DSIP" 标签的 GitHub Issue,并在描述中包含邮链接。
- Have a mail thread title started with `[DISCUSS]` in [][mail-to-dev]
- Have a GitHub Issue labeled with `DSIP`, and including the mail thread link in the description.
### 当前的 DSIPs
### Current DSIPs
当前的 DSIP 包括所有仍在进行中的 DSIP,您可以在 [当前的 DSIPs][current-DSIPs] 中找到他们
Current DSIPs including all DSIP still work-in-progress, you could see in [current DSIPs][current-DSIPs]
### 完结的 DSIPs
### Past DSIPs
完结的 DSIP,包括所有已完成或因某种原因终止的 DSIP,您可以在 [完结的 DSIPs][past-DSIPs] 中找到他们
Past DSIPs including all DSIP already done or retired for some reason, you could see in [past DSIPs][past-DSIPs]
## DSIP 的步骤
## DSIP Process
### 创建 GitHub Issue
### Create GitHub Issue
所有 DSIP 都应该起源于 GitHub Issue
All DSIP should start with GitHub Issue
- 如果您确定你的问题是 DSIP,你可以在 [GitHub Issue][github-issue-choose] 中点击并选择 "DSIP"
- 如果您不确定您的问题是否是 DSIP,您可以在 [GitHub Issue][github-issue-choose] 单击并选择 "Feature request"。当DolphinScheduler
维护团队在查看 Issue 时认为他是 DSIP 时,会为 Issue 增加标签 "DSIP"。
- If you pretty sure your issue is DSIP, you could click and choose "DSIP" in
[GitHub Issue][github-issue-choose]
- If you not sure about your issue is DSIP or not, you could click and choose "Feature request" in
[GitHub Issue][github-issue-choose]. DolphinScheduler maintainer team would add label `DSIP`, mention you in the
issue and lead you to this document when they think it should be DSIP.
You should and special prefix `[DSIP-XXX]`, `XXX` stand for the id DSIP. It's auto increment, and you could find the next
You should add special prefix `[DSIP-XXX]`, `XXX` stand for the id DSIP. It's auto increment, and you could find the next
integer in [All DSIPs][all-DSIPs] issues.
在您的问题被标记成 DSIP 后,您应该特殊前缀 `[DSIP-XXX]`,其中`XXX` 代表 id DSIP。它是自动递增的,你可以在 [All DSIPs][all-DSIPs]
找到下一个 DSIP 的整数编号。
### 发送讨论邮件
### Send Discuss Mail
在您的问题被标记为 "DSIP" 后,您应该发送电子邮件至 [][mail-to-dev] 描述提案的目的,以及设计草案。
After issue labeled with "DSIP", you should send an email to [][mail-to-dev].
Describe the purpose, and the draft design about your idea.
Here is the template for mail
- 标题: `[DISCUSS][DSIP-XXX] <CHANGE-TO-YOUR-LOVELY-PROPOSAL-TITLE>`, 将 `XXX` 修改为 to special integer you just change in
GitHub Issue, and also change proposal title.
- 内容:
- Title: `[DISCUSS][DSIP-XXX] <CHANGE-TO-YOUR-LOVELY-PROPOSAL-TITLE>`, change `XXX` to special integer you just change in
[GitHub Issue](#create-github-issue), and also change proposal title.
- Content:
Hi community,
@ -60,22 +63,25 @@ integer in [All DSIPs][all-DSIPs] issues.
Looking forward any feedback for this thread.
在社区讨论并且所有人都认为它值得作为 DSIP 之后,您可以去到下节正式开始工作。但是如果社区认为它不应该是 DSIP,维护者需要终止邮件讨论并
删除 GitHub Issue 中的 "DSIP" 标签。如果当这个修改不应该合并到 DolphinScheduler 中时,维护者除了除了移除标签外,还要关闭 GitHub Issue。
After community discuss and all of them think it worth as DSIP, you could [work on it](#work-on-it-or-create-subtask-for-it).
But if community think it should not be DSIP or even this change should not be included to DolphinScheduler, maintainers
terminate mail thread and remove label "DSIP" for GitHub Issue, or even close issue if it should not change.
### 开始开发或者为他创建子任务
### Work On It, Or Create Subtask For It
当您的提案通过邮件讨论时,您可以开始工作。你可以提交一个相关的 pull requests 如果更改应该在一次提交中进行。如果提案太大,已经超过了单次
提交的范畴,你可以在 GitHub Issue 中创建子任务,如 [DSIP-1][DSIP-1],并分成多个 pull requests 提交任务。
When your proposal pass in the mail thread, you could make your hand dirty and start the work. You could submit related
pull requests in GitHub if change should in one single commit. What's more, if proposal is too huge in single commit, you
could create subtasks in GitHub Issue like [DSIP-1][DSIP-1], and separate into multiple commit.
### 关闭 DSIP
### Close After It Done
当 DSIP 完成并合并所有相关 PR 后,您应该回复您在第二步创建的邮件讨论,通知社区 DSIP 的结果。在这之后,这个 DSIP GitHub Issue 将会被
关闭,并从 [当前的 DSIPs][current-DSIPs] 转移到 [完结的 DSIPs][past-DSIPs],但您仍然可以在 [All DSIPs][all-DSIPs] 中找到它
When DSIP is finished and all related PR were merged, you should reply the mail thread you created in
[step two](#send-discuss-mail) to notice community the result of the DSIP. After that, this DSIP GitHub Issue would be
closed and transfer from [current DSIPs][current-DSIPs] to [past DSIPs][past-DSIPs], but you could still find it in [All DSIPs][all-DSIPs]
## DSIP的例子
## An Example For DSIP
* [[DSIP-1][Feature][Parent] Add Python API for DolphinScheduler][DSIP-1]: 有多个子任务和项目。
* [[DSIP-1][Feature][Parent] Add Python API for DolphinScheduler][DSIP-1]: Have multiple subtasks and Projects on it.


@ -1,57 +1,54 @@
DolphinScheduler Improvement Proposal(DSIP) introduce major improvements to the Apache DolphinScheduler codebase. It is
not for small incremental improvements, and the purpose of DSIP is to notice and inform community the finished or coming
big feature for Apache DolphinScheduler.
DolphinScheduler Improvement Proposal (DSIP) 是对 Apache DolphinScheduler 代码库进行的重大改进。它不是为了小修小补存在的,
DSIP 的目的是通知社区完成或即将完成的重大变更。
## What is considered as DSIP
## 怎样的修改应该被认定为 DSIP
- Any major new feature, major improvement, introduce or remove components
- Any major change of public interfaces, such as API endpoints, web ui huge change
- 任何重大的新功能、重大改进、引入或删除组件
- 任何公共接口的任何重大变化,例如 API接口、web ui 巨大变化
When the change in doubt and any committer thinks it should be DSIP, it does.
当一个 PR 或者 Issue 是否应该被认定为 DSIP 存疑时,如果有 committer 认为他应该纳入 DAIP 的范畴,那它就应该是 DSIP。
We use GitHub Issue and Apache mail thread to record and hold DSIP, for more detail you could go to section
[current DSIPs](#current-dsips) and [past DSIPs](#past-dsips).
我们使用 GitHub Issue 和 Apache 邮件列表来记录和保存 DSIP,想要了解更多相关信息,您可以跳转到 当前的 DSIPs 以及 past DSIPs
As a DSIP, it should:
作为 DSIP,它应该包含如下部分:
- Have a mail thread title started with `[DISCUSS]` in [][mail-to-dev]
- Have a GitHub Issue labeled with `DSIP`, and including the mail thread link in the description.
- 在 [][mail-to-dev] 中有一个以 `[DISCUSS][DSIP` 为开头的邮件。
- 有一个打了 "DSIP" 标签的 GitHub Issue,并在描述中包含邮链接。
### Current DSIPs
### 当前的 DSIPs
Current DSIPs including all DSIP still work-in-progress, you could see in [current DSIPs][current-DSIPs]
当前的 DSIP 包括所有仍在进行中的 DSIP,您可以在 [当前的 DSIPs][current-DSIPs] 中找到他们
### Past DSIPs
### 完结的 DSIPs
Past DSIPs including all DSIP already done or retired for some reason, you could see in [past DSIPs][past-DSIPs]
完结的 DSIP,包括所有已完成或因某种原因终止的 DSIP,您可以在 [完结的 DSIPs][past-DSIPs] 中找到他们
## DSIP Process
## DSIP 的步骤
### Create GitHub Issue
### 创建 GitHub Issue
All DSIP should start with GitHub Issue
所有 DSIP 都应该起源于 GitHub Issue
- If you pretty sure your issue is DSIP, you could click and choose "DSIP" in
[GitHub Issue][github-issue-choose]
- If you not sure about your issue is DSIP or not, you could click and choose "Feature request" in
[GitHub Issue][github-issue-choose]. DolphinScheduler maintainer team would add label `DSIP`, mention you in the
issue and lead you to this document when they think it should be DSIP.
- 如果您确定你的问题是 DSIP,你可以在 [GitHub Issue][github-issue-choose] 中点击并选择 "DSIP"
- 如果您不确定您的问题是否是 DSIP,您可以在 [GitHub Issue][github-issue-choose] 单击并选择 "Feature request"。当DolphinScheduler
维护团队在查看 Issue 时认为他是 DSIP 时,会为 Issue 增加标签 "DSIP"。
You should add special prefix `[DSIP-XXX]`, `XXX` stand for the id DSIP. It's auto increment, and you could find the next
You should and special prefix `[DSIP-XXX]`, `XXX` stand for the id DSIP. It's auto increment, and you could find the next
integer in [All DSIPs][all-DSIPs] issues.
在您的问题被标记成 DSIP 后,您应该特殊前缀 `[DSIP-XXX]`,其中`XXX` 代表 id DSIP。它是自动递增的,你可以在 [All DSIPs][all-DSIPs]
找到下一个 DSIP 的整数编号。
### Send Discuss Mail
### 发送讨论邮件
After issue labeled with "DSIP", you should send an email to [][mail-to-dev].
Describe the purpose, and the draft design about your idea.
在您的问题被标记为 "DSIP" 后,您应该发送电子邮件至 [][mail-to-dev] 描述提案的目的,以及设计草案。
Here is the template for mail
- Title: `[DISCUSS][DSIP-XXX] <CHANGE-TO-YOUR-LOVELY-PROPOSAL-TITLE>`, change `XXX` to special integer you just change in
[GitHub Issue](#create-github-issue), and also change proposal title.
- Content:
- 标题: `[DISCUSS][DSIP-XXX] <CHANGE-TO-YOUR-LOVELY-PROPOSAL-TITLE>`, 将 `XXX` 修改为 to special integer you just change in
GitHub Issue, and also change proposal title.
- 内容:
Hi community,
@ -63,29 +60,26 @@ Here is the template for mail
Looking forward any feedback for this thread.
After community discuss and all of them think it worth as DSIP, you could [work on it](#work-on-it-or-create-subtask-for-it).
But if community think it should not be DSIP or even this change should not be included to DolphinScheduler, maintainers
terminate mail thread and remove label "DSIP" for GitHub Issue, or even close issue if it should not change.
在社区讨论并且所有人都认为它值得作为 DSIP 之后,您可以去到下节正式开始工作。但是如果社区认为它不应该是 DSIP,维护者需要终止邮件讨论并
删除 GitHub Issue 中的 "DSIP" 标签。如果当这个修改不应该合并到 DolphinScheduler 中时,维护者除了除了移除标签外,还要关闭 GitHub Issue。
### Work On It, Or Create Subtask For It
### 开始开发或者为他创建子任务
When your proposal pass in the mail thread, you could make your hand dirty and start the work. You could submit related
pull requests in GitHub if change should in one single commit. What's more, if proposal is too huge in single commit, you
could create subtasks in GitHub Issue like [DSIP-1][DSIP-1], and separate into multiple commit.
当您的提案通过邮件讨论时,您可以开始工作。你可以提交一个相关的 pull requests 如果更改应该在一次提交中进行。如果提案太大,已经超过了单次
提交的范畴,你可以在 GitHub Issue 中创建子任务,如 [DSIP-1][DSIP-1],并分成多个 pull requests 提交任务。
### Close After It Done
### 关闭 DSIP
When DSIP is finished and all related PR were merged, you should reply the mail thread you created in
[step two](#send-discuss-mail) to notice community the result of the DSIP. After that, this DSIP GitHub Issue would be
closed and transfer from [current DSIPs][current-DSIPs] to [past DSIPs][past-DSIPs], but you could still find it in [All DSIPs][all-DSIPs]
当 DSIP 完成并合并所有相关 PR 后,您应该回复您在第二步创建的邮件讨论,通知社区 DSIP 的结果。在这之后,这个 DSIP GitHub Issue 将会被
关闭,并从 [当前的 DSIPs][current-DSIPs] 转移到 [完结的 DSIPs][past-DSIPs],但您仍然可以在 [All DSIPs][all-DSIPs] 中找到它
## An Example For DSIP
## DSIP的例子
* [[DSIP-1][Feature][Parent] Add Python API for DolphinScheduler][DSIP-1]: Have multiple subtasks and Projects on it.
* [[DSIP-1][Feature][Parent] Add Python API for DolphinScheduler][DSIP-1]: 有多个子任务和项目。
