| Namespace | The namespace for running k8s task. |
| Min CPU | Minimum CPU requirement for running k8s task. |
| Min Memory | Minimum memory requirement for running k8s task. |
| Image | The registry url for image. |
| Command | The container execution command (yaml-style array), for example: ["printenv"] |
| Args | The args of execution command (yaml-style array), for example: ["HOSTNAME", "KUBERNETES_PORT"] |
| Custom label | The customized labels for k8s Job. |
| Node selector | The label selectors for running k8s pod. Different value in value set should be seperated by command, for example: `value1,value2`. You can refer to https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/common-definitions/node-selector-requirement/ for configuration of different operators. |
| Custom parameter | It is a local user-defined parameter for K8S task, these params will pass to container as environment variables. |
| Namespace | The namespace for running k8s task. |
| Min CPU | Minimum CPU requirement for running k8s task. |
| Min Memory | Minimum memory requirement for running k8s task. |
| Image | The registry url for image. |
| Command | The container execution command (yaml-style array), for example: ["printenv"] |
| Args | The args of execution command (yaml-style array), for example: ["HOSTNAME", "KUBERNETES_PORT"] |
| Custom label | The customized labels for k8s Job. |
| Node selector | The label selectors for running k8s pod. Different value in value set should be seperated by comma, for example: `value1,value2`. You can refer to https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/common-definitions/node-selector-requirement/ for configuration of different operators. |
| Custom parameter | It is a local user-defined parameter for K8S task, these params will pass to container as environment variables. |