@ -45,34 +45,6 @@ Flink task type, used to execute Flink programs. For Flink nodes:
| Resource | Appoint resource files in the `Resource` if parameters refer to them. |
| Custom parameter | It is a local user-defined parameter for Flink, and will replace the content with `${variable}` in the script. |
| Predecessor task | Selecting a predecessor task for the current task, will set the selected predecessor task as upstream of the current task. |
- **Node name**: The node name in a workflow definition is unique.
- **Run flag**: Identifies whether this node schedules normally, if it does not need to execute, select the `prohibition execution`.
- **Descriptive information**: Describe the function of the node.
- **Task priority**: When the number of worker threads is insufficient, execute in the order of priority from high to low, and tasks with the same priority will execute in a first-in first-out order.
- **Worker grouping**: Assign tasks to the machines of the worker group to execute. If `Default` is selected, randomly select a worker machine for execution.
- **Environment Name**: Configure the environment name in which run the script.
- **Times of failed retry attempts**: The number of times the task failed to resubmit.
- **Failed retry interval**: The time interval (unit minute) for resubmitting the task after a failed task.
- **Delayed execution time**: The time (unit minute) that a task delays in execution.
- **Timeout alarm**: Check the timeout alarm and timeout failure. When the task runs exceed the "timeout", an alarm email will send and the task execution will fail.
- **Program type**: Support Java, Scala, Python and SQL four languages.
- **The class of main function**: The **full path** of Main Class, the entry point of the Flink program.
- **Main jar package**: The jar package of the Flink program (upload by Resource Center).
- **Deployment mode**: Support 3 deployment modes: cluster, local and application (Flink 1.11 and later. See also [Run an application in Application Mode](https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.11/ops/deployment/yarn_setup.html#run-an-application-in-application-mode)).
- **Initialization script**: Script file to initialize session context.
- **Script**: The sql script file developed by the user that should be executed.
- **Flink version**: Select version according to the execution env.
- **Task name** (optional): Flink task name.
- **JobManager memory size**: Used to set the size of jobManager memories, which can be set according to the actual production environment.
- **Number of slots**: Used to set the number of slots, which can be set according to the actual production environment.
- **TaskManager memory size**: Used to set the size of taskManager memories, which can be set according to the actual production environment.
- **Number of TaskManager**: Used to set the number of taskManagers, which can be set according to the actual production environment.
- **Parallelism**: Used to set the degree of parallelism for executing Flink tasks.
- **Main program parameters**: Set the input parameters for the Flink program and support the substitution of custom parameter variables.
- **Optional parameters**: Support `--jar`, `--files`,` --archives`, `--conf` format.
- **Resource**: Appoint resource files in the `Resource` if parameters refer to them.
- **Custom parameter**: It is a local user-defined parameter for Flink, and will replace the content with `${variable}` in the script.
- **Predecessor task**: Selecting a predecessor task for the current task, will set the selected predecessor task as upstream of the current task.