@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Its main objectives are as follows:
### What's in DolphinScheduler
Stability | Easy to use | Features | Scalability |
Stability | Accessibility | Features | Scalability |
-- | -- | -- | --
Decentralized multi-master and multi-worker | Visualization of workflow key information, such as task status, task type, retry times, task operation machine information, visual variables, and so on at a glance. | Support pause, recover operation | Support customized task types
support HA | Visualization of all workflow operations, dragging tasks to draw DAGs, configuring data sources and resources. At the same time, for third-party systems, provide API mode operations. | Users on DolphinScheduler can achieve many-to-one or one-to-one mapping relationship through tenants and Hadoop users, which is very important for scheduling large data jobs. | The scheduler supports distributed scheduling, and the overall scheduling capability will increase linearly with the scale of the cluster. Master and Worker support dynamic adjustment.
DolphinScheduler is based on a lot of excellent open-source projects, such as google guava, guice, grpc, netty, ali bonecp, quartz, and many open-source projects of Apache and so on.
We would like to express our deep gratitude to all the open-source projects used in Dolphin Scheduler. We hope that we are not only the beneficiaries of open-source, but also give back to the community. Besides, we hope everyone who have the same enthusiasm and passion for open source could join in and contribute to the open-source community!
### Get Help
1. Submit an [[issue](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler/issues/new/choose)]
1. Subscribe to the mail list: https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/docs/development/subscribe.html, then email dev@dolphinscheduler.apache.org
1. Subscribe to this mail list: https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/community/development/subscribe.html, then email dev@dolphinscheduler.apache.org
### Community
You are so much welcomed to communicate with the developers and users of Dolphin Scheduler freely. There are two ways to find them:
1. Join the slack channel by [this invitation link](https://join.slack.com/t/asf-dolphinscheduler/shared_invite/zt-l8k90ceu-wwUfobaDkJxjzMfZp4y1Ag).
2. Follow the [twitter account of Dolphin Scheduler](https://twitter.com/dolphinschedule) and get the latest news just on time.
### How to Contribute
The community welcomes everyone to participate in contributing, please refer to this website to find out more: [[How to contribute](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/community/development/contribute.html)]