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[fix][doc] Update the registry related configuration in values.yaml (#11444)

rickchengx 2 years ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 462
  2. 529


@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ If you are a new hand and want to experience DolphinScheduler functions, we reco
## Prerequisites
- [Helm]( version 3.1.0+
- [Kubernetes]( version 1.12+
- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
- [Helm]( version 3.1.0+
- [Kubernetes]( version 1.12+
- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
## Install DolphinScheduler
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ The configuration file is `values.yaml`, and the [Appendix-Configuration](#appen
## Support Matrix
| Type | Support | Notes |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------ | ------------------------------------- |
| Type | Support | Notes |
| Shell | Yes | |
| Python2 | Yes | |
| Python3 | Indirect Yes | Refer to FAQ |
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ kubectl scale --replicas=6 sts dolphinscheduler-worker -n test # with test names
> Because of the commercial license, we cannot directly use the driver of MySQL.
> If you want to use MySQL, you can build a new image based on the `apache/dolphinscheduler-<service>` image follow the following instructions:
> Since version 3.0.0, dolphinscheduler has been microserviced and the change of metadata storage requires replacing all services with MySQL driver, which including dolphinscheduler-tools, dolphinscheduler-master, dolphinscheduler-worker, dolphinscheduler-api, dolphinscheduler-alert-server
1. Download the MySQL driver [mysql-connector-java-8.0.16.jar](
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ externalDatabase:
> You need to change the two service images including dolphinscheduler-worker, dolphinscheduler-api.
1. Download the MySQL driver [mysql-connector-java-8.0.16.jar](
or download the Oracle driver [ojdbc8.jar]( (such as `ojdbc8-`)
or download the Oracle driver [ojdbc8.jar]( (such as `ojdbc8-`)
2. Create a new `Dockerfile` to add MySQL or Oracle driver:
@ -521,226 +521,228 @@ common:
## Appendix-Configuration
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `timezone` | World time and date for cities in all time zones | `Asia/Shanghai` |
| | | |
| `image.repository` | Docker image repository for the DolphinScheduler | `apache/dolphinscheduler` |
| `image.tag` | Docker image version for the DolphinScheduler | `latest` |
| `image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy. Options: Always, Never, IfNotPresent | `IfNotPresent` |
| `image.pullSecret` | Image pull secret. An optional reference to secret in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images | `nil` |
| | | |
| `postgresql.enabled` | If not exists external PostgreSQL, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal PostgreSQL | `true` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlUsername` | The username for internal PostgreSQL | `root` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlPassword` | The password for internal PostgreSQL | `root` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlDatabase` | The database for internal PostgreSQL | `dolphinscheduler` |
| `postgresql.persistence.enabled` | Set `postgresql.persistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for internal PostgreSQL | `false` |
| `postgresql.persistence.size` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `postgresql.persistence.storageClass` | PostgreSQL data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `externalDatabase.type` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database type will use it | `postgresql` |
| `externalDatabase.driver` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database driver will use it | `org.postgresql.Driver` |
| `` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database host will use it | `localhost` |
| `externalDatabase.port` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database port will use it | `5432` |
| `externalDatabase.username` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database username will use it | `root` |
| `externalDatabase.password` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database password will use it | `root` |
| `externalDatabase.database` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database database will use it | `dolphinscheduler` |
| `externalDatabase.params` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database params will use it | `characterEncoding=utf8` |
| | | |
| `zookeeper.enabled` | If not exists external ZooKeeper, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal ZooKeeper | `true` |
| `zookeeper.fourlwCommandsWhitelist` | A list of comma separated Four Letter Words commands to use | `srvr,ruok,wchs,cons` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.enabled` | Set `zookeeper.persistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for internal ZooKeeper | `false` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.size` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.storageClass` | ZooKeeper data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `zookeeper.zookeeperRoot` | Specify dolphinscheduler root directory in ZooKeeper | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `externalZookeeper.zookeeperQuorum` | If exists external ZooKeeper, and set `zookeeper.enabled` value to false. Specify Zookeeper quorum | `` |
| `externalZookeeper.zookeeperRoot` | If exists external ZooKeeper, and set `zookeeper.enabled` value to false. Specify dolphinscheduler root directory in Zookeeper | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| | | |
| `common.configmap.DOLPHINSCHEDULER_OPTS` | The jvm options for dolphinscheduler, suitable for all servers | `""` |
| `common.configmap.DATA_BASEDIR_PATH` | User data directory path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions | `/tmp/dolphinscheduler` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` | Resource storage type: HDFS, S3, NONE | `HDFS` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_UPLOAD_PATH` | Resource store on HDFS/S3 path, please make sure the directory exists on hdfs and have read write permissions | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `common.configmap.FS_DEFAULT_FS` | Resource storage file system like `file:///`, `hdfs://mycluster:8020` or `s3a://dolphinscheduler` | `file:///` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_ENDPOINT` | S3 endpoint when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_ACCESS_KEY` | S3 access key when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `xxxxxxx` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_SECRET_KEY` | S3 secret key when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `xxxxxxx` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_STARTUP_STATE` | Whether to startup kerberos | `false` |
| `common.configmap.JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_PATH` | The path | `/opt/krb5.conf` |
| `common.configmap.LOGIN_USER_KEYTAB_USERNAME` | The login user from keytab username | `hdfs@HADOOP.COM` |
| `common.configmap.LOGIN_USER_KEYTAB_PATH` | The login user from keytab path | `/opt/hdfs.keytab` |
| `common.configmap.KERBEROS_EXPIRE_TIME` | The kerberos expire time, the unit is hour | `2` |
| `common.configmap.HDFS_ROOT_USER` | The HDFS root user who must have the permission to create directories under the HDFS root path | `hdfs` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_MANAGER_HTTPADDRESS_PORT` | Set resource manager httpaddress port for yarn | `8088` |
| `common.configmap.YARN_RESOURCEMANAGER_HA_RM_IDS` | If resourcemanager HA is enabled, please set the HA IPs | `nil` |
| `common.configmap.YARN_APPLICATION_STATUS_ADDRESS` | If resourcemanager is single, you only need to replace ds1 to actual resourcemanager hostname, otherwise keep default | `http://ds1:%s/ws/v1/cluster/apps/%s` |
| `common.configmap.SKYWALKING_ENABLE` | Set whether to enable skywalking | `false` |
| `common.configmap.SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES` | Set agent collector backend services for skywalking | `` |
| `common.configmap.SW_GRPC_LOG_SERVER_HOST` | Set grpc log server host for skywalking | `` |
| `common.configmap.SW_GRPC_LOG_SERVER_PORT` | Set grpc log server port for skywalking | `11800` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_HOME` | Set `HADOOP_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hadoop` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_CONF_DIR` | Set `HADOOP_CONF_DIR` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hadoop/etc/hadoop` |
| `common.configmap.SPARK_HOME1` | Set `SPARK_HOME1` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/spark1` |
| `common.configmap.SPARK_HOME2` | Set `SPARK_HOME2` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/spark2` |
| `common.configmap.PYTHON_HOME` | Set `PYTHON_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/usr/bin/python` |
| `common.configmap.JAVA_HOME` | Set `JAVA_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/usr/local/openjdk-8` |
| `common.configmap.HIVE_HOME` | Set `HIVE_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hive` |
| `common.configmap.FLINK_HOME` | Set `FLINK_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/flink` |
| `common.configmap.DATAX_HOME` | Set `DATAX_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/datax` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled` | Set `common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a shared storage volume for Hadoop, Spark binary and etc | `false` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.mountPath` | The mount path for the shared storage volume | `/opt/soft` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes, must be `ReadWriteMany` | `[ReadWriteMany]` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.storageClassName` | Shared Storage persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled` | Set `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new file resource volume for `api` and `worker` | `false` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes, must be `ReadWriteMany` | `[ReadWriteMany]` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.storageClassName` | Resource persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `master.podManagementPolicy` | PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down | `Parallel` |
| `master.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `3` |
| `master.annotations` | The `annotations` for master server | `{}` |
| `master.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `master.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `master.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `master.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for master server | `{}` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for master server | `-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xmn512m` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_EXEC_THREADS` | Master execute thread number to limit process instances | `100` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_EXEC_TASK_NUM` | Master execute task number in parallel per process instance | `20` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_DISPATCH_TASK_NUM` | Master dispatch task number per batch | `3` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_HOST_SELECTOR` | Master host selector to select a suitable worker, optional values include Random, RoundRobin, LowerWeight | `LowerWeight` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL` | Master heartbeat interval, the unit is second | `10` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_RETRYTIMES` | Master commit task retry times | `5` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_INTERVAL` | master commit task interval, the unit is second | `1` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_MAX_CPULOAD_AVG` | Master max cpuload avg, only higher than the system cpu load average, master server can schedule | `-1` (`the number of cpu cores * 2`) |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_RESERVED_MEMORY` | Master reserved memory, only lower than system available memory, master server can schedule, the unit is G | `0.3` |
| `master.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `master.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `master.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `master.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `master.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `master.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `master.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `master.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `master.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `master.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `master.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `master.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `master` | `false` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `Master` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `worker.podManagementPolicy` | PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down | `Parallel` |
| `worker.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `3` |
| `worker.annotations` | The `annotations` for worker server | `{}` |
| `worker.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `worker.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `worker.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `worker.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for worker server | `{}` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for worker server | `-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xmn512m` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_EXEC_THREADS` | Worker execute thread number to limit task instances | `100` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL` | Worker heartbeat interval, the unit is second | `10` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_MAX_CPULOAD_AVG` | Worker max cpuload avg, only higher than the system cpu load average, worker server can be dispatched tasks | `-1` (`the number of cpu cores * 2`) |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_RESERVED_MEMORY` | Worker reserved memory, only lower than system available memory, worker server can be dispatched tasks, the unit is G | `0.3` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_GROUPS` | Worker groups | `default` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to enable `persistentVolumeClaim` for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled` to `true` to mount a data volume for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.storageClassName` | `Worker` data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled` to `true` to mount a logs volume for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.storageClassName` | `Worker` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `alert.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `1` |
| `alert.strategy.type` | Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate" | `RollingUpdate` |
| `alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods | `25%` |
| `alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update | `25%` |
| `alert.annotations` | The `annotations` for alert server | `{}` |
| `alert.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `alert.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `alert.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `alert.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for alert server | `{}` |
| `alert.configmap.ALERT_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for alert server | `-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m` |
| `alert.configmap.XLS_FILE_PATH` | XLS file path | `/tmp/xls` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SERVER_HOST` | Mail `SERVER HOST ` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SERVER_PORT` | Mail `SERVER PORT` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SENDER` | Mail `SENDER` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_USER` | Mail `USER` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_PASSWD` | Mail `PASSWORD` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_STARTTLS_ENABLE` | Mail `SMTP STARTTLS` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_SSL_ENABLE` | Mail `SMTP SSL` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_SSL_TRUST` | Mail `SMTP SSL TRUST` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_ENABLE` | `Enterprise Wechat` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_CORP_ID` | `Enterprise Wechat` corp id | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_SECRET` | `Enterprise Wechat` secret | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_AGENT_ID` | `Enterprise Wechat` agent id | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_USERS` | `Enterprise Wechat` users | `nil` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `alert` | `false` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `Alert` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `api.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `1` |
| `api.strategy.type` | Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate" | `RollingUpdate` |
| `api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods | `25%` |
| `api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update | `25%` |
| `api.annotations` | The `annotations` for api server | `{}` |
| `api.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `api.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `api.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `api.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for api server | `{}` |
| `api.configmap.API_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for api server | `-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m` |
| `api.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `api.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `api.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `api.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `api.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `api.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `api.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `api.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `api.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `api.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `api.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `api.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `api` | `false` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `api` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `api.service.type` | `type` determines how the Service is exposed. Valid options are ExternalName, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer | `ClusterIP` |
| `api.service.clusterIP` | `clusterIP` is the IP address of the service and is usually assigned randomly by the master | `nil` |
| `api.service.nodePort` | `nodePort` is the port on each node on which this service is exposed when type=NodePort | `nil` |
| `api.service.externalIPs` | `externalIPs` is a list of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service | `[]` |
| `api.service.externalName` | `externalName` is the external reference that kubedns or equivalent will return as a CNAME record for this service | `nil` |
| `api.service.loadBalancerIP` | `loadBalancerIP` when service.type is LoadBalancer. LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field | `nil` |
| `api.service.annotations` | `annotations` may need to be set when service.type is LoadBalancer | `{}` |
| | | |
| `ingress.enabled` | Enable ingress | `false` |
| `` | Ingress host | `` |
| `ingress.path` | Ingress path | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `ingress.tls.enabled` | Enable ingress tls | `false` |
| `ingress.tls.secretName` | Ingress tls secret name | `dolphinscheduler-tls` |
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| `timezone` | World time and date for cities in all time zones | `Asia/Shanghai` |
| | | |
| `image.repository` | Docker image repository for the DolphinScheduler | `apache/dolphinscheduler` |
| `image.tag` | Docker image version for the DolphinScheduler | `latest` |
| `image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy. Options: Always, Never, IfNotPresent | `IfNotPresent` |
| `image.pullSecret` | Image pull secret. An optional reference to secret in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images | `nil` |
| | | |
| `postgresql.enabled` | If not exists external PostgreSQL, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal PostgreSQL | `true` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlUsername` | The username for internal PostgreSQL | `root` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlPassword` | The password for internal PostgreSQL | `root` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlDatabase` | The database for internal PostgreSQL | `dolphinscheduler` |
| `postgresql.persistence.enabled` | Set `postgresql.persistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for internal PostgreSQL | `false` |
| `postgresql.persistence.size` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `postgresql.persistence.storageClass` | PostgreSQL data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `externalDatabase.type` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database type will use it | `postgresql` |
| `externalDatabase.driver` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database driver will use it | `org.postgresql.Driver` |
| `` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database host will use it | `localhost` |
| `externalDatabase.port` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database port will use it | `5432` |
| `externalDatabase.username` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database username will use it | `root` |
| `externalDatabase.password` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database password will use it | `root` |
| `externalDatabase.database` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database database will use it | `dolphinscheduler` |
| `externalDatabase.params` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database params will use it | `characterEncoding=utf8` |
| | | |
| `zookeeper.enabled` | If not exists external ZooKeeper, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal ZooKeeper | `true` |
| `zookeeper.service.port` | The port of zookeeper | `2181` |
| `zookeeper.fourlwCommandsWhitelist` | A list of comma separated Four Letter Words commands to use | `srvr,ruok,wchs,cons` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.enabled` | Set `zookeeper.persistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for internal ZooKeeper | `false` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.size` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.storageClass` | ZooKeeper data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `externalRegistry.registryPluginDir` | If exists external registry and set `zookeeper.enable` to `false`, specify the external registry plugin directory | `lib/plugin/registry` |
| `externalRegistry.registryPluginName` | If exists external registry and set `zookeeper.enable` to `false`, specify the external registry plugin name | `zookeeper` |
| `externalRegistry.registryServers` | If exists external registry and set `zookeeper.enable` to `false`, specify the external registry servers | `` |
| | | |
| `common.configmap.DOLPHINSCHEDULER_OPTS` | The jvm options for dolphinscheduler, suitable for all servers | `""` |
| `common.configmap.DATA_BASEDIR_PATH` | User data directory path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions | `/tmp/dolphinscheduler` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` | Resource storage type: HDFS, S3, NONE | `HDFS` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_UPLOAD_PATH` | Resource store on HDFS/S3 path, please make sure the directory exists on hdfs and have read write permissions | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `common.configmap.FS_DEFAULT_FS` | Resource storage file system like `file:///`, `hdfs://mycluster:8020` or `s3a://dolphinscheduler` | `file:///` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_ENDPOINT` | S3 endpoint when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_ACCESS_KEY` | S3 access key when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `xxxxxxx` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_SECRET_KEY` | S3 secret key when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `xxxxxxx` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_STARTUP_STATE` | Whether to startup kerberos | `false` |
| `common.configmap.JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_PATH` | The path | `/opt/krb5.conf` |
| `common.configmap.LOGIN_USER_KEYTAB_USERNAME` | The login user from keytab username | `hdfs@HADOOP.COM` |
| `common.configmap.LOGIN_USER_KEYTAB_PATH` | The login user from keytab path | `/opt/hdfs.keytab` |
| `common.configmap.KERBEROS_EXPIRE_TIME` | The kerberos expire time, the unit is hour | `2` |
| `common.configmap.HDFS_ROOT_USER` | The HDFS root user who must have the permission to create directories under the HDFS root path | `hdfs` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_MANAGER_HTTPADDRESS_PORT` | Set resource manager httpaddress port for yarn | `8088` |
| `common.configmap.YARN_RESOURCEMANAGER_HA_RM_IDS` | If resourcemanager HA is enabled, please set the HA IPs | `nil` |
| `common.configmap.YARN_APPLICATION_STATUS_ADDRESS` | If resourcemanager is single, you only need to replace ds1 to actual resourcemanager hostname, otherwise keep default | `http://ds1:%s/ws/v1/cluster/apps/%s` |
| `common.configmap.SKYWALKING_ENABLE` | Set whether to enable skywalking | `false` |
| `common.configmap.SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES` | Set agent collector backend services for skywalking | `` |
| `common.configmap.SW_GRPC_LOG_SERVER_HOST` | Set grpc log server host for skywalking | `` |
| `common.configmap.SW_GRPC_LOG_SERVER_PORT` | Set grpc log server port for skywalking | `11800` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_HOME` | Set `HADOOP_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hadoop` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_CONF_DIR` | Set `HADOOP_CONF_DIR` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hadoop/etc/hadoop` |
| `common.configmap.SPARK_HOME1` | Set `SPARK_HOME1` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/spark1` |
| `common.configmap.SPARK_HOME2` | Set `SPARK_HOME2` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/spark2` |
| `common.configmap.PYTHON_HOME` | Set `PYTHON_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/usr/bin/python` |
| `common.configmap.JAVA_HOME` | Set `JAVA_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/usr/local/openjdk-8` |
| `common.configmap.HIVE_HOME` | Set `HIVE_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hive` |
| `common.configmap.FLINK_HOME` | Set `FLINK_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/flink` |
| `common.configmap.DATAX_HOME` | Set `DATAX_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/datax` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled` | Set `common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a shared storage volume for Hadoop, Spark binary and etc | `false` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.mountPath` | The mount path for the shared storage volume | `/opt/soft` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes, must be `ReadWriteMany` | `[ReadWriteMany]` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.storageClassName` | Shared Storage persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled` | Set `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new file resource volume for `api` and `worker` | `false` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes, must be `ReadWriteMany` | `[ReadWriteMany]` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.storageClassName` | Resource persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `master.podManagementPolicy` | PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down | `Parallel` |
| `master.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `3` |
| `master.annotations` | The `annotations` for master server | `{}` |
| `master.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `master.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `master.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `master.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for master server | `{}` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for master server | `-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xmn512m` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_EXEC_THREADS` | Master execute thread number to limit process instances | `100` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_EXEC_TASK_NUM` | Master execute task number in parallel per process instance | `20` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_DISPATCH_TASK_NUM` | Master dispatch task number per batch | `3` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_HOST_SELECTOR` | Master host selector to select a suitable worker, optional values include Random, RoundRobin, LowerWeight | `LowerWeight` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL` | Master heartbeat interval, the unit is second | `10` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_RETRYTIMES` | Master commit task retry times | `5` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_INTERVAL` | master commit task interval, the unit is second | `1` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_MAX_CPULOAD_AVG` | Master max cpuload avg, only higher than the system cpu load average, master server can schedule | `-1` (`the number of cpu cores * 2`) |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_RESERVED_MEMORY` | Master reserved memory, only lower than system available memory, master server can schedule, the unit is G | `0.3` |
| `master.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `master.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `master.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `master.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `master.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `master.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `master.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `master.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `master.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `master.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `master.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `master.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `master` | `false` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `Master` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `worker.podManagementPolicy` | PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down | `Parallel` |
| `worker.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `3` |
| `worker.annotations` | The `annotations` for worker server | `{}` |
| `worker.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `worker.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `worker.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `worker.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for worker server | `{}` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for worker server | `-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xmn512m` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_EXEC_THREADS` | Worker execute thread number to limit task instances | `100` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL` | Worker heartbeat interval, the unit is second | `10` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_MAX_CPULOAD_AVG` | Worker max cpuload avg, only higher than the system cpu load average, worker server can be dispatched tasks | `-1` (`the number of cpu cores * 2`) |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_RESERVED_MEMORY` | Worker reserved memory, only lower than system available memory, worker server can be dispatched tasks, the unit is G | `0.3` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_GROUPS` | Worker groups | `default` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to enable `persistentVolumeClaim` for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled` to `true` to mount a data volume for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.storageClassName` | `Worker` data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled` to `true` to mount a logs volume for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.storageClassName` | `Worker` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `alert.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `1` |
| `alert.strategy.type` | Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate" | `RollingUpdate` |
| `alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods | `25%` |
| `alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update | `25%` |
| `alert.annotations` | The `annotations` for alert server | `{}` |
| `alert.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `alert.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `alert.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `alert.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for alert server | `{}` |
| `alert.configmap.ALERT_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for alert server | `-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m` |
| `alert.configmap.XLS_FILE_PATH` | XLS file path | `/tmp/xls` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SERVER_HOST` | Mail `SERVER HOST ` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SERVER_PORT` | Mail `SERVER PORT` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SENDER` | Mail `SENDER` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_USER` | Mail `USER` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_PASSWD` | Mail `PASSWORD` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_STARTTLS_ENABLE` | Mail `SMTP STARTTLS` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_SSL_ENABLE` | Mail `SMTP SSL` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_SSL_TRUST` | Mail `SMTP SSL TRUST` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_ENABLE` | `Enterprise Wechat` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_CORP_ID` | `Enterprise Wechat` corp id | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_SECRET` | `Enterprise Wechat` secret | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_AGENT_ID` | `Enterprise Wechat` agent id | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_USERS` | `Enterprise Wechat` users | `nil` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `alert` | `false` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `Alert` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `api.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `1` |
| `api.strategy.type` | Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate" | `RollingUpdate` |
| `api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods | `25%` |
| `api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update | `25%` |
| `api.annotations` | The `annotations` for api server | `{}` |
| `api.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `api.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `api.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `api.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for api server | `{}` |
| `api.configmap.API_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for api server | `-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m` |
| `api.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `api.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `api.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `api.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `api.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `api.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `api.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `api.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `api.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `api.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `api.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `api.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `api` | `false` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `api` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `api.service.type` | `type` determines how the Service is exposed. Valid options are ExternalName, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer | `ClusterIP` |
| `api.service.clusterIP` | `clusterIP` is the IP address of the service and is usually assigned randomly by the master | `nil` |
| `api.service.nodePort` | `nodePort` is the port on each node on which this service is exposed when type=NodePort | `nil` |
| `api.service.externalIPs` | `externalIPs` is a list of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service | `[]` |
| `api.service.externalName` | `externalName` is the external reference that kubedns or equivalent will return as a CNAME record for this service | `nil` |
| `api.service.loadBalancerIP` | `loadBalancerIP` when service.type is LoadBalancer. LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field | `nil` |
| `api.service.annotations` | `annotations` may need to be set when service.type is LoadBalancer | `{}` |
| | | |
| `ingress.enabled` | Enable ingress | `false` |
| `` | Ingress host | `` |
| `ingress.path` | Ingress path | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `ingress.tls.enabled` | Enable ingress tls | `false` |
| `ingress.tls.secretName` | Ingress tls secret name | `dolphinscheduler-tls` |


@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ Kubernetes部署目的是在Kubernetes集群中部署 DolphinScheduler 服务,
如果你是新手,想要体验 DolphinScheduler 的功能,推荐使用[Standalone](方式体检。如果你想体验更完整的功能,或者更大的任务量,推荐使用[伪集群部署](。如果你是在生产中使用,推荐使用[集群部署](或者[kubernetes](
## 先决条件
- [Helm]( 3.1.0+
- [Kubernetes]( 1.12+
- PV 供应(需要基础设施支持)
- [Helm]( 3.1.0+
- [Kubernetes]( 1.12+
- PV 供应(需要基础设施支持)
## 安装 dolphinscheduler
@ -94,38 +93,38 @@ $ kubectl delete pvc -l
## 支持矩阵
| Type | 支持 | 备注 |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | --------------------- |
| Shell | 是 | |
| Python2 | 是 | |
| Python3 | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Hadoop2 | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Hadoop3 | 尚未确定 | 尚未测试 |
| Spark-Local(client) | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Spark-YARN(cluster) | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Spark-Standalone(cluster) | 尚不 | |
| Spark-Kubernetes(cluster) | 尚不 | |
| Flink-Local(local>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| Flink-YARN(yarn-cluster) | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Flink-YARN(yarn-session/yarn-per-job/yarn-application>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| Flink-Standalone(default) | 尚不 | |
| Flink-Standalone(remote>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| Flink-Kubernetes(default) | 尚不 | |
| Flink-Kubernetes(remote>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| Flink-NativeKubernetes(kubernetes-session/application>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| MapReduce | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Kerberos | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| HTTP | 是 | |
| DataX | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Sqoop | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-MySQL | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-PostgreSQL | 是 | |
| SQL-Hive | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-Spark | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-ClickHouse | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-Oracle | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-SQLServer | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-DB2 | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Type | 支持 | 备注 |
| Shell | 是 | |
| Python2 | 是 | |
| Python3 | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Hadoop2 | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Hadoop3 | 尚未确定 | 尚未测试 |
| Spark-Local(client) | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Spark-YARN(cluster) | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Spark-Standalone(cluster) | 尚不 | |
| Spark-Kubernetes(cluster) | 尚不 | |
| Flink-Local(local>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| Flink-YARN(yarn-cluster) | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Flink-YARN(yarn-session/yarn-per-job/yarn-application>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| Flink-Standalone(default) | 尚不 | |
| Flink-Standalone(remote>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| Flink-Kubernetes(default) | 尚不 | |
| Flink-Kubernetes(remote>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| Flink-NativeKubernetes(kubernetes-session/application>=1.11) | 尚不 | Generic CLI 模式尚未支持 |
| MapReduce | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Kerberos | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| HTTP | 是 | |
| DataX | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| Sqoop | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-MySQL | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-PostgreSQL | 是 | |
| SQL-Hive | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-Spark | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-ClickHouse | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-Oracle | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-SQLServer | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
| SQL-DB2 | 间接支持 | 详见 FAQ |
## FAQ
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ kubectl scale --replicas=6 sts dolphinscheduler-worker -n test # with test names
> 由于商业许可证的原因,我们不能直接使用 MySQL 的驱动包.
> 如果你要使用 MySQL, 你可以基于官方镜像 `apache/dolphinscheduler-<service>` 进行构建.
> 从3.0.0版本起,dolphinscheduler已经微服务化,更改元数据存储需要对把所有的服务都替换为 MySQL 驱动包,包括 dolphinscheduler-tools, dolphinscheduler-master, dolphinscheduler-worker, dolphinscheduler-api, dolphinscheduler-alert-server .
1. 下载 MySQL 驱动包 [mysql-connector-java-8.0.16.jar](
@ -238,13 +237,13 @@ externalDatabase:
> 由于商业许可证的原因,我们不能直接使用 MySQL 或者 Oracle 的驱动包.
> 如果你要添加 MySQL 或者 Oracle, 你可以基于官方镜像 `apache/dolphinscheduler-<service>` 进行构建.
> 需要更改 dolphinscheduler-worker, dolphinscheduler-api 两个服务的镜像.
1. 下载 MySQL 驱动包 [mysql-connector-java-8.0.16.jar](
或者 Oracle 驱动包 [ojdbc8.jar]( (例如 `ojdbc8-`)
1. 下载 MySQL 驱动包 [mysql-connector-java-8.0.16.jar](
或者 Oracle 驱动包 [ojdbc8.jar]( (例如 `ojdbc8-`)
3. 创建一个新的 `Dockerfile`,用于添加 MySQL 或者 Oracle 驱动包:
2. 创建一个新的 `Dockerfile`,用于添加 MySQL 或者 Oracle 驱动包:
@ -522,226 +521,228 @@ common:
## 附录-配置
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `timezone` | World time and date for cities in all time zones | `Asia/Shanghai` |
| | | |
| `image.repository` | Docker image repository for the DolphinScheduler | `apache/dolphinscheduler` |
| `image.tag` | Docker image version for the DolphinScheduler | `latest` |
| `image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent | `IfNotPresent` |
| `image.pullSecret` | Image pull secret. An optional reference to secret in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images | `nil` |
| | | |
| `postgresql.enabled` | If not exists external PostgreSQL, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal PostgreSQL | `true` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlUsername` | The username for internal PostgreSQL | `root` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlPassword` | The password for internal PostgreSQL | `root` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlDatabase` | The database for internal PostgreSQL | `dolphinscheduler` |
| `postgresql.persistence.enabled` | Set `postgresql.persistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for internal PostgreSQL | `false` |
| `postgresql.persistence.size` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `postgresql.persistence.storageClass` | PostgreSQL data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `externalDatabase.type` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database type will use it | `postgresql` |
| `externalDatabase.driver` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database driver will use it | `org.postgresql.Driver` |
| `` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database host will use it | `localhost` |
| `externalDatabase.port` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database port will use it | `5432` |
| `externalDatabase.username` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database username will use it | `root` |
| `externalDatabase.password` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database password will use it | `root` |
| `externalDatabase.database` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database database will use it | `dolphinscheduler` |
| `externalDatabase.params` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database params will use it | `characterEncoding=utf8` |
| | | |
| `zookeeper.enabled` | If not exists external Zookeeper, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal Zookeeper | `true` |
| `zookeeper.fourlwCommandsWhitelist` | A list of comma separated Four Letter Words commands to use | `srvr,ruok,wchs,cons` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.enabled` | Set `zookeeper.persistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for internal Zookeeper | `false` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.size` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.storageClass` | Zookeeper data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `zookeeper.zookeeperRoot` | Specify dolphinscheduler root directory in Zookeeper | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `externalZookeeper.zookeeperQuorum` | If exists external Zookeeper, and set `zookeeper.enabled` value to false. Specify Zookeeper quorum | `` |
| `externalZookeeper.zookeeperRoot` | If exists external Zookeeper, and set `zookeeper.enabled` value to false. Specify dolphinscheduler root directory in Zookeeper | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| | | |
| `common.configmap.DOLPHINSCHEDULER_OPTS` | The jvm options for dolphinscheduler, suitable for all servers | `""` |
| `common.configmap.DATA_BASEDIR_PATH` | User data directory path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions | `/tmp/dolphinscheduler` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` | Resource storage type: HDFS, S3, NONE | `HDFS` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_UPLOAD_PATH` | Resource store on HDFS/S3 path, please make sure the directory exists on hdfs and have read write permissions | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `common.configmap.FS_DEFAULT_FS` | Resource storage file system like `file:///`, `hdfs://mycluster:8020` or `s3a://dolphinscheduler` | `file:///` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_ENDPOINT` | S3 endpoint when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_ACCESS_KEY` | S3 access key when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `xxxxxxx` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_SECRET_KEY` | S3 secret key when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `xxxxxxx` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_STARTUP_STATE` | Whether to startup kerberos | `false` |
| `common.configmap.JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_PATH` | The path | `/opt/krb5.conf` |
| `common.configmap.LOGIN_USER_KEYTAB_USERNAME` | The login user from keytab username | `hdfs@HADOOP.COM` |
| `common.configmap.LOGIN_USER_KEYTAB_PATH` | The login user from keytab path | `/opt/hdfs.keytab` |
| `common.configmap.KERBEROS_EXPIRE_TIME` | The kerberos expire time, the unit is hour | `2` |
| `common.configmap.HDFS_ROOT_USER` | The HDFS root user who must have the permission to create directories under the HDFS root path | `hdfs` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_MANAGER_HTTPADDRESS_PORT` | Set resource manager httpaddress port for yarn | `8088` |
| `common.configmap.YARN_RESOURCEMANAGER_HA_RM_IDS` | If resourcemanager HA is enabled, please set the HA IPs | `nil` |
| `common.configmap.YARN_APPLICATION_STATUS_ADDRESS` | If resourcemanager is single, you only need to replace ds1 to actual resourcemanager hostname, otherwise keep default | `http://ds1:%s/ws/v1/cluster/apps/%s` |
| `common.configmap.SKYWALKING_ENABLE` | Set whether to enable skywalking | `false` |
| `common.configmap.SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES` | Set agent collector backend services for skywalking | `` |
| `common.configmap.SW_GRPC_LOG_SERVER_HOST` | Set grpc log server host for skywalking | `` |
| `common.configmap.SW_GRPC_LOG_SERVER_PORT` | Set grpc log server port for skywalking | `11800` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_HOME` | Set `HADOOP_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hadoop` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_CONF_DIR` | Set `HADOOP_CONF_DIR` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hadoop/etc/hadoop` |
| `common.configmap.SPARK_HOME1` | Set `SPARK_HOME1` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/spark1` |
| `common.configmap.SPARK_HOME2` | Set `SPARK_HOME2` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/spark2` |
| `common.configmap.PYTHON_HOME` | Set `PYTHON_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/usr/bin/python` |
| `common.configmap.JAVA_HOME` | Set `JAVA_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/usr/local/openjdk-8` |
| `common.configmap.HIVE_HOME` | Set `HIVE_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hive` |
| `common.configmap.FLINK_HOME` | Set `FLINK_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/flink` |
| `common.configmap.DATAX_HOME` | Set `DATAX_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/datax` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled` | Set `common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a shared storage volume for Hadoop, Spark binary and etc | `false` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.mountPath` | The mount path for the shared storage volume | `/opt/soft` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes, must be `ReadWriteMany` | `[ReadWriteMany]` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.storageClassName` | Shared Storage persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled` | Set `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new file resource volume for `api` and `worker` | `false` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes, must be `ReadWriteMany` | `[ReadWriteMany]` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.storageClassName` | Resource persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `master.podManagementPolicy` | PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down | `Parallel` |
| `master.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `3` |
| `master.annotations` | The `annotations` for master server | `{}` |
| `master.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `master.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `master.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `master.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for master server | `{}` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for master server | `-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xmn512m` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_EXEC_THREADS` | Master execute thread number to limit process instances | `100` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_EXEC_TASK_NUM` | Master execute task number in parallel per process instance | `20` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_DISPATCH_TASK_NUM` | Master dispatch task number per batch | `3` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_HOST_SELECTOR` | Master host selector to select a suitable worker, optional values include Random, RoundRobin, LowerWeight | `LowerWeight` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL` | Master heartbeat interval, the unit is second | `10` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_RETRYTIMES` | Master commit task retry times | `5` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_INTERVAL` | master commit task interval, the unit is second | `1` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_MAX_CPULOAD_AVG` | Master max cpuload avg, only higher than the system cpu load average, master server can schedule | `-1` (`the number of cpu cores * 2`) |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_RESERVED_MEMORY` | Master reserved memory, only lower than system available memory, master server can schedule, the unit is G | `0.3` |
| `master.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `master.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `master.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `master.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `master.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `master.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `master.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `master.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `master.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `master.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `master.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `master.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `master` | `false` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `Master` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `worker.podManagementPolicy` | PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down | `Parallel` |
| `worker.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `3` |
| `worker.annotations` | The `annotations` for worker server | `{}` |
| `worker.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `worker.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `worker.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `worker.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for worker server | `{}` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for worker server | `-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xmn512m` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_EXEC_THREADS` | Worker execute thread number to limit task instances | `100` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL` | Worker heartbeat interval, the unit is second | `10` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_MAX_CPULOAD_AVG` | Worker max cpuload avg, only higher than the system cpu load average, worker server can be dispatched tasks | `-1` (`the number of cpu cores * 2`) |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_RESERVED_MEMORY` | Worker reserved memory, only lower than system available memory, worker server can be dispatched tasks, the unit is G | `0.3` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_GROUPS` | Worker groups | `default` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to enable `persistentVolumeClaim` for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled` to `true` to mount a data volume for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.storageClassName` | `Worker` data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled` to `true` to mount a logs volume for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.storageClassName` | `Worker` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `alert.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `1` |
| `alert.strategy.type` | Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate" | `RollingUpdate` |
| `alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods | `25%` |
| `alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update | `25%` |
| `alert.annotations` | The `annotations` for alert server | `{}` |
| `alert.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `alert.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `alert.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `alert.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for alert server | `{}` |
| `alert.configmap.ALERT_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for alert server | `-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m` |
| `alert.configmap.XLS_FILE_PATH` | XLS file path | `/tmp/xls` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SERVER_HOST` | Mail `SERVER HOST ` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SERVER_PORT` | Mail `SERVER PORT` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SENDER` | Mail `SENDER` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_USER` | Mail `USER` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_PASSWD` | Mail `PASSWORD` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_STARTTLS_ENABLE` | Mail `SMTP STARTTLS` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_SSL_ENABLE` | Mail `SMTP SSL` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_SSL_TRUST` | Mail `SMTP SSL TRUST` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_ENABLE` | `Enterprise Wechat` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_CORP_ID` | `Enterprise Wechat` corp id | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_SECRET` | `Enterprise Wechat` secret | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_AGENT_ID` | `Enterprise Wechat` agent id | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_USERS` | `Enterprise Wechat` users | `nil` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `alert` | `false` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `Alert` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `api.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `1` |
| `api.strategy.type` | Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate" | `RollingUpdate` |
| `api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods | `25%` |
| `api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update | `25%` |
| `api.annotations` | The `annotations` for api server | `{}` |
| `api.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `api.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `api.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `api.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for api server | `{}` |
| `api.configmap.API_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for api server | `-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m` |
| `api.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `api.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `api.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `api.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `api.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `api.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `api.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `api.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `api.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `api.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `api.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `api.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `api` | `false` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `api` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `api.service.type` | `type` determines how the Service is exposed. Valid options are ExternalName, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer | `ClusterIP` |
| `api.service.clusterIP` | `clusterIP` is the IP address of the service and is usually assigned randomly by the master | `nil` |
| `api.service.nodePort` | `nodePort` is the port on each node on which this service is exposed when type=NodePort | `nil` |
| `api.service.externalIPs` | `externalIPs` is a list of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service | `[]` |
| `api.service.externalName` | `externalName` is the external reference that kubedns or equivalent will return as a CNAME record for this service | `nil` |
| `api.service.loadBalancerIP` | `loadBalancerIP` when service.type is LoadBalancer. LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field | `nil` |
| `api.service.annotations` | `annotations` may need to be set when service.type is LoadBalancer | `{}` |
| | | |
| `ingress.enabled` | Enable ingress | `false` |
| `` | Ingress host | `` |
| `ingress.path` | Ingress path | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `ingress.tls.enabled` | Enable ingress tls | `false` |
| `ingress.tls.secretName` | Ingress tls secret name | `dolphinscheduler-tls` |
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| `timezone` | World time and date for cities in all time zones | `Asia/Shanghai` |
| | | |
| `image.repository` | Docker image repository for the DolphinScheduler | `apache/dolphinscheduler` |
| `image.tag` | Docker image version for the DolphinScheduler | `latest` |
| `image.pullPolicy` | Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent | `IfNotPresent` |
| `image.pullSecret` | Image pull secret. An optional reference to secret in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images | `nil` |
| | | |
| `postgresql.enabled` | If not exists external PostgreSQL, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal PostgreSQL | `true` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlUsername` | The username for internal PostgreSQL | `root` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlPassword` | The password for internal PostgreSQL | `root` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlDatabase` | The database for internal PostgreSQL | `dolphinscheduler` |
| `postgresql.persistence.enabled` | Set `postgresql.persistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for internal PostgreSQL | `false` |
| `postgresql.persistence.size` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `postgresql.persistence.storageClass` | PostgreSQL data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `externalDatabase.type` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database type will use it | `postgresql` |
| `externalDatabase.driver` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database driver will use it | `org.postgresql.Driver` |
| `` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database host will use it | `localhost` |
| `externalDatabase.port` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database port will use it | `5432` |
| `externalDatabase.username` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database username will use it | `root` |
| `externalDatabase.password` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database password will use it | `root` |
| `externalDatabase.database` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database database will use it | `dolphinscheduler` |
| `externalDatabase.params` | If exists external PostgreSQL, and set `postgresql.enabled` value to false. DolphinScheduler's database params will use it | `characterEncoding=utf8` |
| | | |
| `zookeeper.enabled` | If not exists external Zookeeper, by default, the DolphinScheduler will use a internal Zookeeper | `true` |
| `zookeeper.service.port` | The port of zookeeper | `2181` |
| `zookeeper.fourlwCommandsWhitelist` | A list of comma separated Four Letter Words commands to use | `srvr,ruok,wchs,cons` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.enabled` | Set `zookeeper.persistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for internal Zookeeper | `false` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.size` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `zookeeper.persistence.storageClass` | Zookeeper data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `externalRegistry.registryPluginDir` | If exists external registry and set `zookeeper.enable` to `false`, specify the external registry plugin directory | `lib/plugin/registry` |
| `externalRegistry.registryPluginName` | If exists external registry and set `zookeeper.enable` to `false`, specify the external registry plugin name | `zookeeper` |
| `externalRegistry.registryServers` | If exists external registry and set `zookeeper.enable` to `false`, specify the external registry servers | `` |
| | | |
| `common.configmap.DOLPHINSCHEDULER_OPTS` | The jvm options for dolphinscheduler, suitable for all servers | `""` |
| `common.configmap.DATA_BASEDIR_PATH` | User data directory path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions | `/tmp/dolphinscheduler` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` | Resource storage type: HDFS, S3, NONE | `HDFS` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_UPLOAD_PATH` | Resource store on HDFS/S3 path, please make sure the directory exists on hdfs and have read write permissions | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `common.configmap.FS_DEFAULT_FS` | Resource storage file system like `file:///`, `hdfs://mycluster:8020` or `s3a://dolphinscheduler` | `file:///` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_ENDPOINT` | S3 endpoint when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_ACCESS_KEY` | S3 access key when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `xxxxxxx` |
| `common.configmap.FS_S3A_SECRET_KEY` | S3 secret key when `common.configmap.RESOURCE_STORAGE_TYPE` is set to `S3` | `xxxxxxx` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_STARTUP_STATE` | Whether to startup kerberos | `false` |
| `common.configmap.JAVA_SECURITY_KRB5_CONF_PATH` | The path | `/opt/krb5.conf` |
| `common.configmap.LOGIN_USER_KEYTAB_USERNAME` | The login user from keytab username | `hdfs@HADOOP.COM` |
| `common.configmap.LOGIN_USER_KEYTAB_PATH` | The login user from keytab path | `/opt/hdfs.keytab` |
| `common.configmap.KERBEROS_EXPIRE_TIME` | The kerberos expire time, the unit is hour | `2` |
| `common.configmap.HDFS_ROOT_USER` | The HDFS root user who must have the permission to create directories under the HDFS root path | `hdfs` |
| `common.configmap.RESOURCE_MANAGER_HTTPADDRESS_PORT` | Set resource manager httpaddress port for yarn | `8088` |
| `common.configmap.YARN_RESOURCEMANAGER_HA_RM_IDS` | If resourcemanager HA is enabled, please set the HA IPs | `nil` |
| `common.configmap.YARN_APPLICATION_STATUS_ADDRESS` | If resourcemanager is single, you only need to replace ds1 to actual resourcemanager hostname, otherwise keep default | `http://ds1:%s/ws/v1/cluster/apps/%s` |
| `common.configmap.SKYWALKING_ENABLE` | Set whether to enable skywalking | `false` |
| `common.configmap.SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES` | Set agent collector backend services for skywalking | `` |
| `common.configmap.SW_GRPC_LOG_SERVER_HOST` | Set grpc log server host for skywalking | `` |
| `common.configmap.SW_GRPC_LOG_SERVER_PORT` | Set grpc log server port for skywalking | `11800` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_HOME` | Set `HADOOP_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hadoop` |
| `common.configmap.HADOOP_CONF_DIR` | Set `HADOOP_CONF_DIR` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hadoop/etc/hadoop` |
| `common.configmap.SPARK_HOME1` | Set `SPARK_HOME1` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/spark1` |
| `common.configmap.SPARK_HOME2` | Set `SPARK_HOME2` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/spark2` |
| `common.configmap.PYTHON_HOME` | Set `PYTHON_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/usr/bin/python` |
| `common.configmap.JAVA_HOME` | Set `JAVA_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/usr/local/openjdk-8` |
| `common.configmap.HIVE_HOME` | Set `HIVE_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/hive` |
| `common.configmap.FLINK_HOME` | Set `FLINK_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/flink` |
| `common.configmap.DATAX_HOME` | Set `DATAX_HOME` for DolphinScheduler's task environment | `/opt/soft/datax` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled` | Set `common.sharedStoragePersistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a shared storage volume for Hadoop, Spark binary and etc | `false` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.mountPath` | The mount path for the shared storage volume | `/opt/soft` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes, must be `ReadWriteMany` | `[ReadWriteMany]` |
| `common.sharedStoragePersistence.storageClassName` | Shared Storage persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled` | Set `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.enabled` to `true` to mount a new file resource volume for `api` and `worker` | `false` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes, must be `ReadWriteMany` | `[ReadWriteMany]` |
| `common.fsFileResourcePersistence.storageClassName` | Resource persistent volume storage class, must support the access mode: ReadWriteMany | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `master.podManagementPolicy` | PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down | `Parallel` |
| `master.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `3` |
| `master.annotations` | The `annotations` for master server | `{}` |
| `master.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `master.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `master.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `master.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for master server | `{}` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for master server | `-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xmn512m` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_EXEC_THREADS` | Master execute thread number to limit process instances | `100` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_EXEC_TASK_NUM` | Master execute task number in parallel per process instance | `20` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_DISPATCH_TASK_NUM` | Master dispatch task number per batch | `3` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_HOST_SELECTOR` | Master host selector to select a suitable worker, optional values include Random, RoundRobin, LowerWeight | `LowerWeight` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL` | Master heartbeat interval, the unit is second | `10` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_RETRYTIMES` | Master commit task retry times | `5` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_TASK_COMMIT_INTERVAL` | master commit task interval, the unit is second | `1` |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_MAX_CPULOAD_AVG` | Master max cpuload avg, only higher than the system cpu load average, master server can schedule | `-1` (`the number of cpu cores * 2`) |
| `master.configmap.MASTER_RESERVED_MEMORY` | Master reserved memory, only lower than system available memory, master server can schedule, the unit is G | `0.3` |
| `master.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `master.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `master.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `master.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `master.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `master.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `master.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `master.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `master.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `master.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `master.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `master.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `master.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `master` | `false` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `master.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `Master` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `worker.podManagementPolicy` | PodManagementPolicy controls how pods are created during initial scale up, when replacing pods on nodes, or when scaling down | `Parallel` |
| `worker.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `3` |
| `worker.annotations` | The `annotations` for worker server | `{}` |
| `worker.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `worker.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `worker.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `worker.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for worker server | `{}` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for worker server | `-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xmn512m` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_EXEC_THREADS` | Worker execute thread number to limit task instances | `100` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL` | Worker heartbeat interval, the unit is second | `10` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_MAX_CPULOAD_AVG` | Worker max cpuload avg, only higher than the system cpu load average, worker server can be dispatched tasks | `-1` (`the number of cpu cores * 2`) |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_RESERVED_MEMORY` | Worker reserved memory, only lower than system available memory, worker server can be dispatched tasks, the unit is G | `0.3` |
| `worker.configmap.WORKER_GROUPS` | Worker groups | `default` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `worker.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `worker.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to enable `persistentVolumeClaim` for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.enabled` to `true` to mount a data volume for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.dataPersistentVolume.storageClassName` | `Worker` data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled` | Set `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.enabled` to `true` to mount a logs volume for `worker` | `false` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `worker.persistentVolumeClaim.logsPersistentVolume.storageClassName` | `Worker` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `alert.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `1` |
| `alert.strategy.type` | Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate" | `RollingUpdate` |
| `alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods | `25%` |
| `alert.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update | `25%` |
| `alert.annotations` | The `annotations` for alert server | `{}` |
| `alert.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `alert.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `alert.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `alert.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for alert server | `{}` |
| `alert.configmap.ALERT_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for alert server | `-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m` |
| `alert.configmap.XLS_FILE_PATH` | XLS file path | `/tmp/xls` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SERVER_HOST` | Mail `SERVER HOST ` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SERVER_PORT` | Mail `SERVER PORT` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SENDER` | Mail `SENDER` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_USER` | Mail `USER` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_PASSWD` | Mail `PASSWORD` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_STARTTLS_ENABLE` | Mail `SMTP STARTTLS` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_SSL_ENABLE` | Mail `SMTP SSL` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.MAIL_SMTP_SSL_TRUST` | Mail `SMTP SSL TRUST` | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_ENABLE` | `Enterprise Wechat` enable | `false` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_CORP_ID` | `Enterprise Wechat` corp id | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_SECRET` | `Enterprise Wechat` secret | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_AGENT_ID` | `Enterprise Wechat` agent id | `nil` |
| `alert.configmap.ENTERPRISE_WECHAT_USERS` | `Enterprise Wechat` users | `nil` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `alert.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `alert.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `alert` | `false` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `alert.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `Alert` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| | | |
| `api.replicas` | Replicas is the desired number of replicas of the given Template | `1` |
| `api.strategy.type` | Type of deployment. Can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate" | `RollingUpdate` |
| `api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods | `25%` |
| `api.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update | `25%` |
| `api.annotations` | The `annotations` for api server | `{}` |
| `api.affinity` | If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints | `{}` |
| `api.nodeSelector` | NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node | `{}` |
| `api.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations | `{}` |
| `api.resources` | The `resource` limit and request config for api server | `{}` |
| `api.configmap.API_SERVER_OPTS` | The jvm options for api server | `-Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xmn256m` |
| `api.livenessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off liveness probe | `true` |
| `api.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `api.livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `api.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `api.livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `api.livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `api.readinessProbe.enabled` | Turn on and off readiness probe | `true` |
| `api.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | `30` |
| `api.readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | `30` |
| `api.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | `5` |
| `api.readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe | `3` |
| `api.readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe | `1` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` | Set `api.persistentVolumeClaim.enabled` to `true` to mount a new volume for `api` | `false` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.accessModes` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` access modes | `[ReadWriteOnce]` |
| `api.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClassName` | `api` logs data persistent volume storage class. If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning | `-` |
| `` | `PersistentVolumeClaim` size | `20Gi` |
| `api.service.type` | `type` determines how the Service is exposed. Valid options are ExternalName, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer | `ClusterIP` |
| `api.service.clusterIP` | `clusterIP` is the IP address of the service and is usually assigned randomly by the master | `nil` |
| `api.service.nodePort` | `nodePort` is the port on each node on which this service is exposed when type=NodePort | `nil` |
| `api.service.externalIPs` | `externalIPs` is a list of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service | `[]` |
| `api.service.externalName` | `externalName` is the external reference that kubedns or equivalent will return as a CNAME record for this service | `nil` |
| `api.service.loadBalancerIP` | `loadBalancerIP` when service.type is LoadBalancer. LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field | `nil` |
| `api.service.annotations` | `annotations` may need to be set when service.type is LoadBalancer | `{}` |
| | | |
| `ingress.enabled` | Enable ingress | `false` |
| `` | Ingress host | `` |
| `ingress.path` | Ingress path | `/dolphinscheduler` |
| `ingress.tls.enabled` | Enable ingress tls | `false` |
| `ingress.tls.secretName` | Ingress tls secret name | `dolphinscheduler-tls` |
