- [] Custom projects: Support for running your own MLflow projects
- [x] Custom projects: Support for running your own MLflow projects
- [ ] MLflow Models
- [x] MLFLOW: Use `MLflow models serve` to deploy a model service
- [x] Docker: Run the container after packaging the docker image
@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ First, introduce some general parameters of DolphinScheduler
**Task Parameter**
- **mlflow server tracking uri** :MLflow server uri, default http://localhost:5000.
- **job type** : The type of task to run, currently including the underlying algorithm and AutoML. (User-defined
MLFlow project task execution will be supported in the near future)
- **experiment name** :The experiment in which the task is running, if none, is created.
- **experiment name** :Create the experiment where the task is running, if the experiment does not exist. If the name is empty, it is set to ` Default `, the same as MLflow.
- **register model** :Register the model or not. If register is selected, the following parameters are expanded.
- **model name** : The registered model name is added to the original model version and registered as
@ -95,9 +93,7 @@ First, introduce some general parameters of DolphinScheduler
**Task Parameter**
- **mlflow server tracking uri** :MLflow server uri, default http://localhost:5000.
- **job type** : The type of task to run, currently including the underlying algorithm and AutoML. (User-defined
MLFlow project task execution will be supported in the near future)
- **experiment name** :The experiment in which the task is running, if none, is created.
- **experiment name** :Create the experiment where the task is running, if the experiment does not exist. If the name is empty, it is set to ` Default `, the same as MLflow.
- **register model** :Register the model or not. If register is selected, the following parameters are expanded.
- **model name** : The registered model name is added to the original model version and registered as
@ -114,6 +110,24 @@ First, introduce some general parameters of DolphinScheduler
- **mlflow server tracking uri** :MLflow server uri, default http://localhost:5000.
- **experiment name** :Create the experiment where the task is running, if the experiment does not exist. If the name is empty, it is set to ` Default `, the same as MLflow.
- **parameters** : `--param-list` in `mlflow run`. For example `-P learning_rate=0.2 -P colsample_bytree=0.8 -P subsample=0.9`
- **Repository** : Repository url of MLflow Project,Support git address and directory on worker. If it's in a subdirectory,We add `#` to support this (same as `mlflow run`) , for example `https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow#examples/xgboost/xgboost_native`
- **Project Version** : Version of the project,default master
You can now use this feature to run all mlFlow projects on Github (For example [MLflow examples](https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow/tree/master/examples) )了。You can also create your own machine learning library to reuse your work, and then use DolphinScheduler to use your library with one click.