For navigation bar options jumping, the goToNav method is provided in `org/apache/dolphinscheduler/e2e/pages/common/`. The currently supported pages are: ProjectPage, SecurityPage and ResourcePage.
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ For navigation bar options jumping, the goToNav method is provided in `org/apach
Current E2E test cases supported include: File Management, Project Management, Queue Management, Tenant Management, User Management, Worker Group Management and Workflow Test.
The following is an example of a tenant management test. As explained earlier, we use docker-compose for deployment, so for each test case, we need to import the corresponding file in the form of an annotation.
@ -186,12 +186,12 @@ When running E2E tests locally, the `-Dlocal=true` parameter can be configured t
When running E2E tests with `M1` chip, you can use `-Dm1_chip=true` parameter to configure containers supported by
If a connection timeout occurs during a local run, increase the load time to a recommended 30 and above.
If you need to use `Webex Teams` to alert, create an alert instance in the alert instance management, and choose the WebexTeams plugin. You can pick private alert or room group chat alert.
The following is the `WebexTeams` configuration example:
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ The following is the `WebexTeams` configuration example:
Create a bot visit [Official Website My-Apps]( to `Create a New APP` and select `Create a Bot`, fill in the bot information and acquire `bot username` and `bot ID` for further usage.
Create a root visit [Official Website for Developer APIs]( to create a new room, fill in the room name and acquire `id`(room ID) and `creatorId` for further usage.
@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ The parameter `send.type` corresponds to sending messages to Enterprise WeChat c
The APP sends type means to notify the alert results via Enterprise WeChat customized APPs, supports sending messages to both specified users and all members. Currently, send to specified enterprise department and tags are not supported, a new PR to contribute is welcomed.
The Group Chat send type means to notify the alert results via group chat created by Enterprise WeChat API, sending messages to all members of the group and specified users are not supported.
The following is the `Group Chat` alert config example:
NOTICE: If Kerberos is disabled, ensure the parameter `` is false, and parameter `` value sets null.
If **Kerberos** is enabled, needs to set the following parameters in ``:
Apache DolphinScheduler home page lets you see task state statistics, workflow state statistics, and project statistics for all projects of users. It is the best way to observe status of your system as a whole as well as diving into individual process to check each status of task and task logs.
2. Select the "Expiration time" (Token validity time), select "User" (choose the specified user to perform the API operation), click "Generate token", copy the `Token` string, and click "Submit".
When the SHELL task is completed, we can use the output passed upstream as the query object for the SQL. The id of the query is renamed to ID and is output as a parameter.
> Note: If the result of the SQL node has only one row, one or multiple fields, the name of the `prop` needs to be the same as the field name. The data type can choose structure except `LIST`. The parameter assigns the value according to the same column name in the SQL query result.
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ When the SHELL task is completed, we can use the output passed upstream as the q
Click on the Save workflow icon and set the global parameters output and value.
Even though output is assigned a value of 1 in Node_A's script, the log still shows a value of 100. But according to the principle from [parameter priority]( `Local Parameter > Parameter Context > Global Parameter`, the output value in Node_B is 1. It proves that the output parameter is passed in the workflow with reference to the expected value, and the query operation is completed using this value in Node_mysql.
Set global parameter: On the workflow definition page, click the plus sign to the right of "Set Global", after filling in the variable name and value, save it.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ This example shows how to use local parameters to print the current date.
Create a Shell task and write a script with the content `echo ${dt}`. Click **custom parameter** in the configuration bar, and the configuration is as follows:
> Note: The local parameter can be used in the workflow of the current task node. If it is set to OUT, it can be passed to the downstream workflow. Please refer to: [Parameter Context](
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Save the workflow and run it. View log of Shell task.
If you want to simple export parameters and then use them in downstream tasks, you could use `setValue` in your task. And you can manage your parameters into one single task. You can use syntax `echo '${setValue(set_val=123)}'`(**do not forget the single quote**) in Shell task and add new `OUT` custom parameter to export it.
The [useParam] node can use the parameters which are set in the [createParam] node. The [useParam] node cannot obtain the parameters from the [noUseParam] node due to there is no dependency between them. Other task node types have the same usage rules with the Shell example here.
The [createParam] node can use parameters directly. In addition, the node creates two parameters named "key" and "key1", and "key1" has the same name as the one passed by the upstream node and assign value "12". However, due to the priority rules, the value assignment will assign "12" and the value from the upstream node is discarded.
"status" is own parameter of the node set by the current node. However, the user also sets the "status" parameter (global parameter) when saving the process definition and assign its value to -1. Then the value of status will be 2, with higher priority when the SQL executes. The global parameter value is discarded.
Click `Project Management -> Workflow -> Task Instance` to enter the task instance page, as shown in the figure below, click the name of the workflow instance to jump to the DAG diagram of the workflow instance to view the task status.
@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ Currently only temporary UDF functions for HIVE are supported.
Users can customize the desired UDF function according to actual production requirements. Here's a function that appends "HelloWorld" to the end of any string. As shown below:
Before configuring UDF functions, you need to upload the required function jar package through resource management. Then enter the function management and configure the relevant information. As shown below:
@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ Enter the workflow to define an SQL node, the data source type is HIVE, and the
- SQL statement: `select HwUdf("abc");` This function is used in the same way as the built-in functions, and can be accessed directly using the function name.
- UDF function: Select the one configured for the resource center.
访问[官网My-Apps](来创建一个机器人,点击`Create a New APP` 然后选择 `Create a Bot`,填入机器人信息后获取`bot username` 和 `bot ID`以备以下步骤使用。
- **编辑:** 只能编辑 成功/失败/停止 状态的流程。点击"编辑"按钮或工作流实例名称进入 DAG 编辑页面,编辑后点击"保存"按钮,弹出保存 DAG 弹框,如下图所示,修改流程定义信息,在弹框中勾选"是否更新工作流定义",保存后则将实例修改的信息更新到工作流定义;若不勾选,则不更新工作流定义。