@ -22,7 +22,11 @@ it will call `Zeppelin Client API` to trigger zeppelin notebook paragraph. Click
| Zeppelin Note ID | The unique note id for a zeppelin notebook note. |
| Zeppelin Paragraph ID | The unique paragraph id for a zeppelin notebook paragraph. If you want to schedule a whole note at a time, leave this field blank. |
| Zeppelin Production Note Directory | The directory for cloned note in production mode. |
| Zeppelin Rest Endpoint | The REST endpoint of your zeppelin server |
| Zeppelin username | the login username of your zeppelin server . |
| |
| Zeppelin password | the login password of your zeppelin server . |
| |
| Zeppelin Rest Endpoint | The REST endpoint of your zeppelin server . |
| Zeppelin Parameters | Parameters in json format used for zeppelin dynamic form. |