@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
--- |
name: Bug report |
about: Create a report to help us improve |
title: "[BUG] bug title " |
labels: bug |
assignees: '' |
--- |
*For better global communication, please give priority to using English description, thx! * |
**Describe the bug** |
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. |
**To Reproduce** |
Steps to reproduce the behavior, for example: |
1. Go to '...' |
2. Click on '....' |
3. Scroll down to '....' |
4. See error |
**Expected behavior** |
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. |
**Screenshots** |
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. |
**Which version of Easy Scheduler:** |
-[1.1.0-preview] |
**Additional context** |
Add any other context about the problem here. |
**Requirement or improvement |
- Please describe about your requirements or improvement suggestions. |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
--- |
name: Feature request |
about: Suggest an idea for this project |
title: "[Feature]" |
labels: new feature |
assignees: '' |
--- |
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** |
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] |
**Describe the solution you'd like** |
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. |
**Describe alternatives you've considered** |
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. |
**Additional context** |
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. |
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
#Maintin by jimmy |
#Email: zhengge2012@gmail.com |
FROM anapsix/alpine-java:8_jdk |
WORKDIR /tmp |
RUN wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.6.1/binaries/apache-maven-3.6.1-bin.tar.gz |
RUN tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.6.1-bin.tar.gz && rm apache-maven-3.6.1-bin.tar.gz |
RUN mv apache-maven-3.6.1 /usr/lib/mvn |
RUN chown -R root:root /usr/lib/mvn |
RUN ln -s /usr/lib/mvn/bin/mvn /usr/bin/mvn |
RUN wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.6/zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz |
RUN tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz |
RUN mv zookeeper-3.4.6 /opt/zookeeper |
RUN rm -rf zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz |
RUN echo "export ZOOKEEPER_HOME=/opt/zookeeper" >>/etc/profile |
RUN echo "export PATH=$PATH:$ZOOKEEPER_HOME/bin" >>/etc/profile |
ADD conf/zoo.cfg /opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg |
#RUN source /etc/profile |
#RUN zkServer.sh start |
RUN apk add --no-cache git npm nginx mariadb mariadb-client mariadb-server-utils pwgen |
WORKDIR /opt |
RUN git clone https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler.git |
WORKDIR /opt/EasyScheduler |
RUN mvn -U clean package assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true |
RUN mv /opt/EasyScheduler/target/escheduler-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT /opt/easyscheduler |
WORKDIR /opt/EasyScheduler/escheduler-ui |
RUN npm install |
RUN npm audit fix |
RUN npm run build |
RUN mkdir -p /opt/escheduler/front/server |
RUN cp -rfv dist/* /opt/escheduler/front/server |
RUN rm -rf /opt/EasyScheduler |
#configure mysql server https://github.com/yobasystems/alpine-mariadb/tree/master/alpine-mariadb-amd64 |
ADD conf/run.sh /scripts/run.sh |
RUN mkdir /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d && \ |
mkdir /scripts/pre-exec.d && \ |
mkdir /scripts/pre-init.d && \ |
chmod -R 755 /scripts |
RUN rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* |
EXPOSE 8888 |
ENTRYPOINT ["/scripts/run.sh"] |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Easy Scheduler |
============ |
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> Easy Scheduler for Big Data |
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[![EN doc](https://img.shields.io/badge/document-English-blue.svg)](README.md) |
**设计特点:** 一个分布式易扩展的可视化DAG工作流任务调度系统。致力于解决数据处理流程中错综复杂的依赖关系,使调度系统在数据处理流程中`开箱即用`。 |
其主要目标如下: |
- 以DAG图的方式将Task按照任务的依赖关系关联起来,可实时可视化监控任务的运行状态 |
- 支持丰富的任务类型:Shell、MR、Spark、SQL(mysql、postgresql、hive、sparksql),Python,Sub_Process、Procedure等 |
- 支持工作流定时调度、依赖调度、手动调度、手动暂停/停止/恢复,同时支持失败重试/告警、从指定节点恢复失败、Kill任务等操作 |
- 支持工作流优先级、任务优先级及任务的故障转移及任务超时告警/失败 |
- 支持工作流全局参数及节点自定义参数设置 |
- 支持资源文件的在线上传/下载,管理等,支持在线文件创建、编辑 |
- 支持任务日志在线查看及滚动、在线下载日志等 |
- 实现集群HA,通过Zookeeper实现Master集群和Worker集群去中心化 |
- 支持对`Master/Worker` cpu load,memory,cpu在线查看 |
- 支持工作流运行历史树形/甘特图展示、支持任务状态统计、流程状态统计 |
- 支持补数 |
- 支持多租户 |
- 支持国际化 |
- 还有更多等待伙伴们探索 |
### 与同类调度系统的对比 |
![调度系统对比](http://geek.analysys.cn/static/upload/47/2019-03-01/9609ca82-cf8b-4d91-8dc0-0e2805194747.jpeg) |
### 系统部分截图 |
![](http://geek.analysys.cn/static/upload/221/2019-03-29/0a9dea80-fb02-4fa5-a812-633b67035ffc.jpeg) |
![](http://geek.analysys.cn/static/upload/221/2019-04-01/83686def-a54f-4169-8cae-77b1f8300cc1.png) |
![](http://geek.analysys.cn/static/upload/221/2019-03-29/83c937c7-1793-4d7a-aa28-b98460329fe0.jpeg) |
### 文档 |
- <a href="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/后端部署文档.html" target="_blank">后端部署文档</a> |
- <a href="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/前端部署文档.html" target="_blank">前端部署文档</a> |
- [**使用手册**](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/系统使用手册.html?_blank "系统使用手册") |
- [**升级文档**](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/升级文档.html?_blank "升级文档") |
- <a href="" target="_blank">我要体验</a> |
更多文档请参考 <a href="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/" target="_blank">easyscheduler中文在线文档</a> |
### 近期研发计划 |
EasyScheduler的工作计划:<a href="https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/projects/1" target="_blank">研发计划</a> ,其中 In Develop卡片下是1.1.0版本的功能,TODO卡片是待做事项(包括 feature ideas) |
### 贡献代码 |
非常欢迎大家来参与贡献代码,提交代码流程请参考: |
[[How to contribute code](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/310)] |
### 感谢 |
Easy Scheduler使用了很多优秀的开源项目,比如google的guava、guice、grpc,netty,ali的bonecp,quartz,以及apache的众多开源项目等等, |
正是由于站在这些开源项目的肩膀上,才有Easy Scheduler的诞生的可能。对此我们对使用的所有开源软件表示非常的感谢!我们也希望自己不仅是开源的受益者,也能成为开源的 |
贡献者,于是我们决定把易调度贡献出来,并承诺长期维护。也希望对开源有同样热情和信念的伙伴加入进来,一起为开源献出一份力! |
### 帮助 |
The fastest way to get response from our developers is to submit issues, or add our wechat : 510570367 |
@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/sh |
workDir=`/opt/easyscheduler` |
workDir=`cd ${workDir};pwd` |
#To be compatible with MacOS and Linux |
txt="" |
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then |
# Mac OSX |
txt="''" |
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then |
# linux |
txt="" |
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then |
# POSIX compatibility layer and Linux environment emulation for Windows |
echo "Easy Scheduler not support Windows operating system" |
exit 1 |
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]]; then |
# Lightweight shell and GNU utilities compiled for Windows (part of MinGW) |
echo "Easy Scheduler not support Windows operating system" |
exit 1 |
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "win32" ]]; then |
echo "Easy Scheduler not support Windows operating system" |
exit 1 |
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "freebsd"* ]]; then |
# ... |
txt="" |
else |
# Unknown. |
echo "Operating system unknown, please tell us(submit issue) for better service" |
exit 1 |
fi |
source ${workDir}/conf/config/run_config.conf |
source ${workDir}/conf/config/install_config.conf |
# mysql配置 |
# mysql 地址,端口 |
mysqlHost="" |
# mysql 数据库名称 |
mysqlDb="easyscheduler" |
# mysql 用户名 |
mysqlUserName="easyscheduler" |
# mysql 密码 |
mysqlPassword="easyschedulereasyscheduler" |
# conf/config/install_config.conf配置 |
# 安装路径,不要当前路径(pwd)一样 |
installPath="/opt/easyscheduler" |
# 部署用户 |
deployUser="escheduler" |
# zk集群 |
zkQuorum="192.168.xx.xx:2181,192.168.xx.xx:2181,192.168.xx.xx:2181" |
# 安装hosts |
ips="ark0,ark1,ark2,ark3,ark4" |
# conf/config/run_config.conf配置 |
# 运行Master的机器 |
masters="ark0,ark1" |
# 运行Worker的机器 |
workers="ark2,ark3,ark4" |
# 运行Alert的机器 |
alertServer="ark3" |
# 运行Api的机器 |
apiServers="ark1" |
# alert配置 |
# 邮件协议 |
mailProtocol="SMTP" |
# 邮件服务host |
mailServerHost="smtp.exmail.qq.com" |
# 邮件服务端口 |
mailServerPort="25" |
# 发送人 |
mailSender="xxxxxxxxxx" |
# 发送人密码 |
mailPassword="xxxxxxxxxx" |
# 下载Excel路径 |
xlsFilePath="/tmp/xls" |
# hadoop 配置 |
# 是否启动hdfs,如果启动则为true,需要配置以下hadoop相关参数; |
# 不启动设置为false,如果为false,以下配置不需要修改 |
hdfsStartupSate="false" |
# namenode地址,支持HA,需要将core-site.xml和hdfs-site.xml放到conf目录下 |
namenodeFs="hdfs://mycluster:8020" |
# resourcemanager HA配置,如果是单resourcemanager,这里为空即可 |
yarnHaIps="192.168.xx.xx,192.168.xx.xx" |
# 如果是单 resourcemanager,只需要配置一个主机名称,如果是resourcemanager HA,则默认配置就好 |
singleYarnIp="ark1" |
# hdfs根路径,根路径的owner必须是部署用户 |
hdfsPath="/escheduler" |
# common 配置 |
# 程序路径 |
programPath="/tmp/escheduler" |
#下载路径 |
downloadPath="/tmp/escheduler/download" |
# 任务执行路径 |
execPath="/tmp/escheduler/exec" |
# SHELL环境变量路径 |
shellEnvPath="$installPath/conf/env/.escheduler_env.sh" |
# Python换将变量路径 |
pythonEnvPath="$installPath/conf/env/escheduler_env.py" |
# 资源文件的后缀 |
resSuffixs="txt,log,sh,conf,cfg,py,java,sql,hql,xml" |
# 开发状态,如果是true,对于SHELL脚本可以在execPath目录下查看封装后的SHELL脚本,如果是false则执行完成直接删除 |
devState="true" |
# zk 配置 |
# zk根目录 |
zkRoot="/escheduler" |
# 用来记录挂掉机器的zk目录 |
zkDeadServers="/escheduler/dead-servers" |
# masters目录 |
zkMasters="/escheduler/masters" |
# workers目录 |
zkWorkers="/escheduler/workers" |
# zk master分布式锁 |
mastersLock="/escheduler/lock/masters" |
# zk worker分布式锁 |
workersLock="/escheduler/lock/workers" |
# zk master容错分布式锁 |
mastersFailover="/escheduler/lock/failover/masters" |
# zk worker容错分布式锁 |
workersFailover="/escheduler/lock/failover/masters" |
# zk session 超时 |
zkSessionTimeout="300" |
# zk 连接超时 |
zkConnectionTimeout="300" |
# zk 重试间隔 |
zkRetrySleep="100" |
# zk重试最大次数 |
zkRetryMaxtime="5" |
# master 配置 |
# master执行线程最大数,流程实例的最大并行度 |
masterExecThreads="100" |
# master任务执行线程最大数,每一个流程实例的最大并行度 |
masterExecTaskNum="20" |
# master心跳间隔 |
masterHeartbeatInterval="10" |
# master任务提交重试次数 |
masterTaskCommitRetryTimes="5" |
# master任务提交重试时间间隔 |
masterTaskCommitInterval="100" |
# master最大cpu平均负载,用来判断master是否还有执行能力 |
masterMaxCupLoadAvg="10" |
# master预留内存,用来判断master是否还有执行能力 |
masterReservedMemory="1" |
# worker 配置 |
# worker执行线程 |
workerExecThreads="100" |
# worker心跳间隔 |
workerHeartbeatInterval="10" |
# worker一次抓取任务数 |
workerFetchTaskNum="10" |
# worker最大cpu平均负载,用来判断master是否还有执行能力 |
workerMaxCupLoadAvg="10" |
# worker预留内存,用来判断master是否还有执行能力 |
workerReservedMemory="1" |
# api 配置 |
# api 服务端口 |
apiServerPort="12345" |
# api session 超时 |
apiServerSessionTimeout="7200" |
# api 上下文路径 |
apiServerContextPath="/escheduler/" |
# spring 最大文件大小 |
springMaxFileSize="1024MB" |
# spring 最大请求文件大小 |
springMaxRequestSize="1024MB" |
# api 最大post请求大小 |
apiMaxHttpPostSize="5000000" |
# 1,替换文件 |
echo "1,替换文件" |
sed -i ${txt} "s#spring.datasource.url.*#spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://${mysqlHost}/${mysqlDb}?characterEncoding=UTF-8#g" conf/dao/data_source.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#spring.datasource.username.*#spring.datasource.username=${mysqlUserName}#g" conf/dao/data_source.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#spring.datasource.password.*#spring.datasource.password=${mysqlPassword}#g" conf/dao/data_source.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.URL.*#org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.URL=jdbc:mysql://${mysqlHost}/${mysqlDb}?characterEncoding=UTF-8#g" conf/quartz.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.user.*#org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.user=${mysqlUserName}#g" conf/quartz.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.password.*#org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.password=${mysqlPassword}#g" conf/quartz.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#fs.defaultFS.*#fs.defaultFS=${namenodeFs}#g" conf/common/hadoop/hadoop.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm.ids.*#yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm.ids=${yarnHaIps}#g" conf/common/hadoop/hadoop.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#yarn.application.status.address.*#yarn.application.status.address=http://${singleYarnIp}:8088/ws/v1/cluster/apps/%s#g" conf/common/hadoop/hadoop.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#data.basedir.path.*#data.basedir.path=${programPath}#g" conf/common/common.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#data.download.basedir.path.*#data.download.basedir.path=${downloadPath}#g" conf/common/common.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#process.exec.basepath.*#process.exec.basepath=${execPath}#g" conf/common/common.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#data.store2hdfs.basepath.*#data.store2hdfs.basepath=${hdfsPath}#g" conf/common/common.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#hdfs.startup.state.*#hdfs.startup.state=${hdfsStartupSate}#g" conf/common/common.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#escheduler.env.path.*#escheduler.env.path=${shellEnvPath}#g" conf/common/common.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#escheduler.env.py.*#escheduler.env.py=${pythonEnvPath}#g" conf/common/common.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#resource.view.suffixs.*#resource.view.suffixs=${resSuffixs}#g" conf/common/common.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#development.state.*#development.state=${devState}#g" conf/common/common.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.quorum.*#zookeeper.quorum=${zkQuorum}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.escheduler.root.*#zookeeper.escheduler.root=${zkRoot}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.escheduler.dead.servers.*#zookeeper.escheduler.dead.servers=${zkDeadServers}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.escheduler.masters.*#zookeeper.escheduler.masters=${zkMasters}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.escheduler.workers.*#zookeeper.escheduler.workers=${zkWorkers}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.escheduler.lock.masters.*#zookeeper.escheduler.lock.masters=${mastersLock}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.escheduler.lock.workers.*#zookeeper.escheduler.lock.workers=${workersLock}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.escheduler.lock.failover.masters.*#zookeeper.escheduler.lock.failover.masters=${mastersFailover}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.escheduler.lock.failover.workers.*#zookeeper.escheduler.lock.failover.workers=${workersFailover}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.session.timeout.*#zookeeper.session.timeout=${zkSessionTimeout}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.connection.timeout.*#zookeeper.connection.timeout=${zkConnectionTimeout}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.retry.sleep.*#zookeeper.retry.sleep=${zkRetrySleep}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#zookeeper.retry.maxtime.*#zookeeper.retry.maxtime=${zkRetryMaxtime}#g" conf/zookeeper.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#master.exec.threads.*#master.exec.threads=${masterExecThreads}#g" conf/master.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#master.exec.task.number.*#master.exec.task.number=${masterExecTaskNum}#g" conf/master.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#master.heartbeat.interval.*#master.heartbeat.interval=${masterHeartbeatInterval}#g" conf/master.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#master.task.commit.retryTimes.*#master.task.commit.retryTimes=${masterTaskCommitRetryTimes}#g" conf/master.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#master.task.commit.interval.*#master.task.commit.interval=${masterTaskCommitInterval}#g" conf/master.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#master.max.cpuload.avg.*#master.max.cpuload.avg=${masterMaxCupLoadAvg}#g" conf/master.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#master.reserved.memory.*#master.reserved.memory=${masterReservedMemory}#g" conf/master.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#worker.exec.threads.*#worker.exec.threads=${workerExecThreads}#g" conf/worker.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#worker.heartbeat.interval.*#worker.heartbeat.interval=${workerHeartbeatInterval}#g" conf/worker.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#worker.fetch.task.num.*#worker.fetch.task.num=${workerFetchTaskNum}#g" conf/worker.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#worker.max.cpuload.avg.*#worker.max.cpuload.avg=${workerMaxCupLoadAvg}#g" conf/worker.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#worker.reserved.memory.*#worker.reserved.memory=${workerReservedMemory}#g" conf/worker.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#server.port.*#server.port=${apiServerPort}#g" conf/application.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#server.session.timeout.*#server.session.timeout=${apiServerSessionTimeout}#g" conf/application.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#server.context-path.*#server.context-path=${apiServerContextPath}#g" conf/application.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#spring.http.multipart.max-file-size.*#spring.http.multipart.max-file-size=${springMaxFileSize}#g" conf/application.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#spring.http.multipart.max-request-size.*#spring.http.multipart.max-request-size=${springMaxRequestSize}#g" conf/application.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#server.max-http-post-size.*#server.max-http-post-size=${apiMaxHttpPostSize}#g" conf/application.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#mail.protocol.*#mail.protocol=${mailProtocol}#g" conf/alert.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#mail.server.host.*#mail.server.host=${mailServerHost}#g" conf/alert.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#mail.server.port.*#mail.server.port=${mailServerPort}#g" conf/alert.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#mail.sender.*#mail.sender=${mailSender}#g" conf/alert.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#mail.passwd.*#mail.passwd=${mailPassword}#g" conf/alert.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#xls.file.path.*#xls.file.path=${xlsFilePath}#g" conf/alert.properties |
sed -i ${txt} "s#installPath.*#installPath=${installPath}#g" conf/config/install_config.conf |
sed -i ${txt} "s#deployUser.*#deployUser=${deployUser}#g" conf/config/install_config.conf |
sed -i ${txt} "s#ips.*#ips=${ips}#g" conf/config/install_config.conf |
sed -i ${txt} "s#masters.*#masters=${masters}#g" conf/config/run_config.conf |
sed -i ${txt} "s#workers.*#workers=${workers}#g" conf/config/run_config.conf |
sed -i ${txt} "s#alertServer.*#alertServer=${alertServer}#g" conf/config/run_config.conf |
sed -i ${txt} "s#apiServers.*#apiServers=${apiServers}#g" conf/config/run_config.conf |
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/sh |
# execute any pre-init scripts |
for i in /scripts/pre-init.d/*sh |
do |
if [ -e "${i}" ]; then |
echo "[i] pre-init.d - processing $i" |
. "${i}" |
fi |
done |
if [ -d "/run/mysqld" ]; then |
echo "[i] mysqld already present, skipping creation" |
chown -R mysql:mysql /run/mysqld |
else |
echo "[i] mysqld not found, creating...." |
mkdir -p /run/mysqld |
chown -R mysql:mysql /run/mysqld |
fi |
if [ -d /var/lib/mysql/mysql ]; then |
echo "[i] MySQL directory already present, skipping creation" |
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql |
else |
echo "[i] MySQL data directory not found, creating initial DBs" |
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql |
mysql_install_db --user=mysql --ldata=/var/lib/mysql > /dev/null |
if [ "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" = "" ]; then |
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=`pwgen 16 1` |
echo "[i] MySQL root Password: $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" |
fi |
MYSQL_DATABASE="easyscheduler" |
MYSQL_USER="easyscheduler" |
MYSQL_PASSWORD="easyschedulereasyscheduler" |
tfile=`mktemp` |
if [ ! -f "$tfile" ]; then |
return 1 |
fi |
cat << EOF > $tfile |
USE mysql; |
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' identified by '$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' WITH GRANT OPTION ; |
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' identified by '$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' WITH GRANT OPTION ; |
if [ "$MYSQL_DATABASE" != "" ]; then |
echo "[i] Creating database: $MYSQL_DATABASE" |
if [ "$MYSQL_USER" != "" ]; then |
echo "[i] Creating user: $MYSQL_USER with password $MYSQL_PASSWORD" |
fi |
fi |
/usr/bin/mysqld --user=mysql --bootstrap --verbose=0 --skip-name-resolve --skip-networking=0 < $tfile |
rm -f $tfile |
for f in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*; do |
case "$f" in |
*.sql) echo "$0: running $f"; /usr/bin/mysqld --user=mysql --bootstrap --verbose=0 --skip-name-resolve --skip-networking=0 < "$f"; echo ;; |
*.sql.gz) echo "$0: running $f"; gunzip -c "$f" | /usr/bin/mysqld --user=mysql --bootstrap --verbose=0 --skip-name-resolve --skip-networking=0 < "$f"; echo ;; |
*) echo "$0: ignoring or entrypoint initdb empty $f" ;; |
esac |
echo |
done |
echo |
echo 'MySQL init process done. Ready for start up.' |
echo |
echo "exec /usr/bin/mysqld --user=mysql --console --skip-name-resolve --skip-networking=0" "$@" |
fi |
# execute any pre-exec scripts |
for i in /scripts/pre-exec.d/*sh |
do |
if [ -e "${i}" ]; then |
echo "[i] pre-exec.d - processing $i" |
. ${i} |
fi |
done |
mysql -ueasyscheduler -peasyschedulereasyscheduler --one-database easyscheduler -h127.0.0.1 < /opt/easyscheduler/sql/escheduler.sql |
mysql -ueasyscheduler -peasyschedulereasyscheduler --one-database easyscheduler -h127.0.0.1 < /opt/easyscheduler/sql/quartz.sql |
source /etc/profile |
zkServer.sh start |
cd /opt/easyscheduler |
rm -rf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start master-server |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start worker-server |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start api-server |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start logger-server |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start alert-server |
nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf |
exec /usr/bin/mysqld --user=mysql --console --skip-name-resolve --skip-networking=0 $@ |
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
FROM ubuntu:18.04 |
MAINTAINER journey "825193156@qq.com" |
ARG version |
ARG tar_version |
#1,安装jdk |
RUN apt-get update \ |
&& apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jdk \ |
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* |
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 |
#安装wget |
RUN apt-get update && \ |
apt-get -y install wget |
#2,安装ZK |
#RUN cd /opt && \ |
# wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.6/zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz && \ |
# tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz && \ |
# mv zookeeper-3.4.6 zookeeper && \ |
# rm -rf ./zookeeper-*tar.gz && \ |
# mkdir -p /tmp/zookeeper && \ |
# rm -rf /opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo_sample.cfg |
RUN cd /opt && \ |
wget https://www-us.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.14/zookeeper-3.4.14.tar.gz && \ |
tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.4.14.tar.gz && \ |
mv zookeeper-3.4.14 zookeeper && \ |
rm -rf ./zookeeper-*tar.gz && \ |
mkdir -p /tmp/zookeeper && \ |
rm -rf /opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo_sample.cfg |
ADD ./conf/zookeeper/zoo.cfg /opt/zookeeper/conf |
ENV ZK_HOME=/opt/zookeeper |
#3,安装maven |
RUN cd /opt && \ |
wget http://apache-mirror.rbc.ru/pub/apache/maven/maven-3/3.3.9/binaries/apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz && \ |
tar -zxvf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz && \ |
mv apache-maven-3.3.9 maven && \ |
rm -rf ./apache-maven-*tar.gz && \ |
rm -rf /opt/maven/conf/settings.xml |
ADD ./conf/maven/settings.xml /opt/maven/conf |
ENV MAVEN_HOME=/opt/maven |
#4,安装node |
RUN cd /opt && \ |
wget https://nodejs.org/download/release/v8.9.4/node-v8.9.4-linux-x64.tar.gz && \ |
tar -zxvf node-v8.9.4-linux-x64.tar.gz && \ |
mv node-v8.9.4-linux-x64 node && \ |
rm -rf ./node-v8.9.4-*tar.gz |
ENV NODE_HOME=/opt/node |
#5,下载escheduler |
RUN cd /opt && \ |
wget https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/archive/${version}.tar.gz && \ |
tar -zxvf ${version}.tar.gz && \ |
mv EasyScheduler-${version} easyscheduler_source && \ |
rm -rf ./${version}.tar.gz |
#6,后端编译 |
RUN cd /opt/easyscheduler_source && \ |
mvn -U clean package assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true |
#7,前端编译 |
RUN chmod -R 777 /opt/easyscheduler_source/escheduler-ui && \ |
cd /opt/easyscheduler_source/escheduler-ui && \ |
rm -rf /opt/easyscheduler_source/escheduler-ui/node_modules && \ |
npm install node-sass --unsafe-perm && \ |
npm install && \ |
npm run build |
#8,安装mysql |
RUN echo "deb http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list |
RUN echo "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password root" | debconf-set-selections |
RUN echo "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password root" | debconf-set-selections |
RUN apt-get update && \ |
apt-get -y install mysql-server-5.7 && \ |
mkdir -p /var/lib/mysql && \ |
mkdir -p /var/run/mysqld && \ |
mkdir -p /var/log/mysql && \ |
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql && \ |
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/run/mysqld && \ |
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/log/mysql |
# UTF-8 and bind-address |
RUN sed -i -e "$ a [client]\n\n[mysql]\n\n[mysqld]" /etc/mysql/my.cnf && \ |
sed -i -e "s/\(\[client\]\)/\1\ndefault-character-set = utf8/g" /etc/mysql/my.cnf && \ |
sed -i -e "s/\(\[mysql\]\)/\1\ndefault-character-set = utf8/g" /etc/mysql/my.cnf && \ |
sed -i -e "s/\(\[mysqld\]\)/\1\ninit_connect='SET NAMES utf8'\ncharacter-set-server = utf8\ncollation-server=utf8_general_ci\nbind-address =" /etc/mysql/my.cnf |
#9,安装nginx |
RUN apt-get update && \ |
apt-get install -y nginx && \ |
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \ |
echo "\ndaemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && \ |
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/nginx |
#10,修改escheduler配置文件 |
#后端配置 |
RUN mkdir -p /opt/escheduler && \ |
tar -zxvf /opt/easyscheduler_source/target/escheduler-${tar_version}.tar.gz -C /opt/escheduler && \ |
rm -rf /opt/escheduler/conf |
ADD ./conf/escheduler/conf /opt/escheduler/conf |
#前端nginx配置 |
ADD ./conf/nginx/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d |
#11,开放端口 |
EXPOSE 2181 2888 3888 3306 80 12345 8888 |
#12,安装sudo,python,vim,ping和ssh |
RUN apt-get update && \ |
apt-get -y install sudo && \ |
apt-get -y install python && \ |
apt-get -y install vim && \ |
apt-get -y install iputils-ping && \ |
apt-get -y install net-tools && \ |
apt-get -y install openssh-server && \ |
apt-get -y install python-pip && \ |
pip install kazoo |
COPY ./startup.sh /root/startup.sh |
#13,修改权限和设置软连 |
RUN chmod +x /root/startup.sh && \ |
chmod +x /opt/escheduler/script/create_escheduler.sh && \ |
chmod +x /opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh && \ |
chmod +x /opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh && \ |
rm -rf /bin/sh && \ |
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh && \ |
mkdir -p /tmp/xls |
ENTRYPOINT ["/root/startup.sh"] |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#alert type is EMAIL/SMS |
alert.type=EMAIL |
# mail server configuration |
mail.protocol=SMTP |
mail.server.host=smtp.office365.com |
mail.server.port=587 |
mail.sender=qiaozhanwei@outlook.com |
mail.passwd=eschedulerBJEG |
# TLS |
mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true |
# SSL |
mail.smtp.ssl.enable=false |
#xls file path,need create if not exist |
xls.file.path=/tmp/xls |
# Enterprise WeChat configuration |
enterprise.wechat.corp.id=xxxxxxx |
enterprise.wechat.secret=xxxxxxx |
enterprise.wechat.agent.id=xxxxxxx |
enterprise.wechat.users=xxxxxxx |
enterprise.wechat.token.url=https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid=$corpId&corpsecret=$secret |
enterprise.wechat.push.url=https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token=$token |
enterprise.wechat.team.send.msg={\"toparty\":\"$toParty\",\"agentid\":\"$agentId\",\"msgtype\":\"text\",\"text\":{\"content\":\"$msg\"},\"safe\":\"0\"} |
enterprise.wechat.user.send.msg={\"touser\":\"$toUser\",\"agentid\":\"$agentId\",\"msgtype\":\"markdown\",\"markdown\":{\"content\":\"$msg\"}} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<!-- Logback configuration. See http://logback.qos.ch/manual/index.html --> |
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="120 seconds"> <!--debug="true" --> |
<property name="log.base" value="logs" /> |
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> |
<encoder> |
<pattern> |
[%level] %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %logger{96}:[%line] - %msg%n |
</pattern> |
<charset>UTF-8</charset> |
</encoder> |
</appender> |
<appender name="ALERTLOGFILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender"> |
<file>${log.base}/escheduler-alert.log</file> |
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy"> |
<fileNamePattern>${log.base}/escheduler-alert.%d{yyyy-MM-dd_HH}.%i.log</fileNamePattern> |
<maxHistory>20</maxHistory> |
<maxFileSize>64MB</maxFileSize> |
</rollingPolicy> |
<encoder> |
<pattern> |
[%level] %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %logger{96}:[%line] - %msg%n |
</pattern> |
<charset>UTF-8</charset> |
</encoder> |
</appender> |
<root level="INFO"> |
<appender-ref ref="ALERTLOGFILE"/> |
</root> |
</configuration> |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
<!-- Logback configuration. See http://logback.qos.ch/manual/index.html --> |
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="120 seconds"> |
<logger name="org.apache.zookeeper" level="WARN"/> |
<logger name="org.apache.hbase" level="WARN"/> |
<logger name="org.apache.hadoop" level="WARN"/> |
<property name="log.base" value="logs" /> |
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> |
<encoder> |
<pattern> |
[%level] %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %logger{96}:[%line] - %msg%n |
</pattern> |
<charset>UTF-8</charset> |
</encoder> |
</appender> |
<appender name="APISERVERLOGFILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender"> |
<!-- Log level filter --> |
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter"> |
<level>INFO</level> |
</filter> |
<file>${log.base}/escheduler-api-server.log</file> |
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy"> |
<fileNamePattern>${log.base}/escheduler-api-server.%d{yyyy-MM-dd_HH}.%i.log</fileNamePattern> |
<maxHistory>168</maxHistory> |
<maxFileSize>64MB</maxFileSize> |
</rollingPolicy> |
<encoder> |
<pattern> |
[%level] %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %logger{96}:[%line] - %msg%n |
</pattern> |
<charset>UTF-8</charset> |
</encoder> |
</appender> |
<root level="INFO"> |
<appender-ref ref="APISERVERLOGFILE" /> |
</root> |
</configuration> |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# server port |
server.port=12345 |
# session config |
server.servlet.session.timeout=7200 |
server.servlet.context-path=/escheduler/ |
# file size limit for upload |
spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size=1024MB |
spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size=1024MB |
#post content |
server.jetty.max-http-post-size=5000000 |
spring.messages.encoding=UTF-8 |
#i18n classpath folder , file prefix messages, if have many files, use "," seperator |
spring.messages.basename=i18n/messages |
@ -0,0 +1 @@
logging.config=classpath:master_logback.xml |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#task queue implementation, default "zookeeper" |
escheduler.queue.impl=zookeeper |
# user data directory path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions |
data.basedir.path=/tmp/escheduler |
# directory path for user data download. self configuration, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions |
data.download.basedir.path=/tmp/escheduler/download |
# process execute directory. self configuration, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions |
process.exec.basepath=/tmp/escheduler/exec |
# Users who have permission to create directories under the HDFS root path |
hdfs.root.user=hdfs |
# data base dir, resource file will store to this hadoop hdfs path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists on hdfs and have read write permissions。"/escheduler" is recommended |
data.store2hdfs.basepath=/escheduler |
# resource upload startup type : HDFS,S3,NONE |
res.upload.startup.type=NONE |
# whether kerberos starts |
hadoop.security.authentication.startup.state=false |
# java.security.krb5.conf path |
java.security.krb5.conf.path=/opt/krb5.conf |
# loginUserFromKeytab user |
login.user.keytab.username=hdfs-mycluster@ESZ.COM |
# loginUserFromKeytab path |
login.user.keytab.path=/opt/hdfs.headless.keytab |
# system env path. self configuration, please make sure the directory and file exists and have read write execute permissions |
escheduler.env.path=/opt/escheduler/conf/env/.escheduler_env.sh |
#resource.view.suffixs |
resource.view.suffixs=txt,log,sh,conf,cfg,py,java,sql,hql,xml |
# is development state? default "false" |
development.state=true |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# ha or single namenode,If namenode ha needs to copy core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml |
# to the conf directory,support s3,for example : s3a://escheduler |
fs.defaultFS=hdfs://mycluster:8020 |
# s3 need,s3 endpoint |
fs.s3a.endpoint= |
# s3 need,s3 access key |
fs.s3a.access.key=A3DXS30FO22544RE |
# s3 need,s3 secret key |
fs.s3a.secret.key=OloCLq3n+8+sdPHUhJ21XrSxTC+JK |
#resourcemanager ha note this need ips , this empty if single |
yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm.ids=192.168.xx.xx,192.168.xx.xx |
# If it is a single resourcemanager, you only need to configure one host name. If it is resourcemanager HA, the default configuration is fine |
yarn.application.status.address=http://ark1:8088/ws/v1/cluster/apps/%s |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
installPath=/data1_1T/escheduler |
deployUser=escheduler |
ips=ark0,ark1,ark2,ark3,ark4 |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
masters=ark0,ark1 |
workers=ark2,ark3,ark4 |
alertServer=ark3 |
apiServers=ark1 |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# base spring data source configuration |
spring.datasource.type=com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource |
spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver |
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// |
spring.datasource.username=root |
spring.datasource.password=root@123 |
# connection configuration |
spring.datasource.initialSize=5 |
# min connection number |
spring.datasource.minIdle=5 |
# max connection number |
spring.datasource.maxActive=50 |
# max wait time for get a connection in milliseconds. if configuring maxWait, fair locks are enabled by default and concurrency efficiency decreases. |
# If necessary, unfair locks can be used by configuring the useUnfairLock attribute to true. |
spring.datasource.maxWait=60000 |
# milliseconds for check to close free connections |
spring.datasource.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=60000 |
# the Destroy thread detects the connection interval and closes the physical connection in milliseconds if the connection idle time is greater than or equal to minEvictableIdleTimeMillis. |
spring.datasource.timeBetweenConnectErrorMillis=60000 |
# the longest time a connection remains idle without being evicted, in milliseconds |
spring.datasource.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=300000 |
#the SQL used to check whether the connection is valid requires a query statement. If validation Query is null, testOnBorrow, testOnReturn, and testWhileIdle will not work. |
spring.datasource.validationQuery=SELECT 1 |
#check whether the connection is valid for timeout, in seconds |
spring.datasource.validationQueryTimeout=3 |
# when applying for a connection, if it is detected that the connection is idle longer than time Between Eviction Runs Millis, |
# validation Query is performed to check whether the connection is valid |
spring.datasource.testWhileIdle=true |
#execute validation to check if the connection is valid when applying for a connection |
spring.datasource.testOnBorrow=true |
#execute validation to check if the connection is valid when the connection is returned |
spring.datasource.testOnReturn=false |
spring.datasource.defaultAutoCommit=true |
spring.datasource.keepAlive=true |
# open PSCache, specify count PSCache for every connection |
spring.datasource.poolPreparedStatements=true |
spring.datasource.maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize=20 |
# data quality analysis is not currently in use. please ignore the following configuration |
# task record flag |
task.record.flag=false |
task.record.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://192.168.xx.xx:3306/etl?characterEncoding=UTF-8 |
task.record.datasource.username=xx |
task.record.datasource.password=xx |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export PYTHON_HOME=/usr/bin/python |
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 |
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
QUERY_SCHEDULE_LIST_NOTES=query schedule list |
EXECUTE_PROCESS_TAG=execute process related operation |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_EXECUTOR_TAG=process instance executor related operation |
RUN_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NOTES=run process instance |
START_NODE_LIST=start node list(node name) |
TASK_DEPEND_TYPE=task depend type |
COMMAND_TYPE=command type |
RUN_MODE=run mode |
TIMEOUT=timeout |
EXECUTE_ACTION_TO_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NOTES=execute action to process instance |
EXECUTE_TYPE=execute type |
START_CHECK_PROCESS_DEFINITION_NOTES=start check process definition |
GET_RECEIVER_CC_NOTES=query receiver cc |
DESC=description |
GROUP_NAME=group name |
GROUP_TYPE=group type |
QUERY_ALERT_GROUP_LIST_NOTES=query alert group list |
UPDATE_ALERT_GROUP_NOTES=update alert group |
DELETE_ALERT_GROUP_BY_ID_NOTES=delete alert group by id |
VERIFY_ALERT_GROUP_NAME_NOTES=verify alert group name, check alert group exist or not |
GRANT_ALERT_GROUP_NOTES=grant alert group |
USER_IDS=user id list |
ALERT_GROUP_TAG=alert group related operation |
CREATE_ALERT_GROUP_NOTES=create alert group |
WORKER_GROUP_TAG=worker group related operation |
SAVE_WORKER_GROUP_NOTES=create worker group |
WORKER_GROUP_NAME=worker group name |
WORKER_IP_LIST=worker ip list, eg., |
QUERY_WORKER_GROUP_PAGING_NOTES=query worker group paging |
QUERY_WORKER_GROUP_LIST_NOTES=query worker group list |
DELETE_WORKER_GROUP_BY_ID_NOTES=delete worker group by id |
DATA_ANALYSIS_TAG=analysis related operation of task state |
COUNT_TASK_STATE_NOTES=count task state |
COUNT_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NOTES=count process instance state |
COUNT_PROCESS_DEFINITION_BY_USER_NOTES=count process definition by user |
COUNT_COMMAND_STATE_NOTES=count command state |
COUNT_QUEUE_STATE_NOTES=count the running status of the task in the queue\ |
ACCESS_TOKEN_TAG=access token related operation |
MONITOR_TAG=monitor related operation |
MASTER_LIST_NOTES=master server list |
WORKER_LIST_NOTES=worker server list |
QUERY_DATABASE_STATE_NOTES=query database state |
TASK_STATE=task instance state |
DEST_TABLE=dest table |
TASK_DATE=task date |
QUERY_HISTORY_TASK_RECORD_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query history task record list paging |
DATA_SOURCE_TAG=data source related operation |
CREATE_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=create data source |
DATA_SOURCE_NAME=data source name |
DATA_SOURCE_NOTE=data source desc |
DB_TYPE=database type |
DATA_SOURCE_PORT=data source port |
DATABASE_NAME=database name |
QUEUE_TAG=queue related operation |
QUERY_QUEUE_LIST_NOTES=query queue list |
QUERY_QUEUE_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query queue list paging |
CREATE_QUEUE_NOTES=create queue |
YARN_QUEUE_NAME=yarn(hadoop) queue name |
QUEUE_ID=queue id |
TENANT_DESC=tenant desc |
QUERY_TENANT_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query tenant list paging |
QUERY_TENANT_LIST_NOTES=query tenant list |
UPDATE_TENANT_NOTES=update tenant |
DELETE_TENANT_NOTES=delete tenant |
RESOURCES_TAG=resource center related operation |
CREATE_RESOURCE_NOTES=create resource |
RESOURCE_TYPE=resource file type |
RESOURCE_NAME=resource name |
RESOURCE_DESC=resource file desc |
RESOURCE_FILE=resource file |
RESOURCE_ID=resource id |
QUERY_RESOURCE_LIST_NOTES=query resource list |
DELETE_RESOURCE_BY_ID_NOTES=delete resource by id |
VIEW_RESOURCE_BY_ID_NOTES=view resource by id |
ONLINE_CREATE_RESOURCE_NOTES=online create resource |
SUFFIX=resource file suffix |
CONTENT=resource file content |
UPDATE_RESOURCE_NOTES=edit resource file online |
DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE_NOTES=download resource file |
CREATE_UDF_FUNCTION_NOTES=create udf function |
FUNC_NAME=function name |
CLASS_NAME=package and class name |
ARG_TYPES=arguments |
UDF_DESC=udf desc |
VIEW_UDF_FUNCTION_NOTES=view udf function |
UPDATE_UDF_FUNCTION_NOTES=update udf function |
QUERY_UDF_FUNCTION_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query udf function list paging |
VERIFY_UDF_FUNCTION_NAME_NOTES=verify udf function name |
DELETE_UDF_FUNCTION_NOTES=delete udf function |
AUTHORIZED_FILE_NOTES=authorized file |
UNAUTHORIZED_FILE_NOTES=unauthorized file |
AUTHORIZED_UDF_FUNC_NOTES=authorized udf func |
UNAUTHORIZED_UDF_FUNC_NOTES=unauthorized udf func |
VERIFY_QUEUE_NOTES=verify queue |
TENANT_TAG=tenant related operation |
CREATE_TENANT_NOTES=create tenant |
TENANT_CODE=tenant code |
TENANT_NAME=tenant name |
QUEUE_NAME=queue name |
PASSWORD=password |
DATA_SOURCE_OTHER=jdbc connection params, format:{"key1":"value1",...} |
PROJECT_TAG=project related operation |
CREATE_PROJECT_NOTES=create project |
PROJECT_DESC=project description |
UPDATE_PROJECT_NOTES=update project |
PROJECT_ID=project id |
QUERY_PROJECT_BY_ID_NOTES=query project info by project id |
QUERY_ALL_PROJECT_LIST_NOTES=query all project list |
DELETE_PROJECT_BY_ID_NOTES=delete project by id |
QUERY_UNAUTHORIZED_PROJECT_NOTES=query unauthorized project |
QUERY_AUTHORIZED_PROJECT_NOTES=query authorized project |
TASK_RECORD_TAG=task record related operation |
QUERY_TASK_RECORD_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query task record list paging |
CREATE_TOKEN_NOTES=create token ,note: please login first |
QUERY_ACCESS_TOKEN_LIST_NOTES=query access token list paging |
SCHEDULE=schedule |
WARNING_TYPE=warning type(sending strategy) |
WARNING_GROUP_ID=warning group id |
FAILURE_STRATEGY=failure strategy |
RECEIVERS=receivers |
RECEIVERS_CC=receivers cc |
WORKER_GROUP_ID=worker server group id |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_PRIORITY=process instance priority |
UPDATE_SCHEDULE_NOTES=update schedule |
SCHEDULE_ID=schedule id |
ONLINE_SCHEDULE_NOTES=online schedule |
OFFLINE_SCHEDULE_NOTES=offline schedule |
QUERY_SCHEDULE_NOTES=query schedule |
QUERY_SCHEDULE_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query schedule list paging |
LOGIN_TAG=User login related operations |
USER_NAME=user name |
PROJECT_NAME=project name |
CREATE_PROCESS_DEFINITION_NOTES=create process definition |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_NAME=process definition name |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_JSON=process definition detail info (json format) |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_LOCATIONS=process definition node locations info (json format) |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_LOCATIONS=process instance node locations info (json format) |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_CONNECTS=process definition node connects info (json format) |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_CONNECTS=process instance node connects info (json format) |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_DESC=process definition desc |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_TAG=process definition related opertation |
USER_PASSWORD=user password |
UPDATE_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NOTES=update process instance |
QUERY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_LIST_NOTES=query process instance list |
VERIFY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_NAME_NOTES=verify proccess definition name |
LOGIN_NOTES=user login |
UPDATE_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_NOTES=update proccess definition |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_ID=process definition id |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_IDS=process definition ids |
RELEASE_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_NOTES=release proccess definition |
QUERY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_BY_ID_NOTES=query proccess definition by id |
QUERY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_LIST_NOTES=query proccess definition list |
QUERY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query proccess definition list paging |
QUERY_ALL_DEFINITION_LIST_NOTES=query all definition list |
PAGE_NO=page no |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=process instance id |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_JSON=process instance info(json format) |
SCHEDULE_TIME=schedule time |
SYNC_DEFINE=update the information of the process instance to the process definition\ |
RECOVERY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_FLAG=whether to recovery process instance |
SEARCH_VAL=search val |
USER_ID=user id |
PAGE_SIZE=page size |
LIMIT=limit |
VIEW_TREE_NOTES=view tree |
GET_NODE_LIST_BY_DEFINITION_ID_NOTES=get task node list by process definition id |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_ID_LIST=process definition id list |
QUERY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_All_BY_PROJECT_ID_NOTES=query proccess definition all by project id |
DELETE_PROCESS_DEFINITION_BY_ID_NOTES=delete process definition by process definition id |
BATCH_DELETE_PROCESS_DEFINITION_BY_IDS_NOTES=batch delete process definition by process definition ids |
QUERY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_BY_ID_NOTES=query process instance by process instance id |
DELETE_PROCESS_INSTANCE_BY_ID_NOTES=delete process instance by process instance id |
TASK_ID=task instance id |
SKIP_LINE_NUM=skip line num |
QUERY_TASK_INSTANCE_LOG_NOTES=query task instance log |
DOWNLOAD_TASK_INSTANCE_LOG_NOTES=download task instance log |
USERS_TAG=users related operation |
SCHEDULER_TAG=scheduler related operation |
CREATE_SCHEDULE_NOTES=create schedule |
CREATE_USER_NOTES=create user |
TENANT_ID=tenant id |
QUEUE=queue |
EMAIL=email |
PHONE=phone |
QUERY_USER_LIST_NOTES=query user list |
UPDATE_USER_NOTES=update user |
DELETE_USER_BY_ID_NOTES=delete user by id |
PROJECT_IDS=project ids(string format, multiple projects separated by ",") |
GRANT_RESOURCE_NOTES=grant resource file |
RESOURCE_IDS=resource ids(string format, multiple resources separated by ",") |
GET_USER_INFO_NOTES=get user info |
LIST_USER_NOTES=list user |
VERIFY_USER_NAME_NOTES=verify user name |
UNAUTHORIZED_USER_NOTES=cancel authorization |
ALERT_GROUP_ID=alert group id |
AUTHORIZED_USER_NOTES=authorized user |
GRANT_UDF_FUNC_NOTES=grant udf function |
UDF_IDS=udf ids(string format, multiple udf functions separated by ",") |
GRANT_DATASOURCE_NOTES=grant datasource |
DATASOURCE_IDS=datasource ids(string format, multiple datasources separated by ",") |
QUERY_SUBPROCESS_INSTANCE_BY_TASK_ID_NOTES=query subprocess instance by task instance id |
QUERY_PARENT_PROCESS_INSTANCE_BY_SUB_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID_NOTES=query parent process instance info by sub process instance id |
QUERY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_AND_LOCAL_VARIABLES_NOTES=query process instance global variables and local variables |
VIEW_GANTT_NOTES=view gantt |
SUB_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=sub process instance id |
TASK_NAME=task instance name |
TASK_INSTANCE_TAG=task instance related operation |
LOGGER_TAG=log related operation |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_TAG=process instance related operation |
EXECUTION_STATUS=runing status for workflow and task nodes |
HOST=ip address of running task |
START_DATE=start date |
END_DATE=end date |
QUERY_TASK_LIST_BY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID_NOTES=query task list by process instance id |
UPDATE_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=update data source |
QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=query data source by id |
QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_LIST_BY_TYPE_NOTES=query data source list by database type |
QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query data source list paging |
CONNECT_DATA_SOURCE_TEST_NOTES=connect data source test |
DELETE_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=delete data source |
VERIFY_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=verify data source |
UNAUTHORIZED_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=unauthorized data source |
AUTHORIZED_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=authorized data source |
DELETE_SCHEDULER_BY_ID_NOTES=delete scheduler by id |
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
QUERY_SCHEDULE_LIST_NOTES=query schedule list |
EXECUTE_PROCESS_TAG=execute process related operation |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_EXECUTOR_TAG=process instance executor related operation |
RUN_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NOTES=run process instance |
START_NODE_LIST=start node list(node name) |
TASK_DEPEND_TYPE=task depend type |
COMMAND_TYPE=command type |
RUN_MODE=run mode |
TIMEOUT=timeout |
EXECUTE_ACTION_TO_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NOTES=execute action to process instance |
EXECUTE_TYPE=execute type |
START_CHECK_PROCESS_DEFINITION_NOTES=start check process definition |
GET_RECEIVER_CC_NOTES=query receiver cc |
DESC=description |
GROUP_NAME=group name |
GROUP_TYPE=group type |
QUERY_ALERT_GROUP_LIST_NOTES=query alert group list |
UPDATE_ALERT_GROUP_NOTES=update alert group |
DELETE_ALERT_GROUP_BY_ID_NOTES=delete alert group by id |
VERIFY_ALERT_GROUP_NAME_NOTES=verify alert group name, check alert group exist or not |
GRANT_ALERT_GROUP_NOTES=grant alert group |
USER_IDS=user id list |
ALERT_GROUP_TAG=alert group related operation |
CREATE_ALERT_GROUP_NOTES=create alert group |
WORKER_GROUP_TAG=worker group related operation |
SAVE_WORKER_GROUP_NOTES=create worker group |
WORKER_GROUP_NAME=worker group name |
WORKER_IP_LIST=worker ip list, eg., |
QUERY_WORKER_GROUP_PAGING_NOTES=query worker group paging |
QUERY_WORKER_GROUP_LIST_NOTES=query worker group list |
DELETE_WORKER_GROUP_BY_ID_NOTES=delete worker group by id |
DATA_ANALYSIS_TAG=analysis related operation of task state |
COUNT_TASK_STATE_NOTES=count task state |
COUNT_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NOTES=count process instance state |
COUNT_PROCESS_DEFINITION_BY_USER_NOTES=count process definition by user |
COUNT_COMMAND_STATE_NOTES=count command state |
COUNT_QUEUE_STATE_NOTES=count the running status of the task in the queue\ |
ACCESS_TOKEN_TAG=access token related operation |
MONITOR_TAG=monitor related operation |
MASTER_LIST_NOTES=master server list |
WORKER_LIST_NOTES=worker server list |
QUERY_DATABASE_STATE_NOTES=query database state |
TASK_STATE=task instance state |
DEST_TABLE=dest table |
TASK_DATE=task date |
QUERY_HISTORY_TASK_RECORD_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query history task record list paging |
DATA_SOURCE_TAG=data source related operation |
CREATE_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=create data source |
DATA_SOURCE_NAME=data source name |
DATA_SOURCE_NOTE=data source desc |
DB_TYPE=database type |
DATA_SOURCE_PORT=data source port |
DATABASE_NAME=database name |
QUEUE_TAG=queue related operation |
QUERY_QUEUE_LIST_NOTES=query queue list |
QUERY_QUEUE_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query queue list paging |
CREATE_QUEUE_NOTES=create queue |
YARN_QUEUE_NAME=yarn(hadoop) queue name |
QUEUE_ID=queue id |
TENANT_DESC=tenant desc |
QUERY_TENANT_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query tenant list paging |
QUERY_TENANT_LIST_NOTES=query tenant list |
UPDATE_TENANT_NOTES=update tenant |
DELETE_TENANT_NOTES=delete tenant |
RESOURCES_TAG=resource center related operation |
CREATE_RESOURCE_NOTES=create resource |
RESOURCE_TYPE=resource file type |
RESOURCE_NAME=resource name |
RESOURCE_DESC=resource file desc |
RESOURCE_FILE=resource file |
RESOURCE_ID=resource id |
QUERY_RESOURCE_LIST_NOTES=query resource list |
DELETE_RESOURCE_BY_ID_NOTES=delete resource by id |
VIEW_RESOURCE_BY_ID_NOTES=view resource by id |
ONLINE_CREATE_RESOURCE_NOTES=online create resource |
SUFFIX=resource file suffix |
CONTENT=resource file content |
UPDATE_RESOURCE_NOTES=edit resource file online |
DOWNLOAD_RESOURCE_NOTES=download resource file |
CREATE_UDF_FUNCTION_NOTES=create udf function |
FUNC_NAME=function name |
CLASS_NAME=package and class name |
ARG_TYPES=arguments |
UDF_DESC=udf desc |
VIEW_UDF_FUNCTION_NOTES=view udf function |
UPDATE_UDF_FUNCTION_NOTES=update udf function |
QUERY_UDF_FUNCTION_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query udf function list paging |
VERIFY_UDF_FUNCTION_NAME_NOTES=verify udf function name |
DELETE_UDF_FUNCTION_NOTES=delete udf function |
AUTHORIZED_FILE_NOTES=authorized file |
UNAUTHORIZED_FILE_NOTES=unauthorized file |
AUTHORIZED_UDF_FUNC_NOTES=authorized udf func |
UNAUTHORIZED_UDF_FUNC_NOTES=unauthorized udf func |
VERIFY_QUEUE_NOTES=verify queue |
TENANT_TAG=tenant related operation |
CREATE_TENANT_NOTES=create tenant |
TENANT_CODE=tenant code |
TENANT_NAME=tenant name |
QUEUE_NAME=queue name |
PASSWORD=password |
DATA_SOURCE_OTHER=jdbc connection params, format:{"key1":"value1",...} |
PROJECT_TAG=project related operation |
CREATE_PROJECT_NOTES=create project |
PROJECT_DESC=project description |
UPDATE_PROJECT_NOTES=update project |
PROJECT_ID=project id |
QUERY_PROJECT_BY_ID_NOTES=query project info by project id |
QUERY_ALL_PROJECT_LIST_NOTES=query all project list |
DELETE_PROJECT_BY_ID_NOTES=delete project by id |
QUERY_UNAUTHORIZED_PROJECT_NOTES=query unauthorized project |
QUERY_AUTHORIZED_PROJECT_NOTES=query authorized project |
TASK_RECORD_TAG=task record related operation |
QUERY_TASK_RECORD_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query task record list paging |
CREATE_TOKEN_NOTES=create token ,note: please login first |
QUERY_ACCESS_TOKEN_LIST_NOTES=query access token list paging |
SCHEDULE=schedule |
WARNING_TYPE=warning type(sending strategy) |
WARNING_GROUP_ID=warning group id |
FAILURE_STRATEGY=failure strategy |
RECEIVERS=receivers |
RECEIVERS_CC=receivers cc |
WORKER_GROUP_ID=worker server group id |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_PRIORITY=process instance priority |
UPDATE_SCHEDULE_NOTES=update schedule |
SCHEDULE_ID=schedule id |
ONLINE_SCHEDULE_NOTES=online schedule |
OFFLINE_SCHEDULE_NOTES=offline schedule |
QUERY_SCHEDULE_NOTES=query schedule |
QUERY_SCHEDULE_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query schedule list paging |
LOGIN_TAG=User login related operations |
USER_NAME=user name |
PROJECT_NAME=project name |
CREATE_PROCESS_DEFINITION_NOTES=create process definition |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_NAME=process definition name |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_JSON=process definition detail info (json format) |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_LOCATIONS=process definition node locations info (json format) |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_LOCATIONS=process instance node locations info (json format) |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_CONNECTS=process definition node connects info (json format) |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_CONNECTS=process instance node connects info (json format) |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_DESC=process definition desc |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_TAG=process definition related opertation |
USER_PASSWORD=user password |
UPDATE_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NOTES=update process instance |
QUERY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_LIST_NOTES=query process instance list |
VERIFY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_NAME_NOTES=verify proccess definition name |
LOGIN_NOTES=user login |
UPDATE_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_NOTES=update proccess definition |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_ID=process definition id |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_IDS=process definition ids |
RELEASE_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_NOTES=release proccess definition |
QUERY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_BY_ID_NOTES=query proccess definition by id |
QUERY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_LIST_NOTES=query proccess definition list |
QUERY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query proccess definition list paging |
QUERY_ALL_DEFINITION_LIST_NOTES=query all definition list |
PAGE_NO=page no |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=process instance id |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_JSON=process instance info(json format) |
SCHEDULE_TIME=schedule time |
SYNC_DEFINE=update the information of the process instance to the process definition\ |
RECOVERY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_FLAG=whether to recovery process instance |
SEARCH_VAL=search val |
USER_ID=user id |
PAGE_SIZE=page size |
LIMIT=limit |
VIEW_TREE_NOTES=view tree |
GET_NODE_LIST_BY_DEFINITION_ID_NOTES=get task node list by process definition id |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_ID_LIST=process definition id list |
QUERY_PROCCESS_DEFINITION_All_BY_PROJECT_ID_NOTES=query proccess definition all by project id |
DELETE_PROCESS_DEFINITION_BY_ID_NOTES=delete process definition by process definition id |
BATCH_DELETE_PROCESS_DEFINITION_BY_IDS_NOTES=batch delete process definition by process definition ids |
QUERY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_BY_ID_NOTES=query process instance by process instance id |
DELETE_PROCESS_INSTANCE_BY_ID_NOTES=delete process instance by process instance id |
TASK_ID=task instance id |
SKIP_LINE_NUM=skip line num |
QUERY_TASK_INSTANCE_LOG_NOTES=query task instance log |
DOWNLOAD_TASK_INSTANCE_LOG_NOTES=download task instance log |
USERS_TAG=users related operation |
SCHEDULER_TAG=scheduler related operation |
CREATE_SCHEDULE_NOTES=create schedule |
CREATE_USER_NOTES=create user |
TENANT_ID=tenant id |
QUEUE=queue |
EMAIL=email |
PHONE=phone |
QUERY_USER_LIST_NOTES=query user list |
UPDATE_USER_NOTES=update user |
DELETE_USER_BY_ID_NOTES=delete user by id |
PROJECT_IDS=project ids(string format, multiple projects separated by ",") |
GRANT_RESOURCE_NOTES=grant resource file |
RESOURCE_IDS=resource ids(string format, multiple resources separated by ",") |
GET_USER_INFO_NOTES=get user info |
LIST_USER_NOTES=list user |
VERIFY_USER_NAME_NOTES=verify user name |
UNAUTHORIZED_USER_NOTES=cancel authorization |
ALERT_GROUP_ID=alert group id |
AUTHORIZED_USER_NOTES=authorized user |
GRANT_UDF_FUNC_NOTES=grant udf function |
UDF_IDS=udf ids(string format, multiple udf functions separated by ",") |
GRANT_DATASOURCE_NOTES=grant datasource |
DATASOURCE_IDS=datasource ids(string format, multiple datasources separated by ",") |
QUERY_SUBPROCESS_INSTANCE_BY_TASK_ID_NOTES=query subprocess instance by task instance id |
QUERY_PARENT_PROCESS_INSTANCE_BY_SUB_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID_NOTES=query parent process instance info by sub process instance id |
QUERY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_GLOBAL_VARIABLES_AND_LOCAL_VARIABLES_NOTES=query process instance global variables and local variables |
VIEW_GANTT_NOTES=view gantt |
SUB_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID=sub process instance id |
TASK_NAME=task instance name |
TASK_INSTANCE_TAG=task instance related operation |
LOGGER_TAG=log related operation |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_TAG=process instance related operation |
EXECUTION_STATUS=runing status for workflow and task nodes |
HOST=ip address of running task |
START_DATE=start date |
END_DATE=end date |
QUERY_TASK_LIST_BY_PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID_NOTES=query task list by process instance id |
UPDATE_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=update data source |
QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=query data source by id |
QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_LIST_BY_TYPE_NOTES=query data source list by database type |
QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_LIST_PAGING_NOTES=query data source list paging |
CONNECT_DATA_SOURCE_TEST_NOTES=connect data source test |
DELETE_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=delete data source |
VERIFY_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=verify data source |
UNAUTHORIZED_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=unauthorized data source |
AUTHORIZED_DATA_SOURCE_NOTES=authorized data source |
DELETE_SCHEDULER_BY_ID_NOTES=delete scheduler by id |
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
START_NODE_LIST=开始节点列表(节点name) |
RUN_MODE=运行模式 |
TIMEOUT=超时时间 |
DESC=备注(描述) |
WORKER_IP_LIST=Worker ip列表,注意:多个IP地址以逗号分割\ |
DATA_ANALYSIS_TAG=任务状态分析相关操作 |
ACCESS_TOKEN_TAG=access token相关操作,需要先登录 |
MONITOR_TAG=监控相关操作 |
MASTER_LIST_NOTES=master服务列表 |
WORKER_LIST_NOTES=worker服务列表 |
TASK_STATE=任务实例状态 |
TASK_DATE=任务时间 |
DB_TYPE=数据源类型 |
QUEUE_TAG=队列相关操作 |
YARN_QUEUE_NAME=hadoop yarn队列名 |
RESOURCES_TAG=资源中心相关操作 |
SUFFIX=资源文件后缀 |
CONTENT=资源文件内容 |
FUNC_NAME=函数名称 |
UDF_DESC=udf描述,使用说明 |
TENANT_TAG=租户相关操作 |
DATA_SOURCE_OTHER=jdbc连接参数,格式为:{"key1":"value1",...} |
PROJECT_TAG=项目相关操作 |
TASK_RECORD_TAG=任务记录相关操作 |
CREATE_TOKEN_NOTES=创建token,注意需要先登录 |
QUERY_ACCESS_TOKEN_LIST_NOTES=分页查询access token列表 |
RECEIVERS_CC=收件人(抄送) |
WORKER_GROUP_ID=Worker Server分组ID |
LOGIN_TAG=用户登录相关操作 |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_JSON=流程定义详细信息(json格式) |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_LOCATIONS=流程实例节点坐标位置信息(json格式) |
PROCESS_DEFINITION_CONNECTS=流程定义节点图标连接信息(json格式) |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_CONNECTS=流程实例节点图标连接信息(json格式) |
PAGE_NO=页码号 |
PROCESS_INSTANCE_JSON=流程实例信息(json格式) |
SYNC_DEFINE=更新流程实例的信息是否同步到流程定义 |
LIMIT=显示多少条 |
TASK_ID=任务实例ID |
USERS_TAG=用户相关操作 |
QUEUE=使用的队列 |
EMAIL=邮箱 |
PHONE=手机号 |
PROJECT_IDS=项目IDS(字符串格式,多个项目以","分割) |
RESOURCE_IDS=资源ID列表(字符串格式,多个资源ID以","分割) |
UDF_IDS=udf函数id列表(字符串格式,多个udf函数ID以","分割) |
DATASOURCE_IDS=数据源ID列表(字符串格式,多个数据源ID以","分割) |
TASK_NAME=任务实例名 |
LOGGER_TAG=日志相关操作 |
EXECUTION_STATUS=工作流和任务节点的运行状态 |
HOST=运行任务的主机IP地址 |
END_DATE=结束时间 |
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'><html><head><title> easyscheduler</title><meta name='Keywords' content=''><meta name='Description' content=''><style type="text/css">table { margin-top:0px; padding-top:0px; border:1px solid; font-size: 14px; color: #333333; border-width: 1px; border-color: #666666; border-collapse: collapse; } table th { border-width: 1px; padding: 8px; border-style: solid; border-color: #666666; background-color: #dedede; } table td { border-width: 1px; padding: 8px; border-style: solid; border-color: #666666; background-color: #ffffff; }</style></head><body style="margin:0;padding:0"><table border="1px" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="-10px"><thead><#if title??> ${title}</#if></thead><#if content??> ${content}</#if></table></body></html> |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# master execute thread num |
master.exec.threads=100 |
# master execute task number in parallel |
master.exec.task.number=20 |
# master heartbeat interval |
master.heartbeat.interval=10 |
# master commit task retry times |
master.task.commit.retryTimes=5 |
# master commit task interval |
master.task.commit.interval=100 |
# only less than cpu avg load, master server can work. default value : the number of cpu cores * 2 |
master.max.cpuload.avg=10 |
# only larger than reserved memory, master server can work. default value : physical memory * 1/10, unit is G. |
master.reserved.memory=1 |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<!-- Logback configuration. See http://logback.qos.ch/manual/index.html --> |
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="120 seconds"> <!--debug="true" --> |
<property name="log.base" value="logs" /> |
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> |
<encoder> |
<pattern> |
[%level] %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %logger{96}:[%line] - %msg%n |
</pattern> |
<charset>UTF-8</charset> |
</encoder> |
</appender> |
<appender name="MASTERLOGFILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender"> |
<file>${log.base}/escheduler-master.log</file> |
<filter class="cn.escheduler.server.master.log.MasterLogFilter"> |
<level>INFO</level> |
</filter> |
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy"> |
<fileNamePattern>${log.base}/escheduler-master.%d{yyyy-MM-dd_HH}.%i.log</fileNamePattern> |
<maxHistory>168</maxHistory> |
<maxFileSize>200MB</maxFileSize> |
</rollingPolicy> |
<encoder> |
<pattern> |
[%level] %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %logger{96}:[%line] - %msg%n |
</pattern> |
<charset>UTF-8</charset> |
</encoder> |
</appender> |
<root level="INFO"> |
<appender-ref ref="MASTERLOGFILE"/> |
</root> |
</configuration> |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#============================================================================ |
# Configure Main Scheduler Properties |
#============================================================================ |
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = EasyScheduler |
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO |
org.quartz.scheduler.makeSchedulerThreadDaemon = true |
org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties = false |
#============================================================================ |
# Configure ThreadPool |
#============================================================================ |
org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool |
org.quartz.threadPool.makeThreadsDaemons = true |
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 25 |
org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority = 5 |
#============================================================================ |
# Configure JobStore |
#============================================================================ |
org.quartz.jobStore.class = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX |
org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass = org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate |
org.quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix = QRTZ_ |
org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered = true |
org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold = 60000 |
org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval = 5000 |
org.quartz.jobStore.dataSource = myDs |
#============================================================================ |
# Configure Datasources |
#============================================================================ |
org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver |
org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.URL=jdbc:mysql:// |
org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.user=root |
org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.password=root@123 |
org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.maxConnections = 10 |
org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.validationQuery = select 1 |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# worker execute thread num |
worker.exec.threads=100 |
# worker heartbeat interval |
worker.heartbeat.interval=10 |
# submit the number of tasks at a time |
worker.fetch.task.num = 3 |
# only less than cpu avg load, worker server can work. default value : the number of cpu cores * 2 |
#worker.max.cpuload.avg=10 |
# only larger than reserved memory, worker server can work. default value : physical memory * 1/6, unit is G. |
worker.reserved.memory=1 |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#zookeeper cluster |
zookeeper.quorum= |
#escheduler root directory |
zookeeper.escheduler.root=/escheduler |
#zookeeper server dirctory |
zookeeper.escheduler.dead.servers=/escheduler/dead-servers |
zookeeper.escheduler.masters=/escheduler/masters |
zookeeper.escheduler.workers=/escheduler/workers |
#zookeeper lock dirctory |
zookeeper.escheduler.lock.masters=/escheduler/lock/masters |
zookeeper.escheduler.lock.workers=/escheduler/lock/workers |
#escheduler failover directory |
zookeeper.escheduler.lock.failover.masters=/escheduler/lock/failover/masters |
zookeeper.escheduler.lock.failover.workers=/escheduler/lock/failover/workers |
zookeeper.escheduler.lock.failover.startup.masters=/escheduler/lock/failover/startup-masters |
#escheduler failover directory |
zookeeper.session.timeout=300 |
zookeeper.connection.timeout=300 |
zookeeper.retry.sleep=1000 |
zookeeper.retry.maxtime=5 |
@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<!-- |
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
distributed with this work for additional information |
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
specific language governing permissions and limitations |
under the License. |
--> |
<!-- |
| This is the configuration file for Maven. It can be specified at two levels: |
| |
| 1. User Level. This settings.xml file provides configuration for a single user, |
| and is normally provided in ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml. |
| |
| NOTE: This location can be overridden with the CLI option: |
| |
| -s /path/to/user/settings.xml |
| |
| 2. Global Level. This settings.xml file provides configuration for all Maven |
| users on a machine (assuming they're all using the same Maven |
| installation). It's normally provided in |
| ${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml. |
| |
| NOTE: This location can be overridden with the CLI option: |
| |
| -gs /path/to/global/settings.xml |
| |
| The sections in this sample file are intended to give you a running start at |
| getting the most out of your Maven installation. Where appropriate, the default |
| values (values used when the setting is not specified) are provided. |
| |
|--> |
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0" |
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd"> |
<!-- localRepository |
| The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts. |
| |
| Default: ${user.home}/.m2/repository |
<localRepository>/path/to/local/repo</localRepository> |
--> |
<!-- interactiveMode |
| This will determine whether maven prompts you when it needs input. If set to false, |
| maven will use a sensible default value, perhaps based on some other setting, for |
| the parameter in question. |
| |
| Default: true |
<interactiveMode>true</interactiveMode> |
--> |
<!-- offline |
| Determines whether maven should attempt to connect to the network when executing a build. |
| This will have an effect on artifact downloads, artifact deployment, and others. |
| |
| Default: false |
<offline>false</offline> |
--> |
<!-- pluginGroups |
| This is a list of additional group identifiers that will be searched when resolving plugins by their prefix, i.e. |
| when invoking a command line like "mvn prefix:goal". Maven will automatically add the group identifiers |
| "org.apache.maven.plugins" and "org.codehaus.mojo" if these are not already contained in the list. |
|--> |
<pluginGroups> |
<!-- pluginGroup |
| Specifies a further group identifier to use for plugin lookup. |
<pluginGroup>com.your.plugins</pluginGroup> |
--> |
</pluginGroups> |
<!-- proxies |
| This is a list of proxies which can be used on this machine to connect to the network. |
| Unless otherwise specified (by system property or command-line switch), the first proxy |
| specification in this list marked as active will be used. |
|--> |
<proxies> |
<!-- proxy |
| Specification for one proxy, to be used in connecting to the network. |
| |
<proxy> |
<id>optional</id> |
<active>true</active> |
<protocol>http</protocol> |
<username>proxyuser</username> |
<password>proxypass</password> |
<host>proxy.host.net</host> |
<port>80</port> |
<nonProxyHosts>local.net|some.host.com</nonProxyHosts> |
</proxy> |
--> |
</proxies> |
<!-- servers |
| This is a list of authentication profiles, keyed by the server-id used within the system. |
| Authentication profiles can be used whenever maven must make a connection to a remote server. |
|--> |
<servers> |
<!-- server |
| Specifies the authentication information to use when connecting to a particular server, identified by |
| a unique name within the system (referred to by the 'id' attribute below). |
| |
| NOTE: You should either specify username/password OR privateKey/passphrase, since these pairings are |
| used together. |
| |
<server> |
<id>deploymentRepo</id> |
<username>repouser</username> |
<password>repopwd</password> |
</server> |
--> |
<!-- Another sample, using keys to authenticate. |
<server> |
<id>siteServer</id> |
<privateKey>/path/to/private/key</privateKey> |
<passphrase>optional; leave empty if not used.</passphrase> |
</server> |
--> |
</servers> |
<!-- mirrors |
| This is a list of mirrors to be used in downloading artifacts from remote repositories. |
| |
| It works like this: a POM may declare a repository to use in resolving certain artifacts. |
| However, this repository may have problems with heavy traffic at times, so people have mirrored |
| it to several places. |
| |
| That repository definition will have a unique id, so we can create a mirror reference for that |
| repository, to be used as an alternate download site. The mirror site will be the preferred |
| server for that repository. |
|--> |
<mirrors> |
<!-- mirror |
| Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given repository. The repository that |
| this mirror serves has an ID that matches the mirrorOf element of this mirror. IDs are used |
| for inheritance and direct lookup purposes, and must be unique across the set of mirrors. |
| |
<mirror> |
<id>mirrorId</id> |
<mirrorOf>repositoryId</mirrorOf> |
<name>Human Readable Name for this Mirror.</name> |
<url>http://my.repository.com/repo/path</url> |
</mirror> |
--> |
<mirror> |
<id>nexus-aliyun</id> |
<mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf> |
<name>Nexus aliyun</name> |
<url>http://maven.aliyun.com/nexus/content/groups/public</url> |
</mirror> |
</mirrors> |
<!-- profiles |
| This is a list of profiles which can be activated in a variety of ways, and which can modify |
| the build process. Profiles provided in the settings.xml are intended to provide local machine- |
| specific paths and repository locations which allow the build to work in the local environment. |
| |
| For example, if you have an integration testing plugin - like cactus - that needs to know where |
| your Tomcat instance is installed, you can provide a variable here such that the variable is |
| dereferenced during the build process to configure the cactus plugin. |
| |
| As noted above, profiles can be activated in a variety of ways. One way - the activeProfiles |
| section of this document (settings.xml) - will be discussed later. Another way essentially |
| relies on the detection of a system property, either matching a particular value for the property, |
| or merely testing its existence. Profiles can also be activated by JDK version prefix, where a |
| value of '1.4' might activate a profile when the build is executed on a JDK version of '1.4.2_07'. |
| Finally, the list of active profiles can be specified directly from the command line. |
| |
| NOTE: For profiles defined in the settings.xml, you are restricted to specifying only artifact |
| repositories, plugin repositories, and free-form properties to be used as configuration |
| variables for plugins in the POM. |
| |
|--> |
<profiles> |
<!-- profile |
| Specifies a set of introductions to the build process, to be activated using one or more of the |
| mechanisms described above. For inheritance purposes, and to activate profiles via <activatedProfiles/> |
| or the command line, profiles have to have an ID that is unique. |
| |
| An encouraged best practice for profile identification is to use a consistent naming convention |
| for profiles, such as 'env-dev', 'env-test', 'env-production', 'user-jdcasey', 'user-brett', etc. |
| This will make it more intuitive to understand what the set of introduced profiles is attempting |
| to accomplish, particularly when you only have a list of profile id's for debug. |
| |
| This profile example uses the JDK version to trigger activation, and provides a JDK-specific repo. |
<profile> |
<id>jdk-1.4</id> |
<activation> |
<jdk>1.4</jdk> |
</activation> |
<repositories> |
<repository> |
<id>jdk14</id> |
<name>Repository for JDK 1.4 builds</name> |
<url>http://www.myhost.com/maven/jdk14</url> |
<layout>default</layout> |
<snapshotPolicy>always</snapshotPolicy> |
</repository> |
</repositories> |
</profile> |
--> |
<!-- |
| Here is another profile, activated by the system property 'target-env' with a value of 'dev', |
| which provides a specific path to the Tomcat instance. To use this, your plugin configuration |
| might hypothetically look like: |
| |
| ... |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.myco.myplugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>myplugin</artifactId> |
| |
| <configuration> |
| <tomcatLocation>${tomcatPath}</tomcatLocation> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| ... |
| |
| NOTE: If you just wanted to inject this configuration whenever someone set 'target-env' to |
| anything, you could just leave off the <value/> inside the activation-property. |
| |
<profile> |
<id>env-dev</id> |
<activation> |
<property> |
<name>target-env</name> |
<value>dev</value> |
</property> |
</activation> |
<properties> |
<tomcatPath>/path/to/tomcat/instance</tomcatPath> |
</properties> |
</profile> |
--> |
</profiles> |
<!-- activeProfiles |
| List of profiles that are active for all builds. |
| |
<activeProfiles> |
<activeProfile>alwaysActiveProfile</activeProfile> |
<activeProfile>anotherAlwaysActiveProfile</activeProfile> |
</activeProfiles> |
--> |
</settings> |
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
server { |
listen 8888;# 访问端口 |
listen 8888; |
server_name localhost; |
#charset koi8-r; |
#access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main; |
location / { |
root /opt/escheduler/front/server; # 静态文件目录 |
root /opt/easyscheduler_source/escheduler-ui/dist; |
index index.html index.html; |
} |
location /escheduler { |
proxy_pass; # 接口地址 |
proxy_pass; |
proxy_set_header Host $host; |
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header x_real_ipP $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header remote_addr $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; |
proxy_http_version 1.1; |
proxy_connect_timeout 4s; |
proxy_read_timeout 30s; |
proxy_send_timeout 12s; |
proxy_connect_timeout 300s; |
proxy_read_timeout 300s; |
proxy_send_timeout 300s; |
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; |
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/bin/bash |
echo "------ escheduler start - build -------" |
printenv |
docker build --build-arg version=$version --build-arg tar_version=$tar_version -t $DOCKER_REPO:$version . |
echo "------ escheduler end - build -------" |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/bin/bash |
echo "------ push start -------" |
printenv |
docker push $DOCKER_REPO:$version |
echo "------ push end -------" |
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#! /bin/bash |
set -e |
if [ `netstat -anop|grep mysql|wc -l` -gt 0 ];then |
echo "MySQL is Running." |
else |
MYSQL_ROOT_PWD="root@123" |
ESZ_DB="escheduler" |
echo "启动mysql服务" |
chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql /var/run/mysqld |
find /var/lib/mysql -type f -exec touch {} \; && service mysql restart $ sleep 10 |
if [ ! -f /nohup.out ];then |
echo "设置mysql密码" |
mysql --user=root --password=root -e "UPDATE mysql.user set authentication_string=password('$MYSQL_ROOT_PWD') where user='root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" |
echo "设置mysql权限" |
echo "创建escheduler数据库" |
mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PWD -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \`$ESZ_DB\` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" |
echo "导入mysql数据" |
nohup /opt/escheduler/script/create_escheduler.sh & |
sleep 90 |
fi |
if [ `mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PWD -s -r -e "SELECT count(TABLE_NAME) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='escheduler';" | grep -v count` -eq 38 ];then |
echo "\`$ESZ_DB\` 表个数正确" |
else |
echo "\`$ESZ_DB\` 表个数不正确" |
mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PWD -e "DROP DATABASE \`$ESZ_DB\`;" |
echo "创建escheduler数据库" |
mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT_PWD -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS \`$ESZ_DB\` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" |
echo "导入mysql数据" |
nohup /opt/escheduler/script/create_escheduler.sh & |
sleep 90 |
fi |
fi |
/opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh restart |
sleep 90 |
echo "启动api-server" |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop api-server |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start api-server |
echo "启动master-server" |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop master-server |
python /opt/escheduler/script/del_zk_node.py /escheduler/masters |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start master-server |
echo "启动worker-server" |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop worker-server |
python /opt/escheduler/script/del_zk_node.py /escheduler/workers |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start worker-server |
echo "启动logger-server" |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop logger-server |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start logger-server |
echo "启动alert-server" |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop alert-server |
/opt/escheduler/bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start alert-server |
echo "启动nginx" |
/etc/init.d/nginx stop |
nginx & |
while true |
do |
sleep 101 |
done |
exec "$@" |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Easy Scheduler Release 1.0.1 |
=== |
Easy Scheduler 1.0.1 is the second version in the 1.x series. The update is as follows: |
- 1,outlook TSL email support |
- 2,servlet and protobuf jar conflict resolution |
- 3,create a tenant and establish a Linux user at the same time |
- 4,the re-run time is negative |
- 5,stand-alone and cluster can be deployed with one click of install.sh |
- 6,queue support interface added |
- 7,escheduler.t_escheduler_queue added create_time and update_time fields |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Easy Scheduler Release 1.0.2 |
=== |
Easy Scheduler 1.0.2 is the third version in the 1.x series. This version adds scheduling open interfaces, worker grouping (the machine group for which the specified task runs), task flow and service monitoring, and support for oracle, clickhouse, etc., as follows: |
New features: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-79](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/79)] scheduling the open interface through the token mode, which can be operated through the api. |
- [[EasyScheduler-138](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/138)] can specify the machine (group) where the task runs. |
- [[EasyScheduler-139](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/139)] task Process Monitoring and Master, Worker, Zookeeper Operation Status Monitoring |
- [[EasyScheduler-140](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/140)] workflow Definition - Increase Process Timeout Alarm |
- [[EasyScheduler-134](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/134)] task type supports Oracle, CLICKHOUSE, SQLSERVER, IMPALA |
- [[EasyScheduler-136](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/136)] sql task node can independently select CC mail users |
- [[EasyScheduler-141](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/141)] user Management—Users can bind queues. The user queue level is higher than the tenant queue level. If the user queue is empty, look for the tenant queue. |
Enhanced: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-154](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/154)] Tenant code allows encoding of pure numbers or underscores |
Repair: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-135](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/135)] Python task can specify python version |
- [[EasyScheduler-125](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/125)] The mobile phone number in the user account does not recognize the opening of Unicom's latest number 166 |
- [[EasyScheduler-178](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/178)] Fix subtle spelling mistakes in ProcessDao |
- [[EasyScheduler-129](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/129)] Tenant code, underlined and other special characters cannot pass the check. |
Thank: |
=== |
Last but not least, no new version was born without the contributions of the following partners: |
Baoqi , chubbyjiang , coreychen , chgxtony, cmdares , datuzi , dingchao, fanguanqun , 风清扬, gaojun416 , googlechorme, hyperknob , hujiang75277381 , huanzui , kinssun, ivivi727 ,jimmy, jiangzhx , kevin5210 , lidongdai , lshmouse , lenboo, lyf198972 , lgcareer , lzy305 , moranrr , millionfor , mazhong8808, programlief, qiaozhanwei , roy110 , swxchappy , sherlock111 , samz406 , swxchappy, qq389401879 , lzy305, vkingnew, William-GuoWei , woniulinux, yyl861, zhangxin1988, yangjiajun2014, yangqinlong, yangjiajun2014, zhzhenqin, zhangluck, zhanghaicheng1, zhuyizhizhi |
And many enthusiastic partners in the WeChat group! Thank you very much! |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Easy Scheduler Release 1.0.3 |
=== |
Easy Scheduler 1.0.3 is the fourth version in the 1.x series. |
Enhanced: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-482]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/482)sql task mail header added support for custom variables |
- [[EasyScheduler-483]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/483)sql task failed to send mail, then this sql task is failed |
- [[EasyScheduler-484]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/484)modify the replacement rule of the custom variable in the sql task, and support the replacement of multiple single quotes and double quotes. |
- [[EasyScheduler-485]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/485)when creating a resource file, increase the verification that the resource file already exists on hdfs |
Repair: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-198]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/198) the process definition list is sorted according to the timing status and update time |
- [[EasyScheduler-419]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/419) fixes online creation of files, hdfs file is not created, but returns successfully |
- [[EasyScheduler-481] ](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/481)fixes the problem that the job does not exist at the same time. |
- [[EasyScheduler-425]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/425) kills the kill of its child process when killing the task |
- [[EasyScheduler-422]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/422) fixed an issue where the update time and size were not updated when updating resource files |
- [[EasyScheduler-431]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/431) fixed an issue where deleting a tenant failed if hdfs was not started when the tenant was deleted |
- [[EasyScheduler-485]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/486) the shell process exits, the yarn state is not final and waits for judgment. |
Thank: |
=== |
Last but not least, no new version was born without the contributions of the following partners: |
Baoqi, jimmy201602, samz406, petersear, millionfor, hyperknob, fanguanqun, yangqinlong, qq389401879, |
feloxx, coding-now, hymzcn, nysyxxg, chgxtony |
And many enthusiastic partners in the WeChat group! Thank you very much! |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
Easy Scheduler Release 1.1.0 |
=== |
Easy Scheduler 1.1.0 is the first release in the 1.1.x series. |
New features: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-391](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/391)] run a process under a specified tenement user |
- [[EasyScheduler-288](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/288)] feature/qiye_weixin |
- [[EasyScheduler-189](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/189)] security support such as Kerberos |
- [[EasyScheduler-398](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/398)]dministrator, with tenants (install.sh set default tenant), can create resources, projects and data sources (limited to one administrator) |
- [[EasyScheduler-293](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/293)]click on the parameter selected when running the process, there is no place to view, no save |
- [[EasyScheduler-401](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/401)]timing is easy to time every second. After the timing is completed, you can display the next trigger time on the page. |
- [[EasyScheduler-493](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/pull/493)]add datasource kerberos auth and FAQ modify and add resource upload s3 |
Enhanced: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-227](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/227)] upgrade spring-boot to 2.1.x and spring to 5.x |
- [[EasyScheduler-434](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/434)] number of worker nodes zk and mysql are inconsistent |
- [[EasyScheduler-435](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/435)]authentication of the mailbox format |
- [[EasyScheduler-441](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/441)] prohibits running nodes from joining completed node detection |
- [[EasyScheduler-400](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/400)] Home page, queue statistics are not harmonious, command statistics have no data |
- [[EasyScheduler-395](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/395)] For fault-tolerant recovery processes, the status cannot be ** is running |
- [[EasyScheduler-529](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/529)] optimize poll task from zookeeper |
- [[EasyScheduler-242](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/242)]worker-server node gets task performance problem |
- [[EasyScheduler-352](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/352)]worker grouping, queue consumption problem |
- [[EasyScheduler-461](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/461)]view data source parameters, need to encrypt account password information |
- [[EasyScheduler-396](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/396)]Dockerfile optimization, and associated Dockerfile and github to achieve automatic mirroring |
- [[EasyScheduler-389](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/389)]service monitor cannot find the change of master/worker |
- [[EasyScheduler-511](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/511)]support recovery process from stop/kill nodes. |
- [[EasyScheduler-399](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/399)]HadoopUtils specifies user actions instead of **Deploying users |
Repair: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-394](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/394)] When the master&worker is deployed on the same machine, if the master&worker service is restarted, the previously scheduled tasks cannot be scheduled. |
- [[EasyScheduler-469](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/469)]Fix naming errors,monitor page |
- [[EasyScheduler-392](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/392)]Feature request: fix email regex check |
- [[EasyScheduler-405](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/405)]timed modification/addition page, start time and end time cannot be the same |
- [[EasyScheduler-517](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/517)]complement - subworkflow - time parameter |
- [[EasyScheduler-532](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/532)] python node does not execute the problem |
- [[EasyScheduler-543](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/543)]optimize datasource connection params safety |
- [[EasyScheduler-569](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/569)] timed tasks can't really stop |
- [[EasyScheduler-463](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/463)]mailbox verification does not support very suffixed mailboxes |
Thank: |
=== |
Last but not least, no new version was born without the contributions of the following partners: |
Baoqi, jimmy201602, samz406, petersear, millionfor, hyperknob, fanguanqun, yangqinlong, qq389401879, chgxtony, Stanfan, lfyee, thisnew, hujiang75277381, sunnyingit, lgbo-ustc, ivivi, lzy305, JackIllkid, telltime, lipengbo2018, wuchunfu, telltime |
And many enthusiastic partners in the WeChat group! Thank you very much! |
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# EasyScheduler Proposal |
## Abstract |
EasyScheduler is a distributed ETL scheduling engine with powerful DAG visualization interface. EasyScheduler focuses on solving the problem of 'complex task dependencies & triggers ' in data processing. Just like its name, we dedicated to making the scheduling system `out of the box`. |
## Proposal |
EasyScheduler provides many easy-to-use features to accelerate the engineer enficiency on data ETL workflow job. We propose a new concept of 'instance of process' and 'instance of task' to let developers to tuning their jobs on the running state of workflow instead of changing the task's template. Its main objectives are as follows: |
- Define the complex tasks' dependencies & triggers in a DAG graph by dragging and dropping. |
- Support cluster HA. |
- Support multi-tenant and parallel or serial backfilling data. |
- Support automatical failure job retry and recovery. |
- Support many data task types and process priority, task priority and relative task timeout alarm. |
For now, EasyScheduler has a fairly huge community in China. |
It is also widely adopted by many [companies and organizations](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/57) as its ETL scheduling tool. |
We believe that bringing EasyScheduler into ASF could advance development of a much more stronger and more diverse open source community. |
Analysys submits this proposal to donate EasyScheduler's source codes and all related documentations to Apache Software Foundation. |
The codes are already under Apache License Version 2.0. |
- Code base: https://www.github.com/analysys/easyscheduler |
- English Documentations: <https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs> |
- Chinese Documentations: <https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn> |
## Background |
We want to find a data processing tool with the following features: |
- Easy to use,developers can build a ETL process with a very simple drag and drop operation. not only for ETL developers,people who can't write code also can use this tool for ETL operation such as system adminitrator. |
- Solving the problem of "complex task dependencies" , and it can monitor the ETL running status. |
- Support multi-tenant. |
- Support many task types: Shell, MR, Spark, SQL (mysql, postgresql, hive, sparksql), Python, Sub_Process, Procedure, etc. |
- Support HA and linear scalability. |
For the above reasons, we realized that no existing product met our requirements, so we decided to develop this tool ourselves. We designed EasyScheduler at the end of 2017. The first internal use version was completed in May 2018. We then iterated several internal versions and the system gradually became stabilized. |
Then we open the source code of EasyScheduler on March 2019. It soon gained lot's of ETL developers interest and stars on github. |
## Rationale |
Many organizations (>30) (refer to [Who is using EasyScheduler](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/57) ) already benefit from running EasyScheduler to make data process pipelines more easier. More than 100 [feature ideas](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/projects/1) come from EasyScheduler community. Some 3rd-party projects also plan to integrate with EasyScheduler through task plugin, such as [Scriptis](https://github.com/WeBankFinTech/Scriptis), [waterdrop](https://github.com/InterestingLab/waterdrop). These will strengthen the features of EasyScheduler. |
## Current Status |
### Meritocracy |
EasyScheduler was incubated at Analysys in 2017 and open sourced on GitHub in March 2019. Once open sourced, we have been quickly adopted by multiple organizations,EasyScheduler has contributors and users from many companies; we have set up the Committer Team. New contributors are guided and reviewed by existed committer members. |
Contributions are always welcomed and highly valued. |
### Community |
Now we have set development teams for EasyScheduler in Analysys, and we already have external developers who contributed the code. We already have a user group of more than 1,000 people. |
We hope to grow the base of contributors by inviting all those who offer contributions through The Apache Way. |
Right now, we make use of github as code hosting as well as gitter for community communication. |
### Core Developers |
The core developers, including experienced senior developers, are often guided by mentors. |
## Known Risks |
### Orphaned products |
EasyScheduler is widely adopted in China by many [companies and organizations](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/57). The core developers of EasyScheduler team plan to work full time on this project. Currently there are 10 use cases with more that 1000 activity tasks per day using EasyScheduler in the user's production environment. There is very little risk of EasyScheduler getting orphaned as at least two large companies (xueqiu、fengjr) are widely using it in their production, and developers from these companies have also joined Easy Scheduler's team of contributors, EasyScheduler has eight major releases so far, and and received 373 pull requests from contributors, which further demonstrates EasyScheduler as a very active project. We also plan to extend and diversify this community further through Apache. |
Thus, it is very unlikely that EasyScheduler becomes orphaned. |
### Inexperience with Open Source |
EasyScheduler's core developers have been running it as a community-oriented open source project for some time, several of them already have experience working with open source communities, they are also active in presto, alluxio and other projects. At the same time, we will learn more open source experiences by following the Apache way in our incubator journey. |
### Homogenous Developers |
The current developers work across a variety of organizations including Analysys, guandata and hydee; |
some individual developers are accepted as developers of EasyScheduler as well. |
Considering that fengjr and sefonsoft have shown great interests in EasyScheduler, we plan to encourage them to contribute and invite them as contributors to work together. |
### Reliance on Salaried Developers |
At present, eight of the core developers are paid by their employer to contribute to EasyScheduler project. |
we also have some other developers and researchers taking part in the project, and we will make efforts to increase the diversity of the contributors and actively lobby for Domain experts in the workflow space to contribute. |
### Relationships with Other Apache Products |
EasyScheduler integrates Apache Zookeeper as one of the service registration/discovery mechanisms. EasyScheduler is deeply integrated with Apache products. It currently support many task types like Apache Hive, Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, and so on |
### A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand |
We recognize the value and reputation that the Apache brand will bring to EasyScheduler. |
However, we prefer that the community provided by the Apache Software Foundation will enable the project to achieve long-term stable development. so EasyScheduler is proposing to enter incubation at Apache in order to help efforts to diversify the community, not so much to capitalize on the Apache brand. |
## Documentation |
A complete set of EasyScheduler documentations is provided on github in both English and Simplified Chinese. |
- [English](https://github.com/analysys/easyscheduler_docs) |
- [Chinese](https://github.com/analysys/easyscheduler_docs_cn) |
## Initial Source |
The project consists of three distinct codebases: core and document. The address of two existed git repositories are as follows: |
- <https://github.com/analysys/easyscheduler> |
- <https://github.com/analysys/easyscheduler_docs> |
- <https://github.com/analysys/easyscheduler_docs_cn> |
## Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan |
As soon as EasyScheduler is approved to join Apache Incubator, Analysys will provide the Software Grant Agreement(SGA) and intial committers will submit ICLA(s). The code is already licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. |
## External Dependencies |
As all backend code dependencies are managed using Apache Maven, none of the external libraries need to be packaged in a source distribution. |
Most of dependencies have Apache compatible licenses,and the core dependencies are as follows: |
### Backend Dependency |
| Dependency | License | Comments | |
| ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------- | |
| bonecp-0.8.0.RELEASE.jar | Apache v2.0 | | |
| byte-buddy-1.9.10.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| c3p0- | GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE | will remove | |
| curator-*-2.12.0.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| druid-1.1.14.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| fastjson-1.2.29.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| fastutil-6.5.6.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| grpc-*-1.9.0.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| gson-2.8.5.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| guava-20.0.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| guice-*3.0.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| hadoop-*-2.7.3.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| hbase-*-1.1.1.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| hive-*-2.1.0.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| instrumentation-api-0.4.3.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| jackson-*-2.9.8.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| jackson-jaxrs-1.8.3.jar | LGPL Version 2.1 Apache V2.0 | will remove | |
| jackson-xc-1.8.3.jar | LGPL Version 2.1 Apache V2.0 | will remove | |
| javax.activation-api-1.2.0.jar | CDDL/GPLv2+CE | will remove | |
| javax.annotation-api-1.3.2.jar | CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception | will remove | |
| javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar | CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception | will remove | |
| jaxb-*.jar | (CDDL 1.1) (GPL2 w/ CPE) | will remove | |
| jersey-*-1.9.jar | CDDL+GPLv2 | will remove | |
| jetty-*-9.4.14.v20181114.jar | Apache V2.0,EPL 1.0 | | |
| jna-4.5.2.jar | Apache V2.0,LGPL 2.1 | will remove | |
| jna-platform-4.5.2.jar | Apache V2.0,LGPL 2.1 | will remove | |
| jsp-api-2.x.jar | CDDL,GPL 2.0 | will remove | |
| log4j-1.2.17.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| log4j-*-2.11.2.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| logback-x.jar | dual-license EPL 1.0,LGPL 2.1 | | |
| mail-1.4.5.jar | CDDL+GPLv2 | will remove | |
| mybatis-3.5.1.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| mybatis-spring-*2.0.1.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| mysql-connector-java-5.1.34.jar | GPL 2.0 | will remove | |
| netty-*-4.1.33.Final.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| oshi-core-3.5.0.jar | EPL 1.0 | | |
| parquet-hadoop-bundle-1.8.1.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| postgresql-42.1.4.jar | BSD 2-clause | | |
| protobuf-java-*3.5.1.jar | BSD 3-clause | | |
| quartz-2.2.3.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| quartz-jobs-2.2.3.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar | MIT | | |
| spring-*-5.1.5.RELEASE.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| spring-beans-5.1.5.RELEASE.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| spring-boot-*2.1.3.RELEASE.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| springfox-*-2.9.2.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| stringtemplate-3.2.1.jar | BSD | | |
| swagger-annotations-1.5.20.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| swagger-bootstrap-ui-1.9.3.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| swagger-models-1.5.20.jar | Apache V2.0 | | |
| zookeeper-3.4.8.jar | Apache | | |
The front-end UI currently relies on many components, and the core dependencies are as follows: |
### UI Dependency |
| Dependency | License | Comments | |
| ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------- | |
| autoprefixer | MIT | | |
| babel-core | MIT | | |
| babel-eslint | MIT | | |
| babel-helper-* | MIT | | |
| babel-helpers | MIT | | |
| babel-loader | MIT | | |
| babel-plugin-syntax-* | MIT | | |
| babel-plugin-transform-* | MIT | | |
| babel-preset-env | MIT | | |
| babel-runtime | MIT | | |
| bootstrap | MIT | | |
| canvg | MIT | | |
| clipboard | MIT | | |
| codemirror | MIT | | |
| copy-webpack-plugin | MIT | | |
| cross-env | MIT | | |
| css-loader | MIT | | |
| cssnano | MIT | | |
| cyclist | MIT | | |
| d3 | BSD-3-Clause | | |
| dayjs | MIT | | |
| echarts | Apache V2.0 | | |
| env-parse | ISC | | |
| extract-text-webpack-plugin | MIT | | |
| file-loader | MIT | | |
| globby | MIT | | |
| html-loader | MIT | | |
| html-webpack-ext-plugin | MIT | | |
| html-webpack-plugin | MIT | | |
| html2canvas | MIT | | |
| jsplumb | (MIT OR GPL-2.0) | | |
| lodash | MIT | | |
| node-sass | MIT | | |
| optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin | MIT | | |
| postcss-loader | MIT | | |
| rimraf | ISC | | |
| sass-loader | MIT | | |
| uglifyjs-webpack-plugin | MIT | | |
| url-loader | MIT | | |
| util.promisify | MIT | | |
| vue | MIT | | |
| vue-loader | MIT | | |
| vue-style-loader | MIT | | |
| vue-template-compiler | MIT | | |
| vuex-router-sync | MIT | | |
| watchpack | MIT | | |
| webpack | MIT | | |
| webpack-dev-server | MIT | | |
| webpack-merge | MIT | | |
| xmldom | MIT,LGPL | will remove | |
## Required Resources |
### Git Repositories |
- <https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler.git> |
- <https://github.com/analysys/easyscheduler_docs.git> |
- <https://github.com/analysys/easyscheduler_docs_cn.git> |
### Issue Tracking |
The community would like to continue using GitHub Issues. |
### Continuous Integration tool |
Jenkins |
### Mailing Lists |
- EasyScheduler-dev: for development discussions |
- EasyScheduler-private: for PPMC discussions |
- EasyScheduler-notifications: for users notifications |
## Initial Committers |
- William-GuoWei(guowei20m@outlook.com) |
- Lidong Dai(lidong.dai@outlook.com) |
- Zhanwei Qiao(qiaozhanwei@outlook.com) |
- Liang Bao(baoliang.leon@gmail.com) |
- Gang Li(lgcareer2019@outlook.com) |
- Zijian Gong(quanquansy@gmail.com) |
- Jun Gao(gaojun2048@gmail.com) |
- Baoqi Wu(wubaoqi@gmail.com) |
## Affiliations |
- Analysys Inc: William-GuoWei,Zhanwei Qiao,Liang Bao,Gang Li,Jun Gao,Lidong Dai |
- Hydee Inc: Zijian Gong |
- Guandata Inc: Baoqi Wu |
## Sponsors |
### Champion |
- Sheng Wu ( Apache Incubator PMC, [wusheng@apache.org](mailto:wusheng@apache.org)) |
### Mentors |
- Sheng Wu ( Apache Incubator PMC, [wusheng@apache.org](mailto:wusheng@apache.org)) |
- ShaoFeng Shi ( Apache Incubator PMC, [shaofengshi@apache.org](mailto:wusheng@apache.org)) |
- Liang Chen ( Apache Software Foundation Member, [chenliang613@apache.org](mailto:chenliang613@apache.org)) |
### Sponsoring Entity |
We are expecting the Apache Incubator could sponsor this project. |
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# Summary |
* [Instruction](README.md) |
* Frontend Deployment |
* [Preparations](frontend-deployment.md#Preparations) |
* [Deployment](frontend-deployment.md#Deployment) |
* [FAQ](frontend-deployment.md#FAQ) |
* Backend Deployment |
* [Preparations](backend-deployment.md#Preparations) |
* [Deployment](backend-deployment.md#Deployment) |
* [Quick Start](quick-start.md#Quick Start) |
* System Use Manual |
* [Operational Guidelines](system-manual.md#Operational Guidelines) |
* [Security](system-manual.md#Security) |
* [Monitor center](system-manual.md#Monitor center) |
* [Task Node Type and Parameter Setting](system-manual.md#Task Node Type and Parameter Setting) |
* [System parameter](system-manual.md#System parameter) |
* [Architecture Design](architecture-design.md) |
* Front-end development |
* [Development environment](frontend-development.md#Development environment) |
* [Project directory structure](frontend-development.md#Project directory structure) |
* [System function module](frontend-development.md#System function module) |
* [Routing and state management](frontend-development.md#Routing and state management) |
* [specification](frontend-development.md#specification) |
* [interface](frontend-development.md#interface) |
* [Extended development](frontend-development.md#Extended development) |
* Backend development documentation |
* [Environmental requirements](backend-development.md#Environmental requirements) |
* [Project compilation](backend-development.md#Project compilation) |
* [Interface documentation]( |
* FAQ |
* [FAQ](EasyScheduler-FAQ.md) |
* EasyScheduler upgrade documentation |
* [upgrade documentation](upgrade.md) |
* History release notes |
* [1.1.0 release](1.1.0-release.md) |
* [1.0.5 release](1.0.5-release.md) |
* [1.0.4 release](1.0.4-release.md) |
* [1.0.3 release](1.0.3-release.md) |
* [1.0.2 release](1.0.2-release.md) |
* [1.0.1 release](1.0.1-release.md) |
* [1.0.0 release] |
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## Architecture Design |
Before explaining the architecture of the schedule system, let us first understand the common nouns of the schedule system. |
### 1.Noun Interpretation |
**DAG:** Full name Directed Acyclic Graph,referred to as DAG。Tasks in the workflow are assembled in the form of directed acyclic graphs, which are topologically traversed from nodes with zero indegrees of ingress until there are no successor nodes. For example, the following picture: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/dag_examples_cn.jpg" alt="dag示例" width="60%" /> |
<p align="center"> |
<em>dag example</em> |
</p> |
</p> |
**Process definition**: Visualization **DAG** by dragging task nodes and establishing associations of task nodes |
**Process instance**: A process instance is an instantiation of a process definition, which can be generated by manual startup or scheduling. The process definition runs once, a new process instance is generated |
**Task instance**: A task instance is the instantiation of a specific task node when a process instance runs, which indicates the specific task execution status |
**Task type**: Currently supports SHELL, SQL, SUB_PROCESS (sub-process), PROCEDURE, MR, SPARK, PYTHON, DEPENDENT (dependency), and plans to support dynamic plug-in extension, note: the sub-**SUB_PROCESS** is also A separate process definition that can be launched separately |
**Schedule mode** : The system supports timing schedule and manual schedule based on cron expressions. Command type support: start workflow, start execution from current node, resume fault-tolerant workflow, resume pause process, start execution from failed node, complement, timer, rerun, pause, stop, resume waiting thread. Where **recovers the fault-tolerant workflow** and **restores the waiting thread** The two command types are used by the scheduling internal control and cannot be called externally |
**Timed schedule**: The system uses **quartz** distributed scheduler and supports the generation of cron expression visualization |
**Dependency**: The system does not only support **DAG** Simple dependencies between predecessors and successor nodes, but also provides **task dependencies** nodes, support for custom task dependencies between processes** |
**Priority**: Supports the priority of process instances and task instances. If the process instance and task instance priority are not set, the default is first in, first out. |
**Mail Alert**: Support **SQL Task** Query Result Email Send, Process Instance Run Result Email Alert and Fault Tolerant Alert Notification |
**Failure policy**: For tasks running in parallel, if there are tasks that fail, two failure policy processing methods are provided. **Continue** means that the status of the task is run in parallel until the end of the process failure. **End** means that once a failed task is found, Kill also drops the running parallel task and the process ends. |
**Complement**: Complement historical data, support ** interval parallel and serial ** two complement methods |
### 2.System architecture |
#### 2.1 System Architecture Diagram |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48329107/62609545-8f973480-b934-11e9-9a58-d8133222f14d.png" alt="System Architecture Diagram" /> |
<p align="center"> |
<em>System Architecture Diagram</em> |
</p> |
</p> |
#### 2.2 Architectural description |
* **MasterServer** |
MasterServer adopts the distributed non-central design concept. MasterServer is mainly responsible for DAG task split, task submission monitoring, and monitoring the health status of other MasterServer and WorkerServer. |
When the MasterServer service starts, it registers a temporary node with Zookeeper, and listens to the Zookeeper temporary node state change for fault tolerance processing. |
##### The service mainly contains: |
- **Distributed Quartz** distributed scheduling component, mainly responsible for the start and stop operation of the scheduled task. When the quartz picks up the task, the master internally has a thread pool to be responsible for the subsequent operations of the task. |
- **MasterSchedulerThread** is a scan thread that periodically scans the **command** table in the database for different business operations based on different ** command types** |
- **MasterExecThread** is mainly responsible for DAG task segmentation, task submission monitoring, logic processing of various command types |
- **MasterTaskExecThread** is mainly responsible for task persistence |
* **WorkerServer** |
- WorkerServer also adopts a distributed, non-central design concept. WorkerServer is mainly responsible for task execution and providing log services. When the WorkerServer service starts, it registers the temporary node with Zookeeper and maintains the heartbeat. |
##### This service contains: |
- **FetchTaskThread** is mainly responsible for continuously receiving tasks from **Task Queue** and calling **TaskScheduleThread** corresponding executors according to different task types. |
- **LoggerServer** is an RPC service that provides functions such as log fragment viewing, refresh and download. |
- **ZooKeeper** |
The ZooKeeper service, the MasterServer and the WorkerServer nodes in the system all use the ZooKeeper for cluster management and fault tolerance. In addition, the system also performs event monitoring and distributed locking based on ZooKeeper. |
We have also implemented queues based on Redis, but we hope that EasyScheduler relies on as few components as possible, so we finally removed the Redis implementation. |
- **Task Queue** |
The task queue operation is provided. Currently, the queue is also implemented based on Zookeeper. Since there is less information stored in the queue, there is no need to worry about too much data in the queue. In fact, we have over-measured a million-level data storage queue, which has no effect on system stability and performance. |
- **Alert** |
Provides alarm-related interfaces. The interfaces mainly include **Alarms**. The storage, query, and notification functions of the two types of alarm data. The notification function has two types: **mail notification** and **SNMP (not yet implemented)**. |
- **API** |
The API interface layer is mainly responsible for processing requests from the front-end UI layer. The service provides a RESTful api to provide request services externally. |
Interfaces include workflow creation, definition, query, modification, release, offline, manual start, stop, pause, resume, start execution from this node, and more. |
- **UI** |
The front-end page of the system provides various visual operation interfaces of the system. For details, see the **[System User Manual] (System User Manual.md)** section. |
#### 2.3 Architectural Design Ideas |
##### I. Decentralized vs centralization |
###### Centralization Thought |
The centralized design concept is relatively simple. The nodes in the distributed cluster are divided into two roles according to their roles: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/master_slave.png" alt="master-slave role" width="50%" /> |
</p> |
- The role of Master is mainly responsible for task distribution and supervising the health status of Slave. It can dynamically balance the task to Slave, so that the Slave node will not be "busy" or "free". |
- The role of the Worker is mainly responsible for the execution of the task and maintains the heartbeat with the Master so that the Master can assign tasks to the Slave. |
Problems in the design of centralized : |
- Once the Master has a problem, the group has no leader and the entire cluster will crash. In order to solve this problem, most Master/Slave architecture modes adopt the design scheme of the master and backup masters, which can be hot standby or cold standby, automatic switching or manual switching, and more and more new systems are available. Automatically elects the ability to switch masters to improve system availability. |
- Another problem is that if the Scheduler is on the Master, although it can support different tasks in one DAG running on different machines, it will generate overload of the Master. If the Scheduler is on the Slave, all tasks in a DAG can only be submitted on one machine. If there are more parallel tasks, the pressure on the Slave may be larger. |
###### Decentralization |
<p align="center" |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/decentralization.png" alt="decentralized" width="50%" /> |
</p> |
- In the decentralized design, there is usually no Master/Slave concept, all roles are the same, the status is equal, the global Internet is a typical decentralized distributed system, networked arbitrary node equipment down machine , all will only affect a small range of features. |
- The core design of decentralized design is that there is no "manager" that is different from other nodes in the entire distributed system, so there is no single point of failure problem. However, since there is no "manager" node, each node needs to communicate with other nodes to get the necessary machine information, and the unreliable line of distributed system communication greatly increases the difficulty of implementing the above functions. |
- In fact, truly decentralized distributed systems are rare. Instead, dynamic centralized distributed systems are constantly emerging. Under this architecture, the managers in the cluster are dynamically selected, rather than preset, and when the cluster fails, the nodes of the cluster will spontaneously hold "meetings" to elect new "managers". Go to preside over the work. The most typical case is the Etcd implemented in ZooKeeper and Go. |
- Decentralization of EasyScheduler is the registration of Master/Worker to ZooKeeper. The Master Cluster and the Worker Cluster are not centered, and the Zookeeper distributed lock is used to elect one Master or Worker as the “manager” to perform the task. |
##### 二、Distributed lock practice |
EasyScheduler uses ZooKeeper distributed locks to implement only one Master to execute the Scheduler at the same time, or only one Worker to perform task submission. |
1. The core process algorithm for obtaining distributed locks is as follows |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/distributed_lock.png" alt="Get Distributed Lock Process" width="50%" /> |
</p> |
2. Scheduler thread distributed lock implementation flow chart in EasyScheduler: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/distributed_lock_procss.png" alt="Get Distributed Lock Process" width="50%" /> |
</p> |
##### Third, the thread is insufficient loop waiting problem |
- If there is no subprocess in a DAG, if the number of data in the Command is greater than the threshold set by the thread pool, the direct process waits or fails. |
- If a large number of sub-processes are nested in a large DAG, the following figure will result in a "dead" state: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/lack_thread.png" alt="Thread is not enough to wait for loop" width="50%" /> |
</p> |
In the above figure, MainFlowThread waits for SubFlowThread1 to end, SubFlowThread1 waits for SubFlowThread2 to end, SubFlowThread2 waits for SubFlowThread3 to end, and SubFlowThread3 waits for a new thread in the thread pool, then the entire DAG process cannot end, and thus the thread cannot be released. This forms the state of the child parent process loop waiting. At this point, the scheduling cluster will no longer be available unless a new Master is started to add threads to break such a "stuck." |
It seems a bit unsatisfactory to start a new Master to break the deadlock, so we proposed the following three options to reduce this risk: |
1. Calculate the sum of the threads of all Masters, and then calculate the number of threads required for each DAG, that is, pre-calculate before the DAG process is executed. Because it is a multi-master thread pool, the total number of threads is unlikely to be obtained in real time. |
2. Judge the single master thread pool. If the thread pool is full, let the thread fail directly. |
3. Add a Command type with insufficient resources. If the thread pool is insufficient, the main process will be suspended. This way, the thread pool has a new thread, which can make the process with insufficient resources hang up and wake up again. |
Note: The Master Scheduler thread is FIFO-enabled when it gets the Command. |
So we chose the third way to solve the problem of insufficient threads. |
##### IV. Fault Tolerant Design |
Fault tolerance is divided into service fault tolerance and task retry. Service fault tolerance is divided into two types: Master Fault Tolerance and Worker Fault Tolerance. |
###### 1. Downtime fault tolerance |
Service fault tolerance design relies on ZooKeeper's Watcher mechanism. The implementation principle is as follows: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/fault-tolerant.png" alt="EasyScheduler Fault Tolerant Design" width="40%" /> |
</p> |
The Master monitors the directories of other Masters and Workers. If the remove event is detected, the process instance is fault-tolerant or the task instance is fault-tolerant according to the specific business logic. |
- Master fault tolerance flow chart: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/fault-tolerant_master.png" alt="Master Fault Tolerance Flowchart" width="40%" /> |
</p> |
After the ZooKeeper Master is fault-tolerant, it is rescheduled by the Scheduler thread in EasyScheduler. It traverses the DAG to find the "Running" and "Submit Successful" tasks, and monitors the status of its task instance for the "Running" task. You need to determine whether the Task Queue already exists. If it exists, monitor the status of the task instance. If it does not exist, resubmit the task instance. |
- Worker fault tolerance flow chart: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/fault-tolerant_worker.png" alt="Worker Fault Tolerance Flowchart" width="40%" /> |
</p> |
Once the Master Scheduler thread finds the task instance as "need to be fault tolerant", it takes over the task and resubmits. |
Note: Because the "network jitter" may cause the node to lose the heartbeat of ZooKeeper in a short time, the node's remove event occurs. In this case, we use the easiest way, that is, once the node has timeout connection with ZooKeeper, it will directly stop the Master or Worker service. |
###### 2. Task failure retry |
Here we must first distinguish between the concept of task failure retry, process failure recovery, and process failure rerun: |
- Task failure Retry is task level, which is automatically performed by the scheduling system. For example, if a shell task sets the number of retries to 3 times, then the shell task will try to run up to 3 times after failing to run. |
- Process failure recovery is process level, is done manually, recovery can only be performed from the failed node ** or ** from the current node ** |
- Process failure rerun is also process level, is done manually, rerun is from the start node |
Next, let's talk about the topic, we divided the task nodes in the workflow into two types. |
- One is a business node, which corresponds to an actual script or processing statement, such as a Shell node, an MR node, a Spark node, a dependent node, and so on. |
- There is also a logical node, which does not do the actual script or statement processing, but the logical processing of the entire process flow, such as sub-flow sections. |
Each ** service node** can configure the number of failed retries. When the task node fails, it will automatically retry until it succeeds or exceeds the configured number of retries. **Logical node** does not support failed retry. But the tasks in the logical nodes support retry. |
If there is a task failure in the workflow that reaches the maximum number of retries, the workflow will fail to stop, and the failed workflow can be manually rerun or process resumed. |
##### V. Task priority design |
In the early scheduling design, if there is no priority design and fair scheduling design, it will encounter the situation that the task submitted first may be completed simultaneously with the task submitted subsequently, but the priority of the process or task cannot be set. We have redesigned this, and we are currently designing it as follows: |
- According to ** different process instance priority ** prioritizes ** same process instance priority ** prioritizes ** task priority within the same process ** takes precedence over ** same process ** commit order from high Go to low for task processing. |
- The specific implementation is to resolve the priority according to the json of the task instance, and then save the ** process instance priority _ process instance id_task priority _ task id** information in the ZooKeeper task queue, when obtained from the task queue, Through string comparison, you can get the task that needs to be executed first. |
- The priority of the process definition is that some processes need to be processed before other processes. This can be configured at the start of the process or at the time of scheduled start. There are 5 levels, followed by HIGHEST, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and LOWEST. As shown below |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/process_priority.png" alt="Process Priority Configuration" width="40%" /> |
</p> |
- The priority of the task is also divided into 5 levels, followed by HIGHEST, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and LOWEST. As shown below |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/task_priority.png" alt="task priority configuration" width="35%" /> |
</p> |
##### VI. Logback and gRPC implement log access |
- Since the Web (UI) and Worker are not necessarily on the same machine, viewing the log is not as it is for querying local files. There are two options: |
- Put the logs on the ES search engine |
- Obtain remote log information through gRPC communication |
- Considering the lightweightness of EasyScheduler as much as possible, gRPC was chosen to implement remote access log information. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/grpc.png" alt="grpc remote access" width="50%" /> |
</p> |
- We use a custom Logback FileAppender and Filter function to generate a log file for each task instance. |
- The main implementation of FileAppender is as follows: |
```java |
/** |
* task log appender |
*/ |
Public class TaskLogAppender extends FileAppender<ILoggingEvent { |
... |
@Override |
Protected void append(ILoggingEvent event) { |
If (currentlyActiveFile == null){ |
currentlyActiveFile = getFile(); |
} |
String activeFile = currentlyActiveFile; |
// thread name: taskThreadName-processDefineId_processInstanceId_taskInstanceId |
String threadName = event.getThreadName(); |
String[] threadNameArr = threadName.split("-"); |
// logId = processDefineId_processInstanceId_taskInstanceId |
String logId = threadNameArr[1]; |
... |
super.subAppend(event); |
} |
} |
``` |
Generate a log in the form of /process definition id/process instance id/task instance id.log |
- Filter matches the thread name starting with TaskLogInfo: |
- TaskLogFilter is implemented as follows: |
```java |
/** |
* task log filter |
*/ |
Public class TaskLogFilter extends Filter<ILoggingEvent { |
@Override |
Public FilterReply decide(ILoggingEvent event) { |
If (event.getThreadName().startsWith("TaskLogInfo-")){ |
Return FilterReply.ACCEPT; |
} |
Return FilterReply.DENY; |
} |
} |
``` |
### summary |
Starting from the scheduling, this paper introduces the architecture principle and implementation ideas of the big data distributed workflow scheduling system-EasyScheduler. To be continued |
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
# Backend Deployment Document |
There are two deployment modes for the backend: |
- automatic deployment |
- source code compile and then deployment |
## Preparations |
Download the latest version of the installation package, download address: [gitee download](https://gitee.com/easyscheduler/EasyScheduler/attach_files/) or [github download](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/releases), download escheduler-backend-x.x.x.tar.gz(back-end referred to as escheduler-backend),escheduler-ui-x.x.x.tar.gz(front-end referred to as escheduler-ui) |
#### Preparations 1: Installation of basic software (self-installation of required items) |
* [Mysql](http://geek.analysys.cn/topic/124) (5.5+) : Mandatory |
* [JDK](https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) (1.8+) : Mandatory |
* [ZooKeeper](https://www.jianshu.com/p/de90172ea680)(3.4.6+) :Mandatory |
* [Hadoop](https://blog.csdn.net/Evankaka/article/details/51612437)(2.6+) :Optionally, if you need to use the resource upload function, MapReduce task submission needs to configure Hadoop (uploaded resource files are currently stored on Hdfs) |
* [Hive](https://staroon.pro/2017/12/09/HiveInstall/)(1.2.1) : Optional, hive task submission needs to be installed |
* Spark(1.x,2.x) : Optional, Spark task submission needs to be installed |
* PostgreSQL(8.2.15+) : Optional, PostgreSQL PostgreSQL stored procedures need to be installed |
``` |
Note: Easy Scheduler itself does not rely on Hadoop, Hive, Spark, PostgreSQL, but only calls their Client to run the corresponding tasks. |
``` |
#### Preparations 2: Create deployment users |
- Deployment users are created on all machines that require deployment scheduling, because the worker service executes jobs in `sudo-u {linux-user}`, so deployment users need sudo privileges and are confidential. |
``` |
vi /etc/sudoers |
# For example, the deployment user is an escheduler account |
# And you need to comment out the Default requiretty line |
#Default requiretty |
``` |
#### Preparations 3: SSH Secret-Free Configuration |
Configure SSH secret-free login on deployment machines and other installation machines. If you want to install easyscheduler on deployment machines, you need to configure native password-free login itself. |
- [Connect the host and other machines SSH](http://geek.analysys.cn/topic/113) |
#### Preparations 4: database initialization |
* Create databases and accounts |
Execute the following command to create database and account |
``` |
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON escheduler.* TO '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}'; |
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON escheduler.* TO '{user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}'; |
flush privileges; |
``` |
* creates tables and imports basic data |
Modify the following attributes in ./conf/dao/data_source.properties |
``` |
spring.datasource.url |
spring.datasource.username |
spring.datasource.password |
``` |
Execute scripts for creating tables and importing basic data |
``` |
sh ./script/create-escheduler.sh |
``` |
#### Preparations 5: Modify the deployment directory permissions and operation parameters |
instruction of escheduler-backend directory |
```directory |
bin : Basic service startup script |
conf : Project Profile |
lib : The project relies on jar packages, including individual module jars and third-party jars |
script : Cluster Start, Stop and Service Monitor Start and Stop scripts |
sql : The project relies on SQL files |
install.sh : One-click deployment script |
``` |
- Modify permissions (please modify the 'deployUser' to the corresponding deployment user) so that the deployment user has operational privileges on the escheduler-backend directory |
`sudo chown -R deployUser:deployUser escheduler-backend` |
- Modify the `.escheduler_env.sh` environment variable in the conf/env/directory |
- Modify deployment parameters (depending on your server and business situation): |
- Modify the parameters in **install.sh** to replace the values required by your business |
- MonitorServerState switch variable, added in version 1.0.3, controls whether to start the self-start script (monitor master, worker status, if off-line will start automatically). The default value of "false" means that the self-start script is not started, and if it needs to start, it is changed to "true". |
- 'hdfsStartupSate' switch variable controls whether to start hdfs |
The default value of "false" means not to start hdfs |
Change the variable to 'true' if you want to use hdfs, you also need to create the hdfs root path by yourself, that 'hdfsPath' in install.sh. |
- If you use hdfs-related functions, you need to copy**hdfs-site.xml** and **core-site.xml** to the conf directory |
## Deployment |
Automated deployment is recommended, and experienced partners can use source deployment as well. |
### Automated Deployment |
- Install zookeeper tools |
`pip install kazoo` |
- Switch to deployment user, one-click deployment |
`sh install.sh` |
- Use the `jps` command to check if the services are started (`jps` comes from `Java JDK`) |
```aidl |
MasterServer ----- Master Service |
WorkerServer ----- Worker Service |
LoggerServer ----- Logger Service |
ApiApplicationServer ----- API Service |
AlertServer ----- Alert Service |
``` |
If all services are normal, the automatic deployment is successful |
After successful deployment, the log can be viewed and stored in a specified folder. |
```logPath |
logs/ |
├── escheduler-alert-server.log |
├── escheduler-master-server.log |
|—— escheduler-worker-server.log |
|—— escheduler-api-server.log |
|—— escheduler-logger-server.log |
``` |
### Compile source code to deploy |
After downloading the release version of the source package, unzip it into the root directory |
* Execute the compilation command: |
``` |
mvn -U clean package assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true |
``` |
* View directory |
After normal compilation, ./target/escheduler-{version}/ is generated in the current directory |
### Start-and-stop services commonly used in systems (for service purposes, please refer to System Architecture Design for details) |
* stop all services in the cluster |
` sh ./bin/stop-all.sh` |
* start all services in the cluster |
` sh ./bin/start-all.sh` |
* start and stop one master server |
```master |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start master-server |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop master-server |
``` |
* start and stop one worker server |
```worker |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start worker-server |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop worker-server |
``` |
* start and stop api server |
```Api |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start api-server |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop api-server |
``` |
* start and stop logger server |
```Logger |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start logger-server |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop logger-server |
``` |
* start and stop alert server |
```Alert |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh start alert-server |
sh ./bin/escheduler-daemon.sh stop alert-server |
``` |
## Database Upgrade |
Database upgrade is a function added in version 1.0.2. The database can be upgraded automatically by executing the following command: |
```upgrade |
sh ./script/upgrade-escheduler.sh |
``` |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Backend development documentation |
## Environmental requirements |
* [Mysql](http://geek.analysys.cn/topic/124) (5.5+) : Must be installed |
* [JDK](https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) (1.8+) : Must be installed |
* [ZooKeeper](https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/apache/zookeeper)(3.4.6+) :Must be installed |
* [Maven](http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi)(3.3+) :Must be installed |
Because the escheduler-rpc module in EasyScheduler uses Grpc, you need to use Maven to compile the generated classes. |
For those who are not familiar with maven, please refer to: [maven in five minutes](http://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/maven-in-five-minutes.html)(3.3+) |
http://maven.apache.org/install.html |
## Project compilation |
After importing the EasyScheduler source code into the development tools such as Idea, first convert to the Maven project (right click and select "Add Framework Support") |
* Execute the compile command: |
``` |
mvn -U clean package assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true |
``` |
* View directory |
After normal compilation, it will generate ./target/escheduler-{version}/ in the current directory. |
``` |
bin |
conf |
lib |
script |
sql |
install.sh |
``` |
- Description |
``` |
bin : basic service startup script |
conf : project configuration file |
lib : the project depends on the jar package, including the various module jars and third-party jars |
script : cluster start, stop, and service monitoring start and stop scripts |
sql : project depends on sql file |
install.sh : one-click deployment script |
``` |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
{ |
"title": "EasyScheduler", |
"author": "", |
"description": "Scheduler", |
"language": "en-US", |
"gitbook": "3.2.3", |
"styles": { |
"website": "./styles/website.css" |
}, |
"structure": { |
"readme": "README.md" |
}, |
"plugins":[ |
"expandable-chapters", |
"insert-logo-link" |
], |
"pluginsConfig": { |
"insert-logo-link": { |
"src": "http://geek.analysys.cn/static/upload/236/2019-03-29/379450b4-7919-4707-877c-4d33300377d4.png", |
"url": "https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler" |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# frontend-deployment |
The front-end has three deployment modes: automated deployment, manual deployment and compiled source deployment. |
## Preparations |
#### Download the installation package |
Please download the latest version of the installation package, download address: [gitee](https://gitee.com/easyscheduler/EasyScheduler/attach_files/) |
After downloading escheduler-ui-x.x.x.tar.gz,decompress`tar -zxvf escheduler-ui-x.x.x.tar.gz ./`and enter the`escheduler-ui`directory |
## Deployment |
Automated deployment is recommended for either of the following two ways |
### Automated Deployment |
Edit the installation file`vi install-escheduler-ui.sh` in the` escheduler-ui` directory |
Change the front-end access port and the back-end proxy interface address |
``` |
# Configure the front-end access port |
esc_proxy="8888" |
# Configure proxy back-end interface |
esc_proxy_port="http://192.168.xx.xx:12345" |
``` |
>Front-end automatic deployment based on Linux system `yum` operation, before deployment, please install and update`yum` |
under this directory, execute`./install-escheduler-ui.sh` |
### Manual Deployment |
Install epel source `yum install epel-release -y` |
Install Nginx `yum install nginx -y` |
> #### Nginx configuration file address |
``` |
/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf |
``` |
> #### Configuration information (self-modifying) |
``` |
server { |
listen 8888;# access port |
server_name localhost; |
#charset koi8-r; |
#access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main; |
location / { |
root /xx/dist; # the dist directory address decompressed by the front end above (self-modifying) |
index index.html index.html; |
} |
location /escheduler { |
proxy_pass http://192.168.xx.xx:12345; # nterface address (self-modifying) |
proxy_set_header Host $host; |
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header x_real_ipP $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header remote_addr $remote_addr; |
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; |
proxy_http_version 1.1; |
proxy_connect_timeout 4s; |
proxy_read_timeout 30s; |
proxy_send_timeout 12s; |
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; |
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; |
} |
#error_page 404 /404.html; |
# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html |
# |
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; |
location = /50x.html { |
root /usr/share/nginx/html; |
} |
} |
``` |
> #### Restart the Nginx service |
``` |
systemctl restart nginx |
``` |
#### nginx command |
- enable `systemctl enable nginx` |
- restart `systemctl restart nginx` |
- status `systemctl status nginx` |
## FAQ |
#### Upload file size limit |
Edit the configuration file `vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf` |
``` |
# change upload size |
client_max_body_size 1024m |
``` |
@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
# Front-end development documentation |
### Technical selection |
``` |
Vue mvvm framework |
Es6 ECMAScript 6.0 |
Ans-ui Analysys-ui |
D3 Visual Library Chart Library |
Jsplumb connection plugin library |
Lodash high performance JavaScript utility library |
``` |
### Development environment |
- #### Node installation |
Node package download (note version 8.9.4) `https://nodejs.org/download/release/v8.9.4/` |
- #### Front-end project construction |
Use the command line mode `cd` enter the `escheduler-ui` project directory and execute `npm install` to pull the project dependency package. |
> If `npm install` is very slow |
> You can enter the Taobao image command line to enter `npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org` |
> Run `cnpm install` |
- Create a new `.env` file or the interface that interacts with the backend |
Create a new` .env` file in the `escheduler-ui `directory, add the ip address and port of the backend service to the file, and use it to interact with the backend. The contents of the` .env` file are as follows: |
``` |
# Proxy interface address (modified by yourself) |
API_BASE = http://192.168.xx.xx:12345 |
# If you need to access the project with ip, you can remove the "#" (example) |
#DEV_HOST = 192.168.xx.xx |
``` |
> ##### ! ! ! Special attention here. If the project reports a "node-sass error" error while pulling the dependency package, execute the following command again after execution. |
``` |
npm install node-sass --unsafe-perm //单独安装node-sass依赖 |
``` |
- #### Development environment operation |
- `npm start` project development environment (after startup address http://localhost:8888/#/) |
#### Front-end project release |
- `npm run build` project packaging (after packaging, the root directory will create a folder called dist for publishing Nginx online) |
Run the `npm run build` command to generate a package file (dist) package |
Copy it to the corresponding directory of the server (front-end service static page storage directory) |
Visit address` http://localhost:8888/#/` |
#### Start with node and daemon under Liunx |
Install pm2 `npm install -g pm2` |
Execute `pm2 start npm -- run dev` to start the project in the project `escheduler-ui `root directory |
#### command |
- Start `pm2 start npm -- run dev` |
- Stop `pm2 stop npm` |
- delete `pm2 delete npm` |
- Status `pm2 list` |
``` |
[root@localhost escheduler-ui]# pm2 start npm -- run dev |
[PM2] Applying action restartProcessId on app [npm](ids: 0) |
[PM2] [npm](0) ✓ |
[PM2] Process successfully started |
┌──────────┬────┬─────────┬──────┬──────┬────────┬─────────┬────────┬─────┬──────────┬──────┬──────────┐ |
│ App name │ id │ version │ mode │ pid │ status │ restart │ uptime │ cpu │ mem │ user │ watching │ |
├──────────┼────┼─────────┼──────┼──────┼────────┼─────────┼────────┼─────┼──────────┼──────┼──────────┤ |
│ npm │ 0 │ N/A │ fork │ 6168 │ online │ 31 │ 0s │ 0% │ 5.6 MB │ root │ disabled │ |
└──────────┴────┴─────────┴──────┴──────┴────────┴─────────┴────────┴─────┴──────────┴──────┴──────────┘ |
Use `pm2 show <id|name>` to get more details about an app |
``` |
### Project directory structure |
`build` some webpack configurations for packaging and development environment projects |
`node_modules` development environment node dependency package |
`src` project required documents |
`src => combo` project third-party resource localization `npm run combo` specific view `build/combo.js` |
`src => font` Font icon library can be added by visiting https://www.iconfont.cn Note: The font library uses its own secondary development to reintroduce its own library `src/sass/common/_font.scss` |
`src => images` public image storage |
`src => js` js/vue |
`src => lib` internal components of the company (company component library can be deleted after open source) |
`src => sass` sass file One page corresponds to a sass file |
`src => view` page file One page corresponds to an html file |
``` |
> Projects are developed using vue single page application (SPA) |
- All page entry files are in the `src/js/conf/${ corresponding page filename => home} index.js` entry file |
- The corresponding sass file is in `src/sass/conf/${corresponding page filename => home}/index.scss` |
- The corresponding html file is in `src/view/${corresponding page filename => home}/index.html` |
``` |
Public module and utill `src/js/module` |
`components` => internal project common components |
`download` => download component |
`echarts` => chart component |
`filter` => filter and vue pipeline |
`i18n` => internationalization |
`io` => io request encapsulation based on axios |
`mixin` => vue mixin public part for disabled operation |
`permissions` => permission operation |
`util` => tool |
### System function module |
Home => `http://localhost:8888/#/home` |
Project Management => `http://localhost:8888/#/projects/list` |
``` |
| Project Home |
| Workflow |
- Workflow definition |
- Workflow instance |
- Task instance |
``` |
Resource Management => `http://localhost:8888/#/resource/file` |
``` |
| File Management |
| udf Management |
- Resource Management |
- Function management |
``` |
Data Source Management => `http://localhost:8888/#/datasource/list` |
Security Center => `http://localhost:8888/#/security/tenant` |
``` |
| Tenant Management |
| User Management |
| Alarm Group Management |
- master |
- worker |
``` |
User Center => `http://localhost:8888/#/user/account` |
## Routing and state management |
The project `src/js/conf/home` is divided into |
`pages` => route to page directory |
``` |
The page file corresponding to the routing address |
``` |
`router` => route management |
``` |
vue router, the entry file index.js in each page will be registered. Specific operations: https://router.vuejs.org/zh/ |
``` |
`store` => status management |
``` |
The page corresponding to each route has a state management file divided into: |
actions => mapActions => Details:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/guide/actions.html |
getters => mapGetters => Details:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/guide/getters.html |
index => entrance |
mutations => mapMutations => Details:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/guide/mutations.html |
state => mapState => Details:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/guide/state.html |
Specific action:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/ |
``` |
## specification |
## Vue specification |
##### 1.Component name |
The component is named multiple words and is connected with a wire (-) to avoid conflicts with HTML tags and a clearer structure. |
``` |
// positive example |
export default { |
name: 'page-article-item' |
} |
``` |
##### 2.Component files |
The internal common component of the `src/js/module/components` project writes the folder name with the same name as the file name. The subcomponents and util tools that are split inside the common component are placed in the internal `_source` folder of the component. |
``` |
└── components |
├── header |
├── header.vue |
└── _source |
└── nav.vue |
└── util.js |
├── conditions |
├── conditions.vue |
└── _source |
└── serach.vue |
└── util.js |
``` |
##### 3.Prop |
When you define Prop, you should always name it in camel format (camelCase) and use the connection line (-) when assigning values to the parent component.This follows the characteristics of each language, because it is case-insensitive in HTML tags, and the use of links is more friendly; in JavaScript, the more natural is the hump name. |
``` |
// Vue |
props: { |
articleStatus: Boolean |
} |
// HTML |
<article-item :article-status="true"></article-item> |
``` |
The definition of Prop should specify its type, defaults, and validation as much as possible. |
Example: |
``` |
props: { |
attrM: Number, |
attrA: { |
type: String, |
required: true |
}, |
attrZ: { |
type: Object, |
// The default value of the array/object should be returned by a factory function |
default: function () { |
return { |
msg: 'achieve you and me' |
} |
} |
}, |
attrE: { |
type: String, |
validator: function (v) { |
return !(['success', 'fail'].indexOf(v) === -1) |
} |
} |
} |
``` |
##### 4.v-for |
When performing v-for traversal, you should always bring a key value to make rendering more efficient when updating the DOM. |
``` |
<ul> |
<li v-for="item in list" :key="item.id"> |
{{ item.title }} |
</li> |
</ul> |
``` |
v-for should be avoided on the same element as v-if (`for example: <li>`) because v-for has a higher priority than v-if. To avoid invalid calculations and rendering, you should try to use v-if Put it on top of the container's parent element. |
``` |
<ul v-if="showList"> |
<li v-for="item in list" :key="item.id"> |
{{ item.title }} |
</li> |
</ul> |
``` |
##### 5.v-if / v-else-if / v-else |
If the elements in the same set of v-if logic control are logically identical, Vue reuses the same part for more efficient element switching, `such as: value`. In order to avoid the unreasonable effect of multiplexing, you should add key to the same element for identification. |
``` |
<div v-if="hasData" key="mazey-data"> |
<span>{{ mazeyData }}</span> |
</div> |
<div v-else key="mazey-none"> |
<span>no data</span> |
</div> |
``` |
##### 6.Instruction abbreviation |
In order to unify the specification, the instruction abbreviation is always used. Using `v-bind`, `v-on` is not bad. Here is only a unified specification. |
``` |
<input :value="mazeyUser" @click="verifyUser"> |
``` |
##### 7.Top-level element order of single file components |
Styles are packaged in a file, all the styles defined in a single vue file, the same name in other files will also take effect. All will have a top class name before creating a component. |
Note: The sass plugin has been added to the project, and the sas syntax can be written directly in a single vue file. |
For uniformity and ease of reading, they should be placed in the order of `<template>`、`<script>`、`<style>`. |
``` |
<template> |
<div class="test-model"> |
test |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
name: "test", |
data() { |
return {} |
}, |
props: {}, |
methods: {}, |
watch: {}, |
beforeCreate() { |
}, |
created() { |
}, |
beforeMount() { |
}, |
mounted() { |
}, |
beforeUpdate() { |
}, |
updated() { |
}, |
beforeDestroy() { |
}, |
destroyed() { |
}, |
computed: {}, |
components: {}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" rel="stylesheet/scss"> |
.test-model { |
} |
</style> |
``` |
## JavaScript specification |
##### 1.var / let / const |
It is recommended to no longer use var, but use let / const, prefer const. The use of any variable must be declared in advance, except that the function defined by function can be placed anywhere. |
##### 2.quotes |
``` |
const foo = 'after division' |
const bar = `${foo},ront-end engineer` |
``` |
##### 3.function |
Anonymous functions use the arrow function uniformly. When multiple parameters/return values are used, the object's structure assignment is used first. |
``` |
function getPersonInfo ({name, sex}) { |
// ... |
return {name, gender} |
} |
``` |
The function name is uniformly named with a camel name. The beginning of the capital letter is a constructor. The lowercase letters start with ordinary functions, and the new operator should not be used to operate ordinary functions. |
##### 4.object |
``` |
const foo = {a: 0, b: 1} |
const bar = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(foo)) |
const foo = {a: 0, b: 1} |
const bar = {...foo, c: 2} |
const foo = {a: 3} |
Object.assign(foo, {b: 4}) |
const myMap = new Map([]) |
for (let [key, value] of myMap.entries()) { |
// ... |
} |
``` |
##### 5.module |
Unified management of project modules using import / export. |
``` |
// lib.js |
export default {} |
// app.js |
import app from './lib' |
``` |
Import is placed at the top of the file. |
If the module has only one output value, use `export default`,otherwise no. |
## HTML / CSS |
##### 1.Label |
Do not write the type attribute when referencing external CSS or JavaScript. The HTML5 default type is the text/css and text/javascript properties, so there is no need to specify them. |
``` |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//www.test.com/css/test.css"> |
<script src="//www.test.com/js/test.js"></script> |
``` |
##### 2.Naming |
The naming of Class and ID should be semantic, and you can see what you are doing by looking at the name; multiple words are connected by a link. |
``` |
// positive example |
.test-header{ |
font-size: 20px; |
} |
``` |
##### 3.Attribute abbreviation |
CSS attributes use abbreviations as much as possible to improve the efficiency and ease of understanding of the code. |
``` |
// counter example |
border-width: 1px; |
border-style: solid; |
border-color: #ccc; |
// positive example |
border: 1px solid #ccc; |
``` |
##### 4.Document type |
The HTML5 standard should always be used. |
``` |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
``` |
##### 5.Notes |
A block comment should be written to a module file. |
``` |
/** |
* @module mazey/api |
* @author Mazey <mazey@mazey.net> |
* @description test. |
* */ |
``` |
## interface |
##### All interfaces are returned as Promise |
Note that non-zero is wrong for catching catch |
``` |
const test = () => { |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
resolve({ |
a:1 |
}) |
}) |
} |
// transfer |
test.then(res => { |
console.log(res) |
// {a:1} |
}) |
``` |
Normal return |
``` |
{ |
code:0, |
data:{} |
msg:'success' |
} |
``` |
错误返回 |
``` |
{ |
code:10000, |
data:{} |
msg:'failed' |
} |
``` |
##### Related interface path |
dag related interface `src/js/conf/home/store/dag/actions.js` |
Data Source Center Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/datasource/actions.js` |
Project Management Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/projects/actions.js` |
Resource Center Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/resource/actions.js` |
Security Center Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/security/actions.js` |
User Center Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/user/actions.js` |
## Extended development |
##### 1.Add node |
(1) First place the icon icon of the node in the `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/img `folder, and note the English name of the node defined by the `toolbar_${in the background. For example: SHELL}.png` |
(2) Find the `tasksType` object in `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/config.js` and add it to it. |
``` |
'DEPENDENT': { // The background definition node type English name is used as the key value |
desc: 'DEPENDENT', // tooltip desc |
color: '#2FBFD8' // The color represented is mainly used for tree and gantt |
} |
``` |
(3) Add a `${node type (lowercase)}`.vue file in `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/formModel/tasks`. The contents of the components related to the current node are written here. Must belong to a node component must have a function _verification () After the verification is successful, the relevant data of the current component is thrown to the parent component. |
``` |
/** |
* Verification |
*/ |
_verification () { |
// datasource subcomponent verification |
if (!this.$refs.refDs._verifDatasource()) { |
return false |
} |
// verification function |
if (!this.method) { |
this.$message.warning(`${i18n.$t('Please enter method')}`) |
return false |
} |
// localParams subcomponent validation |
if (!this.$refs.refLocalParams._verifProp()) { |
return false |
} |
// store |
this.$emit('on-params', { |
type: this.type, |
datasource: this.datasource, |
method: this.method, |
localParams: this.localParams |
}) |
return true |
} |
``` |
(4) Common components used inside the node component are under` _source`, and `commcon.js` is used to configure public data. |
##### 2.Increase the status type |
(1) Find the `tasksState` object in `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/config.js` and add it to it. |
``` |
'WAITTING_DEPEND': { // 'WAITTING_DEPEND': { //后端定义状态类型 前端用作key值 |
id: 11, // front-end definition id is used as a sort |
desc: `${i18n.$t('waiting for dependency')}`, // tooltip desc |
color: '#5101be', // The color represented is mainly used for tree and gantt |
icoUnicode: '', // font icon |
isSpin: false // whether to rotate (requires code judgment) |
} |
``` |
##### 3.Add the action bar tool |
(1) Find the `toolOper` object in `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/config.js` and add it to it. |
``` |
{ |
code: 'pointer', // tool identifier |
icon: '', // tool icon |
disable: disable, // disable |
desc: `${i18n.$t('Drag node and selected item')}` // tooltip desc |
} |
``` |
(2) Tool classes are returned as a constructor `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/plugIn` |
`downChart.js` => dag image download processing |
`dragZoom.js` => mouse zoom effect processing |
`jsPlumbHandle.js` => drag and drop line processing |
`util.js` => belongs to the `plugIn` tool class |
The operation is handled in the `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/dag.js` => `toolbarEvent` event. |
##### 3.Add a routing page |
(1) First add a routing address`src/js/conf/home/router/index.js` in route management |
``` |
routing address{ |
path: '/test', // routing address |
name: 'test', // alias |
component: resolve => require(['../pages/test/index'], resolve), // route corresponding component entry file |
meta: { |
title: `${i18n.$t('test')} - EasyScheduler` // title display |
} |
}, |
``` |
(2)Create a `test` folder in `src/js/conf/home/pages` and create an `index.vue `entry file in the folder. |
This will give you direct access to`http://localhost:8888/#/test` |
##### 4.Increase the preset mailbox |
Find the `src/lib/localData/email.js` startup and timed email address input to automatically pull down the match. |
``` |
export default ["test@analysys.com.cn","test1@analysys.com.cn","test3@analysys.com.cn"] |
``` |
##### 5.Authority management and disabled state processing |
The permission gives the userType according to the backUser interface `getUserInfo` interface: `"ADMIN_USER/GENERAL_USER" `permission to control whether the page operation button is `disabled`. |
specific operation:`src/js/module/permissions/index.js` |
disabled processing:`src/js/module/mixin/disabledState.js` |
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Quick Start |
* Administrator user login |
> Address:192.168.xx.xx:8888 Username and password:admin/escheduler123 |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48329107/61701549-ee738000-ad70-11e9-8d75-87ce04a0152f.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Create queue |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48329107/61701943-896c5a00-ad71-11e9-99b8-a279762f1bc8.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Create tenant |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48329107/61702051-bb7dbc00-ad71-11e9-86e1-1c328cafe916.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Creating Ordinary Users |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61704402-3517a900-ad76-11e9-865a-6325041d97e2.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Create an alarm group |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61704553-845dd980-ad76-11e9-85f1-05f33111409e.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Log in with regular users |
> Click on the user name in the upper right corner to "exit" and re-use the normal user login. |
* Project Management - > Create Project - > Click on Project Name |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61704688-dd2d7200-ad76-11e9-82ee-0833b16bd88f.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Click Workflow Definition - > Create Workflow Definition - > Online Process Definition |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61705638-c425c080-ad78-11e9-8619-6c21b61a24c9.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Running Process Definition - > Click Workflow Instance - > Click Process Instance Name - > Double-click Task Node - > View Task Execution Log |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61705356-34801200-ad78-11e9-8d60-9b7494231028.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
# System Use Manual |
## Operational Guidelines |
### Create a project |
- Click "Project - > Create Project", enter project name, description, and click "Submit" to create a new project. |
- Click on the project name to enter the project home page. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61776719-2ee50380-ae2e-11e9-9d11-41de8907efb5.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> Project Home Page contains task status statistics, process status statistics. |
- Task State Statistics: It refers to the statistics of the number of tasks to be run, failed, running, completed and succeeded in a given time frame. |
- Process State Statistics: It refers to the statistics of the number of waiting, failing, running, completing and succeeding process instances in a specified time range. |
- Process Definition Statistics: The process definition created by the user and the process definition granted by the administrator to the user are counted. |
### Creating Process definitions |
- Go to the project home page, click "Process definitions" and enter the list page of process definition. |
- Click "Create process" to create a new process definition. |
- Drag the "SHELL" node to the canvas and add a shell task. |
- Fill in the Node Name, Description, and Script fields. |
- Selecting "task priority" will give priority to high-level tasks in the execution queue. Tasks with the same priority will be executed in the first-in-first-out order. |
- Timeout alarm. Fill in "Overtime Time". When the task execution time exceeds the overtime, it can alarm and fail over time. |
- Fill in "Custom Parameters" and refer to [Custom Parameters](#Custom Parameters) |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61778402-42459e00-ae31-11e9-96c6-8fd7fed8fed2.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Increase the order of execution between nodes: click "line connection". As shown, task 1 and task 3 are executed in parallel. When task 1 is executed, task 2 and task 3 are executed simultaneously. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61778247-f98de500-ae30-11e9-8f11-cce0530c3ff2.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Delete dependencies: Click on the arrow icon to "drag nodes and select items", select the connection line, click on the delete icon to delete dependencies between nodes. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61778800-052ddb80-ae32-11e9-8ac0-4f13466d3515.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Click "Save", enter the name of the process definition, the description of the process definition, and set the global parameters. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/save-definition.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- For other types of nodes, refer to [task node types and parameter settings](#task node types and parameter settings) |
### Execution process definition |
- **The process definition of the off-line state can be edited, but not run**, so the on-line workflow is the first step. |
> Click on the Process definition, return to the list of process definitions, click on the icon "online", online process definition. |
> Before setting workflow offline, the timed tasks in timed management should be offline, so that the definition of workflow can be set offline successfully. |
- Click "Run" to execute the process. Description of operation parameters: |
* Failure strategy:**When a task node fails to execute, other parallel task nodes need to execute the strategy**。”Continue "Representation: Other task nodes perform normally", "End" Representation: Terminate all ongoing tasks and terminate the entire process. |
* Notification strategy:When the process is over, send process execution information notification mail according to the process status. |
* Process priority: The priority of process running is divided into five levels:the highest, the high, the medium, the low, and the lowest . High-level processes are executed first in the execution queue, and processes with the same priority are executed first in first out order. |
* Worker group: This process can only be executed in a specified machine group. Default, by default, can be executed on any worker. |
* Notification group: When the process ends or fault tolerance occurs, process information is sent to all members of the notification group by mail. |
* Recipient: Enter the mailbox and press Enter key to save. When the process ends and fault tolerance occurs, an alert message is sent to the recipient list. |
* Cc: Enter the mailbox and press Enter key to save. When the process is over and fault-tolerant occurs, alarm messages are copied to the copier list. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/start-process.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Complement: To implement the workflow definition of a specified date, you can select the time range of the complement (currently only support for continuous days), such as the data from May 1 to May 10, as shown in the figure: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/complement.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> Complement execution mode includes serial execution and parallel execution. In serial mode, the complement will be executed sequentially from May 1 to May 10. In parallel mode, the tasks from May 1 to May 10 will be executed simultaneously. |
### Timing Process Definition |
- Create Timing: "Process Definition - > Timing" |
- Choose start-stop time, in the start-stop time range, regular normal work, beyond the scope, will not continue to produce timed workflow instances. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/timing.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Add a timer to be executed once a day at 5:00 a.m. as shown below: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61781968-d9adef80-ae37-11e9-9e90-3d9f0b3eb998.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Timely online,**the newly created timer is offline. You need to click "Timing Management - >online" to work properly.** |
### View process instances |
> Click on "Process Instances" to view the list of process instances. |
> Click on the process name to see the status of task execution. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61855837-6ff31b80-aef3-11e9-8464-2fb5773709df.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> Click on the task node, click "View Log" to view the task execution log. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61783070-bdab4d80-ae39-11e9-9ada-355614fbb7f7.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> Click on the task instance node, click **View History** to view the list of task instances that the process instance runs. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61783240-05ca7000-ae3a-11e9-8c10-591a7635834a.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> Operations on workflow instances: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61783291-21357b00-ae3a-11e9-837c-fc3d85404410.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Editor: You can edit the terminated process. When you save it after editing, you can choose whether to update the process definition or not. |
* Rerun: A process that has been terminated can be re-executed. |
* Recovery failure: For a failed process, a recovery failure operation can be performed, starting at the failed node. |
* Stop: Stop the running process, the background will `kill` he worker process first, then `kill -9` operation. |
* Pause:The running process can be **suspended**, the system state becomes **waiting to be executed**, waiting for the end of the task being executed, and suspending the next task to be executed. |
* Restore pause: **The suspended process** can be restored and run directly from the suspended node |
* Delete: Delete process instances and task instances under process instances |
* Gantt diagram: The vertical axis of Gantt diagram is the topological ordering of task instances under a process instance, and the horizontal axis is the running time of task instances, as shown in the figure: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61783596-aa4cb200-ae3a-11e9-9798-e795f80dae96.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
### View task instances |
> Click on "Task Instance" to enter the Task List page and query the performance of the task. |
> |
> |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61783544-91dc9780-ae3a-11e9-9dca-dfd901f1fe83.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> Click "View Log" in the action column to view the log of task execution. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61783441-60fc6280-ae3a-11e9-8631-963dcf78467b.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
### Create data source |
> Data Source Center supports MySQL, POSTGRESQL, HIVE and Spark data sources. |
#### Create and edit MySQL data source |
- Click on "Datasource - > Create Datasources" to create different types of datasources according to requirements. |
- Datasource: Select MYSQL |
- Datasource Name: Name of Input Datasource |
- Description: Description of input datasources |
- IP: Enter the IP to connect to MySQL |
- Port: Enter the port to connect MySQL |
- User name: Set the username to connect to MySQL |
- Password: Set the password to connect to MySQL |
- Database name: Enter the name of the database connecting MySQL |
- Jdbc connection parameters: parameter settings for MySQL connections, filled in as JSON |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61783812-129b9380-ae3b-11e9-9b9c-77870371c5f3.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> Click "Test Connect" to test whether the data source can be successfully connected. |
> |
> |
#### Create and edit POSTGRESQL data source |
- Datasource: Select POSTGRESQL |
- Datasource Name: Name of Input Data Source |
- Description: Description of input data sources |
- IP: Enter IP to connect to POSTGRESQL |
- Port: Input port to connect POSTGRESQL |
- Username: Set the username to connect to POSTGRESQL |
- Password: Set the password to connect to POSTGRESQL |
- Database name: Enter the name of the database connecting to POSTGRESQL |
- Jdbc connection parameters: parameter settings for POSTGRESQL connections, filled in as JSON |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61783968-60180080-ae3b-11e9-91b7-36d49246a205.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
#### Create and edit HIVE data source |
1.Connect with HiveServer 2 |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61784129-b9802f80-ae3b-11e9-8a27-7be23e0953be.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Datasource: Select HIVE |
- Datasource Name: Name of Input Datasource |
- Description: Description of input datasources |
- IP: Enter IP to connect to HIVE |
- Port: Input port to connect to HIVE |
- Username: Set the username to connect to HIVE |
- Password: Set the password to connect to HIVE |
- Database Name: Enter the name of the database connecting to HIVE |
- Jdbc connection parameters: parameter settings for HIVE connections, filled in in as JSON |
2.Connect using Hive Server 2 HA Zookeeper mode |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61784420-3dd2b280-ae3c-11e9-894a-5b896863d37a.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
Note: If **kerberos** is turned on, you need to fill in **Principal** |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61784847-0adcee80-ae3d-11e9-8ac7-ba8a13aef90c.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
#### Create and Edit Datasource |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48329107/61853431-7af77d00-aeee-11e9-8e2e-95ba6cea43c8.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Datasource: Select Spark |
- Datasource Name: Name of Input Datasource |
- Description: Description of input datasources |
- IP: Enter the IP to connect to Spark |
- Port: Input port to connect Spark |
- Username: Set the username to connect to Spark |
- Password: Set the password to connect to Spark |
- Database name: Enter the name of the database connecting to Spark |
- Jdbc Connection Parameters: Parameter settings for Spark Connections, filled in as JSON |
Note: If **kerberos** If Kerberos is turned on, you need to fill in **Principal** |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48329107/61853668-0709a480-aeef-11e9-8960-92107dd1a9ca.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
### Upload Resources |
- Upload resource files and udf functions, all uploaded files and resources will be stored on hdfs, so the following configuration items are required: |
``` |
conf/common/common.properties |
-- hdfs.startup.state=true |
conf/common/hadoop.properties |
-- fs.defaultFS=hdfs://xxxx:8020 |
-- yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm.ids=192.168.xx.xx,192.168.xx.xx |
-- yarn.application.status.address=http://xxxx:8088/ws/v1/cluster/apps/%s |
``` |
#### File Manage |
> It is the management of various resource files, including creating basic txt/log/sh/conf files, uploading jar packages and other types of files, editing, downloading, deleting and other operations. |
> |
> |
> <p align="center"> |
> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61785274-ed5c5480-ae3d-11e9-8461-2178f49b228d.png" width="60%" /> |
> </p> |
* Create file |
> File formats support the following types:txt、log、sh、conf、cfg、py、java、sql、xml、hql |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61841049-f133b980-aec5-11e9-8ac8-db97cdccc599.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Upload Files |
> Upload Files: Click the Upload button to upload, drag the file to the upload area, and the file name will automatically complete the uploaded file name. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61841179-73bc7900-aec6-11e9-8780-28756e684754.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* File View |
> For viewable file types, click on the file name to view file details |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61841247-9cdd0980-aec6-11e9-9f6f-0a7dd145f865.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
* Download files |
> You can download a file by clicking the download button in the top right corner of the file details, or by downloading the file under the download button after the file list. |
* File rename |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61841322-f47b7500-aec6-11e9-93b1-b00328e7b69e.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
#### Delete |
> File List - > Click the Delete button to delete the specified file |
#### Resource management |
> Resource management and file management functions are similar. The difference is that resource management is the UDF function of uploading, and file management uploads user programs, scripts and configuration files. |
* Upload UDF resources |
> The same as uploading files. |
#### Function management |
* Create UDF Functions |
> Click "Create UDF Function", enter parameters of udf function, select UDF resources, and click "Submit" to create udf function. |
> |
> |
> |
> Currently only temporary udf functions for HIVE are supported |
> |
> |
> |
> - UDF function name: name when entering UDF Function |
> - Package Name: Full Path of Input UDF Function |
> - Parameter: Input parameters used to annotate functions |
> - Database Name: Reserved Field for Creating Permanent UDF Functions |
> - UDF Resources: Set up the resource files corresponding to the created UDF |
> |
> |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61841562-c6e2fb80-aec7-11e9-9481-4202d63dab6f.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
## Security |
- The security has the functions of queue management, tenant management, user management, warning group management, worker group manager, token manage and other functions. It can also authorize resources, data sources, projects, etc. |
- Administrator login, default username password: admin/escheduler 123 |
### Create queues |
- Queues are used to execute spark, mapreduce and other programs, which require the use of "queue" parameters. |
- "Security" - > "Queue Manage" - > "Creat Queue" |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61841945-078f4480-aec9-11e9-92fb-05b6f42f07d6.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
### Create Tenants |
- The tenant corresponds to the account of Linux, which is used by the worker server to submit jobs. If Linux does not have this user, the worker would create the account when executing the task. |
- Tenant Code:**the tenant code is the only account on Linux that can't be duplicated.** |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61842372-8042d080-aeca-11e9-8c54-e3dee583eeff.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
### Create Ordinary Users |
- User types are **ordinary users** and **administrator users**.. |
* Administrators have **authorization and user management** privileges, and no privileges to **create project and process-defined operations**. |
* Ordinary users can **create projects and create, edit, and execute process definitions**. |
* Note: **If the user switches the tenant, all resources under the tenant will be copied to the switched new tenant.** |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61842461-da439600-aeca-11e9-98e3-f8327dbafa60.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
### Create alarm group |
* The alarm group is a parameter set at start-up. After the process is finished, the status of the process and other information will be sent to the alarm group by mail. |
* New and Editorial Warning Group |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61842553-34445b80-aecb-11e9-84a8-3cc66b6c6135.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
### Create Worker Group |
- Worker group provides a mechanism for tasks to run on a specified worker. Administrators create worker groups, which can be specified in task nodes and operation parameters. If the specified grouping is deleted or no grouping is specified, the task will run on any worker. |
- Multiple IP addresses within a worker group (**aliases can not be written**), separated by **commas in English** |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61842630-6b1a7180-aecb-11e9-8988-b4444de16b36.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
### Token manage |
- Because the back-end interface has login check and token management, it provides a way to operate the system by calling the interface. |
- Call examples: |
```令牌调用示例 |
/** |
* test token |
*/ |
public void doPOSTParam()throws Exception{ |
// create HttpClient |
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); |
// create http post request |
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(""); |
httpPost.setHeader("token", "123"); |
// set parameters |
List<NameValuePair> parameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); |
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("projectName", "qzw")); |
parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("desc", "qzw")); |
UrlEncodedFormEntity formEntity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(parameters); |
httpPost.setEntity(formEntity); |
CloseableHttpResponse response = null; |
try { |
// execute |
response = httpclient.execute(httpPost); |
// eponse status code 200 |
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { |
String content = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), "UTF-8"); |
System.out.println(content); |
} |
} finally { |
if (response != null) { |
response.close(); |
} |
httpclient.close(); |
} |
} |
``` |
### Grant authority |
- Granting permissions includes project permissions, resource permissions, datasource permissions, UDF Function permissions. |
> Administrators can authorize projects, resources, data sources and UDF Functions that are not created by ordinary users. Because project, resource, data source and UDF Function are all authorized in the same way, the project authorization is introduced as an example. |
> Note:For projects created by the user himself, the user has all the permissions. The list of items and the list of selected items will not be reflected |
- 1.Click on the authorization button of the designated person as follows: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61843204-71a9e880-aecd-11e9-83ad-365d7bf99375.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- 2.Select the project button to authorize the project |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/auth-project.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
### Monitor center |
- Service management is mainly to monitor and display the health status and basic information of each service in the system. |
#### Master monitor |
- Mainly related information about master. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61843245-8edeb700-aecd-11e9-9916-ea50080e7d08.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
#### Worker monitor |
- Mainly related information of worker. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61843277-ae75df80-aecd-11e9-9667-b9f1615b6f3b.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
#### Zookeeper monitor |
- Mainly the configuration information of each worker and master in zookpeeper. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61843323-c64d6380-aecd-11e9-8392-1ca9b84cd794.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
#### Mysql monitor |
- Mainly the health status of mysql |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61843358-e11fd800-aecd-11e9-86d1-9490e48dc955.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
## Task Node Type and Parameter Setting |
### Shell |
- The shell node, when the worker executes, generates a temporary shell script, which is executed by a Linux user with the same name as the tenant. |
> Drag the ![PNG](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/toolbar_SHELL.png) task node in the toolbar onto the palette and double-click the task node as follows: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61843728-6788e980-aecf-11e9-8006-241a7ec5024b.png" width="60%" /> |
</p>` |
- Node name: The node name in a process definition is unique |
- Run flag: Identify whether the node can be scheduled properly, and if it does not need to be executed, you can turn on the forbidden execution switch. |
- Description : Describes the function of the node |
- Number of failed retries: Number of failed task submissions, support drop-down and manual filling |
- Failure Retry Interval: Interval between tasks that fail to resubmit tasks, support drop-down and manual filling |
- Script: User-developed SHELL program |
- Resources: A list of resource files that need to be invoked in a script |
- Custom parameters: User-defined parameters that are part of SHELL replace the contents of scripts with ${variables} |
- The sub-process node is to execute an external workflow definition as an task node. |
> Drag the ![PNG](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs_cn/images/toolbar_SUB_PROCESS.png) task node in the toolbar onto the palette and double-click the task node as follows: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61843799-adde4880-aecf-11e9-846e-f1696107029f.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Node name: The node name in a process definition is unique |
- Run flag: Identify whether the node is scheduled properly |
- Description: Describes the function of the node |
- Sub-node: The process definition of the selected sub-process is selected, and the process definition of the selected sub-process can be jumped to by entering the sub-node in the upper right corner. |
- Dependent nodes are **dependent checking nodes**. For example, process A depends on the successful execution of process B yesterday, and the dependent node checks whether process B has a successful execution instance yesterday. |
> Drag the ![PNG](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/toolbar_DEPENDENT.png) ask node in the toolbar onto the palette and double-click the task node as follows: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61844369-be8fbe00-aed1-11e9-965d-ddb9aeeba9db.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> Dependent nodes provide logical judgment functions, such as checking whether yesterday's B process was successful or whether the C process was successfully executed. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/depend-b-and-c.png" width="80%" /> |
</p> |
> For example, process A is a weekly task and process B and C are daily tasks. Task A requires that task B and C be successfully executed every day of the last week, as shown in the figure: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/depend-week.png" width="80%" /> |
</p> |
> If weekly A also needs to be implemented successfully on Tuesday: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/depend-last-tuesday.png" width="80%" /> |
</p> |
- The procedure is executed according to the selected data source. |
> Drag the ![PNG](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/toolbar_PROCEDURE.png) task node in the toolbar onto the palette and double-click the task node as follows: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61844464-1af2dd80-aed2-11e9-9486-6cf1b8585aa5.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Datasource: The data source type of stored procedure supports MySQL and POSTGRRESQL, and chooses the corresponding data source. |
- Method: The method name of the stored procedure |
- Custom parameters: Custom parameter types of stored procedures support IN and OUT, and data types support nine data types: VARCHAR, INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP and BOOLEAN. |
### SQL |
- Execute non-query SQL functionality |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61850397-d7569e80-aee6-11e9-9da0-c4d96deaa8a1.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Executing the query SQL function, you can choose to send mail in the form of tables and attachments to the designated recipients. |
> Drag the ![PNG](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/toolbar_SQL.png) task node in the toolbar onto the palette and double-click the task node as follows: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61850594-4d5b0580-aee7-11e9-9c9e-1934c91962b9.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Datasource: Select the corresponding datasource |
- sql type: support query and non-query, query is select type query, there is a result set returned, you can specify mail notification as table, attachment or table attachment three templates. Non-query is not returned by result set, and is for update, delete, insert three types of operations |
- sql parameter: input parameter format is key1 = value1; key2 = value2... |
- sql statement: SQL statement |
- UDF function: For HIVE type data sources, you can refer to UDF functions created in the resource center, other types of data sources do not support UDF functions for the time being. |
- Custom parameters: SQL task type, and stored procedure is to customize the order of parameters to set values for methods. Custom parameter type and data type are the same as stored procedure task type. The difference is that the custom parameter of the SQL task type replaces the ${variable} in the SQL statement. |
### SPARK |
- Through SPARK node, SPARK program can be directly executed. For spark node, worker will use `spark-submit` mode to submit tasks. |
> Drag the ![PNG](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/toolbar_SPARK.png) task node in the toolbar onto the palette and double-click the task node as follows: |
> |
> |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48329107/61852935-3d462480-aeed-11e9-8241-415314bfc2e5.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Program Type: Support JAVA, Scala and Python |
- Class of the main function: The full path of Main Class, the entry to the Spark program |
- Master jar package: It's Spark's jar package |
- Deployment: support three modes: yarn-cluster, yarn-client, and local |
- Driver Kernel Number: Driver Kernel Number and Memory Number can be set |
- Executor Number: Executor Number, Executor Memory Number and Executor Kernel Number can be set |
- Command Line Parameters: Setting the input parameters of Spark program to support the replacement of custom parameter variables. |
- Other parameters: support - jars, - files, - archives, - conf format |
- Resource: If a resource file is referenced in other parameters, you need to select the specified resource. |
- Custom parameters: User-defined parameters in MR locality that replace the contents in scripts with ${variables} |
Note: JAVA and Scala are just used for identification, no difference. If it's a Spark developed by Python, there's no class of the main function, and everything else is the same. |
### MapReduce(MR) |
- Using MR nodes, MR programs can be executed directly. For Mr nodes, worker submits tasks using `hadoop jar` |
> Drag the ![PNG](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/toolbar_MR.png) task node in the toolbar onto the palette and double-click the task node as follows: |
1. JAVA program |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61851102-91023f00-aee8-11e9-9ac0-dbe588d860c2.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Class of the main function: The full path of the MR program's entry Main Class |
- Program Type: Select JAVA Language |
- Master jar package: MR jar package |
- Command Line Parameters: Setting the input parameters of MR program to support the replacement of custom parameter variables |
- Other parameters: support - D, - files, - libjars, - archives format |
- Resource: If a resource file is referenced in other parameters, you need to select the specified resource. |
- Custom parameters: User-defined parameters in MR locality that replace the contents in scripts with ${variables} |
2. Python program |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61851224-f3f3d600-aee8-11e9-8862-435220bbda93.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Program Type: Select Python Language |
- Main jar package: Python jar package running MR |
- Other parameters: support - D, - mapper, - reducer, - input - output format, where user-defined parameters can be set, such as: |
- mapper "mapper.py 1" - file mapper.py-reducer reducer.py-file reducer.py-input/journey/words.txt-output/journey/out/mr/${current TimeMillis} |
- Among them, mapper. py 1 after - mapper is two parameters, the first parameter is mapper. py, and the second parameter is 1. |
- Resource: If a resource file is referenced in other parameters, you need to select the specified resource. |
- Custom parameters: User-defined parameters in MR locality that replace the contents in scripts with ${variables} |
### Python |
- With Python nodes, Python scripts can be executed directly. For Python nodes, worker will use `python ** `to submit tasks. |
> Drag the ![PNG](https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/toolbar_PYTHON.png) task node in the toolbar onto the palette and double-click the task node as follows: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61851959-daec2480-aeea-11e9-83fd-3e00a030cb84.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
- Script: User-developed Python program |
- Resource: A list of resource files that need to be invoked in a script |
- Custom parameters: User-defined parameters that are part of Python that replace the contents in the script with ${variables} |
### System parameter |
<table> |
<tr><th>variable</th><th>meaning</th></tr> |
<tr> |
<td>${system.biz.date}</td> |
<td>The timing time of routine dispatching instance is one day before, in yyyyyMMdd format. When data is supplemented, the date + 1</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>${system.biz.curdate}</td> |
<td> Daily scheduling example timing time, format is yyyyyMMdd, when supplementing data, the date + 1</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>${system.datetime}</td> |
<td>Daily scheduling example timing time, format is yyyyyMMddHmmss, when supplementing data, the date + 1</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
### Time Customization Parameters |
> Support code to customize the variable name, declaration: ${variable name}. It can refer to "system parameters" or specify "constants". |
> When we define this benchmark variable as $[...], [yyyyMMddHHmmss] can be decomposed and combined arbitrarily, such as:$[yyyyMMdd], $[HHmmss], $[yyyy-MM-dd] ,etc. |
> Can also do this: |
> |
> |
- Later N years: $[add_months (yyyyyyMMdd, 12*N)] |
- The previous N years: $[add_months (yyyyyyMMdd, -12*N)] |
- Later N months: $[add_months (yyyyyMMdd, N)] |
- The first N months: $[add_months (yyyyyyMMdd, -N)] |
- Later N weeks: $[yyyyyyMMdd + 7*N] |
- The first N weeks: $[yyyyyMMdd-7*N] |
- The day after that: $[yyyyyyMMdd + N] |
- The day before yesterday: $[yyyyyMMdd-N] |
- Later N hours: $[HHmmss + N/24] |
- First N hours: $[HHmmss-N/24] |
- After N minutes: $[HHmmss + N/24/60] |
- First N minutes: $[HHmmss-N/24/60] |
### User-defined parameters |
> User-defined parameters are divided into global parameters and local parameters. Global parameters are the global parameters passed when the process definition and process instance are saved. Global parameters can be referenced by local parameters of any task node in the whole process. |
> For example: |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://analysys.github.io/easyscheduler_docs/images/save-global-parameters.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> global_bizdate is a global parameter, referring to system parameters. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53217792/61857313-78992100-aef6-11e9-9ba3-521c6ca33ce3.png" width="60%" /> |
</p> |
> In tasks, local_param_bizdate refers to global parameters by ${global_bizdate} for scripts, the value of variable local_param_bizdate can be referenced by${local_param_bizdate}, or the value of local_param_bizdate can be set directly by JDBC. |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# EasyScheduler upgrade documentation |
## 1. Back up the previous version of the files and database |
## 2. Stop all services of escheduler |
`sh ./script/stop-all.sh` |
## 3. Download the new version of the installation package |
- [gitee](https://gitee.com/easyscheduler/EasyScheduler/attach_files), download the latest version of the front and back installation packages (backend referred to as escheduler-backend, front end referred to as escheduler-ui) |
- The following upgrade operations need to be performed in the new version of the directory |
## 4. Database upgrade |
- Modify the following properties in conf/dao/data_source.properties |
``` |
spring.datasource.url |
spring.datasource.username |
spring.datasource.password |
``` |
- Execute database upgrade script |
`sh ./script/upgrade-escheduler.sh` |
## 5. Backend service upgrade |
- Modify the content of the install.sh configuration and execute the upgrade script |
`sh install.sh` |
## 6. Frontend service upgrade |
- Overwrite the previous version of the dist directory |
- Restart the nginx service |
`systemctl restart nginx` |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Easy Scheduler Release 1.0.3 |
=== |
Easy Scheduler 1.0.3是1.x系列中的第四个版本。 |
增强: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-482]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/482)sql任务中的邮件标题增加了对自定义变量的支持 |
- [[EasyScheduler-483]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/483)sql任务中的发邮件失败,则此sql任务为失败 |
- [[EasyScheduler-484]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/484)修改sql任务中自定义变量的替换规则,支持多个单引号和双引号的替换 |
- [[EasyScheduler-485]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/485)创建资源文件时,增加对该资源文件是否在hdfs上已存在的验证 |
修复: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-198]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/198) 流程定义列表根据定时状态和更新时间进行排序 |
- [[EasyScheduler-419]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/419) 修复在线创建文件,hdfs文件未创建,却返回成功 |
- [[EasyScheduler-481]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/481)修复job不存在定时无法下线的问题 |
- [[EasyScheduler-425]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/425) kill任务时增加对其子进程的kill |
- [[EasyScheduler-422]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/422) 修复更新资源文件时更新时间和大小未更新的问题 |
- [[EasyScheduler-431]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/431) 修复删除租户时,如果未启动hdfs,则删除租户失败的问题 |
- [[EasyScheduler-485]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/486) shell进程退出,yarn状态非终态等待判断 |
感谢: |
=== |
最后但最重要的是,没有以下伙伴的贡献就没有新版本的诞生: |
Baoqi, jimmy201602, samz406, petersear, millionfor, hyperknob, fanguanqun, yangqinlong, qq389401879, |
feloxx, coding-now, hymzcn, nysyxxg, chgxtony |
以及微信群里众多的热心伙伴!在此非常感谢! |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Easy Scheduler Release 1.0.4 |
=== |
Easy Scheduler 1.0.4是1.x系列中的第五个版本。 |
**修复**: |
- [[EasyScheduler-198]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/198) 流程定义列表根据定时状态和更新时间进行排序 |
- [[EasyScheduler-419]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/419) 修复在线创建文件,hdfs文件未创建,却返回成功 |
- [[EasyScheduler-481]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/481)修复job不存在定时无法下线的问题 |
- [[EasyScheduler-425]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/425) kill任务时增加对其子进程的kill |
- [[EasyScheduler-422]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/422) 修复更新资源文件时更新时间和大小未更新的问题 |
- [[EasyScheduler-431]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/431) 修复删除租户时,如果未启动hdfs,则删除租户失败的问题 |
- [[EasyScheduler-485]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/486) shell进程退出,yarn状态非终态等待判断 |
**增强**: |
- [[EasyScheduler-482]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/482)sql任务中的邮件标题增加了对自定义变量的支持 |
- [[EasyScheduler-483]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/483)sql任务中的发邮件失败,则此sql任务为失败 |
- [[EasyScheduler-484]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/484)修改sql任务中自定义变量的替换规则,支持多个单引号和双引号的替换 |
- [[EasyScheduler-485]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/485)创建资源文件时,增加对该资源文件是否在hdfs上已存在的验证 |
感谢: |
=== |
最后但最重要的是,没有以下伙伴的贡献就没有新版本的诞生(排名不分先后): |
Baoqi, jimmy201602, samz406, petersear, millionfor, hyperknob, fanguanqun, yangqinlong, qq389401879, |
feloxx, coding-now, hymzcn, nysyxxg, chgxtony, lfyee, Crossoverrr, gj-zhang, sunnyingit, xianhu, zhengqiangtan |
以及微信群/钉钉群里众多的热心伙伴!在此非常感谢! |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Easy Scheduler Release 1.0.5 |
=== |
Easy Scheduler 1.0.5是1.x系列中的第六个版本。 |
增强: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-597]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/597)child process cannot extend father's receivers and cc |
修复 |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-516]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/516)The task instance of MR cannot stop in some cases |
- [[EasyScheduler-594]](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/594)soft kill task 后 进程依旧存在(父进程 子进程) |
感谢: |
=== |
最后但最重要的是,没有以下伙伴的贡献就没有新版本的诞生: |
Baoqi, jimmy201602, samz406, petersear, millionfor, hyperknob, fanguanqun, yangqinlong, qq389401879, feloxx, coding-now, hymzcn, nysyxxg, chgxtony, gj-zhang, xianhu, sunnyingit, |
zhengqiangtan, chinashenkai |
以及微信群里众多的热心伙伴!在此非常感谢! |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Easy Scheduler Release 1.1.0 |
=== |
Easy Scheduler 1.1.0是1.1.x系列中的第一个版本。 |
新特性: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-391](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/391)] run a process under a specified tenement user |
- [[EasyScheduler-288](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/288)] Feature/qiye_weixin |
- [[EasyScheduler-189](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/189)] Kerberos等安全支持 |
- [[EasyScheduler-398](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/398)]管理员,有租户(install.sh设置默认租户),可以创建资源、项目和数据源(限制有一个管理员) |
- [[EasyScheduler-293](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/293)]点击运行流程时候选择的参数,没有地方可查看,也没有保存 |
- [[EasyScheduler-401](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/401)]定时很容易定时每秒一次,定时完成以后可以在页面显示一下下次触发时间 |
- [[EasyScheduler-493](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/pull/493)]add datasource kerberos auth and FAQ modify and add resource upload s3 |
增强: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-227](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/227)] upgrade spring-boot to 2.1.x and spring to 5.x |
- [[EasyScheduler-434](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/434)] worker节点数量 zk和mysql中不一致 |
- [[EasyScheduler-435](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/435)]邮箱格式的验证 |
- [[EasyScheduler-441](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/441)] 禁止运行节点加入已完成节点检测 |
- [[EasyScheduler-400](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/400)] 首页页面,队列统计不和谐,命令统计无数据 |
- [[EasyScheduler-395](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/395)] 对于容错恢复的流程,状态不能为 **正在运行 |
- [[EasyScheduler-529](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/529)] optimize poll task from zookeeper |
- [[EasyScheduler-242](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/242)]worker-server节点获取任务性能问题 |
- [[EasyScheduler-352](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/352)]worker 分组, 队列消费问题 |
- [[EasyScheduler-461](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/461)]查看数据源参数,需要加密账号密码信息 |
- [[EasyScheduler-396](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/396)]Dockerfile优化,并关联Dockerfile和github实现自动打镜像 |
- [[EasyScheduler-389](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/389)]service monitor cannot find the change of master/worker |
- [[EasyScheduler-511](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/511)]support recovery process from stop/kill nodes. |
- [[EasyScheduler-399](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/399)]HadoopUtils指定用户操作,而不是 **部署用户 |
- [[EasyScheduler-378](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/378)]Mailbox regular match |
- [[EasyScheduler-625](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/625)]EasyScheduler call shell "task instance not set host" |
- [[EasyScheduler-622](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/622)]Front-end interface deployment k8s, background deployment big data cluster session error |
修复: |
=== |
- [[EasyScheduler-394](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/394)] master&worker部署在同一台机器上时,如果重启master&worker服务,会导致之前调度的任务无法继续调度 |
- [[EasyScheduler-469](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/469)]Fix naming errors,monitor page |
- [[EasyScheduler-392](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/392)]Feature request: fix email regex check |
- [[EasyScheduler-405](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/405)]定时修改/添加页面,开始时间和结束时间不能相同 |
- [[EasyScheduler-517](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/517)]补数 - 子工作流 - 时间参数 |
- [[EasyScheduler-532](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/532)]python节点不执行的问题 |
- [[EasyScheduler-543](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/543)]optimize datasource connection params safety |
- [[EasyScheduler-569](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/569)]定时任务无法真正停止 |
- [[EasyScheduler-463](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/463)]邮箱验证不支持非常见后缀邮箱 |
- [[EasyScheduler-650](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/650)]Creating a hive data source without a principal will cause the connection to fail |
- [[EasyScheduler-641](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/641)]The cellphone is not supported for 199 telecom segment when create a user |
- [[EasyScheduler-627](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/627)]Different sql node task logs in parallel in the same workflow will be mixed |
- [[EasyScheduler-655](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/655)]when deploy a spark task,the tentant queue not empty,set with a empty queue name |
- [[EasyScheduler-667](https://github.com/analysys/EasyScheduler/issues/667)]HivePreparedStatement can't print the actual SQL executed |
感谢: |
=== |
最后但最重要的是,没有以下伙伴的贡献就没有新版本的诞生: |
Baoqi, jimmy201602, samz406, petersear, millionfor, hyperknob, fanguanqun, yangqinlong, qq389401879, chgxtony, Stanfan, lfyee, thisnew, hujiang75277381, sunnyingit, lgbo-ustc, ivivi, lzy305, JackIllkid, telltime, lipengbo2018, wuchunfu, telltime, chenyuan9028, zhangzhipeng621, thisnew, 307526982, crazycarry |
以及微信群里众多的热心伙伴!在此非常感谢! |
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