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<!--Thanks very much for contributing to Apache DolphinScheduler. Please review https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/community/development/pull-request.html before opening a pull request.-->
## Purpose of the pull request
<!--(For example: This pull request adds checkstyle plugin).-->
## Brief change log
<!--*(for example:)*
- *Add maven-checkstyle-plugin to root pom.xml*
## Verify this pull request
<!--*(Please pick either of the following options)*-->
This pull request is code cleanup without any test coverage.
This pull request is already covered by existing tests, such as *(please describe tests)*.
This change added tests and can be verified as follows:
- *Added dolphinscheduler-dao tests for end-to-end.*
- *Added CronUtilsTest to verify the change.*
- *Manually verified the change by testing locally.* -->
If your pull request contain incompatible change, you should also add it to `docs/docs/en/guide/upgrede/incompatible.md`