# resource store on HDFS/S3 path, resource file will store to this base path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists on hdfs and have read write permissions. "/dolphinscheduler" is recommended
# The AWS access key. if resource.storage.type=S3 or use EMR-Task, This configuration is required
# The AWS secret access key. if resource.storage.type=S3 or use EMR-Task, This configuration is required
# The AWS Region to use. if resource.storage.type=S3 or use EMR-Task, This configuration is required
# The name of the bucket. You need to create them by yourself. Otherwise, the system cannot start. All buckets in Amazon S3 share a single namespace; ensure the bucket is given a unique name.
# You need to set this parameter when private cloud s3. If S3 uses public cloud, you only need to set resource.aws.region or set to the endpoint of a public cloud such as S3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn
# alibaba cloud access key id, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS
# if resource.storage.type=HDFS, the user must have the permission to create directories under the HDFS root path
# if resource.storage.type=S3, the value like: s3a://dolphinscheduler; if resource.storage.type=HDFS and namenode HA is enabled, you need to copy core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml to conf dir
# if resourcemanager HA is enabled or not use resourcemanager, please keep the default value; If resourcemanager is single, you only need to replace ds1 to actual resourcemanager hostname
# use sudo or not, if set true, executing user is tenant user and deploy user needs sudo permissions; if set false, executing user is the deploy user and doesn't need sudo permissions
# network interface preferred like eth0, default: empty