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## What is DolphinScheduler?
DolphinScheduler is a distributed and easy-to-expand visual DAG workflow scheduling system, dedicated to solving the complex dependencies in data processing, making the scheduling system out of the box for data processing.
GitHub URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler
Official Website: https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org
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## Prerequisites
- [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/) 1.13.1+
- [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) 1.11.0+
## How to use this docker image
#### You can start a dolphinscheduler by docker-compose (recommended)
$ docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-swarm/docker-compose.yml up -d
The default **postgres** user `root`, postgres password `root` and database `dolphinscheduler` are created in the `docker-compose.yml`.
The default **zookeeper** is created in the `docker-compose.yml`.
Access the Web UI: http://192.168.xx.xx:12345/dolphinscheduler
The default username is `admin` and the default password is `dolphinscheduler123`
#### Or via Environment Variables **`DATABASE_HOST`** **`DATABASE_PORT`** **`DATABASE_DATABASE`** **`ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM`**
You can specify **existing postgres and zookeeper service**. Example:
$ docker run -d --name dolphinscheduler \
-e ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM="192.168.x.x:2181" \
-e DATABASE_HOST="192.168.x.x" -e DATABASE_PORT="5432" -e DATABASE_DATABASE="dolphinscheduler" \
-p 12345:12345 \
apache/dolphinscheduler:latest all
Access the Web UI:http://192.168.xx.xx:12345/dolphinscheduler
#### Or start a standalone dolphinscheduler server
You can start a standalone dolphinscheduler server.
* Create a **local volume** for resource storage, For example:
docker volume create dolphinscheduler-resource-local
* Start a **master server**, For example:
$ docker run -d --name dolphinscheduler-master \
-e ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM="192.168.x.x:2181" \
-e DATABASE_HOST="192.168.x.x" -e DATABASE_PORT="5432" -e DATABASE_DATABASE="dolphinscheduler" \
apache/dolphinscheduler:latest master-server
* Start a **worker server** (including **logger server**), For example:
$ docker run -d --name dolphinscheduler-worker \
-e ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM="192.168.x.x:2181" \
-e DATABASE_HOST="192.168.x.x" -e DATABASE_PORT="5432" -e DATABASE_DATABASE="dolphinscheduler" \
-e ALERT_LISTEN_HOST="dolphinscheduler-alert" \
-v dolphinscheduler-resource-local:/dolphinscheduler \
apache/dolphinscheduler:latest worker-server
* Start a **api server**, For example:
$ docker run -d --name dolphinscheduler-api \
-e ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM="192.168.x.x:2181" \
-e DATABASE_HOST="192.168.x.x" -e DATABASE_PORT="5432" -e DATABASE_DATABASE="dolphinscheduler" \
-v dolphinscheduler-resource-local:/dolphinscheduler \
-p 12345:12345 \
apache/dolphinscheduler:latest api-server
* Start a **alert server**, For example:
$ docker run -d --name dolphinscheduler-alert \
-e DATABASE_HOST="192.168.x.x" -e DATABASE_PORT="5432" -e DATABASE_DATABASE="dolphinscheduler" \
apache/dolphinscheduler:latest alert-server
**Note**: You must be specify `DATABASE_HOST` `DATABASE_PORT` `DATABASE_DATABASE` `DATABASE_USERNAME` `DATABASE_PASSWORD` `ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM` when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server.
## How to build a docker image
You can build a docker image in A Unix-like operating system, You can also build it in Windows operating system.
In Unix-Like, Example:
$ cd path/incubator-dolphinscheduler
$ sh ./docker/build/hooks/build
In Windows, Example:
Please read `./docker/build/hooks/build` `./docker/build/hooks/build.bat` script files if you don't understand
## Environment Variables
The DolphinScheduler Docker container is configured through environment variables, and the default value will be used if an environment variable is not set.
This environment variable sets the type for database. The default value is `postgresql`.
**Note**: You must be specify it when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server. Like `master-server`, `worker-server`, `api-server`, `alert-server`.
This environment variable sets the type for database. The default value is `org.postgresql.Driver`.
**Note**: You must be specify it when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server. Like `master-server`, `worker-server`, `api-server`, `alert-server`.
This environment variable sets the host for database. The default value is ``.
**Note**: You must be specify it when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server. Like `master-server`, `worker-server`, `api-server`, `alert-server`.
This environment variable sets the port for database. The default value is `5432`.
**Note**: You must be specify it when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server. Like `master-server`, `worker-server`, `api-server`, `alert-server`.
This environment variable sets the username for database. The default value is `root`.
**Note**: You must be specify it when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server. Like `master-server`, `worker-server`, `api-server`, `alert-server`.
This environment variable sets the password for database. The default value is `root`.
**Note**: You must be specify it when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server. Like `master-server`, `worker-server`, `api-server`, `alert-server`.
This environment variable sets the database for database. The default value is `dolphinscheduler`.
**Note**: You must be specify it when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server. Like `master-server`, `worker-server`, `api-server`, `alert-server`.
This environment variable sets the database for database. The default value is `characterEncoding=utf8`.
**Note**: You must be specify it when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server. Like `master-server`, `worker-server`, `api-server`, `alert-server`.
This environment variable sets `HADOOP_HOME`. The default value is `/opt/soft/hadoop`.
This environment variable sets `HADOOP_CONF_DIR`. The default value is `/opt/soft/hadoop/etc/hadoop`.
This environment variable sets `SPARK_HOME1`. The default value is `/opt/soft/spark1`.
This environment variable sets `SPARK_HOME2`. The default value is `/opt/soft/spark2`.
This environment variable sets `PYTHON_HOME`. The default value is `/usr/bin/python`.
This environment variable sets `JAVA_HOME`. The default value is `/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk`.
This environment variable sets `HIVE_HOME`. The default value is `/opt/soft/hive`.
This environment variable sets `FLINK_HOME`. The default value is `/opt/soft/flink`.
This environment variable sets `DATAX_HOME`. The default value is `/opt/soft/datax/bin/datax.py`.
User data directory path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists and have read write permissions. The default value is `/tmp/dolphinscheduler`
This environment variable sets java options. The default value is empty.
This environment variable sets resource storage type for dolphinscheduler like `HDFS`, `S3`, `NONE`. The default value is `HDFS`.
This environment variable sets resource store path on HDFS/S3 for resource storage. The default value is `/dolphinscheduler`.
This environment variable sets fs.defaultFS for resource storage like `file:///`, `hdfs://mycluster:8020` or `s3a://dolphinscheduler`. The default value is `file:///`.
This environment variable sets s3 endpoint for resource storage. The default value is `s3.xxx.amazonaws.com`.
This environment variable sets s3 access key for resource storage. The default value is `xxxxxxx`.
This environment variable sets s3 secret key for resource storage. The default value is `xxxxxxx`.
This environment variable sets zookeeper quorum for `master-server` and `worker-serverr`. The default value is ``.
**Note**: You must be specify it when start a standalone dolphinscheduler server. Like `master-server`, `worker-server`.
This environment variable sets zookeeper root directory for dolphinscheduler. The default value is `/dolphinscheduler`.
This environment variable sets exec thread num for `master-server`. The default value is `100`.
This environment variable sets exec task num for `master-server`. The default value is `20`.
This environment variable sets heartbeat interval for `master-server`. The default value is `10`.
This environment variable sets task commit retry times for `master-server`. The default value is `5`.
This environment variable sets task commit interval for `master-server`. The default value is `1000`.
This environment variable sets max cpu load avg for `master-server`. The default value is `100`.
This environment variable sets reserved memory for `master-server`. The default value is `0.1`.
This environment variable sets port for `master-server`. The default value is `5678`.
This environment variable sets exec thread num for `worker-server`. The default value is `100`.
This environment variable sets heartbeat interval for `worker-server`. The default value is `10`.
This environment variable sets max cpu load avg for `worker-server`. The default value is `100`.
This environment variable sets reserved memory for `worker-server`. The default value is `0.1`.
This environment variable sets port for `worker-server`. The default value is `1234`.
This environment variable sets groups for `worker-server`. The default value is `default`.
This environment variable sets weight for `worker-server`. The default value is `100`.
This environment variable sets the host of `alert-server` for `worker-server`. The default value is ``.
This environment variable sets the alert plugin directory for `alert-server`. The default value is `lib/plugin/alert`.
## Initialization scripts
If you would like to do additional initialization in an image derived from this one, add one or more environment variable under `/root/start-init-conf.sh`, and modify template files in `/opt/dolphinscheduler/conf/*.tpl`.
For example, to add an environment variable `API_SERVER_PORT` in `/root/start-init-conf.sh`:
export API_SERVER_PORT=5555
and to modify `/opt/dolphinscheduler/conf/application-api.properties.tpl` template file, add server port:
`/root/start-init-conf.sh` will dynamically generate config file:
echo "generate dolphinscheduler config"
ls ${DOLPHINSCHEDULER_HOME}/conf/ | grep ".tpl" | while read line; do
eval "cat << EOF
$(cat ${DOLPHINSCHEDULER_HOME}/conf/${line})
" > ${DOLPHINSCHEDULER_HOME}/conf/${line%.*}
## FAQ
### How to stop dolphinscheduler by docker-compose?
Stop containers:
docker-compose stop
Stop containers and remove containers, networks and volumes:
docker-compose down -v
### How to deploy dolphinscheduler on Docker Swarm?
Assuming that the Docker Swarm cluster has been created (If there is no Docker Swarm cluster, please refer to [create-swarm](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/swarm-tutorial/create-swarm/))
Start a stack named dolphinscheduler
docker stack deploy -c docker-stack.yml dolphinscheduler
Stop and remove the stack named dolphinscheduler
docker stack rm dolphinscheduler
### How to use MySQL as the DolphinScheduler's database instead of PostgreSQL?
> Because of the commercial license, we cannot directly use the driver and client of MySQL.
> If you want to use MySQL, you can build a new image based on the `apache/dolphinscheduler` image as follows.
1. Download the MySQL driver [mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.49/mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar) (require `>=5.1.47`)
2. Create a new `Dockerfile` to add MySQL driver and client:
FROM apache/dolphinscheduler:latest
COPY mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar /opt/dolphinscheduler/lib
RUN apk add --update --no-cache mysql-client
3. Build a new docker image including MySQL driver and client:
docker build -t apache/dolphinscheduler:mysql .
4. Modify all `image` fields to `apache/dolphinscheduler:mysql` in `docker-compose.yml`
> If you want to deploy dolphinscheduler on Docker Swarm, you need modify `docker-stack.yml`
5. Comment the `dolphinscheduler-postgresql` block in `docker-compose.yml`
6. Add `dolphinscheduler-mysql` service in `docker-compose.yml` (**Optional**, you can directly use a external MySQL database)
7. Modify all DATABASE environments in `docker-compose.yml`
DATABASE_DRIVER: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
DATABASE_HOST: dolphinscheduler-mysql
DATABASE_DATABASE: dolphinscheduler
DATABASE_PARAMS: useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
> If you have added `dolphinscheduler-mysql` service in `docker-compose.yml`, just set `DATABASE_HOST` to `dolphinscheduler-mysql`
8. Run a dolphinscheduler (See **How to use this docker image**)
### How to support MySQL datasource in `Datasource manage`?
> Because of the commercial license, we cannot directly use the driver of MySQL.
> If you want to add MySQL datasource, you can build a new image based on the `apache/dolphinscheduler` image as follows.
1. Download the MySQL driver [mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.49/mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar) (require `>=5.1.47`)
2. Create a new `Dockerfile` to add MySQL driver:
FROM apache/dolphinscheduler:latest
COPY mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar /opt/dolphinscheduler/lib
3. Build a new docker image including MySQL driver:
docker build -t apache/dolphinscheduler:mysql-driver .
4. Modify all `image` fields to `apache/dolphinscheduler:mysql-driver` in `docker-compose.yml`
> If you want to deploy dolphinscheduler on Docker Swarm, you need modify `docker-stack.yml`
5. Run a dolphinscheduler (See **How to use this docker image**)
6. Add a MySQL datasource in `Datasource manage`
### How to support Oracle datasource in `Datasource manage`?
> Because of the commercial license, we cannot directly use the driver of Oracle.
> If you want to add Oracle datasource, you can build a new image based on the `apache/dolphinscheduler` image as follows.
1. Download the Oracle driver [ojdbc8.jar](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/oracle/database/jdbc/ojdbc8/) (such as `ojdbc8-`)
2. Create a new `Dockerfile` to add Oracle driver:
FROM apache/dolphinscheduler:latest
COPY ojdbc8- /opt/dolphinscheduler/lib
3. Build a new docker image including Oracle driver:
docker build -t apache/dolphinscheduler:oracle-driver .
4. Modify all `image` fields to `apache/dolphinscheduler:oracle-driver` in `docker-compose.yml`
> If you want to deploy dolphinscheduler on Docker Swarm, you need modify `docker-stack.yml`
5. Run a dolphinscheduler (See **How to use this docker image**)
6. Add a Oracle datasource in `Datasource manage`
For more information please refer to the [incubator-dolphinscheduler](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler.git) documentation.