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Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
"Contribution" means:
a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and documentation distributed under this Agreement, and
b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor:
i) changes to the Program, and
ii) additions to the Program;
where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii) are not derivative works of the Program.
"Contributor" means any person or entity that distributes the Program.
"Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.
"Program" means the Contributions distributed in accordance with this Agreement.
"Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this Agreement, including all Contributors.
a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source code and object code form.
b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such Contributor, if any, in source code and object code form. This patent license shall apply to the combination of the Contribution and the Program if, at the time the Contribution is added by the Contributor, such addition of the Contribution causes such combination to be covered by the Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any other combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per se is licensed hereunder.
c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Each Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims brought by any other entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility to secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any. For example, if a third party patent license is required to allow Recipient to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire that license before distributing the Program.
d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant the copyright license set forth in this Agreement.
A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form under its own license agreement, provided that:
a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and
b) its license agreement:
i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose;
ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits;
iii) states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement are offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other party; and
iv) states that source code for the Program is available from such Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange.
When the Program is made available in source code form:
a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and
b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of the Program.
Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained within the Program.
Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution.
Commercial distributors of software may accept certain responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a commercial product offering should do so in a manner which does not create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a Contributor includes the Program in a commercial product offering, such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") against any losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third party against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the acts or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. In order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a) promptly notify the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim, and b) allow the Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with the Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such claim at its own expense.
For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to defend claims against the other Contributors related to those performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor must pay those damages.
EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this Agreement , including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.
If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.
If Recipient institutes patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Program itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such Recipient's rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable. However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and survive.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this Agreement, but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is copyrighted and may only be modified in the following manner. The Agreement Steward reserves the right to publish new versions (including revisions) of this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the Agreement Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. The Eclipse Foundation is the initial Agreement Steward. The Eclipse Foundation may assign the responsibility to serve as the Agreement Steward to a suitable separate entity. Each new version of the Agreement will be given a distinguishing version number. The Program (including Contributions) may always be distributed subject to the version of the Agreement under which it was received. In addition, after a new version of the Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the Program (including its Contributions) under the new version. Except as expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives no rights or licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor under this Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. All rights in the Program not expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved.
merge from 1.2.0-release (#1347) * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change package.xml * log view service grpc * log view service grpc * log view service grpc * log view service grpc * log view service grpc * add src pom * remove package in alert,api,server * remove package in alert,api,server * add binary-front * add binary-front * change finalname * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * change finalname * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * change scm * change scm (#1196) * package.json update * package.json update * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add name * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * update version * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add ui * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * remove unused code. * add install node-sass * remove unused code. * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db (#1225) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom (#1227) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add maven-source-plugin * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * ci and maven pom.xml modify (#1234) * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT (#1235) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0-release * add name in pom and remove compile (#1236) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom (#1237) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * update pom * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add release-docs (#1241) license and notice statistics * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * merge from dev-db (#1248) * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * master startup error bug fix (#1229) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * master startup error bug fix * delete class App, let spring manage connectionFactory (#1233) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * update pom.xml * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.2-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * update license (#1249) * add licenses in assemble (#1253) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT (#1255) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-RC1 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * change assembly id (#1261) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * add DISCLAIMER (#1262) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * add license in xml and properties (#1265) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * add license in dockerfile (#1269) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * merge dev-db to 1.2.0-release (#1270) * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * master startup error bug fix (#1229) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * master startup error bug fix * delete class App, let spring manage connectionFactory (#1233) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer (#1244) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter (#1250) * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol (#1251) * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * fix #1245, make scanCommand transactional (#1246) * fix the spring transaction not worker bug (#1252) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * fix the spring transaction not work bug * remove author * delete @Bean annotation * rename application.properties to application-dao.properties * delete class MybatisPlusConfig (#1254) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgra… * add license in script and sql (#1271) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * merge dev-db to 1.2.0-release (#1272) * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * master startup error bug fix (#1229) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * master startup error bug fix * delete class App, let spring manage connectionFactory (#1233) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer (#1244) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter (#1250) * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol (#1251) * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * fix #1245, make scanCommand transactional (#1246) * fix the spring transaction not worker bug (#1252) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * fix the spring transaction not work bug * remove author * delete @Bean annotation * rename application.properties to application-dao.properties * delete class MybatisPlusConfig (#1254) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgra… * add license in ci (#1273) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * merge dev-db to 1.2.0-release (#1276) * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * master startup error bug fix (#1229) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * master startup error bug fix * delete class App, let spring manage connectionFactory (#1233) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer (#1244) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter (#1250) * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol (#1251) * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * fix #1245, make scanCommand transactional (#1246) * fix the spring transaction not worker bug (#1252) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * fix the spring transaction not work bug * remove author * delete @Bean annotation * rename application.properties to application-dao.properties * delete class MybatisPlusConfig (#1254) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgra… * change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT (#1277) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * set defalut db type postgresql (#1282) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge incomplete (#1283) * Add comments in method params and change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass in docer file (#1284) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * REGEX_USER_NAME modify,support number and underline,task yarn status judge bug fix (#1287) * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * master startup error bug fix (#1229) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * master startup error bug fix * delete class App, let spring manage connectionFactory (#1233) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer (#1244) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter (#1250) * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol (#1251) * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * fix #1245, make scanCommand transactional (#1246) * fix the spring transaction not worker bug (#1252) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * fix the spring transaction not work bug * remove author * delete @Bean annotation * rename application.properties to application-dao.properties * delete class MybatisPlusConfig (#1254) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker … * add sql files for postgre/mysql (#1285) * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * update * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * revert * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add sql files for postgre/mysql * add sql files * update readme from branch dev (#1288) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute (#1289) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * Update README_zh_CN.md * change postgresql default port (#1290) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT (#1291) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin (#1292) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * fix bug: remove 'between' in sql search. (#1293) * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * update * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * revert * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add sql files for postgre/mysql * add sql files * fix bug: postgre cannot support between. * fix bug: remove 'between' in sql search. * add release note * add release note * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * fix bug: list resource user a error interface. (#1294) * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * update * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * revert * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add sql files for postgre/mysql * add sql files * fix bug: postgre cannot support between. * fix bug: remove 'between' in sql search. * add release note * add release note * fix bug: list resource user a error interface. * Fix spelling mistakes * revert version to 1.2.0 (#1295) * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * update * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * revert * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add sql files for postgre/mysql * add sql files * fix bug: postgre cannot support between. * fix bug: remove 'between' in sql search. * add release note * add release note * fix bug: list resource user a error interface. * Fix spelling mistakes * revert version to 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * Parse the applicationId bug fix in the task log,#1298 (#1299) * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * master startup error bug fix (#1229) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * master startup error bug fix * delete class App, let spring manage connectionFactory (#1233) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer (#1244) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter (#1250) * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol (#1251) * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * fix #1245, make scanCommand transactional (#1246) * fix the spring transaction not worker bug (#1252) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * fix the spring transaction not work bug * remove author * delete @Bean annotation * rename application.properties to application-dao.properties * delete class MybatisPlusConfig (#1254) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server d… * add how to build (#1301) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * fix bug: add milliseconds in start time and end time for dependent task. (#1302) * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * update * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * revert * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add sql files for postgre/mysql * add sql files * fix bug: postgre cannot support between. * fix bug: remove 'between' in sql search. * add release note * add release note * fix bug: list resource user a error interface. * Fix spelling mistakes * revert version to 1.2.0 * add milliseconds in start time and end time for dependent task. * fix bug: add user failed first time on postgre. * fix bug: add user failed first time. * update * update * update * remove dir format in assembly (#1304) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * remove dir format in assembly * dockerfile maven package modify (#1305) * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * master startup error bug fix (#1229) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * master startup error bug fix * delete class App, let spring manage connectionFactory (#1233) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer (#1244) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter (#1250) * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol (#1251) * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * fix #1245, make scanCommand transactional (#1246) * fix the spring transaction not worker bug (#1252) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * fix the spring transaction not work bug * remove author * delete @Bean annotation * rename application.properties to application-dao.properties * delete class MybatisPlusConfig (#1254) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upg… * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin (#1308) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * remove dir format in assembly * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * Fix bug when the administrator authorizes the project to ordinary users (#1309) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * remove dir format in assembly * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * Fix bug the administrator authorizes the project to ordinary users,but ordinary users cannot see the process definition created by the administrator * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * Postgresql import primary key exception BUG fix (#1313) * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * master startup error bug fix (#1229) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * master startup error bug fix * delete class App, let spring manage connectionFactory (#1233) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer (#1244) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter (#1250) * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol (#1251) * ConnectionFactory add paging intercepter * remove spotbugs-annotations.jar LGPL protocol * fix #1245, make scanCommand transactional (#1246) * fix the spring transaction not worker bug (#1252) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * delete App, let spring manage connectionFactory * add license * add class Application for test support * refactor masterServer and workerServer * add args * fix the spring transaction not work bug * remove author * delete @Bean annotation * rename application.properties to application-dao.properties * delete class MybatisPlusConfig (#1254) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug m… * Added description of bug fixes and reset version (#1322) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * remove dir format in assembly * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * Fix bug the administrator authorizes the project to ordinary users,but ordinary users cannot see the process definition created by the administrator * Added description of bug fixes about create dolphinscheduler sql failed * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * update dml when init queue table (#1323) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * remove dir format in assembly * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * Fix bug the administrator authorizes the project to ordinary users,but ordinary users cannot see the process definition created by the administrator * Added description of bug fixes about create dolphinscheduler sql failed * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * update dml when init queue table * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * Add whether the administrator's judgment (#1325) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * remove dir format in assembly * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * Fix bug the administrator authorizes the project to ordinary users,but ordinary users cannot see the process definition created by the administrator * Added description of bug fixes about create dolphinscheduler sql failed * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * update dml when init queue table * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Add whether the administrator's judgment * Add method comments * Modify field name (#1327) * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT (#1328) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * remove dir format in assembly * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * Fix bug the administrator authorizes the project to ordinary users,but ordinary users cannot see the process definition created by the administrator * Added description of bug fixes about create dolphinscheduler sql failed * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * update dml when init queue table * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Add whether the administrator's judgment * Add method comments * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * Comment parameter name and database name (#1329) * Modify field name * Comment parameter name and database name * Determines whether the s database is empty (#1330) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * remove dir format in assembly * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * Fix bug the administrator authorizes the project to ordinary users,but ordinary users cannot see the process definition created by the administrator * Added description of bug fixes about create dolphinscheduler sql failed * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * update dml when init queue table * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Add whether the administrator's judgment * Add method comments * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Determines whether the s database is empty * Determines whether the s database is empty * add selectUdfById (#1331) * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * add profile test * add maven.deploy.skip true * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add dependency * add javadoc * add antrun * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * reset pgsql (#1178) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of 1.2.0 * add javadoc * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 (#1181) + 1 * add javadoc * add javadoc * add javadoc * Administrators group prohibit deletion (#1182) * Ans UI upgrade to version 0.1.0 * Administrators group prohibit deletion * add javadoc * add ui pom * fix master server shutdown error (#1177) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class (#1183) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * add ui pom * add src pom and assembly * fix ZKWorkerClient not close PathChildrenCache (#1185) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method (#1186) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile dao application.properties ,install.sh modify and application.properties modify (#1187) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * add src pom and assembly * add src pom and assembly * dockerfile startup.sh modify (#1189) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs (#1191) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1192) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile conf modify (#1193) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change (#1194) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in english (#1195) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify (#1198) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify (#1199) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese sql to english. (#1200) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese to english (#1202) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * remove unused code (#1204) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * Modify webpack configuration (#1206) * add more message for java-doc (#1209) * move updateTaskState into try/catch block in case of exception * fix NPE * using conf.getInt instead of getString * for AbstractZKClient, remove the log, for it will print the same log message in createZNodePath. for AlertDao, correct the spelling. * duplicate * refactor getTaskWorkerGroupId * add friendly log * update hearbeat thread num = 1 * fix the bug when worker execute task using queue. and remove checking Tenant user anymore in TaskScheduleThread * 1. move verifyTaskInstanceIsNull after taskInstance 2. keep verifyTenantIsNull/verifyTaskInstanceIsNull clean and readable * fix the message * delete before check to avoid KeeperException$NoNodeException * fix the message * check processInstance state before delete tenant * check processInstance state before delete worker group * refactor * merge api constants into common constatns * update the resource perm * update the dataSource perm * fix CheckUtils.checkUserParams method * update AlertGroupService, extends from BaseService, remove duplicate methods * refactor * modify method name * add hasProjectAndPerm method * using checkProject instead of getResultStatus * delete checkAuth method, using hasProjectAndPerm instead. * correct spelling * add transactional for deleteWorkerGroupById * add Transactional for deleteProcessInstanceById method * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton * change sqlSessionTemplate singleton and reformat code * fix unsuitable error message * update shutdownhook methods * fix worker log bug * fix api server debug mode bug * upgrade zk version * delete this line ,for zkClient.close() will do the whole thing * fix master server shutdown error * degrade zk version and add FourLetterWordMain class * fix PathChildrenCache not close * add Transactional for createSession method * add more message for java-doc * add java doc for common module (#1213) * dao method comments and useless code modify (#1214) * add ConnectionFactoryTest and ConnectionFactory read datasource from appliction.yml * .escheduler_env.sh to dolphinscheduler_env.sh * dao yml assembly to conf directory * table name modify * entity title table name modify * logback log name modify * running through the big process * running through the big process error modify * logback log name modify * data_source.properties rename * logback log name modify * install.sh optimization * install.sh optimization * command count modify * command state update * countCommandState sql update * countCommandState sql update * remove application.yml file * master.properties modify * install.sh modify * install.sh modify * api server startup modify * the current user quits and the session is completely emptied. bug fix * remove pom package resources * checkQueueNameExist method update * checkQueueExist * install.sh error output update * signOut error update * ProcessDao is null bug fix * install.sh add mail.user * request url variables replace * process define import bug fix * process define import export bug fix * processdefine import export bug fix * down log suffix format modify * import export process define contains crontab error bug fix * add Flink local mode * ProcessDao is null bug fix * loadAverage display problem bug fix * MasterServer rename Server * rollback .env * rollback .env * MasterServer rename Server * the task is abnormal and task is running bug fix * owners and administrators can delete * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * dockerfile optimization * remove application-alert.properties * task log print worker log bug fix * remove .escheduler_env.sh * change dockerfile email address * dockerfile dao application.properties and install.sh modify * application.properties modify * application.properties modify * dockerfile startup.sh modify * remove docs * nginx conf modify * dockerfile application.properties modify * dockerfile email address change * the alert module is modified in English. * alert server comment and chinese modify * api server useless code and chinese modify * common,dao,server useless code and chinese modify * change chinese to english * dao method comments and useless code modify * Change all Chinese names to English (#1207) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin (#1215) * Modify webpack configuration * Change all Chinese names to English * add progress-bar-webpack-plugin * Add method and parameters comments (#1220) * rename from DatasourceUserMapper to DataSourceUserMapper * add unit test in UserMapper and WorkerGroupMapper * change cn.escheduler to org.apache.dolphinscheduler * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * add unit test in UdfFuncMapperTest * remove DatabaseConfiguration * add ConnectionFactoryTest * cal duration in processInstancesList * change desc to description * change table name in mysql ddl * change table name in mysql ddl * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * change escheduler to dolphinscheduler * remove log4j-1.2-api and modify AlertMapperTest * remove log4j-1.2-api * Add alertDao to spring management * Add alertDao to spring management * get SqlSessionFactory from MybatisSqlSessionFactoryBean * get processDao by DaoFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * read druid properties in ConneciontFactory * change get alertDao by spring to DaoFactory * add log4j to resolve #967 * resole verify udf name error and delete udf error * Determine if principal is empty * Determine whether the logon user has the right to delete the project * Fixed an issue that produced attatch file named such as ATT00002.bin * fix too many connection in upgrade or create * fix NEED_FAULT_TOLERANCE and WAITTING_THREAD count fail * Added a judgment on whether the currently login user is an administrator * fix update udf database not change and create time is changed * add enterprise.wechat.enable to decide whether to send enterprise WeChat * change method check * Remove the administrator's judgment on query access token list * only admin can create worker group * delete alert group need delete the relation of user and alert group * add timeout in proxy when upload large resource * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * add gets scheduled times by expect fire times * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * Increase the judgment of whether it is admin * when delete access token add whether login user has perm to delete * change mysql-connector-java scope to test * update scm test * add profile test * Add method and parameters comments * roll back * add some notes (#1221) * update english documents * refactor zk client * update documents * update zkclient * update zkclient * update documents * add architecture-design * change i18n * update i18n * update english documents * add architecture-design * update english documents * update en-US documents * add architecture-design * update demo site * add mybatis plus model * modify mybatisplus * modify mybatisplus * change interface by mybatisplus * add unit test * refactor dao interface. * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * add unit test for dao... * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ScheduleMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProcessInstanceMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/ProjectUserMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/main/resources/cn.escheduler.dao.mapper/QueueMapper.xml # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProcessInstanceMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/QueueMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceUserMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/ScheduleMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/SessionMapperTest.java # escheduler-dao/src/test/java/cn/escheduler/dao/mapper/TenantMapperTest.java * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update some dao bugs * update for some bugs * update some bugs * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/dev-db' into dev-db # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ProjectMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/ResourceMapper.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/src/main/resources/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/dao/mapper/TaskInstanceMapper.xml * update * update * add multiply settings for application.yml * add multiply settings for application.yml * revert * update configuration settings in task record dao... * change application_master to application-master * change application_master to application-master * update application.yml to application.properties * revert * revert * add properties * add properties * revert * revert * add api start up.. add alert send try catch * update dao info level * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * fix bug: task cannot submit when recovery failover * merge from dev-db * revert * revert * fix bug: get process definition list failed. * fix bug: process instance interval is error * revert * revert * update * support stop submit success tasks * update kill process * update for stop process * update for stop process * add some logs for stop process * update for small bug. * add check strategy before submit task * revert * update * update * revert * wait task instance exists if null. * revert * update * change desc to description. * add check user and definitions function when delete tenant * update * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * change desc to description. * remove check resources when delete tenant * change desc to description. * change mybatisplus version to 3.2.0 * update * change the notice to apache. * update * update postgre sql * fix bug: phone can be empty. * fix bug: postgre test error. * update create table for postgre quartz * fix some bugs about postgre. * update create table for postgre quartz * add postgre db performance monitor * add postgre performance monitor * update performance monitor * revert * revert * fix bug: tasks queue length error * remove datasource.properties * change chinese sql to english. * change chinese sql to english. * remove unused code. * remove unused code. * add some notes * update some notes * update some notes * update mbatisplus version * update lombok version * update lombok version * revert * merge from dev-db * remove version * update npm install pom * add front assembly * add front module * change verison to 1.2.0-release-SNAPSHOT * add name in pom and remove compile * add name in pom * add licenses in assemble * change version to 1.2.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change assembly id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add DISCLAIMER * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in xml and properties * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in dockerfile * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in script and sql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml add license in ci * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml change version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/1.2.0-release' into 1.2.0-release # Conflicts: # dolphinscheduler-alert/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-api/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-common/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dao/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-backend/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-front/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/dolphinscheduler-src/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-dist/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-rpc/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-server/pom.xml # dolphinscheduler-ui/pom.xml # pom.xml set defalut db type postgresql * change org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass * Add comments in method params * update readme from branch dev * update content in how to contribute * change postgresql default port * change version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * remove antrun plugin * add how to build * add how to build * remove dir format in assembly * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Remove the judgment of whether it is admin * Fix bug the administrator authorizes the project to ordinary users,but ordinary users cannot see the process definition created by the administrator * Added description of bug fixes about create dolphinscheduler sql failed * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * update dml when init queue table * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Add whether the administrator's judgment * Add method comments * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * Determines whether the s database is empty * Determines whether the s database is empty * reset version to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT * add selectUdfById * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add mysql for quartz in install.sh (#1332) * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * update * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.1-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * revert * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0-release * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration * add sql files for postgre/mysql * add sql files * fix bug: postgre cannot support between. * fix bug: remove 'between' in sql search. * add release note * add release note * fix bug: list resource user a error interface. * Fix spelling mistakes * revert version to 1.2.0 * add milliseconds in start time and end time for dependent task. * fix bug: add user failed first time on postgre. * fix bug: add user failed first time. * update * update * update * add mysql for quartz in install.sh * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0 * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
5 years ago
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No party to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement more than one year after the cause of action arose. Each party waives its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.