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# Front-end development documentation
### Technical selection
Vue mvvm framework
Es6 ECMAScript 6.0
Ans-ui Analysys-ui
D3 Visual Library Chart Library
Jsplumb connection plugin library
Lodash high performance JavaScript utility library
### Development environment
- #### Node installation
Node package download (note version 8.9.4) `https://nodejs.org/download/release/v8.9.4/`
- #### Front-end project construction
Use the command line mode `cd` enter the `escheduler-ui` project directory and execute `npm install` to pull the project dependency package.
> If `npm install` is very slow
> You can enter the Taobao image command line to enter `npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org`
> Run `cnpm install`
- Create a new `.env` file or the interface that interacts with the backend
Create a new` .env` file in the `escheduler-ui `directory, add the ip address and port of the backend service to the file, and use it to interact with the backend. The contents of the` .env` file are as follows:
# Proxy interface address (modified by yourself)
API_BASE = http://192.168.xx.xx:12345
# If you need to access the project with ip, you can remove the "#" (example)
#DEV_HOST = 192.168.xx.xx
> ##### ! ! ! Special attention here. If the project reports a "node-sass error" error while pulling the dependency package, execute the following command again after execution.
npm install node-sass --unsafe-perm //单独安装node-sass依赖
- #### Development environment operation
- `npm start` project development environment (after startup address http://localhost:8888/#/)
#### Front-end project release
- `npm run build` project packaging (after packaging, the root directory will create a folder called dist for publishing Nginx online)
Run the `npm run build` command to generate a package file (dist) package
Copy it to the corresponding directory of the server (front-end service static page storage directory)
Visit address` http://localhost:8888/#/`
#### Start with node and daemon under Liunx
Install pm2 `npm install -g pm2`
Execute `pm2 start npm -- run dev` to start the project in the project `escheduler-ui `root directory
#### command
- Start `pm2 start npm -- run dev`
- Stop `pm2 stop npm`
- delete `pm2 delete npm`
- Status `pm2 list`
[root@localhost escheduler-ui]# pm2 start npm -- run dev
[PM2] Applying action restartProcessId on app [npm](ids: 0)
[PM2] [npm](0) ✓
[PM2] Process successfully started
│ App name │ id │ version │ mode │ pid │ status │ restart │ uptime │ cpu │ mem │ user │ watching │
│ npm │ 0 │ N/A │ fork │ 6168 │ online │ 31 │ 0s │ 0% │ 5.6 MB │ root │ disabled │
Use `pm2 show <id|name>` to get more details about an app
### Project directory structure
`build` some webpack configurations for packaging and development environment projects
`node_modules` development environment node dependency package
`src` project required documents
`src => combo` project third-party resource localization `npm run combo` specific view `build/combo.js`
`src => font` Font icon library can be added by visiting https://www.iconfont.cn Note: The font library uses its own secondary development to reintroduce its own library `src/sass/common/_font.scss`
`src => images` public image storage
`src => js` js/vue
`src => lib` internal components of the company (company component library can be deleted after open source)
`src => sass` sass file One page corresponds to a sass file
`src => view` page file One page corresponds to an html file
> Projects are developed using vue single page application (SPA)
- All page entry files are in the `src/js/conf/${ corresponding page filename => home} index.js` entry file
- The corresponding sass file is in `src/sass/conf/${corresponding page filename => home}/index.scss`
- The corresponding html file is in `src/view/${corresponding page filename => home}/index.html`
Public module and utill `src/js/module`
`components` => internal project common components
`download` => download component
`echarts` => chart component
`filter` => filter and vue pipeline
`i18n` => internationalization
`io` => io request encapsulation based on axios
`mixin` => vue mixin public part for disabled operation
`permissions` => permission operation
`util` => tool
### System function module
Home => `http://localhost:8888/#/home`
Project Management => `http://localhost:8888/#/projects/list`
| Project Home
| Workflow
- Workflow definition
- Workflow instance
- Task instance
Resource Management => `http://localhost:8888/#/resource/file`
| File Management
| udf Management
- Resource Management
- Function management
Data Source Management => `http://localhost:8888/#/datasource/list`
Security Center => `http://localhost:8888/#/security/tenant`
| Tenant Management
| User Management
| Alarm Group Management
- master
- worker
User Center => `http://localhost:8888/#/user/account`
## Routing and state management
The project `src/js/conf/home` is divided into
`pages` => route to page directory
The page file corresponding to the routing address
`router` => route management
vue router, the entry file index.js in each page will be registered. Specific operations: https://router.vuejs.org/zh/
`store` => status management
The page corresponding to each route has a state management file divided into:
actions => mapActions => Details:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/guide/actions.html
getters => mapGetters => Details:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/guide/getters.html
index => entrance
mutations => mapMutations => Details:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/guide/mutations.html
state => mapState => Details:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/guide/state.html
Specific action:https://vuex.vuejs.org/zh/
## specification
## Vue specification
##### 1.Component name
The component is named multiple words and is connected with a wire (-) to avoid conflicts with HTML tags and a clearer structure.
// positive example
export default {
name: 'page-article-item'
##### 2.Component files
The internal common component of the `src/js/module/components` project writes the folder name with the same name as the file name. The subcomponents and util tools that are split inside the common component are placed in the internal `_source` folder of the component.
└── components
├── header
├── header.vue
└── _source
└── nav.vue
└── util.js
├── conditions
├── conditions.vue
└── _source
└── serach.vue
└── util.js
##### 3.Prop
When you define Prop, you should always name it in camel format (camelCase) and use the connection line (-) when assigning values to the parent component.This follows the characteristics of each language, because it is case-insensitive in HTML tags, and the use of links is more friendly; in JavaScript, the more natural is the hump name.
// Vue
props: {
articleStatus: Boolean
<article-item :article-status="true"></article-item>
The definition of Prop should specify its type, defaults, and validation as much as possible.
props: {
attrM: Number,
attrA: {
type: String,
required: true
attrZ: {
type: Object,
// The default value of the array/object should be returned by a factory function
default: function () {
return {
msg: 'achieve you and me'
attrE: {
type: String,
validator: function (v) {
return !(['success', 'fail'].indexOf(v) === -1)
##### 4.v-for
When performing v-for traversal, you should always bring a key value to make rendering more efficient when updating the DOM.
<li v-for="item in list" :key="item.id">
{{ item.title }}
v-for should be avoided on the same element as v-if (`for example: <li>`) because v-for has a higher priority than v-if. To avoid invalid calculations and rendering, you should try to use v-if Put it on top of the container's parent element.
<ul v-if="showList">
<li v-for="item in list" :key="item.id">
{{ item.title }}
##### 5.v-if / v-else-if / v-else
If the elements in the same set of v-if logic control are logically identical, Vue reuses the same part for more efficient element switching, `such as: value`. In order to avoid the unreasonable effect of multiplexing, you should add key to the same element for identification.
<div v-if="hasData" key="mazey-data">
<span>{{ mazeyData }}</span>
<div v-else key="mazey-none">
<span>no data</span>
##### 6.Instruction abbreviation
In order to unify the specification, the instruction abbreviation is always used. Using `v-bind`, `v-on` is not bad. Here is only a unified specification.
<input :value="mazeyUser" @click="verifyUser">
##### 7.Top-level element order of single file components
Styles are packaged in a file, all the styles defined in a single vue file, the same name in other files will also take effect. All will have a top class name before creating a component.
Note: The sass plugin has been added to the project, and the sas syntax can be written directly in a single vue file.
For uniformity and ease of reading, they should be placed in the order of `<template>`、`<script>`、`<style>`.
<div class="test-model">
export default {
name: "test",
data() {
return {}
props: {},
methods: {},
watch: {},
beforeCreate() {
created() {
beforeMount() {
mounted() {
beforeUpdate() {
updated() {
beforeDestroy() {
destroyed() {
computed: {},
components: {},
<style lang="scss" rel="stylesheet/scss">
.test-model {
## JavaScript specification
##### 1.var / let / const
It is recommended to no longer use var, but use let / const, prefer const. The use of any variable must be declared in advance, except that the function defined by function can be placed anywhere.
##### 2.quotes
const foo = 'after division'
const bar = `${foo},ront-end engineer`
##### 3.function
Anonymous functions use the arrow function uniformly. When multiple parameters/return values are used, the object's structure assignment is used first.
function getPersonInfo ({name, sex}) {
// ...
return {name, gender}
The function name is uniformly named with a camel name. The beginning of the capital letter is a constructor. The lowercase letters start with ordinary functions, and the new operator should not be used to operate ordinary functions.
##### 4.object
const foo = {a: 0, b: 1}
const bar = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(foo))
const foo = {a: 0, b: 1}
const bar = {...foo, c: 2}
const foo = {a: 3}
Object.assign(foo, {b: 4})
const myMap = new Map([])
for (let [key, value] of myMap.entries()) {
// ...
##### 5.module
Unified management of project modules using import / export.
// lib.js
export default {}
// app.js
import app from './lib'
Import is placed at the top of the file.
If the module has only one output value, use `export default`,otherwise no.
##### 1.Label
Do not write the type attribute when referencing external CSS or JavaScript. The HTML5 default type is the text/css and text/javascript properties, so there is no need to specify them.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//www.test.com/css/test.css">
<script src="//www.test.com/js/test.js"></script>
##### 2.Naming
The naming of Class and ID should be semantic, and you can see what you are doing by looking at the name; multiple words are connected by a link.
// positive example
font-size: 20px;
##### 3.Attribute abbreviation
CSS attributes use abbreviations as much as possible to improve the efficiency and ease of understanding of the code.
// counter example
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #ccc;
// positive example
border: 1px solid #ccc;
##### 4.Document type
The HTML5 standard should always be used.
<!DOCTYPE html>
##### 5.Notes
A block comment should be written to a module file.
* @module mazey/api
* @author Mazey <mazey@mazey.net>
* @description test.
* */
## interface
##### All interfaces are returned as Promise
Note that non-zero is wrong for catching catch
const test = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// transfer
test.then(res => {
// {a:1}
Normal return
##### Related interface path
dag related interface `src/js/conf/home/store/dag/actions.js`
Data Source Center Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/datasource/actions.js`
Project Management Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/projects/actions.js`
Resource Center Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/resource/actions.js`
Security Center Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/security/actions.js`
User Center Related Interfaces `src/js/conf/home/store/user/actions.js`
## Extended development
##### 1.Add node
(1) First place the icon icon of the node in the `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/img `folder, and note the English name of the node defined by the `toolbar_${in the background. For example: SHELL}.png`
(2) Find the `tasksType` object in `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/config.js` and add it to it.
'DEPENDENT': { // The background definition node type English name is used as the key value
desc: 'DEPENDENT', // tooltip desc
color: '#2FBFD8' // The color represented is mainly used for tree and gantt
(3) Add a `${node type (lowercase)}`.vue file in `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/formModel/tasks`. The contents of the components related to the current node are written here. Must belong to a node component must have a function _verification () After the verification is successful, the relevant data of the current component is thrown to the parent component.
* Verification
_verification () {
// datasource subcomponent verification
if (!this.$refs.refDs._verifDatasource()) {
return false
// verification function
if (!this.method) {
this.$message.warning(`${i18n.$t('Please enter method')}`)
return false
// localParams subcomponent validation
if (!this.$refs.refLocalParams._verifProp()) {
return false
// store
this.$emit('on-params', {
type: this.type,
datasource: this.datasource,
method: this.method,
localParams: this.localParams
return true
(4) Common components used inside the node component are under` _source`, and `commcon.js` is used to configure public data.
##### 2.Increase the status type
(1) Find the `tasksState` object in `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/config.js` and add it to it.
'WAITTING_DEPEND': { // 'WAITTING_DEPEND': { //后端定义状态类型 前端用作key值
id: 11, // front-end definition id is used as a sort
desc: `${i18n.$t('waiting for dependency')}`, // tooltip desc
color: '#5101be', // The color represented is mainly used for tree and gantt
icoUnicode: '&#xe68c;', // font icon
isSpin: false // whether to rotate (requires code judgment)
##### 3.Add the action bar tool
(1) Find the `toolOper` object in `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/config.js` and add it to it.
code: 'pointer', // tool identifier
icon: '&#xe781;', // tool icon
disable: disable, // disable
desc: `${i18n.$t('Drag node and selected item')}` // tooltip desc
(2) Tool classes are returned as a constructor `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/plugIn`
`downChart.js` => dag image download processing
`dragZoom.js` => mouse zoom effect processing
`jsPlumbHandle.js` => drag and drop line processing
`util.js` => belongs to the `plugIn` tool class
The operation is handled in the `src/js/conf/home/pages/dag/_source/dag.js` => `toolbarEvent` event.
##### 3.Add a routing page
(1) First add a routing address`src/js/conf/home/router/index.js` in route management
routing address{
path: '/test', // routing address
name: 'test', // alias
component: resolve => require(['../pages/test/index'], resolve), // route corresponding component entry file
meta: {
title: `${i18n.$t('test')} - EasyScheduler` // title display
(2)Create a `test` folder in `src/js/conf/home/pages` and create an `index.vue `entry file in the folder.
This will give you direct access to`http://localhost:8888/#/test`
##### 4.Increase the preset mailbox
Find the `src/lib/localData/email.js` startup and timed email address input to automatically pull down the match.
export default ["test@analysys.com.cn","test1@analysys.com.cn","test3@analysys.com.cn"]
##### 5.Authority management and disabled state processing
The permission gives the userType according to the backUser interface `getUserInfo` interface: `"ADMIN_USER/GENERAL_USER" `permission to control whether the page operation button is `disabled`.
specific operation:`src/js/module/permissions/index.js`
disabled processing:`src/js/module/mixin/disabledState.js`