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.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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`OSS` is a Aliyun OSS resource plugin for pydolphinscheduler.
When using a OSS resource plugin, you only need to add the `resource_plugin` parameter in the task subclass or workflow definition,
such as `resource_plugin=OSS(prefix="xxx")`, if the file is publicly readable.
When the file is private, using `resource_plugin=OSS(prefix="xxx", access_key_id="xxx", access_key_secret="xxx")`
The read permission of files in a bucket is inherited from the bucket by default. In other words, if the bucket is private,
the files in it are also private.
But the read permission of the files in the bucket can be changed, in other words, the files in the private bucket can also be read publicly.
So whether the `AccessKey` is needed depends on whether the file is private or not.
You can view this `document <https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/tablestore/latest/how-can-i-obtain-an-accesskey-pair>`_
when creating a pair `AccessKey`.
For the specific use of resource plugins, you can see `How to use` in :doc:`resource-plugin`
Dive Into
.. automodule:: pydolphinscheduler.resources_plugin.OSS