diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8ce3950..137de16 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
-## QuickStart
+## Quick Start
-1. 运行`Service`模块下 ServiceTest
+1. 运行`Service`模块下 `ServiceTest`
2. 运行`Agent`下 Test
## 实现方案
@@ -38,7 +38,9 @@
-## 动态代理
+## 方案细节
+### 动态代理
动态代理是该项目中的核心,如在 `Driver`类的 `connect`方法中:返回的`Connection`就被替换为了动态代理增强过的`MyConnection`,实现对`Service`中调用的`JDBC`方法的完全代理。代理类会依靠`info`从缓存中找到命名空间(本项目中以`/dataSoure Name`来区别命名空间)对应的`socket`,将方法调用信息以`RPCReqquest`的方式序列化后发送出去。
@@ -93,7 +95,42 @@ public Object invokeAsRequest(RpcRequest rpcRequest, BeanCache beanCache) {
-## RPC调用
+### 注解解耦
+ - BindingParameter
+ - LocalMethod
+ - RemoteClass
+ - WithBindingParameter
+如上文所说,注册了自定义驱动后。生成的增强类所调用的方法都会生成 RPC 请求,为了能够松散的实现对不同方法的请求控制,需要一些自定义的注解。
+`WithBindingParameter`: 方法注释,标记包含绑定类方法。因为绑定类作为参数时,实际需要传递的实际是`Agentxx`类中持有的成员变量。
+`BindingParameter`: 参数注释,标记参数中的绑定类。
+ - BindClass
+ - BindingParameter
+ - WithBindingParameter
+### RPC调用
在一次RPC调用流程中,`FutureTask` 异步获取返回结果,以“生产者-消费者”模型实现一次调用的同步管理。
@@ -218,7 +255,7 @@ public class LockAndCondition{
-## 绑定实例
+### 绑定实例
@@ -261,7 +298,549 @@ public Object intercept(Object o, Method method, Object[] objects, MethodProxy m
-## 项目参考
+# 测试
+## 启动流程
+1. 构造客户端与服务端实例
+ 可见于`AbstractDriverTest`类
+ ```java
+ static final String[][] dbNameAndDriver = new String[][]{
+ DBProperties.HSQL
+ };
+ // 服务端与客户端应注册同样的一个或多个驱动,但服务端中不需要加载,仅仅用于构造命名空间
+ static final ServerStater server = new ServerStater(dbNameAndDriver);
+ static final AgentStarter agent = new AgentStarter(dbNameAndDriver);
+ ```
+2. 此时 代理端/服务端 实例已经启动,服务端应优先注册代理端信息,否则会报错。
+ ```java
+ info.setProperty("user", "sa");
+ info.setProperty("password", "");
+ info.setProperty("agentID", "1001");
+ info.setProperty("agentDBName", DBProperties.HSQL[0]);
+ ```
+3. 模拟服务端等待连接
+ ```java
+ static void openSocket(){
+ while(ClientCache.getClient(
+ info.getProperty("agentID"),
+ info.getProperty("agentDBName"))
+ == null){
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+4. 连接就绪即可获取连接,此时运行`TestSuit`即可。
+## 使用Junit5 和 HSQL 进行集成测试
+这一次项目的测试记录,项目用 IDEA 编写,`Junit 5`进行单元测试,`HSQL DB`提供方便的内存数据库。
+## Use Junit 5
+### Configuring JUnit Platform
+To get started with JUnit Platform, you need to add at least a single `TestEngine` implementation to your project. For example, if you want to write tests with Jupiter, add the test artifact `junit-jupiter-engine` to the dependencies in POM:
+ [...]
+ org.junit.jupiter
+ junit-jupiter-engine
+ 5.4.0
+ test
+ [...]
+This will pull in all required dependencies. Among those dependencies is `junit-jupiter-api` which contains the classes and interfaces your test source requires to compile. `junit-platform-engine` is also resolved and added.
+This is the only step that is required to get started - you can now create tests in your test source directory (`src/test/java`).
+### 集成测试的细节
+#### [生命周期](https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#writing-tests-test-instance-lifecycle)
+> In order to allow individual test methods to be executed in isolation and to avoid unexpected side effects due to mutable test instance state, JUnit creates a new instance of each test class before executing each *test method* (see [Test Classes and Methods](https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#writing-tests-classes-and-methods)). This "per-method" test instance lifecycle is the default behavior in JUnit Jupiter and is analogous to all previous versions of JUnit.
+> If you would prefer that JUnit Jupiter execute all test methods on the same test instance, annotate your test class with `@TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)`. When using this mode, a new test instance will be created once per test class. Thus, if your test methods rely on state stored in instance variables, you may need to reset that state in `@BeforeEach` or `@AfterEach` methods.
+#### 成员变量
+#### [Method Order](https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#writing-tests-test-execution-order-methods)
+> Although true *unit tests* typically should not rely on the order in which they are executed, there are times when it is necessary to enforce a specific test method execution order — for example, when writing *integration tests* or *functional tests* where the sequence of the tests is important, especially in conjunction with `@TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)`
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestMethodOrder;
+class OrderedTestsDemo {
+ @Test
+ @Order(1)
+ void nullValues() {
+ // perform assertions against null values
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(2)
+ void emptyValues() {
+ // perform assertions against empty values
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(3)
+ void validValues() {
+ // perform assertions against valid values
+ }
+## 使用 HSQL DB
+### 运行模式
+HSQL DB 是一款纯Java编写的免费数据库,并且支持Memory-Only模型,所以每个单测使用独立的数据库就有了可能,Memory-Only模型数据不会持久化跑完即销毁,从根源上解决了测试难以复现和测试对数据的污染问题。
+[Memory-Only 内存模式](https://blog.csdn.net/smmi/article/details/83779238)
+### 版本问题
+maven 依赖
+ org.hsqldb
+ hsqldb
+ 2.5.2
+ test
+> Latest version 2.7.0 works with JDK 8 and above. Version for JDK 6 is also available.
+但是这不代表在测试的时候可以直接调用 2.7.0 版本的代码,因为该版本使用 jdk 11 编译,在使用 IDEA 测试时,直接引用会报错,所以版本应该选择 2.5x .
+public class TestHSQL{
+ @BeforeAll
+ static void startHSQL(){
+ try {
+ Class.forName(DBProperties.HSQL_DTIVER_NAME);
+ Thread.sleep(1000);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ ...
+java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/hsqldb/jdbcDriver has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0
+### 语法问题
+HSQL 与 MySQL 语法并不相同,[HSQL语法](https://www.hsqldb.org/doc/2.0/guide/databaseobjects-chapt.html#dbc_schema_def_statements),英文文档读起来稍微有点费劲。
+CREATE TABLE student1 (
+ student_name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ student_address varchar(100) NOT NULL
+ );
+如上的sql语句在程序中要这么写,差别还是很多的,对于大部分在标准 SQL 语句之外的语句都需要先检查是否使用了正确的语法。
+st.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE student (" +
+ "student_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL," +
+ "student_address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL," +
+ "PRIMARY KEY (student_id)" +
+ ");");
+## 使用示例
+import com.fanruan.AgentStarter;
+import com.fanruan.ServerStater;
+import com.fanruan.service.jdbc.driver.ServiceDriver;
+import com.fanruan.proxy.ProxyFactory;
+import com.fanruan.utils.DBProperties;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.util.Properties;
+ * @author Yichen Dai
+ * @date 2022/8/18 15:27
+ */
+public class TestUtil {
+ static Connection conn = null;
+ static Statement st = null;
+ static PreparedStatement pst = null;
+ static ResultSet rs = null;
+ static void configService(){
+ // 启动socket服务器
+ String[][] DBs = new String[][]{
+ DBProperties.HSQL,
+ };
+ new ServerStater(DBs);
+ }
+ static void configAgent(){
+ // 启动socket客户端
+ String[][] DBs = new String[][]{
+ DBProperties.HSQL,
+ };
+ new AgentStarter(DBs);
+ }
+ @BeforeAll
+ static void autoConfig(){
+ configService();
+ configAgent();
+ try {
+ // 等待socket连接
+ Thread.sleep(2000);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(1)
+ void testConnect() throws SQLException {
+ // 建立连接
+ Properties info = new Properties();
+ info.setProperty("user", "sa");
+ info.setProperty("password", "");
+ info.setProperty("agentID", "1001");
+ info.setProperty("agentDBName", DBProperties.HSQL[0]);
+ Driver driver = (ServiceDriver) ProxyFactory.getProxy(ServiceDriver.class, null);
+ conn = driver.connect("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:test;sql.syntax_mys=true", info);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(2)
+ void testCreateTable1() throws SQLException {
+ // 创建 statement
+ st = conn.createStatement();
+ // 创建表
+ int num = st.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE student IF EXISTS;");
+ Assertions.assertEquals(0, num);
+ num = st.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE student (" +
+ "student_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL," +
+ "student_address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL," +
+ "PRIMARY KEY (student_id)" +
+ ");");
+ Assertions.assertEquals(0, num);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(3)
+ void testCreateTable2() throws SQLException {
+ // 创建表
+ int num = st.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE student_score IF EXISTS;");
+ Assertions.assertEquals(0, num);
+ num = st.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE score (" +
+ "student_id int(10) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," +
+ "score int(10) NOT NULL" +
+ ");"
+ );
+ Assertions.assertEquals(0, num);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(4)
+ void testInsert1() throws SQLException {
+ // 插入数据
+ int num = st.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO student VALUES" +
+ "(1, '张三', '上海')," +
+ "(2, '李四', '北京')," +
+ "(3, '王五', '成都');");
+ Assertions.assertEquals(3, num);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(5)
+ void testInsert2() throws SQLException {
+ // 插入数据
+ int num = st.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO score VALUES" +
+ "(1, 645)," +
+ "(2, 627)," +
+ "(3, 591);");
+ Assertions.assertEquals(3, num);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(6)
+ void testUpdate() throws SQLException {
+ // 预查询语句 删除指定 ID
+ pst = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE student" +
+ " SET student_name = '李华', student_address = '杭州'"+
+ "WHERE student_id = ?");
+ Assertions.assertNotNull(pst);
+ pst.setInt(1, 1);
+ int num = pst.executeUpdate();
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, num);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(7)
+ void testDelete() throws SQLException {
+ // 预查询语句 删除指定 ID
+ pst = conn.prepareStatement("delete from student where student_id = ?");
+ Assertions.assertNotNull(pst);
+ pst.setInt(1, 3);
+ int num = pst.executeUpdate();
+ Assertions.assertEquals(1, num);
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(8)
+ void testSelect() throws SQLException {
+ rs = st.executeQuery("select * from student;");
+ String[] nameStrings = new String[]{"李华", "李四", "王五"};
+ String[] addressString = new String[]{"杭州", "北京", "成都"};
+ // 结果集断言
+ int num = 1;
+ while(rs.next()) {
+ Assertions.assertEquals(num, rs.getInt("student_id"));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(nameStrings[num-1], rs.getString("student_name"));
+ Assertions.assertEquals(addressString[num-1], rs.getString("student_address"));
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(9)
+ void testSubSelect() throws SQLException {
+ // 插入数据
+ rs = st.executeQuery(
+ "SELECT student_name FROM student " +
+ "WHERE student_id IN " +
+ "(SELECT student_id " +
+ "FROM score " +
+ "WHERE score > 600);"
+ );
+ String[] nameStrings = new String[]{"李华", "李四", "王五"};
+ // 结果集断言
+ int num = 1;
+ while(rs.next()) {
+ Assertions.assertEquals(nameStrings[num-1], rs.getString("student_name"));
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Order(10)
+ void testJoin() throws SQLException {
+ // 插入数据
+ rs = st.executeQuery(
+ "SELECT A.student_name " +
+ "FROM student A JOIN score B " +
+ "ON A.student_id = B.student_id " +
+ "WHERE score > 600;"
+ );
+ String[] nameStrings = new String[]{"李华", "李四", "王五"};
+ // 结果集断言
+ int num = 1;
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ Assertions.assertEquals(rs.getString("student_name"), nameStrings[num - 1]);
+ num++;
+ }
+ }
+# 开发手册
+## Service 添加`JDBC`类
+### 实现接口
+ 1. 以`Service` + `接口名`命名一个类
+ 2. 实现接口
+ 3. 继承`BasedBind`类
+ 4. 对于返回类属于绑定类的情况
+ 1. 使用代理工厂返回替身类
+ 2. 如果该类也有会返回绑定类的方法,对该类调用`setInfo(info)`
+ 5. 为该类添加`RemoteClass(remoteClassName = Agent上对应类的全限定类名)`注解。
+### 继承抽象类
+ 1. 以`Service` + `抽象类名`命名一个类
+ 2. 继承抽象类
+ 3. 粘贴所需方法和字段
+ ```java
+ private String ID;
+ @LocalMethod
+ public String getID(){
+ return this.ID;
+ }
+ @LocalMethod
+ public void setID(String ID){
+ this.ID = ID;
+ }
+ @LocalMethod
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode(){
+ return super.hashCode();
+ }
+ @LocalMethod
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+ return super.equals(obj);
+ }
+ @LocalMethod
+ @Override
+ protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
+ return super.clone();
+ }
+ @LocalMethod
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return super.toString();
+ }
+ @LocalMethod
+ @Override
+ protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
+ super.finalize();
+ }
+ ```
+ 4. 对于返回类属于绑定类的情况(包括抽象方法)
+ 1. 使用代理工厂返回替身类
+ 2. 如果该类也有会返回绑定类的方法,对该类调用`setInfo(info)`
+ 5. 为该类添加`RemoteClass(remoteClassName = Agent上对应类的全限定类名)`注解。
+## Agent 添加 `JDBC`类
+### 实现接口
+ 1. 以`Agent + 接口名`命名一个类
+ 2. 实现接口
+ 3. 组合一个接口类型的成员变量,创建一个入参为该接口类型的构造方法
+ 4. 重写该接口的所有方法
+ 1. 返回值为普通变量,直接用3中成员变量调用该方法
+ 2. 返回值为绑定对象,返回包装对象:`new Agent+接口名(成员变量.方法(参数))`
+ 3. 链式调用方法return this
+ 5. 为该类添加`BindClass`注解
+### 继承抽象类
+1. 以`Agent + 继承类名`命名一个类
+2. 继承类
+3. 组合一个接口类型的成员变量,创建一个入参为该接口类型的构造方法
+4. 重写该接口的所有方法(包括继承的抽象方法)
+ 1. 返回值为普通变量,直接用3中成员变量调用该方法
+ 2. 返回值为绑定对象,返回包装对象:`new Agent+接口名(成员变量.方法(参数))`
+ 3. 链式调用方法return this
+5. 为该类添加`BindClass`注解
+# 项目参考
[nuzzle: A Simple RPC Project](https://github.com/sakiila/nuzzle)