You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Single } from "../single";
export declare class BasicButton extends Single {
static EVENT_CHANGE: string;
static xtype: string;
props: {
stopEvent?: boolean;
stopPropagation?: boolean;
selected?: boolean;
* 点击一次选中有效,再点无效
once?: boolean;
* 点击即选中, 选中了就不会被取消,与once的区别是forceSelected不影响事件的触发
forceSelected?: boolean;
* 无论怎么点击都不会被选中
forceNotSelected?: boolean;
* 使能选中
disableSelected?: boolean;
shadow?: boolean;
* 选中状态下是否显示阴影
isShadowShowingOnSelected?: boolean;
trigger?: string | null;
handler?: Function;
bubble?: Function | null;
} & Single['props'];
_createShadow(): void;
bindEvent(): void;
_trigger(e: Event): void;
_doClick(e: Event): void;
beforeClick(): void;
doClick(): void;
handle(): BasicButton;
hover(): void;
dishover(): void;
setSelected(b: boolean): void;
isSelected(): boolean;
isOnce(): boolean;
isForceSelected(): boolean;
isForceNotSelected(): boolean;
isDisableSelected(): boolean;
setText(v: string): void;
getText(): string;