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const { resolve } = require("path");
const { writeFileSync } = require("fs");
function pad2(n) {// always returns a string
return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n;
const d = new Date();
const version = d.getFullYear() +
pad2(d.getMonth() + 1) +
pad2(d.getDate()) +
pad2(d.getHours()) +
pad2(d.getMinutes()) +
const packageJSON = require("../../package.json");
const versionChars = packageJSON.version.split(".");
versionChars[versionChars.length - 1] = version;
packageJSON.version = versionChars.join(".");
packageJSON.publishConfig.registry = ''; = "@fui/core";
writeFileSync(resolve(__dirname, "../../package.json"), JSON.stringify(packageJSON, null, 2));