You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

102 lines
3.4 KiB

require(["gitbook", "jquery"], function (gitbook, $) {
var matcher = /\/\/\/.+/;
var defaults = {
type: 'script',
tabs: ['js', 'html', 'css', 'result'],
theme: 'light'
var localConfig = {
jsfiddle: {}
var extractConfigFromURL = function (href) {
var match = /(#)(.+)$/ig.exec(href);
if (match && match[2]) {
return match[2].split('&').reduce(function (params, param) {
var splitParam = param.split('=');
if (splitParam[0] === 'tabs') {
splitParam[1] = splitParam[1].split(',');
params[splitParam[0]] = splitParam[1];
return params;
}, {});
return {};
var generateAdditionalParams = function (config) {
var params = '/';
if (config.theme) {
params += config.theme + '/';
var colors = Object.keys(config).reduce(function (colors, key) {
if (['href', 'type', 'theme', 'tabs', 'width', 'height'].indexOf(key) !== -1) {
return colors;
colors += key + '=' + config[key] + '&';
return colors;
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colors = colors.replace(/&$/, '');
if (colors) {
return params + '?' + colors;
return params;
var generateUrl = function (config) {
var additionalParam = generateAdditionalParams(config);
var type = config.type == 'frame' ? 'embedded' : 'embed';
return config.href + type + '/' + config.tabs.join(',') + additionalParam;
var creator = {
script: function (config) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = generateUrl(config);
script.async = true;
return script;
frame: function (config) {
return $([
' width=',
'"' + (config.width ? config.width : '100%') + '"',
' height=',
'"' + (config.height ? config.height : '300') + '"',
' src="' + generateUrl(config) + '"',
' allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0"',
var createEmbedNode = function (href, config) {
var normalURL = href.replace(/#.+$/, '');
var configFromUrl = extractConfigFromURL(href);
var mergedConfig = $.extend({href: normalURL}, config, configFromUrl);
return creator[mergedConfig.type](mergedConfig);
function embedAllLink(config) {
localConfig.jsfiddle = $.extend(localConfig.jsfiddle || {}, config.jsfiddle);
$(".book-body a").each(function (index, link) {
if (link.href && matcher.test(link.href)) {
link.parentNode.insertBefore(createEmbedNode(link.href, localConfig.jsfiddle), link.nextSibling);
}"start", function (e, config) {
localConfig.jsfiddle = $.extend({}, defaults);
matcher = /(http|https):\/\/\/.+/;
});"page.change", function () {
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