You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

917 lines
34 KiB

BI.AbstractTreeValueChooser = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
_const: {
perPage: 100
_defaultConfig: function () {
return BI.extend(BI.AbstractTreeValueChooser.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {
items: null,
itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn,
open: false
_valueFormatter: function (v) {
var text = v;
if (this.options.valueFormatter) {
return this.options.valueFormatter(v);
if (BI.isNotNull(this.items)) {
BI.some(this.items, function (i, item) {
if (item.value === v || item.value + "" === v) {
text = item.text;
return true;
return text;
_initData: function (items) {
this.items = items;
var nodes = BI.Tree.treeFormat(items);
this.tree = new BI.Tree();
_itemsCreator: function (options, callback) {
var self = this, o = this.options;
if (!this.items) {
o.itemsCreator({}, function (items) {
} else {
function call() {
switch (options.type) {
self._reqInitTreeNode(options, callback);
self._reqAdjustTreeNode(options, callback);
self._reqSelectedTreeNode(options, callback);
self._reqDisplayTreeNode(options, callback);
default :
self._reqTreeNode(options, callback);
_reqDisplayTreeNode: function (op, callback) {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var selectedValues = op.selectedValues;
if (selectedValues == null || BI.isEmpty(selectedValues)) {
doCheck([], this.tree.getRoot(), selectedValues);
items: result
function doCheck(parentValues, node, selected) {
if (selected == null || BI.isEmpty(selected)) {
BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) {
var newParents = BI.clone(parentValues);
var llen = self._getChildCount(newParents);
createOneJson(child,, llen);
doCheck(newParents, child, {});
BI.each(selected, function (k) {
var node = self._getTreeNode(parentValues, k);
// 找不到就是新增值
if(BI.isNull(node)) {
id: BI.UUID(),
text: k,
value: k
}, BI.UUID(), 0);
} else {
var newParents = BI.clone(parentValues);
createOneJson(node, node.parent &&, getCount(selected[k], newParents));
doCheck(newParents, node, selected[k]);
function getCount(jo, parentValues) {
if (jo == null) {
return 0;
if (BI.isEmpty(jo)) {
return self._getChildCount(parentValues);
return BI.size(jo);
function createOneJson(node, pId, llen) {
pId: pId,
text: node.text + (llen > 0 ? ("(" + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Altogether") + llen + BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Count") + ")") : ""),
value: node.value,
open: true,
disabled: node.disabled
_reqSelectedTreeNode: function (op, callback) {
var self = this;
var selectedValues = BI.deepClone(op.selectedValues);
var notSelectedValue = op.notSelectedValue || {};
var keyword = op.keyword || "";
var parentValues = op.parentValues || [];
if (selectedValues == null || BI.isEmpty(selectedValues)) {
function dealWithSelectedValues(selectedValues) {
var p = parentValues.concat(notSelectedValue);
// 存储的值中存在这个值就把它删掉
// 例如选中了中国-江苏-南京, 取消中国或江苏或南京
// p长度不大于selectedValues的情况才可能找到,这样可以直接删除selectedValues的节点
if (canFindKey(selectedValues, p)) {
// 如果搜索的值在父亲链中
if (isSearchValueInParent(p)) {
// 例如选中了 中国-江苏, 搜索江苏, 取消江苏(干掉了江苏)
self._deleteNode(selectedValues, p);
} else {
var searched = [];
// 要找到所有以notSelectedValue为叶子节点的链路
var find = search(parentValues, notSelectedValue, [], searched);
if (find && BI.isNotEmptyArray(searched)) {
BI.each(searched, function (i, arr) {
var node = self._getNode(selectedValues, arr);
if (node) {
// 例如选中了 中国-江苏, 搜索江苏, 取消中国(实际上只想删除中国-江苏,因为搜的是江苏)
// 例如选中了 中国-江苏-南京,搜索南京,取消中国(实际上只想删除中国-江苏-南京,因为搜的是南京)
self._deleteNode(selectedValues, arr);
} else {
// 例如选中了 中国-江苏,搜索南京,取消中国(实际上只想删除中国-江苏-南京,因为搜的是南京)
expandSelectedValue(selectedValues, arr, BI.last(arr));
// 存储的值中不存在这个值,但父亲节点是全选的情况
// 例如选中了中国-江苏,取消南京
// important 选中了中国-江苏,取消了江苏,但是搜索的是南京
if (isChild(selectedValues, p)) {
var result = [], find = false;
// 如果parentValues中有匹配的值,说明搜索结果不在当前值下
if (isSearchValueInParent(p)) {
find = true;
} else {
// 从当前值开始搜
find = search(parentValues, notSelectedValue, result);
p = parentValues;
if (find === true) {
// 去掉点击的节点之后的结果集
expandSelectedValue(selectedValues, p, notSelectedValue);
// 添加去掉搜索的结果集
if (result.length > 0) {
BI.each(result, function (i, strs) {
self._buildTree(selectedValues, strs);
function expandSelectedValue(selectedValues, parents, notSelectedValue) {
var next = selectedValues;
var childrenCount = [];
var path = [];
// 去掉点击的节点之后的结果集
BI.some(parents, function (i, v) {
var t = next[v];
if (t == null) {
if (i === 0) {
return true;
if (BI.isEmpty(next)) {
var split = parents.slice(0, i);
var expanded = self._getChildren(split);
// 如果只有一个值且取消的就是这个值
if (i === parents.length - 1 && expanded.length === 1 && expanded[0].value === notSelectedValue) {
for (var j = childrenCount.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (childrenCount[j] === 1) {
self._deleteNode(selectedValues, path[j]);
} else {
} else {
BI.each(expanded, function (m, child) {
if (i === parents.length - 1 && child.value === notSelectedValue) {
return true;
next[child.value] = {};
next = next[v];
} else {
return true;
// next = {};
// next[v] = {};
} else {
next = t;
function search(parents, current, result, searched) {
var newParents = BI.clone(parents);
if (self._isMatch(parents, current, keyword)) {
searched && searched.push(newParents);
return true;
var children = self._getChildren(newParents);
var notSearch = [];
var can = false;
BI.each(children, function (i, child) {
if (search(newParents, child.value, result, searched)) {
can = true;
} else {
if (can === true) {
BI.each(notSearch, function (i, v) {
var next = BI.clone(newParents);
return can;
function isSearchValueInParent(parentValues) {
for (var i = 0, len = parentValues.length; i < len; i++) {
if (self._isMatch(parentValues.slice(0, i), parentValues[i], keyword)) {
return true;
return false;
function canFindKey(selectedValues, parents) {
var t = selectedValues;
for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
var v = parents[i];
t = t[v];
if (t == null) {
return false;
return true;
function isChild(selectedValues, parents) {
var t = selectedValues;
for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
var v = parents[i];
if (!BI.has(t, v)) {
return false;
t = t[v];
if (BI.isEmpty(t)) {
return true;
return false;
_reqAdjustTreeNode: function (op, callback) {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var selectedValues = op.selectedValues;
if (selectedValues == null || BI.isEmpty(selectedValues)) {
BI.each(selectedValues, function (k, v) {
dealWithSelectedValues(selectedValues, []);
var jo = {};
BI.each(result, function (i, strs) {
self._buildTree(jo, strs);
function dealWithSelectedValues(selected, parents) {
if (selected == null || BI.isEmpty(selected)) {
return true;
var can = true;
BI.each(selected, function (k, v) {
var p = BI.clone(parents);
if (!dealWithSelectedValues(selected[k], p)) {
BI.each(selected[k], function (nk, nv) {
var t = BI.clone(p);
can = false;
return can && isAllSelected(selected, parents);
function isAllSelected(selected, parents) {
return BI.isEmpty(selected) || self._getChildCount(parents) === BI.size(selected);
_reqInitTreeNode: function (op, callback) {
var self = this;
var result = [];
var keyword = op.keyword || "";
var selectedValues = op.selectedValues;
var lastSearchValue = op.lastSearchValue || ""; // 一次请求100个,但是搜索是拿全部的,lastSearchValue是上一次遍历到的节点索引
var output = search();
BI.nextTick(function () {
hasNext: output.length > self._const.perPage,
items: result,
lastSearchValue: BI.last(output)
function search() {
var children = self._getChildren([]);
var start = children.length;
if (lastSearchValue !== "") {
for (var j = 0, len = start; j < len; j++) {
if (children[j].value === lastSearchValue) {
start = j + 1;
} else {
start = 0;
var output = [];
for (var i = start, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
if (output.length < self._const.perPage) {
var find = nodeSearch(1, [], children[i].value, false, result);
} else if (output.length === self._const.perPage) {
var find = nodeSearch(1, [], children[i].value, false, []);
if (find[0] === true) {
if (output.length > self._const.perPage) {
// 深层嵌套的比较麻烦,这边先实现的是在根节点添加
if (op.times === 1) {
var nodes = self._getAddedValueNode([], selectedValues);
result = BI.concat(BI.filter(nodes, function (idx, node) {
var find = BI.Func.getSearchResult([node.text || node.value], keyword);
return find.find.length > 0 || find.match.length > 0;
}), result);
return output;
function nodeSearch(deep, parentValues, current, isAllSelect, result) {
if (self._isMatch(parentValues, current, keyword)) {
var checked = isAllSelect || isSelected(parentValues, current);
createOneJson(parentValues, current, false, checked, !isAllSelect && isHalf(parentValues, current), true, result);
return [true, checked];
var newParents = BI.clone(parentValues);
var children = self._getChildren(newParents);
var can = false, checked = false;
var isCurAllSelected = isAllSelect || isAllSelected(parentValues, current);
BI.each(children, function (i, child) {
var state = nodeSearch(deep + 1, newParents, child.value, isCurAllSelected, result);
// 当前节点的子节点是否选中,并不确定全选还是半选
if (state[1] === true) {
checked = true;
// 当前节点的子节点要不要加入到结果集中
if (state[0] === true) {
can = true;
// 子节点匹配, 补充父节点
if (can === true) {
checked = isCurAllSelected || (isSelected(parentValues, current) && checked);
createOneJson(parentValues, current, true, checked, false, false, result);
return [can, checked];
function createOneJson(parentValues, value, isOpen, checked, half, flag, result) {
var node = self._getTreeNode(parentValues, value);
pId: node.pId,
text: node.text,
value: node.value,
title: node.title,
isParent: node.getChildrenLength() > 0,
open: isOpen,
checked: checked,
halfCheck: half,
flag: flag,
disabled: node.disabled
function isHalf(parentValues, value) {
var find = findSelectedObj(parentValues);
if (find == null) {
return null;
return BI.any(find, function (v, ob) {
if (v === value) {
if (ob != null && !BI.isEmpty(ob)) {
return true;
function isAllSelected(parentValues, value) {
var find = findSelectedObj(parentValues);
if (find == null) {
return null;
return BI.any(find, function (v, ob) {
if (v === value) {
if (ob != null && BI.isEmpty(ob)) {
return true;
function isSelected(parentValues, value) {
var find = findSelectedObj(parentValues);
if (find == null) {
return false;
return BI.any(find, function (v) {
if (v === value) {
return true;
function findSelectedObj(parentValues) {
var find = selectedValues;
if (find == null) {
return null;
BI.every(parentValues, function (i, v) {
find = find[v];
if (find == null) {
return false;
return true;
return find;
_reqTreeNode: function (op, callback) {
var self = this, o = this.options;
var result = [];
var times = op.times;
var checkState = op.checkState || {};
var parentValues = op.parentValues || [];
var selectedValues = op.selectedValues || {};
function getResult(parentValues, checkState) {
var valueMap = {};
// if (judgeState(parentValues, selectedValues, checkState)) {
valueMap = dealWithSelectedValue(parentValues, selectedValues);
// }
var nodes = self._getChildren(parentValues);
for (var i = (times - 1) * self._const.perPage; nodes[i] && i < times * self._const.perPage; i++) {
var state = getCheckState(nodes[i].value, parentValues, valueMap, checkState);
var openState = || nodes[i].open;
id: nodes[i].id,
pId: nodes[i].pId,
value: nodes[i].value,
text: nodes[i].text,
times: 1,
isParent: nodes[i].isParent || nodes[i].getChildrenLength() > 0,
checked: state[0],
half: state[1],
halfCheck: openState ? false : state[1],
open: openState,
disabled: nodes[i].disabled,
title: nodes[i].title || nodes[i].text,
warningTitle: nodes[i].warningTitle,
if (openState) {
getResult(parentValues.concat([nodes[i].value]), {checked: state[0], half: state[1]});
getResult(parentValues, checkState);
// 如果指定节点全部打开
// if ( {
// var allNodes = [];
// // 获取所有节点
// BI.each(nodes, function (idx, node) {
// allNodes = BI.concat(allNodes, self._getAllChildren(parentValues.concat([node.value])));
// });
// var lastFind;
// BI.each(allNodes, function (idx, node) {
// var valueMap = dealWithSelectedValue(node.parentValues, selectedValues);
// // REPORT-24409 fix: 设置节点全部展开,添加的节点没有给状态
// var parentCheckState = {};
// var find = BI.find(result, function (idx, pNode) {
// return === node.pId;
// });
// if (find) {
// parentCheckState.checked = find.halfCheck ? false : find.checked;
// parentCheckState.half = find.halfCheck;
// // 默认展开也需要重置父节点的halfCheck
// if (BI.isNotNull(lastFind) && (lastFind !== find || allNodes.length - 1 === idx)) {
// lastFind.half = lastFind.halfCheck;
// lastFind.halfCheck = false;
// }
// }
// lastFind = find;
// var state = getCheckState(node.value, node.parentValues, valueMap, parentCheckState);
// result.push({
// id:,
// pId: node.pId,
// value: node.value,
// text: node.text,
// times: 1,
// isParent: node.getChildrenLength() > 0,
// checked: state[0],
// halfCheck: state[1],
// open: true,
// disabled: node.disabled,
// title: node.title || node.text,
// warningTitle: node.warningTitle,
// });
// });
// }
// 深层嵌套的比较麻烦,这边先实现的是在根节点添加
if (parentValues.length === 0 && times === 1) {
result = BI.concat(self._getAddedValueNode(parentValues, selectedValues), result);
BI.nextTick(function () {
items: result,
hasNext: self._getChildren(parentValues).length > times * self._const.perPage
// function judgeState(parentValues, selected_value, checkState) {
// var checked = checkState.checked, half = checkState.half;
// if (parentValues.length > 0 && !checked) {
// return false;
// }
// return (parentValues.length === 0 || (checked && half) && !BI.isEmpty(selected_value));
// }
function dealWithSelectedValue(parentValues, selectedValues) {
var valueMap = {}, parents = (parentValues || []).slice(0);
BI.each(parentValues, function (i, v) {
selectedValues = selectedValues[v] || {};
BI.each(selectedValues, function (value, obj) {
var currentParents = BI.concat(parents, value);
if (BI.isNull(obj)) {
valueMap[value] = [0, 0];
if (BI.isEmpty(obj)) {
valueMap[value] = [2, 0];
var nextNames = {};
BI.each(obj, function (t, o) {
if (BI.isNull(o) || BI.isEmpty(o)) {
nextNames[t] = true;
} else {
isAllSelected(o, BI.concat(currentParents, [t])) && (nextNames[t] = true);
// valueMap的数组第一个参数为不选: 0, 半选: 1, 全选:2, 第二个参数为改节点下选中的子节点个数(子节点全选或者不存在)
valueMap[value] = [1, BI.size(nextNames)];
return valueMap;
function isAllSelected(selected, parents) {
if (BI.isEmpty(selected)) {
return true;
if (self._getChildCount(parents) !== BI.size(selected)) {
return false;
return BI.every(selected, function (value) {
return isAllSelected(selected[value], BI.concat(parents, value));
function getCheckState(current, parentValues, valueMap, checkState) {
// 节点本身的checked和half优先级最高
var checked = checkState.checked, half = checkState.half;
var tempCheck = false, halfCheck = false;
if (BI.has(valueMap, current)) {
// 可能是半选
if (valueMap[current][0] === 1) {
var values = BI.clone(parentValues);
var childCount = self._getChildCount(values);
if (childCount > 0 && childCount !== valueMap[current][1]) {
halfCheck = true;
} else if (valueMap[current][0] === 2) {
tempCheck = true;
var check;
// 展开的节点checked为false 且没有明确得出当前子节点是半选或者全选, 则check状态取决于valueMap
if (!checked && !halfCheck && !tempCheck) {
check = BI.has(valueMap, current);
} else {
// 不是上面那种情况就先看在节点没有带有明确半选的时候,通过节点自身的checked和valueMap的状态能都得到选中信息
check = ((tempCheck || checked) && !half) || BI.has(valueMap, current);
return [check, halfCheck];
_getAddedValueNode: function (parentValues, selectedValues) {
var nodes = this._getChildren(parentValues);
return,, "value")), function (idx, v) {
return {
id: BI.UUID(),
pId: nodes.length > 0 ? nodes[0].pId : BI.UUID(),
value: v,
text: v,
times: 1,
isParent: false,
checked: true,
halfCheck: false,
_getNode: function (selectedValues, parentValues) {
var pNode = selectedValues;
for (var i = 0, len = parentValues.length; i < len; i++) {
if (pNode == null) {
return null;
pNode = pNode[parentValues[i]];
return pNode;
_deleteNode: function (selectedValues, values) {
var name = values[values.length - 1];
var p = values.slice(0, values.length - 1);
var pNode = this._getNode(selectedValues, p);
if (pNode != null && pNode[name]) {
delete pNode[name];
// 递归删掉空父节点
while (p.length > 0 && BI.isEmpty(pNode)) {
name = p[p.length - 1];
p = p.slice(0, p.length - 1);
pNode = this._getNode(selectedValues, p);
if (pNode != null) {
delete pNode[name];
_buildTree: function (jo, values) {
var t = jo;
BI.each(values, function (i, v) {
if (!BI.has(t, v)) {
t[v] = {};
t = t[v];
_isMatch: function (parentValues, value, keyword) {
var o = this.options;
var node = this._getTreeNode(parentValues, value);
if (!node) {
return false;
var find = BI.Func.getSearchResult([node.text || node.value], keyword);
if(o.allowSearchValue && node.value) {
var valueFind = BI.Func.getSearchResult([node.value], keyword);
return valueFind.find.length > 0 || valueFind.match.length > 0 ||
find.find.length > 0 || find.match.length > 0;
return find.find.length > 0 || find.match.length > 0;
_getTreeNode: function (parentValues, v) {
var self = this;
var findParentNode;
var index = 0;
var currentParent = this.tree.getRoot();
this.tree.traverse(function (node) {
if (self.tree.isRoot(node)) {
if (index > parentValues.length) {
return false;
* 一个树结构。要找root_1_3的子节点
* {root: { 1: {1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}}, 3: {1: {}, 2: {}} } }
* 当遍历到root_1节点时,index++,而下一个节点root_3时,符合下面的if逻辑,这样找到的节点就是root_3节点了,需要加步判断是否是root_1的子节点
if (index === parentValues.length && node.value === v) {
if (node.getParent() !== currentParent) {
findParentNode = node;
return false;
if (node.value === parentValues[index] && node.getParent() === currentParent) {
currentParent = node;
return true;
return findParentNode;
_getChildren: function (parentValues) {
if (parentValues.length > 0) {
var value = BI.last(parentValues);
var parent = this._getTreeNode(parentValues.slice(0, parentValues.length - 1), value);
} else {
var parent = this.tree.getRoot();
return parent ? parent.getChildren() : [];
_getAllChildren: function(parentValues) {
var children = this._getChildren(parentValues);
var nodes = [].concat(children);
BI.each(nodes, function (idx, node) {
node.parentValues = parentValues;
var queue =, function (idx, node) {
return {
parentValues: parentValues,
value: node.value
while (BI.isNotEmptyArray(queue)) {
var node = queue.shift();
var pValues = (node.parentValues).concat(node.value);
var childNodes = this._getChildren(pValues);
BI.each(childNodes, function (idx, node) {
node.parentValues = pValues;
queue = queue.concat(childNodes);
nodes = nodes.concat(childNodes);
return nodes;
_getChildCount: function (parentValues) {
return this._getChildren(parentValues).length;
assertSelectedValue: function (selectedValues, items = []) {
if (BI.isPlainObject(selectedValues)) {
return selectedValues;
var tree = BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(items);
var value2ParentMap = {};
BI.Tree.traversal(tree, function (index, node, pNode) {
value2ParentMap[node.value] = pNode;
var result = {};
BI.each(selectedValues, function (index, value) {
var curr = value;
var parentPath = [];
while (curr) {
curr = value2ParentMap[curr]?.value;
BI.each(parentPath, function (index) {
if (BI.isNull(BI.get(result, parentPath.slice(0, index + 1)))) {
BI.set(result, parentPath.slice(0, index + 1), {});
// 执行完一条路径,check一下
var lengths = BI.size(BI.get(result, parentPath.slice(0, -1)));
if (lengths === value2ParentMap[value]?.children?.length) {
BI.set(result, parentPath.slice(0, -1), {});
return result;
buildCompleteTree: function (selectedValues) {
var self = this;
var result = {};
if (selectedValues !== null && !BI.isEmpty(selectedValues)) {
fill([], this.tree.getRoot(), selectedValues, result);
return result;
function fill(parentValues, node, selected, r) {
if (selected === null || BI.isEmpty(selected)) {
BI.each(node.getChildren(), function (i, child) {
var newParents = BI.clone(parentValues);
r[child.value] = {};
fill(newParents, child, null, r[child.value]);
BI.each(selected, function (k) {
var node = self._getTreeNode(parentValues, k);
var newParents = BI.clone(parentValues);
r[k] = {};
fill(newParents, node, selected[k], r[k]);