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import { AbstractLabel, IconLabel, Label } from "../../../..";
import { BasicButton } from "../button.basic";
export declare class Button extends BasicButton {
static xtype: string;
static EVENT_CHANGE: string;
props: {
minWidth?: number;
readonly?: boolean;
iconCls?: string;
level?: 'common' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'ignore',
block?: boolean; // 是否块状显示,即不显示边框,没有最小宽度的限制
loading?: boolean, // 是否处于加载中
light?: boolean, // 是否使用浅色
plain?: boolean, // 是否是朴素按钮,和 clear 的区别是 plain 有悬浮效果
clear?: boolean; // 是否去掉边框和背景
ghost?: boolean; // 是否幽灵显示, 即正常状态无背景
iconGap?: number;
iconPosition?: string;
textWidth?: number;
} & AbstractLabel['props'] & IconLabel['props'] & BasicButton['props'];
text: Label;
icon?: IconLabel;
doRedMark(...args: any[]): void;
unRedMark(...args: any[]): void;
doHighLight(...args: any[]): void;
unHighLight(...args: any[]): void;
loading(): void;
loaded(): void;
setIcon(iconCls: string): void;
isLoading(): boolean;