/* ! * jQuery Mousewheel 3.1.13 * * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://jquery.org/license */ (function (factory) { if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(["../core/jquery"], factory); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { // Node/CommonJS style for Browserify module.exports = factory; } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { var toFix = ["wheel", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], toBind = ( "onwheel" in document || document.documentMode >= 9 ) ? ["wheel"] : ["mousewheel", "DomMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], slice = Array.prototype.slice, nullLowestDeltaTimeout, lowestDelta; if ( $.event.fixHooks ) { for ( var i = toFix.length; i; ) { $.event.fixHooks[ toFix[--i] ] = $.event.mouseHooks; } } var special = $.event.special.mousewheel = { version: "3.1.12", setup: function () { if ( this.addEventListener ) { for ( var i = toBind.length; i; ) { this.addEventListener( toBind[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = handler; } }, teardown: function () { if ( this.removeEventListener ) { for ( var i = toBind.length; i; ) { this.removeEventListener( toBind[--i], handler, false ); } } else { this.onmousewheel = null; } }, settings: { adjustOldDeltas: true, // see shouldAdjustOldDeltas() below normalizeOffset: true // calls getBoundingClientRect for each event } }; $.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function (fn) { return fn ? this.bind("mousewheel", fn) : this.trigger("mousewheel"); }, unmousewheel: function (fn) { return this.unbind("mousewheel", fn); } }); function handler (event) { var orgEvent = event || _global.event, args = slice.call(arguments, 1), delta = 0, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0, absDelta = 0, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; event = $.event.fix(orgEvent); event.type = "mousewheel"; // Old school scrollwheel delta if ( "detail" in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.detail * -1; } if ( "wheelDelta" in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDelta; } if ( "wheelDeltaY" in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDeltaY; } if ( "wheelDeltaX" in orgEvent ) { deltaX = orgEvent.wheelDeltaX * -1; } // Firefox < 17 horizontal scrolling related to DOMMouseScroll event if ( "axis" in orgEvent && orgEvent.axis === orgEvent.HORIZONTAL_AXIS ) { deltaX = deltaY * -1; deltaY = 0; } // Set delta to be deltaY or deltaX if deltaY is 0 for backwards compatabilitiy delta = deltaY === 0 ? deltaX : deltaY; // New school wheel delta (wheel event) if ( "deltaY" in orgEvent ) { deltaY = orgEvent.deltaY * -1; delta = deltaY; } if ( "deltaX" in orgEvent ) { deltaX = orgEvent.deltaX; if ( deltaY === 0 ) { delta = deltaX * -1; } } // No change actually happened, no reason to go any further if ( deltaY === 0 && deltaX === 0 ) { return; } // Need to convert lines and pages to pixels if we aren't already in pixels // There are three delta modes: // * deltaMode 0 is by pixels, nothing to do // * deltaMode 1 is by lines // * deltaMode 2 is by pages if ( orgEvent.deltaMode === 1 ) { var lineHeight = 40; delta *= lineHeight; deltaY *= lineHeight; deltaX *= lineHeight; } else if ( orgEvent.deltaMode === 2 ) { var pageHeight = 800; delta *= pageHeight; deltaY *= pageHeight; deltaX *= pageHeight; } // Store lowest absolute delta to normalize the delta values absDelta = Math.max( Math.abs(deltaY), Math.abs(deltaX) ); if ( !lowestDelta || absDelta < lowestDelta ) { lowestDelta = absDelta; // Adjust older deltas if necessary if ( shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta) ) { lowestDelta /= 40; } } // Adjust older deltas if necessary if ( shouldAdjustOldDeltas(orgEvent, absDelta) ) { // Divide all the things by 40! delta /= 40; deltaX /= 40; deltaY /= 40; } // Get a whole, normalized value for the deltas delta = Math[ delta >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil" ](delta / lowestDelta); deltaX = Math[ deltaX >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil" ](deltaX / lowestDelta); deltaY = Math[ deltaY >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil" ](deltaY / lowestDelta); // Normalise offsetX and offsetY properties if ( special.settings.normalizeOffset && this.getBoundingClientRect ) { var boundingRect = this.getBoundingClientRect(); offsetX = event.clientX - boundingRect.left; offsetY = event.clientY - boundingRect.top; } // Add information to the event object event.deltaX = deltaX; event.deltaY = deltaY; event.deltaFactor = lowestDelta; event.offsetX = offsetX; event.offsetY = offsetY; // Go ahead and set deltaMode to 0 since we converted to pixels // Although this is a little odd since we overwrite the deltaX/Y // properties with normalized deltas. event.deltaMode = 0; // Add event and delta to the front of the arguments args.unshift(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY); // Clearout lowestDelta after sometime to better // handle multiple device types that give different // a different lowestDelta // Ex: trackpad = 3 and mouse wheel = 120 if (nullLowestDeltaTimeout) { clearTimeout(nullLowestDeltaTimeout); } nullLowestDeltaTimeout = setTimeout(nullLowestDelta, 200); return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args); } function nullLowestDelta () { lowestDelta = null; } function shouldAdjustOldDeltas (orgEvent, absDelta) { // If this is an older event and the delta is divisable by 120, // then we are assuming that the browser is treating this as an // older mouse wheel event and that we should divide the deltas // by 40 to try and get a more usable deltaFactor. // Side note, this actually impacts the reported scroll distance // in older browsers and can cause scrolling to be slower than native. // Turn this off by setting $.event.special.mousewheel.settings.adjustOldDeltas to false. return special.settings.adjustOldDeltas && orgEvent.type === "mousewheel" && absDelta % 120 === 0; } }));/** * 当没有元素时有提示信息的view * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/8. * @class BI.Pane * @extends BI.Widget * @abstract */ BI.Pane = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Pane.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-pane", tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Selected_Item"), overlap: true, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.Pane.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); if (this.__async) { this.loading(); } }, _render: function () { BI.Pane.superclass._render.apply(this, arguments); if (this.__async) { this.loaded(); } }, _assertTip: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this._tipText) { this._tipText = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "bi-tips", text: o.tipText, height: 25 }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute_center_adapt", element: this, items: [this._tipText] }); } }, loading: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var loadingAnimation = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.horizontal", cls: "bi-loading-widget" + ((BI.isIE() && BI.getIEVersion() < 10) ? " hack" : ""), height: 30, width: 30, hgap: 5.25, vgap: 2.5, items: [{ type: "bi.layout", cls: "rect1", height: 25, width: 3 }, { type: "bi.layout", cls: "rect2", height: 25, width: 3 }, { type: "bi.layout", cls: "rect3", height: 25, width: 3 }] }); // pane在同步方式下由items决定tipText的显示与否 // loading的异步情况下由loaded后对面板的populate的时机决定 this.setTipVisible(false); if (o.overlap === true) { if (!BI.Layers.has(this.getName())) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute_center_adapt", cls: "loading-container", items: [{ el: loadingAnimation }], element: BI.Layers.make(this.getName(), this) }); } BI.Layers.show(self.getName()); } else if (BI.isNull(this._loading)) { this._loading = loadingAnimation; this._loading.element.css("zIndex", 1); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute_center_adapt", element: this, cls: "loading-container", items: [{ el: this._loading, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0 }] }); } }, loaded: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.Layers.remove(self.getName()); this._loading && this._loading.destroy(); this._loading && (this._loading = null); o.onLoaded(); self.fireEvent(BI.Pane.EVENT_LOADED); }, check: function () { this.setTipVisible(BI.isEmpty(this.options.items)); }, setTipVisible: function (b) { if (b === true) { this._assertTip(); this._tipText.setVisible(true); } else { this._tipText && this._tipText.setVisible(false); } }, populate: function (items) { this.options.items = items || []; this.check(); }, empty: function () { } }); BI.Pane.EVENT_LOADED = "EVENT_LOADED";/** * guy * 这仅仅只是一个超类, 所有简单控件的基类 * 1、类的控制, * 2、title的控制 * 3、文字超过边界显示3个点 * 4、cursor默认pointor * @class BI.Single * @extends BI.Widget * @abstract */ BI.Single = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Single.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-single", readonly: false, title: null, warningTitle: null, tipType: null, // success或warning value: null, belowMouse: false // title是否跟随鼠标 }); }, _showToolTip: function (e, opt) { opt || (opt = {}); var self = this, o = this.options; var type = this.getTipType() || (this.isEnabled() ? "success" : "warning"); var title = type === "success" ? this.getTitle() : (this.getWarningTitle() || this.getTitle()); if (BI.isKey(title)) { BI.Tooltips.show(e, this.getName(), title, type, this, opt); if (o.action) { BI.Actions.runAction(o.action, "hover", o, this); } BI.Actions.runGlobalAction("hover", o, this); } }, _hideTooltip: function () { var self = this; var tooltip = BI.Tooltips.get(this.getName()); if (BI.isNotNull(tooltip)) { tooltip.element.fadeOut(200, function () { BI.Tooltips.remove(self.getName()); }); } }, _init: function () { BI.Single.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.isKey(o.title) || BI.isKey(o.warningTitle) || BI.isFunction(o.title) || BI.isFunction(o.warningTitle)) { this.enableHover({ belowMouse: o.belowMouse, container: o.container }); } }, enableHover: function (opt) { opt || (opt = {}); var self = this; if (!this._hoverBinded) { this.element.on("mouseenter.title" + this.getName(), function (e) { self._e = e; if (self.getTipType() === "warning" || (BI.isKey(self.getWarningTitle()) && !self.isEnabled())) { self.timeout = BI.delay(function () { self._showToolTip(self._e || e, opt); }, 200); } else if (self.getTipType() === "success" || self.isEnabled()) { self.timeout = BI.delay(function () { self._showToolTip(self._e || e, opt); }, 500); } }); this.element.on("mousemove.title" + this.getName(), function (e) { self._e = e; if (!self.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (BI.isNotNull(self.timeout)) { clearTimeout(self.timeout); } self._hideTooltip(); } }); this.element.on("mouseleave.title" + this.getName(), function () { self._e = null; if (BI.isNotNull(self.timeout)) { clearTimeout(self.timeout); } self._hideTooltip(); }); this._hoverBinded = true; } }, disabledHover: function () { // 取消hover事件 if (BI.isNotNull(this.timeout)) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } this._hideTooltip(); this.element.unbind("mouseenter.title" + this.getName()) .unbind("mousemove.title" + this.getName()) .unbind("mouseleave.title" + this.getName()); this._hoverBinded = false; }, populate: function (items) { this.items = items || []; }, // opt: {container: '', belowMouse: false} setTitle: function (title, opt) { this.options.title = title; if (BI.isKey(title) || BI.isFunction(title)) { this.enableHover(opt); } else { this.disabledHover(); } }, setWarningTitle: function (title, opt) { this.options.warningTitle = title; if (BI.isKey(title) || BI.isFunction(title)) { this.enableHover(opt); } else { this.disabledHover(); } }, getTipType: function () { return this.options.tipType; }, isReadOnly: function () { return !!this.options.readonly; }, getTitle: function () { var title = this.options.title; if(BI.isFunction(title)) { return title(); } return title; }, getWarningTitle: function () { var title = this.options.warningTitle; if(BI.isFunction(title)) { return title(); } return title; }, setValue: function (val) { if (!this.options.readonly) { this.options.value = val; } }, getValue: function () { return this.options.value; }, _unMount: function () { BI.Single.superclass._unMount.apply(this, arguments); BI.Tooltips.remove(this.getName()); } });/** * guy 表示一行数据,通过position来定位位置的数据 * @class BI.Text * @extends BI.Single */ BI.Text = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Text.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "normal", lineHeight: null, handler: null, // 如果传入handler,表示处理文字的点击事件,不是区域的 hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, text: "", py: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Text.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.hgap + o.lgap > 0) { this.element.css({ "padding-left": o.hgap + o.lgap + "px" }); } if (o.hgap + o.rgap > 0) { this.element.css({ "padding-right": o.hgap + o.rgap + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.tgap > 0) { this.element.css({ "padding-top": o.vgap + o.tgap + "px" }); } if (o.vgap + o.bgap > 0) { this.element.css({ "padding-bottom": o.vgap + o.bgap + "px" }); } if (BI.isNumber(o.height)) { this.element.css({lineHeight: o.height + "px"}); } if (BI.isNumber(o.lineHeight)) { this.element.css({lineHeight: o.lineHeight + "px"}); } this.element.css({ textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace }); if (o.handler) { this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", tagName: "span" }); this.text.element.click(function () { o.handler(self.getValue()); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", element: this, items: [this.text] }); } else { this.text = this; } if (BI.isKey(o.text)) { this.setText(o.text); } else if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { this.setText(o.value); } if (BI.isKey(o.keyword)) { this.text.element.__textKeywordMarked__(o.text, o.keyword, o.py); } }, doRedMark: function (keyword) { var o = this.options; this.text.element.__textKeywordMarked__(o.text || o.value, keyword, o.py); }, unRedMark: function () { var o = this.options; this.text.element.__textKeywordMarked__(o.text || o.value, "", o.py); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.element.addClass("bi-high-light"); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.element.removeClass("bi-high-light"); }, setValue: function (text) { BI.Text.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.setText(text); } }, setStyle: function (css) { this.text.element.css(css); }, setText: function (text) { BI.Text.superclass.setText.apply(this, arguments); this.options.text = text; this.text.element.html(BI.htmlEncode(text)); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.text", BI.Text);/** * guy * @class BI.BasicButton * @extends BI.Single * * 一般的button父级 */ BI.BasicButton = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.BasicButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-basic-button" + (conf.invalid ? "" : " cursor-pointer"), value: "", text: "", stopEvent: false, stopPropagation: false, selected: false, once: false, // 点击一次选中有效,再点无效 forceSelected: false, // 点击即选中, 选中了就不会被取消,与once的区别是forceSelected不影响事件的触发 forceNotSelected: false, // 无论怎么点击都不会被选中 disableSelected: false, // 使能选中 shadow: false, isShadowShowingOnSelected: false, // 选中状态下是否显示阴影 trigger: null, handler: BI.emptyFn, bubble: null }); }, _init: function () { BI.BasicButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var opts = this.options; if (opts.selected === true) { BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { this.setSelected(opts.selected); }, this)); } BI.nextTick(BI.bind(this.bindEvent, this)); if (opts.shadow) { this._createShadow(); } if (opts.level) { this.element.addClass("button-" + opts.level); } }, _createShadow: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var assertMask = function () { if (!self.$mask) { self.$mask = BI.createWidget(BI.isObject(o.shadow) ? o.shadow : {}, { type: "bi.layout", cls: "bi-button-mask" }); self.$mask.invisible(); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: self, items: [{ el: self.$mask, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); } }; this.element.mouseup(function () { if (!self._hover && !o.isShadowShowingOnSelected) { assertMask(); self.$mask.invisible(); } }); this.element.on("mouseenter." + this.getName(), function (e) { if (self.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && !self._hover && (o.isShadowShowingOnSelected || !self.isSelected())) { assertMask(); self.$mask.visible(); } } }); this.element.on("mousemove." + this.getName(), function (e) { if (!self.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && !self._hover) { assertMask(); self.$mask.invisible(); } } }); this.element.on("mouseleave." + this.getName(), function () { if (self.isEnabled() && !self._hover) { assertMask(); self.$mask.invisible(); } }); }, bindEvent: function () { var self = this; var o = this.options, hand = this.handle(); if (!hand) { return; } hand = hand.element; var triggerArr = (o.trigger || "").split(","); BI.each(triggerArr, function (idx, trigger) { switch (trigger) { case "mouseup": var mouseDown = false; hand.mousedown(function () { mouseDown = true; }); hand.mouseup(function (e) { if (mouseDown === true) { clk(e); } mouseDown = false; ev(e); }); break; case "mousedown": var mouseDown = false; var selected = false; hand.mousedown(function (e) { // if (e.button === 0) { BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).bind("mouseup." + self.getName(), function (e) { // if (e.button === 0) { if (BI.DOM.isExist(self) && !hand.__isMouseInBounds__(e) && mouseDown === true && !selected) { // self.setSelected(!self.isSelected()); self._trigger(); } mouseDown = false; BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mouseup." + self.getName()); // } }); if (mouseDown === true) { return; } if (self.isSelected()) { selected = true; } else { clk(e); } mouseDown = true; ev(e); // } }); hand.mouseup(function (e) { // if (e.button === 0) { if (BI.DOM.isExist(self) && mouseDown === true && selected === true) { clk(e); } mouseDown = false; selected = false; BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mouseup." + self.getName()); // } }); break; case "dblclick": hand.dblclick(clk); break; case "lclick": var mouseDown = false; var interval; hand.mousedown(function (e) { BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).bind("mouseup." + self.getName(), function (e) { interval && clearInterval(interval); interval = null; mouseDown = false; BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mouseup." + self.getName()); }); if (mouseDown === true) { return; } if (!self.isEnabled() || (self.isOnce() && self.isSelected())) { return; } interval = setInterval(function () { if (self.isEnabled()) { self.doClick(); } }, 180); mouseDown = true; ev(e); }); break; default: if (o.stopEvent || o.stopPropagation) { hand.mousedown(function (e) { ev(e); }); } hand.click(clk); break; } }); // 之后的300ms点击无效 var onClick = BI.debounce(this._doClick, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, { "leading": true, "trailing": false }); function ev (e) { if (o.stopEvent) { e.stopEvent(); } if (o.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } } function clk (e) { ev(e); if (!self.isEnabled() || (self.isOnce() && self.isSelected())) { return; } if (BI.isKey(o.bubble) || BI.isFunction(o.bubble)) { if (BI.isNull(self.combo)) { var popup; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: self, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.bubble_combo", trigger: "", ref: function () { self.combo = this; }, el: { type: "bi.layout", height: "100%" }, popup: { type: "bi.text_bubble_bar_popup_view", text: getBubble(), ref: function () { popup = this; }, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.BubblePopupBarView.EVENT_CLICK_TOOLBAR_BUTTON, action: function (v) { self.combo.hideView(); if (v) { onClick.apply(self, arguments); } } }] }, listeners: [{ eventName: BI.BubbleCombo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW, action: function () { popup.populate(getBubble()); } }] }, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0 }] }); } if (self.combo.isViewVisible()) { self.combo.hideView(); } else { self.combo.showView(); } return; } onClick.apply(self, arguments); } function getBubble () { var bubble = self.options.bubble; if (BI.isFunction(bubble)) { return bubble(); } return bubble; } }, _trigger: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this.isEnabled()) { return; } if (!this.isDisableSelected()) { this.isForceSelected() ? this.setSelected(true) : (this.isForceNotSelected() ? this.setSelected(false) : this.setSelected(!this.isSelected())); } if (this.isValid()) { o.handler.call(this, this.getValue(), this); var v = this.getValue(); this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CLICK, v, this); this.fireEvent(BI.BasicButton.EVENT_CHANGE, v, this); if (o.action) { BI.Actions.runAction(o.action, "click", o); } BI.Actions.runGlobalAction("click", o); } }, _doClick: function (e) { if (this.isValid()) { this.beforeClick(e); } this._trigger(); if (this.isValid()) { this.doClick(e); } }, beforeClick: function () { }, doClick: function () { }, handle: function () { return this; }, hover: function () { this._hover = true; this.handle().element.addClass("hover"); if (this.options.shadow) { this.$mask && this.$mask.setVisible(true); } }, dishover: function () { this._hover = false; this.handle().element.removeClass("hover"); if (this.options.shadow) { this.$mask && this.$mask.setVisible(false); } }, setSelected: function (b) { var o = this.options; o.selected = b; if (b) { this.handle().element.addClass("active"); } else { this.handle().element.removeClass("active"); } if (o.shadow && !o.isShadowShowingOnSelected) { this.$mask && this.$mask.setVisible(false); } }, isSelected: function () { return this.options.selected; }, isOnce: function () { return this.options.once; }, isForceSelected: function () { return this.options.forceSelected; }, isForceNotSelected: function () { return this.options.forceNotSelected; }, isDisableSelected: function () { return this.options.disableSelected; }, setText: function (text) { this.options.text = text; }, getText: function () { return this.options.text; }, _setEnable: function (enable) { BI.BasicButton.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); if (enable === true) { this.element.removeClass("base-disabled disabled"); } else if (enable === false) { this.element.addClass("base-disabled disabled"); } if (!enable) { if (this.options.shadow) { this.$mask && this.$mask.setVisible(false); } } }, empty: function () { BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mouseup." + this.getName()); BI.BasicButton.superclass.empty.apply(this, arguments); }, destroy: function () { BI.BasicButton.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.BasicButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "BasicButton.EVENT_CHANGE";/** * 表示一个可以展开的节点, 不仅有选中状态而且有展开状态 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.NodeButton * @extends BI.BasicButton * @abstract */ BI.NodeButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.NodeButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend( conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-node", open: false }); }, _init: function () { BI.NodeButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; BI.nextTick(function () { self.setOpened(self.isOpened()); }); }, doClick: function () { BI.NodeButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); this.setOpened(!this.isOpened()); }, isOnce: function () { return false; }, isOpened: function () { return !!this.options.open; }, setOpened: function (b) { this.options.open = !!b; }, triggerCollapse: function () { if(this.isOpened()) { this.setOpened(false); this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, this.getValue(), this); } }, triggerExpand: function () { if(!this.isOpened()) { this.setOpened(true); this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, this.getValue(), this); } } });/** * guy * tip提示 * zIndex在10亿级别 * @class BI.Tip * @extends BI.Single * @abstract */ BI.Tip = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Link.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-tip", zIndex: BI.zIndex_tip }); }, _init: function () { BI.Tip.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.element.css({zIndex: this.options.zIndex}); } });/** * Created by GUY on 2015/6/26. * @class BI.ButtonGroup * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ButtonGroup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ButtonGroup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-button-group", behaviors: {}, items: [], value: "", chooseType: BI.Selection.Single, layouts: [{ type: "bi.center", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }] }); }, _init: function () { BI.ButtonGroup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; var behaviors = {}; BI.each(o.behaviors, function (key, rule) { behaviors[key] = BI.BehaviorFactory.createBehavior(key, { rule: rule }); }); this.behaviors = behaviors; this.populate(o.items); if(BI.isKey(o.value) || BI.isNotEmptyArray(o.value)){ this.setValue(o.value); } }, _createBtns: function (items) { var o = this.options; return BI.createWidgets(BI.createItems(items, { type: "bi.text_button" })); }, _btnsCreator: function (items) { var self = this, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), o = this.options; var buttons = this._createBtns(items); args[0] = buttons; BI.each(this.behaviors, function (i, behavior) { behavior.doBehavior.apply(behavior, args); }); BI.each(buttons, function (i, btn) { btn.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { switch (o.chooseType) { case BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE: self.setValue(btn.getValue()); break; case BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_NONE: self.setValue([]); break; } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.fireEvent(BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } else { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); } }); btn.on(BI.Events.DESTROY, function () { BI.remove(self.buttons, btn); }); }); return buttons; }, _packageBtns: function (btns) { var o = this.options; for (var i = o.layouts.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { btns = BI.map(btns, function (k, it) { return BI.extend({}, o.layouts[i], { items: [ BI.extend({}, o.layouts[i].el, { el: it }) ] }); }); } return btns; }, _packageSimpleItems: function (btns) { var o = this.options; return BI.map(o.items, function (i, item) { if (BI.stripEL(item) === item) { return btns[i]; } return BI.extend({}, item, { el: btns[i] }); }); }, _packageItems: function (items, packBtns) { return BI.createItems(BI.makeArrayByArray(items, {}), BI.clone(packBtns)); }, _packageLayout: function (items) { var o = this.options, layout = BI.deepClone(o.layouts[0]); var lay = BI.formatEL(layout).el; while (lay && lay.items && !BI.isEmpty(lay.items)) { lay = BI.formatEL(lay.items[0]).el; } lay.items = items; return layout; }, // 如果是一个简单的layout _isSimpleLayout: function () { var o = this.options; return o.layouts.length === 1 && !BI.isArray(o.items[0]); }, doBehavior: function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); args.unshift(this.buttons); BI.each(this.behaviors, function (i, behavior) { behavior.doBehavior.apply(behavior, args); }); }, prependItems: function (items) { var o = this.options; var btns = this._btnsCreator.apply(this, arguments); this.buttons = BI.concat(btns, this.buttons); if (this._isSimpleLayout() && this.layouts && this.layouts.prependItems) { this.layouts.prependItems(btns); return; } items = this._packageItems(items, this._packageBtns(btns)); this.layouts.prependItems(this._packageLayout(items).items); }, addItems: function (items) { var o = this.options; var btns = this._btnsCreator.apply(this, arguments); this.buttons = BI.concat(this.buttons, btns); // 如果是一个简单的layout if (this._isSimpleLayout() && this.layouts && this.layouts.addItems) { this.layouts.addItems(btns); return; } items = this._packageItems(items, this._packageBtns(btns)); this.layouts.addItems(this._packageLayout(items).items); }, removeItemAt: function (indexes) { BI.removeAt(this.buttons, indexes); this.layouts.removeItemAt(indexes); }, removeItems: function (values) { values = BI.isArray(values) ? values : [values]; var deleted = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, button) { if (BI.deepContains(values, button.getValue())) { deleted.push(i); } }); BI.removeAt(this.buttons, deleted); this.layouts.removeItemAt(deleted); }, populate: function (items) { items = items || []; this.empty(); this.options.items = items; this.buttons = this._btnsCreator.apply(this, arguments); if (this._isSimpleLayout()) { items = this._packageSimpleItems(this.buttons); } else { items = this._packageItems(items, this._packageBtns(this.buttons)); } this.layouts = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({element: this}, this._packageLayout(items))); }, setNotSelectedValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(false); } else { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(true); } }); }, setEnabledValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setEnable(true); } else { item.setEnable(false); } }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(true); } else { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(false); } }); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !(item.isSelected && item.isSelected())) { v.push(item.getValue()); } }); return v; }, getValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && item.isSelected && item.isSelected()) { v.push(item.getValue()); } }); return v; }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.buttons; }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.buttons; }, getSelectedButtons: function () { var btns = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isSelected && item.isSelected()) { btns.push(item); } }); return btns; }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { var btns = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isSelected && !item.isSelected()) { btns.push(item); } }); return btns; }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { var index = -1; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && item.getValue() === value) { index = i; return true; } }); return index; }, getNodeById: function (id) { var node; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && item.options.id === id) { node = item; return true; } }); return node; }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { var node; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && item.getValue() === value) { node = item; return true; } }); return node; }, empty: function () { BI.ButtonGroup.superclass.empty.apply(this, arguments); this.options.items = []; }, destroy: function () { BI.ButtonGroup.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); this.options.items = []; } }); BI.extend(BI.ButtonGroup, { CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE: BI.Selection.Single, CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI: BI.Selection.Multi, CHOOSE_TYPE_ALL: BI.Selection.All, CHOOSE_TYPE_NONE: BI.Selection.None, CHOOSE_TYPE_DEFAULT: BI.Selection.Default }); BI.ButtonGroup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.button_group", BI.ButtonGroup);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/8/10. * @class BI.ButtonTree * @extends BI.ButtonGroup */ BI.ButtonTree = BI.inherit(BI.ButtonGroup, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ButtonTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-button-tree" }); }, _init: function () { BI.ButtonTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setNotSelectedValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (!BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { item.setNotSelectedValue(v); return; } if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setSelected(false); } else { item.setSelected(true); } }); }, setEnabledValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (BI.isFunction(item.setEnabledValue)) { item.setEnabledValue(v); return; } if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setEnable(true); } else { item.setEnable(false); } }); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (!BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { item.setValue(v); return; } if (BI.deepContains(v, item.getValue())) { item.setSelected(true); } else { item.setSelected(false); } }); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { v = BI.concat(v, item.getNotSelectedValue()); return; } if (item.isEnabled() && item.isSelected && !item.isSelected()) { v.push(item.getValue()); } }); return v; }, getValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { v = BI.concat(v, item.getValue()); return; } if (item.isEnabled() && item.isSelected && item.isSelected()) { v.push(item.getValue()); } }); return v; }, getSelectedButtons: function () { var btns = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { btns = btns.concat(item.getSelectedButtons()); return; } if (item.isSelected && item.isSelected()) { btns.push(item); } }); return btns; }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { var btns = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { btns = btns.concat(item.getNotSelectedButtons()); return; } if (item.isSelected && !item.isSelected()) { btns.push(item); } }); return btns; }, // 获取所有的叶子节点 getAllLeaves: function () { var leaves = []; BI.each(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !BI.isFunction(item.setSelected)) { leaves = leaves.concat(item.getAllLeaves()); return; } if (item.isEnabled()) { leaves.push(item); } }); return leaves; }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { var index = -1; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { var vs = item.getValue(); if (item.isEnabled() && (vs === value || BI.contains(vs, value))) { index = i; return true; } }); return index; }, getNodeById: function (id) { var node; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled()) { if (item.attr("id") === id) { node = item; return true; } else if (BI.isFunction(item.getNodeById)) { if (node = item.getNodeById(id)) { return true; } } } }); return node; }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { var node; BI.any(this.buttons, function (i, item) { if (item.isEnabled()) { if (BI.isFunction(item.getNodeByValue)) { if (node = item.getNodeByValue(value)) { return true; } } else if (item.attr("value") === value) { node = item; return true; } } }); return node; } }); BI.ButtonTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.button_tree", BI.ButtonTree);/** * guy * 异步树 * @class BI.TreeView * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.TreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.TreeView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-tree", paras: {}, itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.TreeView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this._stop = false; this._createTree(); this.tip = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.loading_bar", invisible: true, handler: BI.bind(this._loadMore, this) }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrollable: true, scrolly: false, element: this, items: [this.tip] }); if(BI.isNotNull(o.value)) { this.setSelectedValue(o.value); } if (BI.isIE9Below && BI.isIE9Below()) { this.element.addClass("hack"); } }, _createTree: function () { this.id = "bi-tree" + BI.UUID(); if (this.nodes) { this.nodes.destroy(); } if (this.tree) { this.tree.destroy(); } this.tree = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: "" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", element: this.element, items: [this.tree] }); }, // 选择节点触发方法 _selectTreeNode: function (treeId, treeNode) { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CLICK, treeNode, this); this.fireEvent(BI.TreeView.EVENT_CHANGE, treeNode, this); }, // 配置属性 _configSetting: function () { var paras = this.options.paras; var self = this; var setting = { async: { enable: true, url: getUrl, autoParam: ["id", "name"], otherParam: BI.cjkEncodeDO(paras) }, check: { enable: true }, data: { key: { title: "title", name: "text" }, simpleData: { enable: true } }, view: { showIcon: false, expandSpeed: "", nameIsHTML: true, dblClickExpand: false }, callback: { beforeExpand: beforeExpand, onAsyncSuccess: onAsyncSuccess, onAsyncError: onAsyncError, beforeCheck: beforeCheck, onCheck: onCheck, onExpand: onExpand, onCollapse: onCollapse, onClick: onClick } }; var className = "dark", perTime = 100; function onClick (event, treeId, treeNode) { self.nodes.checkNode(treeNode, !treeNode.checked, true, true); } function getUrl (treeId, treeNode) { var parentNode = self._getParentValues(treeNode); treeNode.times = treeNode.times || 1; var param = "id=" + treeNode.id + "×=" + (treeNode.times++) + "&parentValues= " + _global.encodeURIComponent(BI.jsonEncode(parentNode)) + "&checkState=" + _global.encodeURIComponent(BI.jsonEncode(treeNode.getCheckStatus())); return "&" + param; } function beforeExpand (treeId, treeNode) { if (!treeNode.isAjaxing) { if (!treeNode.children) { treeNode.times = 1; ajaxGetNodes(treeNode, "refresh"); } return true; } BI.Msg.toast("Please Wait。", "warning"); return false; } function onAsyncSuccess (event, treeId, treeNode, msg) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; if (!msg || msg.length === 0 || /^[\s,\S]*<\/html>$/gi.test(msg) || self._stop) { return; } var zTree = self.nodes; var totalCount = treeNode.count || 0; // 尝试去获取下一组节点,若获取值为空数组,表示获取完成 // TODO by GUY if (treeNode.children.length > totalCount) { treeNode.count = treeNode.children.length; BI.delay(function () { ajaxGetNodes(treeNode); }, perTime); } else { // treeNode.icon = ""; zTree.updateNode(treeNode); zTree.selectNode(treeNode.children[0]); // className = (className === "dark" ? "":"dark"); } } function onAsyncError (event, treeId, treeNode, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { var zTree = self.nodes; BI.Msg.toast("Error!", "warning"); // treeNode.icon = ""; // zTree.updateNode(treeNode); } function ajaxGetNodes (treeNode, reloadType) { var zTree = self.nodes; if (reloadType == "refresh") { zTree.updateNode(treeNode); } zTree.reAsyncChildNodes(treeNode, reloadType, true); } function beforeCheck (treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; if (treeNode.checked === true) { // 将展开的节点halfCheck设为false,解决展开节点存在halfCheck=true的情况 guy // 所有的半选状态都需要取消halfCheck=true的情况 function track (children) { BI.each(children, function (i, ch) { if (ch.halfCheck === true) { ch.halfCheck = false; track(ch.children); } }); } track(treeNode.children); var treeObj = self.nodes; var nodes = treeObj.getSelectedNodes(); $.each(nodes, function (index, node) { node.halfCheck = false; }); } var status = treeNode.getCheckStatus(); // 当前点击节点的状态是半选,且为true_part, 则将其改为false_part,使得点击半选后切换到的是全选 if(status.half === true && status.checked === true) { treeNode.checked = false; } } function onCheck (event, treeId, treeNode) { self._selectTreeNode(treeId, treeNode); } function onExpand (event, treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; } function onCollapse (event, treeId, treeNode) { } return setting; }, _getParentValues: function (treeNode) { if (!treeNode.getParentNode()) { return []; } var parentNode = treeNode.getParentNode(); var result = this._getParentValues(parentNode); result = result.concat([this._getNodeValue(parentNode)]); return result; }, _getNodeValue: function (node) { // 去除标红 return node.value == null ? BI.replaceAll(node.text.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ""), " ", " ") : node.value; }, // 获取半选框值 _getHalfSelectedValues: function (map, node) { var self = this; var checkState = node.getCheckStatus(); // 将未选的去掉 if (checkState.checked === false && checkState.half === false) { return; } // 如果节点已展开,并且是半选 if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children) && checkState.half === true) { var children = node.children; BI.each(children, function (i, ch) { self._getHalfSelectedValues(map, ch); }); return; } var parent = node.parentValues || self._getParentValues(node); var path = parent.concat(this._getNodeValue(node)); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children) || checkState.half === false) { this._buildTree(map, path); return; } var storeValues = BI.deepClone(this.options.paras.selectedValues); var treeNode = this._getTree(storeValues, path); this._addTreeNode(map, parent, this._getNodeValue(node), treeNode); }, _getTree: function (map, values) { var cur = map; BI.any(values, function (i, value) { if (cur[value] == null) { return true; } cur = cur[value]; }); return cur; }, _addTreeNode: function (map, values, key, value) { var cur = map; BI.each(values, function (i, value) { if (cur[value] == null) { cur[value] = {}; } cur = cur[value]; }); cur[key] = value; }, // 构造树节点 _buildTree: function (map, values) { var cur = map; BI.each(values, function (i, value) { if (cur[value] == null) { cur[value] = {}; } cur = cur[value]; }); }, // 获取选中的值 _getSelectedValues: function () { var self = this; var hashMap = {}; var rootNoots = this.nodes.getNodes(); track(rootNoots); function track (nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { var checkState = node.getCheckStatus(); if (checkState.checked === true || checkState.half === true) { if (checkState.half === true) { self._getHalfSelectedValues(hashMap, node); } else { var parentValues = node.parentValues || self._getParentValues(node); var values = parentValues.concat([self._getNodeValue(node)]); self._buildTree(hashMap, values); } } }); } return hashMap; }, // 处理节点 _dealWidthNodes: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; var ns = BI.Tree.arrayFormat(nodes); BI.each(ns, function (i, n) { n.title = n.title || n.text || n.value; // 处理标红 if (BI.isKey(o.paras.keyword)) { n.text = $("
").__textKeywordMarked__(n.text, o.paras.keyword, n.py).html(); } else { n.text = BI.replaceAll((n.text + ""), " ", " "); } }); return nodes; }, _loadMore: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.tip.setLoading(); var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { times: ++this.times }); o.itemsCreator(op, function (res) { if (self._stop === true) { return; } var hasNext = !!res.hasNext, nodes = res.items || []; if (!hasNext) { self.tip.setEnd(); } else { self.tip.setLoaded(); } if (nodes.length > 0) { self.nodes.addNodes(null, self._dealWidthNodes(nodes)); } }); }, // 生成树内部方法 _initTree: function (setting) { var self = this, o = this.options; self.fireEvent(BI.Events.INIT); this.times = 1; var tree = this.tree; tree.empty(); this.loading(); this.tip.setVisible(false); var callback = function (nodes) { if (self._stop === true) { return; } self.nodes = $.fn.zTree.init(tree.element, setting, nodes); }; var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { times: 1 }); o.itemsCreator(op, function (res) { if (self._stop === true) { return; } var hasNext = !!res.hasNext, nodes = res.items || []; if (nodes.length > 0) { callback(self._dealWidthNodes(nodes)); } self.setTipVisible(nodes.length <= 0); self.loaded(); if (!hasNext) { self.tip.invisible(); } else { self.tip.setLoaded(); } op.times === 1 && self.fireEvent(BI.Events.AFTERINIT); }); }, // 构造树结构, initTree: function (nodes, setting) { var setting = setting || { async: { enable: false }, check: { enable: false }, data: { key: { title: "title", name: "text" }, simpleData: { enable: true } }, view: { showIcon: false, expandSpeed: "", nameIsHTML: true }, callback: {} }; this.nodes = $.fn.zTree.init(this.tree.element, setting, nodes); }, start: function () { this._stop = false; }, stop: function () { this._stop = true; }, // 生成树方法 stroke: function (config) { delete this.options.keyword; BI.extend(this.options.paras, config); var setting = this._configSetting(); this._createTree(); this.start(); this._initTree(setting); }, populate: function () { this.stroke.apply(this, arguments); }, hasChecked: function () { var treeObj = this.nodes; return treeObj.getCheckedNodes(true).length > 0; }, checkAll: function (checked) { function setNode (children) { BI.each(children, function (i, child) { child.halfCheck = false; setNode(child.children); }); } if (!this.nodes) { return; } BI.each(this.nodes.getNodes(), function (i, node) { node.halfCheck = false; setNode(node.children); }); this.nodes.checkAllNodes(checked); }, expandAll: function (flag) { this.nodes && this.nodes.expandAll(flag); }, // 设置树节点的状态 setValue: function (value, param) { this.checkAll(false); this.updateValue(value, param); this.refresh(); }, setSelectedValue: function (value) { this.options.paras.selectedValues = BI.deepClone(value || {}); }, updateValue: function (values, param) { if (!this.nodes) { return; } param || (param = "value"); var treeObj = this.nodes; BI.each(values, function (v, op) { var nodes = treeObj.getNodesByParam(param, v, null); BI.each(nodes, function (j, node) { BI.extend(node, {checked: true}, op); treeObj.updateNode(node); }); }); }, refresh: function () { this.nodes && this.nodes.refresh(); }, getValue: function () { if (!this.nodes) { return null; } return this._getSelectedValues(); }, destroyed: function () { this.stop(); this.nodes && this.nodes.destroy(); } }); BI.extend(BI.TreeView, { REQ_TYPE_INIT_DATA: 1, REQ_TYPE_ADJUST_DATA: 2, REQ_TYPE_SELECT_DATA: 3, REQ_TYPE_GET_SELECTED_DATA: 4 }); BI.TreeView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.TreeView.EVENT_INIT = BI.Events.INIT; BI.TreeView.EVENT_AFTERINIT = BI.Events.AFTERINIT; BI.shortcut("bi.tree_view", BI.TreeView);/** * guy * 同步树 * @class BI.AsyncTree * @extends BI.TreeView */ BI.AsyncTree = BI.inherit(BI.TreeView, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.AsyncTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.AsyncTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, // 配置属性 _configSetting: function () { var paras = this.options.paras; var self = this; var setting = { async: { enable: false, otherParam: BI.cjkEncodeDO(paras) }, check: { enable: true }, data: { key: { title: "title", name: "text" }, simpleData: { enable: true } }, view: { showIcon: false, expandSpeed: "", nameIsHTML: true, dblClickExpand: false }, callback: { beforeCheck: beforeCheck, onCheck: onCheck, beforeExpand: beforeExpand, onExpand: onExpand, onCollapse: onCollapse, onClick: onClick } }; function onClick (event, treeId, treeNode) { var zTree = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj(treeId); zTree.checkNode(treeNode, !treeNode.checked, true, true); } function beforeCheck (treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; if (treeNode.checked === true) { // 将展开的节点halfCheck设为false,解决展开节点存在halfCheck=true的情况 guy // 所有的半选状态都需要取消halfCheck=true的情况 function track (children) { BI.each(children, function (i, ch) { if (ch.halfCheck === true) { ch.halfCheck = false; track(ch.children); } }); } track(treeNode.children); var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj(treeId); var nodes = treeObj.getSelectedNodes(); BI.each(nodes, function (index, node) { node.halfCheck = false; }); } var status = treeNode.getCheckStatus(); // 当前点击节点的状态是半选,且为true_part, 则将其改为false_part,使得点击半选后切换到的是全选 if(status.half === true && status.checked === true) { treeNode.checked = false; } } function beforeExpand (treeId, treeNode) { self._beforeExpandNode(treeId, treeNode); } function onCheck (event, treeId, treeNode) { self._selectTreeNode(treeId, treeNode); } function onExpand (event, treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; } function onCollapse (event, treeId, treeNode) { treeNode.halfCheck = false; } return setting; }, _selectTreeNode: function (treeId, treeNode) { var self = this, o = this.options; var parentValues = BI.deepClone(treeNode.parentValues || self._getParentValues(treeNode)); var name = this._getNodeValue(treeNode); // var values = parentValues.concat([name]); if (treeNode.checked === true) { } else { var tNode = treeNode; var pNode = this._getTree(this.options.paras.selectedValues, parentValues); if (BI.isNotNull(pNode[name])) { delete pNode[name]; } while (tNode != null && BI.isEmpty(pNode)) { parentValues = parentValues.slice(0, parentValues.length - 1); tNode = tNode.getParentNode(); if (tNode != null) { pNode = this._getTree(this.options.paras.selectedValues, parentValues); name = this._getNodeValue(tNode); delete pNode[name]; } } } BI.AsyncTree.superclass._selectTreeNode.apply(self, arguments); }, // 展开节点 _beforeExpandNode: function (treeId, treeNode) { var self = this, o = this.options; var parentValues = treeNode.parentValues || self._getParentValues(treeNode); var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { id: treeNode.id, times: 1, parentValues: parentValues.concat(this._getNodeValue(treeNode)), checkState: treeNode.getCheckStatus() }); var complete = function (d) { var nodes = d.items || []; if (nodes.length > 0) { callback(self._dealWidthNodes(nodes), !!d.hasNext); } }; var times = 1; function callback (nodes, hasNext) { self.nodes.addNodes(treeNode, nodes); if (hasNext === true) { BI.delay(function () { times++; op.times = times; o.itemsCreator(op, complete); }, 100); } } if (!treeNode.children) { setTimeout(function () { o.itemsCreator(op, complete); }, 17); } }, _join: function (valueA, valueB) { var self = this; var map = {}; track([], valueA, valueB); track([], valueB, valueA); function track (parent, node, compare) { BI.each(node, function (n, item) { if (BI.isNull(compare[n])) { self._addTreeNode(map, parent, n, item); } else if (BI.isEmpty(compare[n])) { self._addTreeNode(map, parent, n, {}); } else { track(parent.concat([n]), node[n], compare[n]); } }); } return map; }, hasChecked: function () { return !BI.isEmpty(this.options.paras.selectedValues) || BI.AsyncTree.superclass.hasChecked.apply(this, arguments); }, getValue: function () { if (!this.nodes) { return {}; } var checkedValues = this._getSelectedValues(); if (BI.isEmpty(checkedValues)) { return BI.deepClone(this.options.paras.selectedValues); } if (BI.isEmpty(this.options.paras.selectedValues)) { return checkedValues; } return this._join(checkedValues, this.options.paras.selectedValues); }, // 生成树方法 stroke: function (config) { delete this.options.keyword; BI.extend(this.options.paras, config); var setting = this._configSetting(); this._initTree(setting); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.async_tree", BI.AsyncTree);/** * guy * 局部树,两个请求树, 第一个请求构造树,第二个请求获取节点 * @class BI.PartTree * @extends BI.AsyncTree */ BI.PartTree = BI.inherit(BI.AsyncTree, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PartTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), {}); }, _init: function () { BI.PartTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, _loadMore: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { type: BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_INIT_DATA, times: ++this.times }); this.tip.setLoading(); o.itemsCreator(op, function (d) { var hasNext = !!d.hasNext, nodes = d.items || []; o.paras.lastSearchValue = d.lastSearchValue; if (self._stop === true) { return; } if (!hasNext) { self.tip.setEnd(); } else { self.tip.setLoaded(); } if (nodes.length > 0) { self.nodes.addNodes(null, self._dealWidthNodes(nodes)); } }); }, _selectTreeNode: function (treeId, treeNode) { var self = this, o = this.options; var parentValues = BI.deepClone(treeNode.parentValues || self._getParentValues(treeNode)); var name = this._getNodeValue(treeNode); if (treeNode.checked === true) { BI.AsyncTree.superclass._selectTreeNode.apply(self, arguments); } else { // 如果选中的值中不存在该值不处理 var t = this.options.paras.selectedValues; var p = parentValues.concat(name); for (var i = 0, len = p.length; i < len; i++) { t = t[p[i]]; if (t == null) { return; } if (BI.isEmpty(t)) { break; } } o.itemsCreator(BI.extend({}, o.paras, { type: BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_SELECT_DATA, notSelectedValue: name, parentValues: parentValues }), function (new_values) { self.options.paras.selectedValues = new_values; BI.AsyncTree.superclass._selectTreeNode.apply(self, arguments); }); } }, _getSelectedValues: function () { var self = this; var hashMap = {}; var rootNoots = this.nodes.getNodes(); track(rootNoots); function track (nodes) { BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { var checkState = node.getCheckStatus(); if (checkState.checked === false) { return true; } var parentValues = node.parentValues || self._getParentValues(node); // 把文字中的html去掉,其实就是把文字颜色去掉 var values = parentValues.concat([self._getNodeValue(node)]); self._buildTree(hashMap, values); // if(checkState.checked === true && checkState.half === false && nodes[i].flag === true){ // continue; // } if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children)) { track(node.children); return true; } if (checkState.half === true) { self._getHalfSelectedValues(hashMap, node); } }); } return hashMap; }, _initTree: function (setting, keyword) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.times = 1; var tree = this.tree; tree.empty(); self.tip.setVisible(false); this.loading(); var op = BI.extend({}, o.paras, { type: BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_INIT_DATA, times: this.times }); var complete = function (d) { if (self._stop === true || keyword != o.paras.keyword) { return; } var hasNext = !!d.hasNext, nodes = d.items || []; o.paras.lastSearchValue = d.lastSearchValue; if (nodes.length > 0) { callback(self._dealWidthNodes(nodes)); } self.setTipVisible(nodes.length <= 0); self.loaded(); if (!hasNext) { self.tip.invisible(); } else { self.tip.setLoaded(); } self.fireEvent(BI.Events.AFTERINIT); }; function callback (nodes) { if (self._stop === true) { return; } self.nodes = $.fn.zTree.init(tree.element, setting, nodes); } BI.delay(function () { o.itemsCreator(op, complete); }, 100); }, getValue: function () { var o = this.options; var result = BI.PartTree.superclass.getValue.apply(this, arguments); o.itemsCreator({ type: BI.TreeView.REQ_TYPE_ADJUST_DATA, selectedValues: result }, function (res) { result = res; }); return result; }, // 生成树方法 stroke: function (config) { var o = this.options; delete o.paras.keyword; BI.extend(o.paras, config); delete o.paras.lastSearchValue; var setting = this._configSetting(); this._initTree(setting, o.paras.keyword); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.part_tree", BI.PartTree);BI.prepares.push(function () { BI.Resizers = new BI.ResizeController(); BI.Layers = new BI.LayerController(); BI.Maskers = new BI.MaskersController(); BI.Bubbles = new BI.BubblesController(); BI.Tooltips = new BI.TooltipsController(); BI.Popovers = new BI.PopoverController(); BI.Broadcasts = new BI.BroadcastController(); BI.StyleLoaders = new BI.StyleLoaderManager(); }); /** * CollectionView * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/15. * @class BI.CollectionView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.CollectionView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CollectionView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-collection", // width: 400, //必设 // height: 300, //必设 overflowX: true, overflowY: true, cellSizeAndPositionGetter: BI.emptyFn, horizontalOverscanSize: 0, verticalOverscanSize: 0, scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.CollectionView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.renderRange = {}; this._scrollLock = false; this._debounceRelease = BI.debounce(function () { self._scrollLock = false; }, 1000 / 60); this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute" }); this.element.scroll(function () { if (self._scrollLock === true) { return; } o.scrollLeft = self.element.scrollLeft(); o.scrollTop = self.element.scrollTop(); self._calculateChildrenToRender(); self.fireEvent(BI.CollectionView.EVENT_SCROLL, { scrollLeft: o.scrollLeft, scrollTop: o.scrollTop }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, scrollable: o.overflowX === true && o.overflowY === true, scrolly: o.overflowX === false && o.overflowY === true, scrollx: o.overflowX === true && o.overflowY === false, items: [this.container] }); if (o.items.length > 0) { this._calculateSizeAndPositionData(); this._populate(); } }, mounted: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.scrollLeft !== 0 || o.scrollTop !== 0) { this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); this.element.scrollLeft(o.scrollLeft); } }, _calculateSizeAndPositionData: function () { var o = this.options; var cellMetadata = []; var sectionManager = new BI.SectionManager(); var height = 0; var width = 0; for (var index = 0, len = o.items.length; index < len; index++) { var cellMetadatum = o.cellSizeAndPositionGetter(index); if (cellMetadatum.height == null || isNaN(cellMetadatum.height) || cellMetadatum.width == null || isNaN(cellMetadatum.width) || cellMetadatum.x == null || isNaN(cellMetadatum.x) || cellMetadatum.y == null || isNaN(cellMetadatum.y)) { throw Error(); } height = Math.max(height, cellMetadatum.y + cellMetadatum.height); width = Math.max(width, cellMetadatum.x + cellMetadatum.width); cellMetadatum.index = index; cellMetadata[index] = cellMetadatum; sectionManager.registerCell(cellMetadatum, index); } this._cellMetadata = cellMetadata; this._sectionManager = sectionManager; this._height = height; this._width = width; }, _cellRenderers: function (height, width, x, y) { this._lastRenderedCellIndices = this._sectionManager.getCellIndices(height, width, x, y); return this._cellGroupRenderer(); }, _cellGroupRenderer: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var rendered = []; BI.each(this._lastRenderedCellIndices, function (i, index) { var cellMetadata = self._sectionManager.getCellMetadata(index); rendered.push(cellMetadata); }); return rendered; }, _calculateChildrenToRender: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var scrollLeft = BI.clamp(o.scrollLeft, 0, this._getMaxScrollLeft()); var scrollTop = BI.clamp(o.scrollTop, 0, this._getMaxScrollTop()); var left = Math.max(0, scrollLeft - o.horizontalOverscanSize); var top = Math.max(0, scrollTop - o.verticalOverscanSize); var right = Math.min(this._width, scrollLeft + o.width + o.horizontalOverscanSize); var bottom = Math.min(this._height, scrollTop + o.height + o.verticalOverscanSize); if (right > 0 && bottom > 0) { // 如果滚动的区间并没有超出渲染的范围 if (top >= this.renderRange.minY && bottom <= this.renderRange.maxY && left >= this.renderRange.minX && right <= this.renderRange.maxX) { return; } var childrenToDisplay = this._cellRenderers(bottom - top, right - left, left, top); var renderedCells = [], renderedKeys = {}, renderedWidgets = {}; // 存储所有的left和top var lefts = {}, tops = {}; for (var i = 0, len = childrenToDisplay.length; i < len; i++) { var datum = childrenToDisplay[i]; lefts[datum.x] = datum.x; lefts[datum.x + datum.width] = datum.x + datum.width; tops[datum.y] = datum.y; tops[datum.y + datum.height] = datum.y + datum.height; } lefts = BI.toArray(lefts); tops = BI.toArray(tops); var leftMap = BI.invert(lefts); var topMap = BI.invert(tops); // 存储上下左右四个边界 var leftBorder = {}, rightBorder = {}, topBorder = {}, bottomBorder = {}; var assertMinBorder = function (border, offset) { if (border[offset] == null) { border[offset] = Number.MAX_VALUE; } }; var assertMaxBorder = function (border, offset) { if (border[offset] == null) { border[offset] = 0; } }; for (var i = 0, len = childrenToDisplay.length; i < len; i++) { var datum = childrenToDisplay[i]; var index = this.renderedKeys[datum.index] && this.renderedKeys[datum.index][1]; var child; if (index >= 0) { if (datum.width !== this.renderedCells[index]._width) { this.renderedCells[index]._width = datum.width; this.renderedCells[index].el.setWidth(datum.width); } if (datum.height !== this.renderedCells[index]._height) { this.renderedCells[index]._height = datum.height; this.renderedCells[index].el.setHeight(datum.height); } if (this.renderedCells[index]._left !== datum.x) { this.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("left", datum.x + "px"); } if (this.renderedCells[index]._top !== datum.y) { this.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("top", datum.y + "px"); } renderedCells.push(child = this.renderedCells[index]); } else { child = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.label", width: datum.width, height: datum.height }, o.items[datum.index], { cls: (o.items[datum.index].cls || "") + " container-cell" + (datum.y === 0 ? " first-row" : "") + (datum.x === 0 ? " first-col" : ""), _left: datum.x, _top: datum.y })); renderedCells.push({ el: child, left: datum.x, top: datum.y, _left: datum.x, _top: datum.y, _width: datum.width, _height: datum.height }); } var startTopIndex = topMap[datum.y] | 0; var endTopIndex = topMap[datum.y + datum.height] | 0; for (var k = startTopIndex; k <= endTopIndex; k++) { var t = tops[k]; assertMinBorder(leftBorder, t); assertMaxBorder(rightBorder, t); leftBorder[t] = Math.min(leftBorder[t], datum.x); rightBorder[t] = Math.max(rightBorder[t], datum.x + datum.width); } var startLeftIndex = leftMap[datum.x] | 0; var endLeftIndex = leftMap[datum.x + datum.width] | 0; for (var k = startLeftIndex; k <= endLeftIndex; k++) { var l = lefts[k]; assertMinBorder(topBorder, l); assertMaxBorder(bottomBorder, l); topBorder[l] = Math.min(topBorder[l], datum.y); bottomBorder[l] = Math.max(bottomBorder[l], datum.y + datum.height); } renderedKeys[datum.index] = [datum.index, i]; renderedWidgets[i] = child; } // 已存在的, 需要添加的和需要删除的 var existSet = {}, addSet = {}, deleteArray = []; BI.each(renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (self.renderedKeys[i]) { existSet[i] = key; } else { addSet[i] = key; } }); BI.each(this.renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (existSet[i]) { return; } if (addSet[i]) { return; } deleteArray.push(key[1]); }); BI.each(deleteArray, function (i, index) { // 性能优化,不调用destroy方法防止触发destroy事件 self.renderedCells[index].el._destroy(); }); var addedItems = []; BI.each(addSet, function (index, key) { addedItems.push(renderedCells[key[1]]); }); this.container.addItems(addedItems); // 拦截父子级关系 this.container._children = renderedWidgets; this.container.attr("items", renderedCells); this.renderedCells = renderedCells; this.renderedKeys = renderedKeys; // Todo 左右比较特殊 var minX = BI.min(leftBorder); var maxX = BI.max(rightBorder); var minY = BI.max(topBorder); var maxY = BI.min(bottomBorder); this.renderRange = {minX: minX, minY: minY, maxX: maxX, maxY: maxY}; } }, _getMaxScrollLeft: function () { return Math.max(0, this._width - this.options.width + (this.options.overflowX ? BI.DOM.getScrollWidth() : 0)); }, _getMaxScrollTop: function () { return Math.max(0, this._height - this.options.height + (this.options.overflowY ? BI.DOM.getScrollWidth() : 0)); }, _populate: function (items) { var o = this.options; this._reRange(); if (items && items !== this.options.items) { this.options.items = items; this._calculateSizeAndPositionData(); } if (o.items.length > 0) { this.container.setWidth(this._width); this.container.setHeight(this._height); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); // 元素未挂载时不能设置scrollTop try { this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); this.element.scrollLeft(o.scrollLeft); } catch (e) { } } }, setScrollLeft: function (scrollLeft) { if (this.options.scrollLeft === scrollLeft) { return; } this._scrollLock = true; this.options.scrollLeft = BI.clamp(scrollLeft || 0, 0, this._getMaxScrollLeft()); this._debounceRelease(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); this.element.scrollLeft(this.options.scrollLeft); }, setScrollTop: function (scrollTop) { if (this.options.scrollTop === scrollTop) { return; } this._scrollLock = true; this.options.scrollTop = BI.clamp(scrollTop || 0, 0, this._getMaxScrollTop()); this._debounceRelease(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); this.element.scrollTop(this.options.scrollTop); }, setOverflowX: function (b) { var self = this; if (this.options.overflowX !== !!b) { this.options.overflowX = !!b; BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.css({overflowX: b ? "auto" : "hidden"}); }); } }, setOverflowY: function (b) { var self = this; if (this.options.overflowY !== !!b) { this.options.overflowY = !!b; BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.css({overflowY: b ? "auto" : "hidden"}); }); } }, getScrollLeft: function () { return this.options.scrollLeft; }, getScrollTop: function () { return this.options.scrollTop; }, getMaxScrollLeft: function () { return this._getMaxScrollLeft(); }, getMaxScrollTop: function () { return this._getMaxScrollTop(); }, // 重新计算children _reRange: function () { this.renderRange = {}; }, _clearChildren: function () { this.container._children = {}; this.container.attr("items", []); }, restore: function () { BI.each(this.renderedCells, function (i, cell) { cell.el._destroy(); }); this._clearChildren(); this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.renderRange = {}; this._scrollLock = false; }, populate: function (items) { if (items && items !== this.options.items) { this.restore(); } this._populate(items); } }); BI.CollectionView.EVENT_SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.collection_view", BI.CollectionView);/** * @class BI.Combo * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Combo = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Combo.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-combo", trigger: "click", toggle: true, direction: "bottom", // top||bottom||left||right||top,left||top,right||bottom,left||bottom,right container: null, // popupview放置的容器,默认为this.element isDefaultInit: false, destroyWhenHide: false, isNeedAdjustHeight: true, // 是否需要高度调整 isNeedAdjustWidth: true, stopEvent: false, stopPropagation: false, adjustLength: 0, // 调整的距离 adjustXOffset: 0, adjustYOffset: 0, hideChecker: BI.emptyFn, offsetStyle: "left", // left,right,center el: {}, popup: {}, comboClass: "bi-combo-popup", hoverClass: "bi-combo-hover" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Combo.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this._initCombo(); this._initPullDownAction(); this.combo.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid()) { if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self._popupView(); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self._hideView(); } if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.isViewVisible() && self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, obj); } } }); self.element.on("mouseenter." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { self.element.addClass(o.hoverClass); } }); self.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { self.element.removeClass(o.hoverClass); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.combo} ] }); o.isDefaultInit && (this._assertPopupView()); BI.Resizers.add(this.getName(), BI.bind(function () { if (this.isViewVisible()) { this._hideView(); } }, this)); }, _toggle: function () { this._assertPopupViewRender(); if (this.popupView.isVisible()) { this._hideView(); } else { if (this.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } } }, _initPullDownAction: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var evs = this.options.trigger.split(","); var st = function (e) { if (o.stopEvent) { e.stopEvent(); } if (o.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } }; var enterPopup = false; function hide () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid() && o.toggle === true) { self._hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } self.popupView && self.popupView.element.off("mouseenter." + self.getName()).off("mouseleave." + self.getName()); enterPopup = false; } BI.each(evs, function (i, ev) { switch (ev) { case "hover": self.element.on("mouseenter." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { self._popupView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); } }); self.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.popupView) { self.popupView.element.on("mouseenter." + self.getName(), function (e) { enterPopup = true; self.popupView.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { hide(); }); self.popupView.element.off("mouseenter." + self.getName()); }); BI.defer(function () { if (!enterPopup) { hide(); } }, 50); } }); break; case "click": var debounce = BI.debounce(function (e) { if (self.combo.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { // if (!o.toggle && self.isViewVisible()) { // return; // } o.toggle ? self._toggle() : self._popupView(); if (self.isViewVisible()) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); } else { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } } } }, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, { "leading": true, "trailing": false }); self.element.off(ev + "." + self.getName()).on(ev + "." + self.getName(), function (e) { debounce(e); st(e); }); break; case "click-hover": var debounce = BI.debounce(function (e) { if (self.combo.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.combo.isEnabled() && self.combo.isValid()) { // if (self.isViewVisible()) { // return; // } self._popupView(); if (self.isViewVisible()) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.combo); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND); } } } }, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, { "leading": true, "trailing": false }); self.element.off("click." + self.getName()).on("click." + self.getName(), function (e) { debounce(e); st(e); }); self.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (self.popupView) { self.popupView.element.on("mouseenter." + self.getName(), function (e) { enterPopup = true; self.popupView.element.on("mouseleave." + self.getName(), function (e) { hide(); }); self.popupView.element.off("mouseenter." + self.getName()); }); BI.defer(function () { if (!enterPopup) { hide(); } }, 50); } }); break; } }); }, _initCombo: function () { this.combo = BI.createWidget(this.options.el, { value: this.options.value }); }, _assertPopupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (this.popupView == null) { this.popupView = BI.createWidget(this.options.popup, { type: "bi.popup_view", value: o.value }, this); this.popupView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.combo.setValue(self.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.popupView.setVisible(false); BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); }); } }, _assertPopupViewRender: function () { this._assertPopupView(); if (!this._rendered) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this.options.container || this, items: [ {el: this.popupView} ] }); this._rendered = true; } }, _hideIf: function (e) { // if (this.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e) || (this.popupView && this.popupView.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e))) { // return; // } // BI-10290 公式combo双击公式内容会收起 if ((this.element.find(e.target).length > 0) || (this.popupView && this.popupView.element.find(e.target).length > 0) || e.target.className === "CodeMirror-cursor" || BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(e.target).closest(".CodeMirror-hints").length > 0) {// BI-9887 CodeMirror的公式弹框需要特殊处理下 return; } var isHide = this.options.hideChecker.apply(this, [e]); if (isHide === false) { return; } this._hideView(); }, _hideView: function () { this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW); if (this.options.destroyWhenHide === true) { this.popupView && this.popupView.destroy(); this.popupView = null; this._rendered = false; } else { this.popupView && this.popupView.invisible(); } this.element.removeClass(this.options.comboClass); BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW); }, _popupView: function () { this._assertPopupViewRender(); this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); this.popupView.visible(); this.adjustWidth(); this.adjustHeight(); this.element.addClass(this.options.comboClass); BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()).unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()); BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).bind("mousedown." + this.getName(), BI.bind(this._hideIf, this)).bind("mousewheel." + this.getName(), BI.bind(this._hideIf, this)); this.fireEvent(BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW); }, adjustWidth: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this.popupView) { return; } if (o.isNeedAdjustWidth === true) { this.resetListWidth(""); var width = this.popupView.element.outerWidth(); var maxW = this.element.outerWidth() || o.width; if (width > maxW + 80) { maxW = maxW + 80; } else if (width > maxW) { maxW = width; } this.resetListWidth(maxW < 100 ? 100 : maxW); } }, adjustHeight: function () { var o = this.options, p = {}; if (!this.popupView) { return; } var isVisible = this.popupView.isVisible(); this.popupView.visible(); switch (o.direction) { case "bottom": case "bottom,right": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["bottom", "top", "right", "left"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "top": case "top,right": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["top", "bottom", "right", "left"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "left": case "left,bottom": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength, o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["left", "right", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "right": case "right,bottom": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength, o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "bottom", "top"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "top,left": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "bottom,left": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["bottom", "top", "left", "right"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "left,top": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength, o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "right,top": p = $.getComboPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength, o.adjustYOffset, o.isNeedAdjustHeight, ["right", "left", "top", "bottom"], o.offsetStyle); break; case "top,custom": case "custom,top": p = $.getTopAdaptPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight); break; case "custom,bottom": case "bottom,custom": p = $.getBottomAdaptPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustYOffset || o.adjustLength, o.isNeedAdjustHeight); break; case "left,custom": case "custom,left": p = $.getLeftAdaptPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength); delete p.top; delete p.adaptHeight; break; case "custom,right": case "right,custom": p = $.getRightAdaptPosition(this.combo, this.popupView, o.adjustXOffset || o.adjustLength); delete p.top; delete p.adaptHeight; break; } if ("adaptHeight" in p) { this.resetListHeight(p["adaptHeight"]); } if ("left" in p) { this.popupView.element.css({ left: p.left }); } if ("top" in p) { this.popupView.element.css({ top: p.top }); } this.position = p; this.popupView.setVisible(isVisible); }, resetListHeight: function (h) { this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.resetHeight && this.popupView.resetHeight(h); }, resetListWidth: function (w) { this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.resetWidth && this.popupView.resetWidth(w); }, populate: function (items) { this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); this.combo.populate.apply(this.combo, arguments); }, _setEnable: function (arg) { BI.Combo.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); if (arg === true) { this.element.removeClass("base-disabled disabled"); } else if (arg === false) { this.element.addClass("base-disabled disabled"); } !arg && this.element.removeClass(this.options.hoverClass); !arg && this.isViewVisible() && this._hideView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.combo.setValue(v); if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { this.options.popup.value = v; } else { this.popupView.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { return this.options.popup.value; } else { return this.popupView.getValue(); } }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.isEnabled() && this.combo.isEnabled() && !!this.popupView && this.popupView.isVisible(); }, showView: function () { if (this.isEnabled() && this.combo.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } }, hideView: function () { this._hideView(); }, getView: function () { return this.popupView; }, getPopupPosition: function () { return this.position; }, toggle: function () { this._toggle(); }, destroy: function () { BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousedown." + this.getName()) .unbind("mousewheel." + this.getName()) .unbind("mouseenter." + this.getName()) .unbind("mousemove." + this.getName()) .unbind("mouseleave." + this.getName()); BI.Resizers.remove(this.getName()); BI.Combo.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Combo.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE"; BI.Combo.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Combo.EVENT_EXPAND = "EVENT_EXPAND"; BI.Combo.EVENT_COLLAPSE = "EVENT_COLLAPSE"; BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Combo.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW"; BI.Combo.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.combo", BI.Combo);/** * * 某个可以展开的节点 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/10. * @class BI.Expander * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Expander = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Expander.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-expander", trigger: "click", toggle: true, // direction: "bottom", //top,bottom四个方向 isDefaultInit: false, // 是否默认初始化子节点 el: {}, popup: {}, expanderClass: "bi-expander-popup", hoverClass: "bi-expander-hover" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Expander.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this._expanded = !!o.el.open; this._initExpander(); this._initPullDownAction(); this.expander.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid()) { if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self._popupView(); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self._hideView(); } if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_EXPAND); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.isViewVisible() && self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, value, obj); } } }); this.element.hover(function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid()) { self.element.addClass(o.hoverClass); } }, function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid()) { self.element.removeClass(o.hoverClass); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.expander} ] }); o.isDefaultInit && this._assertPopupView(); if (this.expander.isOpened() === true) { this._popupView(); } }, _toggle: function () { this._assertPopupViewRender(); if (this.popupView.isVisible()) { this._hideView(); } else { if (this.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } } }, _initPullDownAction: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var evs = this.options.trigger.split(","); BI.each(evs, function (i, e) { switch (e) { case "hover": self.element[e](function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid()) { self._popupView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.expander); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_EXPAND); } }, function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid() && o.toggle) { self._hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.expander); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } }); break; case "click": if (e) { self.element.off(e + "." + self.getName()).on(e + "." + self.getName(), BI.debounce(function (e) { if (self.expander.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid() && self.expander.isEnabled() && self.expander.isValid()) { o.toggle ? self._toggle() : self._popupView(); if (self.isExpanded()) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.expander); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_EXPAND); } else { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.expander); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } } } }, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, { "leading": true, "trailing": false })); } break; } }); }, _initExpander: function () { this.expander = BI.createWidget(this.options.el); }, _assertPopupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (this.popupView == null) { this.popupView = BI.createWidget(this.options.popup, { type: "bi.button_group", cls: "expander-popup", layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }], value: o.value }, this); this.popupView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { // self.setValue(self.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } }); this.popupView.setVisible(this.isExpanded()); BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); }); } }, _assertPopupViewRender: function () { this._assertPopupView(); if (!this._rendered) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.popupView} ] }); this._rendered = true; } }, _hideView: function () { this.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW); this._expanded = false; this.expander.setOpened(false); this.popupView && this.popupView.invisible(); this.element.removeClass(this.options.expanderClass); this.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW); }, _popupView: function () { this._assertPopupViewRender(); this.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); this._expanded = true; this.expander.setOpened(true); this.popupView.visible(); this.element.addClass(this.options.expanderClass); this.fireEvent(BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW); }, populate: function (items) { // this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView && this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); this.expander.populate.apply(this.expander, arguments); }, _setEnable: function (arg) { BI.Expander.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); !arg && this.element.removeClass(this.options.hoverClass); !arg && this.isViewVisible() && this._hideView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.expander.setValue(v); if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { this.options.popup.value = v; } else { this.popupView.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { return this.options.popup.value; } else { return this.popupView.getValue(); } }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.isEnabled() && this.expander.isEnabled() && !!this.popupView && this.popupView.isVisible(); }, isExpanded: function () { return this._expanded; }, showView: function () { if (this.isEnabled() && this.expander.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } }, hideView: function () { this._hideView(); }, getView: function () { return this.popupView; }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.popupView && this.popupView.getAllLeaves(); }, getNodeById: function (id) { if (this.expander.options.id === id) { return this.expander; } return this.popupView && this.popupView.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { if (this.expander.getValue() === value) { return this.expander; } return this.popupView && this.popupView.getNodeByValue(value); }, destroy: function () { BI.Expander.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Expander.EVENT_EXPAND = "EVENT_EXPAND"; BI.Expander.EVENT_COLLAPSE = "EVENT_COLLAPSE"; BI.Expander.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE"; BI.Expander.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.Expander.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Expander.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW"; BI.Expander.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.expander", BI.Expander);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/8/10. */ BI.ComboGroup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.ComboGroup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-combo-group bi-list-item", // 以下这些属性对每一个combo都是公用的 trigger: "click,hover", direction: "right", adjustLength: 0, isDefaultInit: false, isNeedAdjustHeight: false, isNeedAdjustWidth: false, el: {type: "bi.text_button", text: "", value: ""}, children: [], popup: { el: { type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: 0, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } } }); }, _init: function () { BI.ComboGroup.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this._populate(this.options.el); }, _populate: function (item) { var self = this, o = this.options; var children = o.children; if (BI.isEmpty(children)) { throw new Error("ComboGroup构造错误"); } BI.each(children, function (i, ch) { var son = BI.formatEL(ch).el.children; ch = BI.formatEL(ch).el; if (!BI.isEmpty(son)) { ch.el = BI.clone(ch); ch.children = son; ch.type = "bi.combo_group"; ch.action = o.action; ch.height = o.height; ch.direction = o.direction; ch.isDefaultInit = o.isDefaultInit; ch.isNeedAdjustHeight = o.isNeedAdjustHeight; ch.isNeedAdjustWidth = o.isNeedAdjustWidth; ch.adjustLength = o.adjustLength; ch.popup = o.popup; } }); this.combo = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.combo", element: this, container: o.container, height: o.height, trigger: o.trigger, direction: o.direction, isDefaultInit: o.isDefaultInit, isNeedAdjustWidth: o.isNeedAdjustWidth, isNeedAdjustHeight: o.isNeedAdjustHeight, adjustLength: o.adjustLength, el: item, popup: BI.extend({}, o.popup, { el: BI.extend({ items: children }, o.popup.el) }) }); this.combo.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.ComboGroup.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } }); }, getValue: function () { return this.combo.getValue(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.combo.setValue(v); } }); BI.ComboGroup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.combo_group", BI.ComboGroup);BI.VirtualGroup = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.VirtualGroup.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-virtual-group", items: [], layouts: [{ type: "bi.center", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }] }); }, render: function () { var o = this.options; this.populate(o.items); if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { this.setValue(o.value); } }, _packageBtns: function (items) { var o = this.options; var map = this.buttonMap = {}; for (var i = o.layouts.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { items = BI.map(items, function (k, it) { var el = BI.stripEL(it); return BI.extend({}, o.layouts[i], { items: [ BI.extend({}, o.layouts[i].el, { el: BI.extend({ ref: function (_ref) { if (BI.isKey(map[el.value])) { map[el.value] = _ref; } } }, el) }) ] }); }); } return items; }, _packageLayout: function (items) { var o = this.options, layout = BI.deepClone(o.layouts[0]); var lay = BI.formatEL(layout).el; while (lay && lay.items && !BI.isEmpty(lay.items)) { lay = BI.formatEL(lay.items[0]).el; } lay.items = items; return layout; }, addItems: function (items) { this.layouts.addItems(items); }, prependItems: function (items) { this.layouts.prependItems(items); }, setValue: function (v) { v = BI.isArray(v) ? v : [v]; BI.each(this.buttonMap, function (key, item) { if (item) { if (v.deepContains(key)) { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(true); } else { item.setSelected && item.setSelected(false); } } }); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttonMap, function (i, item) { if (item) { if (item.isEnabled() && !(item.isSelected && item.isSelected())) { v.push(item.getValue()); } } }); return v; }, getValue: function () { var v = []; BI.each(this.buttonMap, function (i, item) { if (item) { if (item.isEnabled() && item.isSelected && item.isSelected()) { v.push(item.getValue()); } } }); return v; }, populate: function (items) { var self = this; items = items || []; this.options.items = items; items = this._packageBtns(items); if (!this.layouts) { this.layouts = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({element: this}, this._packageLayout(items))); } else { this.layouts.populate(items); } } }); BI.VirtualGroup.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.virtual_group", BI.VirtualGroup);/** * 加载控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/31. * @class BI.Loader * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Loader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Loader.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-loader", direction: "top", isDefaultInit: true, // 是否默认初始化数据 logic: { dynamic: true, scrolly: true }, // 下面是button_group的属性 el: { type: "bi.button_group" }, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, onLoaded: BI.emptyFn, // 下面是分页信息 count: false, prev: false, next: {}, hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, hasNext: BI.emptyFn }); }, _prevLoad: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.prev.setLoading(); o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [{times: --this.times}, function () { self.prev.setLoaded(); self.prependItems.apply(self, arguments); }]); }, _nextLoad: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.next.setLoading(); o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [{times: ++this.times}, function () { self.next.setLoaded(); self.addItems.apply(self, arguments); }]); }, _init: function () { BI.Loader.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.itemsCreator === false) { o.prev = false; o.next = false; } if (o.prev !== false) { this.prev = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.loading_bar" }, o.prev)); this.prev.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self._prevLoad(); } }); } this.button_group = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.button_group", chooseType: 0, items: o.items, behaviors: {}, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Loader.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } }); if (o.next !== false) { this.next = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.loading_bar" }, o.next)); this.next.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self._nextLoad(); } }); } BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({ scrolly: true }, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.prev, this.button_group, this.next) })))); o.isDefaultInit && BI.isEmpty(o.items) && BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { o.isDefaultInit && BI.isEmpty(o.items) && this.populate(); }, this)); if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(o.items)) { this.populate(o.items); } }, hasPrev: function () { var o = this.options; if (BI.isNumber(o.count)) { return this.count < o.count; } return !!o.hasPrev.apply(this, [{ times: this.times, count: this.count }]); }, hasNext: function () { var o = this.options; if (BI.isNumber(o.count)) { return this.count < o.count; } return !!o.hasNext.apply(this, [{ times: this.times, count: this.count }]); }, prependItems: function (items) { this.count += items.length; if (this.next !== false) { if (this.hasPrev()) { this.options.items = this.options.items.concat(items); this.prev.setLoaded(); } else { this.prev.setEnd(); } } this.button_group.prependItems.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, addItems: function (items) { this.count += items.length; if (BI.isObject(this.next)) { if (this.hasNext()) { this.options.items = this.options.items.concat(items); this.next.setLoaded(); } else { this.next.setEnd(); } } this.button_group.addItems.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (arguments.length === 0 && (BI.isFunction(o.itemsCreator))) { o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [{times: 1}, function () { if (arguments.length === 0) { throw new Error("arguments can not be null!!!"); } self.populate.apply(self, arguments); o.onLoaded(); }]); return; } this.options.items = items; this.times = 1; this.count = 0; this.count += items.length; if (BI.isObject(this.next)) { if (this.hasNext()) { this.next.setLoaded(); } else { this.next.invisible(); } } if (BI.isObject(this.prev)) { if (this.hasPrev()) { this.prev.setLoaded(); } else { this.prev.invisible(); } } this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, setNotSelectedValue: function () { this.button_group.setNotSelectedValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getNotSelectedValue: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedValue(); }, setValue: function () { this.button_group.setValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getAllButtons(); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.button_group.getAllLeaves(); }, getSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getSelectedButtons(); }, getNotSelectedButtons: function () { return this.button_group.getNotSelectedButtons(); }, getIndexByValue: function (value) { return this.button_group.getIndexByValue(value); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.button_group.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { return this.button_group.getNodeByValue(value); }, empty: function () { this.button_group.empty(); BI.each([this.prev, this.next], function (i, ob) { ob && ob.setVisible(false); }); }, destroy: function () { BI.Loader.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Loader.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.loader", BI.Loader);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/6/26. */ BI.Navigation = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Navigation.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { direction: "bottom", // top, bottom, left, right, custom logic: { dynamic: false }, single: false, showIndex: false, tab: false, cardCreator: function (v) { return BI.createWidget(); }, afterCardCreated: BI.emptyFn, afterCardShow: BI.emptyFn }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.tab = BI.createWidget(this.options.tab, {type: "bi.button_group"}); this.cardMap = {}; this.showIndex = 0; this.layout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.card" }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.tab, this.layout) })))); new BI.ShowListener({ eventObj: this.tab, cardLayout: this.layout, cardNameCreator: function (v) { return self.showIndex + v; }, cardCreator: function (v) { var card = o.cardCreator(v); self.cardMap[v] = card; return card; }, afterCardCreated: BI.bind(this.afterCardCreated, this), afterCardShow: BI.bind(this.afterCardShow, this) }); }, mounted: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.showIndex !== false) { this.setSelect(o.showIndex); } }, _deleteOtherCards: function (currCardName) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.single === true) { BI.each(this.cardMap, function (name, card) { if (name !== (currCardName + "")) { self.layout.deleteCardByName(name); delete self.cardMap[name]; } }); } }, afterCardCreated: function (v) { var self = this; this.cardMap[v].on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Navigation.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } }); this.options.afterCardCreated.apply(this, arguments); }, afterCardShow: function (v) { this.showIndex = v; this._deleteOtherCards(v); this.options.afterCardShow.apply(this, arguments); }, populate: function () { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { return card.populate.apply(card, arguments); } }, _assertCard: function (v) { if (!this.layout.isCardExisted(v)) { var card = this.options.cardCreator(v); this.cardMap[v] = card; this.layout.addCardByName(v, card); this.afterCardCreated(v); } }, setSelect: function (v) { this._assertCard(v); this.layout.showCardByName(v); this._deleteOtherCards(v); if (this.showIndex !== v) { this.showIndex = v; BI.nextTick(BI.bind(this.afterCardShow, this, v)); } }, getSelect: function () { return this.showIndex; }, getSelectedCard: function () { if (BI.isKey(this.showIndex)) { return this.cardMap[this.showIndex]; } }, /** * @override */ setValue: function (v) { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { card.setValue(v); } }, /** * @override */ getValue: function () { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { return card.getValue(); } }, empty: function () { this.layout.deleteAllCard(); this.cardMap = {}; }, destroy: function () { BI.Navigation.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Navigation.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.navigation", BI.Navigation);/** * 搜索逻辑控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/28. * @class BI.Searcher * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Searcher = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Searcher.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-searcher", lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, vgap: 0, hgap: 0, isDefaultInit: false, isAutoSearch: true, // 是否自动搜索 isAutoSync: true, // 是否自动同步数据, 即是否保持搜索面板和adapter面板状态值的统一 chooseType: BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE, // isAutoSearch为false时启用 onSearch: function (op, callback) { callback([]); }, el: { type: "bi.search_editor" }, popup: { type: "bi.searcher_view" }, adapter: null, masker: { // masker层 offset: {} } }); }, _init: function () { BI.Searcher.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = BI.createWidget(o.el, { type: "bi.search_editor" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, vgap: o.vgap, hgap: o.hgap, items: [this.editor] }); o.isDefaultInit && (this._assertPopupView()); var search = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._search, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, { "leading": true, "trailing": false }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { switch (type) { case BI.Events.STARTEDIT: self._startSearch(); break; case BI.Events.EMPTY: self._stopSearch(); break; case BI.Events.CHANGE: search(); break; case BI.Events.PAUSE: self._pauseSearch(); break; } }); }, _assertPopupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if ((o.masker && !BI.Maskers.has(this.getName())) || (o.masker === false && !this.popupView)) { this.popupView = BI.createWidget(o.popup, { type: "bi.searcher_view", chooseType: o.chooseType }); this.popupView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { if (o.isAutoSync) { var values = o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue(); if (!obj.isSelected()) { o.adapter && o.adapter.setValue(BI.deepWithout(values, obj.getValue())); } else { switch (o.chooseType) { case BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_SINGLE: o.adapter && o.adapter.setValue([obj.getValue()]); break; case BI.ButtonGroup.CHOOSE_TYPE_MULTI: values.push(obj.getValue()); o.adapter && o.adapter.setValue(values); break; } } } self.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } }); BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); }); } if (o.masker && !BI.Maskers.has(this.getName())) { BI.Maskers.create(this.getName(), o.adapter, BI.extend({ container: this, render: this.popupView }, o.masker), this); } }, _startSearch: function () { this._assertPopupView(); this._stop = false; this._isSearching = true; this.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_START); this.popupView.startSearch && this.popupView.startSearch(); // 搜索前先清空dom // BI.Maskers.get(this.getName()).empty(); BI.nextTick(function (name) { BI.Maskers.show(name); }, this.getName()); }, _pauseSearch: function () { var o = this.options, name = this.getName(); this._stop = true; BI.nextTick(function (name) { BI.Maskers.hide(name); }, this.getName()); if (this._isSearching === true) { this.popupView && this.popupView.pauseSearch && this.popupView.pauseSearch(); this.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE); } this._isSearching = false; }, _stopSearch: function () { var o = this.options, name = this.getName(); this._stop = true; BI.Maskers.hide(name); if (this._isSearching === true) { this.popupView && this.popupView.stopSearch && this.popupView.stopSearch(); this.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP); } this._isSearching = false; }, _search: function () { var self = this, o = this.options, keyword = this.editor.getValue(); if (keyword === "" || this._stop) { return; } if (o.isAutoSearch) { var items = (o.adapter && ((o.adapter.getItems && o.adapter.getItems()) || o.adapter.attr("items"))) || []; var finding = BI.Func.getSearchResult(items, keyword); var match = finding.match, find = finding.find; this.popupView.populate(find, match, keyword); o.isAutoSync && o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue && this.popupView.setValue(o.adapter.getValue()); self.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING); return; } this.popupView.loading && this.popupView.loading(); o.onSearch({ times: 1, keyword: keyword, selectedValues: o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue() }, function (searchResult, matchResult) { if (!self._stop) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments); if (args.length > 0) { args.push(keyword); } BI.Maskers.show(self.getName()); self.popupView.populate.apply(self.popupView, args); o.isAutoSync && o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue && self.popupView.setValue(o.adapter.getValue()); self.popupView.loaded && self.popupView.loaded(); self.fireEvent(BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING); } }); }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.options.adapter = adapter; BI.Maskers.remove(this.getName()); }, doSearch: function () { if (this.isSearching()) { this._search(); } }, stopSearch: function () { this._stopSearch();// 先停止搜索,然后再去设置editor为空 // important:停止搜索必须退出编辑状态,这里必须加上try(input框不显示时blur会抛异常) try { this.editor.blur(); } catch (e) { if (!this.editor.blur) { throw new Error("editor没有实现blur方法"); } } finally { this.editor.setValue(""); } }, isSearching: function () { return this._isSearching; }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.editor.isEnabled() && BI.Maskers.isVisible(this.getName()); }, getView: function () { return this.popupView; }, hasMatched: function () { this._assertPopupView(); return this.popupView.hasMatched(); }, adjustHeight: function () { if (BI.Maskers.has(this.getName()) && BI.Maskers.get(this.getName()).isVisible()) { BI.Maskers.show(this.getName()); } }, adjustView: function () { this.isViewVisible() && BI.Maskers.show(this.getName()); }, setValue: function (v) { if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { this.options.popup.value = v; } else { this.popupView.setValue(v); } }, getKeyword: function () { return this.editor.getValue(); }, getKeywords: function () { return this.editor.getKeywords(); }, getValue: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.isAutoSync && o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue) { return o.adapter.getValue(); } if (this.isSearching()) { return this.popupView.getValue(); } else if (o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue) { return o.adapter.getValue(); } if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { return o.popup.value; } return this.popupView.getValue(); }, populate: function (result, searchResult, keyword) { var o = this.options; this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); if (o.isAutoSync && o.adapter && o.adapter.getValue) { this.popupView.setValue(o.adapter.getValue()); } }, empty: function () { this.popupView && this.popupView.empty(); }, destroy: function () { BI.Maskers.remove(this.getName()); BI.Searcher.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Searcher.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING"; BI.Searcher.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.shortcut("bi.searcher", BI.Searcher);/** * * 切换显示或隐藏面板 * * Created by GUY on 2015/11/2. * @class BI.Switcher * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Switcher = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Switcher.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-switcher", direction: BI.Direction.Top, trigger: "click", toggle: true, el: {}, popup: {}, adapter: null, masker: {}, switcherClass: "bi-switcher-popup", hoverClass: "bi-switcher-hover" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Switcher.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this._initSwitcher(); this._initPullDownAction(); this.switcher.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.isValid()) { if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self._popupView(); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self._hideView(); } if (type === BI.Events.EXPAND) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_EXPAND); } if (type === BI.Events.COLLAPSE) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); self.isViewVisible() && self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE, value, obj); } } }); this.element.hover(function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled()) { self.element.addClass(o.hoverClass); } }, function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled()) { self.element.removeClass(o.hoverClass); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.switcher} ] }); o.isDefaultInit && (this._assertPopupView()); }, _toggle: function () { this._assertPopupView(); if (this.isExpanded()) { this._hideView(); } else { if (this.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } } }, _initPullDownAction: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var evs = this.options.trigger.split(","); BI.each(evs, function (i, e) { switch (e) { case "hover": self.element[e](function (e) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled()) { self._popupView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.switcher); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_EXPAND); } }, function () { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled() && o.toggle) { self._hideView(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.switcher); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } }); break; default : if (e) { self.element.off(e + "." + self.getName()).on(e + "." + self.getName(), BI.debounce(function (e) { if (self.switcher.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { if (self.isEnabled() && self.switcher.isEnabled()) { o.toggle ? self._toggle() : self._popupView(); if (self.isExpanded()) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EXPAND, "", self.switcher); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_EXPAND); } else { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.COLLAPSE, "", self.switcher); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_COLLAPSE); } } } }, BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, { "leading": true, "trailing": false })); } break; } }); }, _initSwitcher: function () { this.switcher = BI.createWidget(this.options.el, { value: this.options.value }); }, _assertPopupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (!this._created) { this.popupView = BI.createWidget(o.popup, { type: "bi.button_group", element: o.adapter && BI.Maskers.create(this.getName(), o.adapter, BI.extend({container: this}, o.masker)), cls: "switcher-popup", layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical", hgap: 0, vgap: 0 }], value: o.value }, this); this.popupView.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_CHANGE, value, obj); } }); if (o.direction !== BI.Direction.Custom && !o.adapter) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, element: this, items: [ {el: this.popupView} ] }); } this._created = true; BI.nextTick(function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_INIT); }); } }, _hideView: function () { this.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW); var self = this, o = this.options; o.adapter ? BI.Maskers.hide(self.getName()) : (self.popupView && self.popupView.setVisible(false)); BI.nextTick(function () { o.adapter ? BI.Maskers.hide(self.getName()) : (self.popupView && self.popupView.setVisible(false)); self.element.removeClass(o.switcherClass); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW); }); }, _popupView: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this._assertPopupView(); this.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW); o.adapter ? BI.Maskers.show(this.getName()) : self.popupView.setVisible(true); BI.nextTick(function (name) { o.adapter ? BI.Maskers.show(name) : self.popupView.setVisible(true); self.element.addClass(o.switcherClass); self.fireEvent(BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW); }, this.getName()); }, populate: function (items) { this._assertPopupView(); this.popupView.populate.apply(this.popupView, arguments); this.switcher.populate.apply(this.switcher, arguments); }, _setEnable: function (arg) { BI.Switcher.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); !arg && this.isViewVisible() && this._hideView(); }, setValue: function (v) { this.switcher.setValue(v); if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { this.options.popup.value = v; } else { this.popupView.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { if (BI.isNull(this.popupView)) { return this.options.popup.value; } else { return this.popupView.getValue(); } }, setAdapter: function (adapter) { this.options.adapter = adapter; BI.Maskers.remove(this.getName()); }, isViewVisible: function () { return this.isEnabled() && this.switcher.isEnabled() && (this.options.adapter ? BI.Maskers.isVisible(this.getName()) : (this.popupView && this.popupView.isVisible())); }, isExpanded: function () { return this.isViewVisible(); }, showView: function () { if (this.isEnabled() && this.switcher.isEnabled()) { this._popupView(); } }, hideView: function () { this._hideView(); }, getView: function () { return this.popupView; }, adjustView: function () { this.isViewVisible() && BI.Maskers.show(this.getName()); }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.popupView && this.popupView.getAllLeaves(); }, getNodeById: function (id) { if (this.switcher.attr("id") === id) { return this.switcher; } return this.popupView && this.popupView.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (value) { if (this.switcher.getValue() === value) { return this.switcher; } return this.popupView && this.popupView.getNodeByValue(value); }, empty: function () { this.popupView && this.popupView.empty(); }, destroy: function () { BI.Switcher.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Switcher.EVENT_EXPAND = "EVENT_EXPAND"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_COLLAPSE = "EVENT_COLLAPSE"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CHANGE"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_POPUPVIEW"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_HIDEVIEW"; BI.Switcher.EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW = "EVENT_AFTER_HIDEVIEW"; BI.shortcut("bi.switcher", BI.Switcher);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/6/26. */ BI.Tab = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Tab.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-tab", direction: "top", // top, bottom, left, right, custom single: false, // 是不是单页面 logic: { dynamic: false }, showIndex: false, tab: false, cardCreator: function (v) { return BI.createWidget(); } }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (BI.isObject(o.tab)) { this.tab = BI.createWidget(this.options.tab, {type: "bi.button_group"}); this.tab.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); } this.cardMap = {}; this.layout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.card" }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.tab, this.layout) })))); var listener = new BI.ShowListener({ eventObj: this.tab, cardLayout: this.layout, cardCreator: function (v) { var card = o.cardCreator.apply(self, arguments); self.cardMap[v] = card; return card; }, afterCardShow: function (v) { self._deleteOtherCards(v); self.curr = v; } }); listener.on(BI.ShowListener.EVENT_CHANGE, function (value) { self.fireEvent(BI.Tab.EVENT_CHANGE, value, self); }); }, _deleteOtherCards: function (currCardName) { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.single === true) { BI.each(this.cardMap, function (name, card) { if (name !== (currCardName + "")) { self.layout.deleteCardByName(name); delete self.cardMap[name]; } }); } }, _assertCard: function (v) { if (!this.layout.isCardExisted(v)) { var card = this.options.cardCreator(v); this.cardMap[v] = card; this.layout.addCardByName(v, card); } }, mounted: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.showIndex !== false) { this.setSelect(o.showIndex); } }, setSelect: function (v) { this.tab && this.tab.setValue(v); this._assertCard(v); this.layout.showCardByName(v); this._deleteOtherCards(v); if (this.curr !== v) { this.curr = v; } }, removeTab: function (cardname) { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.any(this.cardMap, function (name, card) { if (BI.isEqual(name, (cardname + ""))) { self.layout.deleteCardByName(name); delete self.cardMap[name]; return true; } }); }, getSelect: function () { return this.curr; }, getSelectedTab: function () { return this.layout.getShowingCard(); }, getTab: function (v) { this._assertCard(v); return this.layout.getCardByName(v); }, setValue: function (v) { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { card.setValue(v); } }, getValue: function () { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { return card.getValue(); } }, populate: function () { var card = this.layout.getShowingCard(); if (card) { return card.populate && card.populate.apply(card, arguments); } }, empty: function () { this.layout.deleteAllCard(); this.cardMap = {}; }, destroy: function () { this.cardMap = {}; BI.Tab.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.Tab.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.tab", BI.Tab);/** * 表示当前对象 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.EL * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.EL = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.EL.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-el", el: {}, layout: {} }); }, _init: function () { BI.EL.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.ele = BI.createWidget(o.el); BI.createWidget(o.layout, { type: "bi.adaptive", element: this, items: [this.ele] }); this.ele.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); }, setValue: function (v) { this.ele.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.ele.getValue(); }, populate: function () { this.ele.populate.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.el", BI.EL);/** * z-index在1亿层级 * 弹出提示消息框,用于模拟阻塞操作(通过回调函数实现) * @class BI.Msg */ BI.Msg = function () { var messageShow, $mask, $pop; return { alert: function (title, message, callback) { this._show(false, title, message, callback); }, confirm: function (title, message, callback) { this._show(true, title, message, callback); }, prompt: function (title, message, value, callback, min_width) { // BI.Msg.prompt(title, message, value, callback, min_width); }, toast: function (message, options, context) { options = options || {}; context = context || BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body"); var level = options.level || "normal"; var autoClose = BI.isNull(options.autoClose) ? true : options.autoClose; var toast = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.toast", cls: "bi-message-animate bi-message-leave", level: level, autoClose: autoClose, text: message }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: context, items: [{ el: toast, left: "50%", top: 10 }] }); toast.element.css({"margin-left": -1 * toast.element.outerWidth() / 2}); toast.element.removeClass("bi-message-leave").addClass("bi-message-enter"); autoClose && BI.delay(function () { toast.element.removeClass("bi-message-enter").addClass("bi-message-leave"); BI.delay(function () { toast.destroy(); }, 1000); }, 5000); }, _show: function (hasCancel, title, message, callback) { $mask = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("
").css({ position: "absolute", zIndex: BI.zIndex_tip - 2, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, opacity: 0.5 }).appendTo("body"); $pop = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("
").css({ position: "absolute", zIndex: BI.zIndex_tip - 1, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }).appendTo("body"); var close = function () { messageShow.destroy(); $mask.remove(); }; var controlItems = []; if (hasCancel === true) { controlItems.push({ el: { type: "bi.button", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Cancel"), level: "ignore", handler: function () { close(); if (BI.isFunction(callback)) { callback.apply(null, [false]); } } } }); } controlItems.push({ el: { type: "bi.button", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_OK"), handler: function () { close(); if (BI.isFunction(callback)) { callback.apply(null, [true]); } } } }); var conf = { element: $pop, type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [ { type: "bi.border", cls: "bi-message-content bi-card", items: { north: { el: { type: "bi.border", cls: "bi-message-title bi-background", items: { center: { el: { type: "bi.label", text: title || BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Prompt"), textAlign: "left", hgap: 20, height: 50 } }, east: { el: { type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "bi-message-close close-font", // height: 50, handler: function () { close(); if (BI.isFunction(callback)) { callback.apply(null, [false]); } } }, width: 60 } } }, height: 50 }, center: { el: { type: "bi.text", cls: "bi-message-text", tgap: 60, hgap: 20, lineHeight: 30, whiteSpace: "normal", text: message } }, south: { el: { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.right_vertical_adapt", hgap: 5, items: controlItems }, top: 0, left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 0 }] }, height: 60 } }, width: 400, height: 300 } ] }; messageShow = BI.createWidget(conf); } }; }();/** * GridView * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/11. * @class BI.GridView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.GridView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.GridView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-grid-view", // width: 400, //必设 // height: 300, //必设 overflowX: true, overflowY: true, overscanColumnCount: 0, overscanRowCount: 0, rowHeightGetter: BI.emptyFn, // number类型或function类型 columnWidthGetter: BI.emptyFn, // number类型或function类型 // estimatedColumnSize: 100, //columnWidthGetter为function时必设 // estimatedRowSize: 30, //rowHeightGetter为function时必设 scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0, items: [] }); }, _init: function () { BI.GridView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.renderRange = {}; this._scrollLock = false; this._debounceRelease = BI.debounce(function () { self._scrollLock = false; }, 1000 / 60); this.container = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute" }); this.element.scroll(function () { if (self._scrollLock === true) { return; } o.scrollLeft = self.element.scrollLeft(); o.scrollTop = self.element.scrollTop(); self._calculateChildrenToRender(); self.fireEvent(BI.GridView.EVENT_SCROLL, { scrollLeft: o.scrollLeft, scrollTop: o.scrollTop }); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, scrollable: o.overflowX === true && o.overflowY === true, scrolly: o.overflowX === false && o.overflowY === true, scrollx: o.overflowX === true && o.overflowY === false, items: [this.container] }); if (o.items.length > 0) { this._populate(); } }, mounted: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.scrollLeft !== 0 || o.scrollTop !== 0) { this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); this.element.scrollLeft(o.scrollLeft); } }, _getOverscanIndices: function (cellCount, overscanCellsCount, startIndex, stopIndex) { return { overscanStartIndex: Math.max(0, startIndex - overscanCellsCount), overscanStopIndex: Math.min(cellCount - 1, stopIndex + overscanCellsCount) }; }, _calculateChildrenToRender: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var width = o.width, height = o.height, scrollLeft = BI.clamp(o.scrollLeft, 0, this._getMaxScrollLeft()), scrollTop = BI.clamp(o.scrollTop, 0, this._getMaxScrollTop()), overscanColumnCount = o.overscanColumnCount, overscanRowCount = o.overscanRowCount; if (height > 0 && width > 0) { var visibleColumnIndices = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getVisibleCellRange(width, scrollLeft); var visibleRowIndices = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getVisibleCellRange(height, scrollTop); if (BI.isEmpty(visibleColumnIndices) || BI.isEmpty(visibleRowIndices)) { return; } var horizontalOffsetAdjustment = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getOffsetAdjustment(width, scrollLeft); var verticalOffsetAdjustment = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getOffsetAdjustment(height, scrollTop); this._renderedColumnStartIndex = visibleColumnIndices.start; this._renderedColumnStopIndex = visibleColumnIndices.stop; this._renderedRowStartIndex = visibleRowIndices.start; this._renderedRowStopIndex = visibleRowIndices.stop; var overscanColumnIndices = this._getOverscanIndices(this.columnCount, overscanColumnCount, this._renderedColumnStartIndex, this._renderedColumnStopIndex); var overscanRowIndices = this._getOverscanIndices(this.rowCount, overscanRowCount, this._renderedRowStartIndex, this._renderedRowStopIndex); var columnStartIndex = overscanColumnIndices.overscanStartIndex; var columnStopIndex = overscanColumnIndices.overscanStopIndex; var rowStartIndex = overscanRowIndices.overscanStartIndex; var rowStopIndex = overscanRowIndices.overscanStopIndex; // 算区间size var minRowDatum = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(rowStartIndex); var minColumnDatum = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(columnStartIndex); var maxRowDatum = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(rowStopIndex); var maxColumnDatum = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(columnStopIndex); var top = minRowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment; var left = minColumnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment; var bottom = maxRowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment + maxRowDatum.size; var right = maxColumnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment + maxColumnDatum.size; // 如果滚动的区间并没有超出渲染的范围 if (top >= this.renderRange.minY && bottom <= this.renderRange.maxY && left >= this.renderRange.minX && right <= this.renderRange.maxX) { return; } var renderedCells = [], renderedKeys = {}, renderedWidgets = {}; var minX = this._getMaxScrollLeft(), minY = this._getMaxScrollTop(), maxX = 0, maxY = 0; var count = 0; for (var rowIndex = rowStartIndex; rowIndex <= rowStopIndex; rowIndex++) { var rowDatum = this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(rowIndex); for (var columnIndex = columnStartIndex; columnIndex <= columnStopIndex; columnIndex++) { var key = rowIndex + "-" + columnIndex; var columnDatum = this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getSizeAndPositionOfCell(columnIndex); var index = this.renderedKeys[key] && this.renderedKeys[key][2]; var child; if (index >= 0) { if (columnDatum.size !== this.renderedCells[index]._width) { this.renderedCells[index]._width = columnDatum.size; this.renderedCells[index].el.setWidth(columnDatum.size); } if (rowDatum.size !== this.renderedCells[index]._height) { this.renderedCells[index]._height = rowDatum.size; this.renderedCells[index].el.setHeight(rowDatum.size); } if (this.renderedCells[index]._left !== columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment) { this.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("left", (columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment) + "px"); } if (this.renderedCells[index]._top !== rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment) { this.renderedCells[index].el.element.css("top", (rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment) + "px"); } renderedCells.push(child = this.renderedCells[index]); } else { child = BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ type: "bi.label", width: columnDatum.size, height: rowDatum.size }, o.items[rowIndex][columnIndex], { cls: (o.items[rowIndex][columnIndex].cls || "") + " grid-cell" + (rowIndex === 0 ? " first-row" : "") + (columnIndex === 0 ? " first-col" : ""), _rowIndex: rowIndex, _columnIndex: columnIndex, _left: columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment, _top: rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment })); renderedCells.push({ el: child, left: columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment, top: rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment, _left: columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment, _top: rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment, _width: columnDatum.size, _height: rowDatum.size }); } minX = Math.min(minX, columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment); maxX = Math.max(maxX, columnDatum.offset + horizontalOffsetAdjustment + columnDatum.size); minY = Math.min(minY, rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment); maxY = Math.max(maxY, rowDatum.offset + verticalOffsetAdjustment + rowDatum.size); renderedKeys[key] = [rowIndex, columnIndex, count]; renderedWidgets[count] = child; count++; } } // 已存在的, 需要添加的和需要删除的 var existSet = {}, addSet = {}, deleteArray = []; BI.each(renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (self.renderedKeys[i]) { existSet[i] = key; } else { addSet[i] = key; } }); BI.each(this.renderedKeys, function (i, key) { if (existSet[i]) { return; } if (addSet[i]) { return; } deleteArray.push(key[2]); }); BI.each(deleteArray, function (i, index) { // 性能优化,不调用destroy方法防止触发destroy事件 self.renderedCells[index].el._destroy(); }); var addedItems = []; BI.each(addSet, function (index, key) { addedItems.push(renderedCells[key[2]]); }); this.container.addItems(addedItems); // 拦截父子级关系 this.container._children = renderedWidgets; this.container.attr("items", renderedCells); this.renderedCells = renderedCells; this.renderedKeys = renderedKeys; this.renderRange = {minX: minX, minY: minY, maxX: maxX, maxY: maxY}; } }, /** * 获取真实的可滚动的最大宽度 * 对于grid_view如果没有全部渲染过,this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getTotalSize获取的宽度是不准确的 * 因此在调用setScrollLeft等函数时会造成没法移动到最右端(预估可移动具体太短) */ _getRealMaxScrollLeft: function () { var o = this.options; var totalWidth = 0; BI.count(0, this.columnCount, function (index) { totalWidth += o.columnWidthGetter(index); }); return Math.max(0, totalWidth - this.options.width + (this.options.overflowX ? BI.DOM.getScrollWidth() : 0)); }, _getMaxScrollLeft: function () { return Math.max(0, this._columnSizeAndPositionManager.getTotalSize() - this.options.width + (this.options.overflowX ? BI.DOM.getScrollWidth() : 0)); }, _getMaxScrollTop: function () { return Math.max(0, this._rowSizeAndPositionManager.getTotalSize() - this.options.height + (this.options.overflowY ? BI.DOM.getScrollWidth() : 0)); }, _populate: function (items) { var self = this, o = this.options; this._reRange(); this.columnCount = 0; this.rowCount = 0; if (items && items !== this.options.items) { this.options.items = items; } if (BI.isNumber(o.columnCount)) { this.columnCount = o.columnCount; } else if (o.items.length > 0) { this.columnCount = o.items[0].length; } if (BI.isNumber(o.rowCount)) { this.rowCount = o.rowCount; } else { this.rowCount = o.items.length; } this.container.setWidth(this.columnCount * o.estimatedColumnSize); this.container.setHeight(this.rowCount * o.estimatedRowSize); this._columnSizeAndPositionManager = new BI.ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager(this.columnCount, o.columnWidthGetter, o.estimatedColumnSize); this._rowSizeAndPositionManager = new BI.ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager(this.rowCount, o.rowHeightGetter, o.estimatedRowSize); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); // 元素未挂载时不能设置scrollTop try { this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); this.element.scrollLeft(o.scrollLeft); } catch (e) { } }, setScrollLeft: function (scrollLeft) { if (this.options.scrollLeft === scrollLeft) { return; } this._scrollLock = true; this.options.scrollLeft = BI.clamp(scrollLeft || 0, 0, this._getRealMaxScrollLeft()); this._debounceRelease(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); this.element.scrollLeft(this.options.scrollLeft); }, setScrollTop: function (scrollTop) { if (this.options.scrollTop === scrollTop) { return; } this._scrollLock = true; this.options.scrollTop = BI.clamp(scrollTop || 0, 0, this._getMaxScrollTop()); this._debounceRelease(); this._calculateChildrenToRender(); this.element.scrollTop(this.options.scrollTop); }, setColumnCount: function (columnCount) { this.options.columnCount = columnCount; }, setRowCount: function (rowCount) { this.options.rowCount = rowCount; }, setOverflowX: function (b) { var self = this; if (this.options.overflowX !== !!b) { this.options.overflowX = !!b; BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.css({overflowX: b ? "auto" : "hidden"}); }); } }, setOverflowY: function (b) { var self = this; if (this.options.overflowY !== !!b) { this.options.overflowY = !!b; BI.nextTick(function () { self.element.css({overflowY: b ? "auto" : "hidden"}); }); } }, getScrollLeft: function () { return this.options.scrollLeft; }, getScrollTop: function () { return this.options.scrollTop; }, getMaxScrollLeft: function () { return this._getMaxScrollLeft(); }, getMaxScrollTop: function () { return this._getMaxScrollTop(); }, setEstimatedColumnSize: function (width) { this.options.estimatedColumnSize = width; }, setEstimatedRowSize: function (height) { this.options.estimatedRowSize = height; }, // 重新计算children _reRange: function () { this.renderRange = {}; }, _clearChildren: function () { this.container._children = {}; this.container.attr("items", []); }, restore: function () { BI.each(this.renderedCells, function (i, cell) { cell.el._destroy(); }); this._clearChildren(); this.renderedCells = []; this.renderedKeys = []; this.renderRange = {}; this._scrollLock = false; }, populate: function (items) { if (items && items !== this.options.items) { this.restore(); } this._populate(items); } }); BI.GridView.EVENT_SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL"; BI.shortcut("bi.grid_view", BI.GridView);/** * Popover弹出层, * @class BI.Popover * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Popover = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _constant: { SIZE: { SMALL: "small", NORMAL: "normal", BIG: "big" }, HEADER_HEIGHT: 40 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Popover.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-popover bi-card", // width: 600, // height: 500, size: "normal", // small, normal, big header: null, body: null, footer: null }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this.startX = 0; this.startY = 0; this.tracker = new BI.MouseMoveTracker(function (deltaX, deltaY) { var size = self._calculateSize(); var W = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").width(), H = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("body").height(); self.startX += deltaX; self.startY += deltaY; self.element.css({ left: BI.clamp(self.startX, 0, W - size.width) + "px", top: BI.clamp(self.startY, 0, H - size.height) + "px" }); // BI-12134 没有什么特别好的方法 BI.Resizers._resize(); }, function () { self.tracker.releaseMouseMoves(); }, _global); var items = { north: { el: { type: "bi.htape", cls: "bi-message-title bi-header-background", ref: function (_ref) { self.dragger = _ref; }, items: [{ type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: BI.isPlainObject(o.header) ? BI.createWidget(o.header, { extraCls: "bi-font-bold" }) : { type: "bi.label", cls: "bi-font-bold", height: this._constant.HEADER_HEIGHT, text: o.header, textAlign: "left" }, left: 20, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }] }, { el: { type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "bi-message-close close-font", height: this._constant.HEADER_HEIGHT, handler: function () { self.close(); } }, width: 56 }] }, height: this._constant.HEADER_HEIGHT }, center: { el: { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: BI.createWidget(o.body), left: 20, top: 10, right: 20, bottom: 0 }] } } }; if (o.footer) { items.south = { el: { type: "bi.absolute", items: [{ el: BI.createWidget(o.footer), left: 20, top: 0, right: 20, bottom: 0 }] }, height: 44 }; } var size = this._calculateSize(); return { type: "bi.border", items: items, width: size.width, height: size.height }; }, mounted: function () { var self = this; this.dragger.element.mousedown(function (e) { var pos = self.element.offset(); self.startX = pos.left; self.startY = pos.top; self.tracker.captureMouseMoves(e); }); }, _calculateSize: function () { var o = this.options; var size = {}; if (BI.isNotNull(o.size)) { switch (o.size) { case this._constant.SIZE.SMALL: size.width = 450; size.height = 220; break; case this._constant.SIZE.BIG: size.width = 900; size.height = 500; break; default: size.width = 550; size.height = 500; } } return { width: o.width || size.width, height: o.height || size.height }; }, hide: function () { }, open: function () { this.show(); this.fireEvent(BI.Popover.EVENT_OPEN, arguments); }, close: function () { this.hide(); this.fireEvent(BI.Popover.EVENT_CLOSE, arguments); }, setZindex: function (zindex) { this.element.css({"z-index": zindex}); }, destroyed: function () { } }); BI.shortcut("bi.popover", BI.Popover); BI.BarPopover = BI.inherit(BI.Popover, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.BarPopover.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { btns: [BI.i18nText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Sure")), BI.i18nText(BI.i18nText("BI-Basic_Cancel"))] }); }, beforeCreate: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; o.footer || (o.footer = { type: "bi.right_vertical_adapt", lgap: 10, items: [{ type: "bi.button", text: this.options.btns[1], value: 1, level: "ignore", handler: function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.Popover.EVENT_CANCEL, v); self.close(v); } }, { type: "bi.button", text: this.options.btns[0], warningTitle: o.warningTitle, value: 0, handler: function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.Popover.EVENT_CONFIRM, v); self.close(v); } }] }); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.bar_popover", BI.BarPopover); BI.Popover.EVENT_CLOSE = "EVENT_CLOSE"; BI.Popover.EVENT_OPEN = "EVENT_OPEN"; BI.Popover.EVENT_CANCEL = "EVENT_CANCEL"; BI.Popover.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; /** * 下拉框弹出层, zIndex在1000w * @class BI.PopupView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.PopupView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.PopupView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-popup-view", maxWidth: "auto", minWidth: 100, // maxHeight: 200, minHeight: 24, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, vgap: 0, hgap: 0, innerVGap: 0, direction: BI.Direction.Top, // 工具栏的方向 stopEvent: false, // 是否停止mousedown、mouseup事件 stopPropagation: false, // 是否停止mousedown、mouseup向上冒泡 logic: { dynamic: true }, tool: false, // 自定义工具栏 tabs: [], // 导航栏 buttons: [], // toolbar栏 el: { type: "bi.button_group", items: [], chooseType: 0, behaviors: {}, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } }); }, _init: function () { BI.PopupView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; var fn = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, stop = function (e) { e.stopEvent(); return false; }; this.element.css({ "z-index": BI.zIndex_popup, "min-width": o.minWidth + "px", "max-width": o.maxWidth + "px" }).bind({click: fn}); this.element.bind("mousewheel", fn); o.stopPropagation && this.element.bind({mousedown: fn, mouseup: fn, mouseover: fn}); o.stopEvent && this.element.bind({mousedown: stop, mouseup: stop, mouseover: stop}); this.tool = this._createTool(); this.tab = this._createTab(); this.view = this._createView(); this.toolbar = this._createToolBar(); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.PopupView.EVENT_CHANGE); } }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { scrolly: false, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, vgap: o.vgap, hgap: o.hgap, items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, BI.extend({ cls: "list-view-outer bi-card list-view-shadow" }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend({}, o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.tool, this.tab, this.view, this.toolbar) }))) ) })))); }, _createView: function () { var o = this.options; this.button_group = BI.createWidget(o.el, {type: "bi.button_group", value: o.value}); this.button_group.element.css({"min-height": o.minHeight + "px", "padding-top": o.innerVGap + "px", "padding-bottom": o.innerVGap + "px"}); return this.button_group; }, _createTool: function () { var o = this.options; if (false === o.tool) { return; } return BI.createWidget(o.tool); }, _createTab: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.tabs.length === 0) { return; } return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center", cls: "list-view-tab", height: 25, items: o.tabs, value: o.value }); }, _createToolBar: function () { var o = this.options; if (o.buttons.length === 0) { return; } return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center", cls: "list-view-toolbar bi-high-light bi-split-top", height: 24, items: BI.createItems(o.buttons, { once: false, shadow: true, isShadowShowingOnSelected: true }) }); }, getView: function () { return this.button_group; }, populate: function (items) { this.button_group.populate.apply(this.button_group, arguments); }, resetWidth: function (w) { this.options.width = w; this.element.width(w); }, resetHeight: function (h) { var tbHeight = this.toolbar ? (this.toolbar.attr("height") || 24) : 0, tabHeight = this.tab ? (this.tab.attr("height") || 24) : 0, toolHeight = ((this.tool && this.tool.attr("height")) || 24) * ((this.tool && this.tool.isVisible()) ? 1 : 0); var resetHeight = h - tbHeight - tabHeight - toolHeight - 2 * this.options.innerVGap - 2; this.view.resetHeight ? this.view.resetHeight(resetHeight) : this.view.element.css({"max-height": resetHeight + "px"}); }, setValue: function (selectedValues) { this.tab && this.tab.setValue(selectedValues); this.button_group.setValue(selectedValues); }, getValue: function () { return this.button_group.getValue(); } }); BI.PopupView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.popup_view", BI.PopupView);/** * 搜索面板 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/28. * @class BI.SearcherView * @extends BI.Pane */ BI.SearcherView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.SearcherView.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-searcher-view bi-card", tipText: BI.i18nText("BI-No_Select"), chooseType: BI.Selection.Single, matcher: {// 完全匹配的构造器 type: "bi.button_group", behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, items: [], layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] }, searcher: { type: "bi.button_group", behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, items: [], layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } }); }, _init: function () { BI.SearcherView.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.matcher = BI.createWidget(o.matcher, { type: "bi.button_group", chooseType: o.chooseType, behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }], value: o.value }); this.matcher.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, ob) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.SearcherView.EVENT_CHANGE, val, ob); } }); this.spliter = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", height: 1, hgap: 10, items: [{ type: "bi.layout", height: 1, cls: "searcher-view-spliter bi-background" }] }); this.searcher = BI.createWidget(o.searcher, { type: "bi.button_group", chooseType: o.chooseType, behaviors: { redmark: function () { return true; } }, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }], value: o.value }); this.searcher.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, ob) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.SearcherView.EVENT_CHANGE, val, ob); } }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, items: [this.matcher, this.spliter, this.searcher] }); }, startSearch: function () { }, stopSearch: function () { }, setValue: function (v) { this.matcher.setValue(v); this.searcher.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.matcher.getValue().concat(this.searcher.getValue()); }, populate: function (searchResult, matchResult, keyword) { searchResult || (searchResult = []); matchResult || (matchResult = []); this.setTipVisible(searchResult.length + matchResult.length === 0); this.spliter.setVisible(BI.isNotEmptyArray(matchResult) && BI.isNotEmptyArray(searchResult)); this.matcher.populate(matchResult, keyword); this.searcher.populate(searchResult, keyword); }, empty: function () { this.searcher.empty(); this.matcher.empty(); }, hasMatched: function () { return this.matcher.getAllButtons().length > 0; } }); BI.SearcherView.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.searcher_view", BI.SearcherView);/** * 表示当前对象 * * Created by GUY on 2017/5/23. * @class BI.ListView * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.ListView = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { props: function () { return { baseCls: "bi-list-view", overscanHeight: 100, blockSize: 10, scrollTop: 0, el: {}, items: [] }; }, init: function () { var self = this; this.renderedIndex = -1; this.cache = {}; }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; return { type: "bi.vertical", items: [BI.extend({ type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, ref: function () { self.container = this; } }, o.el)], element: this }; }, mounted: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this._populate(); this.element.scroll(function (e) { o.scrollTop = self.element.scrollTop(); self._calculateBlocksToRender(); }); BI.ResizeDetector.addResizeListener(this, function () { self._calculateBlocksToRender(); }); }, _renderMoreIf: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var height = this.element.height(); var minContentHeight = o.scrollTop + height + o.overscanHeight; var index = (this.cache[this.renderedIndex] && (this.cache[this.renderedIndex].index + o.blockSize)) || 0, cnt = this.renderedIndex + 1; var lastHeight; var getElementHeight = function () { return self.container.element.height(); }; while ((lastHeight = getElementHeight()) < minContentHeight && index < o.items.length) { var items = o.items.slice(index, index + o.blockSize); this.container.addItems(items); var addedHeight = getElementHeight() - lastHeight; this.cache[cnt] = { index: index, scrollTop: lastHeight, height: addedHeight }; this.renderedIndex = cnt; cnt++; index += o.blockSize; } }, _calculateBlocksToRender: function () { var o = this.options; this._renderMoreIf(); }, _populate: function (items) { var o = this.options; if (items && this.options.items !== items) { this.options.items = items; } this._calculateBlocksToRender(); this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); }, restore: function () { this.renderedIndex = -1; this.container.empty(); this.cache = {}; }, populate: function (items) { if (items && this.options.items !== items) { this.restore(); } this._populate(items); }, destroyed: function () { this.restore(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.list_view", BI.ListView); /** * 表示当前对象 * * Created by GUY on 2017/5/22. * @class BI.VirtualList * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.VirtualList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { props: function () { return { baseCls: "bi-virtual-list", overscanHeight: 100, blockSize: 10, scrollTop: 0, items: [] }; }, init: function () { var self = this; this.renderedIndex = -1; this.cache = {}; }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; return { type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ type: "bi.layout", ref: function () { self.topBlank = this; } }, { type: "bi.vertical", scrolly: false, ref: function () { self.container = this; } }, { type: "bi.layout", ref: function () { self.bottomBlank = this; } }], element: this }; }, mounted: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; this._populate(); this.element.scroll(function (e) { o.scrollTop = self.element.scrollTop(); self._calculateBlocksToRender(); }); BI.ResizeDetector.addResizeListener(this, function () { self._calculateBlocksToRender(); }); }, _renderMoreIf: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var height = this.element.height(); var minContentHeight = o.scrollTop + height + o.overscanHeight; var index = (this.cache[this.renderedIndex] && (this.cache[this.renderedIndex].index + o.blockSize)) || 0, cnt = this.renderedIndex + 1; var lastHeight; var getElementHeight = function () { return self.container.element.height() + self.topBlank.element.height() + self.bottomBlank.element.height(); }; while ((lastHeight = getElementHeight()) < minContentHeight && index < o.items.length) { var items = o.items.slice(index, index + o.blockSize); this.container.addItems(items); var addedHeight = getElementHeight() - lastHeight; this.cache[cnt] = { index: index, scrollTop: lastHeight, height: addedHeight }; this.tree.set(cnt, addedHeight); this.renderedIndex = cnt; cnt++; index += o.blockSize; } }, _calculateBlocksToRender: function () { var o = this.options; this._renderMoreIf(); var height = this.element.height(); var minContentHeightFrom = o.scrollTop - o.overscanHeight; var minContentHeightTo = o.scrollTop + height + o.overscanHeight; var start = this.tree.greatestLowerBound(minContentHeightFrom); var end = this.tree.leastUpperBound(minContentHeightTo); var needDestroyed = []; for (var i = 0; i < start; i++) { var index = this.cache[i].index; if (!this.cache[i].destroyed) { for (var j = index; j < index + o.blockSize && j < o.items.length; j++) { needDestroyed.push(this.container._children[j]); this.container._children[j] = null; } this.cache[i].destroyed = true; } } for (var i = end + 1; i <= this.renderedIndex; i++) { var index = this.cache[i].index; if (!this.cache[i].destroyed) { for (var j = index; j < index + o.blockSize && j < o.items.length; j++) { needDestroyed.push(this.container._children[j]); this.container._children[j] = null; } this.cache[i].destroyed = true; } } var firstFragment = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createFragment(), lastFragment = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createFragment(); var currentFragment = firstFragment; for (var i = (start < 0 ? 0 : start); i <= end && i <= this.renderedIndex; i++) { var index = this.cache[i].index; if (!this.cache[i].destroyed) { currentFragment = lastFragment; } if (this.cache[i].destroyed === true) { for (var j = index; j < index + o.blockSize && j < o.items.length; j++) { var w = this.container._addElement(j, BI.extend({root: true}, BI.stripEL(o.items[j]))); currentFragment.appendChild(w.element[0]); } this.cache[i].destroyed = false; } } this.container.element.prepend(firstFragment); this.container.element.append(lastFragment); this.topBlank.setHeight(this.cache[start < 0 ? 0 : start].scrollTop); var lastCache = this.cache[Math.min(end, this.renderedIndex)]; this.bottomBlank.setHeight(this.tree.sumTo(this.renderedIndex) - lastCache.scrollTop - lastCache.height); BI.each(needDestroyed, function (i, child) { child && child._destroy(); }); }, _populate: function (items) { var o = this.options; if (items && this.options.items !== items) { this.options.items = items; } this.tree = BI.PrefixIntervalTree.empty(Math.ceil(o.items.length / o.blockSize)); this._calculateBlocksToRender(); this.element.scrollTop(o.scrollTop); }, _clearChildren: function () { BI.each(this.container._children, function (i, cell) { cell && cell.el._destroy(); }); this.container._children = {}; this.container.attr("items", []); }, restore: function () { this.renderedIndex = -1; this._clearChildren(); this.cache = {}; this.options.scrollTop = 0; }, populate: function (items) { if (items && this.options.items !== items) { this.restore(); } this._populate(); }, destroyed: function () { this.restore(); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.virtual_list", BI.VirtualList); /** * 分页控件 * * Created by GUY on 2015/8/31. * @class BI.Pager * @extends BI.Widget */ BI.Pager = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Pager.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-pager", behaviors: {}, layouts: [{ type: "bi.horizontal", hgap: 10, vgap: 0 }], dynamicShow: true, // 是否动态显示上一页、下一页、首页、尾页, 若为false,则指对其设置使能状态 // dynamicShow为false时以下两个有用 dynamicShowFirstLast: false, // 是否动态显示首页、尾页 dynamicShowPrevNext: false, // 是否动态显示上一页、下一页 pages: false, // 总页数 curr: function () { return 1; }, // 初始化当前页 groups: 0, // 连续显示分页数 jump: BI.emptyFn, // 分页的回调函数 first: false, // 是否显示首页 last: false, // 是否显示尾页 prev: "上一页", next: "下一页", firstPage: 1, lastPage: function () { // 在万不得已时才会调用这个函数获取最后一页的页码, 主要作用于setValue方法 return 1; }, hasPrev: BI.emptyFn, // pages不可用时有效 hasNext: BI.emptyFn // pages不可用时有效 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Pager.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.currPage = BI.result(this.options, "curr"); // 翻页太灵敏 // this._lock = false; // this._debouce = BI.debounce(function () { // self._lock = false; // }, 300); this._populate(); }, _populate: function () { var self = this, o = this.options, view = [], dict = {}; this.empty(); var pages = BI.result(o, "pages"); var curr = BI.result(this, "currPage"); var groups = BI.result(o, "groups"); var first = BI.result(o, "first"); var last = BI.result(o, "last"); var prev = BI.result(o, "prev"); var next = BI.result(o, "next"); if (pages === false) { groups = 0; first = false; last = false; } else { groups > pages && (groups = pages); } // 计算当前组 dict.index = Math.ceil((curr + ((groups > 1 && groups !== pages) ? 1 : 0)) / (groups === 0 ? 1 : groups)); // 当前页非首页,则输出上一页 if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowPrevNext) || curr > 1) && prev !== false) { if (BI.isKey(prev)) { view.push({ text: prev, value: "prev", disabled: pages === false ? o.hasPrev(curr) === false : !(curr > 1 && prev !== false) }); } else { view.push(BI.extend({ disabled: pages === false ? o.hasPrev(curr) === false : !(curr > 1 && prev !== false) }, prev)); } } // 当前组非首组,则输出首页 if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowFirstLast) || (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0)) && first) { view.push({ text: first, value: "first", disabled: !(dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) }); if (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) { view.push({ type: "bi.label", cls: "page-ellipsis", text: "\u2026" }); } } // 输出当前页组 dict.poor = Math.floor((groups - 1) / 2); dict.start = dict.index > 1 ? curr - dict.poor : 1; dict.end = dict.index > 1 ? (function () { var max = curr + (groups - dict.poor - 1); return max > pages ? pages : max; }()) : groups; if (dict.end - dict.start < groups - 1) { // 最后一组状态 dict.start = dict.end - groups + 1; } var s = dict.start, e = dict.end; if (first && last && (dict.index > 1 && groups !== 0) && (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0)) { s++; e--; } for (; s <= e; s++) { if (s === curr) { view.push({ text: s, value: s, selected: true }); } else { view.push({ text: s, value: s }); } } // 总页数大于连续分页数,且当前组最大页小于总页,输出尾页 if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowFirstLast) || (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0)) && last) { if (pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0) { view.push({ type: "bi.label", cls: "page-ellipsis", text: "\u2026" }); } view.push({ text: last, value: "last", disabled: !(pages > groups && dict.end < pages && groups !== 0) }); } // 当前页不为尾页时,输出下一页 dict.flow = !prev && groups === 0; if (((!o.dynamicShow && !o.dynamicShowPrevNext) && next) || (curr !== pages && next || dict.flow)) { view.push((function () { if (BI.isKey(next)) { if (pages === false) { return {text: next, value: "next", disabled: o.hasNext(curr) === false}; } return (dict.flow && curr === pages) ? {text: next, value: "next", disabled: true} : {text: next, value: "next", disabled: !(curr !== pages && next || dict.flow)}; } return BI.extend({ disabled: pages === false ? o.hasNext(curr) === false : !(curr !== pages && next || dict.flow) }, next); }())); } this.button_group = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.button_group", element: this, items: BI.createItems(view, { cls: "bi-list-item-select", height: 23, hgap: 10 }), behaviors: o.behaviors, layouts: o.layouts }); this.button_group.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, value, obj) { // if (self._lock === true) { // return; // } // self._lock = true; // self._debouce(); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { var v = self.button_group.getValue()[0]; switch (v) { case "first": self.currPage = 1; break; case "last": self.currPage = pages; break; case "prev": self.currPage--; break; case "next": self.currPage++; break; default: self.currPage = v; break; } o.jump.apply(self, [{ pages: pages, curr: self.currPage }]); self._populate(); self.fireEvent(BI.Pager.EVENT_CHANGE, obj); } self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.fireEvent(BI.Pager.EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE); }, getCurrentPage: function () { return this.currPage; }, setAllPages: function (pages) { this.options.pages = pages; }, hasPrev: function (v) { v || (v = 1); var o = this.options; var pages = this.options.pages; return pages === false ? o.hasPrev(v) : v > 1; }, hasNext: function (v) { v || (v = 1); var o = this.options; var pages = this.options.pages; return pages === false ? o.hasNext(v) : v < pages; }, setValue: function (v) { var o = this.options; v = v | 0; v = v < 1 ? 1 : v; if (o.pages === false) { var lastPage = BI.result(o, "lastPage"), firstPage = 1; this.currPage = v > lastPage ? lastPage : ((firstPage = BI.result(o, "firstPage")), (v < firstPage ? firstPage : v)); } else { v = v > o.pages ? o.pages : v; this.currPage = v; } this._populate(); }, getValue: function () { var val = this.button_group.getValue()[0]; switch (val) { case "prev": return -1; case "next": return 1; case "first": return BI.MIN; case "last": return BI.MAX; default : return val; } }, attr: function (key, value) { BI.Pager.superclass.attr.apply(this, arguments); if (key === "curr") { this.currPage = BI.result(this.options, "curr"); } }, populate: function () { this._populate(); } }); BI.Pager.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Pager.EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE = "EVENT_AFTER_POPULATE"; BI.shortcut("bi.pager", BI.Pager);/** * 超链接 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.A * @extends BI.Text * @abstract */ BI.A = BI.inherit(BI.Text, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.A.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-a display-block", href: "", target: "_blank", el: null, tagName: "a" }); }, _init: function () { var o = this.options; BI.A.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.element.attr({href: o.href, target: o.target}); if (o.el) { BI.createWidget(o.el, { element: this }); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.a", BI.A);/** * guy * 加载条 * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.LoadingBar = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.LoadingBar.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend( conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-loading-bar bi-tips", height: 30, handler: BI.emptyFn }); }, _init: function () { BI.LoadingBar.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; this.loaded = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "loading-text bi-list-item-simple", text: BI.i18nText("BI-Load_More"), width: 120, handler: this.options.handler }); this.loaded.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.loading = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: this.options.height, height: this.options.height, cls: "loading-background cursor-default" }); var loaded = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.loaded] }); var loading = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.loading] }); this.cardLayout = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.card", element: this, items: [{ el: loaded, cardName: "loaded" }, { el: loading, cardName: "loading" }] }); this.invisible(); }, _reset: function () { this.visible(); this.loaded.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-Load_More")); this.loaded.enable(); }, setLoaded: function () { this._reset(); this.cardLayout.showCardByName("loaded"); }, setEnd: function () { this.setLoaded(); this.loaded.setText(BI.i18nText("BI-No_More_Data")); this.loaded.disable(); }, setLoading: function () { this._reset(); this.cardLayout.showCardByName("loading"); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.loading_bar", BI.LoadingBar);/** * @class BI.IconButton * @extends BI.BasicButton * 图标的button */ BI.IconButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-button horizon-center", iconWidth: null, iconHeight: null }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.element.css({ textAlign: "center" }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight }); if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0 && BI.isNull(o.iconWidth) && BI.isNull(o.iconHeight)) { this.element.css("lineHeight", o.height + "px"); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", element: this, items: [this.icon] }); } else { this.element.css("lineHeight", "1"); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.icon] }); } }, doClick: function () { BI.IconButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE, this); } } }); BI.IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "IconButton.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_button", BI.IconButton);/** * 图片的button * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.ImageButton * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.ImageButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.ImageButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-image-button", src: "", iconWidth: "100%", iconHeight: "100%" }); }, _init: function () { BI.ImageButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.image = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.img", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight, src: o.src }); if (BI.isNumber(o.iconWidth) || BI.isNumber(o.iconHeight)) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", element: this, items: [this.image] }); } else { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", element: this, items: [this.image], scrollable: false }); } }, setWidth: function (w) { BI.ImageButton.superclass.setWidth.apply(this, arguments); this.options.width = w; }, setHeight: function (h) { BI.ImageButton.superclass.setHeight.apply(this, arguments); this.options.height = h; }, setImageWidth: function (w) { this.image.setWidth(w); }, setImageHeight: function (h) { this.image.setHeight(h); }, getImageWidth: function () { return this.image.element.width(); }, getImageHeight: function () { return this.image.element.height(); }, setSrc: function (src) { this.options.src = src; this.image.setSrc(src); }, getSrc: function () { return this.image.getSrc(); }, doClick: function () { BI.ImageButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.ImageButton.EVENT_CHANGE, this); } } }); BI.ImageButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "ImageButton.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.image_button", BI.ImageButton); /** * 文字类型的按钮 * @class BI.Button * @extends BI.BasicButton * * @cfg {JSON} options 配置属性 * @cfg {'common'/'success'/'warning'/'ignore'} [options.level='common'] 按钮类型,用不同颜色强调不同的场景 */ BI.Button = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function (props) { var conf = BI.Button.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-button", minWidth: (props.block === true || props.clear === true) ? 0 : 80, height: 24, shadow: props.clear !== true, isShadowShowingOnSelected: true, readonly: true, iconCls: "", level: "common", block: false, // 是否块状显示,即不显示边框,没有最小宽度的限制 clear: false, // 是否去掉边框和背景 ghost: false, // 是否幽灵显示, 即正常状态无背景 textAlign: "center", whiteSpace: "nowrap", forceCenter: false, textWidth: null, textHeight: null, hgap: props.clear ? 0 : 10, vgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Button.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && !o.clear && !o.block) { this.element.css({height: o.height + "px", lineHeight: (o.height - 2) + "px"}); } else if (o.clear || o.block) { this.element.css({lineHeight: o.height + "px"}); } else { this.element.css({lineHeight: (o.height - 2) + "px"}); } if (BI.isKey(o.iconCls)) { this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon", width: 18, height: o.height - 2 }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", text: o.text, value: o.value, height: o.height - 2 }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.horizontal_auto", cls: o.iconCls, element: this, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, items: [{ type: "bi.horizontal", items: [this.icon, this.text] }] }); } else { this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, forceCenter: o.forceCenter, textWidth: o.textWidth, textHeight: o.textHeight, hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, element: this, text: o.text, value: o.value }); } if (o.block === true) { this.element.addClass("block"); } if (o.clear === true) { this.element.addClass("clear"); } if (o.ghost === true) { this.element.addClass("ghost"); } if (o.minWidth > 0) { this.element.css({"min-width": o.minWidth + "px"}); } }, doClick: function () { BI.Button.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.Button.EVENT_CHANGE, this); } }, setText: function (text) { BI.Button.superclass.setText.apply(this, arguments); this.text.setText(text); }, setValue: function (text) { BI.Button.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue(text); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, destroy: function () { BI.Button.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.button", BI.Button); BI.Button.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; /** * guy * 可以点击的一行文字 * @class BI.TextButton * @extends BI.BasicButton * 文字button */ BI.TextButton = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextButton.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-button", textAlign: "center", whiteSpace: "nowrap", forceCenter: false, textWidth: null, textHeight: null, hgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, text: "", py: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextButton.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, textWidth: o.textWidth, textHeight: o.textHeight, forceCenter: o.forceCenter, width: o.width, height: o.height, hgap: o.hgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py, keyword: o.keyword }); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextButton.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setText: function (text) { BI.TextButton.superclass.setText.apply(this, arguments); text = BI.isArray(text) ? text.join(",") : text; this.text.setText(text); }, setStyle: function (style) { this.text.setStyle(style); }, setValue: function (text) { BI.TextButton.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.isReadOnly()) { text = BI.isArray(text) ? text.join(",") : text; this.text.setValue(text); } } }); BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_button", BI.TextButton);/** * 带有一个占位 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/11. * @class BI.BlankIconIconTextItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.BlankIconIconTextItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-blank-icon-text-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, iconCls1: "close-ha-font", iconCls2: "close-ha-font", blankWidth: 0, iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; var blank = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: o.blankWidth, height: o.height }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon1 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: o.iconCls1, forceNotSelected: true, width: o.height, height: o.height }); this.icon2 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: o.iconCls2, forceNotSelected: true, width: o.height, height: o.height }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", blank, this.icon1, this.icon2, this.text) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, setSelected: function (b) { BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.superclass.setSelected.apply(this, arguments); this.icon1.setSelected(b); this.icon2.setSelected(b); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.BlankIconIconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.blank_icon_icon_text_item", BI.BlankIconIconTextItem);/** * guy * 一个占位符和两个icon和一行数 组成的一行listitem * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/15. * @class BI.BlankIconTextIconItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.BlankIconTextIconItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-blank-icon-text-icon-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, iconCls1: "close-ha-font", iconCls2: "close-ha-font", blankWidth: 0, iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); var icon1 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_label", cls: o.iconCls1, width: o.height, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon_label", cls: o.iconCls2, width: o.height, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }, top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", { type: "bi.layout", width: o.blankWidth }, icon1, this.text, { type: "bi.layout", width: o.height }) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.BlankIconTextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.blank_icon_text_icon_item", BI.BlankIconTextIconItem);/** * 带有一个占位 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/11. * @class BI.BlankIconTextItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.BlankIconTextItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.BlankIconTextItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-blank-icon-text-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, cls: "close-ha-font", blankWidth: 0, iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.BlankIconTextItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; var blank = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: o.blankWidth }); this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_label", width: o.height, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", blank, this.icon, this.text) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.BlankIconTextItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.BlankIconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.BlankIconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.blank_icon_text_item", BI.BlankIconTextItem);/** * guy * 两个icon和一行数 组成的一行listitem * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.IconTextIconItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.IconTextIconItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconTextIconItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-text-icon-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, iconCls1: "close-ha-font", iconCls2: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextIconItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); var icon1 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_label", cls: o.iconCls1, width: o.leftIconWrapperWidth, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }); var blank = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: o.height }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon_label", cls: o.iconCls2, width: o.rightIconWrapperWidth, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }, top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", icon1, this.text, blank) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.IconTextIconItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconTextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.IconTextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_icon_item", BI.IconTextIconItem);/** * guy * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.IconTextItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.IconTextItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconTextItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-text-item", direction: BI.Direction.Left, logic: { dynamic: false }, iconWrapperWidth: null, iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_label", width: o.iconWrapperWidth || o.height, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic(BI.LogicFactory.createLogicTypeByDirection(o.direction), BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection(o.direction, this.icon, this.text) })))); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doClick: function () { BI.IconTextItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.IconTextItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_item", BI.IconTextItem);/** * * 图标的button * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.TextIconItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.TextIconItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextIconItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-icon-item", logic: { dynamic: false }, cls: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextIconItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_label", width: o.height, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", this.text, this.icon) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextIconItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.TextIconItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_icon_item", BI.TextIconItem);/** * guy * 一个button和一行数 组成的一行listitem * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.TextItem * @extends BI.BasicButton */ BI.TextItem = BI.inherit(BI.BasicButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextItem.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-item", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextItem.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, textHeight: o.whiteSpace == "nowrap" ? o.height : o.textHeight, height: o.height, hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, py: o.py }); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextItem.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextItem.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.TextItem.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_item", BI.TextItem);/** * guy * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.IconTextIconNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.IconTextIconNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconTextIconNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-text-icon-node", logic: { dynamic: false }, iconCls1: "close-ha-font", iconCls2: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextIconNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); var icon1 = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_label", cls: o.iconCls1, width: o.height, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }); var blank = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", width: o.height, height: o.height }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.icon_label", cls: o.iconCls2, width: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }, top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 }] }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", icon1, this.text, blank) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.IconTextIconNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconTextIconNode.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.IconTextIconNode.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_icon_node", BI.IconTextIconNode);/** * guy * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.IconTextNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.IconTextNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.IconTextNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-icon-text-node", logic: { dynamic: false }, cls: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.IconTextNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_label", width: o.height, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", this.icon, this.text) })))); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doClick: function () { BI.IconTextNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.IconTextNode.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.IconTextNode.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.icon_text_node", BI.IconTextNode);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.TextIconNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.TextIconNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextIconNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-icon-node", logic: { dynamic: false }, cls: "close-ha-font", iconHeight: null, iconWidth: null, textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextIconNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, c = this._const; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "list-item-text", textAlign: "left", hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, height: o.height }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon_label", width: o.height, height: o.height, iconWidth: o.iconWidth, iconHeight: o.iconHeight }); BI.createWidget(BI.extend({ element: this }, BI.LogicFactory.createLogic("horizontal", BI.extend(o.logic, { items: BI.LogicFactory.createLogicItemsByDirection("left", this.text, this.icon) })))); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextIconNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextIconNode.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); } }); BI.TextIconNode.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_icon_node", BI.TextIconNode);/** * guy * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/9. * @class BI.TextNode * @extends BI.NodeButton */ BI.TextNode = BI.inherit(BI.NodeButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.TextNode.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-text-node", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textHgap: 0, textVgap: 0, textLgap: 0, textRgap: 0 }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextNode.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, textHeight: o.whiteSpace == "nowrap" ? o.height : o.textHeight, height: o.height, hgap: o.textHgap, vgap: o.textVgap, lgap: o.textLgap, rgap: o.textRgap, text: o.text, value: o.value, keyword: o.keyword, py: o.py }); }, doClick: function () { BI.TextNode.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.TextNode.EVENT_CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setValue: function () { if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue.apply(this.text, arguments); } }, getValue: function () { return this.text.getValue(); }, setText: function () { this.text.setText.apply(this.text, arguments); }, getText: function () { return this.text.getText(); } }); BI.TextNode.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.text_node", BI.TextNode);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/4/15. * @class BI.Editor * @extends BI.Single */ BI.Editor = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Editor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: "bi-editor bi-focus-shadow", hgap: 4, vgap: 2, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, // title,warningTitle这两个属性没用 tipType: "warning", inputType: "text", validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, allowBlank: false, watermark: "", errorText: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Editor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.editor = this.addWidget(BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.input", element: "", root: true, value: o.value, watermark: o.watermark, validationChecker: o.validationChecker, quitChecker: o.quitChecker, allowBlank: o.allowBlank })); this.editor.element.css({ width: "100%", height: "100%", border: "none", outline: "none", padding: "0", margin: "0" }); if (BI.isKey(this.options.watermark)) { this.watermark = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "bi-water-mark", text: this.options.watermark, forceCenter: true, height: o.height - 2 * (o.vgap + o.tgap), whiteSpace: "nowrap", textAlign: "left" }); this.watermark.element.bind({ mousedown: function (e) { if (self.isEnabled()) { self.editor.isEditing() || self.editor.focus(); } else { self.editor.isEditing() && self.editor.blur(); } e.stopEvent(); } }); this.watermark.element.bind("click", function (e) { if (self.isEnabled()) { self.editor.isEditing() || self.editor.focus(); } else { self.editor.isEditing() && self.editor.blur(); } e.stopEvent(); }); this.watermark.element.css({ position: "absolute", left: "3px", right: "3px", top: "0px", bottom: "0px" }); } var items = [{ el: { type: "bi.default", items: this.watermark ? [this.editor, this.watermark] : [this.editor] }, left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }]; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: items }); this.editor.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_FOCUS, function () { self._checkError(); self.element.addClass("bi-editor-focus"); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_BLUR, function () { self._setErrorVisible(false); self.element.removeClass("bi-editor-focus"); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_CLICK, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, function (v) { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_QUICK_DOWN, function (v) { self.watermark && self.watermark.invisible(); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_VALID, function () { self._checkWaterMark(); self._setErrorVisible(false); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self._checkWaterMark(); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); self._setErrorVisible(self.isEditing()); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_RESTRICT, function () { self._checkWaterMark(); var tip = self._setErrorVisible(true); tip && tip.element.fadeOut(100, function () { tip.element.fadeIn(100); }); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY, function () { self._checkWaterMark(); self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_ENTER, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_SPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_BACKSPACE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_BACKSPACE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_REMOVE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_REMOVE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_START, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_START, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_PAUSE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_STOP, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP, arguments); }); this.editor.on(BI.Input.EVENT_CONFIRM, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM, arguments); }); this.element.click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); if (BI.isKey(this.options.value) || BI.isEmptyString(this.options.value)) { this._checkError(); this._checkWaterMark(); } else { this._checkWaterMark(); } }, _checkToolTip: function () { var o = this.options; var errorText = o.errorText; if (BI.isFunction(errorText)) { errorText = errorText(this.editor.getValue()); } if (BI.isKey(errorText)) { if (!this.isEnabled() || this.isValid() || (BI.Bubbles.has(this.getName()) && BI.Bubbles.get(this.getName()).isVisible())) { this.setTitle(""); } else { this.setTitle(errorText); } } }, _checkError: function () { this._setErrorVisible(this.isEnabled() && !this.isValid()); this._checkToolTip(); }, _checkWaterMark: function () { var o = this.options; if (!this.disabledWaterMark && this.editor.getValue() === "" && BI.isKey(o.watermark)) { this.watermark && this.watermark.visible(); } else { this.watermark && this.watermark.invisible(); } }, setErrorText: function (text) { this.options.errorText = text; }, getErrorText: function () { return this.options.errorText; }, _setErrorVisible: function (b) { var o = this.options; var errorText = o.errorText; if (BI.isFunction(errorText)) { errorText = errorText(this.editor.getValue()); } if (!this.disabledError && BI.isKey(errorText)) { BI.Bubbles[b ? "show" : "hide"](this.getName(), errorText, this, { adjustYOffset: 2 }); this._checkToolTip(); return BI.Bubbles.get(this.getName()); } }, disableError: function () { this.disabledError = true; this._checkError(); }, enableError: function () { this.disabledError = false; this._checkError(); }, disableWaterMark: function () { this.disabledWaterMark = true; this._checkWaterMark(); }, enableWaterMark: function () { this.disabledWaterMark = false; this._checkWaterMark(); }, focus: function () { this.element.addClass("text-editor-focus"); this.editor.focus(); }, blur: function () { this.element.removeClass("text-editor-focus"); this.editor.blur(); }, selectAll: function () { this.editor.selectAll(); }, onKeyDown: function (k) { this.editor.onKeyDown(k); }, setValue: function (v) { BI.Editor.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); this.editor.setValue(v); this._checkError(); this._checkWaterMark(); }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this.editor.getLastValidValue(); }, resetLastValidValue: function () { this.editor.resetLastValidValue(); }, getValue: function () { if (!this.isValid()) { return BI.trim(this.editor.getLastValidValue()); } return BI.trim(this.editor.getValue()); }, isEditing: function () { return this.editor.isEditing(); }, isValid: function () { return this.editor.isValid(); }, destroyed: function () { BI.Bubbles.remove(this.getName()); } }); BI.Editor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.Editor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.Editor.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.Editor.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.Editor.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_BACKSPACE = "EVENT_BACKSPACE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.Editor.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.Editor.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.Editor.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.Editor.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.Editor.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.Editor.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.Editor.EVENT_REMOVE = "EVENT_REMOVE"; BI.Editor.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.shortcut("bi.editor", BI.Editor);/** * 多文件 * * Created by GUY on 2016/4/13. * @class BI.MultifileEditor * @extends BI.Single * @abstract */ BI.MultifileEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.MultifileEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-multifile-editor", multiple: false, maxSize: -1, // 1024 * 1024 accept: "", url: "" }); }, _init: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.MultifileEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.file = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.file", cls: "multifile-editor", width: "100%", height: "100%", name: o.name, url: o.url, multiple: o.multiple, accept: o.accept, maxSize: o.maxSize, title: o.title }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADSTART, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADSTART, arguments); }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_ERROR, arguments); }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_PROGRESS, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_PROGRESS, arguments); }); this.file.on(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADED, function () { self.fireEvent(BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADED, arguments); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.adaptive", scrollable: false, items: [this.file] }, top: 0, right: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0 }] }); }, select: function () { this.file.select(); }, getValue: function () { return this.file.getValue(); }, upload: function () { this.file.upload(); }, reset: function () { this.file.reset(); } }); BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADSTART = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADSTART"; BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_ERROR = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_ERROR"; BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_PROGRESS = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_PROGRESS"; BI.MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADED = "MultifileEditor.EVENT_UPLOADED"; BI.shortcut("bi.multifile_editor", BI.MultifileEditor);/** * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/18. * @class BI.TextAreaEditor * @extends BI.Single */ BI.TextAreaEditor = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { return $.extend(BI.TextAreaEditor.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(), { baseCls: "bi-textarea-editor", value: "" }); }, _init: function () { BI.TextAreaEditor.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options, self = this; this.content = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", tagName: "textarea", width: "100%", height: "100%", cls: "bi-textarea textarea-editor-content display-block" }); this.content.element.css({resize: "none", whiteSpace: "normal"}); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: { type: "bi.adaptive", items: [this.content] }, left: 0, right: 3, top: 6, bottom: 5 }] }); this.content.element.on("input propertychange", function (e) { self._checkWaterMark(); self.fireEvent(BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_CHANGE); }); this.content.element.focus(function () { if (self.isValid()) { self._focus(); self.fireEvent(BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_FOCUS); } BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).bind("mousedown." + self.getName(), function (e) { if (BI.DOM.isExist(self) && !self.element.__isMouseInBounds__(e)) { BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousedown." + self.getName()); self.content.element.blur(); } }); }); this.content.element.blur(function () { if (self.isValid()) { self._blur(); self.fireEvent(BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_BLUR); } BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(document).unbind("mousedown." + self.getName()); }); if (BI.isKey(o.value)) { self.setValue(o.value); } if (BI.isNotNull(o.style)) { self.setStyle(o.style); } this._checkWaterMark(); }, _checkWaterMark: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; var val = this.getValue(); if (BI.isNotEmptyString(val)) { this.watermark && this.watermark.destroy(); this.watermark = null; } else { if (BI.isNotEmptyString(o.watermark)) { if (!this.watermark) { this.watermark = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.text_button", cls: "bi-water-mark", textAlign: "left", height: 30, text: o.watermark, invalid: o.invalid, disabled: o.disabled }); this.watermark.on(BI.TextButton.EVENT_CHANGE, function () { self.focus(); }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", element: this, items: [{ el: this.watermark, left: 0, top: 0, right: 0 }] }); } else { this.watermark.setText(o.watermark); this.watermark.setValid(!o.invalid); this.watermark.setEnable(!o.disabled); } } } }, _focus: function () { this.content.element.addClass("textarea-editor-focus"); this._checkWaterMark(); }, _blur: function () { this.content.element.removeClass("textarea-editor-focus"); this._checkWaterMark(); }, focus: function () { this._focus(); this.content.element.focus(); }, blur: function () { this._blur(); this.content.element.blur(); }, getValue: function () { return this.content.element.val(); }, setValue: function (value) { this.content.element.val(value); this._checkWaterMark(); }, setStyle: function (style) { this.style = style; this.element.css(style); this.content.element.css(BI.extend({}, style, { color: style.color || BI.DOM.getContrastColor(BI.DOM.isRGBColor(style.backgroundColor) ? BI.DOM.rgb2hex(style.backgroundColor) : style.backgroundColor) })); }, getStyle: function () { return this.style; }, _setValid: function (b) { BI.TextAreaEditor.superclass._setValid.apply(this, arguments); // this.content.setValid(b); // this.watermark && this.watermark.setValid(b); } }); BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.TextAreaEditor.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.shortcut("bi.textarea_editor", BI.TextAreaEditor);/** * guy 图标 * @class BI.Icon * @extends BI.Single */ BI.Icon = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Icon.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { tagName: "i", baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " x-icon b-font horizon-center display-block" }); }, _init: function () { BI.Icon.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); if (BI.isIE9Below && BI.isIE9Below()) { this.element.addClass("hack"); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.icon", BI.Icon);/** * @class BI.Iframe * @extends BI.Single * @abstract * Created by GameJian on 2016/3/2. */ BI.Iframe = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Iframe.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-iframe", src: "", width: "100%", height: "100%" }); }, _init: function () { var o = this.options; this.options.element = BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement("")); } catch (e) { var form = document.createElement("form"), iframe = handler.iframe || (handler.iframe = document.createElement("iframe")); form.setAttribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); iframe.setAttribute("name", iframe.id = target); iframe.setAttribute("src", url); } iframe.style.position = "absolute"; iframe.style.left = iframe.style.top = "-10000px"; iframe.onload = onload; iframe.onerror = function (event) { if (isFunction(handler.onerror)) { handler.onerror(rpe, event || _global.event); } }; iframe.onreadystatechange = function () { if (/loaded|complete/i.test(iframe.readyState)) { onload(); // wei : todo,将附件信息放到handler.attach } else if (isFunction(handler.onloadprogress)) { if (rpe.loaded < rpe.total) { ++rpe.loaded; } handler.onloadprogress(rpe, { readyState: { loading: 2, interactive: 3, loaded: 4, complete: 4 }[iframe.readyState] || 1 }); } }; form.setAttribute("action", handler.url + "&filename=" + _global.encodeURIComponent(handler.file.fileName)); form.setAttribute("target", iframe.id); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.appendChild(handler.file); form.style.display = "none"; if (isFunction(handler.onloadstart)) { handler.onloadstart(rpe, {}); } with (document.body || document.documentElement) { appendChild(iframe); appendChild(form); form.submit(); } return handler; }; } xhr = null; return sendFile; })(Object.prototype.toString); var sendFiles = function (handler, maxSize, width, height) { var length = handler.files.length, i = 0, onload = handler.onload, onloadstart = handler.onloadstart; handler.current = 0; handler.total = 0; handler.sent = 0; while (handler.current < length) { handler.total += (handler.files[handler.current].fileSize || handler.files[handler.current].size); handler.current++; } handler.current = 0; if (length && handler.files[0].fileSize !== -1) { handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = function (rpe, xhr) { handler.onloadstart = null; handler.sent += (handler.files[handler.current].fileSize || handler.files[handler.current].size); if (++handler.current < length) { handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = arguments.callee; } else if (onload) { handler.onloadstart = onloadstart; handler.onload = onload; handler.onload(rpe, xhr); } }; } else if (length) { handler.total = length * 100; handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = function (rpe, xhr) { var callee = arguments.callee; handler.onloadstart = null; handler.sent += 100; if (++handler.current < length) { if (/\b(chrome|safari)\b/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { handler.iframe.parentNode.removeChild(handler.iframe); handler.iframe = null; } setTimeout(function () { handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = callee; }, 15); } else if (onload) { setTimeout(function () { handler.iframe.parentNode.removeChild(handler.iframe); handler.iframe = null; handler.onloadstart = onloadstart; handler.onload = onload; handler.onload(rpe, xhr); }, 15); } }; } return handler; }; BI.File = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.File.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-file display-block", element: "", name: "", url: "", multiple: true, accept: "", /** '*.jpg; *.zip'**/ maxSize: -1 // 1024 * 1024 }); }, _init: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; BI.File.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); if (o.multiple === true) { this.element.attr("multiple", "multiple"); } this.element.attr("name", o.name || this.getName()); this.element.attr("title", o.title || ""); }, mounted: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; // create the noswfupload.wrap Object // wrap.maxSize 文件大小限制 // wrap.maxlength 文件个数限制 var _wrap = this.wrap = this._wrap(this.element[0], o.maxSize); // fileType could contain whatever text but filter checks *.{extension} // if present // handlers _wrap.onloadstart = function (rpe, xhr) { // BI.Msg.toast("loadstart"); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADSTART, arguments); }; _wrap.onprogress = function (rpe, xhr) { // BI.Msg.toast("onprogress"); // percent for each bar // fileSize is -1 only if browser does not support file info access // this if splits recent browsers from others if (this.file.fileSize !== -1) { // simulation property indicates when the progress event is fake if (rpe.simulation) { } else { } } else { // if fileSIze is -1 browser is using an iframe because it does // not support // files sent via Ajax (XMLHttpRequest) // We can still show some information } self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_PROGRESS, { file: this.file, total: rpe.total, loaded: rpe.loaded, simulation: rpe.simulation }); }; // generated if there is something wrong during upload _wrap.onerror = function () { // just inform the user something was wrong self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR); }; // generated when every file has been sent (one or more, it does not // matter) _wrap.onload = function (rpe, xhr) { var self_ = this; // just show everything is fine ... // ... and after a second reset the component setTimeout(function () { self_.clean(); // remove files from list self_.hide(); // hide progress bars and enable input file // BI.Msg.toast("onload"); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADED); // enable again the submit button/element }, 1000); }; _wrap.url = o.url; _wrap.fileType = o.accept; // 文件类型限制 _wrap.attach_array = []; _wrap.attach_names = []; _wrap.attachNum = 0; }, _events: function (wrap) { var self = this; event.add(wrap.dom.input, "change", function () { event.del(wrap.dom.input, "change", arguments.callee); for (var input = wrap.dom.input.cloneNode(true), i = 0, files = F(wrap.dom.input); i < files.length; i++) { var item = files.item(i); var tempFile = item.value || item.name; var value = item.fileName || (item.fileName = tempFile.split("\\").pop()), ext = -1 !== value.indexOf(".") ? value.split(".").pop().toLowerCase() : "unknown", size = item.fileSize || item.size; if (wrap.fileType && -1 === wrap.fileType.indexOf("*." + ext)) { // 文件类型不支持 BI.Msg.toast(BI.i18nText("BI-Upload_File_Type_Error")); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, { errorType: 0, file: item }); } else if (wrap.maxSize !== -1 && size && wrap.maxSize < size) { // 文件大小不支持 BI.Msg.toast(BI.i18nText("BI-Upload_File_Size_Error")); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, { errorType: 1, file: item }); } else { wrap.files.unshift(item); // BI.Msg.toast(value); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE, { file: item }); } } input.value = ""; wrap.dom.input.parentNode.replaceChild(input, wrap.dom.input); wrap.dom.input = input; event.add(wrap.dom.input, "change", arguments.callee); }); return wrap; }, _wrap: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; // be sure input accept multiple files var input = this.element[0]; if (o.multiple === true) { this.element.attr("multiple", "multiple"); } input.value = ""; // wrap Object return this._events({ // DOM namespace dom: { input: input, // input file disabled: false // internal use, checks input file state }, name: input.name, // name to send for each file ($_FILES[{name}] in the server) // maxSize is the maximum amount of bytes for each file maxSize: o.maxSize ? o.maxSize >> 0 : -1, files: [], // file list // remove every file from the noswfupload component clean: function () { this.files = []; }, // upload one file a time (which make progress possible rather than all files in one shot) // the handler is an object injected into the wrap one, could be the wrap itself or // something like {onload:function(){alert("OK")},onerror:function(){alert("Error")}, etc ...} upload: function (handler) { if (handler) { for (var key in handler) { this[key] = handler[key]; } } sendFiles(this, this.maxSize); return this; }, // hide progress bar (total + current) and enable files selection hide: function () { if (this.dom.disabled) { this.dom.disabled = false; this.dom.input.removeAttribute("disabled"); } }, // show progress bar and disable file selection (used during upload) // total and current are pixels used to style bars // totalProp and currentProp are properties to change, "height" by default show: function (total, current, totalProp, currentProp) { if (!this.dom.disabled) { this.dom.disabled = true; this.dom.input.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } } }); }, select: function () { BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(this.wrap.dom.input).click(); }, upload: function (handler) { this.wrap.upload(handler); }, getValue: function () { return this.wrap.attach_array; }, reset: function () { this.wrap.attach_array = []; this.wrap.attach_names = []; this.wrap.attachNum = 0; }, _setEnable: function (enable) { BI.File.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); if (enable === true) { this.element.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { this.element.removeAttr("disabled"); } } }); BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE = "BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADSTART = "EVENT_UPLOADSTART"; BI.File.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.File.EVENT_PROGRESS = "EVENT_PROGRESS"; BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADED = "EVENT_UPLOADED"; BI.shortcut("bi.file", BI.File); })(_global.document || {});/** * guy * @class BI.Input 一个button和一行数 组成的一行listitem * @extends BI.Single * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.Input = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Input.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-input display-block", element: "", validationChecker: BI.emptyFn, quitChecker: BI.emptyFn, // 按确定键能否退出编辑 allowBlank: false }); }, _init: function () { BI.Input.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; var ctrlKey = false; var inputEventValid = false; var _keydown = BI.debounce(function (keyCode) { self.onKeyDown(keyCode, ctrlKey); self._keydown_ = false; }, 300); var _clk = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._click, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, { "leading": true, "trailing": false }); this._blurDebounce = BI.debounce(BI.bind(this._blur, this), BI.EVENT_RESPONSE_TIME, { "leading": true, "trailing": false }); this.element .keydown(function (e) { inputEventValid = false; ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey; self.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_QUICK_DOWN); }) .keyup(function (e) { if (!(inputEventValid && e.keyCode === BI.KeyCode.ENTER)) { self._keydown_ = true; _keydown(e.keyCode); } }) .on("input propertychange", function (e) { // 这个事件在input的属性发生改变的时候就会触发(class的变化也算) if (BI.isNotNull(e.keyCode)) { inputEventValid = true; self._keydown_ = true; _keydown(e.keyCode); } }) .click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); _clk(); }) .mousedown(function (e) { self.element.val(self.element.val()); }) .focusout(function (e) { self._blurDebounce(); }); if (BI.isKey(this.options.value) || BI.isEmptyString(this.options.value)) { this.setValue(this.options.value); } }, _focus: function () { this.element.addClass("bi-input-focus"); this._checkValidationOnValueChange(); this._isEditing = true; if (this.getValue() == "") { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EMPTY, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY); } this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_FOCUS); }, _blur: function () { var self = this; if (self._keydown_ === true) { BI.delay(blur, 300); } else { blur(); } function blur () { if (!self.isValid() && self.options.quitChecker.apply(self, [BI.trim(self.getValue())]) !== false) { self.element.val(self._lastValidValue ? self._lastValidValue : ""); self._checkValidationOnValueChange(); self._defaultState(); } self.element.removeClass("bi-input-focus"); self._isEditing = false; self._start = false; if (self.isValid()) { self._lastValidValue = self.getValue(); self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CONFIRM, self.getValue(), self); self.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_CONFIRM); } self.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_BLUR); } }, _click: function () { if (this._isEditing !== true) { this._focus(); this.selectAll(); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_CLICK); } }, onClick: function () { this._click(); }, onKeyDown: function (keyCode, ctrlKey) { if (!this.isValid() || BI.trim(this._lastValidValue) !== BI.trim(this.getValue())) { this._checkValidationOnValueChange(); } if (this.isValid() && BI.trim(this.getValue()) !== "") { if (BI.trim(this.getValue()) !== this._lastValue && (!this._start || this._lastValue == null || this._lastValue === "") || (this._pause === true && !/(\s|\u00A0)$/.test(this.getValue()))) { this._start = true; this._pause = false; this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.STARTEDIT, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_START); } } if (ctrlKey === true && keyCode === 86) {// ctrlKey+V this._valueChange(); } else { if (keyCode == BI.KeyCode.ENTER) { if (this.isValid() || this.options.quitChecker.apply(this, [BI.trim(this.getValue())]) !== false) { this.blur(); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_ENTER); } else { this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_RESTRICT); } } if (keyCode == BI.KeyCode.SPACE) { this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_SPACE); } if (keyCode == BI.KeyCode.BACKSPACE && this._lastValue == "") { this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_REMOVE); } if (keyCode == BI.KeyCode.BACKSPACE || keyCode == BI.KeyCode.DELETE) { this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_BACKSPACE); } } this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_KEY_DOWN); if (BI.isEndWithBlank(this.getValue())) { this._pause = true; this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.PAUSE, "", this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_PAUSE); this._defaultState(); } else if ((keyCode === BI.KeyCode.BACKSPACE || keyCode === BI.KeyCode.DELETE) && BI.trim(this.getValue()) === "" && (this._lastValue !== null && BI.trim(this._lastValue) !== "")) { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.STOPEDIT, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_STOP); this._valueChange(); } else { this._valueChange(); } }, // 初始状态 _defaultState: function () { if (this.getValue() == "") { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EMPTY, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY); } this._lastValue = this.getValue(); this._lastSubmitValue = null; }, _valueChange: function () { if (this.isValid() && BI.trim(this.getValue()) !== this._lastSubmitValue) { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.CHANGE, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_CHANGE); this._lastSubmitValue = BI.trim(this.getValue()); } if (this.getValue() == "") { this.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, BI.Events.EMPTY, this.getValue(), this); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY); } this._lastValue = this.getValue(); }, _checkValidationOnValueChange: function () { var o = this.options; var v = this.getValue(); this.setValid( (o.allowBlank === true && BI.trim(v) == "") || (BI.isNotEmptyString(BI.trim(v)) && (v === this._lastValidValue || o.validationChecker.apply(this, [BI.trim(v)]) !== false)) ); }, focus: function () { if (!this.element.is(":visible")) { throw new Error("input输入框在不可见下不能focus"); } if (!this._isEditing === true) { this.element.focus(); this._focus(); this.selectAll(); } }, blur: function () { if (!this.element.is(":visible")) { throw new Error("input输入框在不可见下不能blur"); } if (this._isEditing === true) { this.element.blur(); this._blurDebounce(); } }, selectAll: function () { if (!this.element.is(":visible")) { throw new Error("input输入框在不可见下不能select"); } this.element.select(); this._isEditing = true; }, setValue: function (textValue) { this.element.val(textValue); BI.nextTick(BI.bind(function () { this._checkValidationOnValueChange(); this._defaultState(); if (this.isValid()) { this._lastValidValue = this._lastSubmitValue = this.getValue(); } }, this)); }, getValue: function () { return this.element.val() || ""; }, isEditing: function () { return this._isEditing; }, getLastValidValue: function () { return this._lastValidValue; }, _setValid: function () { BI.Input.superclass._setValid.apply(this, arguments); if (this.isValid()) { this.element.removeClass("bi-input-error"); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_VALID, BI.trim(this.getValue()), this); } else { if (this._lastValidValue === this.getValue()) { this._lastValidValue = null; } this.element.addClass("bi-input-error"); this.fireEvent(BI.Input.EVENT_ERROR, BI.trim(this.getValue()), this); } }, _setEnable: function (b) { BI.Input.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, [b]); this.element[0].disabled = !b; } }); BI.Input.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.Input.EVENT_FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS"; BI.Input.EVENT_CLICK = "EVENT_CLICK"; BI.Input.EVENT_BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR"; BI.Input.EVENT_KEY_DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN"; BI.Input.EVENT_QUICK_DOWN = "EVENT_QUICK_DOWN"; BI.Input.EVENT_SPACE = "EVENT_SPACE"; BI.Input.EVENT_BACKSPACE = "EVENT_BACKSPACE"; BI.Input.EVENT_START = "EVENT_START"; BI.Input.EVENT_PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE"; BI.Input.EVENT_STOP = "EVENT_STOP"; BI.Input.EVENT_CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM"; BI.Input.EVENT_REMOVE = "EVENT_REMOVE"; BI.Input.EVENT_EMPTY = "EVENT_EMPTY"; BI.Input.EVENT_VALID = "EVENT_VALID"; BI.Input.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.Input.EVENT_ENTER = "EVENT_ENTER"; BI.Input.EVENT_RESTRICT = "EVENT_RESTRICT"; BI.shortcut("bi.input", BI.Input);/** * guy * @extends BI.Single * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.Radio = BI.inherit(BI.IconButton, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Radio.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-radio radio-icon", selected: false, handler: BI.emptyFn, width: 16, height: 16, iconWidth: 16, iconHeight: 16 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Radio.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, doClick: function () { BI.Radio.superclass.doClick.apply(this, arguments); if(this.isValid()) { this.fireEvent(BI.Radio.EVENT_CHANGE); } } }); BI.Radio.EVENT_CHANGE = "Radio.EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.radio", BI.Radio);/** * @class BI.IconButton * @extends BI.BasicButton * 图标标签 */ BI.IconLabel = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { props: { baseCls: "bi-icon-label horizon-center", iconWidth: null, iconHeight: null }, _init: function () { BI.IconLabel.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var o = this.options; this.element.css({ textAlign: "center" }); this.icon = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.icon", width: o.iconWidth, height: o.iconHeight }); if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0 && BI.isNull(o.iconWidth) && BI.isNull(o.iconHeight)) { this.element.css("lineHeight", o.height + "px"); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.default", element: this, items: [this.icon] }); } else { this.element.css("lineHeight", "1"); BI.createWidget({ element: this, type: "bi.center_adapt", items: [this.icon] }); } } }); BI.shortcut("bi.icon_label", BI.IconLabel);/** * Created by GUY on 2015/6/26. */ BI.Label = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Label.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-label", textAlign: "center", whiteSpace: "nowrap", // normal or nowrap forceCenter: false, // 是否无论如何都要居中, 不考虑超出边界的情况, 在未知宽度和高度时有效 textWidth: null, textHeight: null, hgap: 0, vgap: 0, lgap: 0, rgap: 0, tgap: 0, bgap: 0, text: "", py: "", keyword: "" }); }, _createJson: function () { var o = this.options; return { type: "bi.text", textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, lineHeight: o.textHeight, text: o.text, value: o.value, py: o.py, keyword: o.keyword }; }, _init: function () { BI.Label.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); if (this.options.textAlign === "center") { this._createCenterEl(); } else { this._createNotCenterEl(); } }, _createCenterEl: function () { var o = this.options; var json = this._createJson(); if (BI.isNumber(o.width) && o.width > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.textWidth) && o.textWidth > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { var gap = (o.width - o.textWidth) / 2; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", height: o.height, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: gap + o.hgap + o.lgap, right: gap + o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap } ] }); this.element.css({"line-height": o.height + "px"}); return; } json.width = o.textWidth; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) } ] }); return; } if (o.whiteSpace == "normal") { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }] }); return; } json.width = o.width - 2 * o.hgap; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) }] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.textWidth) && o.textWidth > 0) { json.width = o.textWidth; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) } ] }); return; } if (o.whiteSpace == "normal") { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.textHeight) && o.textHeight > 0) { this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", height: o.height, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }] }); return; } BI.extend(json, { hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap }); this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); this.text = BI.createWidget(BI.extend(json, { element: this })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: this.text, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal" }); return; } BI.extend(json, { hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap }); if (o.forceCenter) { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.center_adapt", element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } this.text = BI.createWidget(BI.extend(json, { element: this })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: this.text, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal" }); }, _createNotCenterEl: function () { var o = this.options; var json = this._createJson(); if (BI.isNumber(o.width) && o.width > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.textWidth) && o.textWidth > 0) { json.width = o.textWidth; if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", height: o.height, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap } ] }); this.element.css({"line-height": o.height + "px"}); return; } BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) } ] }); return; } if (o.whiteSpace == "normal") { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.absolute", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }] }); return; } json.width = o.width - 2 * o.hgap - o.lgap - o.rgap; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) }] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.textWidth) && o.textWidth > 0) { json.width = o.textWidth; BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [ { el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)) } ] }); return; } if (o.whiteSpace == "normal") { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap, element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } if (BI.isNumber(o.height) && o.height > 0) { if (BI.isNumber(o.textHeight) && o.textHeight > 0) { this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.adaptive", height: o.height, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal", element: this, items: [{ el: (this.text = BI.createWidget(json)), left: o.hgap + o.lgap, right: o.hgap + o.rgap, top: o.vgap + o.tgap, bottom: o.vgap + o.bgap }] }); return; } BI.extend(json, { hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap }); this.element.css({ "line-height": o.height + "px" }); this.text = BI.createWidget(BI.extend(json, { element: this })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: this.text, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal" }); return; } BI.extend(json, { hgap: o.hgap, vgap: o.vgap, lgap: o.lgap, rgap: o.rgap, tgap: o.tgap, bgap: o.bgap }); if (o.forceCenter) { this.text = BI.createWidget(json); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical_adapt", element: this, items: [this.text] }); return; } this.text = BI.createWidget(BI.extend(json, { element: this })); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.layout", element: this.text, scrollable: o.whiteSpace === "normal" }); }, _setEnable: function (enable) { BI.Label.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); if (enable === true) { this.element.removeClass("base-disabled disabled"); } else if (enable === false) { this.element.addClass("base-disabled disabled"); } }, doRedMark: function () { this.text.doRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unRedMark: function () { this.text.unRedMark.apply(this.text, arguments); }, doHighLight: function () { this.text.doHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, unHighLight: function () { this.text.unHighLight.apply(this.text, arguments); }, setText: function (v) { this.options.text = v; this.text.setText(v); }, getText: function () { return this.options.text; }, setStyle: function (css) { this.text.setStyle(css); }, setValue: function (v) { BI.Label.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.isReadOnly()) { this.text.setValue(v); } }, populate: function () { BI.Label.superclass.populate.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.label", BI.Label);/** * guy a元素 * @class BI.Link * @extends BI.Text */ BI.Link = BI.inherit(BI.Label, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Link.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-link display-block", tagName: "a", href: "", target: "_blank" }); }, _createJson: function () { var o = this.options; return { type: "bi.a", textAlign: o.textAlign, whiteSpace: o.whiteSpace, lineHeight: o.textHeight, text: o.text, keyword: o.keyword, value: o.value, py: o.py, href: o.href, target: o.target }; }, _init: function () { BI.Link.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.link", BI.Link);/** * guy * 气泡提示 * @class BI.Bubble * @extends BI.Tip * @type {*|void|Object} */ BI.Bubble = BI.inherit(BI.Tip, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Bubble.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-bubble", direction: "top", text: "", level: "error", height: 18 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Bubble.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var fn = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.stopEvent(); return false; }; this.element.bind({click: fn, mousedown: fn, mouseup: fn, mouseover: fn, mouseenter: fn, mouseleave: fn, mousemove: fn}); BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", element: this, items: [this["_" + this.options.direction]()] }); }, _createBubbleText: function () { var o = this.options; return (this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", cls: "bubble-text" + (" bubble-" + o.level), text: o.text, hgap: 5, height: 18 })); }, _top: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ el: this._createBubbleText(), height: 18 }, { el: { type: "bi.layout" }, height: 3 }] }); }, _bottom: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout" }, height: 3 }, { el: this._createBubbleText(), height: 18 }] }); }, _left: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.right", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout", width: 3, height: 18 } }, { el: this._createBubbleText() }] }); }, _right: function () { return BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.left", items: [{ el: { type: "bi.layout", width: 3, height: 18 } }, { el: this._createBubbleText() }] }); }, setText: function (text) { this.text.setText(text); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.bubble", BI.Bubble);/** * toast提示 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.Toast * @extends BI.Tip */ BI.Toast = BI.inherit(BI.Tip, { _const: { minWidth: 200, hgap: 10 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Toast.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-toast", text: "", level: "success" // success或warning }); }, _init: function () { BI.Toast.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.element.css({ minWidth: this._const.minWidth + "px" }); this.element.addClass("toast-" + o.level); var fn = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.stopEvent(); return false; }; this.element.bind({click: fn, mousedown: fn, mouseup: fn, mouseover: fn, mouseenter: fn, mouseleave: fn, mousemove: fn}); var cls = "close-font"; switch(o.level) { case "success": cls = "toast-success-font"; break; case "error": cls = "toast-error-font"; break; case "warning": cls = "toast-warning-font"; break; case "normal": default: cls = "toast-message-font"; break; } var items = [{ type: "bi.icon_button", disableSelected: true, cls: cls + " toast-icon", width: 36 }, { el: { type: "bi.label", whiteSpace: "normal", text: o.text, textHeight: 16, textAlign: "left" }, rgap: o.autoClose ? this._const.hgap : 0 }]; var columnSize = [36, ""]; if(o.autoClose === false) { items.push({ type: "bi.icon_button", cls: "close-font toast-icon", handler: function () { self.destroy(); }, width: 36 }); columnSize.push(36); } this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.horizontal_adapt", element: this, items: items, vgap: 7, columnSize: columnSize }); }, setText: function (text) { this.text.setText(text); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.toast", BI.Toast);/** * toast提示 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.Tooltip * @extends BI.Tip */ BI.Tooltip = BI.inherit(BI.Tip, { _const: { hgap: 5, vgap: 3 }, _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.Tooltip.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { extraCls: "bi-tooltip", text: "", level: "success", // success或warning stopEvent: false, stopPropagation: false, height: 20 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Tooltip.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); var self = this, o = this.options; this.element.addClass("tooltip-" + o.level); var fn = function (e) { o.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(); o.stopEvent && e.stopEvent(); }; this.element.bind({ click: fn, mousedown: fn, mouseup: fn, mouseover: fn, mouseenter: fn, mouseleave: fn, mousemove: fn }); var texts = (o.text + "").split("\n"); if (texts.length > 1) { BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.vertical", element: this, hgap: this._const.hgap, items: BI.map(texts, function (i, text) { return { type: "bi.label", textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "normal", text: text, textHeight: 16 }; }) }); } else { this.text = BI.createWidget({ type: "bi.label", element: this, textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "normal", text: o.text, textHeight: 16, hgap: this._const.hgap, vgap: this._const.vgap }); } }, setWidth: function (width) { this.element.width(width - 2 * this._const.hgap); }, setText: function (text) { this.text && this.text.setText(text); }, setLevel: function (level) { this.element.removeClass("tooltip-success").removeClass("tooltip-warning"); this.element.addClass("tooltip-" + level); } }); BI.shortcut("bi.tooltip", BI.Tooltip);/** * 下拉 * @class BI.Trigger * @extends BI.Single * @abstract */ BI.Trigger = BI.inherit(BI.Single, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.Trigger.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-trigger cursor-pointer", height: 24 }); }, _init: function () { BI.Trigger.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); }, setKey: function () { }, getKey: function () { } });/** * * 自定义树 * * Created by GUY on 2015/9/7. * @class BI.CustomTree * @extends BI.Single */ BI.CustomTree = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { return BI.extend(BI.CustomTree.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments), { baseCls: "bi-custom-tree", expander: { el: {}, popup: { type: "bi.custom_tree" } }, items: [], itemsCreator: BI.emptyFn, el: { type: "bi.button_tree", chooseType: 0, layouts: [{ type: "bi.vertical" }] } }); }, _init: function () { BI.CustomTree.superclass._init.apply(this, arguments); this.initTree(this.options.items); }, _formatItems: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; nodes = BI.Tree.transformToTreeFormat(nodes); var items = []; BI.each(nodes, function (i, node) { if (BI.isNotEmptyArray(node.children) || node.isParent === true) { var item = BI.extend({ type: "bi.expander", el: { value: node.value }, popup: {type: "bi.custom_tree"} }, BI.deepClone(o.expander), { id: node.id, pId: node.pId }); var el = BI.stripEL(node); if (!BI.isWidget(el)) { el = BI.clone(el); delete el.children; BI.extend(item.el, el); } else { item.el = el; } item.popup.expander = BI.deepClone(o.expander); item.items = item.popup.items = node.children; item.itemsCreator = item.popup.itemsCreator = function (op) { if (BI.isNotNull(op.node)) {// 从子节点传过来的itemsCreator直接向上传递 return o.itemsCreator.apply(self, arguments); } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); args[0].node = node; return o.itemsCreator.apply(self, args); }; BI.isNull(item.popup.el) && (item.popup.el = BI.deepClone(o.el)); items.push(item); } else { items.push(node); } }); return items; }, // 构造树结构, initTree: function (nodes) { var self = this, o = this.options; this.tree = BI.createWidget(o.el, { element: this, items: this._formatItems(nodes), itemsCreator: function (op, callback) { o.itemsCreator.apply(this, [op, function (items) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); args[0] = self._formatItems(items); callback.apply(null, args); }]); }, value: o.value }); this.tree.on(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, function (type, val, obj) { self.fireEvent(BI.Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, arguments); if (type === BI.Events.CLICK) { self.fireEvent(BI.CustomTree.EVENT_CHANGE, val, obj); } }); }, // 生成树方法 stroke: function (nodes) { this.populate.apply(this, arguments); }, populate: function (nodes) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); if (arguments.length > 0) { args[0] = this._formatItems(nodes); } this.tree.populate.apply(this.tree, args); }, setValue: function (v) { this.tree && this.tree.setValue(v); }, getValue: function () { return this.tree ? this.tree.getValue() : []; }, getAllButtons: function () { return this.tree ? this.tree.getAllButtons() : []; }, getAllLeaves: function () { return this.tree ? this.tree.getAllLeaves() : []; }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.tree && this.tree.getNodeById(id); }, getNodeByValue: function (id) { return this.tree && this.tree.getNodeByValue(id); }, empty: function () { this.tree.empty(); } }); BI.CustomTree.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.shortcut("bi.custom_tree", BI.CustomTree);/* * JQuery zTree core v3.5.18 * http://zTree.me/ * * Copyright (c) 2010 Hunter.z * * Licensed same as jquery - MIT License * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * email: hunter.z@263.net * Date: 2015-06-18 */ (function($){ var settings = {}, roots = {}, caches = {}, //default consts of core _consts = { className: { BUTTON: "button", LEVEL: "level", ICO_LOADING: "ico_loading", SWITCH: "switch" }, event: { NODECREATED: "ztree_nodeCreated", CLICK: "ztree_click", EXPAND: "ztree_expand", COLLAPSE: "ztree_collapse", ASYNC_SUCCESS: "ztree_async_success", ASYNC_ERROR: "ztree_async_error", REMOVE: "ztree_remove", SELECTED: "ztree_selected", UNSELECTED: "ztree_unselected" }, id: { A: "_a", ICON: "_ico", SPAN: "_span", SWITCH: "_switch", UL: "_ul" }, line: { ROOT: "root", ROOTS: "roots", CENTER: "center", BOTTOM: "bottom", NOLINE: "noline", LINE: "line" }, folder: { OPEN: "open", CLOSE: "close", DOCU: "docu" }, node: { CURSELECTED: "curSelectedNode" } }, //default setting of core _setting = { treeId: "", treeObj: null, view: { addDiyDom: null, autoCancelSelected: true, dblClickExpand: true, expandSpeed: "fast", fontCss: {}, nameIsHTML: false, selectedMulti: true, showIcon: true, showLine: true, showTitle: true, txtSelectedEnable: false }, data: { key: { children: "children", name: "name", title: "", url: "url" }, simpleData: { enable: false, idKey: "id", pIdKey: "pId", rootPId: null }, keep: { parent: false, leaf: false } }, async: { enable: false, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", type: "post", dataType: "text", url: "", autoParam: [], otherParam: [], dataFilter: null }, callback: { beforeAsync:null, beforeClick:null, beforeDblClick:null, beforeRightClick:null, beforeMouseDown:null, beforeMouseUp:null, beforeExpand:null, beforeCollapse:null, beforeRemove:null, onAsyncError:null, onAsyncSuccess:null, onNodeCreated:null, onClick:null, onDblClick:null, onRightClick:null, onMouseDown:null, onMouseUp:null, onExpand:null, onCollapse:null, onRemove:null } }, //default root of core //zTree use root to save full data _initRoot = function (setting) { var r = data.getRoot(setting); if (!r) { r = {}; data.setRoot(setting, r); } r[setting.data.key.children] = []; r.expandTriggerFlag = false; r.curSelectedList = []; r.noSelection = true; r.createdNodes = []; r.zId = 0; r._ver = (new Date()).getTime(); }, //default cache of core _initCache = function(setting) { var c = data.getCache(setting); if (!c) { c = {}; data.setCache(setting, c); } c.nodes = []; c.doms = []; }, //default bindEvent of core _bindEvent = function(setting) { var o = setting.treeObj, c = consts.event; o.bind(c.NODECREATED, function (event, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onNodeCreated, [event, treeId, node]); }); o.bind(c.CLICK, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node, clickFlag) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onClick, [srcEvent, treeId, node, clickFlag]); }); o.bind(c.EXPAND, function (event, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onExpand, [event, treeId, node]); }); o.bind(c.COLLAPSE, function (event, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onCollapse, [event, treeId, node]); }); o.bind(c.ASYNC_SUCCESS, function (event, treeId, node, msg) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onAsyncSuccess, [event, treeId, node, msg]); }); o.bind(c.ASYNC_ERROR, function (event, treeId, node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onAsyncError, [event, treeId, node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown]); }); o.bind(c.REMOVE, function (event, treeId, treeNode) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onRemove, [event, treeId, treeNode]); }); o.bind(c.SELECTED, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onSelected, [srcEvent, treeId, node]); }); o.bind(c.UNSELECTED, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node) { tools.apply(setting.callback.onUnSelected, [srcEvent, treeId, node]); }); }, _unbindEvent = function(setting) { var o = setting.treeObj, c = consts.event; o.unbind(c.NODECREATED) .unbind(c.CLICK) .unbind(c.EXPAND) .unbind(c.COLLAPSE) .unbind(c.ASYNC_SUCCESS) .unbind(c.ASYNC_ERROR) .unbind(c.REMOVE) .unbind(c.SELECTED) .unbind(c.UNSELECTED); }, //default event proxy of core _eventProxy = function(event) { var target = event.target, setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId), tId = "", node = null, nodeEventType = "", treeEventType = "", nodeEventCallback = null, treeEventCallback = null, tmp = null; if (tools.eqs(event.type, "mousedown")) { treeEventType = "mousedown"; } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "mouseup")) { treeEventType = "mouseup"; } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "contextmenu")) { treeEventType = "contextmenu"; } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "click")) { if (tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.SWITCH) !== null) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id; nodeEventType = "switchNode"; } else { tmp = tools.getMDom(setting, target, [{tagName:"a", attrName:"treeNode"+consts.id.A}]); if (tmp) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(tmp).id; nodeEventType = "clickNode"; } } } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "dblclick")) { treeEventType = "dblclick"; tmp = tools.getMDom(setting, target, [{tagName:"a", attrName:"treeNode"+consts.id.A}]); if (tmp) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(tmp).id; nodeEventType = "switchNode"; } } if (treeEventType.length > 0 && tId.length == 0) { tmp = tools.getMDom(setting, target, [{tagName:"a", attrName:"treeNode"+consts.id.A}]); if (tmp) {tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(tmp).id;} } // event to node if (tId.length>0) { node = data.getNodeCache(setting, tId); switch (nodeEventType) { case "switchNode" : if (!node.isParent) { nodeEventType = ""; } else if (tools.eqs(event.type, "click") || (tools.eqs(event.type, "dblclick") && tools.apply(setting.view.dblClickExpand, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.dblClickExpand))) { nodeEventCallback = handler.onSwitchNode; } else { nodeEventType = ""; } break; case "clickNode" : nodeEventCallback = handler.onClickNode; break; } } // event to zTree switch (treeEventType) { case "mousedown" : treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeMousedown; break; case "mouseup" : treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeMouseup; break; case "dblclick" : treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeDblclick; break; case "contextmenu" : treeEventCallback = handler.onZTreeContextmenu; break; } var proxyResult = { stop: false, node: node, nodeEventType: nodeEventType, nodeEventCallback: nodeEventCallback, treeEventType: treeEventType, treeEventCallback: treeEventCallback }; return proxyResult }, //default init node of core _initNode = function(setting, level, n, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag) { if (!n) return; var r = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children; n.level = level; n.tId = setting.treeId + "_" + (++r.zId); n.parentTId = parentNode ? parentNode.tId : null; n.open = (typeof n.open == "string") ? tools.eqs(n.open, "true") : !!n.open; if (n[childKey] && n[childKey].length > 0) { n.isParent = true; n.zAsync = true; } else { n.isParent = (typeof n.isParent == "string") ? tools.eqs(n.isParent, "true") : !!n.isParent; n.open = (n.isParent && !setting.async.enable) ? n.open : false; n.zAsync = !n.isParent; } n.isFirstNode = isFirstNode; n.isLastNode = isLastNode; n.getParentNode = function() {return data.getNodeCache(setting, n.parentTId);}; n.getPreNode = function() {return data.getPreNode(setting, n);}; n.getNextNode = function() {return data.getNextNode(setting, n);}; n.isAjaxing = false; data.fixPIdKeyValue(setting, n); }, _init = { bind: [_bindEvent], unbind: [_unbindEvent], caches: [_initCache], nodes: [_initNode], proxys: [_eventProxy], roots: [_initRoot], beforeA: [], afterA: [], innerBeforeA: [], innerAfterA: [], zTreeTools: [] }, //method of operate data data = { addNodeCache: function(setting, node) { data.getCache(setting).nodes[data.getNodeCacheId(node.tId)] = node; }, getNodeCacheId: function(tId) { return tId.substring(tId.lastIndexOf("_")+1); }, addAfterA: function(afterA) { _init.afterA.push(afterA); }, addBeforeA: function(beforeA) { _init.beforeA.push(beforeA); }, addInnerAfterA: function(innerAfterA) { _init.innerAfterA.push(innerAfterA); }, addInnerBeforeA: function(innerBeforeA) { _init.innerBeforeA.push(innerBeforeA); }, addInitBind: function(bindEvent) { _init.bind.push(bindEvent); }, addInitUnBind: function(unbindEvent) { _init.unbind.push(unbindEvent); }, addInitCache: function(initCache) { _init.caches.push(initCache); }, addInitNode: function(initNode) { _init.nodes.push(initNode); }, addInitProxy: function(initProxy, isFirst) { if (!!isFirst) { _init.proxys.splice(0,0,initProxy); } else { _init.proxys.push(initProxy); } }, addInitRoot: function(initRoot) { _init.roots.push(initRoot); }, addNodesData: function(setting, parentNode, nodes) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children; if (!parentNode[childKey]) parentNode[childKey] = []; if (parentNode[childKey].length > 0) { parentNode[childKey][parentNode[childKey].length - 1].isLastNode = false; view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, parentNode[childKey][parentNode[childKey].length - 1]); } parentNode.isParent = true; parentNode[childKey] = parentNode[childKey].concat(nodes); }, addSelectedNode: function(setting, node) { var root = data.getRoot(setting); if (!data.isSelectedNode(setting, node)) { root.curSelectedList.push(node); } }, addCreatedNode: function(setting, node) { if (!!setting.callback.onNodeCreated || !!setting.view.addDiyDom) { var root = data.getRoot(setting); root.createdNodes.push(node); } }, addZTreeTools: function(zTreeTools) { _init.zTreeTools.push(zTreeTools); }, exSetting: function(s) { $.extend(true, _setting, s); }, fixPIdKeyValue: function(setting, node) { if (setting.data.simpleData.enable) { node[setting.data.simpleData.pIdKey] = node.parentTId ? node.getParentNode()[setting.data.simpleData.idKey] : setting.data.simpleData.rootPId; } }, getAfterA: function(setting, node, array) { for (var i=0, j=_init.afterA.length; i-1) { result.push(nodes[i]); } result = result.concat(data.getNodesByParamFuzzy(setting, nodes[i][childKey], key, value)); } return result; }, getNodesByFilter: function(setting, nodes, filter, isSingle, invokeParam) { if (!nodes) return (isSingle ? null : []); var childKey = setting.data.key.children, result = isSingle ? null : []; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (tools.apply(filter, [nodes[i], invokeParam], false)) { if (isSingle) {return nodes[i];} result.push(nodes[i]); } var tmpResult = data.getNodesByFilter(setting, nodes[i][childKey], filter, isSingle, invokeParam); if (isSingle && !!tmpResult) {return tmpResult;} result = isSingle ? tmpResult : result.concat(tmpResult); } return result; }, getPreNode: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return null; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, p = node.parentTId ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting); for (var i=0, l=p[childKey].length; i 0))); }, clone: function (obj){ if (obj === null) return null; var o = tools.isArray(obj) ? [] : {}; for(var i in obj){ o[i] = (obj[i] instanceof Date) ? new Date(obj[i].getTime()) : (typeof obj[i] === "object" ? arguments.callee(obj[i]) : obj[i]); } return o; }, eqs: function(str1, str2) { return str1.toLowerCase() === str2.toLowerCase(); }, isArray: function(arr) { return Object.prototype.toString.apply(arr) === "[object Array]"; }, $: function(node, exp, setting) { if (!!exp && typeof exp != "string") { setting = exp; exp = ""; } if (typeof node == "string") { return $(node, setting ? setting.treeObj.get(0).ownerDocument : null); } else { return $("#" + node.tId + exp, setting ? setting.treeObj : null); } }, getMDom: function (setting, curDom, targetExpr) { if (!curDom) return null; while (curDom && curDom.id !== setting.treeId) { for (var i=0, l=targetExpr.length; curDom.tagName && i 0 ); }, uCanDo: function(setting, e) { return true; } }, //method of operate ztree dom view = { addNodes: function(setting, parentNode, newNodes, isSilent) { if (setting.data.keep.leaf && parentNode && !parentNode.isParent) { return; } if (!tools.isArray(newNodes)) { newNodes = [newNodes]; } if (setting.data.simpleData.enable) { newNodes = data.transformTozTreeFormat(setting, newNodes); } if (parentNode) { var target_switchObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.SWITCH, setting), target_icoObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.ICON, setting), target_ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting); if (!parentNode.open) { view.replaceSwitchClass(parentNode, target_switchObj, consts.folder.CLOSE); view.replaceIcoClass(parentNode, target_icoObj, consts.folder.CLOSE); parentNode.open = false; target_ulObj.css({ "display": "none" }); } data.addNodesData(setting, parentNode, newNodes); view.createNodes(setting, parentNode.level + 1, newNodes, parentNode); if (!isSilent) { view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, parentNode, true); } } else { data.addNodesData(setting, data.getRoot(setting), newNodes); view.createNodes(setting, 0, newNodes, null); } }, appendNodes: function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, initFlag, openFlag) { if (!nodes) return []; var html = [], childKey = setting.data.key.children; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (initFlag) { var tmpPNode = (parentNode) ? parentNode: data.getRoot(setting), tmpPChild = tmpPNode[childKey], isFirstNode = ((tmpPChild.length == nodes.length) && (i == 0)), isLastNode = (i == (nodes.length - 1)); data.initNode(setting, level, node, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag); data.addNodeCache(setting, node); } var childHtml = []; if (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) { //make child html first, because checkType childHtml = view.appendNodes(setting, level + 1, node[childKey], node, initFlag, openFlag && node.open); } if (openFlag) { view.makeDOMNodeMainBefore(html, setting, node); view.makeDOMNodeLine(html, setting, node); data.getBeforeA(setting, node, html); view.makeDOMNodeNameBefore(html, setting, node); data.getInnerBeforeA(setting, node, html); view.makeDOMNodeIcon(html, setting, node); data.getInnerAfterA(setting, node, html); view.makeDOMNodeNameAfter(html, setting, node); data.getAfterA(setting, node, html); if (node.isParent && node.open) { view.makeUlHtml(setting, node, html, childHtml.join('')); } view.makeDOMNodeMainAfter(html, setting, node); data.addCreatedNode(setting, node); } } return html; }, appendParentULDom: function(setting, node) { var html = [], nObj = $$(node, setting); if (!nObj.get(0) && !!node.parentTId) { view.appendParentULDom(setting, node.getParentNode()); nObj = $$(node, setting); } var ulObj = $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting); if (ulObj.get(0)) { ulObj.remove(); } var childKey = setting.data.key.children, childHtml = view.appendNodes(setting, node.level+1, node[childKey], node, false, true); view.makeUlHtml(setting, node, html, childHtml.join('')); nObj.append(html.join('')); }, asyncNode: function(setting, node, isSilent, callback) { var i, l; if (node && !node.isParent) { tools.apply(callback); return false; } else if (node && node.isAjaxing) { return false; } else if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeAsync, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) { tools.apply(callback); return false; } if (node) { node.isAjaxing = true; var icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting); icoObj.attr({"style":"", "class":consts.className.BUTTON + " " + consts.className.ICO_LOADING}); } var tmpParam = {}; for (i = 0, l = setting.async.autoParam.length; node && i < l; i++) { var pKey = setting.async.autoParam[i].split("="), spKey = pKey; if (pKey.length>1) { spKey = pKey[1]; pKey = pKey[0]; } tmpParam[spKey] = node[pKey]; } if (tools.isArray(setting.async.otherParam)) { for (i = 0, l = setting.async.otherParam.length; i < l; i += 2) { tmpParam[setting.async.otherParam[i]] = setting.async.otherParam[i + 1]; } } else { for (var p in setting.async.otherParam) { tmpParam[p] = setting.async.otherParam[p]; } } var _tmpV = data.getRoot(setting)._ver; $.ajax({ contentType: setting.async.contentType, cache: false, type: setting.async.type, url: tools.apply(setting.async.url, [setting.treeId, node], setting.async.url), data: tmpParam, dataType: setting.async.dataType, success: function(msg) { if (_tmpV != data.getRoot(setting)._ver) { return; } var newNodes = []; try { if (!msg || msg.length == 0) { newNodes = []; } else if (typeof msg == "string") { newNodes = eval("(" + msg + ")"); } else { newNodes = msg; } } catch(err) { newNodes = msg; } if (node) { node.isAjaxing = null; node.zAsync = true; } view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, node); if (newNodes && newNodes !== "") { newNodes = tools.apply(setting.async.dataFilter, [setting.treeId, node, newNodes], newNodes); view.addNodes(setting, node, !!newNodes ? tools.clone(newNodes) : [], !!isSilent); } else { view.addNodes(setting, node, [], !!isSilent); } setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.ASYNC_SUCCESS, [setting.treeId, node, msg]); tools.apply(callback); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (_tmpV != data.getRoot(setting)._ver) { return; } if (node) node.isAjaxing = null; view.setNodeLineIcos(setting, node); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.ASYNC_ERROR, [setting.treeId, node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown]); } }); return true; }, cancelPreSelectedNode: function (setting, node, excludeNode) { var list = data.getRoot(setting).curSelectedList, i, n; for (i=list.length-1; i>=0; i--) { n = list[i]; if (node === n || (!node && (!excludeNode || excludeNode !== n))) { $$(n, consts.id.A, setting).removeClass(consts.node.CURSELECTED); if (node) { data.removeSelectedNode(setting, node); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.UNSELECTED, [event, setting.treeId, n]); break; } else { list.splice(i, 1); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.UNSELECTED, [event, setting.treeId, n]); } } } }, createNodeCallback: function(setting) { if (!!setting.callback.onNodeCreated || !!setting.view.addDiyDom) { var root = data.getRoot(setting); while (root.createdNodes.length>0) { var node = root.createdNodes.shift(); tools.apply(setting.view.addDiyDom, [setting.treeId, node]); if (!!setting.callback.onNodeCreated) { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.NODECREATED, [setting.treeId, node]); } } } }, createNodes: function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode) { if (!nodes || nodes.length == 0) return; var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children, openFlag = !parentNode || parentNode.open || !!$$(parentNode[childKey][0], setting).get(0); root.createdNodes = []; var zTreeHtml = view.appendNodes(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, true, openFlag); if (!parentNode) { setting.treeObj.append(zTreeHtml.join('')); } else { var ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting); if (ulObj.get(0)) { ulObj.append(zTreeHtml.join('')); } } view.createNodeCallback(setting); }, destroy: function(setting) { if (!setting) return; data.initCache(setting); data.initRoot(setting); event.unbindTree(setting); event.unbindEvent(setting); setting.treeObj.empty(); delete settings[setting.treeId]; }, expandCollapseNode: function(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback) { var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children; if (!node) { tools.apply(callback, []); return; } if (root.expandTriggerFlag) { var _callback = callback; callback = function(){ if (_callback) _callback(); if (node.open) { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.EXPAND, [setting.treeId, node]); } else { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.COLLAPSE, [setting.treeId, node]); } }; root.expandTriggerFlag = false; } if (!node.open && node.isParent && ((!$$(node, consts.id.UL, setting).get(0)) || (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length>0 && !$$(node[childKey][0], setting).get(0)))) { view.appendParentULDom(setting, node); view.createNodeCallback(setting); } if (node.open == expandFlag) { tools.apply(callback, []); return; } var ulObj = $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting), switchObj = $$(node, consts.id.SWITCH, setting), icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting); if (node.isParent) { node.open = !node.open; if (node.iconOpen && node.iconClose) { icoObj.attr("style", view.makeNodeIcoStyle(setting, node)); } if (node.open) { view.replaceSwitchClass(node, switchObj, consts.folder.OPEN); view.replaceIcoClass(node, icoObj, consts.folder.OPEN); if (animateFlag == false || setting.view.expandSpeed == "") { ulObj.show(); tools.apply(callback, []); } else { if (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) { ulObj.slideDown(setting.view.expandSpeed, callback); } else { ulObj.show(); tools.apply(callback, []); } } } else { view.replaceSwitchClass(node, switchObj, consts.folder.CLOSE); view.replaceIcoClass(node, icoObj, consts.folder.CLOSE); if (animateFlag == false || setting.view.expandSpeed == "" || !(node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0)) { ulObj.hide(); tools.apply(callback, []); } else { ulObj.slideUp(setting.view.expandSpeed, callback); } } } else { tools.apply(callback, []); } }, expandCollapseParentNode: function(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback) { if (!node) return; if (!node.parentTId) { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback); return; } else { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag); } if (node.parentTId) { view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, node.getParentNode(), expandFlag, animateFlag, callback); } }, expandCollapseSonNode: function(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback) { var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children, treeNodes = (node) ? node[childKey]: root[childKey], selfAnimateSign = (node) ? false : animateFlag, expandTriggerFlag = data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag; data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = false; if (treeNodes) { for (var i = 0, l = treeNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (treeNodes[i]) view.expandCollapseSonNode(setting, treeNodes[i], expandFlag, selfAnimateSign); } } data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = expandTriggerFlag; view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, expandFlag, animateFlag, callback ); }, isSelectedNode: function (setting, node) { if (!node) { return false; } var list = data.getRoot(setting).curSelectedList, i; for (i=list.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (node === list[i]) { return true; } } return false; }, makeDOMNodeIcon: function(html, setting, node) { var nameStr = data.getNodeName(setting, node), name = setting.view.nameIsHTML ? nameStr : nameStr.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(//g,'>'); html.push("",name,""); }, makeDOMNodeLine: function(html, setting, node) { html.push(""); }, makeDOMNodeMainAfter: function(html, setting, node) { html.push(""); }, makeDOMNodeMainBefore: function(html, setting, node) { html.push("
  • "); }, makeDOMNodeNameAfter: function(html, setting, node) { html.push(""); }, makeDOMNodeNameBefore: function(html, setting, node) { var title = data.getNodeTitle(setting, node), url = view.makeNodeUrl(setting, node), fontcss = view.makeNodeFontCss(setting, node), fontStyle = []; for (var f in fontcss) { fontStyle.push(f, ":", fontcss[f], ";"); } html.push(" 0) ? "href='" + url + "'" : ""), " target='",view.makeNodeTarget(node),"' style='", fontStyle.join(''), "'"); if (tools.apply(setting.view.showTitle, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.showTitle) && title) {html.push("title='", title.replace(/'/g,"'").replace(//g,'>'),"'");} html.push(">"); }, makeNodeFontCss: function(setting, node) { var fontCss = tools.apply(setting.view.fontCss, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.fontCss); return (fontCss && ((typeof fontCss) != "function")) ? fontCss : {}; }, makeNodeIcoClass: function(setting, node) { var icoCss = ["ico"]; if (!node.isAjaxing) { icoCss[0] = (node.iconSkin ? node.iconSkin + "_" : "") + icoCss[0]; if (node.isParent) { icoCss.push(node.open ? consts.folder.OPEN : consts.folder.CLOSE); } else { icoCss.push(consts.folder.DOCU); } } return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + icoCss.join('_'); }, makeNodeIcoStyle: function(setting, node) { var icoStyle = []; if (!node.isAjaxing) { var icon = (node.isParent && node.iconOpen && node.iconClose) ? (node.open ? node.iconOpen : node.iconClose) : node.icon; if (icon) icoStyle.push("background:url(", icon, ") 0 0 no-repeat;"); if (setting.view.showIcon == false || !tools.apply(setting.view.showIcon, [setting.treeId, node], true)) { icoStyle.push("width:0px;height:0px;"); } } return icoStyle.join(''); }, makeNodeLineClass: function(setting, node) { var lineClass = []; if (setting.view.showLine) { if (node.level == 0 && node.isFirstNode && node.isLastNode) { lineClass.push(consts.line.ROOT); } else if (node.level == 0 && node.isFirstNode) { lineClass.push(consts.line.ROOTS); } else if (node.isLastNode) { lineClass.push(consts.line.BOTTOM); } else { lineClass.push(consts.line.CENTER); } } else { lineClass.push(consts.line.NOLINE); } if (node.isParent) { lineClass.push(node.open ? consts.folder.OPEN : consts.folder.CLOSE); } else { lineClass.push(consts.folder.DOCU); } return view.makeNodeLineClassEx(node) + lineClass.join('_'); }, makeNodeLineClassEx: function(node) { return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + consts.className.LEVEL + node.level + " " + consts.className.SWITCH + " "; }, makeNodeTarget: function(node) { return (node.target || "_blank"); }, makeNodeUrl: function(setting, node) { var urlKey = setting.data.key.url; return node[urlKey] ? node[urlKey] : null; }, makeUlHtml: function(setting, node, html, content) { html.push("
      "); html.push(content); html.push("
    "); }, makeUlLineClass: function(setting, node) { return ((setting.view.showLine && !node.isLastNode) ? consts.line.LINE : ""); }, removeChildNodes: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, nodes = node[childKey]; if (!nodes) return; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { data.removeNodeCache(setting, nodes[i]); } data.removeSelectedNode(setting); delete node[childKey]; if (!setting.data.keep.parent) { node.isParent = false; node.open = false; var tmp_switchObj = $$(node, consts.id.SWITCH, setting), tmp_icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting); view.replaceSwitchClass(node, tmp_switchObj, consts.folder.DOCU); view.replaceIcoClass(node, tmp_icoObj, consts.folder.DOCU); $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting).remove(); } else { $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting).empty(); } }, setFirstNode: function(setting, parentNode) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children, childLength = parentNode[childKey].length; if ( childLength > 0) { parentNode[childKey][0].isFirstNode = true; } }, setLastNode: function(setting, parentNode) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children, childLength = parentNode[childKey].length; if ( childLength > 0) { parentNode[childKey][childLength - 1].isLastNode = true; } }, removeNode: function(setting, node) { var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children, parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : root; node.isFirstNode = false; node.isLastNode = false; node.getPreNode = function() {return null;}; node.getNextNode = function() {return null;}; if (!data.getNodeCache(setting, node.tId)) { return; } $$(node, setting).remove(); data.removeNodeCache(setting, node); data.removeSelectedNode(setting, node); for (var i = 0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { if (parentNode[childKey][i].tId == node.tId) { parentNode[childKey].splice(i, 1); break; } } view.setFirstNode(setting, parentNode); view.setLastNode(setting, parentNode); var tmp_ulObj,tmp_switchObj,tmp_icoObj, childLength = parentNode[childKey].length; //repair nodes old parent if (!setting.data.keep.parent && childLength == 0) { //old parentNode has no child nodes parentNode.isParent = false; parentNode.open = false; tmp_ulObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.UL, setting); tmp_switchObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.SWITCH, setting); tmp_icoObj = $$(parentNode, consts.id.ICON, setting); view.replaceSwitchClass(parentNode, tmp_switchObj, consts.folder.DOCU); view.replaceIcoClass(parentNode, tmp_icoObj, consts.folder.DOCU); tmp_ulObj.css("display", "none"); } else if (setting.view.showLine && childLength > 0) { //old parentNode has child nodes var newLast = parentNode[childKey][childLength - 1]; tmp_ulObj = $$(newLast, consts.id.UL, setting); tmp_switchObj = $$(newLast, consts.id.SWITCH, setting); tmp_icoObj = $$(newLast, consts.id.ICON, setting); if (parentNode == root) { if (parentNode[childKey].length == 1) { //node was root, and ztree has only one root after move node view.replaceSwitchClass(newLast, tmp_switchObj, consts.line.ROOT); } else { var tmp_first_switchObj = $$(parentNode[childKey][0], consts.id.SWITCH, setting); view.replaceSwitchClass(parentNode[childKey][0], tmp_first_switchObj, consts.line.ROOTS); view.replaceSwitchClass(newLast, tmp_switchObj, consts.line.BOTTOM); } } else { view.replaceSwitchClass(newLast, tmp_switchObj, consts.line.BOTTOM); } tmp_ulObj.removeClass(consts.line.LINE); } }, replaceIcoClass: function(node, obj, newName) { if (!obj || node.isAjaxing) return; var tmpName = obj.attr("class"); if (tmpName == undefined) return; var tmpList = tmpName.split("_"); switch (newName) { case consts.folder.OPEN: case consts.folder.CLOSE: case consts.folder.DOCU: tmpList[tmpList.length-1] = newName; break; } obj.attr("class", tmpList.join("_")); }, replaceSwitchClass: function(node, obj, newName) { if (!obj) return; var tmpName = obj.attr("class"); if (tmpName == undefined) return; var tmpList = tmpName.split("_"); switch (newName) { case consts.line.ROOT: case consts.line.ROOTS: case consts.line.CENTER: case consts.line.BOTTOM: case consts.line.NOLINE: tmpList[0] = view.makeNodeLineClassEx(node) + newName; break; case consts.folder.OPEN: case consts.folder.CLOSE: case consts.folder.DOCU: tmpList[1] = newName; break; } obj.attr("class", tmpList.join("_")); if (newName !== consts.folder.DOCU) { obj.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { obj.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }, selectNode: function(setting, node, addFlag) { if (!addFlag) { view.cancelPreSelectedNode(setting, null, node); } $$(node, consts.id.A, setting).addClass(consts.node.CURSELECTED); data.addSelectedNode(setting, node); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.SELECTED, [event, setting.treeId, node]); }, setNodeFontCss: function(setting, treeNode) { var aObj = $$(treeNode, consts.id.A, setting), fontCss = view.makeNodeFontCss(setting, treeNode); if (fontCss) { aObj.css(fontCss); } }, setNodeLineIcos: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return; var switchObj = $$(node, consts.id.SWITCH, setting), ulObj = $$(node, consts.id.UL, setting), icoObj = $$(node, consts.id.ICON, setting), ulLine = view.makeUlLineClass(setting, node); if (ulLine.length==0) { ulObj.removeClass(consts.line.LINE); } else { ulObj.addClass(ulLine); } switchObj.attr("class", view.makeNodeLineClass(setting, node)); if (node.isParent) { switchObj.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { switchObj.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } icoObj.removeAttr("style"); icoObj.attr("style", view.makeNodeIcoStyle(setting, node)); icoObj.attr("class", view.makeNodeIcoClass(setting, node)); }, setNodeName: function(setting, node) { var title = data.getNodeTitle(setting, node), nObj = $$(node, consts.id.SPAN, setting); nObj.empty(); if (setting.view.nameIsHTML) { nObj.html(data.getNodeName(setting, node)); } else { nObj.text(data.getNodeName(setting, node)); } if (tools.apply(setting.view.showTitle, [setting.treeId, node], setting.view.showTitle)) { var aObj = $$(node, consts.id.A, setting); aObj.attr("title", !title ? "" : title); } }, setNodeTarget: function(setting, node) { var aObj = $$(node, consts.id.A, setting); aObj.attr("target", view.makeNodeTarget(node)); }, setNodeUrl: function(setting, node) { var aObj = $$(node, consts.id.A, setting), url = view.makeNodeUrl(setting, node); if (url == null || url.length == 0) { aObj.removeAttr("href"); } else { aObj.attr("href", url); } }, switchNode: function(setting, node) { if (node.open || !tools.canAsync(setting, node)) { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, !node.open); } else if (setting.async.enable) { if (!view.asyncNode(setting, node)) { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, !node.open); return; } } else if (node) { view.expandCollapseNode(setting, node, !node.open); } } }; // zTree defind $.fn.zTree = { consts : _consts, _z : { tools: tools, view: view, event: event, data: data }, getZTreeObj: function(treeId) { var o = data.getZTreeTools(treeId); return o ? o : null; }, destroy: function(treeId) { if (!!treeId && treeId.length > 0) { view.destroy(data.getSetting(treeId)); } else { for(var s in settings) { view.destroy(settings[s]); } } }, init: function(obj, zSetting, zNodes) { var setting = tools.clone(_setting); $.extend(true, setting, zSetting); setting.treeId = obj.attr("id"); setting.treeObj = obj; setting.treeObj.empty(); settings[setting.treeId] = setting; //For some older browser,(e.g., ie6) if(typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") { setting.view.expandSpeed = ""; } data.initRoot(setting); var root = data.getRoot(setting), childKey = setting.data.key.children; zNodes = zNodes ? tools.clone(tools.isArray(zNodes)? zNodes : [zNodes]) : []; if (setting.data.simpleData.enable) { root[childKey] = data.transformTozTreeFormat(setting, zNodes); } else { root[childKey] = zNodes; } data.initCache(setting); event.unbindTree(setting); event.bindTree(setting); event.unbindEvent(setting); event.bindEvent(setting); var zTreeTools = { setting : setting, addNodes : function(parentNode, newNodes, isSilent) { if (!newNodes) return null; if (!parentNode) parentNode = null; if (parentNode && !parentNode.isParent && setting.data.keep.leaf) return null; var xNewNodes = tools.clone(tools.isArray(newNodes)? newNodes: [newNodes]); function addCallback() { view.addNodes(setting, parentNode, xNewNodes, (isSilent==true)); } if (tools.canAsync(setting, parentNode)) { view.asyncNode(setting, parentNode, isSilent, addCallback); } else { addCallback(); } return xNewNodes; }, cancelSelectedNode : function(node) { view.cancelPreSelectedNode(setting, node); }, destroy : function() { view.destroy(setting); }, expandAll : function(expandFlag) { expandFlag = !!expandFlag; view.expandCollapseSonNode(setting, null, expandFlag, true); return expandFlag; }, expandNode : function(node, expandFlag, sonSign, focus, callbackFlag) { if (!node || !node.isParent) return null; if (expandFlag !== true && expandFlag !== false) { expandFlag = !node.open; } callbackFlag = !!callbackFlag; if (callbackFlag && expandFlag && (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeExpand, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false)) { return null; } else if (callbackFlag && !expandFlag && (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeCollapse, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false)) { return null; } if (expandFlag && node.parentTId) { view.expandCollapseParentNode(setting, node.getParentNode(), expandFlag, false); } if (expandFlag === node.open && !sonSign) { return null; } data.getRoot(setting).expandTriggerFlag = callbackFlag; if (!tools.canAsync(setting, node) && sonSign) { view.expandCollapseSonNode(setting, node, expandFlag, true, function() { if (focus !== false) {try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){}} }); } else { node.open = !expandFlag; view.switchNode(this.setting, node); if (focus !== false) {try{$$(node, setting).focus().blur();}catch(e){}} } return expandFlag; }, getNodes : function() { return data.getNodes(setting); }, getNodeByParam : function(key, value, parentNode) { if (!key) return null; return data.getNodeByParam(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), key, value); }, getNodeByTId : function(tId) { return data.getNodeCache(setting, tId); }, getNodesByParam : function(key, value, parentNode) { if (!key) return null; return data.getNodesByParam(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), key, value); }, getNodesByParamFuzzy : function(key, value, parentNode) { if (!key) return null; return data.getNodesByParamFuzzy(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), key, value); }, getNodesByFilter: function(filter, isSingle, parentNode, invokeParam) { isSingle = !!isSingle; if (!filter || (typeof filter != "function")) return (isSingle ? null : []); return data.getNodesByFilter(setting, parentNode?parentNode[setting.data.key.children]:data.getNodes(setting), filter, isSingle, invokeParam); }, getNodeIndex : function(node) { if (!node) return null; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting); for (var i=0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { if (parentNode[childKey][i] == node) return i; } return -1; }, getSelectedNodes : function() { var r = [], list = data.getRoot(setting).curSelectedList; for (var i=0, l=list.length; i 0) { view.createNodes(setting, 0, root[childKey]); } else if (setting.async.enable && setting.async.url && setting.async.url !== '') { view.asyncNode(setting); } return zTreeTools; } }; var zt = $.fn.zTree, $$ = tools.$, consts = zt.consts; })(jQuery);/* * JQuery zTree excheck v3.5.18 * http://zTree.me/ * * Copyright (c) 2010 Hunter.z * * Licensed same as jquery - MIT License * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * email: hunter.z@263.net * Date: 2015-06-18 */ (function($){ //default consts of excheck var _consts = { event: { CHECK: "ztree_check" }, id: { CHECK: "_check" }, checkbox: { STYLE: "checkbox", DEFAULT: "chk", DISABLED: "disable", FALSE: "false", TRUE: "true", FULL: "full", PART: "part", FOCUS: "focus" }, radio: { STYLE: "radio", TYPE_ALL: "all", TYPE_LEVEL: "level" } }, //default setting of excheck _setting = { check: { enable: false, autoCheckTrigger: false, chkStyle: _consts.checkbox.STYLE, nocheckInherit: false, chkDisabledInherit: false, radioType: _consts.radio.TYPE_LEVEL, chkboxType: { "Y": "ps", "N": "ps" } }, data: { key: { checked: "checked" } }, callback: { beforeCheck:null, onCheck:null } }, //default root of excheck _initRoot = function (setting) { var r = data.getRoot(setting); r.radioCheckedList = []; }, //default cache of excheck _initCache = function(treeId) {}, //default bind event of excheck _bindEvent = function(setting) { var o = setting.treeObj, c = consts.event; o.bind(c.CHECK, function (event, srcEvent, treeId, node) { event.srcEvent = srcEvent; tools.apply(setting.callback.onCheck, [event, treeId, node]); }); }, _unbindEvent = function(setting) { var o = setting.treeObj, c = consts.event; o.unbind(c.CHECK); }, //default event proxy of excheck _eventProxy = function(e) { var target = e.target, setting = data.getSetting(e.data.treeId), tId = "", node = null, nodeEventType = "", treeEventType = "", nodeEventCallback = null, treeEventCallback = null; if (tools.eqs(e.type, "mouseover")) { if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.CHECK) !== null) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id; nodeEventType = "mouseoverCheck"; } } else if (tools.eqs(e.type, "mouseout")) { if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.CHECK) !== null) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id; nodeEventType = "mouseoutCheck"; } } else if (tools.eqs(e.type, "click")) { if (setting.check.enable && tools.eqs(target.tagName, "span") && target.getAttribute("treeNode"+ consts.id.CHECK) !== null) { tId = tools.getNodeMainDom(target).id; nodeEventType = "checkNode"; } } if (tId.length>0) { node = data.getNodeCache(setting, tId); switch (nodeEventType) { case "checkNode" : nodeEventCallback = _handler.onCheckNode; break; case "mouseoverCheck" : nodeEventCallback = _handler.onMouseoverCheck; break; case "mouseoutCheck" : nodeEventCallback = _handler.onMouseoutCheck; break; } } var proxyResult = { stop: nodeEventType === "checkNode", node: node, nodeEventType: nodeEventType, nodeEventCallback: nodeEventCallback, treeEventType: treeEventType, treeEventCallback: treeEventCallback }; return proxyResult }, //default init node of excheck _initNode = function(setting, level, n, parentNode, isFirstNode, isLastNode, openFlag) { if (!n) return; var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked; if (typeof n[checkedKey] == "string") n[checkedKey] = tools.eqs(n[checkedKey], "true"); n[checkedKey] = !!n[checkedKey]; n.checkedOld = n[checkedKey]; if (typeof n.nocheck == "string") n.nocheck = tools.eqs(n.nocheck, "true"); n.nocheck = !!n.nocheck || (setting.check.nocheckInherit && parentNode && !!parentNode.nocheck); if (typeof n.chkDisabled == "string") n.chkDisabled = tools.eqs(n.chkDisabled, "true"); n.chkDisabled = !!n.chkDisabled || (setting.check.chkDisabledInherit && parentNode && !!parentNode.chkDisabled); if (typeof n.halfCheck == "string") n.halfCheck = tools.eqs(n.halfCheck, "true"); n.halfCheck = !!n.halfCheck; n.check_Child_State = -1; n.check_Focus = false; n.getCheckStatus = function() {return data.getCheckStatus(setting, n);}; if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE && setting.check.radioType == consts.radio.TYPE_ALL && n[checkedKey] ) { var r = data.getRoot(setting); r.radioCheckedList.push(n); } }, //add dom for check _beforeA = function(setting, node, html) { var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked; if (setting.check.enable) { data.makeChkFlag(setting, node); html.push(""); } }, //update zTreeObj, add method of check _zTreeTools = function(setting, zTreeTools) { zTreeTools.checkNode = function(node, checked, checkTypeFlag, callbackFlag) { var checkedKey = this.setting.data.key.checked; if (node.chkDisabled === true) return; if (checked !== true && checked !== false) { checked = !node[checkedKey]; } callbackFlag = !!callbackFlag; if (node[checkedKey] === checked && !checkTypeFlag) { return; } else if (callbackFlag && tools.apply(this.setting.callback.beforeCheck, [this.setting.treeId, node], true) == false) { return; } if (tools.uCanDo(this.setting) && this.setting.check.enable && node.nocheck !== true) { node[checkedKey] = checked; var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, this.setting); if (checkTypeFlag || this.setting.check.chkStyle === consts.radio.STYLE) view.checkNodeRelation(this.setting, node); view.setChkClass(this.setting, checkObj, node); view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(this.setting, node); if (callbackFlag) { this.setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, this.setting.treeId, node]); } } } zTreeTools.checkAllNodes = function(checked) { view.repairAllChk(this.setting, !!checked); } zTreeTools.getCheckedNodes = function(checked) { var childKey = this.setting.data.key.children; checked = (checked !== false); return data.getTreeCheckedNodes(this.setting, data.getRoot(this.setting)[childKey], checked); } zTreeTools.getChangeCheckedNodes = function() { var childKey = this.setting.data.key.children; return data.getTreeChangeCheckedNodes(this.setting, data.getRoot(this.setting)[childKey]); } zTreeTools.setChkDisabled = function(node, disabled, inheritParent, inheritChildren) { disabled = !!disabled; inheritParent = !!inheritParent; inheritChildren = !!inheritChildren; view.repairSonChkDisabled(this.setting, node, disabled, inheritChildren); view.repairParentChkDisabled(this.setting, node.getParentNode(), disabled, inheritParent); } var _updateNode = zTreeTools.updateNode; zTreeTools.updateNode = function(node, checkTypeFlag) { if (_updateNode) _updateNode.apply(zTreeTools, arguments); if (!node || !this.setting.check.enable) return; var nObj = $$(node, this.setting); if (nObj.get(0) && tools.uCanDo(this.setting)) { var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, this.setting); if (checkTypeFlag == true || this.setting.check.chkStyle === consts.radio.STYLE) view.checkNodeRelation(this.setting, node); view.setChkClass(this.setting, checkObj, node); view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(this.setting, node); } } }, //method of operate data _data = { getRadioCheckedList: function(setting) { var checkedList = data.getRoot(setting).radioCheckedList; for (var i=0, j=checkedList.length; i -1 && node.check_Child_State < 2) : (node.check_Child_State > 0))) }; return r; }, getTreeCheckedNodes: function(setting, nodes, checked, results) { if (!nodes) return []; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, onlyOne = (checked && setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE && setting.check.radioType == consts.radio.TYPE_ALL); results = !results ? [] : results; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (nodes[i].nocheck !== true && nodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && nodes[i][checkedKey] == checked) { results.push(nodes[i]); if(onlyOne) { break; } } data.getTreeCheckedNodes(setting, nodes[i][childKey], checked, results); if(onlyOne && results.length > 0) { break; } } return results; }, getTreeChangeCheckedNodes: function(setting, nodes, results) { if (!nodes) return []; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked; results = !results ? [] : results; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { if (nodes[i].nocheck !== true && nodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && nodes[i][checkedKey] != nodes[i].checkedOld) { results.push(nodes[i]); } data.getTreeChangeCheckedNodes(setting, nodes[i][childKey], results); } return results; }, makeChkFlag: function(setting, node) { if (!node) return; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, chkFlag = -1; if (node[childKey]) { for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { var cNode = node[childKey][i]; var tmp = -1; if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.radio.STYLE) { if (cNode.nocheck === true || cNode.chkDisabled === true) { tmp = cNode.check_Child_State; } else if (cNode.halfCheck === true) { tmp = 2; } else if (cNode[checkedKey]) { tmp = 2; } else { tmp = cNode.check_Child_State > 0 ? 2:0; } if (tmp == 2) { chkFlag = 2; break; } else if (tmp == 0){ chkFlag = 0; } } else if (setting.check.chkStyle == consts.checkbox.STYLE) { if (cNode.nocheck === true || cNode.chkDisabled === true) { tmp = cNode.check_Child_State; } else if (cNode.halfCheck === true) { tmp = 1; } else if (cNode[checkedKey] ) { tmp = (cNode.check_Child_State === -1 || cNode.check_Child_State === 2) ? 2 : 1; } else { tmp = (cNode.check_Child_State > 0) ? 1 : 0; } if (tmp === 1) { chkFlag = 1; break; } else if (tmp === 2 && chkFlag > -1 && i > 0 && tmp !== chkFlag) { chkFlag = 1; break; } else if (chkFlag === 2 && tmp > -1 && tmp < 2) { chkFlag = 1; break; } else if (tmp > -1) { chkFlag = tmp; } } } } node.check_Child_State = chkFlag; } }, //method of event proxy _event = { }, //method of event handler _handler = { onCheckNode: function (event, node) { if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false; var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId), checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked; if (tools.apply(setting.callback.beforeCheck, [setting.treeId, node], true) == false) return true; node[checkedKey] = !node[checkedKey]; view.checkNodeRelation(setting, node); var checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, node); setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [event, setting.treeId, node]); return true; }, onMouseoverCheck: function(event, node) { if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false; var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId), checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); node.check_Focus = true; view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); return true; }, onMouseoutCheck: function(event, node) { if (node.chkDisabled === true) return false; var setting = data.getSetting(event.data.treeId), checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); node.check_Focus = false; view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); return true; } }, //method of tools for zTree _tools = { }, //method of operate ztree dom _view = { checkNodeRelation: function(setting, node) { var pNode, i, l, childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, r = consts.radio; if (setting.check.chkStyle == r.STYLE) { var checkedList = data.getRadioCheckedList(setting); if (node[checkedKey]) { if (setting.check.radioType == r.TYPE_ALL) { for (i = checkedList.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { pNode = checkedList[i]; if (pNode[checkedKey] && pNode != node) { pNode[checkedKey] = false; checkedList.splice(i, 1); view.setChkClass(setting, $$(pNode, consts.id.CHECK, setting), pNode); if (pNode.parentTId != node.parentTId) { view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, pNode); } } } checkedList.push(node); } else { var parentNode = (node.parentTId) ? node.getParentNode() : data.getRoot(setting); for (i = 0, l = parentNode[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { pNode = parentNode[childKey][i]; if (pNode[checkedKey] && pNode != node) { pNode[checkedKey] = false; view.setChkClass(setting, $$(pNode, consts.id.CHECK, setting), pNode); } } } } else if (setting.check.radioType == r.TYPE_ALL) { for (i = 0, l = checkedList.length; i < l; i++) { if (node == checkedList[i]) { checkedList.splice(i, 1); break; } } } } else { if (node[checkedKey] && (!node[childKey] || node[childKey].length==0 || setting.check.chkboxType.Y.indexOf("s") > -1)) { view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, true); } if (!node[checkedKey] && (!node[childKey] || node[childKey].length==0 || setting.check.chkboxType.N.indexOf("s") > -1)) { view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, node, false); } if (node[checkedKey] && setting.check.chkboxType.Y.indexOf("p") > -1) { view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node, true); } if (!node[checkedKey] && setting.check.chkboxType.N.indexOf("p") > -1) { view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node, false); } } }, makeChkClass: function(setting, node) { var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, c = consts.checkbox, r = consts.radio, fullStyle = ""; if (node.chkDisabled === true) { fullStyle = c.DISABLED; } else if (node.halfCheck) { fullStyle = c.PART; } else if (setting.check.chkStyle == r.STYLE) { fullStyle = (node.check_Child_State < 1)? c.FULL:c.PART; } else { fullStyle = node[checkedKey] ? ((node.check_Child_State === 2 || node.check_Child_State === -1) ? c.FULL:c.PART) : ((node.check_Child_State < 1)? c.FULL:c.PART); } var chkName = setting.check.chkStyle + "_" + (node[checkedKey] ? c.TRUE : c.FALSE) + "_" + fullStyle; chkName = (node.check_Focus && node.chkDisabled !== true) ? chkName + "_" + c.FOCUS : chkName; return consts.className.BUTTON + " " + c.DEFAULT + " " + chkName; }, repairAllChk: function(setting, checked) { if (setting.check.enable && setting.check.chkStyle === consts.checkbox.STYLE) { var checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, childKey = setting.data.key.children, root = data.getRoot(setting); for (var i = 0, l = root[childKey].length; i 0) { view.repairParentChkClass(setting, node[childKey][0]); } else { view.repairParentChkClass(setting, node); } }, repairSonChkDisabled: function(setting, node, chkDisabled, inherit) { if (!node) return; var childKey = setting.data.key.children; if (node.chkDisabled != chkDisabled) { node.chkDisabled = chkDisabled; } view.repairChkClass(setting, node); if (node[childKey] && inherit) { for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l; i++) { var sNode = node[childKey][i]; view.repairSonChkDisabled(setting, sNode, chkDisabled, inherit); } } }, repairParentChkDisabled: function(setting, node, chkDisabled, inherit) { if (!node) return; if (node.chkDisabled != chkDisabled && inherit) { node.chkDisabled = chkDisabled; } view.repairChkClass(setting, node); view.repairParentChkDisabled(setting, node.getParentNode(), chkDisabled, inherit); }, setChkClass: function(setting, obj, node) { if (!obj) return; if (node.nocheck === true) { obj.hide(); } else { obj.show(); } obj.attr('class', view.makeChkClass(setting, node)); }, setParentNodeCheckBox: function(setting, node, value, srcNode) { var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); if (!srcNode) srcNode = node; data.makeChkFlag(setting, node); if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) { node[checkedKey] = value; view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); if (setting.check.autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode) { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, setting.treeId, node]); } } if (node.parentTId) { var pSign = true; if (!value) { var pNodes = node.getParentNode()[childKey]; for (var i = 0, l = pNodes.length; i < l; i++) { if ((pNodes[i].nocheck !== true && pNodes[i].chkDisabled !== true && pNodes[i][checkedKey]) || ((pNodes[i].nocheck === true || pNodes[i].chkDisabled === true) && pNodes[i].check_Child_State > 0)) { pSign = false; break; } } } if (pSign) { view.setParentNodeCheckBox(setting, node.getParentNode(), value, srcNode); } } }, setSonNodeCheckBox: function(setting, node, value, srcNode) { if (!node) return; var childKey = setting.data.key.children, checkedKey = setting.data.key.checked, checkObj = $$(node, consts.id.CHECK, setting); if (!srcNode) srcNode = node; var hasDisable = false; if (node[childKey]) { for (var i = 0, l = node[childKey].length; i < l && node.chkDisabled !== true; i++) { var sNode = node[childKey][i]; view.setSonNodeCheckBox(setting, sNode, value, srcNode); if (sNode.chkDisabled === true) hasDisable = true; } } if (node != data.getRoot(setting) && node.chkDisabled !== true) { if (hasDisable && node.nocheck !== true) { data.makeChkFlag(setting, node); } if (node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) { node[checkedKey] = value; if (!hasDisable) node.check_Child_State = (node[childKey] && node[childKey].length > 0) ? (value ? 2 : 0) : -1; } else { node.check_Child_State = -1; } view.setChkClass(setting, checkObj, node); if (setting.check.autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode && node.nocheck !== true && node.chkDisabled !== true) { setting.treeObj.trigger(consts.event.CHECK, [null, setting.treeId, node]); } } } }, _z = { tools: _tools, view: _view, event: _event, data: _data }; $.extend(true, $.fn.zTree.consts, _consts); $.extend(true, $.fn.zTree._z, _z); var zt = $.fn.zTree, tools = zt._z.tools, consts = zt.consts, view = zt._z.view, data = zt._z.data, event = zt._z.event, $$ = tools.$; data.exSetting(_setting); data.addInitBind(_bindEvent); data.addInitUnBind(_unbindEvent); data.addInitCache(_initCache); data.addInitNode(_initNode); data.addInitProxy(_eventProxy, true); data.addInitRoot(_initRoot); data.addBeforeA(_beforeA); data.addZTreeTools(_zTreeTools); var _createNodes = view.createNodes; view.createNodes = function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode) { if (_createNodes) _createNodes.apply(view, arguments); if (!nodes) return; view.repairParentChkClassWithSelf(setting, parentNode); } var _removeNode = view.removeNode; view.removeNode = function(setting, node) { var parentNode = node.getParentNode(); if (_removeNode) _removeNode.apply(view, arguments); if (!node || !parentNode) return; view.repairChkClass(setting, parentNode); view.repairParentChkClass(setting, parentNode); } var _appendNodes = view.appendNodes; view.appendNodes = function(setting, level, nodes, parentNode, initFlag, openFlag) { var html = ""; if (_appendNodes) { html = _appendNodes.apply(view, arguments); } if (parentNode) { data.makeChkFlag(setting, parentNode); } return html; } })(jQuery);