/** * 文件 * * Created by GUY on 2016/1/27. * @class BI.File * @extends BI.Single * @abstract */ (function (document) { /** * @description normalize input.files. create if not present, add item method if not present * @param Object generated wrap object * @return Object the wrap object itself */ var F = (function (item) { return function (input) { var files = input.files || [input]; if (!files.item) { files.item = item; } return files; }; })(function (i) { return this[i]; }); var event = { /** * @description add an event via addEventListener or attachEvent * @param DOMElement the element to add event * @param String event name without "on" (e.g. "mouseover") * @param Function the callback to associate as event * @return Object noswfupload.event */ add: document.addEventListener ? function (node, name, callback) { node.addEventListener(name, callback, false); return this; } : function (node, name, callback) { node.attachEvent("on" + name, callback); return this; }, /** * @description remove an event via removeEventListener or detachEvent * @param DOMElement the element to remove event * @param String event name without "on" (e.g. "mouseover") * @param Function the callback associated as event * @return Object noswfupload.event */ del: document.removeEventListener ? function (node, name, callback) { node.removeEventListener(name, callback, false); return this; } : function (node, name, callback) { node.detachEvent("on" + name, callback); return this; }, /** * @description to block event propagation and prevent event default * @param void generated event or undefined * @return Boolean false */ stop: function (e) { if (!e) { if (self.event) { event.returnValue = !(event.cancelBubble = true); } } else { e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : e.cancelBubble = true; e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false; } return false; } }; var sendFile = (function (toString) { var multipart = function (boundary, name, file) { return "--".concat( boundary, CRLF, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"", name, "\"; filename=\"", _global.encodeURIComponent(file.fileName), "\"", CRLF, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream", CRLF, CRLF, file.getAsBinary(), CRLF, "--", boundary, "--", CRLF ); }, isFunction = function (Function) { return toString.call(Function) === "[object Function]"; }, split = "onabort.onerror.onloadstart.onprogress".split("."), length = split.length, CRLF = "\r\n", xhr = XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), sendFile; // FireFox 3+, Safari 4 beta (Chrome 2 beta file is buggy and will not work) if (xhr.upload || xhr.sendAsBinary) { sendFile = function (handler, maxSize, width, height) { var current = handler.current; if (-1 < maxSize && maxSize < handler.file.fileSize) { if (isFunction(handler.onerror)) { handler.onerror(); } return; } for (var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, upload = xhr.upload || { addEventListener: function (event, callback) { this["on" + event] = callback; } }, i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { upload.addEventListener( split[i].substring(2), (function (event) { return function (rpe) { if (isFunction(handler[event])) { handler[event](rpe, xhr); } }; })(split[i]), false ); } upload.addEventListener( "load", function (rpe) { if (handler.onreadystatechange === false) { if (isFunction(handler.onload)) { handler.onload(rpe, xhr); } } else { setTimeout(function () { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { if (isFunction(handler.onload)) { handler.onload(rpe, xhr); } } else { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 15); } }, 15); } }, false ); xhr.open("post", BI.appendQuery(handler.url, { filename: _global.encodeURIComponent(handler.file.fileName), }), true); if (!xhr.upload) { var rpe = { loaded: 0, total: handler.file.fileSize || handler.file.size, simulation: true }; rpe.interval = setInterval(function () { rpe.loaded += 1024 / 4; if (rpe.total <= rpe.loaded) { rpe.loaded = rpe.total; } upload.onprogress(rpe); }, 100); xhr.onabort = function () { upload.onabort({}); }; xhr.onerror = function () { upload.onerror({}); }; xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { switch (xhr.readyState) { case 2: case 3: if (rpe.total <= rpe.loaded) { rpe.loaded = rpe.total; } upload.onprogress(rpe); break; case 4: clearInterval(rpe.interval); rpe.interval = 0; rpe.loaded = rpe.total; upload.onprogress(rpe); if (199 < xhr.status && xhr.status < 400) { upload["onload"]({}); var attachO = BI.jsonDecode(xhr.responseText); attachO.filename = handler.file.fileName; if (handler.file.type.indexOf("image") != -1) { attachO.attach_type = "image"; } handler.attach_array[current] = attachO; } else { upload["onerror"]({}); } break; } }; upload.onloadstart(rpe); } else { xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { switch (xhr.readyState) { case 4: var attachO = BI.jsonDecode(xhr.responseText); if (handler.file.type.indexOf("image") != -1) { attachO.attach_type = "image"; } attachO.filename = handler.file.fileName; if (handler.maxLength == 1) { handler.attach_array[0] = attachO; // handler.attach_array.push(attachO); } else { handler.attach_array[current] = attachO; } break; } }; if (isFunction(upload.onloadstart)) { upload.onloadstart(); } } var boundary = "AjaxUploadBoundary" + (new Date).getTime(); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary); if (handler.file.getAsBinary) { xhr[xhr.sendAsBinary ? "sendAsBinary" : "send"](multipart(boundary, handler.name, handler.file)); } else { xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data"); // xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Name", handler.name); // xhr.setRequestHeader("X-File-Name", handler.file.fileName); var form = new FormData(); form.append("FileData", handler.file); xhr.send(form); } return handler; }; } // Internet Explorer, Opera, others else { sendFile = function (handler, maxSize, width, height) { var current = handler.current; var url = handler.url.concat(-1 === handler.url.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&", "AjaxUploadFrame=true"), rpe = { loaded: 1, total: 100, simulation: true, interval: setInterval(function () { if (rpe.loaded < rpe.total) { ++rpe.loaded; } if (isFunction(handler.onprogress)) { handler.onprogress(rpe, {}); } }, 100) }, onload = function () { iframe.onreadystatechange = iframe.onload = iframe.onerror = null; form.parentNode.removeChild(form); form = null; clearInterval(rpe.interval); // rpe.loaded = rpe.total; try { var responseText = (iframe.contentWindow.document || iframe.contentWindow.contentDocument).body.innerHTML; var attachO = BI.jsonDecode(responseText); if (handler.file.type.indexOf("image") != -1) { attachO.attach_type = "image"; } // attachO.fileSize = responseText.length; try { // decodeURIComponent特殊字符可能有问题, catch一下,保证能正常上传 attachO.filename = _global.decodeURIComponent(handler.file.fileName); } catch (e) { attachO.filename = handler.file.fileName; } if (handler.maxLength == 1) { handler.attach_array[0] = attachO; } else { handler.attach_array[current] = attachO; } } catch (e) { if (isFunction(handler.onerror)) { handler.onerror(rpe, event || _global.event); } } if (isFunction(handler.onload)) { handler.onload(rpe, { responseText: responseText }); } }, target = ["AjaxUpload", (new Date).getTime(), String(Math.random()).substring(2)].join("_"); try { // IE < 8 does not accept enctype attribute ... var form = document.createElement("
"), iframe = handler.iframe || (handler.iframe = document.createElement("")); } catch (e) { var form = document.createElement("form"), iframe = handler.iframe || (handler.iframe = document.createElement("iframe")); form.setAttribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); iframe.setAttribute("name", iframe.id = target); iframe.setAttribute("src", url); } iframe.style.position = "absolute"; iframe.style.left = iframe.style.top = "-10000px"; iframe.onload = onload; iframe.onerror = function (event) { if (isFunction(handler.onerror)) { handler.onerror(rpe, event || _global.event); } }; iframe.onreadystatechange = function () { if (/loaded|complete/i.test(iframe.readyState)) { onload(); // wei : todo,将附件信息放到handler.attach } else if (isFunction(handler.onloadprogress)) { if (rpe.loaded < rpe.total) { ++rpe.loaded; } handler.onloadprogress(rpe, { readyState: { loading: 2, interactive: 3, loaded: 4, complete: 4 }[iframe.readyState] || 1 }); } }; form.setAttribute("action", handler.url + "&filename=" + _global.encodeURIComponent(handler.file.fileName)); form.setAttribute("target", iframe.id); form.setAttribute("method", "post"); form.appendChild(handler.file); form.style.display = "none"; if (isFunction(handler.onloadstart)) { handler.onloadstart(rpe, {}); } var d = document.body || document.documentElement; d.appendChild(iframe); d.appendChild(form); form.submit(); return handler; }; } xhr = null; return sendFile; })(Object.prototype.toString); var sendFiles = function (handler, maxSize, width, height) { var length = handler.files.length, i = 0, onload = handler.onload, onloadstart = handler.onloadstart; handler.current = 0; handler.total = 0; handler.sent = 0; while (handler.current < length) { handler.total += (handler.files[handler.current].fileSize || handler.files[handler.current].size); handler.current++; } handler.current = 0; if (length && handler.files[0].fileSize !== -1) { handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = function (rpe, xhr) { handler.onloadstart = null; handler.sent += (handler.files[handler.current].fileSize || handler.files[handler.current].size); if (++handler.current < length) { handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = arguments.callee; } else if (onload) { handler.onloadstart = onloadstart; handler.onload = onload; handler.onload(rpe, xhr); } }; } else if (length) { handler.total = length * 100; handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = function (rpe, xhr) { var callee = arguments.callee; handler.onloadstart = null; handler.sent += 100; if (++handler.current < length) { if (/\b(chrome|safari)\b/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { handler.iframe.parentNode.removeChild(handler.iframe); handler.iframe = null; } setTimeout(function () { handler.file = handler.files[handler.current]; sendFile(handler, maxSize, width, height).onload = callee; }, 15); } else if (onload) { setTimeout(function () { handler.iframe.parentNode.removeChild(handler.iframe); handler.iframe = null; handler.onloadstart = onloadstart; handler.onload = onload; handler.onload(rpe, xhr); }, 15); } }; } return handler; }; var r1 = /\.([^.]+)$/; // .png var r2 = /\/([^/]+)$/; // image/png /** * 校验文件类型是否合法,同时兼容旧版形式 * @param fileName * @param fileType * @returns {boolean} */ var fileTypeValidate = function (fileName, fileType) { if (!fileType) { return true; } var mimes = fileType.split(","); if (mimes[0] === fileType) { mimes = (fileType + "").split(";"); } return BI.some(mimes, function (index, mime) { var matches; if (matches = mime.match(r1)) { return fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(matches[1]) > -1; } if (matches = mime.match(r2)) { return matches[1] === "*" ? true : fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(matches[1]) > -1; } }); }; BI.File = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, { _defaultConfig: function () { var conf = BI.File.superclass._defaultConfig.apply(this, arguments); return BI.extend(conf, { baseCls: (conf.baseCls || "") + " bi-file display-block", tagName: "input", attributes: { type: "file" }, name: "", url: "", multiple: true, accept: "", // .png,.pdf,image/jpg,image/* 等 maxSize: -1, // 1024 * 1024 maxLength: -1 // 无限制, 与multiple配合使用 }); }, render: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; if (o.multiple === true) { this.element.attr("multiple", "multiple"); } this.element.attr("name", o.name || this.getName()); this.element.attr("title", o.title || ""); this.element.attr("accept", o.accept); }, created: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; // create the noswfupload.wrap Object // wrap.maxSize 文件大小限制 // wrap.maxLength 文件个数限制 var _wrap = this.wrap = this._wrap(this.element[0], o.maxSize); // fileType could contain whatever text but filter checks *.{extension} // if present // handlers _wrap.onloadstart = function (rpe, xhr) { // BI.Msg.toast("loadstart"); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADSTART, arguments); }; _wrap.onprogress = function (rpe, xhr) { // BI.Msg.toast("onprogress"); // percent for each bar // fileSize is -1 only if browser does not support file info access // this if splits recent browsers from others if (this.file.fileSize !== -1) { // simulation property indicates when the progress event is fake if (rpe.simulation) { } else { } } else { // if fileSIze is -1 browser is using an iframe because it does // not support // files sent via Ajax (XMLHttpRequest) // We can still show some information } self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_PROGRESS, { file: this.file, total: rpe.total, loaded: rpe.loaded, simulation: rpe.simulation }); }; // generated if there is something wrong during upload _wrap.onerror = function () { // just inform the user something was wrong self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR); }; // generated when every file has been sent (one or more, it does not // matter) _wrap.onload = function (rpe, xhr) { var self_ = this; // just show everything is fine ... // ... and after a second reset the component setTimeout(function () { self_.clean(); // remove files from list self_.hide(); // hide progress bars and enable input file // enable again the submit button/element }, 100); if (200 > xhr.status || xhr.status > 399) { BI.Msg.toast(BI.i18nText("BI-Upload_File_Error"), { level: "error" }); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR); return; } var error = BI.some(_wrap.attach_array, function (index, attach) { if (attach.errorCode) { BI.Msg.toast(BI.i18nText(attach.errorMsg), { level: "error" }); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, attach); return true; } }); !error && self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADED); }; _wrap.url = o.url; _wrap.fileType = o.accept; // 文件类型限制 _wrap.attach_array = []; _wrap.attach_names = []; _wrap.attachNum = 0; }, _events: function (wrap) { var self = this, o = this.options; event.add(wrap.dom.input, "change", function () { event.del(wrap.dom.input, "change", arguments.callee); var input = wrap.dom.input.cloneNode(true); var files = F(wrap.dom.input); if (o.maxLength !== -1 && o.maxLength < files.length) { self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, { errorType: 2 }); } else { for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var item = files.item(i); var tempFile = item.value || item.name; var value = item.fileName || (item.fileName = tempFile.split("\\").pop()), ext = -1 !== value.indexOf(".") ? value.split(".").pop().toLowerCase() : "unknown", size = item.fileSize || item.size; var validateFileType = fileTypeValidate(value, wrap.fileType); if (!validateFileType) { // 文件类型不支持 BI.Msg.toast(BI.i18nText("BI-Upload_File_Type_Error", wrap.fileType), { level: "error" }); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, { errorType: 0, file: item }); } else if (wrap.maxSize !== -1 && size && wrap.maxSize < size) { // 文件大小不支持 BI.Msg.toast(BI.i18nText("BI-Upload_File_Size_Error", wrap.maxSize), { level: "error" }); self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_ERROR, { errorType: 1, file: item }); } else { wrap.files.unshift(item); // BI.Msg.toast(value); } } } wrap.files.length > 0 && self.fireEvent(BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE, { files: wrap.files }); input.value = ""; wrap.dom.input.parentNode.replaceChild(input, wrap.dom.input); wrap.dom.input = input; event.add(wrap.dom.input, "change", arguments.callee); }); return wrap; }, _wrap: function () { var self = this, o = this.options; // be sure input accept multiple files var input = this.element[0]; if (o.multiple === true) { this.element.attr("multiple", "multiple"); } input.value = ""; // wrap Object return this._events({ // DOM namespace dom: { input: input, // input file disabled: false // internal use, checks input file state }, name: input.name, // name to send for each file ($_FILES[{name}] in the server) // maxSize is the maximum amount of bytes for each file maxSize: o.maxSize ? o.maxSize >> 0 : -1, maxLength: o.maxLength, files: [], // file list // remove every file from the noswfupload component clean: function () { this.files = []; }, // upload one file a time (which make progress possible rather than all files in one shot) // the handler is an object injected into the wrap one, could be the wrap itself or // something like {onload:function(){alert("OK")},onerror:function(){alert("Error")}, etc ...} upload: function (handler) { if (handler) { for (var key in handler) { this[key] = handler[key]; } } sendFiles(this, this.maxSize); return this; }, // hide progress bar (total + current) and enable files selection hide: function () { if (this.dom.disabled) { this.dom.disabled = false; this.dom.input.removeAttribute("disabled"); } }, // show progress bar and disable file selection (used during upload) // total and current are pixels used to style bars // totalProp and currentProp are properties to change, "height" by default show: function (total, current, totalProp, currentProp) { if (!this.dom.disabled) { this.dom.disabled = true; this.dom.input.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } } }); }, setMaxFileLength: function (v) { this.options.maxLength = v; if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.maxLength = v; } }, select: function () { this.wrap && BI.Widget._renderEngine.createElement(this.wrap.dom.input).click(); }, upload: function (handler) { this.wrap && this.wrap.upload(handler); }, getValue: function () { return this.wrap ? this.wrap.attach_array : []; }, getQueue: function () { return this.wrap.files; }, reset: function () { if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.attach_array = []; this.wrap.attach_names = []; this.wrap.attachNum = 0; } }, sendFiles: function (files) { if (!this.wrap) return; this.wrap.dom.input.files = files; var event = new CustomEvent("change"); this.wrap.dom.input.dispatchEvent(event); }, _setEnable: function (enable) { BI.File.superclass._setEnable.apply(this, arguments); if (enable === true) { this.element.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { this.element.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } }); BI.File.EVENT_CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE"; BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADSTART = "EVENT_UPLOADSTART"; BI.File.EVENT_ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR"; BI.File.EVENT_PROGRESS = "EVENT_PROGRESS"; BI.File.EVENT_UPLOADED = "EVENT_UPLOADED"; BI.shortcut("bi.file", BI.File); })(_global.document || {});