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Merge pull request #283096 in DEC/fineui from release/11.0 to final/11.0

* commit 'cbdc63081f113c496e24c5824ba7b0f72e55e14a':
  BI-147036 feat: 更新图标
  REPORT-122294 lodash 低版本安全漏洞
  BI-143733 fix: 深色预览样式调整
  REPORT-122294 lodash 低版本安全漏洞
superman 9 months ago
  1. 18
  2. BIN
  3. 20
  4. BIN
  5. BIN
  6. BIN
  7. 8
  8. 8
  9. 12
  10. 2
  11. 6
  12. 6
  13. 3
  14. 4


@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
"@color-bi-border-disabled-radio": "rgba(9, 30, 64, 0.19)",
"@color-bi-background-active-radio-content": "#2C60DB",
"@color-bi-border-checkbox-theme-dark": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.37)",
"@color-bi-border-hover-active-radio-theme-dark": "#3869DC",
"@color-bi-background-active-radio-content-theme-dark": "#3869DC",
"@color-bi-border-hover-active-radio-theme-dark": "#497FFD",
"@color-bi-background-active-radio-content-theme-dark": "#497FFD",
"@color-bi-background-disabled-active-radio-content": "#FFFFFF",
"@color-bi-background-disabled-active-radio-content-theme-dark": "#606479",
"@color-bi-background-disabled-active-checkbox-content": "#FFFFFF",
@ -48,5 +48,17 @@
"@font-solid-bottom": "e905",
"@font-solid-right": "e906",
"@font-dot": "e762",
"@font-down-triangle": "e70b"
"@font-down-triangle": "e70b",
"@color-bi-background-theme-dark": "#1B1F31",
"@border-color-light-line-theme-dark": "#30364B",
"@color-bi-background-header-background": "#F8F9FC",
"@color-bi-background-header-background-theme-dark": "#1B1F31",
"@color-bi-background-common-light-button": "#E5EFFF",
"@color-bi-background-common-light-button-theme-dark": "#0F2A62",
"@color-bi-text-highlight-theme-dark": "#497FFD",
"@color-bi-border-active-chooser-show-button-theme-dark": "#497FFD",
"@color-bi-background-button-theme-dark": "#497FFD",
"@color-bi-background-active-switch-theme-dark": "#497FFD",
"@color-bi-text-common-light-button-theme-dark": "#497FFD",
"@color-bi-text-common-light-button": "#2c60db"

packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.eot vendored

Binary file not shown.

packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.svg vendored

@ -14,6 +14,26 @@
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.0 MiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.0 MiB

packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.ttf vendored

Binary file not shown.

packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff vendored

Binary file not shown.

packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff2 vendored

Binary file not shown.


@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
var undefined;
/** Used as the semantic version number. */
var VERSION = '4.17.5';
var VERSION = '4.17.21';
/** Used as the size to enable large array optimizations. */
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@
* Gets the value at `key`, unless `key` is "__proto__".
* Gets the value at `key`, unless `key` is "__proto__" or "constructor".
* @private
* @param {Object} object The object to query.
@ -907,6 +907,10 @@
* @returns {*} Returns the property value.
function safeGet(object, key) {
if (key === 'constructor' && typeof object[key] === 'function') {
return key == '__proto__'
? undefined
: object[key];


@ -4,4 +4,12 @@
&.active, &:active {
border-color: @color-bi-border-active-chooser-show-button;
.bi-theme-dark {
.bi-color-chooser-show-button {
&.active, &:active {
border-color: @color-bi-border-active-chooser-show-button-theme-dark;


@ -578,6 +578,8 @@ body .bi-button, #body .bi-button {
.bi-theme-dark, #body .bi-theme-dark {
.bi-button {
background-color: @color-bi-background-button-theme-dark;
&.button-ignore {
background-color: @color-bi-background-ignore-button-theme-dark;
@ -643,5 +645,15 @@ body .bi-button, #body .bi-button {
&.button-common {
&.light {
background-color: @color-bi-background-common-light-button-theme-dark;
&, & .b-font:before {
color: @color-bi-text-common-light-button-theme-dark;


@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
.bi-switch {
background-color: @color-bi-background-switch-theme-dark;
&.active {
background-color: @color-bi-background-active-switch;
background-color: @color-bi-background-active-switch-theme-dark;


@ -104,6 +104,10 @@
.bi-theme-dark {
.bi-focus-shadow {
&:focus, &:hover {
border-color: @color-bi-border-highlight-theme-dark;
&.disabled {
&:hover {
border-color: @border-color-line-theme-dark;
@ -142,7 +146,7 @@
.bi-theme-dark {
.bi-background {
background-color: @color-bi-background-normal-theme-dark;
background-color: @color-bi-background-theme-dark;
color: @color-bi-text-background-theme-dark;
& .bi-input {


@ -161,12 +161,12 @@
&.active, &:active {
color: @color-bi-text-highlight;
color: @color-bi-text-highlight-theme-dark;
& .bi-input {
color: @color-bi-text-highlight;
color: @color-bi-text-highlight-theme-dark;
& .bi-textarea {
color: @color-bi-text-highlight;
color: @color-bi-text-highlight-theme-dark;
&.disabled {


@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
@color-bi-text-highlight: @font-color-highlight;
@color-bi-text-highlight-theme-dark: @font-color-highlight;
@color-bi-text-redmark: @font-color-warning;
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
@color-bi-background-normal: @background-color-normal;
@color-bi-background-normal-theme-dark: @background-color-normal-theme-dark;
@color-bi-background-theme-dark: @background-color-normal-theme-dark;
@color-bi-background-default: @background-color-default;
@ -132,5 +134,6 @@
@color-bi-border-warning: @border-color-warning;
@color-bi-border-highlight: @border-color-highlight;
@color-bi-border-highlight-theme-dark: @border-color-highlight;
@color-bi-alert-warning: @color-bi-orange;


@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
// 按钮
@color-bi-border-button: @color-bi-border-highlight;
@color-bi-background-button: @color-bi-background-highlight;
@color-bi-background-button-theme-dark: @color-bi-background-highlight;
@color-bi-text-common-button: @color-bi-text;
@color-bi-text-common-clear-button: @color-bi-text-highlight;
@color-bi-text-common-plain-button: @color-bi-text-highlight;
@ -75,7 +76,9 @@
@color-bi-background-hover-common-ghost-button-theme-dark: @color-bi-background-default;
@color-bi-text-common-light-button: @color-bi-text-highlight;
@color-bi-text-common-light-button-theme-dark: @color-bi-text-highlight;
@color-bi-background-common-light-button: @color-bi-background-light-blue;
@color-bi-background-common-light-button-theme-dark: @color-bi-background-light-blue;
@color-bi-background-hover-common-light-button: @color-bi-background-light-blue;
@color-bi-background-active-common-light-button: @color-bi-background-light-blue;
@color-bi-background-hover-plain-button: @color-black-5;
@ -202,6 +205,7 @@
@color-bi-border-picker-button-mask: @color-bi-border-black;
@color-bi-border-picker-button-mask-theme-dark: @color-bi-border-default;
@color-bi-border-active-chooser-show-button: @color-bi-border-highlight;
@color-bi-border-active-chooser-show-button-theme-dark: @color-bi-border-highlight;
@color-bi-background-disabled-chooser-popup-mask: @color-bi-background-default;
// combo
@color-bi-border-hover-combo: @color-bi-border-highlight;
