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0-11.491556l129.300317-129.300317-129.300317-129.300317a8.126984 8.126984 0 0 1 0-11.491556l40.228571-40.228571a8.126984 8.126984 0 0 1 11.491556 0l129.300317 129.300317 129.300317-129.300317a8.126984 8.126984 0 0 1 11.491556 0l40.228571 40.228571a8.126984 8.126984 0 0 1 0 11.491556L563.720127 384l129.300317 129.300317a8.126984 8.126984 0 0 1 0 11.491556l-40.228571 40.228571a8.126984 8.126984 0 0 1-11.491556 0L512 435.720127l-129.300317 129.300317z" horiz-adv-x="1024" /> + + <glyph glyph-name="dongjielan" unicode="" d="M176 524V720h672v-196H176z m0-64h672v-412H176V460zM112 768v-768a16 16 0 0 1 16-16h768a16 16 0 0 1 16 16V768a16 16 0 0 1-16 16H128a16 16 0 0 1-16-16zM371.256 720H280.744L176 615.256v-90.512L371.256 720z m-8-196H272.744l196 196h90.512l-196-196z m190 0h-90.512l196 196h88.04a31.964 31.964 0 0 0-6.156-8.628L553.256 524z m188 0h-90.512l192.628 192.628a32.2 32.2 0 0 0 3.964 3.372H848v-89.256L741.256 524z" horiz-adv-x="1024" /> + + <glyph glyph-name="csv" unicode="" d="M637.78 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5.808 7.808V617.94zM870.768 458.788a8 8 0 0 1 10.648 6.144l29.968 173.76c1.152 6.684-6.012 11.68-11.884 8.288l-195.432-112.828c-5.872-3.392-5.128-12.092 1.236-14.44l165.464-60.924z" horiz-adv-x="1024" /> + <glyph glyph-name="a-guolvzujianleixingzhongzhianniu" unicode="" d="M460 617.94c0 5.024-4.58 8.812-9.476 7.664-87.68-20.588-157.032-88.904-179.12-176-1.248-4.924 2.552-9.604 7.632-9.604H337.56c3.516 0 6.6 2.3 7.748 5.62 17.444 50.408 57.94 90.06 108.884 106.34 3.416 1.092 5.808 4.224 5.808 7.808V617.94zM840.14 612.7080000000001l-62.592-36.136C717.928 658.64 621.196 712 512 712c-181.148 0-328-146.852-328-328s146.852-328 328-328c163.452 0 298.984 119.56 323.9 276h72.744c-25.512-196.26-193.464-348-396.644-348-220.8 0-400 179.2-400 400S291.2 784 512 784c135.776 0 255.82-67.76 328.14-171.292zM870.768 458.784a8 8 0 0 1 10.648 6.148l29.968 173.76c1.152 6.684-6.012 11.68-11.884 8.288l-195.428-112.832c-5.876-3.388-5.128-12.092 1.232-14.432l165.464-60.932z" horiz-adv-x="1024" /> <glyph 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m353.336-56H232v-656h560V456h-262.664a16 16 0 0 0-16 16V712z m72-24.808V528h172.3l-172.3 159.192z" horiz-adv-x="1024" /> - <glyph glyph-name="zidongbuju" unicode="" d="M112 0a16 16 0 0 1 16-16h280a8 8 0 0 1 8 8v56a8 8 0 0 1-8 8H184V712h656v-224a8 8 0 0 1 8-8h56a8 8 0 0 1 8 8V768a16 16 0 0 1-16 16H128a16 16 0 0 1-16-16v-768zM584 236v-108h-72v108h72zM584 308v76h-14.228L393.308 559.556h176.048a8 8 0 0 1 8 8v56a8 8 0 0 1-8 8H280.452a16 16 0 0 1-16-16v-288.904a8 8 0 0 1 8-8h56a8 8 0 0 1 8 8V514.556L512 339.912V308h72zM512 56h72v-72h-56a16 16 0 0 0-16 16v56zM656-16h112v72h-112v-72zM840-16v72h72v-56a16 16 0 0 0-16-16h-56zM912 128v112h-72v-112h72zM912 368v-56h-72v72h56a16 16 0 0 0 16-16zM768 384h-112v-72h112v72z" horiz-adv-x="1024" /> + <glyph glyph-name="zidongbuju" unicode="" d="M912 520a8 8 0 0 0-8-8h-56a8 8 0 0 0-8 8V712h-192a8 8 0 0 0-8 8V776a8 8 0 0 0 8 8h256a8 8 0 0 0 8-8v-256zM376 784a8 8 0 0 0 8-8v-56a8 8 0 0 0-8-8H184v-192a8 8 0 0 0-8-8H120a8 8 0 0 0-8 8V776a8 8 0 0 0 8 8h256zM120 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458.752 0 0 1 62.464 43.008c19.7632 15.6672 36.864 32.4608 51.2 50.176a412.672 412.672 0 0 0-27.648 61.44 621.568 621.568 0 0 0-19.456 70.656 1166.848 1166.848 0 0 0-12.288 81.92 1333.248 1333.248 0 0 0-5.12 97.28 856.4736 856.4736 0 0 0-70.656-105.472c-16.384 25.9072-33.0752 44.3392-50.176 55.296a675.84 675.84 0 0 1 56.32 92.16c17.7152 34.0992 33.0752 69.632 46.08 106.496s23.552 74.4448 31.744 112.64c8.192 38.1952 13.6192 75.776 16.384 112.64 15.6672-5.4272 33.792-10.24 54.272-14.336 20.48-3.3792 37.1712-5.8368 50.176-7.168 7.4752-0.7168 11.5712-3.3792 12.288-8.192 1.3312-4.096-3.7888-8.9088-15.36-14.336a24.576 24.576 0 0 1-6.144-6.144 84.5824 84.5824 0 0 1-8.192-17.408c-3.3792-8.192-7.8848-20.1728-13.312-35.84-5.4272-15.6672-12.288-36.864-20.48-63.488h117.76c30.0032 0 55.296 0.7168 75.776 2.048 20.48 1.3312 37.1712 3.3792 50.176 6.144v-82.944c-16.384 2.048-39.936 4.096-70.656 6.144-3.3792-56.0128-8.192-106.496-14.336-151.552-6.144-45.056-13.312-86.016-21.504-122.88a617.6768 617.6768 0 0 0-64.512-174.08c19.1488-21.8112 43.008-40.96 71.68-57.344a679.936 679.936 0 0 1 116.736-46.08 185.344 185.344 0 0 1-36.864-47.104c-8.192-16.384-15.0528-33.4848-20.48-51.2-24.576 15.0528-46.08 28.672-64.512 40.96-18.432 11.5712-34.816 22.528-49.152 32.768a625.2544 625.2544 0 0 0-35.84 30.72c-10.24 10.24-19.7632 20.48-28.672 30.72z m-278.528 44.032c15.6672-5.4272 30.72-11.264 45.056-17.408 14.336-5.4272 28.672-11.9808 43.008-19.456a418.6112 418.6112 0 0 1-26.624-30.72c-6.144-8.9088-12.288-19.7632-18.432-32.768a1178.0096 1178.0096 0 0 1-40.96 21.504 374.1696 374.1696 0 0 1-44.032 20.48c-15.0528-15.6672-31.744-29.696-50.176-41.984a393.216 393.216 0 0 0-63.488-31.744c-23.8592-10.24-51.2-19.456-81.92-27.648a1914.88 1914.88 0 0 0-101.376-26.624 237.568 237.568 0 0 1-29.696 44.032 236.544 236.544 0 0 1-39.936 38.912 909.0048 909.0048 0 0 1 166.912 17.408c49.152 10.9568 90.112 28.9792 122.88 54.272a847.872 847.872 0 0 1-83.968 19.456c-29.3888 6.144-61.44 11.5712-96.256 16.384 12.288 21.8112 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1-7.168 52.224 1118.208 1118.208 0 0 1 92.16-4.096c9.5232 0 14.6432-2.3552 15.36-7.168 1.3312-4.096-1.3312-7.4752-8.192-10.24-6.144-2.7648-10.24-6.144-12.288-10.24a60.8256 60.8256 0 0 1-2.048-19.456v-151.552a4911.5136 4911.5136 0 0 1 190.464 7.168v-72.704a4904.96 4904.96 0 0 1-190.464 7.168c0-31.4368 0.3072-59.6992 1.024-84.992 1.3312-25.2928 3.3792-51.2 6.144-77.824h-89.088c2.048 24.576 3.7888 48.4352 5.12 71.68 1.3312 23.2448 2.048 49.4592 2.048 78.848-12.288-24.576-24.2688-46.08-35.84-64.512a459.776 459.776 0 0 0-81.92-94.208c-16.384-13.6192-35.5328-28.3648-57.344-44.032a129.6384 129.6384 0 0 1-29.696 31.744A215.2448 215.2448 0 0 1 0 425.984c40.96 13.0048 79.1552 33.4848 114.688 61.44 36.1472 28.672 65.536 59.0848 88.064 91.136zM1462.272 608.256h353.28V714.752h-353.28v-106.496z m-287.744-74.752a1064.96 1064.96 0 0 1-71.68-2.048 373.1456 373.1456 0 0 1-53.248-7.168v87.04c15.6672-3.3792 33.4848-5.8368 53.248-7.168 19.7632-0.7168 43.7248-1.024 71.68-1.024 0 40.96-0.3072 73.728-1.024 98.304 0 25.2928-0.3072 45.7728-1.024 61.44a237.3632 237.3632 0 0 1-4.096 37.888 286.3104 286.3104 0 0 1-6.144 31.744c18.432-3.3792 34.0992-5.8368 47.104-7.168 13.6192-0.7168 27.648-0.7168 41.984 0 32.768 1.3312 37.888-7.168 15.36-25.6a48.4352 48.4352 0 0 1-15.36-16.384 53.76 53.76 0 0 1-3.072-20.48v-158.72c17.1008 0.7168 32.0512 1.3312 45.056 2.048 13.6192 1.3312 26.3168 3.072 37.888 5.12v-87.04a512.3072 512.3072 0 0 1-37.888 5.12 705.8432 705.8432 0 0 1-45.056 3.072v-141.312c30.0032 13.0048 59.392 27.3408 88.064 43.008-0.7168-15.6672 0-30.72 2.048-45.056s5.12-26.9312 9.216-37.888l-49.152-15.36c-16.384-5.4272-33.0752-11.5712-50.176-18.432v-273.408c0-21.1968-1.3312-38.1952-4.096-51.2a49.152 49.152 0 0 0-18.432-31.744c-9.5232-8.192-24.576-15.0528-45.056-20.48-20.48-6.144-48.8448-12.288-84.992-18.432-1.3312 18.432-5.12 35.84-11.264 52.224a203.776 203.776 0 0 1-31.744 54.272c45.056-7.4752 76.4928-8.4992 94.208-3.072 18.432 5.4272 27.648 16.0768 27.648 31.744V285.696c-46.3872-22.528-86.3232-46.7968-119.808-72.704a953.856 953.856 0 0 1-6.144 52.224 395.1616 395.1616 0 0 1-12.288 56.32c49.8688 13.0048 95.9488 26.624 138.24 40.96V533.504z m633.856-335.872h-232.448v-150.528h232.448V197.632z m-90.112 60.416h67.584c19.1488 0.7168 35.1232 1.024 48.128 1.024 13.6192 0.7168 24.8832 1.3312 33.792 2.048a692.224 692.224 0 0 1 25.6 4.096 211.6608 211.6608 0 0 1-5.12-37.888c-0.7168-13.6192-1.024-29.696-1.024-48.128v-139.264c0-18.432 0.3072-35.5328 1.024-51.2 1.3312-16.384 3.3792-33.4848 6.144-51.2h-86.016v41.984h-232.448v-53.248h-86.016c3.3792 17.7152 5.4272 34.816 6.144 51.2 0.7168 16.384 1.024 33.792 1.024 52.224V179.2c0 16.384-0.7168 31.744-2.048 46.08a314.5728 314.5728 0 0 1-4.096 39.936c8.192-1.3312 16.384-2.3552 24.576-3.072 8.9088-0.7168 19.1488-1.3312 30.72-2.048 11.5712 0 25.2928-0.3072 40.96-1.024 15.6672-0.7168 34.816-1.024 57.344-1.024V368.64c-37.5808-0.7168-69.9392-1.7408-97.28-3.072-26.624-1.3312-51.2-3.7888-73.728-7.168v82.944c23.2448-2.7648 48.128-4.8128 74.752-6.144 26.624-1.3312 58.6752-2.3552 96.256-3.072V542.72h-182.272c0-51.9168-0.7168-98.6112-2.048-140.288-1.3312-40.96-4.096-78.848-8.192-113.664-3.3792-34.0992-8.192-65.8432-14.336-95.232a575.488 575.488 0 0 0-22.528-84.992 745.472 745.472 0 0 0-32.768-82.944c-12.288-27.3408-26.9312-56.32-44.032-87.04-10.24 8.192-22.2208 15.0528-35.84 20.48a157.2864 157.2864 0 0 1-46.08 10.24c19.7632 29.3888 36.864 58.368 51.2 87.04 15.0528 29.3888 27.648 60.1088 37.888 92.16 10.24 32.0512 18.1248 66.2528 23.552 102.4 6.144 36.864 10.24 77.1072 12.288 120.832 1.3312 23.2448 2.048 50.4832 2.048 81.92 0.7168 32.0512 0.7168 66.56 0 103.424 0 36.864-0.7168 75.0592-2.048 114.688-0.7168 39.6288-2.048 78.5408-4.096 116.736 8.9088-2.048 18.7392-3.7888 29.696-5.12 11.5712-1.3312 26.624-2.7648 45.056-4.096 18.432-0.7168 41.6768-1.3312 69.632-2.048h105.472a4769.5872 4769.5872 0 0 1 183.296 3.072 1536 1536 0 0 1 52.224 4.096c14.336 1.3312 25.6 2.7648 33.792 4.096a1154.2528 1154.2528 0 0 1-7.168-129.024c0-23.8592 0.3072-45.056 1.024-63.488 1.3312-18.432 3.3792-39.6288 6.144-63.488a522.9568 522.9568 0 0 1-71.68 7.168c-30.0032 2.048-65.536 3.072-106.496 3.072v-110.592c97.5872 0 173.056 3.072 226.304 9.216v-82.944c-26.624 3.3792-58.6752 5.8368-96.256 7.168-36.864 2.048-80.1792 3.072-130.048 3.072v-110.592zM2293.76 421.888c-10.24 21.8112-22.528 42.7008-36.864 62.464a530.5344 530.5344 0 0 1-44.032 57.344l68.608 41.984c17.1008-15.6672 33.0752-32.768 48.128-51.2 15.6672-18.432 29.696-37.1712 41.984-56.32l-77.824-54.272z m535.552 129.024a100.4544 100.4544 0 0 1-17.408-17.408c-6.8608-8.192-14.6432-18.432-23.552-30.72a1073.9712 1073.9712 0 0 1-57.344-89.088 195.584 195.584 0 0 1-38.912 22.528 122.368 122.368 0 0 1-41.984 14.336c21.8112 25.9072 39.936 51.9168 54.272 77.824s25.9072 51.9168 34.816 77.824c14.336-6.8608 30.0032-13.6192 47.104-20.48 17.7152-6.144 31.744-10.9568 41.984-14.336 8.9088-3.3792 13.0048-6.4512 12.288-9.216 0-2.048-3.7888-5.8368-11.264-11.264zM2571.264 107.52v-53.248l2.048-47.104 2.048-47.104 4.096-49.152h-102.4c1.3312 17.7152 2.3552 34.5088 3.072 50.176a544.768 544.768 0 0 1 2.048 47.104c0.7168 15.0528 1.024 30.72 1.024 47.104 0.7168 16.384 1.024 33.792 1.024 52.224V322.56h-10.24c-17.1008-32.768-37.888-65.536-62.464-98.304-24.576-32.768-51.2-64.512-79.872-95.232-28.672-30.72-59.0848-60.1088-91.136-88.064-32.0512-27.3408-63.7952-51.9168-95.232-73.728-20.48 25.9072-50.4832 48.4352-90.112 67.584a992.0512 992.0512 0 0 1 191.488 123.904 850.5344 850.5344 0 0 1 152.576 163.84c-34.816 0-66.56-0.3072-95.232-1.024l-79.872-2.048c-23.8592-0.7168-46.7968-1.7408-68.608-3.072l-65.536-2.048v88.064c25.9072-2.048 51.9168-3.7888 77.824-5.12 25.9072-0.7168 53.9648-1.7408 83.968-3.072 30.72-0.7168 64.8192-1.024 102.4-1.024h130.048V637.952c-43.008 0-81.6128-0.3072-115.712-1.024-33.4848 0-63.7952-0.3072-91.136-1.024s-52.224-1.7408-74.752-3.072c-22.528-0.7168-44.032-1.7408-64.512-3.072v90.112l64.512-4.096c22.528-1.3312 47.4112-2.3552 74.752-3.072l91.136-2.048c33.4848-0.7168 71.9872-1.024 115.712-1.024v58.368c0 15.6672-0.3072 28.9792-1.024 39.936 0 10.9568-0.3072 20.1728-1.024 27.648a205.5168 205.5168 0 0 1-3.072 21.504c14.336-3.3792 30.72-5.8368 49.152-7.168 18.432-1.3312 34.5088-1.3312 48.128 0 13.6192 1.3312 21.1968-0.7168 22.528-6.144 2.048-4.8128-1.7408-11.5712-11.264-20.48a41.1648 41.1648 0 0 1-14.336-19.456c-1.3312-6.144-2.048-14.0288-2.048-23.552v-70.656c77.824 0.7168 145.1008 1.7408 201.728 3.072 57.344 2.048 107.52 4.4032 150.528 7.168v-90.112a4104.8064 4104.8064 0 0 1-151.552 6.144c-56.0128 1.3312-122.88 2.048-200.704 2.048v-244.736a17492.992 17492.992 0 0 1 224.256 3.072 4063.232 4063.232 0 0 1 163.84 6.144v-88.064a2542.08 2542.08 0 0 1-140.288 5.12c-53.248 1.3312-114.9952 2.3552-185.344 3.072 14.336-32.0512 34.0992-62.1568 59.392-90.112 25.2928-27.9552 53.248-52.9408 83.968-74.752 31.4368-21.1968 64.2048-38.912 98.304-53.248 34.0992-14.336 67.2768-23.8592 99.328-28.672-11.5712-15.0528-22.528-32.0512-32.768-51.2s-19.456-38.6048-27.648-58.368c-53.9648 24.576-99.328 48.8448-136.192 72.704a507.1872 507.1872 0 0 0-92.16 78.848 436.736 436.736 0 0 0-63.488 91.136 957.3376 957.3376 0 0 0-46.08 113.664h-5.12v-215.04zM3838.976 403.456H3594.24v-89.088h244.736v89.088z m0 147.456H3594.24v-84.992h244.736v84.992z m-565.248-267.264c-6.8608-18.432-13.6192-38.912-20.48-61.44-6.144-22.528-14.0288-52.9408-23.552-91.136a4581.6832 4581.6832 0 0 1-47.104-189.44c-19.1488 12.288-35.84 22.528-50.176 30.72a378.1632 378.1632 0 0 1-47.104 23.552c13.0048 23.8592 24.2688 48.128 33.792 72.704 10.24 25.2928 21.1968 54.5792 32.768 88.064 9.5232 26.624 17.7152 54.5792 24.576 83.968 7.4752 29.3888 13.312 59.392 17.408 90.112 7.4752-6.144 14.336-11.5712 20.48-16.384s12.288-8.9088 18.432-12.288l18.432-10.24c6.8608-2.7648 14.336-5.4272 22.528-8.192z m322.56-137.216a53.76 53.76 0 0 1-19.456-11.264c-6.8608-6.144-14.0288-15.0528-21.504-26.624-12.288-17.7152-25.6-37.888-39.936-60.416-13.6192-21.8112-29.3888-45.056-47.104-69.632a224.256 224.256 0 0 1-69.632 46.08c23.8592 23.8592 45.7728 50.4832 65.536 79.872 20.48 29.3888 38.912 60.416 55.296 93.184l38.912-17.408c12.288-5.4272 24.576-9.9328 36.864-13.312 10.9568-2.7648 16.6912-6.144 17.408-10.24 0.7168-3.3792-4.8128-6.8608-16.384-10.24z m315.392-152.576a961.6384 961.6384 0 0 1-51.2 78.848 678.2976 678.2976 0 0 1-63.488 79.872l69.632 44.032c19.7632-26.624 40.2432-52.9408 61.44-78.848 21.8112-25.2928 43.3152-49.8688 64.512-73.728l-80.896-50.176z m67.584 717.824a334.336 334.336 0 0 1-31.744 3.072 640.512 640.512 0 0 1-51.2 3.072c-21.8112 0.7168-50.8928 1.024-87.04 1.024-36.1472 0.7168-82.6368 1.024-139.264 1.024h-226.304c0.7168-79.1552 0.7168-148.7872 0-208.896s-3.072-113.3568-7.168-159.744a1073.152 1073.152 0 0 0-15.36-122.88c-6.8608-34.816-16.0768-67.584-27.648-98.304-10.9568-30.0032-24.2688-59.392-39.936-88.064a1043.456 1043.456 0 0 0-54.272-89.088 171.7248 171.7248 0 0 1-26.624 36.864 101.2736 101.2736 0 0 1-32.768 21.504 505.856 505.856 0 0 1 69.632 121.856c17.1008 43.7248 29.696 95.232 37.888 154.624 8.192 60.1088 12.5952 131.072 13.312 212.992 1.3312 81.92 0.7168 180.5312-2.048 295.936 8.9088-1.3312 18.7392-2.3552 29.696-3.072 11.5712 0 27.9552-0.3072 49.152-1.024 21.8112-0.7168 50.8928-1.024 87.04-1.024H3809.28c36.1472 0.7168 65.536 1.024 88.064 1.024a1950.8224 1950.8224 0 0 1 81.92 4.096v-84.992z m-730.112-300.032c-39.6288 33.4848-92.16 67.2768-157.696 101.376l41.984 71.68c25.9072-13.6192 53.5552-28.672 82.944-45.056 29.3888-16.384 55.296-32.0512 77.824-47.104l-45.056-80.896z m29.696 232.448a976.7936 976.7936 0 0 1-64.512 56.32c-24.576 20.48-48.8448 38.912-72.704 55.296l52.224 70.656c25.9072-17.7152 50.4832-35.5328 73.728-53.248 23.8592-17.1008 46.08-34.0992 66.56-51.2l-55.296-77.824z m361.472-30.72c8.192 22.528 14.0288 41.6768 17.408 57.344 4.096 15.6672 6.8608 31.4368 8.192 47.104 18.432-7.4752 35.1232-14.0288 50.176-19.456 15.6672-5.4272 30.0032-9.9328 43.008-13.312 7.4752-2.048 11.264-4.096 11.264-6.144 0.7168-2.048-2.048-4.8128-8.192-8.192a55.5008 55.5008 0 0 1-17.408-16.384c-5.4272-6.8608-13.312-20.48-23.552-40.96h133.12c15.0528 0.7168 27.3408 1.024 36.864 1.024l28.672 2.048c-1.3312-10.24-2.3552-26.624-3.072-49.152v-192.512c0-27.9552 0.3072-52.224 1.024-72.704 0.7168-20.48 1.7408-37.5808 3.072-51.2a208.896 208.896 0 0 1-22.528 1.024 397.312 397.312 0 0 1-31.744 1.024h-120.832v-243.712c0-15.6672-1.3312-28.672-4.096-38.912a40.5504 40.5504 0 0 0-19.456-25.6c-10.24-6.8608-25.2928-12.288-45.056-16.384a627.6096 627.6096 0 0 0-80.896-12.288 224.256 224.256 0 0 1-8.192 47.104 151.3472 151.3472 0 0 1-20.48 43.008c21.8112-2.048 39.2192-2.7648 52.224-2.048a58.368 58.368 0 0 1 29.696 6.144 24.576 24.576 0 0 1 14.336 16.384c2.048 8.192 3.072 18.432 3.072 30.72V252.928H3563.52c-11.5712 0-21.504-0.3072-29.696-1.024-7.4752 0-14.336-0.3072-20.48-1.024 1.3312 13.6192 2.3552 31.0272 3.072 52.224 0.7168 21.8112 1.024 45.7728 1.024 71.68V494.592c0 25.9072-0.3072 49.8688-1.024 71.68 0 21.8112-0.7168 38.6048-2.048 50.176 10.9568-1.3312 25.6-2.048 44.032-2.048s45.7728-0.3072 81.92-1.024z" horiz-adv-x="3993" /> diff --git a/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.ttf b/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.ttf index 9fd8ae7ef..c0b1a2247 100644 Binary files a/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.ttf and b/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.ttf differ diff --git a/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff b/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff index a442eb7d8..b5741e03d 100644 Binary files a/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff and b/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff differ diff --git a/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff2 b/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff2 index ba94e1622..31c1eb2ef 100644 Binary files a/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff2 and b/packages/fineui/dist/font/iconfont.woff2 differ diff --git a/packages/fineui/src/base/layer/layer.popover.js b/packages/fineui/src/base/layer/layer.popover.js index d7649c389..0f08ac097 100644 --- a/packages/fineui/src/base/layer/layer.popover.js +++ b/packages/fineui/src/base/layer/layer.popover.js @@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ export class Popover extends Widget { mounted() { this.startX = 0; this.startY = 0; - const bodyDom = getOuterBody(); this.tracker = new MouseMoveTracker( (deltaX, deltaY) => { - const W = Widget._renderEngine.createElement(bodyDom).width(); - const H = Widget._renderEngine.createElement(bodyDom).height(); + const el = Widget._renderEngine.createElement(getOuterBody())[0]; + const W = el.clientWidth; + const H = el.clientHeight; this.startX += deltaX; this.startY += deltaY; this.element.css({ @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ export class Popover extends Widget { } _getSuitableWidth(width) { - return clamp(width, 0, Widget._renderEngine.createElement(getOuterBody()).width()); + return clamp(width, 0, Widget._renderEngine.createElement(getOuterBody())[0].clientWidth); } _calculateSize() { diff --git a/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/item.icon.treeleaf.js b/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/item.icon.treeleaf.js index 186dacd2d..b6a254974 100644 --- a/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/item.icon.treeleaf.js +++ b/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/item.icon.treeleaf.js @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ import { CenterAdaptLayout, shortcut, extend, createWidget, LogicFactory, Direction } from "@/core"; import { Icon, Label, BasicButton } from "@/base"; +/** + * @deprecated + */ @shortcut() export class IconTreeLeafItem extends BasicButton { static xtype = "bi.icon_tree_leaf_item"; diff --git a/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/item.multilayer.icon.treeleaf.js b/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/item.multilayer.icon.treeleaf.js index cd2eb820d..97763ca35 100644 --- a/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/item.multilayer.icon.treeleaf.js +++ b/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/item.multilayer.icon.treeleaf.js @@ -1,9 +1,14 @@ -import { IconTreeLeafItem } from "./item.icon.treeleaf"; -import { Layout, HorizontalAdaptLayout, shortcut, extend, createWidget, Controller, makeArray, count, Events } from "@/core"; -import { BasicButton } from "@/base"; - +import { + shortcut, + extend, +} from "@/core"; +import { BasicTreeItem } from "./treeitem"; + +/** + * @deprecated + */ @shortcut() -export class MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem extends BasicButton { +export class MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem extends BasicTreeItem { static xtype = "bi.multilayer_icon_tree_leaf_item"; _defaultConfig() { @@ -14,89 +19,8 @@ export class MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem extends BasicButton { iconCls: "", iconHeight: 16, iconWidth: 16, + showLine: false, + indentWidth: 0 }); } - - _init() { - super._init(...arguments); - const o = this.options; - this.item = createWidget({ - type: IconTreeLeafItem.xtype, - cls: "bi-list-item-none", - iconCls: o.iconCls, - id: o.id, - pId: o.pId, - isFront: true, - height: o.height, - hgap: o.hgap, - text: o.text, - value: o.value, - py: o.py, - keyword: o.keyword, - iconWidth: o.iconWidth, - iconHeight: o.iconHeight, - }); - this.item.on(Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, (...args) => { - const [type] = args; - if (type === Events.CLICK) { - // 本身实现click功能 - return; - } - this.fireEvent(Controller.EVENT_CHANGE, ...args); - }); - - const items = []; - count(0, o.layer, () => { - items.push({ - type: Layout.xtype, - width: 15, - height: o.height, - }); - }); - items.push(this.item); - createWidget({ - type: HorizontalAdaptLayout.xtype, - element: this, - columnSize: makeArray(o.layer, 15), - items, - }); - } - - doRedMark() { - this.item.doRedMark(...arguments); - } - - unRedMark() { - this.item.unRedMark(...arguments); - } - - doHighLight() { - this.item.doHighLight(...arguments); - } - - unHighLight() { - this.item.unHighLight(...arguments); - } - - getId() { - return this.options.id; - } - - getPId() { - return this.options.pId; - } - - doClick() { - super.doClick(...arguments); - this.item.setSelected(this.isSelected()); - } - - setSelected(v) { - super.setSelected(...arguments); - this.item.setSelected(v); - } - - getValue() { - return this.options.value; - } } diff --git a/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/treeitem.js b/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/treeitem.js index 722694d34..73b792ad1 100644 --- a/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/treeitem.js +++ b/packages/fineui/src/case/button/treeitem/treeitem.js @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ export class BasicTreeItem extends NodeButton { iconWidth: null, iconHeight: null, iconCls: "", + showLine: true, + indentWidth: null, }); } @@ -37,14 +39,16 @@ export class BasicTreeItem extends NodeButton { py, keyword, iconCls, + showLine, + indentWidth } = this.options; const indent = { el: { type: Layout.xtype, height, - width: height, - cls: this.getLineCls(), + width: indentWidth ?? height, + cls: showLine ? this.getLineCls() : "", }, lgap: layer * SIZE_CONSANTS.LIST_ITEM_HEIGHT / 2, // 偏移公式为每一层的偏移量为节点高度的一半 width: "", diff --git a/packages/fineui/src/core/controller/controller.popover.js b/packages/fineui/src/core/controller/controller.popover.js index c4b8337b8..d8a800780 100644 --- a/packages/fineui/src/core/controller/controller.popover.js +++ b/packages/fineui/src/core/controller/controller.popover.js @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export class PopoverController extends Controller { type: "bi.popover", }, context); this.add(name, popover, options, context); - + return this; } @@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ export class PopoverController extends Controller { const popover = this.get(name); popover.show && popover.show(); const render = this.getRender(); - const W = Widget._renderEngine.createElement(render).width(), - H = Widget._renderEngine.createElement(render).height(); + const el = Widget._renderEngine.createElement(render)[0]; + const W = el.clientWidth, H = el.clientHeight; const w = popover.element.width(), h = popover.element.height(); let left = (W - w) / 2, top = (H - h) / 2; if (left < 0) { @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ export class PopoverController extends Controller { top: `${top}px`, }); } - + return this; } @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ export class PopoverController extends Controller { this.floatContainer[name].invisible(); this.modal && this.floatContainer[name].element.__releaseZIndexMask__(this.zindexMap[name]); } - + return this; } @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ export class PopoverController extends Controller { bottom: 0, }], }); - + return this; } @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ export class PopoverController extends Controller { delete this.zindexMap[name]; delete this.floatContainer[name]; delete this.floatOpened[name]; - + return this; } @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ export class PopoverController extends Controller { this.floatContainer = {}; this.floatOpened = {}; this.zindexMap = {}; - + return this; } diff --git a/packages/fineui/src/core/utils/dom.js b/packages/fineui/src/core/utils/dom.js index fbee6b287..1be70de14 100644 --- a/packages/fineui/src/core/utils/dom.js +++ b/packages/fineui/src/core/utils/dom.js @@ -744,10 +744,11 @@ export function getComboPosition(combo, popup, extraWidth, extraHeight, needAdap if (needAdaptHeight === true && popup.resetHeight) { const comboRect = combo.element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); const relativeOffset = positionRelativeElement ? positionRelativeElement.getBoundingClientRect().top : 0; - if (position.top < comboRect.top) { - popup.resetHeight(Math.min(viewportBounds.height - position.top - relativeOffset, comboRect.top, maxHeight)); - } else if (position.top >= comboRect.bottom) { - popup.resetHeight(Math.min(viewportBounds.height - position.top - relativeOffset, viewportBounds.height - comboRect.bottom, maxHeight)); + const positionTop = position.top + relativeOffset; + if (positionTop < comboRect.top) { + popup.resetHeight(Math.min(viewportBounds.height - positionTop, comboRect.top, maxHeight)); + } else if (positionTop >= comboRect.bottom) { + popup.resetHeight(Math.min(viewportBounds.height - positionTop, viewportBounds.height - comboRect.bottom, maxHeight)); } } diff --git a/packages/fineui/webpack/webpack.dev.js b/packages/fineui/webpack/webpack.dev.js index 3b795e02d..1f80646d2 100644 --- a/packages/fineui/webpack/webpack.dev.js +++ b/packages/fineui/webpack/webpack.dev.js @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const dirs = require("./dirs"); module.exports = merge(common, { mode: "development", - devtool: "inline-source-map", + devtool: "eval-source-map", output: { path: dirs.DEST, @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ module.exports = merge(common, { }, devServer: { + headers: { + "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", + }, port: 9001, // liveReload: true, client: { logging: 'error', - overlay: { - errors: true, - warnings: false, - }, + overlay: false, }, } });