guy 7 years ago
  1. 32
  2. 379
  3. 4
  4. 11
  5. 32
  6. 379
  7. 14
  8. 329
  9. 43
  10. 7
  11. 36


@ -633,6 +633,38 @@ li.CodeMirror-hint-active {
cursor: text; cursor: text;
font-size: 14px; font-size: 14px;
} }
/* max-height - the only parameter in this file that needs to be edited.
* Change it to suit your needs. The rest is recommended to leave as is.
.clusterize-scroll {
overflow: auto;
* Avoid vertical margins for extra tags
* Necessary for correct calculations when rows have nonzero vertical margins
.clusterize-extra-row {
margin-top: 0 !important;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
/* By default extra tag .clusterize-keep-parity added to keep parity of rows.
* Useful when used :nth-child(even/odd)
.clusterize-extra-row.clusterize-keep-parity {
display: none;
/* During initialization clusterize adds tabindex to force the browser to keep focus
* on the scrolling list, see issue #11
* Outline removes default browser's borders for focused elements.
.clusterize-content {
outline: 0;
/* Centering message that appears when no data provided
.clusterize-no-data td {
text-align: center;
/****添加计算宽度的--运算符直接需要space****/ /****添加计算宽度的--运算符直接需要space****/
/****** common color(常用颜色,可用于普遍场景) *****/ /****** common color(常用颜色,可用于普遍场景) *****/
/**** custom color(自定义颜色,用于特定场景) ****/ /**** custom color(自定义颜色,用于特定场景) ****/


@ -1937,6 +1937,7 @@ BI.TreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
this.nodes && this.nodes.expandAll(flag); this.nodes && this.nodes.expandAll(flag);
}, },
setValue: function (value, param) { setValue: function (value, param) {
this.setSelectedValue(value); this.setSelectedValue(value);
this.checkAll(false); this.checkAll(false);
@ -1964,12 +1965,6 @@ BI.TreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
}); });
}, },
getExpandedValue: function () {
if (!this.nodes) {
return null;
refresh: function () { refresh: function () {
this.nodes && this.nodes.refresh(); this.nodes && this.nodes.refresh();
}, },
@ -15453,7 +15448,377 @@ BI.SearcherView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
}); });
BI.shortcut("bi.searcher_view", BI.SearcherView);/** BI.shortcut("bi.searcher_view", BI.SearcherView);/*! Clusterize.js - v0.17.6 - 2017-03-05
* Copyright (c) 2015 Denis Lukov; Licensed GPLv3 */
;(function(name, definition) {
if (typeof module != 'undefined') module.exports = definition();
else if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object') define(definition);
else this[name] = definition();
}('Clusterize', function() {
"use strict"
// detect ie9 and lower
var ie = (function(){
for( var v = 3,
el = document.createElement('b'),
all = el.all || [];
el.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++v) + ']><i><![endif]-->',
return v > 4 ? v : document.documentMode;
is_mac = navigator.platform.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') + 1;
var Clusterize = function(data) {
if( ! (this instanceof Clusterize))
return new Clusterize(data);
var self = this;
var defaults = {
rows_in_block: 50,
blocks_in_cluster: 4,
tag: null,
show_no_data_row: true,
no_data_class: 'clusterize-no-data',
no_data_text: 'No data',
keep_parity: true,
callbacks: {}
// public parameters
self.options = {};
var options = ['rows_in_block', 'blocks_in_cluster', 'show_no_data_row', 'no_data_class', 'no_data_text', 'keep_parity', 'tag', 'callbacks'];
for(var i = 0, option; option = options[i]; i++) {
self.options[option] = typeof data[option] != 'undefined' && data[option] != null
? data[option]
: defaults[option];
var elems = ['scroll', 'content'];
for(var i = 0, elem; elem = elems[i]; i++) {
self[elem + '_elem'] = data[elem + 'Id']
? document.getElementById(data[elem + 'Id'])
: data[elem + 'Elem'];
if( ! self[elem + '_elem'])
throw new Error("Error! Could not find " + elem + " element");
// tabindex forces the browser to keep focus on the scrolling list, fixes #11
if( ! self.content_elem.hasAttribute('tabindex'))
self.content_elem.setAttribute('tabindex', 0);
// private parameters
var rows = isArray(data.rows)
? data.rows
: self.fetchMarkup(),
cache = {},
scroll_top = self.scroll_elem.scrollTop;
// append initial data
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
// restore the scroll position
self.scroll_elem.scrollTop = scroll_top;
// adding scroll handler
var last_cluster = false,
scroll_debounce = 0,
pointer_events_set = false,
scrollEv = function() {
// fixes scrolling issue on Mac #3
if (is_mac) {
if( ! pointer_events_set) = 'none';
pointer_events_set = true;
scroll_debounce = setTimeout(function () { = 'auto';
pointer_events_set = false;
}, 50);
if (last_cluster != (last_cluster = self.getClusterNum()))
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
if (self.options.callbacks.scrollingProgress)
resize_debounce = 0,
resizeEv = function() {
resize_debounce = setTimeout(self.refresh, 100);
on('scroll', self.scroll_elem, scrollEv);
on('resize', window, resizeEv);
// public methods
self.destroy = function(clean) {
off('scroll', self.scroll_elem, scrollEv);
off('resize', window, resizeEv);
self.html((clean ? self.generateEmptyRow() : rows).join(''));
self.refresh = function(force) {
if(self.getRowsHeight(rows) || force) self.update(rows);
self.update = function(new_rows) {
rows = isArray(new_rows)
? new_rows
: [];
var scroll_top = self.scroll_elem.scrollTop;
// fixes #39
if(rows.length * self.options.item_height < scroll_top) {
self.scroll_elem.scrollTop = 0;
last_cluster = 0;
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
self.scroll_elem.scrollTop = scroll_top;
self.clear = function() {
self.getRowsAmount = function() {
return rows.length;
self.getScrollProgress = function() {
return this.options.scroll_top / (rows.length * this.options.item_height) * 100 || 0;
var add = function(where, _new_rows) {
var new_rows = isArray(_new_rows)
? _new_rows
: [];
if( ! new_rows.length) return;
rows = where == 'append'
? rows.concat(new_rows)
: new_rows.concat(rows);
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
self.append = function(rows) {
add('append', rows);
self.prepend = function(rows) {
add('prepend', rows);
Clusterize.prototype = {
constructor: Clusterize,
// fetch existing markup
fetchMarkup: function() {
var rows = [], rows_nodes = this.getChildNodes(this.content_elem);
while (rows_nodes.length) {
return rows;
// get tag name, content tag name, tag height, calc cluster height
exploreEnvironment: function(rows, cache) {
var opts = this.options;
opts.content_tag = this.content_elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
if( ! rows.length) return;
if(ie && ie <= 9 && ! opts.tag) opts.tag = rows[0].match(/<([^>\s/]*)/)[1].toLowerCase();
if(this.content_elem.children.length <= 1) = this.html(rows[0] + rows[0] + rows[0]);
if( ! opts.tag) opts.tag = this.content_elem.children[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
getRowsHeight: function(rows) {
var opts = this.options,
prev_item_height = opts.item_height;
opts.cluster_height = 0;
if( ! rows.length) return;
var nodes = this.content_elem.children;
var node = nodes[Math.floor(nodes.length / 2)];
opts.item_height = node.offsetHeight;
// consider table's border-spacing
if(opts.tag == 'tr' && getStyle('borderCollapse', this.content_elem) != 'collapse')
opts.item_height += parseInt(getStyle('borderSpacing', this.content_elem), 10) || 0;
// consider margins (and margins collapsing)
if(opts.tag != 'tr') {
var marginTop = parseInt(getStyle('marginTop', node), 10) || 0;
var marginBottom = parseInt(getStyle('marginBottom', node), 10) || 0;
opts.item_height += Math.max(marginTop, marginBottom);
opts.block_height = opts.item_height * opts.rows_in_block;
opts.rows_in_cluster = opts.blocks_in_cluster * opts.rows_in_block;
opts.cluster_height = opts.blocks_in_cluster * opts.block_height;
return prev_item_height != opts.item_height;
// get current cluster number
getClusterNum: function () {
this.options.scroll_top = this.scroll_elem.scrollTop;
return Math.floor(this.options.scroll_top / (this.options.cluster_height - this.options.block_height)) || 0;
// generate empty row if no data provided
generateEmptyRow: function() {
var opts = this.options;
if( ! opts.tag || ! opts.show_no_data_row) return [];
var empty_row = document.createElement(opts.tag),
no_data_content = document.createTextNode(opts.no_data_text), td;
empty_row.className = opts.no_data_class;
if(opts.tag == 'tr') {
td = document.createElement('td');
// fixes #53
td.colSpan = 100;
empty_row.appendChild(td || no_data_content);
return [empty_row.outerHTML];
// generate cluster for current scroll position
generate: function (rows, cluster_num) {
var opts = this.options,
rows_len = rows.length;
if (rows_len < opts.rows_in_block) {
return {
top_offset: 0,
bottom_offset: 0,
rows_above: 0,
rows: rows_len ? rows : this.generateEmptyRow()
var items_start = Math.max((opts.rows_in_cluster - opts.rows_in_block) * cluster_num, 0),
items_end = items_start + opts.rows_in_cluster,
top_offset = Math.max(items_start * opts.item_height, 0),
bottom_offset = Math.max((rows_len - items_end) * opts.item_height, 0),
this_cluster_rows = [],
rows_above = items_start;
if(top_offset < 1) {
for (var i = items_start; i < items_end; i++) {
rows[i] && this_cluster_rows.push(rows[i]);
return {
top_offset: top_offset,
bottom_offset: bottom_offset,
rows_above: rows_above,
rows: this_cluster_rows
renderExtraTag: function(class_name, height) {
var tag = document.createElement(this.options.tag),
clusterize_prefix = 'clusterize-';
tag.className = [clusterize_prefix + 'extra-row', clusterize_prefix + class_name].join(' ');
height && ( = height + 'px');
return tag.outerHTML;
// if necessary verify data changed and insert to DOM
insertToDOM: function(rows, cache) {
// explore row's height
if( ! this.options.cluster_height) {
this.exploreEnvironment(rows, cache);
var data = this.generate(rows, this.getClusterNum()),
this_cluster_rows = data.rows.join(''),
this_cluster_content_changed = this.checkChanges('data', this_cluster_rows, cache),
top_offset_changed = this.checkChanges('top', data.top_offset, cache),
only_bottom_offset_changed = this.checkChanges('bottom', data.bottom_offset, cache),
callbacks = this.options.callbacks,
layout = [];
if(this_cluster_content_changed || top_offset_changed) {
if(data.top_offset) {
this.options.keep_parity && layout.push(this.renderExtraTag('keep-parity'));
layout.push(this.renderExtraTag('top-space', data.top_offset));
data.bottom_offset && layout.push(this.renderExtraTag('bottom-space', data.bottom_offset));
callbacks.clusterWillChange && callbacks.clusterWillChange();
this.options.content_tag == 'ol' && this.content_elem.setAttribute('start', data.rows_above);
callbacks.clusterChanged && callbacks.clusterChanged();
} else if(only_bottom_offset_changed) { = data.bottom_offset + 'px';
// unfortunately ie <= 9 does not allow to use innerHTML for table elements, so make a workaround
html: function(data) {
var content_elem = this.content_elem;
if(ie && ie <= 9 && this.options.tag == 'tr') {
var div = document.createElement('div'), last;
div.innerHTML = '<table><tbody>' + data + '</tbody></table>';
while((last = content_elem.lastChild)) {
var rows_nodes = this.getChildNodes(div.firstChild.firstChild);
while (rows_nodes.length) {
} else {
content_elem.innerHTML = data;
getChildNodes: function(tag) {
var child_nodes = tag.children, nodes = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = child_nodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
return nodes;
checkChanges: function(type, value, cache) {
var changed = value != cache[type];
cache[type] = value;
return changed;
// support functions
function on(evt, element, fnc) {
return element.addEventListener ? element.addEventListener(evt, fnc, false) : element.attachEvent("on" + evt, fnc);
function off(evt, element, fnc) {
return element.removeEventListener ? element.removeEventListener(evt, fnc, false) : element.detachEvent("on" + evt, fnc);
function isArray(arr) {
return === '[object Array]';
function getStyle(prop, elem) {
return window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(elem)[prop] : elem.currentStyle[prop];
return Clusterize;
* 表示当前对象
* Created by GUY on 2015/9/7.
* @class BI.VirtualList
* @extends BI.Widget
BI.VirtualList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: function () {
return {
baseCls: "bi-virtual-list clusterize-scroll",
render: function () {
var self = this, o = this.options;
return {
type: "bi.default",
items: [{
type: "bi.layout",
ref: function () {
self.contentEl = this;
cls: "clusterize-content"
mounted: function () {
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
data.push("<div style='height: 30px;'>" + i + "</div>");
new Clusterize({
rows: data,
scrollElem: this.element[0],
contentElem: this.contentEl.element[0]
populate: function () {
BI.shortcut('bi.virtual_list', BI.VirtualList);/**
* 分页控件 * 分页控件
* *
* Created by GUY on 2015/8/31. * Created by GUY on 2015/8/31.


@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ Demo.CORE_CONFIG = [{
pId: 102, pId: 102,
text: "bi.collection_view", text: "bi.collection_view",
value: "demo.collection_view" value: "demo.collection_view"
pId: 102,
text: "bi.virtual_list",
value: "demo.virtual_list"
}, { }, {
pId: 102, pId: 102,
id: 10201, id: 10201,


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
render: function () {
return {
type: "bi.virtual_list"
BI.shortcut("demo.virtual_list", Demo.Func);


@ -633,6 +633,38 @@ li.CodeMirror-hint-active {
cursor: text; cursor: text;
font-size: 14px; font-size: 14px;
} }
/* max-height - the only parameter in this file that needs to be edited.
* Change it to suit your needs. The rest is recommended to leave as is.
.clusterize-scroll {
overflow: auto;
* Avoid vertical margins for extra tags
* Necessary for correct calculations when rows have nonzero vertical margins
.clusterize-extra-row {
margin-top: 0 !important;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
/* By default extra tag .clusterize-keep-parity added to keep parity of rows.
* Useful when used :nth-child(even/odd)
.clusterize-extra-row.clusterize-keep-parity {
display: none;
/* During initialization clusterize adds tabindex to force the browser to keep focus
* on the scrolling list, see issue #11
* Outline removes default browser's borders for focused elements.
.clusterize-content {
outline: 0;
/* Centering message that appears when no data provided
.clusterize-no-data td {
text-align: center;
/****添加计算宽度的--运算符直接需要space****/ /****添加计算宽度的--运算符直接需要space****/
/****** common color(常用颜色,可用于普遍场景) *****/ /****** common color(常用颜色,可用于普遍场景) *****/
/**** custom color(自定义颜色,用于特定场景) ****/ /**** custom color(自定义颜色,用于特定场景) ****/


@ -1937,6 +1937,7 @@ BI.TreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
this.nodes && this.nodes.expandAll(flag); this.nodes && this.nodes.expandAll(flag);
}, },
setValue: function (value, param) { setValue: function (value, param) {
this.setSelectedValue(value); this.setSelectedValue(value);
this.checkAll(false); this.checkAll(false);
@ -1964,12 +1965,6 @@ BI.TreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
}); });
}, },
getExpandedValue: function () {
if (!this.nodes) {
return null;
refresh: function () { refresh: function () {
this.nodes && this.nodes.refresh(); this.nodes && this.nodes.refresh();
}, },
@ -15453,7 +15448,377 @@ BI.SearcherView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
}); });
BI.shortcut("bi.searcher_view", BI.SearcherView);/** BI.shortcut("bi.searcher_view", BI.SearcherView);/*! Clusterize.js - v0.17.6 - 2017-03-05
* Copyright (c) 2015 Denis Lukov; Licensed GPLv3 */
;(function(name, definition) {
if (typeof module != 'undefined') module.exports = definition();
else if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object') define(definition);
else this[name] = definition();
}('Clusterize', function() {
"use strict"
// detect ie9 and lower
var ie = (function(){
for( var v = 3,
el = document.createElement('b'),
all = el.all || [];
el.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++v) + ']><i><![endif]-->',
return v > 4 ? v : document.documentMode;
is_mac = navigator.platform.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') + 1;
var Clusterize = function(data) {
if( ! (this instanceof Clusterize))
return new Clusterize(data);
var self = this;
var defaults = {
rows_in_block: 50,
blocks_in_cluster: 4,
tag: null,
show_no_data_row: true,
no_data_class: 'clusterize-no-data',
no_data_text: 'No data',
keep_parity: true,
callbacks: {}
// public parameters
self.options = {};
var options = ['rows_in_block', 'blocks_in_cluster', 'show_no_data_row', 'no_data_class', 'no_data_text', 'keep_parity', 'tag', 'callbacks'];
for(var i = 0, option; option = options[i]; i++) {
self.options[option] = typeof data[option] != 'undefined' && data[option] != null
? data[option]
: defaults[option];
var elems = ['scroll', 'content'];
for(var i = 0, elem; elem = elems[i]; i++) {
self[elem + '_elem'] = data[elem + 'Id']
? document.getElementById(data[elem + 'Id'])
: data[elem + 'Elem'];
if( ! self[elem + '_elem'])
throw new Error("Error! Could not find " + elem + " element");
// tabindex forces the browser to keep focus on the scrolling list, fixes #11
if( ! self.content_elem.hasAttribute('tabindex'))
self.content_elem.setAttribute('tabindex', 0);
// private parameters
var rows = isArray(data.rows)
? data.rows
: self.fetchMarkup(),
cache = {},
scroll_top = self.scroll_elem.scrollTop;
// append initial data
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
// restore the scroll position
self.scroll_elem.scrollTop = scroll_top;
// adding scroll handler
var last_cluster = false,
scroll_debounce = 0,
pointer_events_set = false,
scrollEv = function() {
// fixes scrolling issue on Mac #3
if (is_mac) {
if( ! pointer_events_set) = 'none';
pointer_events_set = true;
scroll_debounce = setTimeout(function () { = 'auto';
pointer_events_set = false;
}, 50);
if (last_cluster != (last_cluster = self.getClusterNum()))
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
if (self.options.callbacks.scrollingProgress)
resize_debounce = 0,
resizeEv = function() {
resize_debounce = setTimeout(self.refresh, 100);
on('scroll', self.scroll_elem, scrollEv);
on('resize', window, resizeEv);
// public methods
self.destroy = function(clean) {
off('scroll', self.scroll_elem, scrollEv);
off('resize', window, resizeEv);
self.html((clean ? self.generateEmptyRow() : rows).join(''));
self.refresh = function(force) {
if(self.getRowsHeight(rows) || force) self.update(rows);
self.update = function(new_rows) {
rows = isArray(new_rows)
? new_rows
: [];
var scroll_top = self.scroll_elem.scrollTop;
// fixes #39
if(rows.length * self.options.item_height < scroll_top) {
self.scroll_elem.scrollTop = 0;
last_cluster = 0;
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
self.scroll_elem.scrollTop = scroll_top;
self.clear = function() {
self.getRowsAmount = function() {
return rows.length;
self.getScrollProgress = function() {
return this.options.scroll_top / (rows.length * this.options.item_height) * 100 || 0;
var add = function(where, _new_rows) {
var new_rows = isArray(_new_rows)
? _new_rows
: [];
if( ! new_rows.length) return;
rows = where == 'append'
? rows.concat(new_rows)
: new_rows.concat(rows);
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
self.append = function(rows) {
add('append', rows);
self.prepend = function(rows) {
add('prepend', rows);
Clusterize.prototype = {
constructor: Clusterize,
// fetch existing markup
fetchMarkup: function() {
var rows = [], rows_nodes = this.getChildNodes(this.content_elem);
while (rows_nodes.length) {
return rows;
// get tag name, content tag name, tag height, calc cluster height
exploreEnvironment: function(rows, cache) {
var opts = this.options;
opts.content_tag = this.content_elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
if( ! rows.length) return;
if(ie && ie <= 9 && ! opts.tag) opts.tag = rows[0].match(/<([^>\s/]*)/)[1].toLowerCase();
if(this.content_elem.children.length <= 1) = this.html(rows[0] + rows[0] + rows[0]);
if( ! opts.tag) opts.tag = this.content_elem.children[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
getRowsHeight: function(rows) {
var opts = this.options,
prev_item_height = opts.item_height;
opts.cluster_height = 0;
if( ! rows.length) return;
var nodes = this.content_elem.children;
var node = nodes[Math.floor(nodes.length / 2)];
opts.item_height = node.offsetHeight;
// consider table's border-spacing
if(opts.tag == 'tr' && getStyle('borderCollapse', this.content_elem) != 'collapse')
opts.item_height += parseInt(getStyle('borderSpacing', this.content_elem), 10) || 0;
// consider margins (and margins collapsing)
if(opts.tag != 'tr') {
var marginTop = parseInt(getStyle('marginTop', node), 10) || 0;
var marginBottom = parseInt(getStyle('marginBottom', node), 10) || 0;
opts.item_height += Math.max(marginTop, marginBottom);
opts.block_height = opts.item_height * opts.rows_in_block;
opts.rows_in_cluster = opts.blocks_in_cluster * opts.rows_in_block;
opts.cluster_height = opts.blocks_in_cluster * opts.block_height;
return prev_item_height != opts.item_height;
// get current cluster number
getClusterNum: function () {
this.options.scroll_top = this.scroll_elem.scrollTop;
return Math.floor(this.options.scroll_top / (this.options.cluster_height - this.options.block_height)) || 0;
// generate empty row if no data provided
generateEmptyRow: function() {
var opts = this.options;
if( ! opts.tag || ! opts.show_no_data_row) return [];
var empty_row = document.createElement(opts.tag),
no_data_content = document.createTextNode(opts.no_data_text), td;
empty_row.className = opts.no_data_class;
if(opts.tag == 'tr') {
td = document.createElement('td');
// fixes #53
td.colSpan = 100;
empty_row.appendChild(td || no_data_content);
return [empty_row.outerHTML];
// generate cluster for current scroll position
generate: function (rows, cluster_num) {
var opts = this.options,
rows_len = rows.length;
if (rows_len < opts.rows_in_block) {
return {
top_offset: 0,
bottom_offset: 0,
rows_above: 0,
rows: rows_len ? rows : this.generateEmptyRow()
var items_start = Math.max((opts.rows_in_cluster - opts.rows_in_block) * cluster_num, 0),
items_end = items_start + opts.rows_in_cluster,
top_offset = Math.max(items_start * opts.item_height, 0),
bottom_offset = Math.max((rows_len - items_end) * opts.item_height, 0),
this_cluster_rows = [],
rows_above = items_start;
if(top_offset < 1) {
for (var i = items_start; i < items_end; i++) {
rows[i] && this_cluster_rows.push(rows[i]);
return {
top_offset: top_offset,
bottom_offset: bottom_offset,
rows_above: rows_above,
rows: this_cluster_rows
renderExtraTag: function(class_name, height) {
var tag = document.createElement(this.options.tag),
clusterize_prefix = 'clusterize-';
tag.className = [clusterize_prefix + 'extra-row', clusterize_prefix + class_name].join(' ');
height && ( = height + 'px');
return tag.outerHTML;
// if necessary verify data changed and insert to DOM
insertToDOM: function(rows, cache) {
// explore row's height
if( ! this.options.cluster_height) {
this.exploreEnvironment(rows, cache);
var data = this.generate(rows, this.getClusterNum()),
this_cluster_rows = data.rows.join(''),
this_cluster_content_changed = this.checkChanges('data', this_cluster_rows, cache),
top_offset_changed = this.checkChanges('top', data.top_offset, cache),
only_bottom_offset_changed = this.checkChanges('bottom', data.bottom_offset, cache),
callbacks = this.options.callbacks,
layout = [];
if(this_cluster_content_changed || top_offset_changed) {
if(data.top_offset) {
this.options.keep_parity && layout.push(this.renderExtraTag('keep-parity'));
layout.push(this.renderExtraTag('top-space', data.top_offset));
data.bottom_offset && layout.push(this.renderExtraTag('bottom-space', data.bottom_offset));
callbacks.clusterWillChange && callbacks.clusterWillChange();
this.options.content_tag == 'ol' && this.content_elem.setAttribute('start', data.rows_above);
callbacks.clusterChanged && callbacks.clusterChanged();
} else if(only_bottom_offset_changed) { = data.bottom_offset + 'px';
// unfortunately ie <= 9 does not allow to use innerHTML for table elements, so make a workaround
html: function(data) {
var content_elem = this.content_elem;
if(ie && ie <= 9 && this.options.tag == 'tr') {
var div = document.createElement('div'), last;
div.innerHTML = '<table><tbody>' + data + '</tbody></table>';
while((last = content_elem.lastChild)) {
var rows_nodes = this.getChildNodes(div.firstChild.firstChild);
while (rows_nodes.length) {
} else {
content_elem.innerHTML = data;
getChildNodes: function(tag) {
var child_nodes = tag.children, nodes = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = child_nodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
return nodes;
checkChanges: function(type, value, cache) {
var changed = value != cache[type];
cache[type] = value;
return changed;
// support functions
function on(evt, element, fnc) {
return element.addEventListener ? element.addEventListener(evt, fnc, false) : element.attachEvent("on" + evt, fnc);
function off(evt, element, fnc) {
return element.removeEventListener ? element.removeEventListener(evt, fnc, false) : element.detachEvent("on" + evt, fnc);
function isArray(arr) {
return === '[object Array]';
function getStyle(prop, elem) {
return window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(elem)[prop] : elem.currentStyle[prop];
return Clusterize;
* 表示当前对象
* Created by GUY on 2015/9/7.
* @class BI.VirtualList
* @extends BI.Widget
BI.VirtualList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: function () {
return {
baseCls: "bi-virtual-list clusterize-scroll",
render: function () {
var self = this, o = this.options;
return {
type: "bi.default",
items: [{
type: "bi.layout",
ref: function () {
self.contentEl = this;
cls: "clusterize-content"
mounted: function () {
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
data.push("<div style='height: 30px;'>" + i + "</div>");
new Clusterize({
rows: data,
scrollElem: this.element[0],
contentElem: this.contentEl.element[0]
populate: function () {
BI.shortcut('bi.virtual_list', BI.VirtualList);/**
* 分页控件 * 分页控件
* *
* Created by GUY on 2015/8/31. * Created by GUY on 2015/8/31.


@ -3038,6 +3038,10 @@ Demo.COMPONENT_CONFIG = [{
pId: 102, pId: 102,
text: "bi.collection_view", text: "bi.collection_view",
value: "demo.collection_view" value: "demo.collection_view"
pId: 102,
text: "bi.virtual_list",
value: "demo.virtual_list"
}, { }, {
pId: 102, pId: 102,
id: 10201, id: 10201,
@ -3476,6 +3480,16 @@ BI.shortcut("demo.virtual_group_item", Demo.Item);Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widg
props: { props: {
baseCls: "demo-func" baseCls: "demo-func"
}, },
render: function () {
return {
type: "bi.virtual_list"
BI.shortcut("demo.virtual_list", Demo.Func);Demo.Func = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "demo-func"
_createDefaultTree: function () { _createDefaultTree: function () {
var TREEITEMS = [{id: -1, pId: -2, value: "根目录", open: true, type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25}, var TREEITEMS = [{id: -1, pId: -2, value: "根目录", open: true, type: "bi.plus_group_node", height: 25},


@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
/*! Clusterize.js - v0.17.6 - 2017-03-05
* Copyright (c) 2015 Denis Lukov; Licensed GPLv3 */
;(function(name, definition) {
if (typeof module != 'undefined') module.exports = definition();
else if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object') define(definition);
else this[name] = definition();
}('Clusterize', function() {
"use strict"
// detect ie9 and lower
var ie = (function(){
for( var v = 3,
el = document.createElement('b'),
all = el.all || [];
el.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++v) + ']><i><![endif]-->',
return v > 4 ? v : document.documentMode;
is_mac = navigator.platform.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') + 1;
var Clusterize = function(data) {
if( ! (this instanceof Clusterize))
return new Clusterize(data);
var self = this;
var defaults = {
rows_in_block: 50,
blocks_in_cluster: 4,
tag: null,
show_no_data_row: true,
no_data_class: 'clusterize-no-data',
no_data_text: 'No data',
keep_parity: true,
callbacks: {}
// public parameters
self.options = {};
var options = ['rows_in_block', 'blocks_in_cluster', 'show_no_data_row', 'no_data_class', 'no_data_text', 'keep_parity', 'tag', 'callbacks'];
for(var i = 0, option; option = options[i]; i++) {
self.options[option] = typeof data[option] != 'undefined' && data[option] != null
? data[option]
: defaults[option];
var elems = ['scroll', 'content'];
for(var i = 0, elem; elem = elems[i]; i++) {
self[elem + '_elem'] = data[elem + 'Id']
? document.getElementById(data[elem + 'Id'])
: data[elem + 'Elem'];
if( ! self[elem + '_elem'])
throw new Error("Error! Could not find " + elem + " element");
// tabindex forces the browser to keep focus on the scrolling list, fixes #11
if( ! self.content_elem.hasAttribute('tabindex'))
self.content_elem.setAttribute('tabindex', 0);
// private parameters
var rows = isArray(data.rows)
? data.rows
: self.fetchMarkup(),
cache = {},
scroll_top = self.scroll_elem.scrollTop;
// append initial data
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
// restore the scroll position
self.scroll_elem.scrollTop = scroll_top;
// adding scroll handler
var last_cluster = false,
scroll_debounce = 0,
pointer_events_set = false,
scrollEv = function() {
// fixes scrolling issue on Mac #3
if (is_mac) {
if( ! pointer_events_set) = 'none';
pointer_events_set = true;
scroll_debounce = setTimeout(function () { = 'auto';
pointer_events_set = false;
}, 50);
if (last_cluster != (last_cluster = self.getClusterNum()))
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
if (self.options.callbacks.scrollingProgress)
resize_debounce = 0,
resizeEv = function() {
resize_debounce = setTimeout(self.refresh, 100);
on('scroll', self.scroll_elem, scrollEv);
on('resize', window, resizeEv);
// public methods
self.destroy = function(clean) {
off('scroll', self.scroll_elem, scrollEv);
off('resize', window, resizeEv);
self.html((clean ? self.generateEmptyRow() : rows).join(''));
self.refresh = function(force) {
if(self.getRowsHeight(rows) || force) self.update(rows);
self.update = function(new_rows) {
rows = isArray(new_rows)
? new_rows
: [];
var scroll_top = self.scroll_elem.scrollTop;
// fixes #39
if(rows.length * self.options.item_height < scroll_top) {
self.scroll_elem.scrollTop = 0;
last_cluster = 0;
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
self.scroll_elem.scrollTop = scroll_top;
self.clear = function() {
self.getRowsAmount = function() {
return rows.length;
self.getScrollProgress = function() {
return this.options.scroll_top / (rows.length * this.options.item_height) * 100 || 0;
var add = function(where, _new_rows) {
var new_rows = isArray(_new_rows)
? _new_rows
: [];
if( ! new_rows.length) return;
rows = where == 'append'
? rows.concat(new_rows)
: new_rows.concat(rows);
self.insertToDOM(rows, cache);
self.append = function(rows) {
add('append', rows);
self.prepend = function(rows) {
add('prepend', rows);
Clusterize.prototype = {
constructor: Clusterize,
// fetch existing markup
fetchMarkup: function() {
var rows = [], rows_nodes = this.getChildNodes(this.content_elem);
while (rows_nodes.length) {
return rows;
// get tag name, content tag name, tag height, calc cluster height
exploreEnvironment: function(rows, cache) {
var opts = this.options;
opts.content_tag = this.content_elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
if( ! rows.length) return;
if(ie && ie <= 9 && ! opts.tag) opts.tag = rows[0].match(/<([^>\s/]*)/)[1].toLowerCase();
if(this.content_elem.children.length <= 1) = this.html(rows[0] + rows[0] + rows[0]);
if( ! opts.tag) opts.tag = this.content_elem.children[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
getRowsHeight: function(rows) {
var opts = this.options,
prev_item_height = opts.item_height;
opts.cluster_height = 0;
if( ! rows.length) return;
var nodes = this.content_elem.children;
var node = nodes[Math.floor(nodes.length / 2)];
opts.item_height = node.offsetHeight;
// consider table's border-spacing
if(opts.tag == 'tr' && getStyle('borderCollapse', this.content_elem) != 'collapse')
opts.item_height += parseInt(getStyle('borderSpacing', this.content_elem), 10) || 0;
// consider margins (and margins collapsing)
if(opts.tag != 'tr') {
var marginTop = parseInt(getStyle('marginTop', node), 10) || 0;
var marginBottom = parseInt(getStyle('marginBottom', node), 10) || 0;
opts.item_height += Math.max(marginTop, marginBottom);
opts.block_height = opts.item_height * opts.rows_in_block;
opts.rows_in_cluster = opts.blocks_in_cluster * opts.rows_in_block;
opts.cluster_height = opts.blocks_in_cluster * opts.block_height;
return prev_item_height != opts.item_height;
// get current cluster number
getClusterNum: function () {
this.options.scroll_top = this.scroll_elem.scrollTop;
return Math.floor(this.options.scroll_top / (this.options.cluster_height - this.options.block_height)) || 0;
// generate empty row if no data provided
generateEmptyRow: function() {
var opts = this.options;
if( ! opts.tag || ! opts.show_no_data_row) return [];
var empty_row = document.createElement(opts.tag),
no_data_content = document.createTextNode(opts.no_data_text), td;
empty_row.className = opts.no_data_class;
if(opts.tag == 'tr') {
td = document.createElement('td');
// fixes #53
td.colSpan = 100;
empty_row.appendChild(td || no_data_content);
return [empty_row.outerHTML];
// generate cluster for current scroll position
generate: function (rows, cluster_num) {
var opts = this.options,
rows_len = rows.length;
if (rows_len < opts.rows_in_block) {
return {
top_offset: 0,
bottom_offset: 0,
rows_above: 0,
rows: rows_len ? rows : this.generateEmptyRow()
var items_start = Math.max((opts.rows_in_cluster - opts.rows_in_block) * cluster_num, 0),
items_end = items_start + opts.rows_in_cluster,
top_offset = Math.max(items_start * opts.item_height, 0),
bottom_offset = Math.max((rows_len - items_end) * opts.item_height, 0),
this_cluster_rows = [],
rows_above = items_start;
if(top_offset < 1) {
for (var i = items_start; i < items_end; i++) {
rows[i] && this_cluster_rows.push(rows[i]);
return {
top_offset: top_offset,
bottom_offset: bottom_offset,
rows_above: rows_above,
rows: this_cluster_rows
renderExtraTag: function(class_name, height) {
var tag = document.createElement(this.options.tag),
clusterize_prefix = 'clusterize-';
tag.className = [clusterize_prefix + 'extra-row', clusterize_prefix + class_name].join(' ');
height && ( = height + 'px');
return tag.outerHTML;
// if necessary verify data changed and insert to DOM
insertToDOM: function(rows, cache) {
// explore row's height
if( ! this.options.cluster_height) {
this.exploreEnvironment(rows, cache);
var data = this.generate(rows, this.getClusterNum()),
this_cluster_rows = data.rows.join(''),
this_cluster_content_changed = this.checkChanges('data', this_cluster_rows, cache),
top_offset_changed = this.checkChanges('top', data.top_offset, cache),
only_bottom_offset_changed = this.checkChanges('bottom', data.bottom_offset, cache),
callbacks = this.options.callbacks,
layout = [];
if(this_cluster_content_changed || top_offset_changed) {
if(data.top_offset) {
this.options.keep_parity && layout.push(this.renderExtraTag('keep-parity'));
layout.push(this.renderExtraTag('top-space', data.top_offset));
data.bottom_offset && layout.push(this.renderExtraTag('bottom-space', data.bottom_offset));
callbacks.clusterWillChange && callbacks.clusterWillChange();
this.options.content_tag == 'ol' && this.content_elem.setAttribute('start', data.rows_above);
callbacks.clusterChanged && callbacks.clusterChanged();
} else if(only_bottom_offset_changed) { = data.bottom_offset + 'px';
// unfortunately ie <= 9 does not allow to use innerHTML for table elements, so make a workaround
html: function(data) {
var content_elem = this.content_elem;
if(ie && ie <= 9 && this.options.tag == 'tr') {
var div = document.createElement('div'), last;
div.innerHTML = '<table><tbody>' + data + '</tbody></table>';
while((last = content_elem.lastChild)) {
var rows_nodes = this.getChildNodes(div.firstChild.firstChild);
while (rows_nodes.length) {
} else {
content_elem.innerHTML = data;
getChildNodes: function(tag) {
var child_nodes = tag.children, nodes = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = child_nodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
return nodes;
checkChanges: function(type, value, cache) {
var changed = value != cache[type];
cache[type] = value;
return changed;
// support functions
function on(evt, element, fnc) {
return element.addEventListener ? element.addEventListener(evt, fnc, false) : element.attachEvent("on" + evt, fnc);
function off(evt, element, fnc) {
return element.removeEventListener ? element.removeEventListener(evt, fnc, false) : element.detachEvent("on" + evt, fnc);
function isArray(arr) {
return === '[object Array]';
function getStyle(prop, elem) {
return window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(elem)[prop] : elem.currentStyle[prop];
return Clusterize;


@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* 表示当前对象
* Created by GUY on 2015/9/7.
* @class BI.VirtualList
* @extends BI.Widget
BI.VirtualList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: function () {
return {
baseCls: "bi-virtual-list clusterize-scroll",
render: function () {
var self = this, o = this.options;
return {
type: "bi.default",
items: [{
type: "bi.layout",
ref: function () {
self.contentEl = this;
cls: "clusterize-content"
mounted: function () {
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
data.push("<div style='height: 30px;'>" + i + "</div>");
new Clusterize({
rows: data,
scrollElem: this.element[0],
contentElem: this.contentEl.element[0]
populate: function () {
BI.shortcut('bi.virtual_list', BI.VirtualList);


@ -443,6 +443,7 @@ BI.TreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
this.nodes && this.nodes.expandAll(flag); this.nodes && this.nodes.expandAll(flag);
}, },
setValue: function (value, param) { setValue: function (value, param) {
this.setSelectedValue(value); this.setSelectedValue(value);
this.checkAll(false); this.checkAll(false);
@ -470,12 +471,6 @@ BI.TreeView = BI.inherit(BI.Pane, {
}); });
}, },
getExpandedValue: function () {
if (!this.nodes) {
return null;
refresh: function () { refresh: function () {
this.nodes && this.nodes.refresh(); this.nodes && this.nodes.refresh();
}, },


@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
/* max-height - the only parameter in this file that needs to be edited.
* Change it to suit your needs. The rest is recommended to leave as is.
overflow: auto;
* Avoid vertical margins for extra tags
* Necessary for correct calculations when rows have nonzero vertical margins
margin-top: 0 !important;
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
/* By default extra tag .clusterize-keep-parity added to keep parity of rows.
* Useful when used :nth-child(even/odd)
display: none;
/* During initialization clusterize adds tabindex to force the browser to keep focus
* on the scrolling list, see issue #11
* Outline removes default browser's borders for focused elements.
outline: 0;
/* Centering message that appears when no data provided
.clusterize-no-data td{
text-align: center;