/*! fineui 2020-05-13 18:04:40 */
function _classCallCheck ( instance , Constructor ) { if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) throw new TypeError ( "Cannot call a class as a function" ) } var _global ; _global = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this , null == _global . BI && ( _global . BI = { prepares : [ ] } ) , null == _global . BI . prepares && ( _global . BI . prepares = [ ] ) , function ( ) { function apply ( func , thisArg , args ) { switch ( args . length ) { case 0 : return func . call ( thisArg ) ; case 1 : return func . call ( thisArg , args [ 0 ] ) ; case 2 : return func . call ( thisArg , args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] ) ; case 3 : return func . call ( thisArg , args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] , args [ 2 ] ) } return func . apply ( thisArg , args ) } function arrayAggregator ( array , setter , iteratee , accumulator ) { for ( var index = - 1 , length = null == array ? 0 : array . length ; ++ index < length ; ) { var value = array [ index ] ; setter ( accumulator , value , iteratee ( value ) , array ) } return accumulator } function arrayEach ( array , iteratee ) { for ( var index = - 1 , length = null == array ? 0 : array . length ; ++ index < length && iteratee ( array [ index ] , index , array ) !== ! 1 ; ) ; return array } function arrayEvery ( array , predicate ) { for ( var index = - 1 , length = null == array ? 0 : array . length ; ++ index < length ; ) if ( ! predicate ( array [ index ] , index , array ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } function arrayFilter ( array , predicate ) { for ( var index = - 1 , length = null == array ? 0 : array . length , resIndex = 0 , result = [ ] ; ++ index < length ; ) { var value = array [ index ] ; predicate ( value , index , array ) && ( result [ resIndex ++ ] = value ) } return result } function arrayIncludes ( array , value ) { var length = null == array ? 0 : array . length ; return ! ! length && baseIndexOf ( array , value , 0 ) > - 1 } function arrayIncludesWith ( array , value , comparator ) { for ( var index = - 1 , length = null == array ? 0 : array . length ; ++ index < length ; ) if ( comparator ( value , array [ index ] ) ) return ! 0 ; return ! 1 } function arrayMap ( array , iteratee ) { for ( var index = - 1 , length = null == array ? 0 : array . length , result = Array ( length ) ; ++ index < length ; ) result [ index ] = iteratee ( array [ index ] , index , array ) ; return result } function arrayPush ( array , values ) { for ( var index = - 1 , length = values . length , offset = array . length ; ++ index < length ; ) array [ offset + index ] = values [ index ] ; return array } function arrayReduce ( array , iteratee , accumulator , initAccum ) { var index = - 1 , length = null == array ? 0 : array . length ; for ( initAccum && length && ( accumulator = array [ ++ index ] ) ; ++ index < length ; ) accumulator = iteratee ( accumulator , array [ index ] , index , array ) ; return accumulator } function arraySome ( array , predicate ) { for ( var index = - 1 , length = null == array ? 0 : array . length ; ++ index < length ; ) if ( predicate ( array [ index ] , index , array ) ) return ! 0 ; return ! 1 } function asciiToArray ( string ) { return string . split ( "" ) } function baseFindKey ( collection , predicate , eachFunc ) { var result ; return eachFunc ( collection , function ( value , key , collection ) { if ( predicate ( value , key , collection ) ) return result = key , ! 1 } ) , result } function baseFindIndex ( array , predicate , fromIndex , fromRight ) { for ( var length = array . length , index = fromIndex + ( fromRight ? 1 : - 1 ) ; fromRight ? index -- : ++ index < length ; ) if ( predicate ( array [ index ] , index , array ) ) return index ; return - 1 } function baseIndexOf ( array , value , fromIndex ) { return value === value ? strictIndexOf ( array , value , fromIndex ) : baseFindIndex ( array , baseIsNaN , fromIndex ) } function baseIsNaN ( value ) { return value !== value } function baseProperty ( key ) { return function ( object ) { return null == object ? undefined : object [ key ] } } function basePropertyOf ( object ) { return function ( key ) { return null == object ? undefined : object [ key ] } } function baseReduce ( collection , iteratee , accumulator , initAccum , eachFunc ) { return eachFunc ( collection , function ( value , index , collection ) { accumulator = initAccum ? ( initAccum = ! 1 , value ) : iteratee ( accumulator , value , index , collection ) } ) , accumulator } function baseSortBy ( array , comparer ) { var length = array . length ; for ( array . sort ( comparer ) ; length -- ; ) array [ length ] = array [ length ] . value ; return array } function baseTimes ( n , iteratee ) { for ( var index = - 1 , result = Array ( n ) ; ++ index < n ; ) result [ index ] = iteratee ( index ) ; return result } function baseUnary ( func ) { return function ( value ) { return func ( value ) } } function baseValues ( object , props ) { return arrayMap ( props , function ( key ) { return object [ key ] } ) } function cacheHas ( cache , key ) { return cache . has ( key ) } function charsStartIndex ( strSymbols , chrSymbols ) { for ( var index = - 1 , length = strSymbols . length ; ++ index < length && baseIndexO
for ( ; ++ holdersIndex < holdersLength ; ) ( isUncurried || argsIndex < argsLength ) && ( result [ offset + holders [ holdersIndex ] ] = args [ argsIndex ++ ] ) ; return result } function copyArray ( source , array ) { var index = - 1 , length = source . length ; for ( array || ( array = Array ( length ) ) ; ++ index < length ; ) array [ index ] = source [ index ] ; return array } function copyObject ( source , props , object , customizer ) { var isNew = ! object ; object || ( object = { } ) ; for ( var index = - 1 , length = props . length ; ++ index < length ; ) { var key = props [ index ] , newValue = customizer ? customizer ( object [ key ] , source [ key ] , key , object , source ) : undefined ; newValue === undefined && ( newValue = source [ key ] ) , isNew ? baseAssignValue ( object , key , newValue ) : assignValue ( object , key , newValue ) } return object } function copySymbols ( source , object ) { return copyObject ( source , getSymbols ( source ) , object ) } function copySymbolsIn ( source , object ) { return copyObject ( source , getSymbolsIn ( source ) , object ) } function createAggregator ( setter , initializer ) { return function ( collection , iteratee ) { var func = isArray ( collection ) ? arrayAggregator : baseAggregator , accumulator = initializer ? initializer ( ) : { } ; return func ( collection , setter , baseIteratee ( iteratee , 2 ) , accumulator ) } } function createAssigner ( assigner ) { return baseRest ( function ( object , sources ) { var index = - 1 , length = sources . length , customizer = length > 1 ? sources [ length - 1 ] : undefined , guard = length > 2 ? sources [ 2 ] : undefined ; for ( customizer = assigner . length > 3 && "function" == typeof customizer ? ( length -- , customizer ) : undefined , guard && isIterateeCall ( sources [ 0 ] , sources [ 1 ] , guard ) && ( customizer = length < 3 ? undefined : customizer , length = 1 ) , object = Object ( object ) ; ++ index < length ; ) { var source = sources [ index ] ; source && assigner ( object , source , index , customizer ) } return object } ) } function createBaseEach ( eachFunc , fromRight ) { return function ( collection , iteratee ) { if ( null == collection ) return collection ; if ( ! isArrayLike ( collection ) ) return eachFunc ( collection , iteratee ) ; for ( var length = collection . length , index = fromRight ? length : - 1 , iterable = Object ( collection ) ; ( fromRight ? index -- : ++ index < length ) && iteratee ( iterable [ index ] , index , iterable ) !== ! 1 ; ) ; return collection } } function createBaseFor ( fromRight ) { return function ( object , iteratee , keysFunc ) { for ( var index = - 1 , iterable = Object ( object ) , props = keysFunc ( object ) , length = props . length ; length -- ; ) { var key = props [ fromRight ? length : ++ index ] ; if ( iteratee ( iterable [ key ] , key , iterable ) === ! 1 ) break } return object } } function createBind ( func , bitmask , thisArg ) { function wrapper ( ) { var fn = this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper ? Ctor : func ; return fn . apply ( isBind ? thisArg : this , arguments ) } var isBind = bitmask & WRAP _BIND _FLAG , Ctor = createCtor ( func ) ; return wrapper } function createCtor ( Ctor ) { return function ( ) { var args = arguments ; switch ( args . length ) { case 0 : return new Ctor ; case 1 : return new Ctor ( args [ 0 ] ) ; case 2 : return new Ctor ( args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] ) ; case 3 : return new Ctor ( args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] , args [ 2 ] ) ; case 4 : return new Ctor ( args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] , args [ 2 ] , args [ 3 ] ) ; case 5 : return new Ctor ( args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] , args [ 2 ] , args [ 3 ] , args [ 4 ] ) ; case 6 : return new Ctor ( args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] , args [ 2 ] , args [ 3 ] , args [ 4 ] , args [ 5 ] ) ; case 7 : return new Ctor ( args [ 0 ] , args [ 1 ] , args [ 2 ] , args [ 3 ] , args [ 4 ] , args [ 5 ] , args [ 6 ] ) } var thisBinding = baseCreate ( Ctor . prototype ) , result = Ctor . apply ( thisBinding , args ) ; return isObject ( result ) ? result : thisBinding } } function createCurry ( func , bitmask , arity ) { function wrapper ( ) { for ( var length = arguments . length , args = Array ( length ) , index = length , placeholder = getHolder ( wrapper ) ; index -- ; ) args [ index ] = arguments [ index ] ; var holders = length < 3 && args [ 0 ] !== placeholder && args [ length - 1 ] !== placeholder ? [ ] : replaceHolders ( args , placeholder ) ; if ( length -= holders . length , length < arity ) return createRecurry ( func , bitmask , createHybrid , wrapper . placeholder , undefined , args , holders , undefined , undefined , arity - length ) ; var fn = this && this !== root && this instanceof wrapper ? Ctor : func ; return apply ( fn , this , args ) } var Ctor = createCtor ( func ) ; return wrapper } function createFind ( findIndexFunc ) { return function ( collection , predicate , fromIndex ) { var iterable = Object ( collection ) ; if ( ! isArrayLike ( collection ) ) { var iteratee = baseIteratee ( predicate , 3 ) ; collection = keys ( collection ) , predicate = function ( key ) { return iteratee ( iterable [ key ] , key , iterable ) } } var index = findIndexFunc ( collection , predicate , fromIndex ) ; return index > -
if ( null === proto ) return ! 0 ; var Ctor = hasOwnProperty . call ( proto , "constructor" ) && proto . constructor ; return "function" == typeof Ctor && Ctor instanceof Ctor && funcToString . call ( Ctor ) == objectCtorString } function isString ( value ) { return "string" == typeof value || ! isArray ( value ) && isObjectLike ( value ) && baseGetTag ( value ) == stringTag } function isSymbol ( value ) { return "symbol" == typeof value || isObjectLike ( value ) && baseGetTag ( value ) == symbolTag } function isUndefined ( value ) { return value === undefined } function toArray ( value ) { if ( ! value ) return [ ] ; if ( isArrayLike ( value ) ) return isString ( value ) ? stringToArray ( value ) : copyArray ( value ) ; if ( symIterator && value [ symIterator ] ) return iteratorToArray ( value [ symIterator ] ( ) ) ; var tag = getTag ( value ) , func = tag == mapTag ? mapToArray : tag == setTag ? setToArray : values ; return func ( value ) } function toFinite ( value ) { if ( ! value ) return 0 === value ? value : 0 ; if ( value = toNumber ( value ) , value === INFINITY || value === - INFINITY ) { var sign = value < 0 ? - 1 : 1 ; return sign * MAX _INTEGER } return value === value ? value : 0 } function toInteger ( value ) { var result = toFinite ( value ) , remainder = result % 1 ; return result === result ? remainder ? result - remainder : result : 0 } function toNumber ( value ) { if ( "number" == typeof value ) return value ; if ( isSymbol ( value ) ) return NAN ; if ( isObject ( value ) ) { var other = "function" == typeof value . valueOf ? value . valueOf ( ) : value ; value = isObject ( other ) ? other + "" : other } if ( "string" != typeof value ) return 0 === value ? value : + value ; value = value . replace ( reTrim , "" ) ; var isBinary = reIsBinary . test ( value ) ; return isBinary || reIsOctal . test ( value ) ? freeParseInt ( value . slice ( 2 ) , isBinary ? 2 : 8 ) : reIsBadHex . test ( value ) ? NAN : + value } function toPlainObject ( value ) { return copyObject ( value , keysIn ( value ) ) } function toString ( value ) { return null == value ? "" : baseToString ( value ) } function create ( prototype , properties ) { var result = baseCreate ( prototype ) ; return null == properties ? result : baseAssign ( result , properties ) } function findKey ( object , predicate ) { return baseFindKey ( object , baseIteratee ( predicate , 3 ) , baseForOwn ) } function findLastKey ( object , predicate ) { return baseFindKey ( object , baseIteratee ( predicate , 3 ) , baseForOwnRight ) } function get ( object , path , defaultValue ) { var result = null == object ? undefined : baseGet ( object , path ) ; return result === undefined ? defaultValue : result } function has ( object , path ) { return null != object && hasPath ( object , path , baseHas ) } function hasIn ( object , path ) { return null != object && hasPath ( object , path , baseHasIn ) } function keys ( object ) { return isArrayLike ( object ) ? arrayLikeKeys ( object ) : baseKeys ( object ) } function keysIn ( object ) { return isArrayLike ( object ) ? arrayLikeKeys ( object , ! 0 ) : baseKeysIn ( object ) } function omitBy ( object , predicate ) { return pickBy ( object , negate ( baseIteratee ( predicate ) ) ) } function pickBy ( object , predicate ) { if ( null == object ) return { } ; var props = arrayMap ( getAllKeysIn ( object ) , function ( prop ) { return [ prop ] } ) ; return predicate = baseIteratee ( predicate ) , basePickBy ( object , props , function ( value , path ) { return predicate ( value , path [ 0 ] ) } ) } function result ( object , path , defaultValue ) { path = castPath ( path , object ) ; var index = - 1 , length = path . length ; for ( length || ( length = 1 , object = undefined ) ; ++ index < length ; ) { var value = null == object ? undefined : object [ toKey ( path [ index ] ) ] ; value === undefined && ( index = length , value = defaultValue ) , object = isFunction ( value ) ? value . call ( object ) : value } return object } function set ( object , path , value ) { return null == object ? object : baseSet ( object , path , value ) } function values ( object ) { return null == object ? [ ] : baseValues ( object , keys ( object ) ) } function clamp ( number , lower , upper ) { return upper === undefined && ( upper = lower , lower = undefined ) , upper !== undefined && ( upper = toNumber ( upper ) , upper = upper === upper ? upper : 0 ) , lower !== undefined && ( lower = toNumber ( lower ) , lower = lower === lower ? lower : 0 ) , baseClamp ( toNumber ( number ) , lower , upper ) } function random ( lower , upper , floating ) { if ( floating && "boolean" != typeof floating && isIterateeCall ( lower , upper , floating ) && ( upper = floating = undefined ) , floating === undefined && ( "boolean" == typeof upper ? ( floating = upper , upper = undefined ) : "boolean" == typeof lower && ( floating = lower , lower = undefined ) ) , lower === undefined && upper === undefined ? ( lower = 0 , upper = 1 ) : ( lower = toFinite ( lower ) , upper === undefined ? ( upper = lower , lower = 0 ) : upper = toFinite ( upper ) ) , lower > upper ) { var temp = lower ; lower = upper , upper = temp }
} ) , _ . extend ( BI , { count : function ( from , to , predicate ) { var t ; if ( predicate ) for ( t = from ; t < to ; t ++ ) predicate ( t ) ; return to - from } , inverse : function ( from , to , predicate ) { return BI . count ( to , from , predicate ) } , firstKey : function ( obj ) { var res = undefined ; return BI . any ( obj , function ( key , value ) { return res = key , ! 0 } ) , res } , lastKey : function ( obj ) { var res = undefined ; return BI . each ( obj , function ( key , value ) { return res = key , ! 0 } ) , res } , firstObject : function ( obj ) { var res = undefined ; return BI . any ( obj , function ( key , value ) { return res = value , ! 0 } ) , res } , lastObject : function ( obj ) { var res = undefined ; return BI . each ( obj , function ( key , value ) { return res = value , ! 0 } ) , res } , concat : function ( obj1 , obj2 ) { return BI . isKey ( obj1 ) ? BI . map ( [ ] . slice . apply ( arguments ) , function ( idx , v ) { return v } ) . join ( "" ) : BI . isArray ( obj1 ) ? _ . concat . apply ( [ ] , arguments ) : BI . isObject ( obj1 ) ? _ . extend . apply ( { } , arguments ) : void 0 } , backEach : function ( obj , predicate , context ) { predicate = BI . iteratee ( predicate , context ) ; for ( var index = obj . length - 1 ; index >= 0 ; index -- ) predicate ( index , obj [ index ] , obj ) ; return ! 1 } , backAny : function ( obj , predicate , context ) { predicate = BI . iteratee ( predicate , context ) ; for ( var index = obj . length - 1 ; index >= 0 ; index -- ) if ( predicate ( index , obj [ index ] , obj ) ) return ! 0 ; return ! 1 } , backEvery : function ( obj , predicate , context ) { predicate = BI . iteratee ( predicate , context ) ; for ( var index = obj . length - 1 ; index >= 0 ; index -- ) if ( ! predicate ( index , obj [ index ] , obj ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } , backFindKey : function ( obj , predicate , context ) { predicate = BI . iteratee ( predicate , context ) ; for ( var keys = _ . keys ( obj ) , key , i = keys . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) if ( key = keys [ i ] , predicate ( obj [ key ] , key , obj ) ) return key } , backFind : function ( obj , predicate , context ) { var key ; if ( key = BI . isArray ( obj ) ? BI . findLastIndex ( obj , predicate , context ) : BI . backFindKey ( obj , predicate , context ) , void 0 !== key && key !== - 1 ) return obj [ key ] } , remove : function ( obj , target , context ) { var isFunction = BI . isFunction ( target ) ; target = isFunction || BI . isArray ( target ) ? target : [ target ] ; var i ; if ( BI . isArray ( obj ) ) for ( i = 0 ; i < obj . length ; i ++ ) ( isFunction && target . apply ( context , [ i , obj [ i ] ] ) === ! 0 || ! isFunction && BI . contains ( target , obj [ i ] ) ) && obj . splice ( i -- , 1 ) ; else BI . each ( obj , function ( i , v ) { ( isFunction && target . apply ( context , [ i , obj [ i ] ] ) === ! 0 || ! isFunction && BI . contains ( target , obj [ i ] ) ) && delete obj [ i ] } ) } , removeAt : function ( obj , index ) { index = BI . isArray ( index ) ? index : [ index ] ; var isArray = BI . isArray ( obj ) , i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < index . length ; i ++ ) isArray ? obj [ index [ i ] ] = "$deleteIndex" : delete obj [ index [ i ] ] ; isArray && BI . remove ( obj , "$deleteIndex" ) } , string2Array : function ( str ) { return str . split ( "&-&" ) } , array2String : function ( array ) { return array . join ( "&-&" ) } , abc2Int : function ( str ) { for ( var idx = 0 , start = "A" , str = str . toUpperCase ( ) , i = 0 , len = str . length ; i < len ; ++ i ) if ( idx = str . charAt ( i ) . charCodeAt ( 0 ) - start . charCodeAt ( 0 ) + 26 * idx + 1 , idx > ( 2147483646 - str . charAt ( i ) . charCodeAt ( 0 ) + start . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ) / 26 ) return 0 ; return idx } , int2Abc : function ( num ) { var DIGITS = [ "A" , "B" , "C" , "D" , "E" , "F" , "G" , "H" , "I" , "J" , "K" , "L" , "M" , "N" , "O" , "P" , "Q" , "R" , "S" , "T" , "U" , "V" , "W" , "X" , "Y" , "Z" ] , idx = num , str = "" ; if ( 0 === num ) return "" ; for ( ; 0 !== idx ; ) { var t = idx % 26 ; 0 === t && ( t = 26 ) , str = DIGITS [ t - 1 ] + str , idx = ( idx - t ) / 26 } return str } } ) , _ . each ( [ "first" , "initial" , "last" , "rest" , "compact" , "flatten" , "without" , "union" , "intersection" , "difference" , "zip" , "unzip" , "object" , "indexOf" , "lastIndexOf" , "sortedIndex" , "range" , "take" , "takeRight" , "uniqBy" ] , function ( name ) { BI [ name ] = _apply ( name ) } ) , _ . each ( [ "findIndex" , "findLastIndex" ] , function ( name ) { BI [ name ] = _applyFunc ( name ) } ) , _ . extend ( BI , { makeArray : function ( length , value ) { for ( var res = [ ] , i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) BI . isNull ( value ) ? res . push ( i ) : res . push ( BI . deepClone ( value ) ) ; return res } , makeObject : function ( array , value ) { for ( var map = { } , i = 0 ; i < array . length ; i ++ ) BI . isNull ( value ) ? map [ array [ i ] ] = array [ i ] : map [ array [ i ] ] = BI . deepClone ( value ) ; return map } , makeArrayByArray : function ( array , value ) { var res = [ ] ; if ( ! array ) return res ; for ( var i = 0 , len = array . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) BI . isArray ( array [ i ] ) ? res . push ( arguments . callee ( array [ i ] , value ) ) : res . push ( BI . deepClone ( value ) ) ; return res } , uniq : function ( array , isSorted , iteratee , context ) { return null == array ? [ ] : ( _ . isBoolean ( isSorted ) || ( context = iteratee , iteratee = isSorted , isSorted = ! 1 ) , iteratee && ( iteratee = traverse ( iteratee , context ) ) , _ . uniq . call ( _ , array , isSorted , iteratee
} , clone : function ( ) { var clone = Base . clone . call ( this ) ; return clone . _data = this . _data . clone ( ) , clone } , _minBufferSize : 0 } ) , Hasher = C _lib . Hasher = BufferedBlockAlgorithm . extend ( { cfg : Base . extend ( ) , init : function ( cfg ) { this . cfg = this . cfg . extend ( cfg ) , this . reset ( ) } , reset : function ( ) { BufferedBlockAlgorithm . reset . call ( this ) , this . _doReset ( ) } , update : function ( messageUpdate ) { return this . _append ( messageUpdate ) , this . _process ( ) , this } , finalize : function ( messageUpdate ) { messageUpdate && this . _append ( messageUpdate ) ; var hash = this . _doFinalize ( ) ; return hash } , blockSize : 16 , _createHelper : function ( hasher ) { return function ( message , cfg ) { return new hasher . init ( cfg ) . finalize ( message ) } } , _createHmacHelper : function ( hasher ) { return function ( message , key ) { return new C _algo . HMAC . init ( hasher , key ) . finalize ( message ) } } } ) , C _algo = C . algo = { } ; return C } ( Math ) ; ! function ( ) { var C = CryptoJS , C _lib = C . lib , WordArray = C _lib . WordArray , C _enc = C . enc , Base64 = C _enc . Base64 = { stringify : function ( wordArray ) { var words = wordArray . words , sigBytes = wordArray . sigBytes , map = this . _map ; wordArray . clamp ( ) ; for ( var base64Chars = [ ] , i = 0 ; i < sigBytes ; i += 3 ) for ( var byte1 = words [ i >>> 2 ] >>> 24 - i % 4 * 8 & 255 , byte2 = words [ i + 1 >>> 2 ] >>> 24 - ( i + 1 ) % 4 * 8 & 255 , byte3 = words [ i + 2 >>> 2 ] >>> 24 - ( i + 2 ) % 4 * 8 & 255 , triplet = byte1 << 16 | byte2 << 8 | byte3 , j = 0 ; j < 4 && i + . 75 * j < sigBytes ; j ++ ) base64Chars . push ( map . charAt ( triplet >>> 6 * ( 3 - j ) & 63 ) ) ; var paddingChar = map . charAt ( 64 ) ; if ( paddingChar ) for ( ; base64Chars . length % 4 ; ) base64Chars . push ( paddingChar ) ; return base64Chars . join ( "" ) } , parse : function ( base64Str ) { var base64StrLength = base64Str . length , map = this . _map , paddingChar = map . charAt ( 64 ) ; if ( paddingChar ) { var paddingIndex = base64Str . indexOf ( paddingChar ) ; paddingIndex != - 1 && ( base64StrLength = paddingIndex ) } for ( var words = [ ] , nBytes = 0 , i = 0 ; i < base64StrLength ; i ++ ) if ( i % 4 ) { var bits1 = map . indexOf ( base64Str . charAt ( i - 1 ) ) << i % 4 * 2 , bits2 = map . indexOf ( base64Str . charAt ( i ) ) >>> 6 - i % 4 * 2 ; words [ nBytes >>> 2 ] |= ( bits1 | bits2 ) << 24 - nBytes % 4 * 8 , nBytes ++ } return WordArray . create ( words , nBytes ) } , _map : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" } } ( ) , function ( Math ) { function FF ( a , b , c , d , x , s , t ) { var n = a + ( b & c | ~ b & d ) + x + t ; return ( n << s | n >>> 32 - s ) + b } function GG ( a , b , c , d , x , s , t ) { var n = a + ( b & d | c & ~ d ) + x + t ; return ( n << s | n >>> 32 - s ) + b } function HH ( a , b , c , d , x , s , t ) { var n = a + ( b ^ c ^ d ) + x + t ; return ( n << s | n >>> 32 - s ) + b } function II ( a , b , c , d , x , s , t ) { var n = a + ( c ^ ( b | ~ d ) ) + x + t ; return ( n << s | n >>> 32 - s ) + b } var C = CryptoJS , C _lib = C . lib , WordArray = C _lib . WordArray , Hasher = C _lib . Hasher , C _algo = C . algo , T = [ ] ; ! function ( ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i ++ ) T [ i ] = 4294967296 * Math . abs ( Math . sin ( i + 1 ) ) | 0 } ( ) ; var MD5 = C _algo . MD5 = Hasher . extend ( { _doReset : function ( ) { this . _hash = new WordArray . init ( [ 1732584193 , 4023233417 , 2562383102 , 271733878 ] ) } , _doProcessBlock : function ( M , offset ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i ++ ) { var offset _i = offset + i , M _offset _i = M [ offset _i ] ; M [ offset _i ] = 16711935 & ( M _offset _i << 8 | M _offset _i >>> 24 ) | 4278255360 & ( M _offset _i << 24 | M _offset _i >>> 8 ) } var H = this . _hash . words , M _offset _0 = M [ offset + 0 ] , M _offset _1 = M [ offset + 1 ] , M _offset _2 = M [ offset + 2 ] , M _offset _3 = M [ offset + 3 ] , M _offset _4 = M [ offset + 4 ] , M _offset _5 = M [ offset + 5 ] , M _offset _6 = M [ offset + 6 ] , M _offset _7 = M [ offset + 7 ] , M _offset _8 = M [ offset + 8 ] , M _offset _9 = M [ offset + 9 ] , M _offset _10 = M [ offset + 10 ] , M _offset _11 = M [ offset + 11 ] , M _offset _12 = M [ offset + 12 ] , M _offset _13 = M [ offset + 13 ] , M _offset _14 = M [ offset + 14 ] , M _offset _15 = M [ offset + 15 ] , a = H [ 0 ] , b = H [ 1 ] , c = H [ 2 ] , d = H [ 3 ] ; a = FF ( a , b , c , d , M _offset _0 , 7 , T [ 0 ] ) , d = FF ( d , a , b , c , M _offset _1 , 12 , T [ 1 ] ) , c = FF ( c , d , a , b , M _offset _2 , 17 , T [ 2 ] ) , b = FF ( b , c , d , a , M _offset _3 , 22 , T [ 3 ] ) , a = FF ( a , b , c , d , M _offset _4 , 7 , T [ 4 ] ) , d = FF ( d , a , b , c , M _offset _5 , 12 , T [ 5 ] ) , c = FF ( c , d , a , b , M _offset _6 , 17 , T [ 6 ] ) , b = FF ( b , c , d , a , M _offset _7 , 22 , T [ 7 ] ) , a = FF ( a , b , c , d , M _offset _8 , 7 , T [ 8 ] ) , d = FF ( d , a , b , c , M _offset _9 , 12 , T [ 9 ] ) , c = FF ( c , d , a , b , M _offset _10 , 17 , T [ 10 ] ) , b = FF ( b , c , d , a , M _offset _11 , 22 , T [ 11 ] ) , a = FF ( a , b , c , d , M _offset _12 , 7 , T [ 12 ] ) , d = FF ( d , a , b , c , M _offset _13 , 12 , T [ 13 ] ) , c = FF ( c , d , a , b , M _offset _14 , 17 , T [ 14 ] ) , b = FF ( b , c , d , a , M _offset _15 , 22 , T [ 15 ] ) , a = GG ( a , b , c , d , M _offset _1 , 5 , T [ 16 ] ) , d = GG ( d , a , b , c , M _offset _6 , 9 , T [ 17 ] ) , c = GG ( c , d , a , b , M _offset _11 , 14 , T [ 18 ] ) , b = GG ( b , c , d , a , M _offset _0 , 20 , T [ 19 ] ) , a = GG ( a , b , c , d , M _offset _5 , 5 , T [ 20 ] ) , d = GG ( d , a , b , c , M _offset _10 , 9 , T [ 21 ] ) , c = GG ( c , d , a , b , M _offset _15 , 14 , T [ 22 ] ) , b = GG ( b , c , d , a , M _offset _4 , 20 , T [ 23 ] ) , a = GG ( a , b , c , d , M _offset _9 , 5 , T [ 24 ] ) , d = GG ( d , a , b , c , M _offset _14 , 9 , T [ 25 ] ) , c
19969 : "DZ" , 19975 : "WM" , 19988 : "QJ" , 20048 : "YL" , 20056 : "SC" , 20060 : "NM" , 20094 : "QG" , 20127 : "QJ" , 20167 : "QC" , 20193 : "YG" , 20250 : "KH" , 20256 : "ZC" , 20282 : "SC" , 20285 : "QJG" , 20291 : "TD" , 20314 : "YD" , 20315 : "BF" , 20340 : "NE" , 20375 : "TD" , 20389 : "YJ" , 20391 : "CZ" , 20415 : "PB" , 20446 : "YS" , 20447 : "SQ" , 20504 : "TC" , 20608 : "KG" , 20854 : "QJ" , 20857 : "ZC" , 20911 : "PF" , 20985 : "AW" , 21032 : "PB" , 21048 : "XQ" , 21049 : "SC" , 21089 : "YS" , 21119 : "JC" , 21242 : "SB" , 21273 : "SC" , 21305 : "YP" , 21306 : "QO" , 21330 : "ZC" , 21333 : "SDC" , 21345 : "QK" , 21378 : "CA" , 21397 : "SC" , 21414 : "XS" , 21442 : "SC" , 21477 : "JG" , 21480 : "TD" , 21484 : "ZS" , 21494 : "YX" , 21505 : "YX" , 21512 : "HG" , 21523 : "XH" , 21537 : "PB" , 21542 : "PF" , 21549 : "KH" , 21571 : "E" , 21574 : "DA" , 21588 : "TD" , 21589 : "O" , 21618 : "ZC" , 21621 : "KHA" , 21632 : "ZJ" , 21654 : "KG" , 21679 : "LKG" , 21683 : "KH" , 21710 : "A" , 21719 : "YH" , 21734 : "WOE" , 21769 : "A" , 21780 : "WN" , 21804 : "XH" , 21834 : "A" , 21899 : "ZD" , 21903 : "RN" , 21908 : "WO" , 21939 : "ZC" , 21956 : "SA" , 21964 : "YA" , 21970 : "TD" , 22003 : "A" , 22031 : "JG" , 22040 : "XS" , 22060 : "ZC" , 22066 : "ZC" , 22079 : "MH" , 22129 : "XJ" , 22179 : "XA" , 22237 : "NJ" , 22244 : "TD" , 22280 : "JQ" , 22300 : "YH" , 22313 : "XW" , 22331 : "YQ" , 22343 : "YJ" , 22351 : "PH" , 22395 : "DC" , 22412 : "TD" , 22484 : "PB" , 22500 : "PB" , 22534 : "ZD" , 22549 : "DH" , 22561 : "PB" , 22612 : "TD" , 22771 : "KQ" , 22831 : "HB" , 22841 : "JG" , 22855 : "QJ" , 22865 : "XQ" , 23013 : "ML" , 23081 : "WM" , 23487 : "SX" , 23558 : "QJ" , 23561 : "YW" , 23586 : "YW" , 23614 : "YW" , 23615 : "SN" , 23631 : "PB" , 23646 : "ZS" , 23663 : "ZT" , 23673 : "YG" , 23762 : "TD" , 23769 : "ZS" , 23780 : "QJ" , 23884 : "QK" , 24055 : "XH" , 24113 : "DC" , 24162 : "ZC" , 24191 : "GA" , 24273 : "QJ" , 24324 : "NL" , 24377 : "TD" , 24378 : "QJ" , 24439 : "PF" , 24554 : "ZS" , 24683 : "TD" , 24694 : "WE" , 24733 : "LK" , 24925 : "TN" , 25094 : "ZG" , 25100 : "XQ" , 25103 : "XH" , 25153 : "PB" , 25170 : "PB" , 25179 : "KG" , 25203 : "PB" , 25240 : "ZS" , 25282 : "FB" , 25303 : "NA" , 25324 : "KG" , 25341 : "ZY" , 25373 : "WZ" , 25375 : "XJ" , 25384 : "A" , 25457 : "A" , 25528 : "SD" , 25530 : "SC" , 25552 : "TD" , 25774 : "ZC" , 25874 : "ZC" , 26044 : "YW" , 26080 : "WM" , 26292 : "PB" , 26333 : "PB" , 26355 : "ZY" , 26366 : "CZ" , 26397 : "ZC" , 26399 : "QJ" , 26415 : "ZS" , 26451 : "SB" , 26526 : "ZC" , 26552 : "JG" , 26561 : "TD" , 26588 : "JG" , 26597 : "CZ" , 26629 : "ZS" , 26638 : "YL" , 26646 : "XQ" , 26653 : "KG" , 26657 : "XJ" , 26727 : "HG" , 26894 : "ZC" , 26937 : "ZS" , 26946 : "ZC" , 26999 : "KJ" , 27099 : "KJ" , 27449 : "YQ" , 27481 : "XS" , 27542 : "ZS" , 27663 : "ZS" , 27748 : "TS" , 27784 : "SC" , 27788 : "ZD" , 27795 : "TD" , 27812 : "O" , 27850 : "PB" , 27852 : "MB" , 27895 : "SL" , 27898 : "PL" , 27973 : "QJ" , 27981 : "KH" , 27986 : "HX" , 27994 : "XJ" , 28044 : "YC" , 28065 : "WG" , 28177 : "SM" , 28267 : "QJ" , 28291 : "KH" , 28337 : "ZQ" , 28463 : "TL" , 28548 : "DC" , 28601 : "TD" , 28689 : "PB" , 28805 : "JG" , 28820 : "QG" , 28846 : "PB" , 28952 : "TD" , 28975 : "ZC" , 29100 : "A" , 29325 : "QJ" , 29575 : "SL" , 29602 : "FB" , 30010 : "TD" , 30044 : "CX" , 30058 : "PF" , 30091 : "YSP" , 30111 : "YN" , 30229 : "XJ" , 30427 : "SC" , 30465 : "SX" , 30631 : "YQ" , 30655 : "QJ" , 30684 : "QJG" , 30707 : "SD" , 30729 : "XH" , 30796 : "LG" , 30917 : "PB" , 31074 : "NM" , 31085 : "JZ" , 31109 : "SC" , 31181 : "ZC" , 31192 : "MLB" , 31293 : "JQ" , 31400 : "YX" , 31584 : "YJ" , 31896 : "ZN" , 31909 : "ZY" , 31995 : "XJ" , 32321 : "PF" , 32327 : "ZY" , 32418 : "HG" , 32420 : "XQ" , 32421 : "HG" , 32438 : "LG" , 32473 : "GJ" , 32488 : "TD" , 32521 : "QJ" , 32527 : "PB" , 32562 : "ZSQ" , 32564 : "JZ" , 32735 : "ZD" , 32793 : "PB" , 33071 : "PF" , 33098 : "XL" , 33100 : "YA" , 33152 : "PB" , 33261 : "CX" , 33324 : "BP" , 33333 : "TD" , 33406 : "YA" , 33426 : "WM" , 33432 : "PB" , 33445 : "JG" , 33486 : "ZN" , 33493 : "TS" , 33507 : "QJ" , 33540 : "QJ" , 33544 : "ZC" , 33564 : "XQ" , 33617 : "YT" , 33632 : "QJ" , 33636 : "XH" , 33637 : "YX" , 33694 : "WG" , 33705 : "PF" , 33728 : "YW" , 33882 : "SR" , 34067 : "WM" , 34074 : "YW" , 34121 : "QJ" , 34255 : "ZC" , 34259 : "XL" , 34425 : "JH" , 34430 : "XH" , 34485 : "KH" , 34503 : "YS" , 34532 : "HG" , 34552 : "XS" , 34558 : "YE" , 34593 : "ZL" , 34660 : "YQ" , 34892 : "XH" , 34928 : "SC" , 34999 : "QJ" , 35048 : "PB" , 35059 : "SC" , 35098 : "ZC" , 35203 : "TQ" , 35265 : "JX" , 35299 : "JX" , 35782 : "SZ" , 35828 : "YS" , 35830 : "E" , 35843 : "TD" , 35895 : "YG" , 35977 : "MH" , 36158 : "JG" , 36228 : "QJ" , 36426 : "XQ" , 36466 : "DC" , 36710 : "CJ" , 36711 : "ZYG" , 36767 : "PB" , 36866 : "SK" , 36951 : "YW" , 37034 : "YX" , 37063 : "XH" , 37218 : "ZC" , 37325 : "ZC" , 38063 : "PB" , 38079 : "TD" , 38085 : "QY" , 38107 : "DC" , 38116 : "TD" , 38123 : "YD" , 38224 : "HG" , 38241 : "XTC" , 38271 : "ZC" , 38415 : "YE" , 38426 : "KH" , 38461 : "YD" , 38463 : "AE" , 38466 : "PB" , 38477 : "XJ" , 38518 : "YT" , 38551 : "WK" , 38585 : "ZC" , 38704 : "XS" , 38739 : "LJ" , 38761 : "GJ" , 38808 : "SQ" , 39048 : "JG" , 39049 : "XJ" , 39052 : "HG" , 39076 : "CZ" , 39271 : "XT" , 39534 : "TD" , 39552 : "TD" , 39584 : "PB" , 39647 : "SB" , 39730 : "LG" , 39748 : "TPB" , 40109 : "ZQ" , 40479 : "ND" , 40516 : "HG" , 40536 : "HG" , 40583 : "QJ" , 40765 : "YQ" , 40784 : "QJ" , 40840 : "YK" , 40863 : "QJG" } , _checkPYCh =
if ( ! ( index < 0 || index > this . options . items . length - 1 ) ) { var child = this . _children [ this . _getChildName ( index ) ] , updated ; if ( updated = child . update ( this . _getOptions ( item ) ) ) return updated ; var del = this . _children [ this . _getChildName ( index ) ] ; delete this . _children [ this . _getChildName ( index ) ] , this . options . items . splice ( index , 1 ) ; var w = this . _addElement ( index , item ) ; this . options . items . splice ( index , 0 , item ) , this . _children [ this . _getChildName ( index ) ] = w , index > 0 ? this . _children [ this . _getChildName ( index - 1 ) ] . element . after ( w . element ) : w . element . prependTo ( this . _getWrapper ( ) ) , del . _destroy ( ) , w . _mount ( ) } } , addItems : function ( items , context ) { var self = this , o = this . options , fragment = BI . Widget . _renderEngine . createFragment ( ) , added = [ ] ; BI . each ( items , function ( i , item ) { var w = self . _addElement ( o . items . length , item , context ) ; self . _children [ self . _getChildName ( o . items . length ) ] = w , o . items . push ( item ) , added . push ( w ) , fragment . appendChild ( w . element [ 0 ] ) } ) , this . _isMounted && ( this . _getWrapper ( ) . append ( fragment ) , BI . each ( added , function ( i , w ) { w . _mount ( ) } ) ) } , prependItems : function ( items , context ) { var self = this ; items = items || [ ] ; for ( var fragment = BI . Widget . _renderEngine . createFragment ( ) , added = [ ] , i = items . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { this . _addItemAt ( 0 , items [ i ] ) ; var w = this . _addElement ( 0 , items [ i ] , context ) ; self . _children [ self . _getChildName ( 0 ) ] = w , this . options . items . unshift ( items [ i ] ) , added . push ( w ) , fragment . appendChild ( w . element [ 0 ] ) } this . _isMounted && ( this . _getWrapper ( ) . prepend ( fragment ) , BI . each ( added , function ( i , w ) { w . _mount ( ) } ) ) } , getValue : function ( ) { var self = this , value = [ ] , child ; return BI . each ( this . options . items , function ( i ) { if ( child = self . _children [ self . _getChildName ( i ) ] ) { var v = child . getValue ( ) ; v = BI . isArray ( v ) ? v : [ v ] , value = value . concat ( v ) } } ) , value } , setValue : function ( v ) { var self = this , child ; BI . each ( this . options . items , function ( i ) { ( child = self . _children [ self . _getChildName ( i ) ] ) && child . setValue ( v ) } ) } , setText : function ( v ) { var self = this , child ; BI . each ( this . options . items , function ( i ) { ( child = self . _children [ self . _getChildName ( i ) ] ) && child . setText ( v ) } ) } , patchItem : function ( oldVnode , vnode , index ) { var shouldUpdate = this . shouldUpdateItem ( index , vnode ) ; if ( shouldUpdate === ! 0 || null === shouldUpdate && ! this . _compare ( oldVnode , vnode ) ) return this . updateItemAt ( index , vnode ) } , updateChildren : function ( oldCh , newCh ) { function sameVnode ( vnode1 , vnode2 , oldIndex , newIndex ) { return vnode1 = self . _getOptions ( vnode1 ) , vnode2 = self . _getOptions ( vnode2 ) , BI . isKey ( vnode1 . key ) ? vnode1 . key === vnode2 . key : oldIndex >= 0 ? oldIndex === newIndex : void 0 } function addNode ( vnode , index ) { var opt = self . _getOptions ( vnode ) , key = null == opt . key ? self . _getChildName ( index ) : opt . key ; return children [ key ] = self . _addElement ( key , vnode ) } function addVnodes ( before , vnodes , startIdx , endIdx ) { for ( ; startIdx <= endIdx ; ++ startIdx ) { var node = addNode ( vnodes [ startIdx ] , startIdx ) ; insertBefore ( node , before , ! 1 , startIdx ) } } function removeVnodes ( vnodes , startIdx , endIdx ) { for ( ; startIdx <= endIdx ; ++ startIdx ) { var ch = vnodes [ startIdx ] ; if ( BI . isNotNull ( ch ) ) { var node = self . _getOptions ( ch ) , key = null == node . key ? self . _getChildName ( startIdx ) : node . key ; delete self . _children [ self . _getChildName ( key ) ] , children [ key ] . _destroy ( ) } } } function insertBefore ( insert , before , isNext , index ) { insert = self . _getOptions ( insert ) , before = before && self . _getOptions ( before ) ; var insertKey = BI . isKey ( insert . key ) ? insert . key : self . _getChildName ( index ) ; if ( before && children [ before . key ] ) { var beforeKey = BI . isKey ( before . key ) ? before . key : self . _getChildName ( index ) , next ; next = isNext ? children [ beforeKey ] . element . next ( ) : children [ beforeKey ] . element , next . length > 0 ? next . before ( children [ insertKey ] . element ) : self . _getWrapper ( ) . append ( children [ insertKey ] . element ) } else self . _getWrapper ( ) . append ( children [ insertKey ] . element ) } function findOldVnode ( vnodes , vNode , beginIdx , endIdx ) { var i , found ; for ( i = beginIdx ; i <= endIdx ; ++ i ) vnodes [ i ] && sameVnode ( vnodes [ i ] , vNode ) && ( found = vnodes [ i ] ) ; return found } var self = this , oldStartIdx = 0 , newStartIdx = 0 , oldEndIdx = oldCh . length - 1 , oldStartVnode = oldCh [ 0 ] , oldEndVnode = oldCh [ oldEndIdx ] , newEndIdx = newCh . length - 1 , newStartVnode = newCh [ 0 ] , newEndVnode = newCh [ newEndIdx ] , before , updated , children = { } ; for ( BI . each ( oldCh , function ( i , child ) { child = self . _getOptions ( child ) ; var key = null == child . key ? i : child . key ; BI . isKey ( key ) && ( children [ ke
self . layouts [ name ] . destroy ( ) } ) , this . layerManager = { } , this . layouts = { } , this } } ) , BI . MaskersController = BI . inherit ( BI . LayerController , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . MaskersController . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . MaskersController . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . zindex = BI . zIndex _masker } } ) , BI . PopoverController = BI . inherit ( BI . Controller , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . PopoverController . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { modal : ! 0 , render : "body" } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . PopoverController . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . modal = this . options . modal , this . floatManager = { } , this . floatLayer = { } , this . floatContainer = { } , this . floatOpened = { } , this . zindex = BI . zIndex _popover , this . zindexMap = { } } , _check : function ( name ) { return BI . isNotNull ( this . floatManager [ name ] ) } , create : function ( name , options , context ) { if ( this . _check ( name ) ) return this ; var popover = BI . createWidget ( options || { } , { type : "bi.popover" } , context ) ; return this . add ( name , popover , options , context ) , this } , add : function ( name , popover , options , context ) { var self = this ; return options || ( options = { } ) , this . _check ( name ) ? this : ( this . floatContainer [ name ] = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , cls : "bi-popup-view" , items : [ { el : this . floatLayer [ name ] = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , items : [ popover ] } , context ) , left : 0 , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } ) , this . floatManager [ name ] = popover , function ( key ) { popover . on ( BI . Popover . EVENT _CLOSE , function ( ) { self . close ( key ) } ) } ( name ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , element : options . container || this . options . render , items : [ { el : this . floatContainer [ name ] , left : 0 , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } ) , this ) } , open : function ( name ) { if ( ! this . _check ( name ) ) return this ; if ( ! this . floatOpened [ name ] ) { this . floatOpened [ name ] = ! 0 ; var container = this . floatContainer [ name ] ; container . element . css ( "zIndex" , this . zindex ++ ) , this . modal && container . element . _ _hasZIndexMask _ _ ( this . zindexMap [ name ] ) && container . element . _ _releaseZIndexMask _ _ ( this . zindexMap [ name ] ) , this . zindexMap [ name ] = this . zindex , this . modal && container . element . _ _buildZIndexMask _ _ ( this . zindex ++ ) , this . get ( name ) . setZindex ( this . zindex ++ ) , this . floatContainer [ name ] . visible ( ) ; var popover = this . get ( name ) ; popover . show && popover . show ( ) ; var W = BI . Widget . _renderEngine . createElement ( this . options . render ) . width ( ) , H = BI . Widget . _renderEngine . createElement ( this . options . render ) . height ( ) , w = popover . element . width ( ) , h = popover . element . height ( ) , left = ( W - w ) / 2 , top = ( H - h ) / 2 ; left < 0 && ( left = 0 ) , top < 0 && ( top = 0 ) , popover . element . css ( { left : left + "px" , top : top + "px" } ) } return this } , close : function ( name ) { return this . _check ( name ) ? ( this . floatOpened [ name ] && ( delete this . floatOpened [ name ] , this . floatContainer [ name ] . invisible ( ) , this . modal && this . floatContainer [ name ] . element . _ _releaseZIndexMask _ _ ( this . zindexMap [ name ] ) ) , this ) : this } , get : function ( name ) { return this . floatManager [ name ] } , remove : function ( name ) { return this . _check ( name ) ? ( this . floatContainer [ name ] . destroy ( ) , this . modal && this . floatContainer [ name ] . element . _ _releaseZIndexMask _ _ ( this . zindexMap [ name ] ) , delete this . floatManager [ name ] , delete this . floatLayer [ name ] , delete this . zindexMap [ name ] , delete this . floatContainer [ name ] , delete this . floatOpened [ name ] , this ) : this } , removeAll : function ( ) { var self = this ; return BI . each ( this . floatContainer , function ( name , container ) { container . destroy ( ) , self . modal && self . floatContainer [ name ] . element . _ _releaseZIndexMask _ _ ( self . zindexMap [ name ] ) } ) , this . floatManager = { } , this . floatLayer = { } , this . floatContainer = { } , this . floatOpened = { } , this . zindexMap = { } , this } } ) , BI . ResizeController = BI . inherit ( BI . Controller , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . ResizeController . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . ResizeController . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this ; this . resizerManger = { } ; var fn = BI . debounce ( function ( ev ) { self . _resize ( ev ) } , 30 ) ; BI . Widget . _renderEngine . createElement ( _global ) . resize ( fn ) } , _resize : function ( ev ) { BI . each ( this . resizerManger , function ( key , resizer ) { return resizer instanceof BI . $ ? void ( resizer . is ( ":visible" ) && resizer . trigger ( "__resize__" ) ) : resizer instanceof BI . Layout ? void resizer . resize ( ) : BI . isFunction ( resizer ) ? void resizer ( ev
type : "bi.table_adapt" } ) : isIE ? ob : supportFlex ? BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.flex_horizontal" } ) : BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.table_adapt" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.center_adapt" , function ( ob ) { var isIE = BI . isIE ( ) , supportFlex = isSupportFlex ( ) , justOneItem = ob . items && ob . items . length <= 1 ; return ! isIE && supportFlex && justOneItem ? ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrollx === ! 0 || ob . scrolly === ! 0 ? BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_center_adapt" } ) : BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.flex_center_adapt" } ) : justOneItem ? BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.inline_center_adapt" } ) : ob } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.vertical_adapt" , function ( ob ) { var isIE = BI . isIE ( ) , supportFlex = isSupportFlex ( ) ; return ! isIE && supportFlex ? ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrollx === ! 0 || ob . scrolly === ! 0 ? BI . extend ( { } , ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_vertical_center_adapt" } ) : BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.flex_vertical_center_adapt" } ) : BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.inline_vertical_adapt" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.horizontal_adapt" , function ( ob ) { return ob . items && ob . items . length <= 1 ? BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.horizontal_auto" } ) : ob } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.float_center_adapt" , function ( ob ) { return ! BI . isIE ( ) && isSupportFlex ( ) ? ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrollx === ! 0 || ob . scrolly === ! 0 ? BI . extend ( { } , ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_center_adapt" } ) : BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.flex_center_adapt" } ) : BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.inline_center_adapt" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.flex_horizontal" , function ( ob ) { if ( ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrolly === ! 0 ) return BI . extend ( { } , ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_horizontal" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.flex_vertical" , function ( ob ) { if ( ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrollx === ! 0 ) return BI . extend ( { } , ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_vertical" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.flex_horizontal_adapt" , function ( ob ) { if ( ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrollx === ! 0 ) return BI . extend ( { } , ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_horizontal_adapt" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.flex_vertical_adapt" , function ( ob ) { if ( ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrolly === ! 0 ) return BI . extend ( { } , ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_vertical_adapt" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.flex_horizontal_center_adapt" , function ( ob ) { if ( ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrollx === ! 0 ) return BI . extend ( { } , ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_horizontal_adapt" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.flex_vertical_center_adapt" , function ( ob ) { if ( ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrolly === ! 0 ) return BI . extend ( { } , ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_vertical_adapt" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.flex_center_adapt" , function ( ob ) { if ( ob . scrollable === ! 0 || ob . scrolly === ! 0 || ob . scrollx === ! 0 ) return BI . extend ( { } , ob , { type : "bi.flex_scrollable_center_adapt" } ) } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.radio" , function ( ob ) { return BI . isIE ( ) && BI . getIEVersion ( ) < 9 ? BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.image_radio" } ) : ob } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.checkbox" , function ( ob ) { return BI . isIE ( ) && BI . getIEVersion ( ) < 9 ? BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.image_checkbox" } ) : ob } ) , BI . Plugin . registerWidget ( "bi.half_icon_button" , function ( ob ) { return BI . isIE ( ) && BI . getIEVersion ( ) < 9 ? ob : BI . extend ( ob , { type : "bi.half_button" } ) } ) } ) , ! function ( ) { var attachEvent = _global . document && _global . document . attachEvent , stylesCreated = ! 1 ; if ( _global . document && ! attachEvent ) { var requestFrame = function ( ) { var raf = _global . requestAnimationFrame || _global . mozRequestAnimationFrame || _global . webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function ( fn ) { return _global . setTimeout ( fn , 20 ) } ; return function ( fn ) { return raf ( fn ) } } ( ) , cancelFrame = function ( ) { var cancel = _global . cancelAnimationFrame || _global . mozCancelAnimationFrame || _global . webkitCancelAnimationFrame || _global . clearTimeout ; return function ( id ) { return cancel ( id ) } } ( ) , resetTriggers = function ( element ) { var triggers = element . _ _resizeTriggers _ _ , expand = triggers . firstElementChild , contract = triggers . lastElementChild , expandChild = expand . firstElementChild ; contract . scrollLeft = contract . scrollWidth , contract . scrollTop = contract . scrollHeight , expandChild . style . width = expand . offsetWidth + 1 + "px" , expandChild . style . height = expand . offsetHeight + 1 + "px" , expand . scrollLeft = expand . scrollWidth , expand . scrollTop = expand . scrollHeight } , checkTriggers = function ( element ) { return element . offsetWidth !== element . _ _resizeLast _ _ . width || element . offsetHeight !== element . _ _resizeLast _ _ . height } , scrollListener = function ( e ) {
} function cloneCopyEvent ( src , dest ) { if ( 1 === dest . nodeType && jQuery . hasData ( src ) ) { var type , i , l , oldData = jQuery . _data ( src ) , curData = jQuery . _data ( dest , oldData ) , events = oldData . events ; if ( events ) { delete curData . handle , curData . events = { } ; for ( type in events ) for ( i = 0 , l = events [ type ] . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) jQuery . event . add ( dest , type , events [ type ] [ i ] ) } curData . data && ( curData . data = jQuery . extend ( { } , curData . data ) ) } } function fixCloneNodeIssues ( src , dest ) { var nodeName , e , data ; if ( 1 === dest . nodeType ) { if ( nodeName = dest . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) , ! jQuery . support . noCloneEvent && dest [ jQuery . expando ] ) { data = jQuery . _data ( dest ) ; for ( e in data . events ) jQuery . removeEvent ( dest , e , data . handle ) ; dest . removeAttribute ( jQuery . expando ) } "script" === nodeName && dest . text !== src . text ? ( disableScript ( dest ) . text = src . text , restoreScript ( dest ) ) : "object" === nodeName ? ( dest . parentNode && ( dest . outerHTML = src . outerHTML ) , jQuery . support . html5Clone && src . innerHTML && ! jQuery . trim ( dest . innerHTML ) && ( dest . innerHTML = src . innerHTML ) ) : "input" === nodeName && manipulation _rcheckableType . test ( src . type ) ? ( dest . defaultChecked = dest . checked = src . checked , dest . value !== src . value && ( dest . value = src . value ) ) : "option" === nodeName ? dest . defaultSelected = dest . selected = src . defaultSelected : "input" !== nodeName && "textarea" !== nodeName || ( dest . defaultValue = src . defaultValue ) } } function getAll ( context , tag ) { var elems , elem , i = 0 , found = typeof context . getElementsByTagName !== core _strundefined ? context . getElementsByTagName ( tag || "*" ) : typeof context . querySelectorAll !== core _strundefined ? context . querySelectorAll ( tag || "*" ) : undefined ; if ( ! found ) for ( found = [ ] , elems = context . childNodes || context ; null != ( elem = elems [ i ] ) ; i ++ ) ! tag || jQuery . nodeName ( elem , tag ) ? found . push ( elem ) : jQuery . merge ( found , getAll ( elem , tag ) ) ; return tag === undefined || tag && jQuery . nodeName ( context , tag ) ? jQuery . merge ( [ context ] , found ) : found } function fixDefaultChecked ( elem ) { manipulation _rcheckableType . test ( elem . type ) && ( elem . defaultChecked = elem . checked ) } function vendorPropName ( style , name ) { if ( name in style ) return name ; for ( var capName = name . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + name . slice ( 1 ) , origName = name , i = cssPrefixes . length ; i -- ; ) if ( name = cssPrefixes [ i ] + capName , name in style ) return name ; return origName } function isHidden ( elem , el ) { return elem = el || elem , "none" === jQuery . css ( elem , "display" ) || ! jQuery . contains ( elem . ownerDocument , elem ) } function showHide ( elements , show ) { for ( var display , elem , hidden , values = [ ] , index = 0 , length = elements . length ; index < length ; index ++ ) elem = elements [ index ] , elem . style && ( values [ index ] = jQuery . _data ( elem , "olddisplay" ) , display = elem . style . display , show ? ( values [ index ] || "none" !== display || ( elem . style . display = "" ) , "" === elem . style . display && isHidden ( elem ) && ( values [ index ] = jQuery . _data ( elem , "olddisplay" , css _defaultDisplay ( elem . nodeName ) ) ) ) : values [ index ] || ( hidden = isHidden ( elem ) , ( display && "none" !== display || ! hidden ) && jQuery . _data ( elem , "olddisplay" , hidden ? display : jQuery . css ( elem , "display" ) ) ) ) ; for ( index = 0 ; index < length ; index ++ ) elem = elements [ index ] , elem . style && ( show && "none" !== elem . style . display && "" !== elem . style . display || ( elem . style . display = show ? values [ index ] || "" : "none" ) ) ; return elements } function setPositiveNumber ( elem , value , subtract ) { var matches = rnumsplit . exec ( value ) ; return matches ? Math . max ( 0 , matches [ 1 ] - ( subtract || 0 ) ) + ( matches [ 2 ] || "px" ) : value } function augmentWidthOrHeight ( elem , name , extra , isBorderBox , styles ) { for ( var i = extra === ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ) ? 4 : "width" === name ? 1 : 0 , val = 0 ; i < 4 ; i += 2 ) "margin" === extra && ( val += jQuery . css ( elem , extra + cssExpand [ i ] , ! 0 , styles ) ) , isBorderBox ? ( "content" === extra && ( val -= jQuery . css ( elem , "padding" + cssExpand [ i ] , ! 0 , styles ) ) , "margin" !== extra && ( val -= jQuery . css ( elem , "border" + cssExpand [ i ] + "Width" , ! 0 , styles ) ) ) : ( val += jQuery . css ( elem , "padding" + cssExpand [ i ] , ! 0 , styles ) , "padding" !== extra && ( val += jQuery . css ( elem , "border" + cssExpand [ i ] + "Width" , ! 0 , styles ) ) ) ; return val } function getWidthOrHeight ( elem , name , extra ) { var valueIsBorderBox = ! 0 , val = "width" === name ? elem . offsetWidth : elem . offsetHeight , styles = getStyles ( elem ) , isBorderBox = jQuery . support . boxSizing && "border-box" === jQuery . css ( elem , "boxSizing" , ! 1 , styles ) ; if ( val <= 0 || null == val ) { if ( val = curCSS ( elem , name , styles ) , ( val < 0 || null == val ) && ( val = elem . style [ name ] ) , rnumnonpx . test ( val ) ) return val ; valueIsBord
width : "4px" } ) . width , marginDiv = div . appendChild ( document . createElement ( "div" ) ) , marginDiv . style . cssText = div . style . cssText = divReset , marginDiv . style . marginRight = marginDiv . style . width = "0" , div . style . width = "1px" , support . reliableMarginRight = ! parseFloat ( ( window . getComputedStyle ( marginDiv , null ) || { } ) . marginRight ) ) , typeof div . style . zoom !== core _strundefined && ( div . innerHTML = "" , div . style . cssText = divReset + "width:1px;padding:1px;display:inline;zoom:1" , support . inlineBlockNeedsLayout = 3 === div . offsetWidth , div . style . display = "block" , div . innerHTML = "<div></div>" , div . firstChild . style . width = "5px" , support . shrinkWrapBlocks = 3 !== div . offsetWidth , support . inlineBlockNeedsLayout && ( body . style . zoom = 1 ) ) , body . removeChild ( container ) , container = div = tds = marginDiv = null ) } ) , all = select = fragment = opt = a = input = null , support } ( ) ; var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/ , rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g ; jQuery . extend ( { cache : { } , expando : "jQuery" + ( core _version + Math . random ( ) ) . replace ( /\D/g , "" ) , noData : { embed : ! 0 , object : "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" , applet : ! 0 } , hasData : function ( elem ) { return elem = elem . nodeType ? jQuery . cache [ elem [ jQuery . expando ] ] : elem [ jQuery . expando ] , ! ! elem && ! isEmptyDataObject ( elem ) } , data : function ( elem , name , data ) { return internalData ( elem , name , data ) } , removeData : function ( elem , name ) { return internalRemoveData ( elem , name ) } , _data : function ( elem , name , data ) { return internalData ( elem , name , data , ! 0 ) } , _removeData : function ( elem , name ) { return internalRemoveData ( elem , name , ! 0 ) } , acceptData : function ( elem ) { if ( elem . nodeType && 1 !== elem . nodeType && 9 !== elem . nodeType ) return ! 1 ; var noData = elem . nodeName && jQuery . noData [ elem . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ] ; return ! noData || noData !== ! 0 && elem . getAttribute ( "classid" ) === noData } } ) , jQuery . fn . extend ( { data : function ( key , value ) { var attrs , name , elem = this [ 0 ] , i = 0 , data = null ; if ( key === undefined ) { if ( this . length && ( data = jQuery . data ( elem ) , 1 === elem . nodeType && ! jQuery . _data ( elem , "parsedAttrs" ) ) ) { for ( attrs = elem . attributes ; i < attrs . length ; i ++ ) name = attrs [ i ] . name , name . indexOf ( "data-" ) || ( name = jQuery . camelCase ( name . slice ( 5 ) ) , dataAttr ( elem , name , data [ name ] ) ) ; jQuery . _data ( elem , "parsedAttrs" , ! 0 ) } return data } return "object" == typeof key ? this . each ( function ( ) { jQuery . data ( this , key ) } ) : jQuery . access ( this , function ( value ) { return value === undefined ? elem ? dataAttr ( elem , key , jQuery . data ( elem , key ) ) : null : void this . each ( function ( ) { jQuery . data ( this , key , value ) } ) } , null , value , arguments . length > 1 , null , ! 0 ) } , removeData : function ( key ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { jQuery . removeData ( this , key ) } ) } } ) , jQuery . extend ( { queue : function ( elem , type , data ) { var queue ; if ( elem ) return type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue" , queue = jQuery . _data ( elem , type ) , data && ( ! queue || jQuery . isArray ( data ) ? queue = jQuery . _data ( elem , type , jQuery . makeArray ( data ) ) : queue . push ( data ) ) , queue || [ ] } , dequeue : function ( elem , type ) { type = type || "fx" ; var queue = jQuery . queue ( elem , type ) , startLength = queue . length , fn = queue . shift ( ) , hooks = jQuery . _queueHooks ( elem , type ) , next = function ( ) { jQuery . dequeue ( elem , type ) } ; "inprogress" === fn && ( fn = queue . shift ( ) , startLength -- ) , hooks . cur = fn , fn && ( "fx" === type && queue . unshift ( "inprogress" ) , delete hooks . stop , fn . call ( elem , next , hooks ) ) , ! startLength && hooks && hooks . empty . fire ( ) } , _queueHooks : function ( elem , type ) { var key = type + "queueHooks" ; return jQuery . _data ( elem , key ) || jQuery . _data ( elem , key , { empty : jQuery . Callbacks ( "once memory" ) . add ( function ( ) { jQuery . _removeData ( elem , type + "queue" ) , jQuery . _removeData ( elem , key ) } ) } ) } } ) , jQuery . fn . extend ( { queue : function ( type , data ) { var setter = 2 ; return "string" != typeof type && ( data = type , type = "fx" , setter -- ) , arguments . length < setter ? jQuery . queue ( this [ 0 ] , type ) : data === undefined ? this : this . each ( function ( ) { var queue = jQuery . queue ( this , type , data ) ; jQuery . _queueHooks ( this , type ) , "fx" === type && "inprogress" !== queue [ 0 ] && jQuery . dequeue ( this , type ) } ) } , dequeue : function ( type ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { jQuery . dequeue ( this , type ) } ) } , delay : function ( time , type ) { return time = jQuery . fx ? jQuery . fx . speeds [ time ] || time : time , type = type || "fx" , this . queue ( type , function ( next , hooks ) { var timeout = setTimeout ( next , time ) ; hooks . stop = function ( ) { clearTimeout ( timeout ) } } ) } , clearQueue : function ( type ) { return this . queue ( type || "fx" , [ ] ) } , promise : function ( type , obj ) { var tmp , count = 1 , defer = jQuery . Deferred ( ) , elements =
return ( "input" === name || "button" === name ) && elem . type === type } } function createPositionalPseudo ( fn ) { return markFunction ( function ( argument ) { return argument = + argument , markFunction ( function ( seed , matches ) { for ( var j , matchIndexes = fn ( [ ] , seed . length , argument ) , i = matchIndexes . length ; i -- ; ) seed [ j = matchIndexes [ i ] ] && ( seed [ j ] = ! ( matches [ j ] = seed [ j ] ) ) } ) } ) } function tokenize ( selector , parseOnly ) { var matched , match , tokens , type , soFar , groups , preFilters , cached = tokenCache [ selector + " " ] ; if ( cached ) return parseOnly ? 0 : cached . slice ( 0 ) ; for ( soFar = selector , groups = [ ] , preFilters = Expr . preFilter ; soFar ; ) { matched && ! ( match = rcomma . exec ( soFar ) ) || ( match && ( soFar = soFar . slice ( match [ 0 ] . length ) || soFar ) , groups . push ( tokens = [ ] ) ) , matched = ! 1 , ( match = rcombinators . exec ( soFar ) ) && ( matched = match . shift ( ) , tokens . push ( { value : matched , type : match [ 0 ] . replace ( rtrim , " " ) } ) , soFar = soFar . slice ( matched . length ) ) ; for ( type in Expr . filter ) ! ( match = matchExpr [ type ] . exec ( soFar ) ) || preFilters [ type ] && ! ( match = preFilters [ type ] ( match ) ) || ( matched = match . shift ( ) , tokens . push ( { value : matched , type : type , matches : match } ) , soFar = soFar . slice ( matched . length ) ) ; if ( ! matched ) break } return parseOnly ? soFar . length : soFar ? Sizzle . error ( selector ) : tokenCache ( selector , groups ) . slice ( 0 ) } function toSelector ( tokens ) { for ( var i = 0 , len = tokens . length , selector = "" ; i < len ; i ++ ) selector += tokens [ i ] . value ; return selector } function addCombinator ( matcher , combinator , base ) { var dir = combinator . dir , checkNonElements = base && "parentNode" === dir , doneName = done ++ ; return combinator . first ? function ( elem , context , xml ) { for ( ; elem = elem [ dir ] ; ) if ( 1 === elem . nodeType || checkNonElements ) return matcher ( elem , context , xml ) } : function ( elem , context , xml ) { var data , cache , outerCache , dirkey = dirruns + " " + doneName ; if ( xml ) { for ( ; elem = elem [ dir ] ; ) if ( ( 1 === elem . nodeType || checkNonElements ) && matcher ( elem , context , xml ) ) return ! 0 } else for ( ; elem = elem [ dir ] ; ) if ( 1 === elem . nodeType || checkNonElements ) if ( outerCache = elem [ expando ] || ( elem [ expando ] = { } ) , ( cache = outerCache [ dir ] ) && cache [ 0 ] === dirkey ) { if ( ( data = cache [ 1 ] ) === ! 0 || data === cachedruns ) return data === ! 0 } else if ( cache = outerCache [ dir ] = [ dirkey ] , cache [ 1 ] = matcher ( elem , context , xml ) || cachedruns , cache [ 1 ] === ! 0 ) return ! 0 } } function elementMatcher ( matchers ) { return matchers . length > 1 ? function ( elem , context , xml ) { for ( var i = matchers . length ; i -- ; ) if ( ! matchers [ i ] ( elem , context , xml ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } : matchers [ 0 ] } function condense ( unmatched , map , filter , context , xml ) { for ( var elem , newUnmatched = [ ] , i = 0 , len = unmatched . length , mapped = null != map ; i < len ; i ++ ) ( elem = unmatched [ i ] ) && ( filter && ! filter ( elem , context , xml ) || ( newUnmatched . push ( elem ) , mapped && map . push ( i ) ) ) ; return newUnmatched } function setMatcher ( preFilter , selector , matcher , postFilter , postFinder , postSelector ) { return postFilter && ! postFilter [ expando ] && ( postFilter = setMatcher ( postFilter ) ) , postFinder && ! postFinder [ expando ] && ( postFinder = setMatcher ( postFinder , postSelector ) ) , markFunction ( function ( seed , results , context , xml ) { var temp , i , elem , preMap = [ ] , postMap = [ ] , preexisting = results . length , elems = seed || multipleContexts ( selector || "*" , context . nodeType ? [ context ] : context , [ ] ) , matcherIn = ! preFilter || ! seed && selector ? elems : condense ( elems , preMap , preFilter , context , xml ) , matcherOut = matcher ? postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ? [ ] : results : matcherIn ; if ( matcher && matcher ( matcherIn , matcherOut , context , xml ) , postFilter ) for ( temp = condense ( matcherOut , postMap ) , postFilter ( temp , [ ] , context , xml ) , i = temp . length ; i -- ; ) ( elem = temp [ i ] ) && ( matcherOut [ postMap [ i ] ] = ! ( matcherIn [ postMap [ i ] ] = elem ) ) ; if ( seed ) { if ( postFinder || preFilter ) { if ( postFinder ) { for ( temp = [ ] , i = matcherOut . length ; i -- ; ) ( elem = matcherOut [ i ] ) && temp . push ( matcherIn [ i ] = elem ) ; postFinder ( null , matcherOut = [ ] , temp , xml ) } for ( i = matcherOut . length ; i -- ; ) ( elem = matcherOut [ i ] ) && ( temp = postFinder ? indexOf . call ( seed , elem ) : preMap [ i ] ) > - 1 && ( seed [ temp ] = ! ( results [ temp ] = elem ) ) } } else matcherOut = condense ( matcherOut === results ? matcherOut . splice ( preexisting , matcherOut . length ) : matcherOut ) , postFinder ? postFinder ( null , results , matcherOut , xml ) : push . apply ( results , matcherOut ) } ) } function matcherFromTokens ( tokens ) { for ( var checkContext , matcher , j , len = tokens . length , leadingRelative = Expr . relative [ tokens [ 0 ] . type ] , implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr . relative [ " " ] , i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0 ,
} ) } , prepend : function ( ) { return this . domManip ( arguments , ! 0 , function ( elem ) { 1 !== this . nodeType && 11 !== this . nodeType && 9 !== this . nodeType || this . insertBefore ( elem , this . firstChild ) } ) } , before : function ( ) { return this . domManip ( arguments , ! 1 , function ( elem ) { this . parentNode && this . parentNode . insertBefore ( elem , this ) } ) } , after : function ( ) { return this . domManip ( arguments , ! 1 , function ( elem ) { this . parentNode && this . parentNode . insertBefore ( elem , this . nextSibling ) } ) } , remove : function ( selector , keepData ) { for ( var elem , i = 0 ; null != ( elem = this [ i ] ) ; i ++ ) ( ! selector || jQuery . filter ( selector , [ elem ] ) . length > 0 ) && ( keepData || 1 !== elem . nodeType || jQuery . cleanData ( getAll ( elem ) ) , elem . parentNode && ( keepData && jQuery . contains ( elem . ownerDocument , elem ) && setGlobalEval ( getAll ( elem , "script" ) ) , elem . parentNode . removeChild ( elem ) ) ) ; return this } , empty : function ( ) { for ( var elem , i = 0 ; null != ( elem = this [ i ] ) ; i ++ ) { for ( 1 === elem . nodeType && jQuery . cleanData ( getAll ( elem , ! 1 ) ) ; elem . firstChild ; ) elem . removeChild ( elem . firstChild ) ; elem . options && jQuery . nodeName ( elem , "select" ) && ( elem . options . length = 0 ) } return this } , clone : function ( dataAndEvents , deepDataAndEvents ) { return dataAndEvents = null != dataAndEvents && dataAndEvents , deepDataAndEvents = null == deepDataAndEvents ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents , this . map ( function ( ) { return jQuery . clone ( this , dataAndEvents , deepDataAndEvents ) } ) } , html : function ( value ) { return jQuery . access ( this , function ( value ) { var elem = this [ 0 ] || { } , i = 0 , l = this . length ; if ( value === undefined ) return 1 === elem . nodeType ? elem . innerHTML . replace ( rinlinejQuery , "" ) : undefined ; if ( "string" == typeof value && ! rnoInnerhtml . test ( value ) && ( jQuery . support . htmlSerialize || ! rnoshimcache . test ( value ) ) && ( jQuery . support . leadingWhitespace || ! rleadingWhitespace . test ( value ) ) && ! wrapMap [ ( rtagName . exec ( value ) || [ "" , "" ] ) [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) { value = value . replace ( rxhtmlTag , "<$1></$2>" ) ; try { for ( ; i < l ; i ++ ) elem = this [ i ] || { } , 1 === elem . nodeType && ( jQuery . cleanData ( getAll ( elem , ! 1 ) ) , elem . innerHTML = value ) ; elem = 0 } catch ( e ) { } } elem && this . empty ( ) . append ( value ) } , null , value , arguments . length ) } , replaceWith : function ( value ) { var isFunc = jQuery . isFunction ( value ) ; return isFunc || "string" == typeof value || ( value = jQuery ( value ) . not ( this ) . detach ( ) ) , this . domManip ( [ value ] , ! 0 , function ( elem ) { var next = this . nextSibling , parent = this . parentNode ; parent && ( jQuery ( this ) . remove ( ) , parent . insertBefore ( elem , next ) ) } ) } , detach : function ( selector ) { return this . remove ( selector , ! 0 ) } , domManip : function ( args , table , callback ) { args = core _concat . apply ( [ ] , args ) ; var first , node , hasScripts , scripts , doc , fragment , i = 0 , l = this . length , set = this , iNoClone = l - 1 , value = args [ 0 ] , isFunction = jQuery . isFunction ( value ) ; if ( isFunction || ! ( l <= 1 || "string" != typeof value || jQuery . support . checkClone ) && rchecked . test ( value ) ) return this . each ( function ( index ) { var self = set . eq ( index ) ; isFunction && ( args [ 0 ] = value . call ( this , index , table ? self . html ( ) : undefined ) ) , self . domManip ( args , table , callback ) } ) ; if ( l && ( fragment = jQuery . buildFragment ( args , this [ 0 ] . ownerDocument , ! 1 , this ) , first = fragment . firstChild , 1 === fragment . childNodes . length && ( fragment = first ) , first ) ) { for ( table = table && jQuery . nodeName ( first , "tr" ) , scripts = jQuery . map ( getAll ( fragment , "script" ) , disableScript ) , hasScripts = scripts . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) node = fragment , i !== iNoClone && ( node = jQuery . clone ( node , ! 0 , ! 0 ) , hasScripts && jQuery . merge ( scripts , getAll ( node , "script" ) ) ) , callback . call ( table && jQuery . nodeName ( this [ i ] , "table" ) ? findOrAppend ( this [ i ] , "tbody" ) : this [ i ] , node , i ) ; if ( hasScripts ) for ( doc = scripts [ scripts . length - 1 ] . ownerDocument , jQuery . map ( scripts , restoreScript ) , i = 0 ; i < hasScripts ; i ++ ) node = scripts [ i ] , rscriptType . test ( node . type || "" ) && ! jQuery . _data ( node , "globalEval" ) && jQuery . contains ( doc , node ) && ( node . src ? jQuery . ajax ( { url : node . src , type : "GET" , dataType : "script" , async : ! 1 , global : ! 1 , "throws" : ! 0 } ) : jQuery . globalEval ( ( node . text || node . textContent || node . innerHTML || "" ) . replace ( rcleanScript , "" ) ) ) ; fragment = first = null } return this } } ) , jQuery . each ( { appendTo : "append" , prependTo : "prepend" , insertBefore : "before" , insertAfter : "after" , replaceAll : "replaceWith" } , function ( name , original ) { jQuery . fn [ name ] = function ( selector ) { for ( var elems , i = 0 , ret = [ ] , insert = jQuery ( selector ) , last = insert . length - 1 ; i <= last ; i ++ ) elems = i === last ? this : this . clone ( ! 0 ) , jQuery ( insert [ i ] ) [ original ] ( elems )
if ( index ) data [ index ] && data [ index ] . stop && stopQueue ( data [ index ] ) ; else for ( index in data ) data [ index ] && data [ index ] . stop && rrun . test ( index ) && stopQueue ( data [ index ] ) ; for ( index = timers . length ; index -- ; ) timers [ index ] . elem !== this || null != type && timers [ index ] . queue !== type || ( timers [ index ] . anim . stop ( gotoEnd ) , dequeue = ! 1 , timers . splice ( index , 1 ) ) ; ! dequeue && gotoEnd || jQuery . dequeue ( this , type ) } ) } , finish : function ( type ) { return type !== ! 1 && ( type = type || "fx" ) , this . each ( function ( ) { var index , data = jQuery . _data ( this ) , queue = data [ type + "queue" ] , hooks = data [ type + "queueHooks" ] , timers = jQuery . timers , length = queue ? queue . length : 0 ; for ( data . finish = ! 0 , jQuery . queue ( this , type , [ ] ) , hooks && hooks . cur && hooks . cur . finish && hooks . cur . finish . call ( this ) , index = timers . length ; index -- ; ) timers [ index ] . elem === this && timers [ index ] . queue === type && ( timers [ index ] . anim . stop ( ! 0 ) , timers . splice ( index , 1 ) ) ; for ( index = 0 ; index < length ; index ++ ) queue [ index ] && queue [ index ] . finish && queue [ index ] . finish . call ( this ) ; delete data . finish } ) } } ) , jQuery . each ( { slideDown : genFx ( "show" ) , slideUp : genFx ( "hide" ) , slideToggle : genFx ( "toggle" ) , fadeIn : { opacity : "show" } , fadeOut : { opacity : "hide" } , fadeToggle : { opacity : "toggle" } } , function ( name , props ) { jQuery . fn [ name ] = function ( speed , easing , callback ) { return this . animate ( props , speed , easing , callback ) } } ) , jQuery . speed = function ( speed , easing , fn ) { var opt = speed && "object" == typeof speed ? jQuery . extend ( { } , speed ) : { complete : fn || ! fn && easing || jQuery . isFunction ( speed ) && speed , duration : speed , easing : fn && easing || easing && ! jQuery . isFunction ( easing ) && easing } ; return opt . duration = jQuery . fx . off ? 0 : "number" == typeof opt . duration ? opt . duration : opt . duration in jQuery . fx . speeds ? jQuery . fx . speeds [ opt . duration ] : jQuery . fx . speeds . _default , null != opt . queue && opt . queue !== ! 0 || ( opt . queue = "fx" ) , opt . old = opt . complete , opt . complete = function ( ) { jQuery . isFunction ( opt . old ) && opt . old . call ( this ) , opt . queue && jQuery . dequeue ( this , opt . queue ) } , opt } , jQuery . easing = { linear : function ( p ) { return p } , swing : function ( p ) { return . 5 - Math . cos ( p * Math . PI ) / 2 } } , jQuery . timers = [ ] , jQuery . fx = Tween . prototype . init , jQuery . fx . tick = function ( ) { var timer , timers = jQuery . timers , i = 0 ; for ( fxNow = jQuery . now ( ) ; i < timers . length ; i ++ ) timer = timers [ i ] , timer ( ) || timers [ i ] !== timer || timers . splice ( i -- , 1 ) ; timers . length || jQuery . fx . stop ( ) , fxNow = undefined } , jQuery . fx . timer = function ( timer ) { timer ( ) && jQuery . timers . push ( timer ) && jQuery . fx . start ( ) } , jQuery . fx . interval = 13 , jQuery . fx . start = function ( ) { timerId || ( timerId = setInterval ( jQuery . fx . tick , jQuery . fx . interval ) ) } , jQuery . fx . stop = function ( ) { clearInterval ( timerId ) , timerId = null } , jQuery . fx . speeds = { slow : 600 , fast : 200 , _default : 400 } , jQuery . fx . step = { } , jQuery . expr && jQuery . expr . filters && ( jQuery . expr . filters . animated = function ( elem ) { return jQuery . grep ( jQuery . timers , function ( fn ) { return elem === fn . elem } ) . length } ) , jQuery . fn . offset = function ( options ) { if ( arguments . length ) return options === undefined ? this : this . each ( function ( i ) { jQuery . offset . setOffset ( this , options , i ) } ) ; var docElem , win , box = { top : 0 , left : 0 } , elem = this [ 0 ] , doc = elem && elem . ownerDocument ; if ( doc ) return docElem = doc . documentElement , jQuery . contains ( docElem , elem ) ? ( typeof elem . getBoundingClientRect !== core _strundefined && ( box = elem . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ) , win = getWindow ( doc ) , { top : box . top + ( win . pageYOffset || docElem . scrollTop ) - ( docElem . clientTop || 0 ) , left : box . left + ( win . pageXOffset || docElem . scrollLeft ) - ( docElem . clientLeft || 0 ) } ) : box } , jQuery . offset = { setOffset : function ( elem , options , i ) { var position = jQuery . css ( elem , "position" ) ; "static" === position && ( elem . style . position = "relative" ) ; var curElem = jQuery ( elem ) , curOffset = curElem . offset ( ) , curCSSTop = jQuery . css ( elem , "top" ) , curCSSLeft = jQuery . css ( elem , "left" ) , calculatePosition = ( "absolute" === position || "fixed" === position ) && jQuery . inArray ( "auto" , [ curCSSTop , curCSSLeft ] ) > - 1 , props = { } , curPosition = { } , curTop , curLeft ; calculatePosition ? ( curPosition = curElem . position ( ) , curTop = curPosition . top , curLeft = curPosition . left ) : ( curTop = parseFloat ( curCSSTop ) || 0 , curLeft = parseFloat ( curCSSLeft ) || 0 ) , jQuery . isFunction ( options ) && ( options = options . call ( elem , i , curOffset ) ) , null != options . top && ( props . top = options . top - curOffset . top + curTop ) , null != options . left && ( props . left = options . left - curOffset . left + curLeft ) , "using" in options ? options . using . call ( elem , pr
this . populate ( this . options . items ) } , _addElement : function ( i , item ) { var o = this . options , w = BI . FlexHorizontalLayout . superclass . _addElement . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return w . element . css ( { position : "relative" , "flex-shrink" : "0" } ) , o . columnSize [ i ] > 0 && w . element . width ( o . columnSize [ i ] ) , "fill" === o . columnSize [ i ] && w . element . css ( "flex" , "1" ) , o . vgap + o . tgap + ( item . tgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-top" : o . vgap + o . tgap + ( item . tgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , o . hgap + o . lgap + ( item . lgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-left" : ( 0 === i ? o . hgap : 0 ) + o . lgap + ( item . lgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , o . hgap + o . rgap + ( item . rgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-right" : o . hgap + o . rgap + ( item . rgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , o . vgap + o . bgap + ( item . bgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-bottom" : o . vgap + o . bgap + ( item . bgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , w } , resize : function ( ) { } , populate : function ( items ) { BI . FlexHorizontalLayout . superclass . populate . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . _mount ( ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.flex_horizontal" , BI . FlexHorizontalLayout ) , BI . FlexVerticalCenter = BI . inherit ( BI . Layout , { props : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . FlexVerticalCenter . superclass . props . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-flex-vertical-center-adapt-layout" , horizontalAlign : BI . HorizontalAlign . Left , columnSize : [ ] , scrollx : ! 1 , hgap : 0 , vgap : 0 , lgap : 0 , rgap : 0 , tgap : 0 , bgap : 0 } ) } , render : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; return { type : "bi.flex_horizontal" , ref : function ( _ref ) { self . wrapper = _ref } , verticalAlign : BI . VerticalAlign . Middle , horizontalAlign : o . horizontalAlign , columnSize : o . columnSize , scrollx : o . scrollx , scrolly : o . scrolly , scrollable : o . scrollable , vgap : o . vgap , lgap : o . lgap , rgap : o . rgap , hgap : o . hgap , items : o . items } } , resize : function ( ) { } , update : function ( opt ) { return this . wrapper . update ( opt ) } , populate : function ( items ) { this . wrapper . populate ( items ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.flex_vertical_adapt" , BI . FlexVerticalCenter ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.flex_vertical_center_adapt" , BI . FlexVerticalCenter ) , BI . FlexVerticalLayout = BI . inherit ( BI . Layout , { props : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . FlexVerticalLayout . superclass . props . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-flex-vertical-layout" , horizontalAlign : BI . HorizontalAlign . Left , verticalAlign : BI . VerticalAlign . Top , rowSize : [ ] , scrolly : ! 0 , hgap : 0 , vgap : 0 , lgap : 0 , rgap : 0 , tgap : 0 , bgap : 0 } ) } , render : function ( ) { BI . FlexVerticalLayout . superclass . render . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var o = this . options ; this . element . addClass ( "h-" + o . horizontalAlign ) . addClass ( "v-" + o . verticalAlign ) , this . populate ( this . options . items ) } , _addElement : function ( i , item ) { var w = BI . FlexVerticalLayout . superclass . _addElement . apply ( this , arguments ) , o = this . options ; return w . element . css ( { position : "relative" , "flex-shrink" : "0" } ) , o . rowSize [ i ] > 0 && w . element . height ( o . rowSize [ i ] ) , "fill" === o . rowSize [ i ] && w . element . css ( "flex" , "1" ) , o . vgap + o . tgap + ( item . tgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-top" : ( 0 === i ? o . vgap : 0 ) + o . tgap + ( item . tgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , o . hgap + o . lgap + ( item . lgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-left" : o . hgap + o . lgap + ( item . lgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , o . hgap + o . rgap + ( item . rgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-right" : o . hgap + o . rgap + ( item . rgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , o . vgap + o . bgap + ( item . bgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-bottom" : o . vgap + o . bgap + ( item . bgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , w } , resize : function ( ) { } , populate : function ( items ) { BI . FlexVerticalLayout . superclass . populate . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . _mount ( ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.flex_vertical" , BI . FlexVerticalLayout ) , BI . FlexWrapperCenterLayout = BI . inherit ( BI . Layout , { props : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . FlexWrapperCenterLayout . superclass . props . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-flex-scrollable-center-adapt-layout clearfix" , scrollable : ! 0 } ) } , render : function ( ) { BI . FlexWrapperCenterLayout . superclass . render . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . $wrapper = BI . Widget . _renderEngine . createElement ( "<div>" ) . addClass ( "flex-scrollable-center-adapt-layout-wrapper" ) , this . populate ( this . options . items ) } , _addElement : function ( i , item ) { var o = this . options , w = BI . FlexWrapperCenterLayout . superclass . _addElement . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return w . element . css ( { position : "relative" , "margin-left" : ( 0 === i ? o . hga
BI . InlineLayout = BI . inherit ( BI . Layout , { props : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . InlineLayout . superclass . props . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-inline-layout" , hgap : 0 , vgap : 0 , lgap : 0 , rgap : 0 , tgap : 0 , bgap : 0 } ) } , render : function ( ) { BI . InlineLayout . superclass . render . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . populate ( this . options . items ) } , _addElement : function ( i , item ) { var o = this . options , w = BI . InlineLayout . superclass . _addElement . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return w . element . css ( { position : "relative" , display : "inline-block" , "*display" : "inline" , "*zoom" : 1 } ) , o . vgap + o . tgap + ( item . tgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-top" : o . vgap + o . tgap + ( item . tgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , o . hgap + o . lgap + ( item . lgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-left" : ( 0 === i ? o . hgap : 0 ) + o . lgap + ( item . lgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , o . hgap + o . rgap + ( item . rgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-right" : o . hgap + o . rgap + ( item . rgap || 0 ) + ( item . hgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , o . vgap + o . bgap + ( item . bgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) !== 0 && w . element . css ( { "margin-bottom" : o . vgap + o . bgap + ( item . bgap || 0 ) + ( item . vgap || 0 ) + "px" } ) , w } , resize : function ( ) { this . stroke ( this . options . items ) } , populate : function ( items ) { BI . InlineLayout . superclass . populate . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . _mount ( ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.inline" , BI . InlineLayout ) , BI . LatticeLayout = BI . inherit ( BI . Layout , { props : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . LatticeLayout . superclass . props . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-lattice-layout clearfix" } ) } , render : function ( ) { BI . LatticeLayout . superclass . render . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . populate ( this . options . items ) } , _addElement : function ( i , item ) { var o = this . options , w = BI . LatticeLayout . superclass . _addElement . apply ( this , arguments ) ; if ( o . columnSize && o . columnSize [ i ] ) var width = o . columnSize [ i ] / BI . sum ( o . columnSize ) * 100 + "%" ; else var width = 1 / this . options . items . length * 100 + "%" ; return w . element . css ( { position : "relative" , "float" : "left" , width : width } ) , w } , addItem : function ( item ) { var w = BI . LatticeLayout . superclass . addItem . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return this . resize ( ) , w } , addItemAt : function ( item ) { var w = BI . LatticeLayout . superclass . addItemAt . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return this . resize ( ) , w } , resize : function ( ) { this . stroke ( this . options . items ) } , populate : function ( items ) { BI . LatticeLayout . superclass . populate . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . _mount ( ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.lattice" , BI . LatticeLayout ) , BI . TableLayout = BI . inherit ( BI . Layout , { props : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . TableLayout . superclass . props . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-table-layout" , scrolly : ! 0 , columnSize : [ 200 , 200 , "fill" ] , rowSize : 30 , hgap : 0 , vgap : 0 , items : [ [ { el : { text : "label1" } } , { el : { text : "label2" } } , { el : { text : "label3" } } ] ] } ) } , render : function ( ) { BI . TableLayout . superclass . render . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . rows = 0 , this . populate ( this . options . items ) } , _addElement : function ( idx , arr ) { function firstElement ( item , row , col ) { 0 === row && item . addClass ( "first-row" ) , 0 === col && item . addClass ( "first-col" ) , item . addClass ( BI . isOdd ( row + 1 ) ? "odd-row" : "even-row" ) , item . addClass ( BI . isOdd ( col + 1 ) ? "odd-col" : "even-col" ) , item . addClass ( "center-element" ) } function firstObject ( item , row , col ) { var cls = "" ; 0 === row && ( cls += " first-row" ) , 0 === col && ( cls += " first-col" ) , cls += BI . isOdd ( row + 1 ) ? " odd-row" : " even-row" , cls += BI . isOdd ( col + 1 ) ? " odd-col" : " even-col" , item . cls = ( item . cls || "" ) + cls + " center-element" } function first ( item , row , col ) { item instanceof BI . Widget ? firstElement ( item . element , row , col ) : item . el instanceof BI . Widget ? firstElement ( item . el . element , row , col ) : item . el ? firstObject ( item . el , row , col ) : firstObject ( item , row , col ) } var o = this . options , abs = [ ] , left = 0 , right = 0 , i , j ; for ( i = 0 ; i < arr . length && BI . isNumber ( o . columnSize [ i ] ) ; i ++ ) first ( arr [ i ] , this . rows , i ) , abs . push ( BI . extend ( { top : 0 , bottom : 0 , left : o . columnSize [ i ] <= 1 ? 100 * left + "%" : left , width : o . columnSize [ i ] <= 1 ? 100 * o . columnSize [ i ] + "%" : o . columnSize [ i ] } , arr [ i ] ) ) , left += o . columnSize [ i ] + ( o . columnSize [ i ] < 1 ? 0 : o . hgap ) ; for ( j = arr . length - 1 ; j > i ; j -- ) { if ( ! BI . isNumber ( o . columnSize [ j ] ) ) throw new Error ( "item with fill can only be one" ) ; first ( arr [ j ] , this . rows , j ) , abs . push ( BI . extend ( { top : 0 , bottom : 0 , right : o . columnSize [ j ] <= 1 ? 100 * right + "%" : right , width : o . columnSize [ j ] <= 1 ? 100 * o . columnSize [ j ] + "%" : o . columnSize [ j ] } , arr [ j ] ) ) , right += o . columnSize [ j ] + ( o . columnSize [ j ] < 1 ? 0 : o . hgap ) } i >= 0 && i < arr .
for ( var key in methods ) vm [ key ] = null == methods [ key ] ? noop : _ . bind ( methods [ key ] , vm . $$model ? vm . model : vm ) } function initMixins ( vm , mixins ) { mixins = mixins || [ ] , _ . each ( mixins . reverse ( ) , function ( mixinType ) { var mixin$$1 = getMixins ( mixinType ) ; for ( var key in mixin$$1 ) "function" == typeof mixin$$1 [ key ] && ( _ . has ( vm , key ) || ( vm [ key ] = _ . bind ( mixin$$1 [ key ] , vm . $$model ? vm . model : vm ) ) ) } ) } function defineProps ( vm , keys ) { for ( var props = { } , _loop = ( function _loop ( i , len ) { var key = keys [ i ] ; key in $$skipArray || ( props [ key ] = { enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , get : function get ( ) { if ( vm . $$computed && key in vm . $$computed ) return vm . $$computed [ key ] ; if ( vm . $$state && key in vm . $$state ) return vm . $$state [ key ] ; if ( vm . $$model && key in vm . $$model ) return vm . $$model [ key ] ; for ( var p = vm . _parent ; p ; ) { if ( p . $$context && key in p . $$context ) return p . $$context [ key ] ; p = p . _parent } } , set : function set ( val ) { if ( vm . $$state && key in vm . $$state ) return vm . $$state [ key ] = val ; if ( vm . $$model && key in vm . $$model ) return vm . $$model [ key ] = val ; for ( var p = vm . _parent ; p ; ) { if ( p . $$context && key in p . $$context ) return p . $$context [ key ] = val ; p = p . _parent } } } ) } ) , i = 0 , len = keys . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) _loop ( i , len ) ; vm . model = createViewModel$1 ( { } , props ) } function defineContext ( vm , keys ) { for ( var props = { } , _loop2 = ( function _loop2 ( i , len ) { var key = keys [ i ] ; key in $$skipArray || ( props [ key ] = { enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , get : function get ( ) { return vm . model [ key ] } , set : function set ( val ) { return vm . model [ key ] = val } } ) } ) , i = 0 , len = keys . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) _loop2 ( i , len ) ; vm . $$context = createViewModel$1 ( { } , props ) } function toJSON ( model ) { var result = void 0 ; if ( _ . isArray ( model ) ) { result = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 , len = model . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) result [ i ] = toJSON ( model [ i ] ) } else if ( model && isPlainObject ( model ) ) { result = { } ; for ( var _key4 in model ) _ . has ( $$skipArray , _key4 ) || ( result [ _key4 ] = toJSON ( model [ _key4 ] ) ) } else result = model ; return result } function define ( model ) { return new Observer ( model ) . model } var rhashcode = /\d\.\d{4}/ , hasProto = "__proto__" in { } , isIE = function isIE ( ) { return "undefined" != typeof navigator && /(msie|trident)/i . test ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) ) } , getIEVersion = function getIEVersion ( ) { var version = 0 ; if ( "undefined" == typeof navigator ) return ! 1 ; var agent = navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) , v1 = agent . match ( /(?:msie\s([\w.]+))/ ) , v2 = agent . match ( /(?:trident.*rv:([\w.]+))/ ) ; return version = v1 && v2 && v1 [ 1 ] && v2 [ 1 ] ? Math . max ( 1 * v1 [ 1 ] , 1 * v2 [ 1 ] ) : v1 && v1 [ 1 ] ? 1 * v1 [ 1 ] : v2 && v2 [ 1 ] ? 1 * v2 [ 1 ] : 0 } , isIE9Below = isIE ( ) && getIEVersion ( ) < 9 , _toString = Object . prototype . toString , bailRE = /[^\w.$]/ , nextTick = function ( ) { function nextTickHandler ( ) { pending = ! 1 ; var copies = callbacks . slice ( 0 ) ; callbacks . length = 0 ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < copies . length ; i ++ ) copies [ i ] ( ) } var callbacks = [ ] , pending = ! 1 , timerFunc = void 0 ; if ( "undefined" != typeof setImmediate && isNative ( setImmediate ) ) timerFunc = function timerFunc ( ) { setImmediate ( nextTickHandler ) } ; else if ( "undefined" == typeof MessageChannel || ! isNative ( MessageChannel ) && "[object MessageChannelConstructor]" !== MessageChannel . toString ( ) ) if ( "undefined" != typeof Promise && isNative ( Promise ) ) { var p = Promise . resolve ( ) ; timerFunc = function timerFunc ( ) { p . then ( nextTickHandler ) } } else timerFunc = function timerFunc ( ) { setTimeout ( nextTickHandler , 0 ) } ; else { var channel = new MessageChannel , port = channel . port2 ; channel . port1 . onmessage = nextTickHandler , timerFunc = function timerFunc ( ) { port . postMessage ( 1 ) } } return function queueNextTick ( cb , ctx ) { var _resolve = void 0 ; if ( callbacks . push ( function ( ) { if ( cb ) try { cb . call ( ctx ) } catch ( e ) { console . error ( e ) } else _resolve && _resolve ( ctx ) } ) , pending || ( pending = ! 0 , timerFunc ( ) ) , ! cb && "undefined" != typeof Promise ) return new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) { _resolve = resolve } ) } } ( ) , falsy , $$skipArray = { _ _ob _ _ : falsy , $accessors : falsy , $vbthis : falsy , $vbsetter : falsy } , uid = 0 , Dep = function ( ) { function Dep ( ) { _classCallCheck ( this , Dep ) , this . id = uid ++ , this . subs = [ ] } return Dep . prototype . addSub = function addSub ( sub ) { this . subs . push ( sub ) } , Dep . prototype . removeSub = function removeSub ( sub ) { remove ( this . subs , sub ) } , Dep . prototype . depend = function depend ( ) { Dep . target && Dep . target . addDep ( this ) } , Dep . prototype . notify = function notify ( options ) { for ( var subs = this . subs . slice ( ) , i = 0 , l = subs . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) subs [ i ] . update ( options ) } , Dep } ( ) ; Dep . target = null ; var targetStack = [ ] , arrayProto = Array . prototype , arrayM
var o = this . options ; return BI . createWidgets ( BI . createItems ( items , { type : "bi.text_button" } ) ) } , _btnsCreator : function ( items ) { var self = this , args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments ) , o = this . options , buttons = this . _createBtns ( items ) ; return args [ 0 ] = buttons , BI . each ( this . behaviors , function ( i , behavior ) { behavior . doBehavior . apply ( behavior , args ) } ) , BI . each ( buttons , function ( i , btn ) { btn . on ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( type , value , obj ) { if ( type === BI . Events . CLICK ) { switch ( o . chooseType ) { case BI . ButtonGroup . CHOOSE _TYPE _SINGLE : self . setValue ( btn . getValue ( ) ) ; break ; case BI . ButtonGroup . CHOOSE _TYPE _NONE : self . setValue ( [ ] ) } self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . ButtonGroup . EVENT _CHANGE , value , obj ) } else self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) , btn . on ( BI . Events . DESTROY , function ( ) { BI . remove ( self . buttons , btn ) } ) } ) , buttons } , _packageBtns : function ( btns ) { for ( var o = this . options , i = o . layouts . length - 1 ; i > 0 ; i -- ) btns = BI . map ( btns , function ( k , it ) { return BI . extend ( { } , o . layouts [ i ] , { items : [ BI . extend ( { } , o . layouts [ i ] . el , { el : it } ) ] } ) } ) ; return btns } , _packageSimpleItems : function ( btns ) { var o = this . options ; return BI . map ( o . items , function ( i , item ) { return BI . stripEL ( item ) === item ? btns [ i ] : BI . extend ( { } , item , { el : btns [ i ] } ) } ) } , _packageItems : function ( items , packBtns ) { return BI . createItems ( BI . makeArrayByArray ( items , { } ) , BI . clone ( packBtns ) ) } , _packageLayout : function ( items ) { for ( var o = this . options , layout = BI . deepClone ( o . layouts [ 0 ] ) , lay = BI . formatEL ( layout ) . el ; lay && lay . items && ! BI . isEmpty ( lay . items ) ; ) lay = BI . formatEL ( lay . items [ 0 ] ) . el ; return lay . items = items , layout } , _isSimpleLayout : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; return 1 === o . layouts . length && ! BI . isArray ( o . items [ 0 ] ) } , doBehavior : function ( ) { var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments ) ; args . unshift ( this . buttons ) , BI . each ( this . behaviors , function ( i , behavior ) { behavior . doBehavior . apply ( behavior , args ) } ) } , prependItems : function ( items ) { var o = this . options , btns = this . _btnsCreator . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return this . buttons = BI . concat ( btns , this . buttons ) , this . _isSimpleLayout ( ) && this . layouts && this . layouts . prependItems ? void this . layouts . prependItems ( btns ) : ( items = this . _packageItems ( items , this . _packageBtns ( btns ) ) , void this . layouts . prependItems ( this . _packageLayout ( items ) . items ) ) } , addItems : function ( items ) { var o = this . options , btns = this . _btnsCreator . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return this . buttons = BI . concat ( this . buttons , btns ) , this . _isSimpleLayout ( ) && this . layouts && this . layouts . addItems ? void this . layouts . addItems ( btns ) : ( items = this . _packageItems ( items , this . _packageBtns ( btns ) ) , void this . layouts . addItems ( this . _packageLayout ( items ) . items ) ) } , removeItemAt : function ( indexes ) { BI . removeAt ( this . buttons , indexes ) , this . layouts . removeItemAt ( indexes ) } , removeItems : function ( values ) { values = BI . isArray ( values ) ? values : [ values ] ; var deleted = [ ] ; BI . each ( this . buttons , function ( i , button ) { BI . deepContains ( values , button . getValue ( ) ) && deleted . push ( i ) } ) , BI . removeAt ( this . buttons , deleted ) , this . layouts . removeItemAt ( deleted ) } , populate : function ( items ) { items = items || [ ] , this . empty ( ) , this . options . items = items , this . buttons = this . _btnsCreator . apply ( this , arguments ) , items = this . _isSimpleLayout ( ) ? this . _packageSimpleItems ( this . buttons ) : this . _packageItems ( items , this . _packageBtns ( this . buttons ) ) , this . layouts = BI . createWidget ( BI . extend ( { element : this } , this . _packageLayout ( items ) ) ) } , setNotSelectedValue : function ( v ) { v = BI . isArray ( v ) ? v : [ v ] , BI . each ( this . buttons , function ( i , item ) { BI . deepContains ( v , item . getValue ( ) ) ? item . setSelected && item . setSelected ( ! 1 ) : item . setSelected && item . setSelected ( ! 0 ) } ) } , setEnabledValue : function ( v ) { v = BI . isArray ( v ) ? v : [ v ] , BI . each ( this . buttons , function ( i , item ) { BI . deepContains ( v , item . getValue ( ) ) ? item . setEnable ( ! 0 ) : item . setEnable ( ! 1 ) } ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { v = BI . isArray ( v ) ? v : [ v ] , BI . each ( this . buttons , function ( i , item ) { BI . deepContains ( v , item . getValue ( ) ) ? item . setSelected && item . setSelected ( ! 0 ) : item . setSelected && item . setSelected ( ! 1 ) } ) } , getNotSelectedValue : function ( ) { var v = [ ] ; return BI . each ( this . buttons , function ( i , item ) { ! item . isEnabled ( ) || item . isSelected && item . isSelected ( ) || v . push ( item . getValue ( ) ) } ) , v } , getValue : function ( ) { var v = [ ] ; return BI . each ( this . buttons , function ( i , item ) { item . isEnabled ( ) && item . isSe
o . scrollTop = self . element . scrollTop ( ) , self . _calculateChildrenToRender ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . CollectionView . EVENT _SCROLL , { scrollLeft : o . scrollLeft , scrollTop : o . scrollTop } ) ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vertical" , element : this , scrollable : o . overflowX === ! 0 && o . overflowY === ! 0 , scrolly : o . overflowX === ! 1 && o . overflowY === ! 0 , scrollx : o . overflowX === ! 0 && o . overflowY === ! 1 , items : [ this . container ] } ) , o . items . length > 0 && ( this . _calculateSizeAndPositionData ( ) , this . _populate ( ) ) } , mounted : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; 0 === o . scrollLeft && 0 === o . scrollTop || ( this . element . scrollTop ( o . scrollTop ) , this . element . scrollLeft ( o . scrollLeft ) ) } , _calculateSizeAndPositionData : function ( ) { for ( var o = this . options , cellMetadata = [ ] , sectionManager = new BI . SectionManager , height = 0 , width = 0 , index = 0 , len = o . items . length ; index < len ; index ++ ) { var cellMetadatum = o . cellSizeAndPositionGetter ( index ) ; if ( null == cellMetadatum . height || isNaN ( cellMetadatum . height ) || null == cellMetadatum . width || isNaN ( cellMetadatum . width ) || null == cellMetadatum . x || isNaN ( cellMetadatum . x ) || null == cellMetadatum . y || isNaN ( cellMetadatum . y ) ) throw Error ( ) ; height = Math . max ( height , cellMetadatum . y + cellMetadatum . height ) , width = Math . max ( width , cellMetadatum . x + cellMetadatum . width ) , cellMetadatum . index = index , cellMetadata [ index ] = cellMetadatum , sectionManager . registerCell ( cellMetadatum , index ) } this . _cellMetadata = cellMetadata , this . _sectionManager = sectionManager , this . _height = height , this . _width = width } , _cellRenderers : function ( height , width , x , y ) { return this . _lastRenderedCellIndices = this . _sectionManager . getCellIndices ( height , width , x , y ) , this . _cellGroupRenderer ( ) } , _cellGroupRenderer : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options , rendered = [ ] ; return BI . each ( this . _lastRenderedCellIndices , function ( i , index ) { var cellMetadata = self . _sectionManager . getCellMetadata ( index ) ; rendered . push ( cellMetadata ) } ) , rendered } , _calculateChildrenToRender : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options , scrollLeft = BI . clamp ( o . scrollLeft , 0 , this . _getMaxScrollLeft ( ) ) , scrollTop = BI . clamp ( o . scrollTop , 0 , this . _getMaxScrollTop ( ) ) , left = Math . max ( 0 , scrollLeft - o . horizontalOverscanSize ) , top = Math . max ( 0 , scrollTop - o . verticalOverscanSize ) , right = Math . min ( this . _width , scrollLeft + o . width + o . horizontalOverscanSize ) , bottom = Math . min ( this . _height , scrollTop + o . height + o . verticalOverscanSize ) ; if ( right > 0 && bottom > 0 ) { if ( top >= this . renderRange . minY && bottom <= this . renderRange . maxY && left >= this . renderRange . minX && right <= this . renderRange . maxX ) return ; for ( var childrenToDisplay = this . _cellRenderers ( bottom - top , right - left , left , top ) , renderedCells = [ ] , renderedKeys = { } , renderedWidgets = { } , lefts = { } , tops = { } , i = 0 , len = childrenToDisplay . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) { var datum = childrenToDisplay [ i ] ; lefts [ datum . x ] = datum . x , lefts [ datum . x + datum . width ] = datum . x + datum . width , tops [ datum . y ] = datum . y , tops [ datum . y + datum . height ] = datum . y + datum . height } lefts = BI . toArray ( lefts ) , tops = BI . toArray ( tops ) ; for ( var leftMap = BI . invert ( lefts ) , topMap = BI . invert ( tops ) , leftBorder = { } , rightBorder = { } , topBorder = { } , bottomBorder = { } , assertMinBorder = function ( border , offset ) { null == border [ offset ] && ( border [ offset ] = Number . MAX _VALUE ) } , assertMaxBorder = function ( border , offset ) { null == border [ offset ] && ( border [ offset ] = 0 ) } , i = 0 , len = childrenToDisplay . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) { var datum = childrenToDisplay [ i ] , index = this . renderedKeys [ datum . index ] && this . renderedKeys [ datum . index ] [ 1 ] , child ; index >= 0 ? ( datum . width !== this . renderedCells [ index ] . _width && ( this . renderedCells [ index ] . _width = datum . width , this . renderedCells [ index ] . el . setWidth ( datum . width ) ) , datum . height !== this . renderedCells [ index ] . _height && ( this . renderedCells [ index ] . _height = datum . height , this . renderedCells [ index ] . el . setHeight ( datum . height ) ) , this . renderedCells [ index ] . _left !== datum . x && this . renderedCells [ index ] . el . element . css ( "left" , datum . x + "px" ) , this . renderedCells [ index ] . _top !== datum . y && this . renderedCells [ index ] . el . element . css ( "top" , datum . y + "px" ) , renderedCells . push ( child = this . renderedCells [ index ] ) ) : ( child = BI . createWidget ( BI . extend ( { type : "bi.label" , width : datum . width , height : datum . height } , o . items [ datum . index ] , { cls : ( o . items [ datum . index ] . cls || "" ) + " container-cell" + ( 0 === datum . y ? " first-row" : "" ) + ( 0 === datum . x ? " first-col" : "" ) , _left : datum . x , _top : datum . y } ) ) , renderedCells . push ( { el : child , left : datum . x , top : datum .
this . next . on ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( type ) { type === BI . Events . CLICK && self . _nextLoad ( ) } ) ) , BI . createWidget ( BI . extend ( { element : this } , BI . LogicFactory . createLogic ( BI . LogicFactory . createLogicTypeByDirection ( o . direction ) , BI . extend ( { scrolly : ! 0 } , o . logic , { items : BI . LogicFactory . createLogicItemsByDirection ( o . direction , this . prev , this . button _group , this . next ) } ) ) ) ) , o . isDefaultInit && BI . isEmpty ( o . items ) && BI . nextTick ( BI . bind ( function ( ) { o . isDefaultInit && BI . isEmpty ( o . items ) && this . _populate ( ) } , this ) ) , BI . isNotEmptyArray ( o . items ) && this . _populate ( o . items ) } , hasPrev : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; return BI . isNumber ( o . count ) ? this . count < o . count : ! ! o . hasPrev . apply ( this , [ { times : this . times , count : this . count } ] ) } , hasNext : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; return BI . isNumber ( o . count ) ? this . count < o . count : ! ! o . hasNext . apply ( this , [ { times : this . times , count : this . count } ] ) } , prependItems : function ( items ) { this . count += items . length , this . next !== ! 1 && ( this . hasPrev ( ) ? ( this . options . items = this . options . items . concat ( items ) , this . prev . setLoaded ( ) ) : this . prev . setEnd ( ) ) , this . button _group . prependItems . apply ( this . button _group , arguments ) } , addItems : function ( items ) { this . count += items . length , BI . isObject ( this . next ) && ( this . hasNext ( ) ? ( this . options . items = this . options . items . concat ( items ) , this . next . setLoaded ( ) ) : this . next . setEnd ( ) ) , this . button _group . addItems . apply ( this . button _group , arguments ) } , _populate : function ( items ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; return 0 === arguments . length && BI . isFunction ( o . itemsCreator ) ? ( o . itemsCreator . apply ( this , [ { times : 1 } , function ( ) { if ( 0 === arguments . length ) throw new Error ( "arguments can not be null!!!" ) ; self . populate . apply ( self , arguments ) , o . onLoaded ( ) } ] ) , ! 1 ) : ( this . options . items = items , this . times = 1 , this . count = 0 , this . count += items . length , BI . isObject ( this . next ) && ( this . hasNext ( ) ? this . next . setLoaded ( ) : this . next . invisible ( ) ) , BI . isObject ( this . prev ) && ( this . hasPrev ( ) ? this . prev . setLoaded ( ) : this . prev . invisible ( ) ) , ! 0 ) } , populate : function ( ) { this . _populate . apply ( this , arguments ) && this . button _group . populate . apply ( this . button _group , arguments ) } , setNotSelectedValue : function ( ) { this . button _group . setNotSelectedValue . apply ( this . button _group , arguments ) } , getNotSelectedValue : function ( ) { return this . button _group . getNotSelectedValue ( ) } , setValue : function ( ) { this . button _group . setValue . apply ( this . button _group , arguments ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . button _group . getValue . apply ( this . button _group , arguments ) } , getAllButtons : function ( ) { return this . button _group . getAllButtons ( ) } , getAllLeaves : function ( ) { return this . button _group . getAllLeaves ( ) } , getSelectedButtons : function ( ) { return this . button _group . getSelectedButtons ( ) } , getNotSelectedButtons : function ( ) { return this . button _group . getNotSelectedButtons ( ) } , getIndexByValue : function ( value ) { return this . button _group . getIndexByValue ( value ) } , getNodeById : function ( id ) { return this . button _group . getNodeById ( id ) } , getNodeByValue : function ( value ) { return this . button _group . getNodeByValue ( value ) } , empty : function ( ) { this . button _group . empty ( ) , BI . each ( [ this . prev , this . next ] , function ( i , ob ) { ob && ob . setVisible ( ! 1 ) } ) } , destroy : function ( ) { BI . Loader . superclass . destroy . apply ( this , arguments ) } } ) , BI . Loader . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.loader" , BI . Loader ) , BI . Navigation = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . Navigation . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { direction : "bottom" , logic : { dynamic : ! 1 } , single : ! 1 , showIndex : ! 1 , tab : ! 1 , cardCreator : function ( v ) { return BI . createWidget ( ) } , afterCardCreated : BI . emptyFn , afterCardShow : BI . emptyFn } ) } , render : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; this . tab = BI . createWidget ( this . options . tab , { type : "bi.button_group" } ) , this . cardMap = { } , this . showIndex = 0 , this . layout = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.card" } ) , BI . createWidget ( BI . extend ( { element : this } , BI . LogicFactory . createLogic ( BI . LogicFactory . createLogicTypeByDirection ( o . direction ) , BI . extend ( { } , o . logic , { items : BI . LogicFactory . createLogicItemsByDirection ( o . direction , this . tab , this . layout ) } ) ) ) ) , new BI . ShowListener ( { eventObj : this . tab , cardLayout : this . layout , cardNameCreator : function ( v ) { return self . showIndex + v } , cardCreator : function ( v ) { var card = o . cardCreator ( v ) ; return self . cardMap [ v ] = card , card } , afterCard
items && items !== this . options . items && ( this . options . items = items ) , BI . isNumber ( o . columnCount ) ? this . columnCount = o . columnCount : o . items . length > 0 && ( this . columnCount = o . items [ 0 ] . length ) , BI . isNumber ( o . rowCount ) ? this . rowCount = o . rowCount : this . rowCount = o . items . length , this . container . setWidth ( this . columnCount * o . estimatedColumnSize ) , this . container . setHeight ( this . rowCount * o . estimatedRowSize ) , this . _columnSizeAndPositionManager = new BI . ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager ( this . columnCount , o . columnWidthGetter , o . estimatedColumnSize ) , this . _rowSizeAndPositionManager = new BI . ScalingCellSizeAndPositionManager ( this . rowCount , o . rowHeightGetter , o . estimatedRowSize ) , this . _calculateChildrenToRender ( ) ; try { this . element . scrollTop ( o . scrollTop ) , this . element . scrollLeft ( o . scrollLeft ) } catch ( e ) { } } , setScrollLeft : function ( scrollLeft ) { this . options . scrollLeft !== scrollLeft && ( this . _scrollLock = ! 0 , this . options . scrollLeft = BI . clamp ( scrollLeft || 0 , 0 , this . _getRealMaxScrollLeft ( ) ) , this . _debounceRelease ( ) , this . _calculateChildrenToRender ( ) , this . element . scrollLeft ( this . options . scrollLeft ) ) } , setScrollTop : function ( scrollTop ) { this . options . scrollTop !== scrollTop && ( this . _scrollLock = ! 0 , this . options . scrollTop = BI . clamp ( scrollTop || 0 , 0 , this . _getMaxScrollTop ( ) ) , this . _debounceRelease ( ) , this . _calculateChildrenToRender ( ) , this . element . scrollTop ( this . options . scrollTop ) ) } , setColumnCount : function ( columnCount ) { this . options . columnCount = columnCount } , setRowCount : function ( rowCount ) { this . options . rowCount = rowCount } , setOverflowX : function ( b ) { var self = this ; this . options . overflowX !== ! ! b && ( this . options . overflowX = ! ! b , BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . element . css ( { overflowX : b ? "auto" : "hidden" } ) } ) ) } , setOverflowY : function ( b ) { var self = this ; this . options . overflowY !== ! ! b && ( this . options . overflowY = ! ! b , BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . element . css ( { overflowY : b ? "auto" : "hidden" } ) } ) ) } , getScrollLeft : function ( ) { return this . options . scrollLeft } , getScrollTop : function ( ) { return this . options . scrollTop } , getMaxScrollLeft : function ( ) { return this . _getMaxScrollLeft ( ) } , getMaxScrollTop : function ( ) { return this . _getMaxScrollTop ( ) } , setEstimatedColumnSize : function ( width ) { this . options . estimatedColumnSize = width } , setEstimatedRowSize : function ( height ) { this . options . estimatedRowSize = height } , _reRange : function ( ) { this . renderRange = { } } , _clearChildren : function ( ) { this . container . _children = { } , this . container . attr ( "items" , [ ] ) } , restore : function ( ) { BI . each ( this . renderedCells , function ( i , cell ) { cell . el . _destroy ( ) } ) , this . _clearChildren ( ) , this . renderedCells = [ ] , this . renderedKeys = [ ] , this . renderRange = { } , this . _scrollLock = ! 1 } , populate : function ( items ) { items && items !== this . options . items && this . restore ( ) , this . _populate ( items ) } } ) , BI . GridView . EVENT _SCROLL = "EVENT_SCROLL" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.grid_view" , BI . GridView ) , BI . Popover = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _constant : { SIZE : { SMALL : "small" , NORMAL : "normal" , BIG : "big" } , HEADER _HEIGHT : 40 } , _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . Popover . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-popover bi-card bi-border-radius" , size : "normal" , logic : { dynamic : ! 1 } , header : null , body : null , footer : null , closable : ! 0 } ) } , render : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; this . startX = 0 , this . startY = 0 , this . tracker = new BI . MouseMoveTracker ( function ( deltaX , deltaY ) { var size = self . _calculateSize ( ) , W = BI . Widget . _renderEngine . createElement ( "body" ) . width ( ) , H = BI . Widget . _renderEngine . createElement ( "body" ) . height ( ) ; self . startX += deltaX , self . startY += deltaY , self . element . css ( { left : BI . clamp ( self . startX , 0 , W - self . element . width ( ) ) + "px" , top : BI . clamp ( self . startY , 0 , H - self . element . height ( ) ) + "px" } ) , BI . Resizers . _resize ( ) } , function ( ) { self . tracker . releaseMouseMoves ( ) } , _global ) ; var items = [ { el : { type : "bi.htape" , cls : "bi-message-title bi-header-background" , ref : function ( _ref ) { self . dragger = _ref } , items : [ { type : "bi.absolute" , items : [ { el : BI . isPlainObject ( o . header ) ? BI . createWidget ( o . header , { extraCls : "bi-font-bold" } ) : { type : "bi.label" , cls : "bi-font-bold" , height : this . _constant . HEADER _HEIGHT , text : o . header , title : o . header , textAlign : "left" } , left : 20 , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } , { el : o . closable ? { type : "bi.icon_button" , cls : "bi-message-close close-font" , height : this . _constant . HEADER _HEIGHT , handler : function ( ) { self . close ( ) } } : { type : "bi.layout" } , w
textAlign : "left" , hgap : o . textHgap , vgap : o . textVgap , lgap : o . textLgap , rgap : o . textRgap , text : o . text , value : o . value , keyword : o . keyword , height : o . height } ) , this . icon1 = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.icon_button" , cls : o . iconCls1 , forceNotSelected : ! 0 , width : o . height , height : o . height } ) , this . icon2 = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.icon_button" , cls : o . iconCls2 , forceNotSelected : ! 0 , width : o . height , height : o . height } ) , BI . createWidget ( BI . extend ( { element : this } , BI . LogicFactory . createLogic ( "horizontal" , BI . extend ( o . logic , { items : BI . LogicFactory . createLogicItemsByDirection ( "left" , blank , this . icon1 , this . icon2 , this . text ) } ) ) ) ) } , doClick : function ( ) { BI . BlankIconIconTextItem . superclass . doClick . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . isValid ( ) && this . fireEvent ( BI . BlankIconIconTextItem . EVENT _CHANGE , this . getValue ( ) , this ) } , setSelected : function ( b ) { BI . BlankIconIconTextItem . superclass . setSelected . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . icon1 . setSelected ( b ) , this . icon2 . setSelected ( b ) } , setValue : function ( ) { this . isReadOnly ( ) || this . text . setValue . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . text . getValue ( ) } , setText : function ( ) { this . text . setText . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , getText : function ( ) { return this . text . getText ( ) } , doRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . doRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . unRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , doHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . doHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . unHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } } ) , BI . BlankIconIconTextItem . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.blank_icon_icon_text_item" , BI . BlankIconIconTextItem ) , BI . BlankIconTextIconItem = BI . inherit ( BI . BasicButton , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . BlankIconTextIconItem . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : ( conf . baseCls || "" ) + " bi-blank-icon-text-icon-item" , logic : { dynamic : ! 1 } , iconCls1 : "close-ha-font" , iconCls2 : "close-ha-font" , blankWidth : 0 , iconHeight : null , iconWidth : null , textHgap : 0 , textVgap : 0 , textLgap : 0 , textRgap : 0 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . BlankIconTextIconItem . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var o = this . options , c = this . _const ; this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.label" , textAlign : "left" , hgap : o . textHgap , vgap : o . textVgap , lgap : o . textLgap , rgap : o . textRgap , text : o . text , value : o . value , keyword : o . keyword , height : o . height } ) ; var icon1 = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.icon_label" , cls : o . iconCls1 , width : o . height , height : o . height , iconWidth : o . iconWidth , iconHeight : o . iconHeight } ) ; BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , element : this , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.icon_label" , cls : o . iconCls2 , width : o . height , height : o . height , iconWidth : o . iconWidth , iconHeight : o . iconHeight } , top : 0 , bottom : 0 , right : 0 } ] } ) , BI . createWidget ( BI . extend ( { element : this } , BI . LogicFactory . createLogic ( "horizontal" , BI . extend ( o . logic , { items : BI . LogicFactory . createLogicItemsByDirection ( "left" , { type : "bi.layout" , width : o . blankWidth } , icon1 , this . text , { type : "bi.layout" , width : o . height } ) } ) ) ) ) } , doClick : function ( ) { BI . BlankIconTextIconItem . superclass . doClick . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . isValid ( ) && this . fireEvent ( BI . BlankIconTextIconItem . EVENT _CHANGE , this . getValue ( ) , this ) } , doRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . doRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . unRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , doHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . doHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . unHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , setValue : function ( ) { this . isReadOnly ( ) || this . text . setValue . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . text . getValue ( ) } , setText : function ( ) { this . text . setText . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , getText : function ( ) { return this . text . getText ( ) } } ) , BI . BlankIconTextIconItem . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.blank_icon_text_icon_item" , BI . BlankIconTextIconItem ) , BI . BlankIconTextItem = BI . inherit ( BI . BasicButton , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . BlankIconTextItem . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : ( conf . baseCls || "" ) + " bi-blank-icon-text-item" , logic : { dynamic : ! 1 } , cls : "close-ha-font" , blankWidth : 0 , iconHeight : null , iconWidth : null , textHgap : 0 , textVgap : 0 , textLgap : 0 , textRgap : 0 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . BlankIconTextItem . superc
"padding-top" : o . vgap + o . tgap + "px" } ) , o . vgap + o . bgap > 0 && this . element . css ( { "padding-bottom" : o . vgap + o . bgap + "px" } ) , BI . isNumber ( o . height ) && this . element . css ( { lineHeight : o . height + "px" } ) , BI . isNumber ( o . lineHeight ) && this . element . css ( { lineHeight : o . lineHeight + "px" } ) , BI . isWidthOrHeight ( o . maxWidth ) && this . element . css ( { maxWidth : o . maxWidth } ) , this . element . css ( { textAlign : o . textAlign , whiteSpace : o . whiteSpace , textOverflow : "nowrap" === o . whiteSpace ? "ellipsis" : "" , overflow : "nowrap" === o . whiteSpace ? "" : "auto" } ) , o . handler ? ( this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.layout" , tagName : "span" } ) , this . text . element . click ( function ( ) { o . handler ( self . getValue ( ) ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.default" , element : this , items : [ this . text ] } ) ) : this . text = this , BI . isKey ( o . text ) ? this . setText ( o . text ) : BI . isKey ( o . value ) && this . setText ( o . value ) , o . highLight && this . doHighLight ( ) } , doHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . element . addClass ( "bi-high-light" ) } , unHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . element . removeClass ( "bi-high-light" ) } , setValue : function ( text ) { BI . Html . superclass . setValue . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . isReadOnly ( ) || this . setText ( text ) } , setStyle : function ( css ) { this . text . element . css ( css ) } , setText : function ( text ) { BI . Html . superclass . setText . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . options . text = text , this . text . element . html ( text ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.html" , BI . Html ) , BI . Icon = BI . inherit ( BI . Single , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . Icon . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { tagName : "i" , baseCls : ( conf . baseCls || "" ) + " x-icon b-font horizon-center display-block" } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . Icon . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) , BI . isIE9Below && BI . isIE9Below ( ) && this . element . addClass ( "hack" ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.icon" , BI . Icon ) , BI . Iframe = BI . inherit ( BI . Single , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . Iframe . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { tagName : "iframe" , baseCls : ( conf . baseCls || "" ) + " bi-iframe" , src : "" , name : "" , attributes : { } , width : "100%" , height : "100%" } ) } , _init : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; o . attributes . frameborder = "0" , o . attributes . src = o . src , o . attributes . name = o . name , BI . Iframe . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) } , setSrc : function ( src ) { this . options . src = src , this . element . attr ( "src" , src ) } , getSrc : function ( ) { return this . options . src } , setName : function ( name ) { this . options . name = name , this . element . attr ( "name" , name ) } , getName : function ( ) { return this . options . name } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.iframe" , BI . Iframe ) , BI . Img = BI . inherit ( BI . Single , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . Img . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { tagName : "img" , baseCls : ( conf . baseCls || "" ) + " bi-img display-block" , src : "" , attributes : { } , width : "100%" , height : "100%" } ) } , _init : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; o . attributes . src = o . src , BI . Img . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) } , setSrc : function ( src ) { this . options . src = src , this . element . attr ( "src" , src ) } , getSrc : function ( ) { return this . options . src } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.img" , BI . Img ) , BI . ImageCheckbox = BI . inherit ( BI . IconButton , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . ImageCheckbox . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : ( conf . baseCls || "" ) + " bi-image-checkbox check-box-icon" , selected : ! 1 , handler : BI . emptyFn , width : 16 , height : 16 , iconWidth : 16 , iconHeight : 16 } ) } } ) , BI . ImageCheckbox . EVENT _CHANGE = BI . IconButton . EVENT _CHANGE , BI . shortcut ( "bi.image_checkbox" , BI . ImageCheckbox ) , BI . Checkbox = BI . inherit ( BI . BasicButton , { props : { baseCls : "bi-checkbox" , selected : ! 1 , handler : BI . emptyFn , width : 16 , height : 16 , iconWidth : 16 , iconHeight : 16 } , render : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; return { type : "bi.center_adapt" , items : [ { type : "bi.default" , ref : function ( _ref ) { self . checkbox = _ref } , cls : "checkbox-content" , width : o . iconWidth - 2 , height : o . iconHeight - 2 } ] } } , _setEnable : function ( enable ) { BI . Checkbox . superclass . _setEnable . apply ( this , arguments ) , enable === ! 0 ? this . checkbox . element . removeClass ( "base-disabled disabled" ) : this . checkbox . element . addClass ( "base-disabled disabled" ) } , doClick : function ( ) { BI . Checkbox . superclass . doClick . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . isValid ( ) && this . fireEvent ( BI . Checkbox . EVENT _CHANGE ) } , setSelected : function ( b ) { BI . Checkbox . superclass . setSelected . apply ( this , arguments ) , b ? this . checkbo
return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : ( conf . baseCls || "" ) + " bi-link display-block" , tagName : "a" , href : "" , target : "_blank" } ) } , _createJson : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; return { type : "bi.a" , textAlign : o . textAlign , whiteSpace : o . whiteSpace , lineHeight : o . textHeight , text : o . text , keyword : o . keyword , value : o . value , py : o . py , href : o . href , target : o . target } } , _init : function ( ) { BI . Link . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.link" , BI . Link ) , BI . Bubble = BI . inherit ( BI . Tip , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . Bubble . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { extraCls : "bi-bubble" , direction : "top" , text : "" , level : "error" , height : 18 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . Bubble . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var fn = function ( e ) { return e . stopPropagation ( ) , e . stopEvent ( ) , ! 1 } ; this . element . bind ( { click : fn , mousedown : fn , mouseup : fn , mouseover : fn , mouseenter : fn , mouseleave : fn , mousemove : fn } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.left" , element : this , items : [ this [ "_" + this . options . direction ] ( ) ] } ) } , _createBubbleText : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; return this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.label" , cls : "bubble-text bubble-" + o . level , text : o . text , hgap : 5 , height : 18 } ) } , _top : function ( ) { return BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vertical" , items : [ { el : this . _createBubbleText ( ) , height : 18 } , { el : { type : "bi.layout" } , height : 3 } ] } ) } , _bottom : function ( ) { return BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vertical" , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.layout" } , height : 3 } , { el : this . _createBubbleText ( ) , height : 18 } ] } ) } , _left : function ( ) { return BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.right" , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.layout" , width : 3 , height : 18 } } , { el : this . _createBubbleText ( ) } ] } ) } , _right : function ( ) { return BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.left" , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.layout" , width : 3 , height : 18 } } , { el : this . _createBubbleText ( ) } ] } ) } , setText : function ( text ) { this . text . setText ( text ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.bubble" , BI . Bubble ) , BI . Toast = BI . inherit ( BI . Tip , { _const : { minWidth : 200 , hgap : 10 } , _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . Toast . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { extraCls : "bi-toast" , text : "" , level : "success" } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . Toast . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . element . css ( { minWidth : this . _const . minWidth + "px" } ) , this . element . addClass ( "toast-" + o . level ) ; var fn = function ( e ) { return e . stopPropagation ( ) , e . stopEvent ( ) , ! 1 } ; this . element . bind ( { click : fn , mousedown : fn , mouseup : fn , mouseover : fn , mouseenter : fn , mouseleave : fn , mousemove : fn } ) ; var cls = "close-font" ; switch ( o . level ) { case "success" : cls = "toast-success-font" ; break ; case "error" : cls = "toast-error-font" ; break ; case "warning" : cls = "toast-warning-font" ; break ; case "normal" : default : cls = "toast-message-font" } var items = [ { type : "bi.icon_label" , cls : cls + " toast-icon" , width : 36 } , { el : { type : "bi.label" , whiteSpace : "normal" , text : o . text , textHeight : 16 , textAlign : "left" } , rgap : o . autoClose ? this . _const . hgap : 0 } ] , columnSize = [ 36 , "" ] ; o . autoClose === ! 1 && ( items . push ( { type : "bi.icon_button" , cls : "close-font toast-icon" , handler : function ( ) { self . destroy ( ) } , width : 36 } ) , columnSize . push ( 36 ) ) , this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.horizontal_adapt" , element : this , items : items , vgap : 7 , columnSize : columnSize } ) } , setText : function ( text ) { this . text . setText ( text ) } , beforeDestroy : function ( ) { this . fireEvent ( BI . Toast . EVENT _DESTORY ) } } ) , BI . Toast . EVENT _DESTORY = "EVENT_DESTORY" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.toast" , BI . Toast ) , BI . Tooltip = BI . inherit ( BI . Tip , { _const : { hgap : 5 , vgap : 3 } , _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . Tooltip . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { extraCls : "bi-tooltip" , text : "" , level : "success" , stopEvent : ! 1 , stopPropagation : ! 1 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . Tooltip . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . element . addClass ( "tooltip-" + o . level ) ; var fn = function ( e ) { o . stopPropagation && e . stopPropagation ( ) , o . stopEvent && e . stopEvent ( ) } ; this . element . bind ( { click : fn , mousedown : fn , mouseup : fn , mouseover : fn , mouseenter : fn , mouseleave : fn , mousemove : fn } ) ; var texts = ( o . text + "" ) . split ( "\n" ) ; texts . length > 1 ? BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vertical" , element : this , hgap : this . _const . hgap , items : BI . map ( texts , function ( i , text ) { return { type : "bi.label" , textAlign : "left" , whiteSpace : "normal" , text : text , textHeight : 18 } } ) } ) : this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.label" , element : this , textAlign : "left"
} else setting . treeObj . append ( zTreeHtml . join ( "" ) ) ; view . createNodeCallback ( setting ) } } , destroy : function ( setting ) { setting && ( data . initCache ( setting ) , data . initRoot ( setting ) , event . unbindTree ( setting ) , event . unbindEvent ( setting ) , setting . treeObj . empty ( ) , delete settings [ setting . treeId ] ) } , expandCollapseNode : function ( setting , node , expandFlag , animateFlag , callback ) { var root = data . getRoot ( setting ) , childKey = setting . data . key . children ; if ( ! node ) return void tools . apply ( callback , [ ] ) ; if ( root . expandTriggerFlag ) { var _callback = callback ; callback = function ( ) { _callback && _callback ( ) , node . open ? setting . treeObj . trigger ( consts . event . EXPAND , [ setting . treeId , node ] ) : setting . treeObj . trigger ( consts . event . COLLAPSE , [ setting . treeId , node ] ) } , root . expandTriggerFlag = ! 1 } if ( ! node . open && node . isParent && ( ! $$ ( node , consts . id . UL , setting ) . get ( 0 ) || node [ childKey ] && node [ childKey ] . length > 0 && ! $$ ( node [ childKey ] [ 0 ] , setting ) . get ( 0 ) ) && ( view . appendParentULDom ( setting , node ) , view . createNodeCallback ( setting ) ) , node . open == expandFlag ) return void tools . apply ( callback , [ ] ) ; var ulObj = $$ ( node , consts . id . UL , setting ) , switchObj = $$ ( node , consts . id . SWITCH , setting ) , icoObj = $$ ( node , consts . id . ICON , setting ) ; node . isParent ? ( node . open = ! node . open , node . iconOpen && node . iconClose && icoObj . attr ( "style" , view . makeNodeIcoStyle ( setting , node ) ) , node . open ? ( view . replaceSwitchClass ( node , switchObj , consts . folder . OPEN ) , view . replaceIcoClass ( node , icoObj , consts . folder . OPEN ) , 0 == animateFlag || "" == setting . view . expandSpeed ? ( ulObj . show ( ) , tools . apply ( callback , [ ] ) ) : node [ childKey ] && node [ childKey ] . length > 0 ? ulObj . slideDown ( setting . view . expandSpeed , callback ) : ( ulObj . show ( ) , tools . apply ( callback , [ ] ) ) ) : ( view . replaceSwitchClass ( node , switchObj , consts . folder . CLOSE ) , view . replaceIcoClass ( node , icoObj , consts . folder . CLOSE ) , 0 != animateFlag && "" != setting . view . expandSpeed && node [ childKey ] && node [ childKey ] . length > 0 ? ulObj . slideUp ( setting . view . expandSpeed , callback ) : ( ulObj . hide ( ) , tools . apply ( callback , [ ] ) ) ) ) : tools . apply ( callback , [ ] ) } , expandCollapseParentNode : function ( setting , node , expandFlag , animateFlag , callback ) { if ( node ) { if ( ! node . parentTId ) return void view . expandCollapseNode ( setting , node , expandFlag , animateFlag , callback ) ; view . expandCollapseNode ( setting , node , expandFlag , animateFlag ) , node . parentTId && view . expandCollapseParentNode ( setting , node . getParentNode ( ) , expandFlag , animateFlag , callback ) } } , expandCollapseSonNode : function ( setting , node , expandFlag , animateFlag , callback ) { var root = data . getRoot ( setting ) , childKey = setting . data . key . children , treeNodes = node ? node [ childKey ] : root [ childKey ] , selfAnimateSign = ! node && animateFlag , expandTriggerFlag = data . getRoot ( setting ) . expandTriggerFlag ; if ( data . getRoot ( setting ) . expandTriggerFlag = ! 1 , treeNodes ) for ( var i = 0 , l = treeNodes . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) treeNodes [ i ] && view . expandCollapseSonNode ( setting , treeNodes [ i ] , expandFlag , selfAnimateSign ) ; data . getRoot ( setting ) . expandTriggerFlag = expandTriggerFlag , view . expandCollapseNode ( setting , node , expandFlag , animateFlag , callback ) } , isSelectedNode : function ( setting , node ) { if ( ! node ) return ! 1 ; var list = data . getRoot ( setting ) . curSelectedList , i ; for ( i = list . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) if ( node === list [ i ] ) return ! 0 ; return ! 1 } , makeDOMNodeIcon : function ( html , setting , node ) { var nameStr = data . getNodeName ( setting , node ) , name = setting . view . nameIsHTML ? nameStr : nameStr . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( />/g , ">" ) ; html . push ( "<span id='" , node . tId , consts . id . ICON , "' title='' treeNode" , consts . id . ICON , " class='" , view . makeNodeIcoClass ( setting , node ) , "' style='" , view . makeNodeIcoStyle ( setting , node ) , "'></span><span id='" , node . tId , consts . id . SPAN , "'>" , name , "</span>" ) } , makeDOMNodeLine : function ( html , setting , node ) { html . push ( "<span id='" , node . tId , consts . id . SWITCH , "' title='' class='" , view . makeNodeLineClass ( setting , node ) , "' treeNode" , consts . id . SWITCH , "></span>" ) } , makeDOMNodeMainAfter : function ( html , setting , node ) { html . push ( "</li>" ) } , makeDOMNodeMainBefore : function ( html , setting , node ) { html . push ( "<li id='" , node . tId , "' class='" , consts . className . LEVEL , node . level , "' tabindex='0' hidefocus='true' treenode>" ) } , makeDOMNodeNameAfter : function ( html , setting , node ) { html . push ( "</a>" ) } , makeDOMNodeNameBefore : function ( html , setting , node ) { var title = data . getNodeTitle ( setting , node ) , url = view . make
obj . attr ( "class" , view . makeChkClass ( setting , node ) ) ) } , setParentNodeCheckBox : function ( setting , node , value , srcNode ) { var childKey = setting . data . key . children , checkedKey = setting . data . key . checked , checkObj = $$ ( node , consts . id . CHECK , setting ) ; if ( srcNode || ( srcNode = node ) , data . makeChkFlag ( setting , node ) , node . nocheck !== ! 0 && node . chkDisabled !== ! 0 && ( node [ checkedKey ] = value , view . setChkClass ( setting , checkObj , node ) , setting . check . autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode && setting . treeObj . trigger ( consts . event . CHECK , [ null , setting . treeId , node ] ) ) , node . parentTId ) { var pSign = ! 0 ; if ( ! value ) for ( var pNodes = node . getParentNode ( ) [ childKey ] , i = 0 , l = pNodes . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) if ( pNodes [ i ] . nocheck !== ! 0 && pNodes [ i ] . chkDisabled !== ! 0 && pNodes [ i ] [ checkedKey ] || ( pNodes [ i ] . nocheck === ! 0 || pNodes [ i ] . chkDisabled === ! 0 ) && pNodes [ i ] . check _Child _State > 0 ) { pSign = ! 1 ; break } pSign && view . setParentNodeCheckBox ( setting , node . getParentNode ( ) , value , srcNode ) } } , setSonNodeCheckBox : function ( setting , node , value , srcNode ) { if ( node ) { var childKey = setting . data . key . children , checkedKey = setting . data . key . checked , checkObj = $$ ( node , consts . id . CHECK , setting ) ; srcNode || ( srcNode = node ) ; var hasDisable = ! 1 ; if ( node [ childKey ] ) for ( var i = 0 , l = node [ childKey ] . length ; i < l && node . chkDisabled !== ! 0 ; i ++ ) { var sNode = node [ childKey ] [ i ] ; view . setSonNodeCheckBox ( setting , sNode , value , srcNode ) , sNode . chkDisabled === ! 0 && ( hasDisable = ! 0 ) } node != data . getRoot ( setting ) && node . chkDisabled !== ! 0 && ( hasDisable && node . nocheck !== ! 0 && data . makeChkFlag ( setting , node ) , node . nocheck !== ! 0 && node . chkDisabled !== ! 0 ? ( node [ checkedKey ] = value , hasDisable || ( node . check _Child _State = node [ childKey ] && node [ childKey ] . length > 0 ? value ? 2 : 0 : - 1 ) ) : node . check _Child _State = - 1 , view . setChkClass ( setting , checkObj , node ) , setting . check . autoCheckTrigger && node != srcNode && node . nocheck !== ! 0 && node . chkDisabled !== ! 0 && setting . treeObj . trigger ( consts . event . CHECK , [ null , setting . treeId , node ] ) ) } } } , _z = { tools : _tools , view : _view , event : _event , data : _data } ; $ . extend ( ! 0 , $ . fn . zTree . consts , _consts ) , $ . extend ( ! 0 , $ . fn . zTree . _z , _z ) ; var zt = $ . fn . zTree , tools = zt . _z . tools , consts = zt . consts , view = zt . _z . view , data = zt . _z . data , event = zt . _z . event , $$ = tools . $ ; data . exSetting ( _setting ) , data . addInitBind ( _bindEvent ) , data . addInitUnBind ( _unbindEvent ) , data . addInitCache ( _initCache ) , data . addInitNode ( _initNode ) , data . addInitProxy ( _eventProxy , ! 0 ) , data . addInitRoot ( _initRoot ) , data . addBeforeA ( _beforeA ) , data . addZTreeTools ( _zTreeTools ) ; var _createNodes = view . createNodes ; view . createNodes = function ( setting , level , nodes , parentNode ) { _createNodes && _createNodes . apply ( view , arguments ) , nodes && view . repairParentChkClassWithSelf ( setting , parentNode ) } ; var _removeNode = view . removeNode ; view . removeNode = function ( setting , node ) { var parentNode = node . getParentNode ( ) ; _removeNode && _removeNode . apply ( view , arguments ) , node && parentNode && ( view . repairChkClass ( setting , parentNode ) , view . repairParentChkClass ( setting , parentNode ) ) } ; var _appendNodes = view . appendNodes ; view . appendNodes = function ( setting , level , nodes , parentNode , initFlag , openFlag ) { var html = "" ; return _appendNodes && ( html = _appendNodes . apply ( view , arguments ) ) , parentNode && data . makeChkFlag ( setting , parentNode ) , html } } ( BI . jQuery ) , ! function ( ) { BI . TreeRenderScrollService = BI . inherit ( BI . OB , { _init : function ( ) { this . nodeLists = { } , this . id = this . options . id , this . hasBinded = ! 1 , this . container = this . options . container } , _getNodeListBounds : function ( tId ) { var nodeList = this . options . subNodeListGetter ( tId ) [ 0 ] ; return { top : nodeList . offsetTop , left : nodeList . offsetLeft , width : nodeList . offsetWidth , height : nodeList . offsetHeight } } , _getTreeContainerBounds : function ( ) { var nodeList = this . container [ 0 ] ; return BI . isNotNull ( nodeList ) ? { top : nodeList . offsetTop + nodeList . scrollTop , left : nodeList . offsetLeft + nodeList . scrollLeft , width : nodeList . offsetWidth , height : nodeList . offsetHeight } : { } } , _canNodePopulate : function ( tId ) { if ( this . nodeLists [ tId ] . locked ) return ! 1 ; var bounds = this . _getNodeListBounds ( tId ) , containerBounds = this . _getTreeContainerBounds ( tId ) ; return bounds . top + bounds . height < containerBounds . top + containerBounds . height } , _isNodeInVisible : function ( tId ) { var nodeList = this . options . subNodeListGetter ( tId ) ; return 0 === nodeList . length || "none" === nodeList . css ( "display" ) } , pushNodeList : function ( tId , populate ) { var self = this ; BI . has ( this . nodeList
} } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.mid_tree_leaf_item" , BI . MidTreeLeafItem ) , BI . MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem = BI . inherit ( BI . BasicButton , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { extraCls : "bi-multilayer-icon-tree-leaf-item bi-list-item-active" , layer : 0 , height : 24 , iconCls : "" , iconHeight : 16 , iconWidth : 16 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . item = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.icon_tree_leaf_item" , cls : "bi-list-item-none" , iconCls : o . iconCls , id : o . id , pId : o . pId , isFront : ! 0 , height : o . height , hgap : o . hgap , text : o . text , value : o . value , py : o . py , iconWidth : o . iconWidth , iconHeight : o . iconHeight } ) , this . item . on ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( type ) { type !== BI . Events . CLICK && self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) ; var items = [ ] ; BI . count ( 0 , o . layer , function ( ) { items . push ( { type : "bi.layout" , width : 15 , height : o . height } ) } ) , items . push ( this . item ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.td" , element : this , columnSize : BI . makeArray ( o . layer , 15 ) , items : [ items ] } ) } , doRedMark : function ( ) { this . item . doRedMark . apply ( this . item , arguments ) } , unRedMark : function ( ) { this . item . unRedMark . apply ( this . item , arguments ) } , doHighLight : function ( ) { this . item . doHighLight . apply ( this . item , arguments ) } , unHighLight : function ( ) { this . item . unHighLight . apply ( this . item , arguments ) } , getId : function ( ) { return this . options . id } , getPId : function ( ) { return this . options . pId } , doClick : function ( ) { BI . MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem . superclass . doClick . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . item . setSelected ( this . isSelected ( ) ) } , setSelected : function ( v ) { BI . MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem . superclass . setSelected . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . item . setSelected ( v ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . options . value } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.multilayer_icon_tree_leaf_item" , BI . MultiLayerIconTreeLeafItem ) , BI . TreeTextLeafItem = BI . inherit ( BI . BasicButton , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . TreeTextLeafItem . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { extraCls : "bi-tree-text-leaf-item bi-list-item-active" , id : "" , pId : "" , height : 24 , hgap : 0 , lgap : 0 , rgap : 0 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . TreeTextLeafItem . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.label" , textAlign : "left" , whiteSpace : "nowrap" , textHeight : o . height , height : o . height , hgap : o . hgap , lgap : o . lgap , rgap : o . hgap , text : o . text , value : o . value , py : o . py } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.htape" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . text } ] } ) } , doRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . doRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . unRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , doHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . doHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . unHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , getId : function ( ) { return this . options . id } , getPId : function ( ) { return this . options . pId } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.tree_text_leaf_item" , BI . TreeTextLeafItem ) , BI . CalendarDateItem = BI . inherit ( BI . BasicButton , { render : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; return { type : "bi.absolute" , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.text_item" , cls : "bi-list-item-select" , textAlign : "center" , whiteSpace : "normal" , text : o . text , value : o . value , ref : function ( ) { self . text = this } } , left : o . lgap , right : o . rgap , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } } , doHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . doHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . unHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , setValue : function ( ) { this . isReadOnly ( ) || this . text . setValue . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , setSelected : function ( b ) { BI . CalendarDateItem . superclass . setSelected . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . text . setSelected ( b ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . text . getValue ( ) } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.calendar_date_item" , BI . CalendarDateItem ) , BI . Calendar = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . Calendar . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : "bi-calendar" , logic : { dynamic : ! 1 } , min : "1900-01-01" , max : "2099-12-31" , year : 2015 , month : 8 , day : 25 } ) } , _dateCreator : function ( Y , M , D ) { var self = this , o = this . options , log = { } , De = BI . getDate ( ) , mins = o . min . match ( /\d+/g ) , maxs = o . max . match ( /\d+/g ) ; Y < ( 0 | mins [ 0 ] ) && ( Y = 0 | mins [ 0 ] ) , Y > ( 0 | maxs [ 0 ] ) && ( Y = 0 | maxs [ 0 ] ) , De
self . fireEvent ( BI . ColorPickerEditor . EVENT _CHANGE ) ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , element : this , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.vertical_adapt" , items : [ { el : this . colorShow , width : 16 } , { el : RGB [ 0 ] , width : 20 } , { el : this . R , width : c . REB _WIDTH } , { el : RGB [ 1 ] , width : 20 } , { el : this . G , width : c . REB _WIDTH } , { el : RGB [ 2 ] , width : 20 } , { el : this . B , width : c . REB _WIDTH } , { el : this . transparent , width : 16 , lgap : 5 } , { el : this . none , width : 16 , lgap : 5 } ] } , left : 10 , right : 10 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } ) } , _checkEditors : function ( ) { BI . isEmptyString ( this . R . getValue ( ) ) && this . R . setValue ( 0 ) , BI . isEmptyString ( this . G . getValue ( ) ) && this . G . setValue ( 0 ) , BI . isEmptyString ( this . B . getValue ( ) ) && this . B . setValue ( 0 ) , this . storeValue = { r : this . R . getValue ( ) || 0 , g : this . G . getValue ( ) || 0 , b : this . B . getValue ( ) || 0 } } , _isEmptyRGB : function ( ) { return BI . isEmptyString ( this . storeValue . r ) && BI . isEmptyString ( this . storeValue . g ) && BI . isEmptyString ( this . storeValue . b ) } , _showPreColor : function ( color ) { "" === color ? this . colorShow . element . css ( "background-color" , "" ) . removeClass ( "trans-color-background" ) . addClass ( "auto-color-normal-background" ) : "transparent" === color ? this . colorShow . element . css ( "background-color" , "" ) . removeClass ( "auto-color-normal-background" ) . addClass ( "trans-color-background" ) : this . colorShow . element . css ( { "background-color" : color } ) . removeClass ( "auto-color-normal-background" ) . removeClass ( "trans-color-background" ) } , _setEnable : function ( enable ) { BI . ColorPickerEditor . superclass . _setEnable . apply ( this , arguments ) , enable === ! 0 ? this . element . removeClass ( "base-disabled disabled" ) : enable === ! 1 && this . element . addClass ( "base-disabled disabled" ) } , setValue : function ( color ) { if ( "transparent" === color ) return this . transparent . setSelected ( ! 0 ) , this . none . setSelected ( ! 1 ) , this . _showPreColor ( "transparent" ) , this . R . setValue ( "" ) , this . G . setValue ( "" ) , this . B . setValue ( "" ) , void ( this . storeValue = { r : "" , g : "" , b : "" } ) ; color ? this . none . setSelected ( ! 1 ) : ( color = "" , this . none . setSelected ( ! 0 ) ) , this . transparent . setSelected ( ! 1 ) , this . _showPreColor ( color ) ; var json = BI . DOM . rgb2json ( BI . DOM . hex2rgb ( color ) ) ; this . storeValue = { r : BI . isNull ( json . r ) ? "" : json . r , g : BI . isNull ( json . r ) ? "" : json . g , b : BI . isNull ( json . r ) ? "" : json . b } , this . R . setValue ( this . storeValue . r ) , this . G . setValue ( this . storeValue . g ) , this . B . setValue ( this . storeValue . b ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . _isEmptyRGB ( ) && this . transparent . isSelected ( ) ? "transparent" : BI . DOM . rgb2hex ( BI . DOM . json2rgb ( { r : this . storeValue . r , g : this . storeValue . g , b : this . storeValue . b } ) ) } } ) , BI . ColorPickerEditor . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.color_picker_editor" , BI . ColorPickerEditor ) , BI . SimpleColorPickerEditor = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { constants : { REB _WIDTH : 32 } , _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . SimpleColorPickerEditor . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-color-picker-editor" , height : 30 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . SimpleColorPickerEditor . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options , c = this . constants ; this . colorShow = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.layout" , cls : "color-picker-editor-display bi-card bi-border" , height : 16 , width : 16 } ) ; var RGB = BI . createWidgets ( BI . createItems ( [ { text : "R" } , { text : "G" } , { text : "B" } ] , { type : "bi.label" , cls : "color-picker-editor-label" , width : 20 , height : 20 } ) ) , checker = function ( v ) { return BI . isNumeric ( v ) && ( 0 | v ) >= 0 && ( 0 | v ) <= 255 } , Ws = BI . createWidgets ( [ { } , { } , { } ] , { type : "bi.small_text_editor" , cls : "color-picker-editor-input" , validationChecker : checker , errorText : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Color_Picker_Error_Text" ) , allowBlank : ! 0 , value : 255 , width : c . REB _WIDTH , height : 20 } ) ; BI . each ( Ws , function ( i , w ) { w . on ( BI . TextEditor . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . _checkEditors ( ) , self . R . isValid ( ) && self . G . isValid ( ) && self . B . isValid ( ) && ( self . colorShow . element . css ( "background-color" , self . getValue ( ) ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleColorPickerEditor . EVENT _CHANGE ) ) } ) } ) , this . R = Ws [ 0 ] , this . G = Ws [ 1 ] , this . B = Ws [ 2 ] , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vertical_adapt" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . colorShow , width : 16 , lgap : 20 , rgap : 15 } , { el : RGB [ 0 ] , width : 20 } , { el : this . R , width : c . REB _WIDTH } , { el : RGB [ 1 ] , width : 20 } , { el : this . G , width : c . REB _WIDTH } , { el : RGB [ 2 ] , width : 20 } , { el : this . B , width : c . REB _WIDTH } ] } ) } , _checkEditors : function ( ) { BI . isEmptyString ( this . R . getValue ( ) ) && this . R . setValue ( 0 ) , BI . isEmptyString ( this . G . getValue ( ) ) && this . G . se
callback ( find , matched ) } , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . Searcher . EVENT _CHANGE , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchTextValueTrigger . EVENT _CHANGE ) } } ] } } , { el : { type : "bi.layout" , width : 24 } , width : 24 } ] } } , _setState : function ( v ) { this . editor . setState ( v ) } , _digest : function ( vals , items ) { var o = this . options ; vals = BI . isArray ( vals ) ? vals : [ vals ] ; var result = [ ] , formatItems = BI . Tree . transformToArrayFormat ( items ) ; return BI . each ( formatItems , function ( i , item ) { BI . deepContains ( vals , item . value ) && ! BI . contains ( result , item . text || item . value ) && result . push ( item . text || item . value ) } ) , result . length > 0 ? result . join ( "," ) : BI . isFunction ( o . text ) ? o . text ( ) : o . text } , stopEditing : function ( ) { this . searcher . stopSearch ( ) } , getSearcher : function ( ) { return this . searcher } , populate : function ( items ) { this . options . items = items } , setValue : function ( vals ) { this . _setState ( this . _digest ( vals , this . options . items ) ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . searcher . getValue ( ) } } ) , BI . SearchTextValueTrigger . EVENT _SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING" , BI . SearchTextValueTrigger . EVENT _STOP = "EVENT_STOP" , BI . SearchTextValueTrigger . EVENT _START = "EVENT_START" , BI . SearchTextValueTrigger . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.search_text_value_trigger" , BI . SearchTextValueTrigger ) , BI . TextValueCheckCombo = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . TextValueCheckCombo . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-text-value-check-combo" , width : 100 , height : 24 , chooseType : BI . ButtonGroup . CHOOSE _TYPE _SINGLE , value : "" , attributes : { tabIndex : 0 } } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . TextValueCheckCombo . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . trigger = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.select_text_trigger" , cls : "text-value-trigger" , items : o . items , height : o . height , text : o . text , value : o . value } ) , this . popup = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.text_value_check_combo_popup" , chooseType : o . chooseType , items : o . items , value : o . value } ) , this . popup . on ( BI . TextValueCheckComboPopup . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . setValue ( self . popup . getValue ( ) ) , self . textIconCheckCombo . hideView ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . TextValueCheckCombo . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) , this . popup . on ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) , this . textIconCheckCombo = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.combo" , container : o . container , element : this , adjustLength : 2 , el : this . trigger , popup : { el : this . popup , maxHeight : 300 } } ) , BI . isKey ( o . value ) && this . setValue ( o . value ) } , setTitle : function ( title ) { this . trigger . setTitle ( title ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . trigger . setValue ( v ) , this . popup . setValue ( v ) } , setWarningTitle : function ( title ) { this . trigger . setWarningTitle ( title ) } , getValue : function ( ) { var value = this . popup . getValue ( ) ; return BI . isNull ( value ) ? [ ] : BI . isArray ( value ) ? value : [ value ] } , populate : function ( items ) { this . options . items = items , this . textIconCheckCombo . populate ( items ) } } ) , BI . TextValueCheckCombo . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.text_value_check_combo" , BI . TextValueCheckCombo ) , BI . TextValueCheckComboPopup = BI . inherit ( BI . Pane , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . TextValueCheckComboPopup . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-text-icon-popup" , chooseType : BI . ButtonGroup . CHOOSE _TYPE _SINGLE } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . TextValueCheckComboPopup . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var o = this . options , self = this ; this . popup = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.button_group" , items : this . _formatItems ( o . items ) , chooseType : o . chooseType , layouts : [ { type : "bi.vertical" } ] , value : o . value } ) , this . popup . on ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( type , val , obj ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) , type === BI . Events . CLICK && self . fireEvent ( BI . TextValueCheckComboPopup . EVENT _CHANGE , val , obj ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vertical" , element : this , vgap : 5 , items : [ this . popup ] } ) } , _formatItems : function ( items ) { return BI . map ( items , function ( i , item ) { return BI . extend ( { type : "bi.single_select_item" , cls : "bi-list-item" , height : 24 } , item ) } ) } , populate : function ( items ) { BI . TextValueCheckComboPopup . superclass . populate . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . popup . populate ( this . _formatItems ( items ) ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . popup . getValue ( ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . popup . setValue ( v ) } } ) , BI . TextValueCheckComboPopup . EVENT _
var self = this , o = this . options ; this . editor = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.editor" , height : o . height , hgap : o . hgap , vgap : o . vgap , lgap : o . lgap , rgap : o . rgap , tgap : o . tgap , bgap : o . bgap , value : o . value , validationChecker : o . validationChecker , quitChecker : o . quitChecker , allowBlank : o . allowBlank , watermark : o . watermark , errorText : o . errorText } ) , this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.text_button" , cls : "bi-water-mark" , textAlign : "left" , text : o . text , height : o . height , hgap : o . hgap , handler : function ( ) { self . _showInput ( ) , self . editor . focus ( ) , self . editor . setValue ( "" ) } } ) , this . text . on ( BI . TextButton . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _CLICK _LABEL ) } ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . text , left : 0 , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _FOCUS , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _FOCUS , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _BLUR , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _BLUR , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _CLICK , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _CLICK , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _KEY _DOWN , function ( v ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _KEY _DOWN , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _VALID , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _VALID , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _CONFIRM , function ( ) { self . _showHint ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _CONFIRM , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _CHANGE _CONFIRM , function ( ) { self . _showHint ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _CHANGE _CONFIRM , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _START , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _START , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _PAUSE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _PAUSE , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _STOP , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _STOP , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _SPACE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _SPACE , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _ERROR , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _ERROR , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _ENTER , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _ENTER , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _RESTRICT , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _RESTRICT , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _EMPTY , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SimpleStateEditor . EVENT _EMPTY , arguments ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vertical" , scrolly : ! 1 , element : this , items : [ this . editor ] } ) , this . _showHint ( ) , BI . isNotNull ( o . text ) && this . setState ( o . text ) } , setWaterMark : function ( v ) { this . options . watermark = v , this . editor . setWaterMark ( v ) } , doRedMark : function ( ) { "" === this . editor . getValue ( ) && BI . isKey ( this . options . watermark ) || this . text . doRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . unRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , doHighLight : function ( ) { "" === this . editor . getValue ( ) && BI . isKey ( this . options . watermark ) || this . text . doHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . unHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , focus : function ( ) { this . _showInput ( ) , this . editor . focus ( ) } , blur : function ( ) { this . editor . blur ( ) , this . _showHint ( ) } , _showInput : function ( ) { this . editor . visible ( ) , this . text . invisible ( ) } , _showHint : function ( ) { this . editor . invisible ( ) , this . text . visible ( ) } , _setText : function ( v ) { this . text . setText ( v ) , this . text . setTitle ( v ) } , isValid : function ( ) { return this . editor . isValid ( ) } , setErrorText : function ( text ) { this . editor . setErrorText ( text ) } , getErrorText : function ( ) { return this . editor . getErrorText ( ) } , isEditing : function ( ) { return this . editor . isEditing ( ) } , getLastValidValue : function ( ) { return this . editor . getLastValidValue ( ) } , getLastChangedValue : function ( ) { return this . editor . getLastChangedValue ( ) } , setValue : function ( k ) { this . editor . setValue ( k ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . editor . getValue ( ) } , getState : function
type : "bi.label" , width : 24 , height : 24 , value : v . curr , title : v . curr , invisible : ! 0 } ) , this . vpager = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.pager" , width : 72 , layouts : [ { type : "bi.horizontal" , scrollx : ! 1 , rgap : 24 } ] , invisible : ! 0 , dynamicShow : ! 1 , pages : v . pages , curr : v . curr , groups : 0 , first : ! 1 , last : ! 1 , prev : { type : "bi.icon_button" , value : "prev" , title : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Up_Page" ) , warningTitle : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Current_Is_First_Page" ) , height : 22 , width : 22 , cls : "bi-border bi-border-radius direction-pager-prev column-pre-page-h-font bi-list-item-select2" } , next : { type : "bi.icon_button" , value : "next" , title : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Down_Page" ) , warningTitle : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Current_Is_Last_Page" ) , height : 22 , width : 22 , cls : "bi-border bi-border-radius direction-pager-next column-next-page-h-font bi-list-item-select2" } , hasPrev : v . hasPrev , hasNext : v . hasNext , firstPage : v . firstPage , lastPage : v . lastPage } ) , this . vpager . on ( BI . Pager . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DirectionPager . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) , this . vpager . on ( BI . Pager . EVENT _AFTER _POPULATE , function ( ) { self . vlabel . setValue ( this . getCurrentPage ( ) ) , self . vlabel . setTitle ( this . getCurrentPage ( ) ) } ) } , _createHPager : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options , h = o . horizontal ; this . hlabel = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.label" , width : 24 , height : 24 , value : h . curr , title : h . curr , invisible : ! 0 } ) , this . hpager = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.pager" , width : 72 , layouts : [ { type : "bi.horizontal" , scrollx : ! 1 , rgap : 24 } ] , invisible : ! 0 , dynamicShow : ! 1 , pages : h . pages , curr : h . curr , groups : 0 , first : ! 1 , last : ! 1 , prev : { type : "bi.icon_button" , value : "prev" , title : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Left_Page" ) , warningTitle : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Current_Is_First_Page" ) , height : 22 , width : 22 , cls : "bi-border bi-border-radius direction-pager-prev row-pre-page-h-font bi-list-item-select2" } , next : { type : "bi.icon_button" , value : "next" , title : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Right_Page" ) , warningTitle : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Current_Is_Last_Page" ) , height : 22 , width : 22 , cls : "bi-border bi-border-radius direction-pager-next row-next-page-h-font bi-list-item-select2" } , hasPrev : h . hasPrev , hasNext : h . hasNext , firstPage : h . firstPage , lastPage : h . lastPage } ) , this . hpager . on ( BI . Pager . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DirectionPager . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) , this . hpager . on ( BI . Pager . EVENT _AFTER _POPULATE , function ( ) { self . hlabel . setValue ( this . getCurrentPage ( ) ) , self . hlabel . setTitle ( this . getCurrentPage ( ) ) } ) } , getVPage : function ( ) { return this . vpager . getCurrentPage ( ) } , getHPage : function ( ) { return this . hpager . getCurrentPage ( ) } , setVPage : function ( v ) { this . vpager . setValue ( v ) , this . vlabel . setValue ( v ) , this . vlabel . setTitle ( v ) } , setHPage : function ( v ) { this . hpager . setValue ( v ) , this . hlabel . setValue ( v ) , this . hlabel . setTitle ( v ) } , hasVNext : function ( ) { return this . vpager . hasNext ( ) } , hasHNext : function ( ) { return this . hpager . hasNext ( ) } , hasVPrev : function ( ) { return this . vpager . hasPrev ( ) } , hasHPrev : function ( ) { return this . hpager . hasPrev ( ) } , setHPagerVisible : function ( b ) { this . hpager . setVisible ( b ) , this . hlabel . setVisible ( b ) } , setVPagerVisible : function ( b ) { this . vpager . setVisible ( b ) , this . vlabel . setVisible ( b ) } , populate : function ( ) { this . vpager . populate ( ) , this . hpager . populate ( ) ; var vShow = ! 1 , hShow = ! 1 ; this . hasHNext ( ) || this . hasHPrev ( ) ? ( this . setHPagerVisible ( ! 0 ) , hShow = ! 0 ) : this . setHPagerVisible ( ! 1 ) , this . hasVNext ( ) || this . hasVPrev ( ) ? ( this . setVPagerVisible ( ! 0 ) , vShow = ! 0 ) : this . setVPagerVisible ( ! 1 ) , this . setVisible ( hShow || vShow ) ; var num = [ 86 , 110 , 0 , 24 ] , items = this . layout . attr ( "items" ) ; vShow === ! 0 && hShow === ! 0 ? ( items [ 0 ] . right = num [ 0 ] , items [ 1 ] . right = num [ 1 ] , items [ 2 ] . right = num [ 2 ] , items [ 3 ] . right = num [ 3 ] ) : vShow === ! 0 ? ( items [ 0 ] . right = num [ 2 ] , items [ 1 ] . right = num [ 3 ] ) : hShow === ! 0 && ( items [ 2 ] . right = num [ 2 ] , items [ 3 ] . right = num [ 3 ] ) , this . layout . attr ( "items" , items ) , this . layout . resize ( ) } , clear : function ( ) { this . vpager . attr ( "curr" , 1 ) , this . hpager . attr ( "curr" , 1 ) } } ) , BI . DirectionPager . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.direction_pager" , BI . DirectionPager ) , BI . DetailPager = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . DetailPager . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-detail-pager" , behaviors : { } , layouts : [ { type : "bi.horizontal" , hgap : 10 , vgap : 0 } ] , dynamicShow : ! 0 , dynamicShowFirstLast : ! 1 , dynamicShowPrevNext : ! 1 , pages : ! 1 , curr : function ( ) { return 1 } , groups : 0 , jump : BI . emptyFn , first : ! 1 , la
type : "bi.year_popup" , behaviors : o . behaviors , min : o . min , max : o . max } ) , this . popup . on ( BI . YearPopup . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . setValue ( self . popup . getValue ( ) ) , self . combo . hideView ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . YearDateCombo . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) , this . combo = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.combo" , offsetStyle : "center" , element : this , container : o . container , isNeedAdjustHeight : ! 1 , isNeedAdjustWidth : ! 1 , el : this . trigger , popup : { minWidth : 100 , stopPropagation : ! 1 , el : this . popup } } ) , this . combo . on ( BI . Combo . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . YearDateCombo . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) , this . combo . on ( BI . Combo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW , function ( ) { self . doBehavior ( ) } ) } , setMinDate : function ( minDate ) { this . popup . setMinDate ( minDate ) } , setMaxDate : function ( maxDate ) { this . popup . setMaxDate ( maxDate ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . trigger . setValue ( v ) , this . popup . setValue ( v ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . popup . getValue ( ) } } ) , BI . YearDateCombo . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.year_date_combo" , BI . YearDateCombo ) , BI . DatePicker = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . DatePicker . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : "bi-date-picker" , height : 40 , min : "1900-01-01" , max : "2099-12-31" } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . DatePicker . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . _year = BI . getDate ( ) . getFullYear ( ) , this . _month = BI . getDate ( ) . getMonth ( ) + 1 , this . left = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.icon_button" , cls : "pre-page-h-font" , width : 24 , height : 24 } ) , this . left . on ( BI . IconButton . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { 1 === self . _month ? self . setValue ( { year : self . year . getValue ( ) - 1 , month : 12 } ) : self . setValue ( { year : self . year . getValue ( ) , month : self . month . getValue ( ) - 1 } ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . DatePicker . EVENT _CHANGE ) , self . _checkLeftValid ( ) , self . _checkRightValid ( ) } ) , this . right = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.icon_button" , cls : "next-page-h-font" , width : 24 , height : 24 } ) , this . right . on ( BI . IconButton . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { 12 === self . _month ? self . setValue ( { year : self . year . getValue ( ) + 1 , month : 1 } ) : self . setValue ( { year : self . year . getValue ( ) , month : self . month . getValue ( ) + 1 } ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . DatePicker . EVENT _CHANGE ) , self . _checkLeftValid ( ) , self . _checkRightValid ( ) } ) , this . year = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.year_date_combo" , behaviors : o . behaviors , min : o . min , max : o . max } ) , this . year . on ( BI . YearDateCombo . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . setValue ( { year : self . year . getValue ( ) , month : self . month . getValue ( ) } ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . DatePicker . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) , this . month = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.month_date_combo" , behaviors : o . behaviors } ) , this . month . on ( BI . MonthDateCombo . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . setValue ( { year : self . year . getValue ( ) , month : self . month . getValue ( ) } ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . DatePicker . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.htape" , element : this , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.center_adapt" , items : [ this . left ] } , width : 24 } , { type : "bi.center_adapt" , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.horizontal" , width : 120 , rgap : 10 , items : [ { el : this . year , lgap : 10 } , this . month ] } } ] } , { el : { type : "bi.center_adapt" , items : [ this . right ] } , width : 24 } ] } ) , this . setValue ( { year : this . _year , month : this . _month } ) } , _checkLeftValid : function ( ) { var o = this . options , valid = ! ( 1 === this . _month && this . _year === BI . parseDateTime ( o . min , "%Y-%X-%d" ) . getFullYear ( ) ) ; return this . left . setEnable ( valid ) , valid } , _checkRightValid : function ( ) { var o = this . options , valid = ! ( 12 === this . _month && this . _year === BI . parseDateTime ( o . max , "%Y-%X-%d" ) . getFullYear ( ) ) ; return this . right . setEnable ( valid ) , valid } , setMinDate : function ( minDate ) { this . year . setMinDate ( minDate ) } , setMaxDate : function ( maxDate ) { this . year . setMaxDate ( maxDate ) } , setValue : function ( ob ) { this . _year = BI . parseInt ( ob . year ) , this . _month = BI . parseInt ( ob . month ) , this . year . setValue ( ob . year ) , this . month . setValue ( ob . month ) , this . _checkLeftValid ( ) , this . _checkRightValid ( ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return { year : this . year . getValue ( ) , month : this . month . getValue ( ) } } } ) , BI . DatePicker . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.date_picker" , BI . DatePicker ) , BI . YearPicker = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . YearPicker . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : "bi-year-picker" , behaviors : { } , height : 40 , min : "1900-01-01" , max : "2099-12-31" } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . YearPicker . superclass
el : this . popupview , stopPropagation : o . stopPropagation , maxHeight : 1e3 , minWidth : 140 } } ) , this . downlistcombo . on ( BI . Combo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DownListCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW ) } ) } , hideView : function ( ) { this . downlistcombo . hideView ( ) } , showView : function ( e ) { this . downlistcombo . showView ( e ) } , populate : function ( items ) { this . popupview . populate ( items ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . popupview . setValue ( v ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . popupview . getValue ( ) } } ) , BI . DownListCombo . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . DownListCombo . EVENT _SON _VALUE _CHANGE = "EVENT_SON_VALUE_CHANGE" , BI . DownListCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.down_list_combo" , BI . DownListCombo ) , BI . DownListGroup = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { constants : { iconCls : "check-mark-ha-font" } , _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . DownListGroup . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-down-list-group" , items : [ { el : { } } ] } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . DownListGroup . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var o = this . options , self = this ; this . downlistgroup = BI . createWidget ( { element : this , type : "bi.button_tree" , items : o . items , chooseType : 0 , layouts : [ { type : "bi.vertical" , hgap : 0 , vgap : 0 } ] , value : o . value } ) , this . downlistgroup . on ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( type ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) , type === BI . Events . CLICK && self . fireEvent ( BI . DownListGroup . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . downlistgroup . getValue ( ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . downlistgroup . setValue ( v ) } } ) , BI . DownListGroup . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.down_list_group" , BI . DownListGroup ) , BI . DownListItem = BI . inherit ( BI . BasicButton , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . DownListItem . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : "bi-down-list-item bi-list-item-active" , cls : "" , height : 24 , logic : { dynamic : ! 0 } , selected : ! 1 , iconHeight : null , iconWidth : null , textHgap : 0 , textVgap : 0 , textLgap : 0 , textRgap : 0 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . DownListItem . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.label" , cls : "list-item-text" , textAlign : "left" , hgap : o . textHgap , vgap : o . textVgap , lgap : o . textLgap , rgap : o . textRgap , text : o . text , value : o . value , keyword : o . keyword , height : o . height } ) , this . icon = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.center_adapt" , width : 36 , height : o . height , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.icon" , width : o . iconWidth , height : o . iconHeight } } ] } ) , BI . createWidget ( BI . extend ( { element : this } , BI . LogicFactory . createLogic ( BI . LogicFactory . createLogicTypeByDirection ( BI . Direction . Left ) , BI . extend ( o . logic , { items : BI . LogicFactory . createLogicItemsByDirection ( BI . Direction . Left , this . icon , this . text ) } ) ) ) ) } , setValue : function ( ) { this . isReadOnly ( ) || this . text . setValue . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . text . getValue ( ) } , setText : function ( ) { this . text . setText . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , getText : function ( ) { return this . text . getText ( ) } , doClick : function ( ) { BI . DownListItem . superclass . doClick . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . isValid ( ) && this . fireEvent ( BI . DownListItem . EVENT _CHANGE , this . getValue ( ) , this ) } , doRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . doRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . unRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , doHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . doHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . unHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } } ) , BI . DownListItem . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.down_list_item" , BI . DownListItem ) , BI . DownListGroupItem = BI . inherit ( BI . BasicButton , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . DownListGroupItem . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : ( conf . baseCls || "" ) + " bi-down-list-group-item" , logic : { dynamic : ! 1 } , iconCls1 : "dot-e-font" , iconCls2 : "pull-right-e-font" } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . DownListGroupItem . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var o = this . options , self = this ; this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.label" , cls : "list-group-item-text" , textAlign : "left" , text : o . text , value : o . value , height : o . height } ) , this . icon1 = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.icon_button" , cls : o . iconCls1 , width : 36 , disableSelected : ! 0 , selected : this . _digest ( o . value ) } ) , thi
this . textButton . setEnable ( ! 0 ) } } , getValue : function ( ) { return { type : this . dateTab . getSelect ( ) , value : this . dateTab . getValue ( ) } } } ) , BI . DynamicDatePopup . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . DynamicDatePopup . BUTTON _OK _EVENT _CHANGE = "BUTTON_OK_EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . DynamicDatePopup . BUTTON _lABEL _EVENT _CHANGE = "BUTTON_lABEL_EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . DynamicDatePopup . BUTTON _CLEAR _EVENT _CHANGE = "BUTTON_CLEAR_EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.dynamic_date_popup" , BI . DynamicDatePopup ) , BI . DynamicDateTrigger = BI . inherit ( BI . Trigger , { _const : { hgap : 4 , vgap : 2 , yearLength : 4 , yearMonthLength : 6 , yearFullMonthLength : 7 , compareFormat : "%Y-%X-%d" } , props : { extraCls : "bi-date-trigger" , min : "1900-01-01" , max : "2099-12-31" , height : 24 , format : "" , allowEdit : ! 0 , watermark : "" } , _init : function ( ) { BI . DynamicDateTrigger . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options , c = this . _const ; this . storeTriggerValue = "" , this . editor = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.sign_editor" , height : o . height , validationChecker : function ( v ) { var formatStr = self . _getStandardDateStr ( v ) , date = formatStr . match ( /\d+/g ) ; return ! BI . isKey ( o . format ) && self . _autoAppend ( v , date ) , self . _dateCheck ( formatStr ) && BI . checkDateLegal ( formatStr ) && self . _checkVoid ( { year : 0 | date [ 0 ] , month : 0 | date [ 1 ] , day : 0 | date [ 2 ] } ) } , quitChecker : function ( ) { return ! 1 } , hgap : c . hgap , vgap : c . vgap , allowBlank : ! 0 , watermark : BI . isKey ( o . watermark ) ? o . watermark : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Unrestricted" ) , errorText : function ( ) { var str = "" ; return BI . isKey ( o . format ) || ( str = self . editor . isEditing ( ) ? BI . i18nText ( "BI-Date_Trigger_Error_Text" ) : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Year_Trigger_Invalid_Text" ) ) , str } , title : BI . bind ( this . _getTitle , this ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _KEY _DOWN , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicDateTrigger . EVENT _KEY _DOWN , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _FOCUS , function ( ) { self . storeTriggerValue = self . getKey ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicDateTrigger . EVENT _FOCUS ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _BLUR , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicDateTrigger . EVENT _BLUR ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _STOP , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicDateTrigger . EVENT _STOP ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _VALID , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicDateTrigger . EVENT _VALID ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _ERROR , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicDateTrigger . EVENT _ERROR ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _CONFIRM , function ( ) { var value = self . editor . getValue ( ) ; if ( BI . isNotNull ( value ) && self . editor . setState ( value ) , BI . isNotEmptyString ( value ) && ! BI . isEqual ( self . storeTriggerValue , self . getKey ( ) ) ) { var formatStr = self . _getStandardDateStr ( value ) , date = formatStr . match ( /\d+/g ) ; self . storeValue = { type : BI . DynamicDateCombo . Static , value : { year : 0 | date [ 0 ] , month : 0 | date [ 1 ] , day : 0 | date [ 2 ] } } } self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicDateTrigger . EVENT _CONFIRM ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _SPACE , function ( ) { self . editor . isValid ( ) && self . editor . blur ( ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _START , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicDateTrigger . EVENT _START ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicDateTrigger . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.htape" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . editor } , { el : BI . createWidget ( ) , width : 24 } ] } ) , ! o . allowEdit && BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , element : this , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.text" , title : BI . bind ( this . _getTitle , this ) } , left : 0 , right : 24 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } ) , this . setValue ( o . value ) } , _getTitle : function ( ) { var storeValue = this . storeValue || { } , type = storeValue . type || BI . DynamicDateCombo . Static , value = storeValue . value ; switch ( type ) { case BI . DynamicDateCombo . Dynamic : var text = this . _getText ( value ) , date = BI . getDate ( ) ; date = BI . DynamicDateHelper . getCalculation ( value ) ; var dateStr = BI . print ( date , this . _getFormatString ( ) ) ; return BI . isEmptyString ( text ) ? dateStr : text + ":" + dateStr ; case BI . DynamicDateCombo . Static : default : return BI . isNull ( value ) || BI . isNull ( value . day ) ? "" : BI . print ( BI . getDate ( value . year , value . month - 1 , value . day ) , this . _getFormatString ( ) ) } } , _getStandardDateStr : function ( v ) { var c = this . _const , result = [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] , formatArray = this . _getFormatString ( ) . match ( /%./g ) ; BI . each ( formatArray , function ( idx , v ) { switch ( v ) { case "%Y" : case "%y" : result [ 0 ] = idx ; break ; case "%X" : case "%x" : result [ 1 ] = idx ; break ; case "%d" : case "%e" : default : re
endText = getPositionText ( BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Week" ) , obj . position ) ) , BI . isNotNull ( obj . day ) && ( 0 !== BI . parseInt ( obj . day ) && ( value += Math . abs ( obj . day ) + BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Day" ) + ( obj . day < 0 ? BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Front" ) : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Behind" ) ) ) , endText = 1 === BI . size ( obj ) ? getPositionText ( BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Month" ) , obj . position ) : "" ) , BI . isNotNull ( obj . workDay ) && 0 !== BI . parseInt ( obj . workDay ) && ( value += Math . abs ( obj . workDay ) + BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Work_Day" ) + ( obj . workDay < 0 ? BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Front" ) : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Behind" ) ) ) , value + endText } , setMinDate : function ( minDate ) { BI . isNotEmptyString ( this . options . min ) && ( this . options . min = minDate ) } , setMaxDate : function ( maxDate ) { BI . isNotEmptyString ( this . options . max ) && ( this . options . max = maxDate ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { var type , value , self = this , date = BI . getDate ( ) ; switch ( this . storeValue = v , BI . isNotNull ( v ) && ( type = v . type || BI . DynamicDateCombo . Static , value = v . value || v ) , type ) { case BI . DynamicDateCombo . Dynamic : var text = this . _getText ( value ) ; date = BI . DynamicDateHelper . getCalculation ( value ) , this . _setInnerValue ( date , text ) ; break ; case BI . DynamicDateCombo . Static : default : if ( BI . isNull ( value ) || BI . isNull ( value . day ) ) this . editor . setState ( "" ) , this . editor . setValue ( "" ) ; else { var dateStr = BI . print ( BI . getDate ( value . year , value . month - 1 , value . day , value . hour || 0 , value . minute || 0 , value . second || 0 ) , this . _getFormatString ( ) ) ; this . editor . setState ( dateStr ) , this . editor . setValue ( dateStr ) } } } , getKey : function ( ) { return this . editor . getValue ( ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . storeValue } , isValid : function ( ) { return this . editor . isValid ( ) } } ) , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _START = "EVENT_START" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _STOP = "EVENT_STOP" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _VALID = "EVENT_VALID" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _TRIGGER _CLICK = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger . EVENT _KEY _DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.dynamic_date_time_trigger" , BI . DynamicDateTimeTrigger ) , BI . SearchEditor = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { var conf = BI . SearchEditor . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : "bi-search-editor bi-border bi-focus-shadow" , height : 24 , errorText : "" , watermark : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Search" ) , validationChecker : BI . emptyFn , quitChecker : BI . emptyFn } ) } , _init : function ( ) { this . options . height -= 2 , BI . SearchEditor . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . editor = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.editor" , height : o . height , watermark : o . watermark , allowBlank : ! 0 , hgap : 1 , errorText : o . errorText , validationChecker : o . validationChecker , quitChecker : o . quitChecker , value : o . value } ) , this . clear = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.icon_button" , stopEvent : ! 0 , cls : "close-font" } ) , this . clear . on ( BI . IconButton . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . setValue ( "" ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , BI . Events . STOPEDIT ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchEditor . EVENT _CHANGE ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchEditor . EVENT _CLEAR ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { element : this , type : "bi.htape" , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.icon_label" , cls : "search-font" } , width : 24 } , { el : self . editor } , { el : this . clear , width : 24 } ] } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _FOCUS , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchEditor . EVENT _FOCUS ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _BLUR , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchEditor . EVENT _BLUR ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _CLICK , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchEditor . EVENT _CLICK ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . _checkClear ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchEditor . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _KEY _DOWN , function ( v ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchEditor . EVENT _KEY _DOWN , v ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _SPACE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchEditor . EVENT _SPACE ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _BACKSPACE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchEditor . EVENT _BACKSPACE ) } ) , this . editor . on ( B
type : "bi.vertical" , element : this , items : [ this . popup ] , vgap : 5 } ) } , _createPopupItems : function ( items ) { var self = this , result = [ ] ; return BI . each ( items , function ( i , it ) { var item _done = { type : "bi.down_list_group" , items : [ ] } ; if ( BI . each ( it , function ( i , item ) { BI . isNotEmptyArray ( item . children ) && ! BI . isEmpty ( item . el ) ? ( item . type = "bi.combo_group" , item . cls = "down-list-group" , item . trigger = "hover" , item . isNeedAdjustWidth = ! 1 , item . el . title = item . el . title || item . el . text , item . el . type = "bi.down_list_group_item" , item . el . logic = { dynamic : ! 0 } , item . el . height = self . constants . height , item . el . iconCls2 = self . constants . nextIcon , item . popup = { lgap : 1 , el : { type : "bi.button_tree" , chooseType : 0 , layouts : [ { type : "bi.vertical" } ] } , innerVGap : 5 } , item . el . childValues = [ ] , BI . each ( item . children , function ( i , child ) { child = child . el ? BI . extend ( child . el , { children : child . children } ) : child ; var fatherValue = BI . deepClone ( item . el . value ) , childValue = BI . deepClone ( child . value ) ; self . singleValues . push ( child . value ) , child . type = "bi.down_list_item" , child . extraCls = " child-down-list-item" , child . title = child . title || child . text , child . textRgap = 10 , child . isNeedAdjustWidth = ! 1 , child . logic = { dynamic : ! 0 } , child . father = fatherValue , self . fatherValueMap [ self . _createChildValue ( fatherValue , childValue ) ] = fatherValue , self . childValueMap [ self . _createChildValue ( fatherValue , childValue ) ] = childValue , child . value = self . _createChildValue ( fatherValue , childValue ) , item . el . childValues . push ( child . value ) , BI . isNotEmptyArray ( child . children ) && ( child . type = "bi.down_list_group_item" , self . _createChildren ( child ) , child . height = self . constants . height , child . iconCls2 = self . constants . nextIcon , item . el . childValues = BI . concat ( item . el . childValues , child . childValues ) ) } ) ) : ( item . type = "bi.down_list_item" , item . title = item . title || item . text , item . textRgap = 10 , item . isNeedAdjustWidth = ! 1 , item . logic = { dynamic : ! 0 } ) ; var el _done = { } ; el _done . el = item , item _done . items . push ( el _done ) } ) , self . _isGroup ( item _done . items ) && BI . each ( item _done . items , function ( i , item ) { self . singleValues . push ( item . el . value ) } ) , result . push ( item _done ) , self . _needSpliter ( i , items . length ) ) { var spliter _container = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vertical" , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.layout" , cls : "bi-down-list-spliter bi-border-top cursor-pointer" , height : 0 } } ] , cls : "bi-down-list-spliter-container cursor-pointer" , vgap : 5 , lgap : 10 } ) ; result . push ( spliter _container ) } } ) , result } , _createChildren : function ( child ) { var self = this ; child . childValues = [ ] , BI . each ( child . children , function ( i , c ) { var fatherValue = BI . deepClone ( child . value ) , childValue = BI . deepClone ( c . value ) ; c . type = "bi.down_list_item" , c . title = c . title || c . text , c . textRgap = 10 , c . isNeedAdjustWidth = ! 1 , c . logic = { dynamic : ! 0 } , c . father = fatherValue , self . fatherValueMap [ self . _createChildValue ( fatherValue , childValue ) ] = fatherValue , self . childValueMap [ self . _createChildValue ( fatherValue , childValue ) ] = childValue , c . value = self . _createChildValue ( fatherValue , childValue ) , child . childValues . push ( c . value ) } ) } , _isGroup : function ( i ) { return i . length > 1 } , _needSpliter : function ( i , itemLength ) { return i < itemLength - 1 } , _createChildValue : function ( fatherValue , childValue ) { var fValue = fatherValue ; return BI . isArray ( fatherValue ) && ( fValue = fatherValue . join ( "_" ) ) , fValue + "_" + childValue } , _digest : function ( valueItem ) { var self = this , valueArray = [ ] ; return BI . each ( valueItem , function ( i , item ) { var value ; value = BI . isNotNull ( item . childValue ) ? self . _createChildValue ( item . value , item . childValue ) : item . value , valueArray . push ( value ) } ) , valueArray } , _checkValues : function ( values ) { function joinValue ( sources , targets ) { var value = "" ; return BI . some ( sources , function ( idx , s ) { return BI . some ( targets , function ( id , t ) { if ( s === t ) return value = s , ! 0 } ) } ) , value } function getChildrenValue ( item ) { var children = [ ] ; return BI . isNotNull ( item . children ) ? BI . each ( item . children , function ( idx , child ) { children = BI . concat ( children , getChildrenValue ( child ) ) } ) : children . push ( item . value ) , children } var self = this , o = this . options , value = [ ] ; return BI . each ( o . items , function ( idx , itemGroup ) { BI . each ( itemGroup , function ( id , item ) { if ( BI . isNotNull ( item . children ) ) { var childValues = getChildrenValue ( item ) , v = joinValue ( childValues , values [ idx ] ) ; BI . isNotEmptyString ( v ) && value . push ( v ) } else item . value === values [ idx ] [ 0 ] && value . push ( values [ idx ] [ 0 ] ) } ) } ) , value } , populate : function ( ite
self . combo . hideView ( ) } } ] } , toggle : ! o . allowEdit , hideChecker : function ( e ) { return ! ( o . container && self . trigger . getSearcher ( ) . isSearching ( ) && self . trigger . getSearcher ( ) . getView ( ) . element . find ( e . target ) . length > 0 ) && 0 === self . triggerBtn . element . find ( e . target ) . length } , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . Combo . EVENT _AFTER _HIDEVIEW , action : function ( ) { self . trigger . stopEditing ( ) } } , { eventName : BI . Combo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW ) } } ] } } , _getSyncConfig : function ( ) { var o = this . options , baseConfig = this . _getBaseConfig ( ) ; return BI . extend ( baseConfig , o . allowEdit ? this . _getSearchConfig ( ) : { el : { type : "bi.single_tree_trigger" , text : o . text , height : o . height , items : o . items , value : o . value } } ) } , _getAsyncConfig : function ( ) { var config = this . _getBaseConfig ( ) ; return BI . extend ( config , this . _getSearchConfig ( ) ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { v = BI . isArray ( v ) ? v : [ v ] , this . combo . setValue ( v ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . combo . getValue ( ) } , populate : function ( items ) { this . combo . populate ( items ) } } ) , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo . EVENT _SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING" , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo . EVENT _BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR" , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo . EVENT _FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS" , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.multilayer_single_tree_combo" , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeCombo ) , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeInsertSearchPane = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { props : function ( ) { return { baseCls : "bi-multilayer-single-tree-popup" , tipText : BI . i18nText ( "BI-No_Selected_Item" ) , isDefaultInit : ! 1 , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn , items : [ ] , value : "" } } , render : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; return this . tree = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.multilayer_single_level_tree" , isDefaultInit : o . isDefaultInit , items : o . items , itemsCreator : o . itemsCreator === BI . emptyFn ? BI . emptyFn : function ( op , callback ) { o . itemsCreator ( op , function ( res ) { callback ( res ) , self . setKeyword ( o . keywordGetter ( ) ) } ) } , keywordGetter : o . keywordGetter , value : o . value , scrollable : null , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiLayerSelectLevelTree . EVENT _CHANGE , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeInsertSearchPane . EVENT _CHANGE ) } } ] } ) , { type : "bi.vertical" , scrolly : ! 1 , scrollable : ! 0 , vgap : 5 , items : [ { type : "bi.text_button" , invisible : ! 0 , text : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Click_To_Add_Text" , "" ) , height : 24 , cls : "bi-high-light" , hgap : 5 , ref : function ( _ref ) { self . addNotMatchTip = _ref } , handler : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeInsertSearchPane . EVENT _ADD _ITEM , o . keywordGetter ( ) ) } } , this . tree ] } } , setKeyword : function ( keyword ) { var showTip = BI . isEmptyArray ( this . tree . getAllLeaves ( ) ) ; this . addNotMatchTip . setVisible ( showTip ) , showTip && this . addNotMatchTip . setText ( BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Click_To_Add_Text" , keyword ) ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . tree . getValue ( ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { v = BI . isArray ( v ) ? v : [ v ] , this . tree . setValue ( v ) } , populate : function ( items ) { this . tree . populate ( items ) } } ) , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeInsertSearchPane . EVENT _ADD _ITEM = "EVENT_ADD_ITEM" , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeInsertSearchPane . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.multilayer_single_tree_insert_search_pane" , BI . MultiLayerSingleTreeInsertSearchPane ) , BI . MultiLayerSingleLevelTree = BI . inherit ( BI . Pane , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . MultiLayerSingleLevelTree . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-multilayer-single-level-tree" , isDefaultInit : ! 1 , items : [ ] , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn , keywordGetter : BI . emptyFn , chooseType : BI . Selection . Single , scrollable : ! 0 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; BI . MultiLayerSingleLevelTree . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . storeValue = o . value , this . initTree ( this . options . items ) , this . check ( ) } , _formatItems : function ( nodes , layer , pNode ) { var self = this , o = this . options , keyword = o . keywordGetter ( ) ; return BI . each ( nodes , function ( i , node ) { var extend = { } ; node . layer = layer , BI . isKey ( node . id ) || ( node . id = BI . UUID ( ) ) , node . keyword = node . keyword || keyword , extend . pNode = pNode , node . isParent === ! 0 || node . parent === ! 0 || BI . isNotEmptyArray ( node . children ) ? ( extend . type = "
eventName : BI . MultiSelectPopupView . EVENT _CHANGE , action : function ( ) { self . storeValue = this . getValue ( ) , self . _adjust ( function ( ) { assertShowValue ( ) } ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectCombo . EVENT _CLICK _ITEM ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiSelectPopupView . EVENT _CLICK _CONFIRM , action : function ( ) { self . _defaultState ( ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiSelectPopupView . EVENT _CLICK _CLEAR , action : function ( ) { self . setValue ( ) , self . _defaultState ( ) } } ] , itemsCreator : o . itemsCreator , valueFormatter : o . valueFormatter , onLoaded : function ( ) { BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . combo . adjustWidth ( ) , self . combo . adjustHeight ( ) , self . numberCounter . adjustView ( ) , self . trigger . getSearcher ( ) . adjustView ( ) } ) } } , value : o . value , hideChecker : function ( e ) { return 0 === triggerBtn . element . find ( e . target ) . length && 0 === self . numberCounter . element . find ( e . target ) . length } } ) , this . combo . on ( BI . Combo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW , function ( ) { this . setValue ( self . storeValue ) , BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . populate ( ) } ) } ) , this . wants2Quit = ! 1 , this . combo . on ( BI . Combo . EVENT _AFTER _HIDEVIEW , function ( ) { self . _stopEditing ( ) , self . requesting === ! 0 ? self . wants2Quit = ! 0 : self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM ) } ) ; var triggerBtn = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.trigger_icon_button" , width : o . height , height : o . height , cls : "multi-select-trigger-icon-button" } ) ; triggerBtn . on ( BI . TriggerIconButton . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . numberCounter . hideView ( ) , self . combo . isViewVisible ( ) ? self . combo . hideView ( ) : self . combo . showView ( ) } ) , this . numberCounter = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.multi_select_check_selected_switcher" , masker : { offset : { left : 0 , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 25 } } , valueFormatter : o . valueFormatter , itemsCreator : BI . bind ( this . _itemsCreator4Trigger , this ) , value : this . storeValue } ) , this . numberCounter . on ( BI . MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher . EVENT _TRIGGER _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . combo . isViewVisible ( ) || self . combo . showView ( ) } ) , this . numberCounter . on ( BI . MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW , function ( ) { this . updateSelectedValue ( self . storeValue ) } ) , this . numberCounter . on ( BI . Events . VIEW , function ( b ) { BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . trigger . refreshPlaceHolderWidth ( b === ! 0 ? self . numberCounter . element . outerWidth ( ) + 8 : 0 ) } ) } ) , this . trigger . element . click ( function ( e ) { self . trigger . element . find ( e . target ) . length > 0 && self . numberCounter . hideView ( ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . combo , left : 0 , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } , { el : triggerBtn , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } , { el : { type : "bi.vertical_adapt" , items : [ this . numberCounter ] } , right : o . height , top : 0 , height : o . height } ] } ) } , _itemsCreator4Trigger : function ( op , callback ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; o . itemsCreator ( op , function ( res ) { 1 === op . times && BI . isNotNull ( op . keywords ) && self . trigger . setValue ( BI . deepClone ( self . getValue ( ) ) ) , callback . apply ( self , arguments ) } ) } , _stopEditing : function ( ) { this . trigger . stopEditing ( ) , this . numberCounter . hideView ( ) } , _defaultState : function ( ) { this . _stopEditing ( ) , this . combo . hideView ( ) } , _assertValue : function ( val ) { val || ( val = { } ) , val . type || ( val . type = BI . Selection . Multi ) , val . value || ( val . value = [ ] ) } , _makeMap : function ( values ) { return BI . makeObject ( values || [ ] ) } , _joinKeywords : function ( keywords , callback ) { function digest ( items ) { var selectedMap = self . _makeMap ( items ) ; BI . each ( keywords , function ( i , val ) { BI . isNotNull ( selectedMap [ val ] ) && ( self . storeValue . type === BI . Selection . Multi ? BI . pushDistinct ( self . storeValue . value , val ) : BI . remove ( self . storeValue . value , val ) ) } ) , self . _adjust ( callback ) } var self = this , o = this . options ; this . _assertValue ( this . storeValue ) , this . requesting = ! 0 , o . itemsCreator ( { type : BI . MultiSelectCombo . REQ _GET _ALL _DATA , keywords : keywords } , function ( ob ) { var values = BI . map ( ob . items , "value" ) ; digest ( values ) } ) } , _joinAll : function ( res , callback ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; this . _assertValue ( res ) , this . requesting = ! 0 , o . itemsCreator ( { type : BI . MultiSelectCombo . REQ _GET _ALL _DATA , keywords : [ this . trigger . getKey ( ) ] } , function ( ob ) { var items = BI . map ( ob . items , "value" ) ; if ( self . storeValue . type === res . type ) { var change = ! 1 , map = self . _makeMap ( self . storeValue . value ) ; return BI . each ( items , function ( i , v ) { BI . isNotNull ( map [ v ] ) && ( change = ! 0 , self . storeValue . assist && self . storeValue . assist . push ( map [ v ] ) , delete map [ v ] ) } ) , change && ( self . storeValue . value = BI . values ( map ) ) , void self . _adjust ( callback ) } var selecte
_makeMap : function ( values ) { return BI . makeObject ( values || [ ] ) } , _joinKeywords : function ( keywords , callback ) { function digest ( items ) { var selectedMap = self . _makeMap ( items ) ; BI . each ( keywords , function ( i , val ) { BI . isNotNull ( selectedMap [ val ] ) && ( self . storeValue . type === BI . Selection . Multi ? BI . pushDistinct ( self . storeValue . value , val ) : BI . remove ( self . storeValue . value , val ) ) } ) , self . _adjust ( callback ) } var self = this , o = this . options ; this . _assertValue ( this . storeValue ) , this . requesting = ! 0 , o . itemsCreator ( { type : BI . MultiSelectInsertNoBarCombo . REQ _GET _ALL _DATA , keywords : keywords } , function ( ob ) { var values = BI . map ( ob . items , "value" ) ; digest ( values ) } ) } , _joinAll : function ( res , callback ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; this . _assertValue ( res ) , this . requesting = ! 0 , o . itemsCreator ( { type : BI . MultiSelectInsertNoBarCombo . REQ _GET _ALL _DATA , keywords : [ this . trigger . getKey ( ) ] } , function ( ob ) { var items = BI . map ( ob . items , "value" ) ; if ( self . storeValue . type === res . type ) { var change = ! 1 , map = self . _makeMap ( self . storeValue . value ) ; return BI . each ( items , function ( i , v ) { BI . isNotNull ( map [ v ] ) && ( change = ! 0 , self . storeValue . assist && self . storeValue . assist . push ( map [ v ] ) , delete map [ v ] ) } ) , change && ( self . storeValue . value = BI . values ( map ) ) , void self . _adjust ( callback ) } var selectedMap = self . _makeMap ( self . storeValue . value ) , notSelectedMap = self . _makeMap ( res . value ) , newItems = [ ] ; BI . each ( items , function ( i , item ) { BI . isNotNull ( selectedMap [ items [ i ] ] ) && ( self . storeValue . assist && self . storeValue . assist . push ( selectedMap [ items [ i ] ] ) , delete selectedMap [ items [ i ] ] ) , BI . isNull ( notSelectedMap [ items [ i ] ] ) && ( BI . remove ( self . storeValue . assist , item ) , newItems . push ( item ) ) } ) , self . storeValue . value = newItems . concat ( BI . values ( selectedMap ) ) , self . _adjust ( callback ) } ) } , _adjust : function ( callback ) { function adjust ( ) { self . wants2Quit === ! 0 && ( self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectInsertNoBarCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM ) , self . wants2Quit = ! 1 ) , self . requesting = ! 1 } var self = this , o = this . options ; adjust ( ) , callback ( ) } , _join : function ( res , callback ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; if ( this . _assertValue ( res ) , this . _assertValue ( this . storeValue ) , this . storeValue . type === res . type ) { var map = this . _makeMap ( this . storeValue . value ) ; BI . each ( res . value , function ( i , v ) { map [ v ] || ( self . storeValue . value . push ( v ) , BI . remove ( self . storeValue . assist , v ) , map [ v ] = v ) } ) ; var change = ! 1 ; return BI . each ( res . assist , function ( i , v ) { BI . isNotNull ( map [ v ] ) && ( change = ! 0 , self . storeValue . assist && self . storeValue . assist . push ( map [ v ] ) , delete map [ v ] ) } ) , change && ( this . storeValue . value = BI . values ( map ) ) , void self . _adjust ( callback ) } this . _joinAll ( res , callback ) } , _setStartValue : function ( value ) { this . _startValue = value , this . popup . setStartValue ( value ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . storeValue = { type : BI . Selection . Multi , value : v || [ ] } , this . combo . setValue ( this . storeValue ) , this . numberCounter . setValue ( this . storeValue ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return BI . deepClone ( this . storeValue . value ) } , populate : function ( ) { this . combo . populate . apply ( this . combo , arguments ) , this . numberCounter . populateSwitcher . apply ( this . numberCounter , arguments ) } } ) , BI . extend ( BI . MultiSelectInsertNoBarCombo , { REQ _GET _DATA _LENGTH : 1 , REQ _GET _ALL _DATA : - 1 } ) , BI . MultiSelectInsertNoBarCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM" , BI . MultiSelectInsertNoBarCombo . EVENT _ADD _ITEM = "EVENT_ADD_ITEM" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.multi_select_insert_no_bar_combo" , BI . MultiSelectInsertNoBarCombo ) , BI . MultiSelectInsertTrigger = BI . inherit ( BI . Trigger , { constants : { height : 14 , rgap : 4 , lgap : 4 } , _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . MultiSelectInsertTrigger . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-multi-select-trigger bi-border bi-border-radius" , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn , valueFormatter : BI . emptyFn , searcher : { } , switcher : { } , adapter : null , masker : { } , allowEdit : ! 0 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . MultiSelectInsertTrigger . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; o . height && this . setHeight ( o . height - 2 ) , this . searcher = BI . createWidget ( o . searcher , { type : "bi.multi_select_insert_searcher" , height : o . height , text : o . text , itemsCreator : o . itemsCreator , valueFormatter : o . valueFormatter , watermark : o . watermark , popup : { } , adapter : o . adapter , masker : o . masker , value : o . value } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _START , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectInsertTrigger . EVENT _STAR
} } , { eventName : BI . MultiSelectEditor . EVENT _BLUR , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _BLUR ) } } ] } ) , this . searcher = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.searcher" , allowSearchBlank : ! 1 , element : this , height : o . height , isAutoSearch : ! 1 , isAutoSync : ! 1 , onSearch : function ( op , callback ) { callback ( ) } , el : this . editor , popup : BI . extend ( { type : "bi.multi_select_search_insert_pane" , valueFormatter : o . valueFormatter , keywordGetter : function ( ) { return self . editor . getValue ( ) } , itemsCreator : function ( op , callback ) { var keyword = self . editor . getValue ( ) ; op . keywords = [ keyword ] , this . setKeyword ( keyword ) , o . itemsCreator ( op , callback ) } , value : o . value , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . MultiSelectSearchInsertPane . EVENT _ADD _ITEM , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _ADD _ITEM ) } } ] } , o . popup ) , adapter : o . adapter , masker : o . masker } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . Searcher . EVENT _START , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _START ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . Searcher . EVENT _PAUSE , function ( ) { this . hasMatched ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _PAUSE ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . Searcher . EVENT _STOP , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _STOP ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . Searcher . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . Searcher . EVENT _SEARCHING , function ( ) { var keywords = this . getKeywords ( ) ; self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _SEARCHING , keywords ) } ) , BI . isNotNull ( o . value ) && this . setState ( o . value ) } , adjustView : function ( ) { this . searcher . adjustView ( ) } , isSearching : function ( ) { return this . searcher . isSearching ( ) } , stopSearch : function ( ) { this . searcher . stopSearch ( ) } , getKeyword : function ( ) { return this . editor . getValue ( ) } , hasMatched : function ( ) { return this . searcher . hasMatched ( ) } , hasChecked : function ( ) { return this . searcher . getView ( ) && this . searcher . getView ( ) . hasChecked ( ) } , setAdapter : function ( adapter ) { this . searcher . setAdapter ( adapter ) } , setState : function ( ob ) { var o = this . options ; if ( ob || ( ob = { } ) , ob . value || ( ob . value = [ ] ) , ob . type === BI . Selection . All ) if ( 0 === ob . value . length ) this . editor . setState ( BI . Selection . All ) ; else if ( BI . size ( ob . assist ) <= 20 ) { var state = "" ; BI . each ( ob . assist , function ( i , v ) { state += 0 === i ? "" + ( o . valueFormatter ( v + "" ) || v ) : "," + ( o . valueFormatter ( v + "" ) || v ) } ) , this . editor . setState ( state ) } else this . editor . setState ( BI . Selection . Multi ) ; else if ( 0 === ob . value . length ) this . editor . setState ( BI . Selection . None ) ; else if ( BI . size ( ob . value ) <= 20 ) { var state = "" ; BI . each ( ob . value , function ( i , v ) { state += 0 === i ? "" + ( o . valueFormatter ( v + "" ) || v ) : "," + ( o . valueFormatter ( v + "" ) || v ) } ) , this . editor . setState ( state ) } else this . editor . setState ( BI . Selection . Multi ) } , getState : function ( ) { return this . editor . getState ( ) } , setValue : function ( ob ) { this . setState ( ob ) , this . searcher . setValue ( ob ) } , getKey : function ( ) { return this . editor . getValue ( ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . searcher . getValue ( ) } , populate : function ( items ) { this . searcher . populate . apply ( this . searcher , arguments ) } } ) , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW" , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _START = "EVENT_START" , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _STOP = "EVENT_STOP" , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE" , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING" , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _ADD _ITEM = "EVENT_ADD_ITEM" , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS" , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher . EVENT _BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.multi_select_insert_searcher" , BI . MultiSelectInsertSearcher ) , BI . MultiSelectSearcher = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . MultiSelectSearcher . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-multi-select-searcher" , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn , el : { } , popup : { } , valueFormatter : BI . emptyFn , adapter : null , masker : { } , text : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Please_Select" ) } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . MultiSelectSearcher . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . editor = BI . createWidget ( o . el , { type : "bi.multi_select_editor" , height : o . height , text : o . text , watermark : o . watermark , listeners : [ { eventName : BI
} } , { eventName : BI . Searcher . EVENT _PAUSE , action : function ( ) { self . _showAdapter ( ) , BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . adapter . populate ( ) } ) } } ] } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vtape" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . searcher , height : this . _constant . EDITOR _HEIGHT } , { el : this . adapter , height : "fill" } ] } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . searcherPane , top : this . _constant . EDITOR _HEIGHT , bottom : 0 , left : 0 , right : 0 } ] } ) } , _showAdapter : function ( ) { this . adapter . setVisible ( ! 0 ) , this . searcherPane . setVisible ( ! 1 ) } , _showSearcherPane : function ( ) { this . searcherPane . setVisible ( ! 0 ) , this . adapter . setVisible ( ! 1 ) } , resize : function ( ) { } , setSelectedValue : function ( v ) { this . storeValue . value = v || { } , this . adapter . setSelectedValue ( v ) , this . searcherPane . setSelectedValue ( v ) , this . searcher . setValue ( { value : v || { } } ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . adapter . setValue ( v ) } , stopSearch : function ( ) { this . searcher . stopSearch ( ) } , updateValue : function ( v ) { this . adapter . updateValue ( v ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . storeValue . value } , populate : function ( ) { this . searcher . populate . apply ( this . searcher , arguments ) , this . adapter . populate . apply ( this . adapter , arguments ) } } ) , BI . MultiSelectTree . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.multi_select_tree" , BI . MultiSelectTree ) , BI . MultiSelectTreePopup = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . MultiSelectTreePopup . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-multi-select-tree-popup bi-border-left bi-border-right bi-border-bottom" , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . MultiSelectTreePopup . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . popup = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.async_tree" , element : this , itemsCreator : o . itemsCreator } ) , this . popup . on ( BI . TreeView . EVENT _AFTERINIT , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectTreePopup . EVENT _AFTER _INIT ) } ) , this . popup . on ( BI . TreeView . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectTreePopup . EVENT _CHANGE ) } ) } , hasChecked : function ( ) { return this . popup . hasChecked ( ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . popup . getValue ( ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { v || ( v = { } ) , this . popup . setValue ( v ) } , setSelectedValue : function ( v ) { v || ( v = { } ) , this . popup . setSelectedValue ( v ) } , updateValue : function ( v ) { this . popup . updateValue ( v ) , this . popup . refresh ( ) } , populate : function ( config ) { this . popup . stroke ( config ) } } ) , BI . MultiSelectTreePopup . EVENT _AFTER _INIT = "EVENT_AFTER_INIT" , BI . MultiSelectTreePopup . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.multi_select_tree_popup" , BI . MultiSelectTreePopup ) , BI . MultiTreeCheckPane = BI . inherit ( BI . Pane , { constants : { height : 25 , lgap : 10 , tgap : 5 } , _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . MultiTreeCheckPane . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-multi-tree-check-pane bi-background" , onClickContinueSelect : BI . emptyFn , el : { type : "bi.display_tree" } } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . MultiTreeCheckPane . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , opts = this . options ; this . selectedValues = { } ; var continueSelect = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.text_button" , text : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Continue_Select" ) , cls : "multi-tree-check-selected" } ) ; continueSelect . on ( BI . TextButton . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { opts . onClickContinueSelect ( ) , BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . empty ( ) } ) } ) ; var backToPopup = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.left" , cls : "multi-tree-continue-select" , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.label" , text : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Selected_Data" ) } , lgap : this . constants . lgap , tgap : this . constants . tgap } , { el : continueSelect , lgap : this . constants . lgap , tgap : this . constants . tgap } ] } ) ; this . display = BI . createWidget ( opts . el , { type : "bi.display_tree" , cls : "bi-multi-tree-display" , itemsCreator : function ( op , callback ) { op . type = BI . TreeView . REQ _TYPE _GET _SELECTED _DATA , opts . itemsCreator ( op , callback ) } , value : ( opts . value || { } ) . value } ) , this . display . on ( BI . Events . AFTERINIT , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . Events . AFTERINIT ) } ) , this . display . on ( BI . TreeView . EVENT _INIT , function ( ) { backToPopup . setVisible ( ! 1 ) } ) , this . display . on ( BI . TreeView . EVENT _AFTERINIT , function ( ) { backToPopup . setVisible ( ! 0 ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vtape" , element : this , items : [ { height : this . constants . height , el : backToPopup } , { height : "fill" , el : this . display } ] } ) } , empty : function ( ) { this . display . empty ( ) } , populate : function ( configs ) { this . displ
BI . MultiTreeSearchPane . EVENT _CLICK _CLEAR = "EVENT_CLICK_CLEAR" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.multi_tree_search_pane" , BI . MultiTreeSearchPane ) , BI . MultiListTreeSearcher = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-multi-tree-searcher" , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn , valueFormatter : function ( v ) { return v } , popup : { } , adapter : null , masker : { } } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . editor = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.multi_select_editor" , height : o . height , text : o . text , watermark : o . watermark , el : { type : "bi.simple_state_editor" , height : o . height } } ) , this . searcher = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.searcher" , element : this , isAutoSearch : ! 1 , isAutoSync : ! 1 , onSearch : function ( op , callback ) { callback ( { keyword : self . editor . getValue ( ) } ) } , el : this . editor , popup : BI . extend ( { type : "bi.multi_tree_search_pane" , keywordGetter : function ( ) { return self . editor . getValue ( ) } , itemsCreator : function ( op , callback ) { op . keyword = self . editor . getValue ( ) , o . itemsCreator ( op , callback ) } , value : o . value } , o . popup ) , adapter : o . adapter , masker : o . masker } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . Searcher . EVENT _START , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . EVENT _START ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . Searcher . EVENT _PAUSE , function ( ) { this . hasMatched ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . EVENT _PAUSE ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . Searcher . EVENT _STOP , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . EVENT _STOP ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . Searcher . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) , BI . isNotNull ( o . value ) && this . setState ( o . value ) } , adjustView : function ( ) { this . searcher . adjustView ( ) } , setAdapter : function ( adapter ) { this . searcher . setAdapter ( adapter ) } , isSearching : function ( ) { return this . searcher . isSearching ( ) } , stopSearch : function ( ) { this . searcher . stopSearch ( ) } , getKeyword : function ( ) { return this . editor . getValue ( ) } , hasMatched : function ( ) { return this . searcher . hasMatched ( ) } , hasChecked : function ( ) { return this . searcher . getView ( ) && this . searcher . getView ( ) . hasChecked ( ) } , setState : function ( ob ) { var o = this . options ; ob || ( ob = { } ) , ob . value || ( ob . value = [ ] ) ; var count = 0 ; if ( BI . isNumber ( ob ) ) this . editor . setState ( ob ) ; else if ( 0 === BI . size ( ob . value ) ) this . editor . setState ( BI . Selection . None ) ; else { var text = "" ; BI . each ( ob . value , function ( idx , path ) { var childValue = BI . last ( path ) ; text += ( o . valueFormatter ( childValue + "" ) || childValue ) + "; " , count ++ } ) , count > 20 ? this . editor . setState ( BI . Selection . Multi ) : this . editor . setState ( text ) } } , getState : function ( ) { return this . editor . getState ( ) } , setValue : function ( ob ) { this . setState ( ob ) , this . searcher . setValue ( ob ) } , getKey : function ( ) { return this . editor . getValue ( ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . searcher . getValue ( ) } , populate : function ( items ) { this . searcher . populate . apply ( this . searcher , arguments ) } } ) , BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW" , BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . EVENT _START = "EVENT_START" , BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . EVENT _STOP = "EVENT_STOP" , BI . MultiListTreeSearcher . EVENT _PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.multi_list_tree_searcher" , BI . MultiListTreeSearcher ) , BI . MultiTreeSearcher = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . MultiTreeSearcher . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-multi-tree-searcher" , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn , valueFormatter : function ( v ) { return v } , popup : { } , adapter : null , masker : { } } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . MultiTreeSearcher . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . editor = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.multi_select_editor" , watermark : o . watermark , height : o . height , el : { type : "bi.simple_state_editor" , text : o . text , height : o . height } , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . MultiSelectEditor . EVENT _FOCUS , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectSearcher . EVENT _FOCUS ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiSelectEditor . EVENT _BLUR , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . MultiSelectSearcher . EVENT _BLUR ) } } ] } ) , this . searcher = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.searcher" , element : this , isAutoSearch : ! 1 , isAutoSync : ! 1 , onSearch : function ( op , callback ) { callback ( { keyword : self . editor . getV
this . _populate ( ) } } ) , BI . extend ( BI . SearchMultiTextValueCombo , { REQ _GET _DATA _LENGTH : 1 , REQ _GET _ALL _DATA : - 1 } ) , BI . SearchMultiTextValueCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.search_multi_text_value_combo" , BI . SearchMultiTextValueCombo ) , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger = BI . inherit ( BI . Trigger , { constants : { height : 14 , rgap : 4 , lgap : 4 } , _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-multi-select-trigger bi-border" , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn , valueFormatter : BI . emptyFn , searcher : { } , switcher : { } , adapter : null , masker : { } } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; o . height && this . setHeight ( o . height - 2 ) , this . searcher = BI . createWidget ( o . searcher , { type : "bi.search_multi_select_searcher" , height : o . height , itemsCreator : o . itemsCreator , valueFormatter : o . valueFormatter , allValueGetter : o . allValueGetter , popup : { } , adapter : o . adapter , masker : o . masker , value : o . value , text : o . text , tipType : o . tipType , warningTitle : o . warningTitle } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . MultiSelectSearcher . EVENT _START , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _START ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . MultiSelectSearcher . EVENT _PAUSE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _PAUSE ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . MultiSelectSearcher . EVENT _SEARCHING , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _SEARCHING , arguments ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . MultiSelectSearcher . EVENT _STOP , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _STOP ) } ) , this . searcher . on ( BI . MultiSelectSearcher . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) , this . numberCounter = BI . createWidget ( o . switcher , { type : "bi.multi_select_check_selected_switcher" , valueFormatter : o . valueFormatter , itemsCreator : o . itemsCreator , adapter : o . adapter , masker : o . masker , value : o . value } ) , this . numberCounter . on ( BI . MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher . EVENT _TRIGGER _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _COUNTER _CLICK ) } ) , this . numberCounter . on ( BI . MultiSelectCheckSelectedSwitcher . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _BEFORE _COUNTER _POPUPVIEW ) } ) ; var wrapNumberCounter = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.right_vertical_adapt" , hgap : 4 , items : [ { el : this . numberCounter } ] } ) , wrapper = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.htape" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . searcher , width : "fill" } , { el : wrapNumberCounter , width : 0 } , { el : BI . createWidget ( ) , width : 24 } ] } ) ; this . numberCounter . on ( BI . Events . VIEW , function ( b ) { BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { wrapper . attr ( "items" ) [ 1 ] . width = b === ! 0 ? self . numberCounter . element . outerWidth ( ) + 8 : 0 , wrapper . resize ( ) } ) } ) , this . element . click ( function ( e ) { self . element . find ( e . target ) . length > 0 && self . numberCounter . hideView ( ) } ) } , getCounter : function ( ) { return this . numberCounter } , getSearcher : function ( ) { return this . searcher } , stopEditing : function ( ) { this . searcher . stopSearch ( ) , this . numberCounter . hideView ( ) } , setAdapter : function ( adapter ) { this . searcher . setAdapter ( adapter ) , this . numberCounter . setAdapter ( adapter ) } , setValue : function ( ob ) { this . searcher . setValue ( ob ) , this . numberCounter . setValue ( ob ) } , setTipType : function ( v ) { this . searcher . setTipType ( v ) } , getKey : function ( ) { return this . searcher . getKey ( ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . searcher . getValue ( ) } } ) , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _TRIGGER _CLICK = "EVENT_TRIGGER_CLICK" , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _COUNTER _CLICK = "EVENT_COUNTER_CLICK" , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _START = "EVENT_START" , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _STOP = "EVENT_STOP" , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _PAUSE = "EVENT_PAUSE" , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING" , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger . EVENT _BEFORE _COUNTER _POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_COUNTER_POPUPVIEW" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.search_multi_select_trigger" , BI . SearchMultiSelectTrigger ) , BI . SearchMultiSelectLoader = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . SearchMultiSelectLoader . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-multi-select-loader" , logic : { dynamic : ! 0 } , el : { height : 400 } , val
callback . apply ( self , arguments ) } ) } , text : o . text , value : this . storeValue } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . SingleSelectTrigger . EVENT _FOCUS , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SingleSelectCombo . EVENT _FOCUS ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . SingleSelectTrigger . EVENT _BLUR , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SingleSelectCombo . EVENT _BLUR ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . SingleSelectTrigger . EVENT _START , function ( ) { self . _setStartValue ( ) , this . getSearcher ( ) . setValue ( self . storeValue ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . SingleSelectTrigger . EVENT _STOP , function ( ) { self . _setStartValue ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SingleSelectCombo . EVENT _STOP ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . SingleSelectTrigger . EVENT _PAUSE , function ( ) { if ( this . getSearcher ( ) . hasMatched ( ) ) { var keyword = this . getSearcher ( ) . getKeyword ( ) ; self . combo . setValue ( self . storeValue ) , self . _setStartValue ( keyword ) , assertShowValue ( ) , self . populate ( ) , self . _setStartValue ( ) } } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . SingleSelectTrigger . EVENT _SEARCHING , function ( keywords ) { var last = BI . last ( keywords ) ; keywords = BI . initial ( keywords || [ ] ) , keywords . length > 0 && self . _joinKeywords ( keywords , function ( ) { BI . isEndWithBlank ( last ) ? ( self . combo . setValue ( self . storeValue ) , assertShowValue ( ) , self . combo . populate ( ) , self . _setStartValue ( ) ) : ( self . combo . setValue ( self . storeValue ) , assertShowValue ( ) ) } ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SingleSelectCombo . EVENT _SEARCHING ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . SingleSelectTrigger . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( value , obj ) { self . storeValue = this . getValue ( ) , assertShowValue ( ) , self . _defaultState ( ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . SingleSelectTrigger . EVENT _COUNTER _CLICK , function ( ) { self . combo . isViewVisible ( ) || self . combo . showView ( ) } ) , this . combo = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.combo" , container : o . container , toggle : ! 1 , el : this . trigger , adjustLength : 1 , popup : { type : "bi.single_select_popup_view" , allowNoSelect : o . allowNoSelect , ref : function ( ) { self . popup = this , self . trigger . setAdapter ( this ) } , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . SingleSelectPopupView . EVENT _CHANGE , action : function ( ) { self . storeValue = this . getValue ( ) , self . _adjust ( function ( ) { assertShowValue ( ) , self . _defaultState ( ) } ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SingleSelectCombo . EVENT _CLICK _ITEM ) } } ] , itemsCreator : o . itemsCreator , valueFormatter : o . valueFormatter , onLoaded : function ( ) { BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . combo . adjustWidth ( ) , self . combo . adjustHeight ( ) , self . trigger . getSearcher ( ) . adjustView ( ) } ) } } , hideChecker : function ( e ) { return 0 === triggerBtn . element . find ( e . target ) . length } , value : o . value } ) , this . combo . on ( BI . Combo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW , function ( ) { this . setValue ( self . storeValue ) , BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . populate ( ) } ) } ) , this . wants2Quit = ! 1 , this . combo . on ( BI . Combo . EVENT _AFTER _HIDEVIEW , function ( ) { self . trigger . stopEditing ( ) , self . requesting === ! 0 ? self . wants2Quit = ! 0 : self . fireEvent ( BI . SingleSelectCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM ) } ) ; var triggerBtn = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.trigger_icon_button" , width : o . height , height : o . height , cls : "single-select-trigger-icon-button" } ) ; triggerBtn . on ( BI . TriggerIconButton . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . combo . isViewVisible ( ) ? self . combo . hideView ( ) : self . combo . showView ( ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . combo , left : 0 , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } , { el : triggerBtn , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } ) } , _defaultState : function ( ) { this . trigger . stopEditing ( ) , this . combo . hideView ( ) } , _assertValue : function ( val ) { } , _makeMap : function ( values ) { return BI . makeObject ( values || [ ] ) } , _joinKeywords : function ( keywords , callback ) { function digest ( items ) { var selectedMap = self . _makeMap ( items ) ; BI . each ( keywords , function ( i , val ) { BI . isNotNull ( selectedMap [ val ] ) && BI . remove ( self . storeValue . value , val ) } ) , self . _adjust ( callback ) } var self = this , o = this . options ; this . _assertValue ( this . storeValue ) , this . requesting = ! 0 , o . itemsCreator ( { type : BI . SingleSelectCombo . REQ _GET _ALL _DATA , keywords : keywords } , function ( ob ) { var values = BI . map ( ob . items , "value" ) ; digest ( values ) } ) } , _adjust : function ( callback ) { function adjust ( ) { self . wants2Quit === ! 0 && ( self . fireEvent ( BI . SingleSelectCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM ) , self . wants2Quit = ! 1 ) , self . requesting = ! 1 } var self = this , o = this . options ; this . _count ? ( adjust ( ) , callback ( ) ) : o . itemsCreator ( { type : BI . SingleSelectCombo . REQ _GET _DATA _LENGTH } , function ( res ) { self . _count = res . count , adjust ( ) , callback ( ) } ) } , _setStartValue : function ( value ) { this . _startValue = value , this . popup . setStartValue ( value ) } , setValue : function ( v
return BI . extend ( conf , { baseCls : ( conf . baseCls || "" ) + " bi-sign-initial-editor" , validationChecker : BI . emptyFn , text : "" , height : 24 } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . SignTextEditor . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . editor = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.editor" , height : o . height , hgap : 4 , vgap : 2 , value : o . value , validationChecker : o . validationChecker , allowBlank : ! 1 } ) , this . text = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.text_button" , cls : "sign-editor-text" , title : function ( ) { return self . getValue ( ) } , textAlign : o . textAlign , height : o . height , hgap : 4 , handler : function ( ) { self . _showInput ( ) , self . editor . focus ( ) , self . editor . selectAll ( ) } } ) , this . text . on ( BI . TextButton . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { BI . nextTick ( function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . SignTextEditor . EVENT _CLICK _LABEL ) } ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.absolute" , element : this , items : [ { el : this . text , left : 0 , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . Controller . EVENT _CHANGE , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _CONFIRM , function ( ) { self . _showHint ( ) , self . _checkText ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SignTextEditor . EVENT _CONFIRM , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _CHANGE _CONFIRM , function ( ) { self . _showHint ( ) , self . _checkText ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . SignTextEditor . EVENT _CHANGE _CONFIRM , arguments ) } ) , this . editor . on ( BI . Editor . EVENT _ERROR , function ( ) { self . _checkText ( ) } ) , BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.vertical" , scrolly : ! 1 , element : this , items : [ this . editor ] } ) , this . _showHint ( ) , self . _checkText ( ) } , _checkText : function ( ) { var o = this . options ; BI . nextTick ( BI . bind ( function ( ) { if ( "" === this . editor . getValue ( ) ) this . text . setValue ( o . watermark || "" ) , this . text . element . addClass ( "bi-water-mark" ) ; else { var v = this . editor . getValue ( ) ; v = BI . isEmpty ( v ) || v == o . text ? o . text : v + o . text , this . text . setValue ( v ) , this . text . element . removeClass ( "bi-water-mark" ) } } , this ) ) } , _showInput : function ( ) { this . editor . visible ( ) , this . text . invisible ( ) } , _showHint : function ( ) { this . editor . invisible ( ) , this . text . visible ( ) } , setTitle : function ( title ) { this . text . setTitle ( title ) } , setWarningTitle : function ( title ) { this . text . setWarningTitle ( title ) } , focus : function ( ) { this . _showInput ( ) , this . editor . focus ( ) } , blur : function ( ) { this . editor . blur ( ) , this . _showHint ( ) , this . _checkText ( ) } , doRedMark : function ( ) { "" === this . editor . getValue ( ) && BI . isKey ( this . options . watermark ) || this . text . doRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unRedMark : function ( ) { this . text . unRedMark . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , doHighLight : function ( ) { "" === this . editor . getValue ( ) && BI . isKey ( this . options . watermark ) || this . text . doHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , unHighLight : function ( ) { this . text . unHighLight . apply ( this . text , arguments ) } , isValid : function ( ) { return this . editor . isValid ( ) } , setErrorText : function ( text ) { this . editor . setErrorText ( text ) } , getErrorText : function ( ) { return this . editor . getErrorText ( ) } , isEditing : function ( ) { return this . editor . isEditing ( ) } , getLastValidValue : function ( ) { return this . editor . getLastValidValue ( ) } , getLastChangedValue : function ( ) { return this . editor . getLastChangedValue ( ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . editor . setValue ( v ) , this . _checkText ( ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . editor . getValue ( ) } , getState : function ( ) { return this . text . getValue ( ) } , setState : function ( v ) { var o = this . options ; this . _showHint ( ) , v = BI . isEmpty ( v ) || v == o . text ? o . text : v + o . text , this . text . setValue ( v ) } } ) , BI . SignTextEditor . EVENT _CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM" , BI . SignTextEditor . EVENT _CHANGE _CONFIRM = "EVENT_CHANGE_CONFIRM" , BI . SignTextEditor . EVENT _CLICK _LABEL = "EVENT_CLICK_LABEL" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.sign_text_editor" , BI . SignTextEditor ) , BI . SliderIconButton = BI . inherit ( BI . Widget , { props : { baseCls : "bi-single-slider-button" } , constants : { LARGE _SIZE : 16 , NORMAL _SIZE : 12 , LARGE _OFFSET : 4 , NORMAL _OFFSET : 6 } , render : function ( ) { var self = this ; return { type : "bi.absolute" , ref : function ( ) { self . wrapper = this } , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.text_button" , cls : "slider-button bi-high-light-border" , ref : function ( ) { self . slider = this } } } ] } } } ) , BI . shortcut ( "bi.single_slider_button" , BI . SliderIconButton ) , BI . SingleSlider = BI . inherit ( BI . Single , { _constant : { EDITOR _WIDTH : 90 , EDITOR _HEIGHT : 30 , SLIDER _WIDTH _HALF : 15 , SLIDER _WIDTH : 30 , SLIDER _HEIGHT : 30 , TRACK _HEIGHT : 24 , TRACK _GAP _HALF : 7 , TRACK _GAP : 14 } , props : { baseCls : " bi - single - slider bi - slider - tr
el : popup , width : this . constants . popupWidth , stopPropagation : ! 1 } , hideChecker : function ( e ) { return 0 === self . triggerBtn . element . find ( e . target ) . length } , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . Combo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW , action : function ( ) { self . popup . setValue ( self . storeValue ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . TimeCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW ) } } ] , ref : function ( _ref ) { self . combo = _ref } } , top : 0 , left : 0 , right : 22 , bottom : 0 } , { el : { type : "bi.icon_button" , cls : "bi-trigger-icon-button time-font icon-size-16" , width : 22 , height : 22 , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . IconButton . EVENT _CHANGE , action : function ( ) { self . combo . isViewVisible ( ) || self . combo . showView ( ) } } ] , ref : function ( _ref ) { self . triggerBtn = _ref } } , top : 0 , right : 0 } ] } ] } } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . storeValue = v , this . trigger . setValue ( v ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . storeValue } , hidePopupView : function ( ) { this . combo . hideView ( ) } , _setNowTime : function ( ) { var date = BI . getDate ( ) , nowTome = { hour : date . getHours ( ) , minute : date . getMinutes ( ) , second : date . getSeconds ( ) } ; this . setValue ( nowTome ) , this . hidePopupView ( ) , this . fireEvent ( BI . TimeCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM ) } } ) , BI . TimeCombo . EVENT _KEY _DOWN = "EVENT_KEY_DOWN" , BI . TimeCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM" , BI . TimeCombo . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . TimeCombo . EVENT _VALID = "EVENT_VALID" , BI . TimeCombo . EVENT _ERROR = "EVENT_ERROR" , BI . TimeCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.time_combo" , BI . TimeCombo ) } ( ) , ! function ( ) { BI . TimeTrigger = BI . inherit ( BI . Trigger , { _const : { COMPARE _FORMAT : "%H:%M:%S" , COMPLETE _COMPARE _FORMAT : "%Y-%M-%d %H:%M:%S %P" , FORMAT _ARRAY : [ "%H:%M:%S" , "%I:%M:%S" , "%l:%M:%S" , "%k:%M:%S" , "%l:%M:%S %p" , "%l:%M:%S %P" , "%H:%M:%S %p" , "%H:%M:%S %P" , "%l:%M" , "%k:%M" , "%I:%M" , "%H:%M" , "%M:%S" ] , DEFAULT _DATE _STRING : "2000-01-01" , DEFAULT _HOUR : "00" } , props : { extraCls : "bi-time-trigger" , value : { } , format : "" , allowEdit : ! 1 } , render : function ( ) { var self = this , o = this . options ; return this . storeTriggerValue = "" , this . storeValue = o . value , { type : "bi.absolute" , items : [ { el : { type : "bi.sign_editor" , height : o . height , validationChecker : function ( v ) { return self . _dateCheck ( v ) } , quitChecker : function ( ) { return ! 1 } , ref : function ( _ref ) { self . editor = _ref } , value : this . _formatValue ( o . value ) , hgap : 4 , allowBlank : ! 0 , watermark : BI . isKey ( o . watermark ) ? o . watermark : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Unrestricted" ) , title : BI . bind ( this . _getTitle , this ) , listeners : [ { eventName : "EVENT_KEY_DOWN" , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( "EVENT_KEY_DOWN" , arguments ) } } , { eventName : "EVENT_FOCUS" , action : function ( ) { self . storeTriggerValue = self . getKey ( ) , self . fireEvent ( "EVENT_FOCUS" ) } } , { eventName : "EVENT_BLUR" , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( "EVENT_BLUR" ) } } , { eventName : "EVENT_STOP" , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( "EVENT_STOP" ) } } , { eventName : "EVENT_VALID" , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( "EVENT_VALID" ) } } , { eventName : "EVENT_ERROR" , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( "EVENT_ERROR" ) } } , { eventName : "EVENT_CONFIRM" , action : function ( ) { var value = self . editor . getValue ( ) ; if ( BI . isNotNull ( value ) && self . editor . setState ( value ) , BI . isNotEmptyString ( value ) && ! BI . isEqual ( self . storeTriggerValue , self . getKey ( ) ) ) { var date = value . match ( /\d+/g ) ; self . storeValue = { hour : 0 | date [ 0 ] , minute : 0 | date [ 1 ] , second : 0 | date [ 2 ] } } self . fireEvent ( "EVENT_CONFIRM" ) } } , { eventName : "EVENT_START" , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( "EVENT_START" ) } } , { eventName : "EVENT_CHANGE" , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( "EVENT_CHANGE" ) } } ] } , left : 0 , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } , { el : { type : "bi.text" , invisible : o . allowEdit , cls : "show-text" , title : BI . bind ( this . _getTitle , this ) , hgap : 4 } , left : 0 , right : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 } ] } } , _dateCheck : function ( date ) { var c = this . _const , self = this ; return BI . any ( c . FORMAT _ARRAY , function ( idx , format ) { return BI . print ( BI . parseDateTime ( c . DEFAULT _DATE _STRING + " " + self . _getCompleteHMS ( date , format ) , c . COMPLETE _COMPARE _FORMAT ) , format ) === date } ) } , _getCompleteHMS : function ( str , format ) { var c = this . _const ; switch ( format ) { case "%M:%S" : str = c . DEFAULT _HOUR + ":" + str } return str } , _getTitle : function ( ) { var storeValue = this . storeValue || { } , date = BI . getDate ( ) ; return BI . print ( BI . getDate ( date . getFullYear ( ) , 0 , 1 , storeValue . hour , storeValue . minute , storeValue . second ) , this . _getFormatString ( ) ) } , _getFormatString : function ( ) { return this . options . format || this . _const . COMPARE _FORMAT } , _formatValue : function ( v ) { var now = BI . getDate ( ) ; return BI . is
min : o . min , max : o . max , ref : function ( ) { self . yearPicker = this } , behaviors : o . behaviors , height : 30 , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . YearPicker . EVENT _CHANGE , action : function ( ) { var value = this . getValue ( ) ; self . _checkMonthStatus ( value ) , self . setValue ( { year : value , month : self . selectedMonth } ) } } ] } , { type : "bi.button_group" , cls : "bi-split-top" , behaviors : o . behaviors , ref : function ( ) { self . month = this } , items : this . _createMonths ( ) , layouts : [ BI . LogicFactory . createLogic ( "table" , BI . extend ( { dynamic : ! 0 } , { columns : 2 , rows : 6 , columnSize : [ . 5 , . 5 ] , rowSize : 25 } ) ) , { type : "bi.center_adapt" , vgap : 1 , hgap : 2 } ] , value : o . value , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . ButtonGroup . EVENT _CHANGE , action : function ( ) { self . selectedYear = self . yearPicker . getValue ( ) , self . selectedMonth = this . getValue ( ) [ 0 ] , self . fireEvent ( BI . StaticYearMonthCard . EVENT _CHANGE ) } } ] } ] } } , mounted : function ( ) { this . _checkMonthStatus ( this . selectedYear ) } , _checkMonthStatus : function ( year ) { var o = this . options , minDate = BI . parseDateTime ( o . min , "%Y-%X-%d" ) , maxDate = BI . parseDateTime ( o . max , "%Y-%X-%d" ) , minYear = minDate . getFullYear ( ) , maxYear = maxDate . getFullYear ( ) , minMonth = 0 , maxMonth = 11 ; minYear === year && ( minMonth = minDate . getMonth ( ) ) , maxYear === year && ( maxMonth = maxDate . getMonth ( ) ) ; var yearInvalid = year < minYear || year > maxYear ; BI . each ( this . monthMap , function ( month , obj ) { var monthInvalid = month < minMonth || month > maxMonth ; obj . setEnable ( ! yearInvalid && ! monthInvalid ) } ) } , setMinDate : function ( minDate ) { this . options . min !== minDate && ( this . options . min = minDate , this . yearPicker . setMinDate ( minDate ) , this . _checkMonthStatus ( this . selectedYear ) ) } , setMaxDate : function ( maxDate ) { this . options . max !== maxDate && ( this . options . max = maxDate , this . yearPicker . setMaxDate ( maxDate ) , this . _checkMonthStatus ( this . selectedYear ) ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return { year : this . selectedYear , month : this . selectedMonth } } , setValue : function ( obj ) { var o = this . options , newObj = { } ; if ( newObj . year = obj . year || 0 , newObj . month = obj . month || 0 , 0 === newObj . year || 0 === newObj . month || BI . checkDateVoid ( newObj . year , newObj . month , 1 , o . min , o . max ) [ 0 ] ) { var year = newObj . year || BI . getDate ( ) . getFullYear ( ) ; this . selectedYear = year , this . selectedMonth = "" , this . yearPicker . setValue ( year ) , this . month . setValue ( ) } else this . selectedYear = BI . parseInt ( newObj . year ) , this . selectedMonth = BI . parseInt ( newObj . month ) , this . yearPicker . setValue ( this . selectedYear ) , this . month . setValue ( this . selectedMonth ) } } ) , BI . StaticYearMonthCard . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.static_year_month_card" , BI . StaticYearMonthCard ) , BI . DynamicYearMonthCombo = BI . inherit ( BI . Single , { props : { baseCls : "bi-year-month-combo bi-border bi-focus-shadow" , behaviors : { } , minDate : "1900-01-01" , maxDate : "2099-12-31" , height : 22 } , _init : function ( ) { BI . DynamicYearMonthCombo . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; this . storeValue = o . value , this . storeTriggerValue = "" , this . trigger = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.dynamic_year_month_trigger" , min : o . minDate , max : o . maxDate , height : o . height , value : o . value || "" } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . DynamicYearMonthTrigger . EVENT _KEY _DOWN , function ( ) { self . combo . isViewVisible ( ) && self . combo . hideView ( ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . DynamicYearMonthTrigger . EVENT _START , function ( ) { self . combo . isViewVisible ( ) && self . combo . hideView ( ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . DynamicYearMonthTrigger . EVENT _STOP , function ( ) { self . combo . showView ( ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . DynamicYearMonthTrigger . EVENT _ERROR , function ( ) { self . combo . isViewVisible ( ) && self . combo . hideView ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearMonthCombo . EVENT _ERROR ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . DynamicYearMonthTrigger . EVENT _VALID , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearMonthCombo . EVENT _VALID ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . DynamicYearMonthTrigger . EVENT _CONFIRM , function ( ) { var dateStore = self . storeTriggerValue , dateObj = self . trigger . getKey ( ) ; BI . isNotEmptyString ( dateObj ) && ! BI . isEqual ( dateObj , dateStore ) && ( self . storeValue = self . trigger . getValue ( ) , self . setValue ( self . trigger . getValue ( ) ) ) , self . _checkDynamicValue ( self . storeValue ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearMonthCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM ) } ) , this . trigger . on ( BI . DynamicYearMonthTrigger . EVENT _FOCUS , function ( ) { self . storeTriggerValue = self . trigger . getKey ( ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearMonthCombo . EVENT _FOCUS ) } ) , this . combo = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.combo" , container : o . container , isNeedAdjustHeight : ! 1 , is
BI . DynamicYearQuarterPopup . EVENT _CHANGE = "EVENT_CHANGE" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.dynamic_year_quarter_popup" , BI . DynamicYearQuarterPopup ) , BI . DynamicYearQuarterTrigger = BI . inherit ( BI . Trigger , { _const : { hgap : 4 , vgap : 2 } , props : { extraCls : "bi-year-quarter-trigger" , min : "1900-01-01" , max : "2099-12-31" , height : 22 } , _init : function ( ) { BI . DynamicYearQuarterTrigger . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var o = this . options ; this . yearEditor = this . _createEditor ( ! 0 ) , this . quarterEditor = this . _createEditor ( ! 1 ) , BI . createWidget ( { element : this , type : "bi.htape" , items : [ { type : "bi.center" , items : [ { type : "bi.htape" , items : [ this . yearEditor , { el : { type : "bi.text_button" , text : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Multi_Date_Year" ) , width : o . height } , width : o . height } ] } , { type : "bi.htape" , items : [ this . quarterEditor , { el : { type : "bi.text_button" , text : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Multi_Date_Quarter" ) , width : 24 } , width : 24 } ] } ] } , { el : { type : "bi.trigger_icon_button" , width : o . height } , width : o . height } ] } ) , this . setValue ( o . value ) } , _createEditor : function ( isYear ) { var self = this , o = this . options , c = this . _const , editor = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.sign_editor" , height : o . height , validationChecker : function ( v ) { return isYear ? "" === v || BI . isPositiveInteger ( v ) && ! BI . checkDateVoid ( v , 1 , 1 , o . min , o . max ) [ 0 ] : "" === v || BI . isPositiveInteger ( v ) && v >= 1 && v <= 4 && ! BI . checkDateVoid ( BI . getDate ( ) . getFullYear ( ) , v , 1 , o . min , o . max ) [ 0 ] } , quitChecker : function ( ) { return ! 1 } , errorText : function ( v ) { return BI . i18nText ( "BI-Year_Trigger_Invalid_Text" ) } , watermark : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Unrestricted" ) , hgap : c . hgap , vgap : c . vgap , title : "" , allowBlank : ! 0 } ) ; return editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _KEY _DOWN , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearQuarterTrigger . EVENT _KEY _DOWN ) } ) , editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _FOCUS , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearQuarterTrigger . EVENT _FOCUS ) } ) , editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _STOP , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearQuarterTrigger . EVENT _STOP ) } ) , editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _CONFIRM , function ( ) { self . _doEditorConfirm ( editor ) , self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearQuarterTrigger . EVENT _CONFIRM ) } ) , editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _SPACE , function ( ) { editor . isValid ( ) && editor . blur ( ) } ) , editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _START , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearQuarterTrigger . EVENT _START ) } ) , editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _ERROR , function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearQuarterTrigger . EVENT _ERROR ) } ) , editor . on ( BI . SignEditor . EVENT _CHANGE , function ( ) { isYear && self . _autoSwitch ( editor ) } ) , editor } , _doEditorConfirm : function ( editor ) { var value = editor . getValue ( ) ; BI . isNotNull ( value ) && editor . setValue ( value ) ; var quarterValue = this . quarterEditor . getValue ( ) ; this . storeValue = { type : BI . DynamicYearQuarterCombo . Static , value : { year : this . yearEditor . getValue ( ) , quarter : BI . isEmptyString ( this . quarterEditor . getValue ( ) ) ? "" : quarterValue } } , this . setTitle ( this . _getStaticTitle ( this . storeValue . value ) ) } , _yearCheck : function ( v ) { var date = BI . print ( BI . parseDateTime ( v , "%Y-%X-%d" ) , "%Y-%X-%d" ) ; return BI . print ( BI . parseDateTime ( v , "%Y" ) , "%Y" ) === v && date >= this . options . min && date <= this . options . max } , _autoSwitch : function ( editor ) { var v = editor . getValue ( ) ; BI . isNotEmptyString ( v ) && BI . checkDateLegal ( v ) && 4 === v . length && this . _yearCheck ( v ) && ( this . _doEditorConfirm ( editor ) , this . fireEvent ( BI . DynamicYearQuarterTrigger . EVENT _CONFIRM ) , this . quarterEditor . focus ( ) ) } , _getStaticTitle : function ( value ) { value = value || { } ; var hasYear = ! ( BI . isNull ( value . year ) || BI . isEmptyString ( value . year ) ) , hasMonth = ! ( BI . isNull ( value . quarter ) || BI . isEmptyString ( value . quarter ) ) ; switch ( hasYear << 1 | hasMonth ) { case 0 : return "" ; case 1 : return value . quarter ; case 2 : return value . year ; case 3 : default : return value . year + "-" + value . quarter } } , _getText : function ( obj ) { var value = "" ; return BI . isNotNull ( obj . year ) && 0 !== BI . parseInt ( obj . year ) && ( value += Math . abs ( obj . year ) + BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Year" ) + ( obj . year < 0 ? BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Front" ) : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Behind" ) ) ) , BI . isNotNull ( obj . quarter ) && 0 !== BI . parseInt ( obj . quarter ) && ( value += Math . abs ( obj . quarter ) + BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Single_Quarter" ) + ( obj . quarter < 0 ? BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Front" ) : BI . i18nText ( "BI-Basic_Behind" ) ) ) , value } , _setInnerValue : function ( date , text ) { var dateStr = BI . print ( date , "%Y-%Q" ) ; this . yearEditor . setValue ( date . getFullYear ( ) ) , this . quarterEditor . setValue ( BI . getQuarter ( date ) ) ,
BI . ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _CLICK _ITEM = "EVENT_CLICK_ITEM" , BI . ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING" , BI . ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM" , BI . ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.list_tree_value_chooser_insert_combo" , BI . ListTreeValueChooserInsertCombo ) , BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo = BI . inherit ( BI . AbstractTreeValueChooser , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-tree-value-chooser-insert-combo" , width : 200 , height : 24 , items : null , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; BI . isNotNull ( o . items ) && this . _initData ( o . items ) , this . combo = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.multi_tree_insert_combo" , allowEdit : o . allowEdit , text : o . text , value : o . value , watermark : o . watermark , element : this , itemsCreator : BI . bind ( this . _itemsCreator , this ) , valueFormatter : BI . bind ( this . _valueFormatter , this ) , width : o . width , height : o . height , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . MultiTreeInsertCombo . EVENT _FOCUS , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserCombo . EVENT _FOCUS ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeInsertCombo . EVENT _BLUR , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserCombo . EVENT _BLUR ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeInsertCombo . EVENT _STOP , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _STOP ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeInsertCombo . EVENT _CLICK _ITEM , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _CLICK _ITEM ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeInsertCombo . EVENT _SEARCHING , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _SEARCHING ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeInsertCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW ) } } ] } ) } , setValue : function ( v ) { this . combo . setValue ( v ) } , getValue : function ( ) { return this . combo . getValue ( ) } , populate : function ( items ) { this . _initData ( items ) , this . combo . populate . apply ( this . combo , arguments ) } } ) , BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _FOCUS = "EVENT_FOCUS" , BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _BLUR = "EVENT_BLUR" , BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _STOP = "EVENT_STOP" , BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _CLICK _ITEM = "EVENT_CLICK_ITEM" , BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _SEARCHING = "EVENT_SEARCHING" , BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM = "EVENT_CONFIRM" , BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo . EVENT _BEFORE _POPUPVIEW = "EVENT_BEFORE_POPUPVIEW" , BI . shortcut ( "bi.tree_value_chooser_insert_combo" , BI . TreeValueChooserInsertCombo ) , BI . TreeValueChooserCombo = BI . inherit ( BI . AbstractTreeValueChooser , { _defaultConfig : function ( ) { return BI . extend ( BI . TreeValueChooserCombo . superclass . _defaultConfig . apply ( this , arguments ) , { baseCls : "bi-tree-value-chooser-combo" , width : 200 , height : 24 , items : null , itemsCreator : BI . emptyFn } ) } , _init : function ( ) { BI . TreeValueChooserCombo . superclass . _init . apply ( this , arguments ) ; var self = this , o = this . options ; BI . isNotNull ( o . items ) && this . _initData ( o . items ) , this . combo = BI . createWidget ( { type : "bi.multi_tree_combo" , text : o . text , allowEdit : o . allowEdit , value : o . value , watermark : o . watermark , element : this , itemsCreator : BI . bind ( this . _itemsCreator , this ) , valueFormatter : BI . bind ( this . _valueFormatter , this ) , width : o . width , height : o . height , listeners : [ { eventName : BI . MultiTreeCombo . EVENT _FOCUS , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserCombo . EVENT _FOCUS ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeCombo . EVENT _BLUR , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserCombo . EVENT _BLUR ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeCombo . EVENT _STOP , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserCombo . EVENT _STOP ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeCombo . EVENT _CLICK _ITEM , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserCombo . EVENT _CLICK _ITEM ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeCombo . EVENT _SEARCHING , action : function ( ) { self . fireEvent ( BI . TreeValueChooserCombo . EVENT _SEARCHING ) } } , { eventName : BI . MultiTreeCombo . EVENT _CONFIRM , action : function ( )
"BI-More_Than" : "大于" , "BI-More_And_Equal" : "大于等于" , "BI-Please_Enter_SQL" : "请输入SQL" , "BI-Basic_Click_To_Add_Text" : '+点击新增"{R1}"' , "BI-Basic_Please_Select" : "请选择" , "BI-Basic_Font_Color" : "文字颜色" , "BI-Basic_Background_Color" : "背景色" , "BI-Basic_Underline" : "下划线" , "BI-Basic_Param_Month" : "{R1}月" , "BI-Basic_Param_Day" : "{R1}日" , "BI-Basic_Param_Quarter" : "{R1}季度" , "BI-Basic_Param_Week_Count" : "第{R1}周" , "BI-Basic_Param_Hour" : "{R1}时" , "BI-Basic_Param_Minute" : "{R1}分" , "BI-Basic_Param_Second" : "{R1}秒" , "BI-Basic_Param_Year" : "{R1}年" , "BI-Basic_Date_Day" : "日" , "BI-Basic_Hour_Sin" : "时" , "BI-Basic_Seconds" : "秒" , "BI-Basic_Minute" : "分" , "BI-Basic_Wan" : "万" , "BI-Basic_Million" : "百万" , "BI-Basic_Billion" : "亿" , "BI-Basic_Quarter" : "季度" , "BI-Basic_No_Select" : "不选" , "BI-Basic_Now" : "此刻" } ;
! function ( n ) { var r = { } ; function o ( e ) { if ( r [ e ] ) return r [ e ] . exports ; var t = r [ e ] = { i : e , l : ! 1 , exports : { } } ; return n [ e ] . call ( t . exports , t , t . exports , o ) , t . l = ! 0 , t . exports } o . m = n , o . c = r , o . d = function ( e , t , n ) { o . o ( e , t ) || Object . defineProperty ( e , t , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : n } ) } , o . r = function ( e ) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol . toStringTag && Object . defineProperty ( e , Symbol . toStringTag , { value : "Module" } ) , Object . defineProperty ( e , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) } , o . t = function ( t , e ) { if ( 1 & e && ( t = o ( t ) ) , 8 & e ) return t ; if ( 4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t . _ _esModule ) return t ; var n = Object . create ( null ) ; if ( o . r ( n ) , Object . defineProperty ( n , "default" , { enumerable : ! 0 , value : t } ) , 2 & e && "string" != typeof t ) for ( var r in t ) o . d ( n , r , function ( e ) { return t [ e ] } . bind ( null , r ) ) ; return n } , o . n = function ( e ) { var t = e && e . _ _esModule ? function ( ) { return e [ "default" ] } : function ( ) { return e } ; return o . d ( t , "a" , t ) , t } , o . o = function ( e , t ) { return Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( e , t ) } , o . p = "" , o ( o . s = 313 ) } ( { 313 : function ( e , t , n ) { e . exports = n ( 314 ) } , 314 : function ( e , t , n ) { "use strict" ; n . r ( t ) ; var r = { } ; function u ( e ) { if ( void 0 === e ) throw new ReferenceError ( "this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called" ) ; return e } function i ( e , t , n ) { return t in e ? Object . defineProperty ( e , t , { value : n , enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 } ) : e [ t ] = n , e } function c ( e , t ) { e . prototype = Object . create ( t . prototype ) , function i ( e , t ) { for ( var n = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( t ) , r = 0 ; r < n . length ; r ++ ) { var o = n [ r ] , u = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( t , o ) ; u && u . configurable && e [ o ] === undefined && Object . defineProperty ( e , o , u ) } return e } ( e . prototype . constructor = e , t ) } function o ( ) { return function ( e ) { BI . shortcut ( e . xtype , e ) } } function f ( ) { return function ( e ) { BI . model ( e . xtype , e ) } } function d ( n ) { var r = 1 < arguments . length && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : { } ; return function ( e ) { function t ( ) { return e . apply ( this , arguments ) || this } return c ( t , e ) , t . prototype . _store = function ( ) { var e = r . props ? r . props . apply ( this ) : undefined ; return BI . Models . getModel ( n . xtype , e ) } , t } } n . r ( r ) , n . d ( r , "shortcut" , function ( ) { return o } ) , n . d ( r , "model" , function ( ) { return f } ) , n . d ( r , "store" , function ( ) { return d } ) , n . d ( r , "Model" , function ( ) { return l } ) ; var l = function ( o ) { function e ( ) { for ( var e , t = arguments . length , n = new Array ( t ) , r = 0 ; r < t ; r ++ ) n [ r ] = arguments [ r ] ; return i ( u ( e = o . call . apply ( o , [ this ] . concat ( n ) ) || this ) , "model" , void 0 ) , i ( u ( e ) , "store" , void 0 ) , i ( u ( e ) , "context" , void 0 ) , i ( u ( e ) , "actions" , void 0 ) , i ( u ( e ) , "childContext" , void 0 ) , i ( u ( e ) , "TYPE" , void 0 ) , i ( u ( e ) , "computed" , void 0 ) , e } return c ( e , o ) , e . prototype . state = function ( ) { return { } } , e } ( Fix . Model ) , p = { Decorators : r } ; BI . extend ( BI , p ) } } ) ;