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* 用于 jquery worker 环境或者 V8 引擎的 polyfill
// import { _global } from "@/core/";
const _global = globalThis;
const document = {};
const fakeElement = Object.create(document);
Object.assign(document, {
parentNode: null,
nodeType: 9,
head: fakeElement,
body: fakeElement,
ownerDocument: document,
documentElement: document,
toString() {
return "FakeDocument";
appendChild(child) {
return child;
implementation: {
createHTMLDocument() {
return {
body: {
childNodes: [],
createDocumentFragment() {
return this;
getElementById() {
return fakeElement;
createElement() {
return fakeElement;
createDocumentFragment() {
return this;
cloneNode() {
return this;
getElementsByTagName() {
return [fakeElement];
getElementsByClassName() {
return [fakeElement];
setAttribute() {
return null;
getAttribute() {
return null;
removeChild() {
return null;
addEventListener() {
return null;
removeEventListener() {
return null;
Object.assign(fakeElement, {
nodeType: 1,
style: {},
ownerDocument: document,
parentNod: fakeElement,
firstChild: fakeElement,
lastChild: fakeElement,
toString() {
return "FakeElement";
function polyfillProps(key, obj) {
_global[key] = _global[key] || obj;
if (typeof obj === "object") {
try {
Object.assign(_global[key], obj);
} catch(err) {
// _global[key] 可能只有 get 方法
_global.window = _global;
polyfillProps("XMLHttpRequest", function () {});
polyfillProps("document", document);