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export type Constructor<T> = new(...args: any[]) => T;
* widget
export function shortcut() {
return function decorator<U>(Target: Constructor<U> & {xtype: string}): void {
BI.shortcut(Target.xtype, Target);
* provider
export function provider() {
return function decorator<U>(Target: Constructor<U> & {xtype: string}): void {
BI.provider(Target.xtype, Target);
* model
export function model() {
return function decorator<U extends {new(...args:any[]):{}} & {xtype: string, context?: ReadonlyArray<string>}>(Target: U): void {
BI.model(Target.xtype, Target);
* _store属性
* @param Model model类
* @param opts
export function store<T>(Model: Constructor<T> & {xtype: string}, opts: { props?(this: unknown): { [key: string]: unknown } } = {}) {
return function classDecorator<U extends {new(...args:any[]):{}}>(constructor:U) {
return class extends constructor {
_store() {
const props = opts.props ? opts.props.apply(this) : undefined;
return BI.Models.getModel(Model.xtype, props);
* mixin
* ie8下不能使用
export function mixin<T>() {
return function decorator(Target: Constructor<T> & { xtype: string }): void {
const mixin: {
[key: string]: Function;
} = {};
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Target.prototype).forEach(name => {
if (name === 'constructor') {
mixin[name] = Target.prototype[name];
Fix.mixin(Target.xtype, mixin);
* mixins属性
* ie8下不能使用
* @param Mixins
export function mixins(...Mixins: ({ new (...args: any[]): {} } & { xtype: string })[]) {
return function classDecorator<U extends { new (...args: any[]): {} }>(constructor: U) {
const mixins: string[] = [];
Mixins.forEach(mixin => {
mixin.xtype && mixins.push(mixin.xtype);
return class extends constructor {
mixins = mixins;
* Model基类
export class Model<U extends {types?: {[key: string]: unknown} | {}, context?: ReadonlyArray<string>} = {}> extends Fix.Model {
// @ts-ignore this["computed"][key]为空
model: Pick<{[key in keyof U["types"]]: U["types"][key]}, U["context"][number]> & ReturnType<this["state"]> & {[key in keyof this["computed"]]: ReturnType<this["computed"][key]>};
store: this["actions"];
state(): {[key: string]: unknown} | {} {
return {};
context: U["context"];
actions:{[key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any} | {};
childContext: ReadonlyArray<keyof (this["computed"] & ReturnType<this["state"]>)>;
// @ts-ignore this["computed"][key]为空
TYPE: Pick<{[key in keyof this["computed"]]: ReturnType<this["computed"][key]>} & {[key in keyof ReturnType<this["state"]>]: ReturnType<this["state"]>[key]}, this["childContext"][number]>;
computed: {[key: string]: () => unknown} | {};
// union to intersection of functions
type UnionToIoF<U> =
(U extends any ? (k: (x: U) => void) => void : never) extends
((k: infer I) => void) ? I : never
// return last element from Union
type UnionPop<U> = UnionToIoF<U> extends { (a: infer A): void; } ? A : never;
// prepend an element to a tuple.
type Prepend<U, T extends ReadonlyArray<any>> =
((a: U, ...r: T) => void) extends (...r: infer R) => void ? R : never;
type UnionToTupleRecursively<Union, Result extends ReadonlyArray<any>> = {
1: Result;
0: UnionToTupleRecursively_<Union, UnionPop<Union>, Result>;
// 0: UnionToTupleRecursively<Exclude<Union, UnionPop<Union>>, Prepend<UnionPop<Union>, Result>>
}[[Union] extends [never] ? 1 : 0];
type UnionToTupleRecursively_<Union, Element, Result extends ReadonlyArray<any>> =
UnionToTupleRecursively<Exclude<Union, Element>, Prepend<Element, Result>>;
type UnionToTuple<U> = UnionToTupleRecursively<U, []>;