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export interface OBConstructor {
new(config: any): _OB;
(config: any): _OB;
readonly prototype: _OB;
export interface _OB {
props: Props | (<T>(config: T) => Props & T);
options: Props;
events?: {
[eventName: string]: Function[];
init: Function | null;
destroyed: Function | null;
_defaultConfig: (..._args: any[]) => { [key: string]: any } | {};
_init: () => void;
_initListeners: () => void;
_getEvents: () => { [eventName: string]: Function[] };
on: (eventName: string, fn: Function) => void;
once: (eventName: string, fn: Function) => void;
un: (eName: string, fn: Function) => void;
_initRef: () => void;
_purgeRef: () => void;
purgeListeners: () => void;
fireEvent: (eName: string, ...args: any[]) => boolean;
destroy: () => void;
interface Props {
listeners?: {
eventName: string;
action: (...args: any[]) => any;
target?: _OB;
once?: boolean;
[key: string]: any;