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8 years ago
# custom_date_time
8 years ago
## 带方向的路径选择
{% method %}
{% common %}
type: "bi.direction_path_chooser",
element: "#wrapper",
items: [[{
"region": "合同信息",
"text": "客户ID",
"value": "defa1f7ba8b2684a客户ID"
}, {
"region": "客户信息",
"text": "主键",
"value": "1f4711c201ef1842",
"direction": -1
}, {
"region": "合同的回款信息",
"text": "合同ID",
"value": "e351e9f1d8147947合同ID",
"direction": -1
{% endmethod %}
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值
| :------ |:------------- | :-----| :----|:----|
| items |二维数组,每个元素代表一条路径,相较于[path_chooser](多一个属性direction来指定方向 | array| | |
--- ---
type: "bi.year_month_combo",
ref: function (_ref) {
self.widget = _ref;
width: 300