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import { Widget } from "./widget";
export interface _base {
2 years ago
assert: (v: any, is: Function) => Boolean;
warn: (message: any) => Boolean;
UUID: () => string;
isWidget: (widget: any) => widget is Widget;
createWidgets: (items: any, options: any, context: any) => any;
createItems: <T, U, K>(data: T[], innerAttr?: U, outerAttr?: K) => (U & T & K)[];
packageItems: (items: any[], layouts: any[]) => any[];
2 years ago
formatEL: <T>(obj: T) => { el: T } | T;
2 years ago
stripEL: <T>(obj: { el: T } | T) => T;
trans2Element: (widgets: any[]) => any[];
// 集合相关方法
2 years ago
where: (collection: any[] | object | string, source: object) => any[];
2 years ago
findWhere: (collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any) => object | undefined;
2 years ago
invoke: (collection: any[] | object | string, methodName: Function | string, arg?: any) => any[];
2 years ago
pluck: (collection: any[] | object | string, property: string) => any[];
2 years ago
shuffle: (collection: any[] | object | string) => any[];
2 years ago
sample: (collection: any[] | object | string, n?: number) => any[];
2 years ago
toArray: (collection: any[] | object | string) => any[];
size: (collection: any) => number;
each<T>(collection: ArrayLike<T>, iteratee?: (index: number, value: T) => void, thisArg?: any): ArrayLike<T>;
each<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(collection: T, iteratee?: (index: K, value: T[K]) => void, thisArg?: any): T;
each<T>(collection: T, iteratee?: any, thisArg?: any): T;
2 years ago
map: <T, U>(collection: T[] | object | string | null | undefined, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => U) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => U[];
2 years ago
reduce: <T, U>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((total: U extends T ? U : T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number) => U extends T ? U : T) | object | string, initialValue?: U | T) => U extends T ? U : T;
2 years ago
reduceRight: <T, U>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((total: U extends T ? U : T, currentValue: T, currentIndex: number) => U extends T ? U : T) | object | string, initialValue?: U | T) => U extends T ? U : T;
2 years ago
find: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => T | undefined;
2 years ago
filter: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => T[];
2 years ago
reject: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => T[];
2 years ago
every: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => boolean;
2 years ago
all: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => boolean;
2 years ago
some: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => boolean;
2 years ago
any: <T>(collection: T[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => boolean) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => boolean;
max: <T>(collection: T[]) => T;
min: <T>(collection: T[]) => T;
2 years ago
sortBy: <T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => number) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => any[];
2 years ago
groupBy: <T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => object;
2 years ago
indexBy: <T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => object;
2 years ago
countBy: <T>(collection: any[] | object | string, callback?: ((index: number, value: T) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => object;
count: (from: number, to: number, predicate: Function) => number;
inverse: (from: number, to: number, predicate: Function) => number;
firstKey: (obj: object) => string;
lastKey: (obj: object) => string;
firstObject: (obj: object) => any;
lastObject: (obj: object) => any;
concat: (obj1: any, obj2: any, ...args: any[]) => any;
backEach: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => boolean;
backAny: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => boolean;
backEvery: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => boolean;
backFindKey: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => string;
backFind: (obj: any, predicate: Function, context?: any) => any;
remove: (obj: any, predicate: any, context?: any) => void;
2 years ago
removeAt: (obj: any, index: number | number[]) => void;
string2Array: (str: string) => string[];
array2String: (array: any[]) => string;
abc2Int: (str: string) => number;
int2Abc: (num: number) => string;
// 数组相关的方法
2 years ago
first: <T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any) => T;
2 years ago
initial: <T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any) => T[];
2 years ago
last: <T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any) => T;
2 years ago
rest: <T>(array: T[], callback?: Function | object | number | string, thisArg?: any) => T[];
compact: (array: any[]) => any[];
2 years ago
flatten: (array: any[], isShallow?: boolean, callback?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any) => any[];
without: (array: any[], value?: any) => any[];
union: (...array: any[]) => any[];
intersection: (...array: any[]) => any[];
difference: (...array: any[]) => any[];
zip: (...array: any[]) => any[];
unzip: (...array: any[]) => any[];
object: (keys: string[], values?: any[]) => any[];
indexOf: (array: any[], value: any, fromIndex?: number) => number;
lastIndexOf: (array: any[], value: any, fromIndex?: number) => number;
2 years ago
sortedIndex: (array: any[], value: any, callback?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any) => number;
range: (start: number, end: number, step: number) => number[];
take: <T>(array: T[], n: number) => T[];
takeRight: <T>(array: T[], n: number) => T[];
findIndex: <T>(array: T[], predicate?: ((index: number, item: T, array: T[]) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => number;
findLastIndex: <T>(array: T[], predicate?: ((index: number, item: T, array: T[]) => any) | object | string, thisArg?: any) => number;
makeArray: <T>(length: number, value?: T) => number[] | T[];
makeObject: (array: any[], value: any) => any;
makeArrayByArray: <T>(array: any[], value: T) => T[];
uniq: <T>(array: T[], isSorted?: boolean, iteratee?: any, context?: any) => T[];
// 对象相关方法
keys: (object: object) => string[];
allKeys: (object: object) => string[];
values: (object: object) => any[];
pairs: (object: object) => any[];
invert: (object: object, multiValue: boolean) => object;
create: (prototype: object, properties?: object) => object;
functions: (object: object) => string[];
extend<T extends object>(object: T): T;
extend<T extends object, U extends object>(object: T, ...sources: U[]): T & UnionToIntersection<U>;
defaults: (object: object, ...sources: any[]) => object;
clone: <T>(object: T) => T;
2 years ago
property: (path: any[] | string) => Function;
propertyOf: (object: object) => Function;
isEqual: (value: any, other: any, customizer?: Function, thisArg?: any) => boolean;
isMatch: (object: object, source: object, customizer?: Function, thisArg?: any) => boolean;
2 years ago
isEmpty: (value: any[] | object | string | null | undefined | number) => boolean;
isElement: (value: any) => boolean;
isNumber: (value: any) => value is number;
isString: (value: any) => value is string;
isArray: <T>(value: T[] | any) => value is T[];
isObject: (value: any) => value is object;
isPlainObject: (value: any) => value is object;
isArguments: (value: any) => boolean;
isFunction: (value: any) => value is Function;
isFinite: (value: any) => value is number;
isBoolean: (value: any) => value is boolean;
isDate: (value: any) => value is Date;
isRegExp: (value: any) => value is RegExp;
isError: (value: any) => value is Error;
isNaN: (value: any) => value is number;
isUndefined: (value: any) => value is undefined;
zipObject: (props: any[], values?: any[]) => object;
cloneDeep: <T>(value: T) => T;
2 years ago
findKey: (object: object, predicate?: Function | object | string, thisArg?: any) => any;
2 years ago
pick: (object: object, predicate?: Function | string | string[], thisArg?: any) => object;
2 years ago
omit: (object: object, predicate?: Function | string | string[], thisArg?: any) => object;
tap: (value: any, interceptor: Function, thisArg?: any) => any;
inherit: (sb: any, sp: any, overrides?: any) => any;
init: () => void;
2 years ago
has: (obj: object, keys: string | string[]) => boolean;
freeze: <T>(value: T) => T;
isKey: (key: any) => key is (number | string);
2 years ago
isCapitalEqual: (a: string | null | undefined, b: string | null | undefined) => boolean;
2 years ago
isWidthOrHeight: (w: number | string) => boolean;
isNotNull: <T>(obj: T) => obj is NonNullable<T>;
isNull: (obj: any) => obj is (undefined | null);
2 years ago
isEmptyArray: <T, U>(arr: T[] | U) => arr is T[] & { length: 0 };
isNotEmptyArray: <T, U>(arr: T[] | U) => arr is [T, ...T[]];
5 years ago
isEmptyObject: (obj: any) => boolean;
isNotEmptyObject: (obj: any) => obj is object;
isWindow: (obj: any) => obj is Window;
deepClone: <T>(obj: T) => T;
2 years ago
deepExtend: merge["deepExtend"];
isDeepMatch: (object: any, attrs: any) => boolean;
contains: (obj: any[], target: any, fromIndex?: number) => boolean;
deepContains: (obj: any[], copy: any) => boolean;
deepIndexOf: (obj: any[], target: any) => number;
deepRemove: (obj: any[], target: any) => boolean;
deepWithout: (obj: any[], target: any) => any[];
deepUnique: (array: any[]) => any[];
deepDiff: (object: any, other: any) => string[];
uniqueId: (prefix?: string) => string;
result: (object: any, key: string) => any;
chain: (value: any) => any;
iteratee: (func?: Function, thisArg?: any) => Function;
unescape: (str?: string) => string;
bind: <T extends Function>(func: T, thisArg: any, ...partials: any) => T;
once: (func: Function) => Function;
partial: (func: Function, ...partials: any) => Function;
debounce: <T extends Function>(func: T, wait?: number, options?: any) => T;
throttle: <T extends Function>(func: T, wait?: number, options?: any) => T;
delay: (func: Function, wait: number, ...args: any[]) => number;
defer: (func: Function, ...args: any[]) => number;
wrap: (value: any, wrapper: Function) => Function;
2 years ago
nextTick: (func?: Function) => Promise<any>;
random: (min?: number, max?: number, floating?: boolean) => number;
parseInt: (s: string | number) => number;
parseSafeInt: (s: string) => number;
parseFloat: (string: string) => number;
2 years ago
isNaturalNumber: (value: string | number) => boolean;
2 years ago
isPositiveInteger: (value: string | number) => boolean;
2 years ago
isNegativeInteger: (value: string | number) => boolean;
2 years ago
isInteger: (value: string | number) => boolean;
2 years ago
isNumeric: (value: string | number) => boolean;
2 years ago
isFloat: (value: string | number) => boolean;
2 years ago
isOdd: (value: string | number) => boolean;
2 years ago
isEven: (value: string | number) => boolean;
sum: (array: any[], iteratee?: Function, context?: any) => number;
average: (array: any[], iteratee?: Function, context?: any) => number;
trim: (string?: string, chars?: string) => string;
toUpperCase: (string: string) => string;
toLowerCase: (string: string) => string;
isEndWithBlank: (string: string) => boolean;
isLiteral: (string: string) => boolean;
stripQuotes: (string: string) => string;
camelize: (string: string) => string;
hyphenate: (string: string) => string;
isNotEmptyString: (string: any) => boolean;
isEmptyString: (str: any) => str is "";
encrypt: (type: string, text: string, key: string) => string;
escape: (string: string) => string;
leftPad: (val: string, size: number, ch: string) => string;
format: (format: string, ...str: string[]) => string;
isLeapYear: (year: number) => boolean;
2 years ago
checkDateVoid: (YY: string | number, MM: string | number, DD: string | number, minDate: string, maxDate: string) => (number | string)[];
checkDateLegal: (str: string) => boolean;
parseDateTime: (str: string, fmt: string) => Date;
getDate: (...args: (number | string)[]) => Date;
getTime: (...args: any[]) => number;
* promise
* @param obj
isPromise: (obj: any) => obj is Promise<any>;
type merge = {
deepExtend<TObject, TSource>(object: TObject, source: TSource): TObject & TSource;
deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2;
deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2, source3: TSource3): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3;
deepExtend<TObject, TSource1, TSource2, TSource3, TSource4>(object: TObject, source1: TSource1, source2: TSource2, source3: TSource3, source4: TSource4): TObject & TSource1 & TSource2 & TSource3 & TSource4;
deepExtend(object: any, ...otherArgs: any[]): any;
type UnionToIntersection<Union> = (
Union extends unknown
? (x: Union) => void
: never
) extends ((x: infer Intersection) => void)
? Intersection
: never;