You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

286 lines
11 KiB

!(function() {
* 顶部组件,提供输入框添加todo项目
* 布局: bi.horizontal_auto 实现水平居中. bi.left_right_vertical_adapt 实现标题是输入框的靠左靠右垂直居中
var ToDoListHeader = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
// 指定组件的className
baseCls: "my-todolist-header"
render: function() {
var self = this, o = this.options;
return {
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", // 水平居中布局
items: [
el: {
type: "bi.left_right_vertical_adapt", // 左右垂直居中布局
width: 600,
height: o.height,
items: {
left: [
el: {
type: "bi.label",
cls: "my-todolist-title",
text: "FineUI ToDoList",
height: o.height
right: [
el: {
type: "bi.editor",
ref: function(_ref) {
self.editor = _ref;
allowBlank: true,
cls: "my-todolist-header-editor",
watermark: "添加ToDo",
width: 300,
height: 24,
listeners: [
{ // 监听bi.editor 组件的"EVENT_ENTER"事件(即敲回车),触发事件ToDoListHeader.EVENT_ADD事件并将输入框值置空
eventName: "EVENT_ENTER",
action: function() {
// 注意:在这里this指向的是bi.editor的实例.通过bi.editor的getValue()方法获取输入框输入值.
self.fireEvent(ToDoListHeader.EVENT_ADD, this.getValue());
BI.shortcut("my.todolist.header", ToDoListHeader);
})();!(function() {
* todo项列表
var List = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
// 指定组件的className
baseCls: "my-todolist-list",
text: "正在进行"
render: function() {
var self = this, o = this.options;
return {
type: "bi.vertical",
items: [
el: {
type: "bi.vertical_adapt",
height: 40,
items: [
type: "bi.label",
cls: "my-todolist-list-text",
textAlign: "left",
text: o.text,
width: 580
}, {
type: "bi.center_adapt",
cls: "my-todolist-list-count-container",
width: 20,
height: 20,
items: [
el: {
type: "bi.label",
ref: function(_ref) {
self.count = _ref;
text: "0"
}, { // 用bi.vertical布局作为列表项的容器.
type: "bi.vertical",
vgap: 10,
ref: function(_ref) {
self.list = _ref;
items: this._createItems(o.items)
_createItems: function(items) {
var self = this;
return BI.map(items, function(index, item) {
return BI.extend(item, {
type: "bi.multi_select_item", // 节点采用复选节点展示
selected: item.done, // 已完成的todo项置为选中状态
disabled: item.done, // 已完成的todo项置为灰化状态
listeners: [
{ // 为每个todo项添加"EVENT_CHANGE"事件监听,触发组件自身"EVENT_CHANGE"事件
eventName: "EVENT_CHANGE",
action: function(v) {
self.fireEvent("EVENT_CHANGE", v);
_setCount: function(count) {
populate: function(items) {
BI.shortcut("my.todolist.list", List);
})();!(function() {
* todolist 组件
var ToDoList = BI.inherit(BI.Widget, {
props: {
baseCls: "fine-to-do-list"
// 生命周期函数,在组件创建前
beforeCreate: function() {
// 初始化存储数据
this.list = localStorage.getItem("fine-todolist") ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("fine-todolist")) : [];
render: function() {
var self = this, o = this.options;
return {
type: "bi.vtape", // vtape布局,顶部高度固定,下部分列表占满高度
items: [
el: {
type: "my.todolist.header", // 顶部组件
listeners: [
{ // 监听组件的EVENT_ADD事件,新建todo项
eventName: "EVENT_ADD",
action: function(v) {
height: 40
height: 40
}, {
type: "bi.horizontal_auto", // 水平居中布局
cls: "my-todolist-background", // 添加className
items: [
el: {
type: "my.todolist.list", // need todo项列表
ref: function(_ref) {
self.todolist = _ref;
items: this._getNeedTodoList(),
text: "正在进行",
listeners: [
{ // 监听EVENT_CHANGE事件,完成某一项todo
eventName: "EVENT_CHANGE",
action: function(v) {
width: 600
}, {
el: {
type: "my.todolist.list", // 已经完成的todo项列表
text: "已经完成",
items: this._getAlreadyDoneList(),
ref: function(_ref) {
self.donelist = _ref;
width: 600
_updateLocalStorage: function() {
localStorage.setItem("fine-todolist", JSON.stringify(this.list));
_getNeedTodoList: function() {
return BI.filter(this.list, function(index, item) {
return !item.done;
_getAlreadyDoneList: function() {
return BI.filter(this.list, function(index, item) {
return item.done;
* 添加todo项
* @param text todo项的内容
addToDo: function(text) {
value: BI.UUID(),
text: text,
done: false
* 完成某一项todo
* @param v todo项的value
finishTodo: function(v) {
BI.some(this.list, function(index, item) {
if (item.value === v) {
item.done = true;
BI.shortcut("my.todolist", ToDoList);
!(function () {
// 将todolist组件挂载到#wrapper上.
type: "my.todolist",
element: "#wrapper"