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* Copyright(c) 2001-2010, FineReport Inc, All Rights Reserved.
package com.fr.design.designer.beans.painters;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import com.fr.design.designer.creator.XLayoutContainer;
import com.fr.design.utils.ComponentUtils;
* @author richer
* @since 6.5.3
public class FRHorizontalLayoutPainter extends FRBoxLayoutPainter {
public FRHorizontalLayoutPainter(XLayoutContainer container) {
public void paint(Graphics g, int startX, int startY) {
super.paint(g, startX, startY);
int x = hotspot.x;
Rectangle bounds = ComponentUtils.getRelativeBounds(container);
int my = bounds.y;
int mx = bounds.x;
int[] xy = calculateAddPosition(x - mx + startX, 0);
if (xy.length != 0) {
drawHotLine(g, startX, startY, xy[0] + mx, my, xy[0] + mx, my + container.getSize().height);