You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
5.3 KiB

package com.fr.start;
import com.bulenkov.iconloader.IconLoader;
import com.bulenkov.iconloader.util.JBUI;
import com.fr.base.BaseUtils;
import com.fr.base.FRContext;
import com.fr.base.GraphHelper;
import com.fr.design.mainframe.bbs.BBSConstants;
import com.fr.general.GeneralContext;
import com.fr.general.Inter;
import com.fr.general.ModuleContext;
import com.fr.stable.StableUtils;
import com.fr.stable.StringUtils;
import com.fr.stable.module.ModuleAdapter;
import com.fr.stable.module.ModuleListener;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TimerTask;
* @author neil
* @date: 2015-3-13-上午9:47:58
public class ReportSplashPane extends SplashPane {
private static final String OEM_PATH = "/com/fr/base/images/oem";
private static final String SPLASH_MAC_CN = "splash_chinese_mac.png";
private static final String SPLASH_MAC_EN = "splash_english_mac.png";
private static float JBUI_INIT_SCALE = JBUI.scale(1f);
private static final Color MODULE_COLOR = new Color(255, 255, 255);
private static final int MODULE_INFO_X = uiScale(54);
private static final int MODULE_INFO_Y = uiScale(340);
private static final Color THANK_COLOR = new Color(255, 255, 255, (int) (0.4 * 255 + 0.5));
private static final int THANK_INFO_Y = uiScale(382);
private static final String GUEST = getRandomUser();
private String showText = "";
private String moduleID = "";
private int loadingIndex = 0;
private String[] loading = new String[]{"..", "....", "......"};
private java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer();
private static float uiScale(float f) {
return f * JBUI_INIT_SCALE;
private static int uiScale(int i) {
return (int) (i * JBUI_INIT_SCALE);
public ReportSplashPane() {
private void init() {
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
ReportSplashPane.this.setShowText(moduleID.isEmpty() ? StringUtils.EMPTY : moduleID + loading[loadingIndex % 3]);
}, 0, 300);
ModuleListener moduleListener = new ModuleAdapter() {
public void onStartBefore(String moduleName, String moduleI18nName) {
moduleID = moduleI18nName;
ReportSplashPane.this.setShowText(moduleID.isEmpty() ? StringUtils.EMPTY : moduleID + loading[loadingIndex % 3]);
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Icon icon = IconLoader.getIcon(StableUtils.pathJoin(OEM_PATH, getImageName()));
icon.paintIcon(null, g, 0, 0);
paintShowText((Graphics2D) g);
public void setShowText(String text) {
this.showText = text;
public Image getSplashImage() {
Icon icon = IconLoader.getIcon(StableUtils.pathJoin(OEM_PATH, getImageName()));
return ((ImageIcon) IconLoader.getIconSnapshot(icon)).getImage();
private void paintShowText(Graphics2D splashG2d) {
splashG2d.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12));
GraphHelper.drawString(splashG2d, showText, MODULE_INFO_X, MODULE_INFO_Y);
if (shouldShowThanks()) {
String content = Inter.getLocText("FR-Designer_Thanks-To") + GUEST;
GraphHelper.drawString(splashG2d, content, MODULE_INFO_X, THANK_INFO_Y);
// 是否显示鸣谢文字
private boolean shouldShowThanks() {
Locale[] hideLocales = {Locale.US, Locale.KOREA, Locale.JAPAN};
for (Locale loc : hideLocales) {
if (FRContext.getLocale().equals(loc)) {
return false;
return true;
private static String getRandomUser() {
String[] allGuest = BBSConstants.getAllGuest();
if (allGuest.length == 0) {
return StringUtils.EMPTY;
int num = new Random().nextInt(allGuest.length);
return StringUtils.BLANK + allGuest[num];
* 窗口关闭后取消定时获取模块信息的timer
public void releaseTimer() {
* 创建启动画面的背景图片
* @return 背景图片
public Image createSplashBackground() {
String fileName = getImageName();
return BaseUtils.readImage(StableUtils.pathJoin(OEM_PATH, fileName));
private String getImageName() {
boolean isChina = GeneralContext.isChineseEnv();
//jdk1.8下透明有bug, 设置了setWindowTransparent后, JFrame直接最小化了, 先用mac下的加载图片
return isChina ? SPLASH_MAC_CN : SPLASH_MAC_EN;