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package com.fr.aspectj.designerbase;
* 记录模板过程
* Created by plough on 2017/3/3.
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.SourceLocation;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
public aspect TemplateProcessTracker {
pointcut onMouseClicked(MouseEvent e):
execution(* mouseClicked(MouseEvent)) && args(e);
pointcut onMousePressed(MouseEvent e):
execution(* mousePressed(MouseEvent)) && args(e);
pointcut onMouseReleased(MouseEvent e):
execution(* mouseReleased(MouseEvent)) && args(e);
pointcut onActionPerformed(ActionEvent e):
execution(* actionPerformed(ActionEvent)) && args(e);
pointcut onSetValueAt(Object v, int r, int c):
execution(* setValueAt(java.lang.Object, int, int)) && args(v, r, c);
//这整个表示在MouseAdapter的public void mouseXXX(MouseEvent)方法调用之前,你想要执行的代码
before(MouseEvent e): onMouseClicked(e) || onMousePressed(e) || onMouseReleased(e) {
SourceLocation sl = thisJoinPoint.getSourceLocation();//切面对应的代码位置
//String log = String.format("%s:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", new Date(), sl, e, e.getSource());
String log = "";
before(ActionEvent e): onActionPerformed(e) {
SourceLocation sl = thisJoinPoint.getSourceLocation();
// !within(LogHandlerBar) 没用, 手动过滤
if (e != null && e.getSource().toString().contains("javax.swing.Timer")) {
//String log = String.format("%s:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", new Date(), sl, e, e.getSource());
String log = "";
before(Object v, int r, int c): onSetValueAt(v, r, c) {
SourceLocation sl = thisJoinPoint.getSourceLocation();
//String log getSourceLocation= String.format("%s:\n%s\nset value: %s at (%d, %d)\n\n", new Date(), sl, v, r, c);
String log = "";
// TemplateInfoCollector.appendProcess(log);