You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

693 lines
24 KiB

package com.fr.grid.selection;
import com.fr.base.*;
import com.fr.cache.list.IntList;
import com.fr.design.actions.UpdateAction;
import com.fr.design.actions.cell.*;
import com.fr.design.actions.cell.GlobalStyleMenuDef.GlobalStyleSelection;
import com.fr.design.actions.core.ActionFactory;
import com.fr.design.actions.edit.CopyAction;
import com.fr.design.actions.edit.CutAction;
import com.fr.design.actions.edit.HyperlinkAction;
import com.fr.design.actions.edit.PasteAction;
import com.fr.design.actions.utils.DeprecatedActionManager;
import com.fr.design.cell.clipboard.CellElementsClip;
import com.fr.design.cell.clipboard.ElementsTransferable;
import com.fr.design.designer.TargetComponent;
import com.fr.design.dialog.DialogActionAdapter;
import com.fr.design.file.HistoryTemplateListPane;
import com.fr.design.gui.imenu.UIMenu;
import com.fr.design.gui.imenu.UIPopupMenu;
import com.fr.design.mainframe.CellElementPropertyPane;
import com.fr.design.mainframe.ElementCasePane;
import com.fr.design.mainframe.ElementCasePane.Clear;
import com.fr.design.mainframe.JTemplate;
import com.fr.design.menu.KeySetUtils;
import com.fr.design.report.RowColumnPane;
import com.fr.design.selection.QuickEditor;
import com.fr.general.Inter;
import com.fr.grid.GridUtils;
import com.fr.report.cell.CellElement;
import com.fr.report.cell.DefaultTemplateCellElement;
import com.fr.report.cell.TemplateCellElement;
import com.fr.report.cell.cellattr.CellGUIAttr;
import com.fr.report.elementcase.TemplateElementCase;
import com.fr.stable.ColumnRow;
import com.fr.stable.StableUtils;
import com.fr.stable.unit.FU;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* the cell selection (column,row)是所选单元格中左上角的位置 , 这个数据结构就是一个Rectangle
* @editor zhou 2012-3-22下午1:53:59
public class CellSelection extends Selection {
public static final int NORMAL = 0;
public static final int CHOOSE_COLUMN = 1;
public static final int CHOOSE_ROW = 2;
private int column;
private int row;
private int columnSpan;
private int rowSpan;
private int selectedType = NORMAL;
private Rectangle editRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
private List cellRectangleList = new ArrayList();
public CellSelection() {
this(0, 0, 1, 1);
//this.cellRectangleList.add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1));
public CellSelection(int column, int row, int columnSpan, int rowSpan) {
setBounds(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
this.cellRectangleList.add(new Rectangle(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan));
public final void setBounds(int column, int row, int columnSpan, int rowSpan) {
this.column = column;
this.row = row;
this.columnSpan = columnSpan;
this.rowSpan = rowSpan;
editRectangle.setBounds(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
public void setLastRectangleBounds(int column, int row, int columnSpan, int rowSpan) {
this.column = column;
this.row = row;
this.columnSpan = columnSpan;
this.rowSpan = rowSpan;
if (!cellRectangleList.isEmpty()) {
((Rectangle) cellRectangleList.get(cellRectangleList.size() - 1)).setBounds(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
public void setSelectedType(int chooseType) {
this.selectedType = chooseType;
public int getSelectedType() {
return selectedType;
* 增加选中的区域
* @param cellRectangle 区域
public void addCellRectangle(Rectangle cellRectangle) {
int index = this.cellRectangleList.indexOf(cellRectangle);
if (index != -1) {
* Gets edit rectangle
public Rectangle getEditRectangle() {
return this.editRectangle;
* Gets the only cell rectangle
public Rectangle getFirstCellRectangle() {
return (Rectangle) this.cellRectangleList.get(0);
* Gets the last cell rectangle
public Rectangle getLastCellRectangle() {
return (Rectangle) this.cellRectangleList.get(this.cellRectangleList.size() - 1);
* Gets the count of cell rectangle
public int getCellRectangleCount() {
return this.cellRectangleList.size();
* Gets the cell rectangle at given position
public Rectangle getCellRectangle(int index) {
return (Rectangle) this.cellRectangleList.get(index);
* 清除区域块
* @param i 区域块
public void clearCellRectangles(int i) {
* 包含单元格
* @param column 列
* @param row 行
* @return 若不包含返回-1
public int containsCell(int column, int row) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.cellRectangleList.size(); i++) {
Rectangle tmpRectangle = (Rectangle) this.cellRectangleList.get(i);
if (tmpRectangle.contains(column, row)) {
return i;
return -1;
public int getColumn() {
return column;
public int getRow() {
return row;
public int getColumnSpan() {
return columnSpan;
public int getRowSpan() {
return rowSpan;
* 转换成矩形
* @return 矩形
public Rectangle toRectangle() {
return new Rectangle(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
* 是否选择一个单元格
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 是则返回rue
public boolean isSelectedOneCell(ElementCasePane ePane) {
if (getCellRectangleCount() > 1) {
return false;
if (columnSpan == 1 && rowSpan == 1) {
return true;
TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
Iterator containedCellElementIterator = ec.intersect(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
while (containedCellElementIterator.hasNext()) {
CellElement cellElement = (CellElement) containedCellElementIterator.next();
if (cellElement.getColumnSpan() == columnSpan && cellElement.getRowSpan() == rowSpan) {
return true;
return false;
* 作为可传输的
* @param transferable 传输介质
* @param ePane 区域
public void asTransferable(ElementsTransferable transferable, ElementCasePane ePane) {
java.util.List<TemplateCellElement> list = new java.util.ArrayList<TemplateCellElement>();
TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
Iterator cells = ec.intersect(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
while (cells.hasNext()) {
TemplateCellElement cellElement = (TemplateCellElement) cells.next();
list.add((TemplateCellElement) cellElement.deriveCellElement(cellElement.getColumn() - column, cellElement.getRow() - row));
FU [] columnWidth = new FU[columnSpan];
FU [] rowHeight = new FU[rowSpan];
for(int i = 0; i < columnSpan; i++){
columnWidth[i] = ec.getColumnWidth(this.column + i);
for(int j = 0; j < rowSpan; j++){
rowHeight[j] = ec.getRowHeight(this.row + j);
transferable.addObject(new CellElementsClip(this.columnSpan, this.rowSpan, columnWidth, rowHeight, list.toArray(new TemplateCellElement[list.size()])));
* 黏贴单元格
* @param ceClip 单元格
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 成功返回true
public boolean pasteCellElementsClip(CellElementsClip ceClip, ElementCasePane ePane) {
TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
CellSelection cs = ceClip.pasteAt(ec, column, row);
if (cs != null) {
return true;
* 黏贴字符串
* @param str 字符串
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 成功返回true
public boolean pasteString(String str, ElementCasePane ePane) {
// 主要需要处理Excel当中的类型.
// Excel 的剪贴板格式
// Excel 的剪贴板格式非常简单。它采用制表符分隔同一行上的元素,
// 并用换行符分隔行。这样,当您复制一组连续的和/或相邻的单元格时,Excel
// 只将电子表格数据标记到一个长字符串中,各个单元格值由该字符串内的制表符和换行符分隔。
// 如果所选的单元格不相邻时怎么办?很简单:Excel 不会让您将所选内容复制到剪贴板。
// set value to current edit cell element.
TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
String[] allTextArray = StableUtils.splitString(str, '\n');
for (int r = 0; r < allTextArray.length; r++) {
String[] lineTextArray = StableUtils.splitString(allTextArray[r], '\t');
for (int c = 0; c < lineTextArray.length; c++) {
String textValue = lineTextArray[c];
if (textValue.length() > 0 && textValue.charAt(0) == '=') {
ec.setCellValue(column + c, row + r, new Formula(textValue));
} else {
Number number = Utils.string2Number(lineTextArray[c]);
if (number != null) {
ec.setCellValue(column + c, row + r, number);
} else {
// alex:对于100,000,000这种数值,先做一个取巧的解决方法
String newStr = Utils.replaceAllString(lineTextArray[c], ",", "");
number = Utils.string2Number(newStr);
if (number != null) {
ec.setCellValue(column + c, row + r, Utils.string2Number(newStr));
} else {
ec.setCellValue(column + c, row + r, lineTextArray[c]);
ePane.setSelection(new CellSelection(column, row, this.columnSpan, this.rowSpan));
return true;
* 黏贴其他
* @param ob 要黏贴的东西
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 成功返回true
public boolean pasteOtherType(Object ob, ElementCasePane ePane) {
TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
TemplateCellElement cellElement = ec.getTemplateCellElement(column, row);
if (cellElement == null) {
cellElement = new DefaultTemplateCellElement(column, row, ob);
ec.addCellElement(cellElement, false);
} else {
ePane.setSelection(new CellSelection(column, row, 1, 1));
return true;
* 是否能合并单元格
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 是则返回true
public boolean canMergeCells(ElementCasePane ePane) {
return !this.isSelectedOneCell(ePane);
* 合并单元格
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 成功返回true
public boolean mergeCells(ElementCasePane ePane) {
TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
Iterator cells = ec.intersect(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
if (cells.hasNext() && cells.hasNext()) { // alex:有两个以上的格子在这个区域内
int returnValue = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(ePane), Inter.getLocText("Des-Merger_Cell"), Inter.getLocText("Utils-Merge_Cell"),
if (returnValue != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
return false;
ec.merge(row, row + rowSpan - 1, column, column + columnSpan - 1);
return true;
* 是否撤销合并单元格
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 是则返回true
public boolean canUnMergeCells(ElementCasePane ePane) {
TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
Iterator containedCellElementIterator = ec.intersect(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
while (containedCellElementIterator.hasNext()) {
CellElement cellElement = (CellElement) containedCellElementIterator.next();
if (cellElement.getColumnSpan() > 1 || cellElement.getRowSpan() > 1) {
return true;
return false;
* 撤销合并单元格
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 成功返回true
public boolean unMergeCells(ElementCasePane ePane) {
TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
Iterator containedCellElementIterator = ec.intersect(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
while (containedCellElementIterator.hasNext()) {
TemplateCellElement cellElement = (TemplateCellElement) containedCellElementIterator.next();
int columnSpan = cellElement.getColumnSpan();
int rowSpan = cellElement.getRowSpan();
ec.addCellElement((TemplateCellElement) cellElement.deriveCellElement(cellElement.getColumn(), cellElement.getRow(), 1, 1));
for (int kc = cellElement.getColumn(); kc < cellElement.getColumn() + columnSpan; kc++) {
for (int kr = cellElement.getRow(); kr < cellElement.getRow() + rowSpan; kr++) {
if (kc == cellElement.getColumn() && kr == cellElement.getRow()) {
// 不覆盖以前的元素
ec.addCellElement(new DefaultTemplateCellElement(kc, kr), false);
this.setBounds(column, row, 1, 1);
return true;
* 创建弹出菜单
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 菜单
public UIPopupMenu createPopupMenu(ElementCasePane ePane) {
UIPopupMenu popup = new UIPopupMenu();
if (BaseUtils.isAuthorityEditing()) {
popup.add(new CleanAuthorityAction(ePane).createMenuItem());
return popup;
popup.add(new EditCellAction(ePane).createMenuItem());
// richer:add global style menu
if (!ConfigManager.getProviderInstance().hasStyle()) {
UIMenu styleMenu = new UIMenu(KeySetUtils.GLOBAL_STYLE.getMenuName());
Iterator iterato = ConfigManager.getProviderInstance().getStyleNameIterator();
while (iterato.hasNext()) {
String name = (String) iterato.next();
name = GlobalStyleMenuDef.judgeChina(name);
NameStyle nameStyle = NameStyle.getInstance(name);
UpdateAction.UseMenuItem useMenuItem = new GlobalStyleSelection(ePane, nameStyle).createUseMenuItem();
styleMenu.add(new GlobalStyleMenuDef.CustomStyleAction(Inter.getLocText("FR-Designer_Custom")));
} else {
popup.add(new StyleAction().createMenuItem());
JTemplate jTemplate = HistoryTemplateListPane.getInstance().getCurrentEditingTemplate();
if (jTemplate.isJWorkBook()){ //表单中报表块编辑屏蔽掉 控件设置
popup.add(new CellWidgetAttrAction(ePane).createMenuItem());
popup.add(new CellExpandAttrAction().createMenuItem());
popup.add(new ConditionAttributesAction(ePane).createMenuItem());
popup.add(new CellAttributeAction().createMenuItem());
popup.add(new HyperlinkAction(ePane).createMenuItem());
// cut, copy and paste
popup.add(new CutAction(ePane).createMenuItem());
popup.add(new CopyAction(ePane).createMenuItem());
popup.add(new PasteAction(ePane).createMenuItem());
return popup;
* 清除
* @param type 要清除的类型
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 成功返回true
public boolean clear(Clear type, ElementCasePane ePane) {
TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
boolean isClear = true;
int cellRectangleCount = getCellRectangleCount();
for (int rect = 0; rect < cellRectangleCount; rect++) {
isClear = clearCell(type, ec, rect);
return isClear;
private boolean clearCell(Clear type, TemplateElementCase ec, int rect) {
List<CellElement> removeElementList = new ArrayList<CellElement>();
Rectangle cellRectangle = getCellRectangle(rect);
column = cellRectangle.x;
row = cellRectangle.y;
columnSpan = cellRectangle.width;
rowSpan = cellRectangle.height;
Iterator cells = ec.intersect(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
while (cells.hasNext()) {
CellElement cellElement = (CellElement) cells.next();
CellGUIAttr cellGUIAttr = cellElement.getCellGUIAttr();
if (cellGUIAttr == null) {
if (removeElementList.isEmpty()) {
return false;
switch (type) {
case ALL:
for (int i = 0; i < removeElementList.size(); i++) {
CellElement element = removeElementList.get(i);
ec.removeCellElement((TemplateCellElement) element);
for (int i = 0; i < removeElementList.size(); i++) {
CellElement element = removeElementList.get(i);
for (int i = 0; i < removeElementList.size(); i++) {
CellElement element = removeElementList.get(i);
for (int i = 0; i < removeElementList.size(); i++) {
CellElement element = removeElementList.get(i);
((TemplateCellElement) element).setWidget(null);
return true;
public int[] getSelectedColumns() {
return IntList.range(column, column + columnSpan);
public int[] getSelectedRows() {
return IntList.range(row, row + rowSpan);
* 向左移动
* @param ePane 区域
public void moveLeft(ElementCasePane ePane) {
if (column - 1 < 0) {
moveTo(ePane, column - 1, row);
* 向右移动
* @param ePane 区域
public void moveRight(ElementCasePane ePane) {
moveTo(ePane, column + columnSpan, row);
* 向上移动
* @param ePane 区域
public void moveUp(ElementCasePane ePane) {
if (row - 1 < 0) {
moveTo(ePane, column, row - 1);
* 向下移动
* @param ePane 区域
public void moveDown(ElementCasePane ePane) {
moveTo(ePane, column, row + rowSpan);
private static void moveTo(ElementCasePane ePane, int column, int row) {
if (GridUtils.canMove(ePane, column, row)) {
GridUtils.doSelectCell(ePane, column, row);
ePane.ensureColumnRowVisible(column, row);
* 触发删除动作
* @param ePane 区域
* @return 成功返回true
public boolean triggerDeleteAction(ElementCasePane ePane) {
final TemplateElementCase ec = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
final RowColumnPane rcPane = new RowColumnPane();
rcPane.showWindow(SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(ePane), new DialogActionAdapter() {
public void doOk() {
if (rcPane.isEntireRow()) {
int[] rows = CellSelection.this.getSelectedRows();
for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
ec.removeRow(rows[i] - i);
} else {
int[] columns = CellSelection.this.getSelectedColumns();
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
ec.removeColumn(columns[i] - i);
return true;
* 包含行列
* @param cr 行列
* @return 包含返回true
public boolean containsColumnRow(ColumnRow cr) {
return new Rectangle(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan).contains(cr.column, cr.row);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof CellSelection)) {
return false;
CellSelection cs = (CellSelection) obj;
return this.getColumn() == cs.getColumn() && this.getRow() == cs.getRow() && this.getColumnSpan() == cs.getColumnSpan() && this.getRowSpan() == cs.getRowSpan();
public CellSelection clone() {
CellSelection cs = new CellSelection(column, row, columnSpan, rowSpan);
if (this.editRectangle != null) {
cs.editRectangle = (Rectangle) this.editRectangle.clone();
java.util.List newCellRectList = new java.util.ArrayList(this.cellRectangleList.size());
cs.cellRectangleList = newCellRectList;
for (int i = 0, len = this.cellRectangleList.size(); i < len; i++) {
newCellRectList.add((Rectangle) ((Rectangle) this.cellRectangleList.get(i)).clone());
cs.selectedType = this.selectedType;
return cs;
public QuickEditor getQuickEditor(TargetComponent tc) {
ElementCasePane ePane = (ElementCasePane) tc;
TemplateElementCase tplEC = ePane.getEditingElementCase();
TemplateCellElement cellElement = tplEC.getTemplateCellElement(column, row);
Object value = null;
boolean b = ePane.isSelectedOneCell();
if (cellElement != null && b) {
value = cellElement.getValue();
value = value == null ? "" : value;
QuickEditor editor = ActionFactory.getCellEditor((value instanceof Number) ? (Number.class) : (value.getClass()));
if (editor == null) {
return null;
return editor;
public void populatePropertyPane(ElementCasePane ePane) {